HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-23, Page 1„., ,,,-,-,,,stre,,,,aaresass-esessaaaara-""'"ssarnaaSaaa'"'ar'Sallsaaa'a • • 77'711, With which is amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and The Wroxeter: News r WINGHAM EXPECTS EVERY CITIZEN TO DO HIS DUTY — DECORATE YOU R HOME AND YOUR BUSINESS PLACE WITH FLAGS AND BUNTING JUNE 30—JULY 4 !!!!..P.! • amoommaramoosommommuisim. Single opies, Five Cents; WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, ,JUNE 23rd, 1927 Subscriptions $2.oe per year, 111.111111.•10•110, MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS. LOWER SCHOOL REPORTS Class 1 includes all from 75 to ioo Class II, 66 to 74.;•Class III, 6o to 66; Pass, 5o to 6o. The Departmental subjects are: Form I—Geography, Art, Botany, and Canadian 1-1#story. Form II.-- Grammar, Arithmetic, Zoology and Physiography. The remaining subjects of each 'form are classed as non -Departmen- tal. Students failing Departmental sub- jects must write the Departmental -examinations, beginning June 27th, if they desire credit in these subjects. Students failing on non -Departmen- tal eXaaninations will be given an op- portunity to .write supplemental ex- aminations beginning September r2th. No student who has more than two failures will be allowed to proceed to a higher form. School re -opens for the fall term on Monday, September 5th, FORM I Geography Class 1 — Mary King, Norma Coutts. Class II—Ruth Cole, Dorothy Ait- ken Hazel Wilson, Irving Smith. " Class III—Geo. Young, John Mc- Kibhan (equal), Hilton Dickson, ..Mary, 'Inglis, Gertrude Kelly. Pass—Margaret Currie, Bruce Fox, .Agnes Robertson, Joe Elliott, Roger McDonald, Lillian Hopper, Tom Henderson, Penelope Hannah, Joe Tiffin, Carl Walden, Alan Garniss, Edna Procter, Clarence McClena- ghan, Catherine •McCormcik, Cora Phair, Kathleen Smith, Norman Rin- toul. , Failures — Blair Gibbons, Gordon Waters, Viletta Chamney, Jack Beat- tie, Henry Finley. FORM I -A Algebra Class I—R. Cole, A. Henderson, L. Hopper, M. King, E. Proctor, L Smith, J. Tiffin, H. Wilson, G. Young, Margaret Currie, Thos. Hen- derson. Waters, Margaret Currie, Gertrude Class I -- Kate King, Evelyn Mc- BIG PICNIC AT RIVERSDALE Kelly, Penelope Hannah, Hilton Kay. ---- I Dickson. - Class II—Kenneth Somers, Mildred Today (Thursday) Father Good- dass III --- John McKibbon and Redmond, Nancy Taylor, Wallace row's big AnnuarPicnic, Pony con - Carle Walden equal, Agnes Robert- Gminey, Velma Lennox. test—Fiddlers' and Dancers' contests son and Allan Garniss equal, Marie Class III—Carman Coutts, ' Eliza- —Boxing (two Canadian Champions) Mines, Tom 'Henderson. beth Ross, Mary. Mitchell, Margaret —Huge programme of select talent— Pass—George Young, Edna Proc.- IVIitchell, ,• The Hon. Charles McCrea, Confeder- ter, Irving Cleghorn, Henry Finley, Pass—Carl Dean, Stanley Van-, atioA speaker—Bluebird Orchestra— Kathleen Smith, Wallace Gurney, stone, George Allen, Laura Smith, Supper served. Failures — Clarence McClenaghan, Gertrude Turvey, Dorene Webster, Bruce Fox, Villetta Chamney, Blair Thelma Gibson, Agnes Wilson, Rhys ORANGEMEN'S DIVINE SERV - Gibbons, Rhys Pollock. Pollock, Russel Copeland, Dorothy ICE SUNDAY EVENING FORM I • Kerr, Jean, McLean, )3ertha McGee- --L.