HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-23, Page 3• ;LI " 0 .4' 1 Thursday, June 2,3rd, tgzs CORRIE NEWS = . • S , , , , , tt04 , • . Igir ..ti: .... 's •-..."•... ill- ..."' 0 • _ 0 21' 1011 , ss-- im - El = III - ill .7-- • il a •, = -Mrs, • =-"--- 1.1 il' 41/0' - - = . `I = / •.1 'III a .... iii t''' = ,$), Ir.-- 44 ,---ei : . .. se _ _be_tter - LH n ssounty Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association heldo was yesterday afternoon in the Collegiate auditorium. A representa- tive gathering from all parts of the county heard 'education discussed • from all angles, but more Particular- - , - ly asth reference to rural conditions, President Robert Coultes said that the needs of the country in twenty , , • • years , time must be considered in the schools of today-. He stressed the need of extending to the rural 'population the advantages of higher education. , ' Rev. J. E. Hogg presented, the ad - • dress of welcome, Dr. Field, I.P.S., East Huron, gave an interesting ad- dress on secondary education. He at- tributed the remarkable increase of pupils in secondary schools to the Adolescent Attendance Act, to the abolition of fees, and to the greater interest shown in education general -• 1.y. He stated that no county was , sistivitssi_ins-ssts,,,,...ssnssn-ssitst., - - - the morning session opening at to , , 1, cons. After opening exerciseS the seete- tary-treasuner, Mrs. 5, J. Elliott, ave , . ' the annual report and minutes of the last annual meeting., This report . . , showed the distract to be in a flour-, Isbing condition, both financially and in point of numbers There are el= - '' even branches in the district, each , repOrfing on the year's work done by them. A, few a the outstanding items reported by the branches were: Wingham bad raise , , d over $r °on dur- ing the year. They ha,ve completed the tr 000 for the maintenance of the - ' . - --Armenian boy at Georgetown farm Bel raVe Dungannonanduburn g , A have installed gasoline street lamps and pay for their maintenance yearly-. Goderich bought velour curtains for • the new McKay Hall costing $ios. Blyth branch raised $srs during the Year. 'Each of the other branches re- • osirtedssneciannizo . Our Shopping Week sale prices „ . , will keep people moving in and. shoes rriQving' •out' W. J. Greer.• A large number of local Masons motored to Brussels on Sunday to at- .. . tend amine service, conducted by - . — ,... . Bro. nev. A. w. barker. Ret G. Napier Smith, Rector of 'St Paul's, Mount Forest, is leaving .. to fill a position at Hilicrest College, . Hamilton. W. J. Boyce and Mr4 Harvey Shane left by motor on Tuesday to attend Grand Lodge meeting of the Eastern Star in Belleville. An Ottawa despatch of TuesdaY states the writ for North Huron by- election will be issued within a week or so, with the election in August. Mt and Mrs' Fred Creiglit°°, cf Meaford, spent Sunday at W. G. M. Reid's. • Miss Creighton and Miss Ruby are remaining for the week. The Women's jastito'te will hold a . . . • , special meeting on Fridaysjune-stiths ltr,IGI SXLKS sgc i ,, C ,A splendid Silk for summer wear' in a wide range of all • -..s.= Peach, Sand, Pink, Blue, Cppen, Sea Green, Sunni and RoSe. 1 ially priced, 79c yd, ii- Ira ss fr: III ' NORMANDY VOILES 6ac i NOthing smarter then a Voile Dress for .surnria.er :wear, .--4-, showing a tsplendid ran0 of Normandy Voiles, m light N . ., .... . ..,_ ,, ._, , snages, 315 ineries wide-•-ppeClit.t 6gc yu. , 1 ... i - RAYONS 490 - ___-°' ' in Fine Stripes, Checks and Plaid patterns, irt the lovely s-- ,..... . r_4111 p2nr, _show.n.in Pinks Mauve, Sand, Yellow and Copen, 33 inches • Our apecial 49c yd. "- • 1 CREPES 95c Ell • Silk and Cotton Crepes in •a host of patterns arid colon i Many of these are $L5o and $1.75 values. 