-- John Roth, Glen Garniss, R.onald. Wingham L.O.L, No. 794 will at- , Rae, Arnold Vint, Celeste Carr, Olive tend divine service in the United, Homuth, Beryl Cunningham. Church on Sunday evening, June 26, Failure—Reg. Sutton. at 7 o'clock, when W. Bro. Rev. B. •• FORM II G. Goss, of North Bay, will be the English Grammar special speaker. Brethren will 'meet Class I—E. MacKay, Margaret in the Lodge Room at 6.3o o'clock. Mitchell, Kenneth Somers, G. Tur- vey, D. Webster, C. Coutts, Mary LOOK FOR THE BIG POSTERS Mitchell, B. McGee, G. Allen. Class II—C. Deans, 0. Homuth, L. Smith. Announcing the big Jugilee Garden P Credit—A. Vint, G. Garniss, J. Mc. Party on the Town Park, next Tues- day evening, 28th inst., from 6 Lean, S. Vantone, L. Bennett, D. Kerr, R. Rae. o'clock till midnight. This will be • Failures—R. Pollock. the opening of a big programme in memory of Confederation. Without FORM II a doubt this will be the best even - Arithmetic ing's entertainment ever put on in In order of merit Class I—( Wheeler, V. Lennox, of Singing, Readings, Highland Literature Class I—R. McDonald, M. King, C. Phair and H. Wilson equal, R. Cole, N. Coutts, H. Dickson, I. Smith, G. Kelly, D. Aitken, A. Gar- niss, J. McKibbon, G. Waters, A. Henderson, J. Tiffin, B. Fox, C. Wal - Iden, J. Ellicott and P. Hannah, and M. Inglis equal, B. Gibbons and H. Finley and K. Smith equal. Class II—T. Henderson, L. Hop - Per, M. Currie, NI. Rintoul and Ai Robertson equal, I. Cleghorn. Class III — C. MoClenaghan, M. Mines. Pass—V. Chamney, G. Young, C. McCormick, J. Beattie, E. Proctor, FORM I Composition Class II—A. Copeland, B.- Fox, W. Gurney, M. Mines, A. Robertson,.. C. Walden, J. McKibbon, B. Gibbons, K. Smith. • Class Hannah, N. Inglis, C. Phair, J. Ellacott. Pass—D. Aitken, O. Carr, I. Cleg- horn, N. Coutts, H. Dickson, T. Gib - 5. Roth, C. McCormick, H. Fin- ley, A. Garniss, G. Waters, G. Kelly, R. McDonald. Failures—R. Sutton, C. McLena- .gban, V. Chamney. • FORM I Botany Class I—Ruth Cole, Mary Inglis, Gertrude Turvey, Hazel Wilson. Class II -- Norma Coutts, Mary King, Dorothy Aitken, Irving Smith. Class III—Roger McDonald, Carle Walden, John McKibbon, Irving Cleghorn Pass—Marie Mine, Edna Procter, • Agnes Robertson, Kathleen Smith, •Gordon Waters, Cora Phair, Pene- lope Hannah, Ronald Rae, Lillian Hopper, 13rirce Fox, Hilton Dickson, Allan Garniss, George Young, 1VIar- garet Currie, Henry Finley, Dorothy Kerr. Failures — Clarence McClenaghan, Joe Tiffin, • Catherine McCormick, Joe Ellacott, Blair Gibbons, Villetta Chainney. FORM I • French Promoted on Easter,/ examinations ft Wingharn, First-class programme Class I -'-I. Smith, M. King, G. E. Young) and P. Hannah equal, D. Ait- K. King, 0. liornuth, . McKay, B ken, I Dickson, J,, McKibbon, L. Cunningham. Hopper, N. Cautts, C. Walden, R. Class II o— L. Bennett, N. Taylor, McDonald and M. Mines equal. •H. Field,E. Ross, D. Webster, M. ed Class II—A. Garniss, E. Proctor Rmond. . and H. Wilson equal, C. Phair and R - Class III--R.Rae, K. Somers, 0. Cole equal; M. Inglis, K. Smith, T. Garniss, G. Allan. Pass—J. Currie, C .Coutts, Ai. Wil - Henderson (3 equal); G. Kelly, J. Tiffin, G. Waters, A. Robertson (4 son, R. Copeland, G. Garniss, G. Tur- 1.2. equal); M. Currie, J. Ellicott, At. Hen- 'veY-' Mary Mitchell, . Armstrong, derson (4 equal).B. McGee, Margaret Mitchell. Class III—B. Fox. ' Failures—R. Sutton, M. Schafter, Pass—C. McCormick and M Jean McLean, L. Smith, W, Gurney, C. c- Clenaghan equal, H. Finley, N. Rin - D. Kerr, Janet McLean, R. Pollock, toul, B. Gibbons, J. Beattie, V. Cham- S. Vanstone, T. Gibson, C. Carr.. ney, I. Cleghorn. FORM II FORM I • Geometry' (in order of merit)— Class I—Mary King and Ruth Cole equal, Hazel Wilson, Norma. Coutts, Arthur Henderson, Joe Ellacott and Carl Deans equal, Dorothy Aitken, Roger MacDonald • and Joe Tiffin equal, Arnold Vann Mary Inglis, Catherine McCormick and John Rotli ,equal. June examination— Class I—Cora Phair, Lillian Hop - Class II—Irving Smith, Gordon • Latin Cies§ I—( Allen, B. Cunningham, Class I—M. King, R. Cole, N. C. Dean, K. King, V. Lennox, M. . Redmond, E, Ross, K. Somers, A. Coutts and A. Henderson equal, H. Wilson, C. Phair, M. Mines, A. Rob- Wils°n' ertson, T. Cleghorn and D. Aitken equal, L Smith and L. Hopper equal; T. Henderson, E. Proctor, M. Inglis (3 equal). • Class II—M. Currie, J. Tiffin, C. McCormick, a Young and H. Dick- son equal. • Class 111-13. Fox, J. McKibbon moommoriraatimekomommeimmogrge!MoimilinimimilMmilimmili.iaill musomoemitedivaumwomomeleamismiosliiiiiimmiailliagOe ST, PA,T.IL'S CHURCH Sunday; Jolly 3rd ti ane,—Diamond Jubilee Con- fedderation Servite, The Mayor and Council have signified their intention of at- teeding this service in a body. C. Walden. Pass—P. Hannah, G. Waters, Garniss, 13. Gibbons, J. MacLean, C. McClenaghan, P. Mc- Donald, V. Chamney, R.• Pollock. •FORM II Zoology Class I—K. King, V. Lennox, E. Ross, 0. Homuth, Marg. Mitchell, N. Taylor, B. McGee, E. McKay, G. Al- len, L. Smith, D. Webster,R. Rae, M. Redmond, A. Wilson. Class II—Marys Mitchell, B. Cun- ningham, G. Turvey, Jean McLean, K. Somers, W. Gurney. Class III—D. K&r, J. Roth, C. Carr, •, Pass—L. Bennett, A. Vint, R, Cope- land, C. Coutts, C. Deans, R. Sutton. Failures—I, Gibson, R. Pollock. • Physiography Class I—K, King, V, Lennox, D. Web ter, R. Arnastreng, E. Ross, M. Redmond, G. 'Ttirvey, E. McKay, 'Allen, N. /Taylor. Homigh, L. Bennett, 13. aaeslee, A. •Wilson, K., Somers, Marg. Mitchell. • Class III—Janet McLean, Jean Mc- Lean, J. Roth, R. Rac, C. Coutts, C. Deans, D. 'Kerr, W. Gurney, Jean Currie. Pass -5. Vanstorie, • C. Carr, B. Cuttningham, A. Vent, R.- Pollock, L. Failures—R. Sutton,. R, Copeland, T Gibson. FORM II Literature Class /—K. King, N. Taylor, E. RPss, Mary Mitchell, V. Leneose, ('las II—M. Redinond. •Class III — Margaret Mitchell, A. Wilaon, G. Aalen, K. Somers, 13,, Cen- ningliam. Pass—E. McKay, C. Deans, Jean McLean, IL Copeland, R, Pollock, G. Turvev, 13, 1VIcGee, D. Webster, F. Failures—O. Ilonauth, T. Gibsou, C. Cov-ats, W. Gurney, R. Rae, R. Setton, D, Kerr, Janet 1VicLeara Roth, A. Yitit, C. Carr, G. Garniss. FORM I/ CornPositiots Dancing and Piping, Patriotic Ad- dresses and National Choruses. Don't fail to be there and enjoy it. Re- freshments provided by the Women's Institute and ladies of the town. There will also be ten ybung ladies tagging everybody, offering a com- bination Jubilee emblem for sale, in aid of the Arena. Show your pat- riotism. LIVED ON THE SAME FARM FOR SIXTY-THREE YEARS • PIANO • RECITAL -- • , By pupils of Miss Beatrice Gordon and Miss Ruby Dickson, in the Coun- cil Chamber, Wingham, on Thursday evening, June Nth ,at 8.15 o'clock Several good vocal numbers on the programme also, Watch for pro- grammes next week. Admission 25c, amusement tax extra. Pupils free. DIAMOND JUBILEE OF THE CONFEDERATION OF CANADA A special service for National Thanksgiving will be held in Wrox- eter Park on Sunday, July, 3rd, at 3 pan. United Church congregations are urged to attend this mass meet- ing. Choirs of the district will lead the service of praise. Hymn sheets provid,ed. Addresses by clergymen. Be patriotic. Bring your friends, Mr. John Bryans, of Fordwich, will pre- side. The funeral of Christina Keith, wi- dow of Alexander:, Cameron, took place from her late residende, lot 21, concession 12, township of Turn - berry, on Monday afternoon. She was in her 79th year and had been in Class II—j. Currie, H. Field, E. good health until about two weeks McKay, D. Webster. ago, when she was confined to her Class III—C. Coutts, Margaret Mit- bed,' and passed away