36 in. wide. Special g i • ii - GINGHAMS 25c ss. , iii . IniportLemdal__ngh_amsz_3_2 i_n_ches_wimdeLiasStrioes_tsamallsend. -r--- . — Mr. and Mrs, H, Cooke and Miss Elsie Cooke attended the special• Masonic service held at Brussels Sun- day, afternoon. Rev. A, W. Barker preaehed the sermon. Mn.,G. Rattan expects to take a • motor trip on Wednesday and will visit with relatiVes for a couple of months near Adolphustown, east of Miss Evelyn Stephens expects to return home this weels after spending a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto and Bowrnanville. Mr. and Mrs. James Sheri spent the week -end with, relatives near St. Marys. s• , Flower Day services were held in :he United Church last Sunday. Of- Eering,s were received for the Flower uncl. • .• ' ' 114`•'-'14i Services next Sunday, June 26th, n the United Church, with the pas -1 or in c asge: it a.m.—"The Uplifted Lord." •7 P,m.—"Jesus at Vesper Service." int° Gorrie in the spring. The late Mr. McLaukhlin was around at his Mr. E. Johnston and son,/ of Pick- ering, spent Sunday at the home of usual duties on Saturday when he Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston. suddenly collapsed and.Expired before Mrs. E. Whitley, is visiting at the medical • attention could be called. home of her son, Ds. L. N. Whitley, The funeral service was held in the in Gorrie. • ' Presbyterian church Monday after - Mrs. E. Woodley,' of Bowrfianville, noon, whese Rev. L. Merser Preaihed is spending some time with relatives a most impressive sermon from the in Gorries • text, "Nnw is Christ risen from the Mrs. L. F. AslatOn, Miss Jean Mur- dead and become the first fruits •of lay and Mrs. William Jardine left them that slept." The church was Gorrie recently for a trip to the filled to capacity, many being unable westi. •• ••-'''' to gain admittance. After the service Mr. and Mrs. Ross Earl have re- the- procession journeyed to Ford - turned from their honeymoon, spent wich, where burial tools place, The at Coldwater and Sudbury, and are sympathy of the community is ex - now residing south of Gorrie. tended to the family in their sad and A successful meeting of the Wo -.1 sudden loss. men's Institute was held recently in i the Township Hall, when a miscel- Mrs. Woodley, of Peterboro, is at laneous programme was given. Mrs. present visiting at the homes of R. William Earngey presidal E. James and R. H. Stephens. ° A very sad event occurred, in Got- Mrs. L. F. Ashton and Miss Jean rie recently when Mr, A. McLaugh- Murray left on Wedpesday of last, lin passed away suddenly at his .home week for an extended visit with just north of the village. Mr. and friends out west. • Mrs. McLaughlin and, famil'Y rncrved Miss Edythe Vanstone, of London, spent Sunday at the hmoe of her fa- ther, Mr. A. E. Vanstone. Mrs. Gordon Underwood and Ken- neth were in St. Marys on Monday attending the funeral of a relative. Woodstock, visited the Misses Pot - SUMMER WEAR FOR MEN • This is the season for Light •Underwear, Straw Hats. You will find what you want herb. Pant s and Overalls Mens and Boys' Work Shirts, • Slople lines in Men's Work Boots. _Black and Tan Oxfords. We have all sizes in ,Canvas Shoes They are selling at very. low prices. We have another shipment of Oven ,Ware. The kind that will stand the heat You can Crust and Cake in the same bowl. Saves waste and washing dishes: You get a 5 -piece Set for $1.2S • 4 -Piece Set for g8c, 3 -piece Set for ssc. Only a few left. The Preserving Season has started. Fine Apples are now in. Leave your order. • We have Special Prices for Saturday Shoppers in 'certain lines. Wit the extra price you get for your produce and the saving on the goods, it pays to Shop here. • DAVEY'S STORE WROXETER. ter on Saturday. Mr. W. Jardine and children re- turned last week to' their home in Tugeske, Sask. Dr. Will Ross, of Toronto, was the guest of his mother on Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. Robert McMillan, of Listowel, spent Sunday at Mr. R. McGrath's. Miss Ruth Galbraith, of Toronto, is visiting at her home here. GLENANNAN Wedding bells have been ringing around Glenannan...; Mrs. Joseph Kermath, who under- went an operation recenfly, is doing as well as can be, expected. Miis Edith Metcalfe and her friend Miss Jean McTaggart, of Toronto, have returned to their duties after spending two weeks at the former's FRED DAVEY Village Clerk • issuer of Marriage Licences The taw now requires the license be aken out three days before the cere• mony. Subscription taken for the AdVance-Times. Clubbing rates given . mwomemmugifi mmummummummummummom 111101141111OM et • AmTENTION Egg and Cream'. IP rOalleerS. Bring us your Eggs and,Cream. Hight market prices paid. • •A complete line of oft Drinks atways on band. N at our Wingham Branch.511• , We can deliver Ice Crean or Pop • to y01.1 On shortest notice, •14- , ire.PoVilodataweinitskiittroboams.o.nogerftimurnmar.rtermn-Oaatts.ftwo.1:6010i.44.010.00Mniboatteooto.r.nerach.t Wellington Produteeto„., Ltd. • Wingharn, Ont, Ttiorvi•vsoN, BRAxckx iviAmAcisg, PHONE t66, • N, • ill0111111111111111111111111011118,116111011110111101111,1118111111111111111111*Ilalmoimilummi* 53 Lig 53 53 R.1 0 home here. A little daughter has come to glad- den the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reu- ben Appleby. Congratulations. 'Mrs McCallum and daughter Ag- nes, of Woodbridge, also Mrs. Rich- ard Wilton, spent last week at the.. home of Mr. David Fortune. / Quite a number from this vicinity attended the garden party at Blue - vale last Tuesday evening. Miss Edna Lincoln, of Wingham, spent spent last week at her home here. • The men have completed the new addition to Mr. Oliver Stokes' barn. Messrs, Thomas and Reuben Ap- pleby, also Messrs Allie and Lance Lincoln, motored to London last Tuesday, where they spent the d,ay. Mrs. William McGill went as a delegate to the Women's Institute convention at Clinton last Thursday. • .. • HARRISTON The Saugeen Presbyterial of the W.M.S. held their meeting in Knox church, Harriston, last week, when nearly 300 delegates attended. Mrs. Leadingham, of Harriston,' presided. The morning session was devoted to the appointment of committees and hearing different reports. Mrs. Mc- Phee gave a very interesting report of -the provincial meeting at Brock- ville. Then in the afternoon the first speaker," Miss Rattie, of Toronto, gave a great outline of her work and urged the ladies to always remember and, help the Redemptive Home kr Girls and made a strong appeal for the need of living and practising their McNabb, Arthur; literary, Miss Chris - Mrs. Fletcher, General Supply Secre- tary, of Toronto, was the next speak- er, and being an old HaSriston girl was also very much enjoyed for the message she brought Miss Edythe • Sinclair, of Toronto, formerly of Harriston, gave a most practical talk on "Working among our young girls" which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. E. Aitcheson and Mrs. B. H. Willings favoured the ladies with a duel, "Je- sus Knows and Understands'?, which was followed Y a pageant 'put an by the Mission Band, when about ss children took part. The pageant il- lustrated the needs of the children of the world, These children were very ably trained by Mrs. Sandorson and Mrs. Dale. Greetings wesc • brought by Mrs. Dr. Charlesworth from. St. George Anglican church; by Mrs. A. W. Wil - Sin from the United church, both of Harriston; by Mrs. George Leading - ham, of British Coltimbia; by Rev, 1 bilcii.enzie, Moderator of Saugeen Presbytdry, from sister churches and ilia Presbytery. Closing words were given by Mrs. (Rev.) Armstrong, of Durham, and prayst by Mr; (Rev.) Lawrence, of Rothsay, Officers were erected as follows: Hon presidents Mrs. Milligan, Clif- ford, and lis. McDonald, Arthur; president, Mrs. (Rev,) Lcslingliairs Harriston; first vice -press Mrs. Mar- shall, Normanby; second vice -pros., Alm Armstrong, Durham" third vice- president, Mrs. Riddel, Palmerston; fourth vice -pros., Mrs. McKay, Dray- ton; conseey, Mrs, McPhee, ,Dur- ham; rec. - seey, Mrs. Manson, Palm- erston; treasurer, Mrs. Lauder, Dur- ham; fin. sec'y, Mrs. M. F. Cree; supply secretary, Mrs. Howes, Har- riston; glad -tiding scey, Miss Porter- field, Clifford; home helpers, Miss Renwick, Dromore; Mission Bard, Mrs. Reidy, Durham; press, Mrs. McNabb, 4rthrir; literary, Miss Chris - i i,e, Holstein; c.G.L.T„ Mrs, .Richard- son, Palmerston; weleonie and wel- fare, Mrs. Cositts, Conn; exchange, Mrs. Lamont, Mobrefield, . • Mrs. 