on Friday. She chell, R Rae, S. Vanstone. was a native of Scotland and had liv- Pass—R. Armstrong, L. Bennett, ed on the farm where she died for Jean McLean, L. Smith, N. Taylor, 63 years. Her husband predeceased 'G. Turvey, A. Vint. her by 27 years. Failures—R. Copeland, G. Garniss, Surviving are four sons and four W. Gurney, 0. Homuth, D. Kerr, daughters, Hugh, Melvin and Maggie, Mary Mitchell, R. Pollock, J. Roth, at home, Alex., John, Mrs. Theo. Fin - B. McGee. nen, Mrs. John Campbell and, Mrs. •FORM II W. Wilson, all living within a short • Latin • distance of Wingham. Class I—K. King, V. Lennox, N. The funeral service was conducted Taylor, E. Ross, B. Cunningham, A. at the house at 2 o'clock on Monday Wilson and M. Redmond equal, I. afternoon, by Rev. Dr. Petrie, of St. Mandell. . Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wing - Class II—F. King, G. Allen. ham. Interment was made in the Class III—M. Weir, C. Deans and Wingham cemetery. The pall -bear - Margaret Mitchell equal. • ers were: Wm. Wilson, Gavin ,W11- Pass—K. Soniers, 0. Homuth, D. son, M. MacLeod, Andrew Gamble, Webster. Thomas Mundell and Theo. Finnen. Failures—G. Rintoul and R. Weir equal, Mi Mitchell and R. Copeland equal, C. Coutts, j. Roth, A. Vint. •FORM II • French Promoted on Easter examination (in order of merit): Class 1—Kate. King, Velma Len pox, Gibson Rantoul, Jean Cerrie and, Elizabeth Ross equal, Nancy Taylor. Janie examination: Class I—Margaret Mitchell. Class II—Frank King, Bertha Mas Gee, Beryl Cunningham and Agnes Wilson equal, Mary Weir, Gertrude Turvey, Evelyn McKay and Mildred Redmond equal. Class III --Ruth Armstrong and aymond Walden equal'. Pass—George Allen and Laura Stnith equal, Olive Homuth, Kenneth Somers, Dorine Webster. Failures — Robeat Weir, Russel Copeland and Carman Coutts equal, Jean McLean, Janet MacLean, Thel- ma Gibson. Iloward MacDonald, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. MatDoitald, Min- nie street. The Rev. F. R. Lewin will be the preacher in St, Peals Church next Sunday evening, June a6th. The choir of the Anglican church at Brus- acts will take charge of the musical part of the service, Mt and Mrs. Bert Frauds, of Ex- eter, accompanied by Miss Elsie 131ackhal1, motored to Witigham and spent the week -end with friends here. FLY THE FLAG AN IMPORTANT AFFAIR On Wednesday evening, June 29, the Women's Missionary Society of Wingham United Church, assisted, by the Victory Mission Circle and the Mission Band, are holding a Confed- eration Meeting, when a programme of music, readings, pageants, etc., suitable to the occasion, will be pre- sented, with special reference to the work of the W.M.S. in Canada. In connection with this meeting, the congregation will extend a welcome to Miss Wellwood, lately returned from China ,and to Rev. Sidney Dav- ison and Mrs. Davison, the new pas- tor and his wife. Light refreshments will be served in the School Room, at the close. ..- aasaarpt WINGHA1VI COUNCIL STRIKES TAX RATE AT so MILLS A. special meeting of Wingham Council -"Was helal, on Thursday night, Mayor Fells presiding. Councillors Haney and Spotton were absentees. The Clerk presented a detailed stunniery of the receipts and expend- itures for the year, and after consid- erable discussion By -Law Na. 978 was passed fixing the tax rate at so mills. This rate is somewhat higher than last year, the increase being account- ed for by a heavier county rate, and the action of the Connell in wiping off an overdraft of $1,200 from last year, Which represents one mill. Council accepted with pleasure an invitation from the Rector of St. Paul's church