'Milton Kettles is visiting in Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Klink, of Guelph, spent Sunday, in town. Miss M. Campbell is visiting in Toronto. ;sirs. H. Husks, and Miss Frances are in Toronto. - Mr. A. H. Carruth, of Listowel, [visited his sister, Mrs. E. Aitcheson, Thebb street. Wynifred \Aitcheson enter- tained at a tea in honour of her lit - 'He friend, Doris Klink, who left last week s" for Guelph. Those present were, Misses G. Eddy, M. Neil, J. Lendingharn, B. Whitmore, D. ,Klink, M. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, of Wingham, spent Sunday` at Mr. B. Whitmore's. Miss Stewart is visiting her cons, in, Mrs, Alex. Sanderson. Miss Stew- art assisted the choir of Knox church and favoured the congrega- tion with a solo. Mrs. Hackett, of Seaforth, and two children, spent Friday last with her sisters, Mrs. Ei. Aitchison and Miss Carruth. Mrs. Carruth, who has also been visiting her daughters, returned to Seaforth. The many friends of Mrs. Waddell and Mrs. Shannon will be pleased to know they are improving nicelr af- ter their operations in Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy are mov- ing info Mr. Ried's house on Thebb street, and Mr. Fred McLean into Mr. Hardy's house on Arthur street. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eddy and Miss rGoeurtal.dine spent the week -end in To - Mrs. W. C. Chambers entertained at a luncheon at the Granite Club, Toronto, on Thursday last. The guests were all Harristonians: Mrs. E. Howes, Mrs. S. B. McCready, Mrs. H. R. McCough, Mrs. W. A. Glenney, Mrs. (Rev.) R. Henry, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. l -lucks. N, SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallaher, of 'this locality, along with thWlatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Met- calfe, and daughters, Miss Clara and °Miss Edith Metcalfe, from near 13e1 - more, motored one day last week to visit friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrst John Gowdy spent last Sun -day evening with friends at Gorrie. Miss Eve McMichael, of Stratford • Normal, is at home for the holidays. Mr. John Wray is slowly improv- ing 'after his recent illness. We hope 11 e will' fully recover, • BLUEVALE The congregation of the, Bluevale 'United church.' intend to hold their annual garden party on the church grounds on Friday, Joly 8th. Fur- ther announcement later. Mr, Harvey Sparling, and *tinily visited at the home of his sister, l„Ers.. Ed, Johnston, on Sunday last. Miss Vera Sellars returned to her home, after attending Stratford Nor- mal School. The boys of the United Church played a game of softball with the boys of Silent on Friday evening. The score Was 2o to p in favour of Bluevale. Mr, and 'Mrs, Charles Coultess and daughter Grace spent Sunday with Mrs. G., snta. Mr; and Mrs. John Geddes and Mr.. and Mrs, Robert Geddes, of Beboave, spent Sunday with Mr. R. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, of Inger- soll, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 'William Thornton. Mt. and Mrs, George Mowbray and family, of New Hamburg, called on Old friends here on 'Sunday Mr. Roy ','L()Wii, Mr. David, Hall and da.ughte'r.• 'Tilley ,of Hamilton, • spent a. •coupe'o -days 'svithrelatives here. • ' ' • This district receiveak a good soak- ing rain on 'Saturday aU,), thiees are growing very rapidly, prospects'a good for a heavy hay crop; fall wheat is beginning to head, out and prorn-' ises a fair crop. •I While doing some repair work the other day, Mr. Arthur Shaw had the misfortune to fall and break several ribs, which -will -lay him iup for some time. TIMOTHY ON POLITICAL TURNCOATS ' To the Editur av all thim Winghaml paypers: Deer Sur,— Isn't it quare how some min kin charige from wan ting to another widout anny thrubble at all, at all? Some will change theer jawbs, some will change theer place av risidince, an some will change theer pollyticks, which is the wurst change av all, un- less they change fer the betther.- Take me ould. brother Matt, fer in- shtance, a confirmed ould bachelor' and rambler over the whole wurruld, who married a war sviddy wid, foive childer an sittled down on a ranch in Alberta. Ye hev heerd me shpake av him befoor, an av how, either bein a good Tory all his loife, he turned, an in shpoite av al the good advoice I kin give him, he kapes on votin wid thim fellahs out in the foothills. I had a long talk wid him the laslit toinie he wus home and throid to show him he wus on the wrong thrack, but he said he wus on- ly divilipin,'as ivirything in the wur- ruld shud be skin, if we are to make anny progl-ess at all, at all, sez he. "Shure," he se; "doesn't the polly- -wog turn into a frog, an the cater- pillar into a buttherfloy, an whoy shuddn't a man,make somesimprove- mint on himsilf whin he sees the ne- cissity av it?" sez he, "'Tis the re- ligion av a lot av Buddhist min in Asia that we shad, kape on goin hoigher an hoigher all the toime, loike a man climbin a shtape moun- tain, till we git away up above the clouds an shtorms av loife. 'Tis a good belafe mainly ways," sez he. • "Mcbby it ia," sez T, "but ye tould rne yersilf that whin ye git goin the wrong way, yc may be a shilake arr a toad in the nixt loife, accoidin to the belafe av shim fellahs ye shpake av," sez., That sittled him so far as the as- gymint fer Matt, wus nivir a great wan to argy, ispishally since re married the widdy, but it didn't change moind. Wan •thrubble mid Matt. is that. lie has thravelled arrouud so much, an mixed wi',l inanny cliffrunt that he has shlipped his anchor, so to shpake, an drifted out into the open say, widout aylher chart arr compass.' Afther a man has attinded pow wows wid the Indians, an corroborces wid the Austhralian black follahs, an pal- avers wid the staygur min in he is loikely to tink wan man is just as good as another, arr mcbby a lit- tle bather. • He torrid tnc that wan av the besht frinds he ivir had was an ould Mohammedan Afghan who used to di'oive camels wid him in South Austhralia: What wttd ye tink av the loike av that now? Another thrubble wid Matt, is that he shpint so much toluic shtuclyin alt thim quare religions av the wurruld, that he harrudly knows what he be - laves but I nittlershiand that his English woife kapes him goin to the Anglican church purty shtiddy, at prisint, an inebby tis betther so. He will be a harrud wan to, hould, how- ivir, fer a fellah who has bowed his hea.d in Jewish synagogues, taken off has" shoes befoor interin o amme- dart; moseups paid his offerings to the, Bouldlia 13itddl-Ot timples, watch - eat 1"atj -otar yellow robed' praists kay- I f4,3 pin spoiced wood in (..-hoine-.at loss boos - .the •srAres! blirnius7d, es, talk edab outtheciur es, talked about the Great Spirit an the happy huntin grounds wid In- dian midicine min, knelt down wid the worshuppers in the great cathed- rals av the wurruld, an watched the sinners hittin the ,sawdust thrall in Billy Sunday's tabernacles, is loikely to hev some purty unsittled belafes himsilf. Mebb the happiest min are the y fellahs who' shtick to the counthry, - WROXETER CONTINUATION the flag, the political parthy an the SCHOOL REPORT Ireligion they learned about whin they wus childer, unless they kin foind • someting betther, as I said befoor. • Lower School Results • Yours till nixt wake, • Thnothy Hay. WROXETER NEWS Mr. T. W. Gibson and family mo- tored 'from Toronto on Saturday af- ternoon and spent . Sunday with friends in town. • The McLean brothers, of Kitchen- er, spent the week -end with friends here. Miss