to attend divine ser- vice on Sunday mornirtgaitaly aad, when suitable reference willise; made to the DiamoncaarAilee of Confeder- ation. Council tion to m the Conf agreed o Sunday, the form af a public service..of thanksgiving`iQf town parkestiaing a form of serviceastigaarsled by the national committee, a supply of which will be on hand for the use of those' attending. The clergymen of the town and 'the choirs of the various churches have been asked to co-op- erate and assist in making this ser- vice one'of marked success and deep solemnity. Councillors Hanna, Spotton, Wilk- Magnire and Hatiey were ap- pointed a Decoration committee, and these men are asking for the hearty co -Operation of every citizen, and parricuatly the'business then, to ap- propriately decorate the town, Their desire is to see flags and bunting from every house, and in front of every busitessaplace, while evergreens and banners will add to the attractiveness of the, .scene.. Beautify Your Home or Business Place with Bunting and Flowers Wingham's contribution to Con- federation Jubilee will be a truly sin- cere and appropriate one, if the citi- zens generally grasp the vision and intention, of the town fathers and the others behind the aroject. It is not the intention to make, a• big. splash of a day's sports or similar oelebra- tion, but rather to evidence the peo- ple's genuine appreciation of this oc- casion by beantifying the streetsarlec- orating the business places, the many attractive homes and pretty cottages. You are just an ordinary average' citizen, possessed of a commendable amount of civic pride, and properly jealous of the reputation your town has with the rest of the country. Now, can you show a little bit of civic and patriotic loyalty for a few days next week, June 30 to July 4, in mak- ing the streets of Wingham a blaze of color with flags and bunting, ev- ergreens and flowers. Of course, you will help. The impression given to the visitors motoring through will not be one bit less satisfying or ap- preciative, than the knowledge to the citizens generally that a good work has been properly done. Get otit the old flag and spread a bit of burning. Mr. and Mrs. T, 3, McBride, Mr. Cecil 'McBride and Misses Vera and Jan MnBriale, also Mr. Eddy De - Gear, of Hamilton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Mof- fat. asaa . _sea PERSONALS Frank Clark, of Weston, spent the Week -end w'th friends in Wingham. Mr. and. (Mrs. A. G. Smith are ippending a'few days at St John, Mr. Harry Hincliffe, of Detroit, Mich., spent the week at his home here. Can you afford to go elsewhere and pay more for your shoes. See Greer's ad. Mr. H. Roy Reid, of Edmonton, is visiting -his brother, Wilfrid G. M. Reid, East Wawanosh. Mr, C. W. Pocock of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, is spending his holidays with his mother. Miss Marie Hornbeck, of Chicago, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Ross second line of Morris, Mr. and Mrs. John S. McKinnon, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. John Ritchie. dr. and Mrs. A. W. Etlierington JUBILEE GARDEN PARTY AT BELGRAVE This is a reminder of the biggest garden party event of the season, to be held on Thursday, July 7th, at the home of Mr. W. G. Nicholson, near Belgrave, under the nupices 'of Trin- ity Church, Belgrave. The R. D. Cowan Concert Company of Toronte will supply the programme, R Cowan, entertainer, the man who, made Royalty smile; Margaret Clem - nes, pianists and accompanist; Fanny Rogers, contralto; Elam Angus, na- tional dancer, winner of gold medal at Toronto Exhibition; Fred