Scott, of Blyth, was a visitor in town over 'Sunday. Mr. W. S. 1VIcK„ rpher, who has been confir4 to for a num- her' o'f • ipr friends' will 'telaitti Rev. I,a take charge of thes JJ ted church next Sunlit a:morning la evening. g*Garnett, principal of the school, and Mrs. Garnett, left on Sat- urday to visit friends in Clinton. WROXETER NEWS Miss Janie Howe is in Toronto this week attending a library •con- vention. Mr. McClean, Jack and Kenneth and a Mr. Kress, of Kitchener, mo- itored by Saturday night and spent the week -end with friends here. Miss Rona VanVelsor and Miss Edith Earls are home, having com- pleted, their term at Notmal. Miss Jean Earls, • having taught school on the Howick-Gray boundary for four years, has taken a position in a school at Springfield. • A service will be held in I park on July 3rd, in the afternoon, in con- nection with the Diamond Jubilee. A gang of inen is doing some im- provements at the C.P.R. station. • Mr: • Anderson, of Wingham, is presiding over the Middle School ex- aminations. ° Village Council Meeting The Wroxeter Council met in reg- ula‘r session on June 17th. • Present were Nt White, A. J. Sanderson, Reeve Henneberg itt the chair,'Tlic minutes of the last regular meeting of May soth, and also special meet- ing of June 4th, were read, and ad- opted, The latter meeting was held to passor thej3Yu'laNsveNoofthP No. 4) t(e8:OCTUrOerfitlavn, el for and also to open tenders for drawing same, On motion of White. and San- derson, the Minutes were adopted. The accounts presented for pay- ment wcre:'John Smelt, work at cent- etttry for May, lil2e.7o; Toney Men - hen, grading, oil, gasoline, etc., $23,to; E. N. Moyer, for flag, $3.uo: Provincial • Government, license for Hall, •$3.00; Fred Kitchen assessing and poqta•'a. $3.5O• Tom Nash, print- ing, Slo.00; H. Patterson, running el- ectric light plant, $44•80; T. G. Hemp - May PO CV(' r and rent, $95.5o; Thos, Eflis, payment on contract dig- Movcd by White and Sanderson that the accounts be paid and orders drawn for same. Notice was received from, the De- partment of Agriculture regarding Weeds Act coming into force. Ap- pointing of inspector WO,S laid over for the present. The Council are to have the flag pole roped and ready to have the for July 1st. On motion of Sanderson and White Council adjourned to meet in regular session 'or at the call of the Reeve. • Fred Davey, Clerk. The results of the Departmental examinations are as follows. "c" in- dicates a pass and "x" a failure, in which case the examination may be again written as per timetable below. Exanne the timetable carefully so that no mistake will be made regard- ing the date of an examination. Form I. s ---Canadian History. 2—Geography. 3—Zoology. 4—Art. I Harold Durst c Isabel Earls c c c Carl Fitch ..... _____-___ c cc c Jessie Hastie c 'c cc Evelyn Hupfer x c Jean Milligan x x c c Stewart Mulvey ____ c cc Verde Newton c c c c Jack Toner c x x c Katie Wailer c c c c Edith Weir c c Walter Willits c c Irene Wright c Forn IL x—Arithmetic. 2. ---Physiography. • 4—English Grammar. 5—Latin Grammar. 2 3 4 :Eva Brown ....... . c ; Lloyd Cathers cc • c Edward Gibson c cc c ; Margaret Gibson c c !Walker I-lastie x 0•x 2 3 4 C 1 AnderSoli Inglis c c c I John Kaine c cc c ' Daisy Stocks -.. x c c e Margaret Wright e Lower School Department of Educa- tion, Timetable is Monday, June 27t11 -Lar., Physiog- raphy; p.m,, Latin Grammar, English 'Grammar, ! Tvesday, June' tfith—a..m., Canadian History; pin, Geer-m.1)11y. Wednesday, June scalt—a.m., Arith- metic; p,m., Zoology, • N. P. Garett, Principal. EAST VIAWANOSH Mis," Mary Dow is improving nice- ly, after having her legs severely scaldcd, • • Mr, Joe Chruntley returned on Sat- urday from Detroit where he had been visiting with • his son Clarence; Mr. 1 -Tarry Deacon, of Detroit, spent Sunday at his borne het -t. Born—On Tuesday, June t4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Gersom Johnston, of tt.1. Wawanosli, a darighter.