Alexart! der, cornetist. Cold, meat dinner serv- ed from 5.30 to 8 o'clock. A five - storey cake will be sold at the close of the programme. Admission 5a •cents and 35 cents. • . SPENCE—RANN The residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann, Wroxeter, was the scene of and family, of Exeter, spent. Sunday a very pretty wedding on Saturday, with J. E. Fells, Diagonal Road. June r8th, at 1 p.m, when their only Mr, F. G. Fox spent the week -end with his ,wife and children at the home of Mrs. R. Pocock, Catharine street. Mr. White and Mr. Humphries motored from Toronto with Mr. F. G. Fox to spend the week -end, with C. W. Pocock, scussed a public celebra-. rk the Diamond, Jubilee of eration of Canada; and an afternoon service on lily 3rd. This will take. ODDFELLOWS WILL • DECORATE The officers and members of Mait- land Lodge 119 I.O.O.F, will hold their annual decoration services in Winghaifl cemetery on Sunday, June 26, at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all residents of and vis- iting brethren to participate in • this service. Brethren will assemble in their hall at 2.30 p.m G. E. Struthers, formerly of God - elicit, but recently on the Toronto sehool staff, has been appointed In- spector of Public Schools for Prince Edward Connty. He is 3s years of age, Mrs. J. Fox, of Toronto, a former member of the choir, sang in pleas- ing' voice a solo in the Baptist church Sunday evening. Record Sale—Apex records, this week and next, 55c each; all new numbers. Pick yours out now pa "The Radio Shop," aer Hae, Last Notice—All accounts owing ot A. G. Smith must be paid by the end of June or they will be placed in court for collection, as the busi- ness must be wound up without fur- ther delay. "Honolulu Moon," the alluring waltz melody 'of the day, Apex rec- ord No. 26040, at the Radio Shop at 55c each, this week and next; all the new numbers, while they last. Mr. Fred Bennett of the Bruns- wick House and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ross and daughter left yesterday on a three months' trip to the Old Land. Mr. Bennett's 'trip is a doubly pleas- ant one for he goes to complete ar- rangements for a handsome legacy left him tecently. Two rinks of local bowlers enter- ed the Blyth annual lawn bowling tournament on Wednesday- and were both successful prize winners. The rink composed of W. A. Miller, 0. Thompson, W. R. Hamilton and J. Mason, skip, won second prize, four beautiful silver trimmed salad bawls with servers. The other rink, Dr. Howson, W. McCool, 0. Habkirk, iod D. Rae, skip, won third, prize and each got two large pieces cf Pyrex ware. The results for June, as announced by the United Typewriter Co., Ltd., Toronto, are indeed pleasing to both students and staff. The results are as follows: Miss Eva Dolan, Wing - ham, gold medal, 65 words per min- ute; Miss Mae Thompson, Moore- field:, silver medal, 58 words; Miss Glenna Spotton, Wingham, silver, 53 words; Miss Mary Carr, Wingham, silver, 51 *brds;. Mr., Wrn. Robert- son, Ripley, bronze, 47 words; Mr. Bruce Edgar, Wingham, . bronze, 46 words; Miss Florence Hooper; Wrox- eter, bronze, 4a wads; Mr. Smith Hutton, Wingham ,bronze, 41 words; Miss Jennie Anderson, Wingharn, bronze, 41 words; Miss Rhoda Pf old, Carlsruhe, bronze, 40 words; Miss Rita Devereaux, Auburn, bronze, 40 words. The above resultcleanly show that the abilities of each stu- dent • have been carefully guided along the right' tides, by the staff. This makes a total of sortie 36 em- blems far 1926-7 term, as compared against eight for 1925-26 term. Norman Butcher of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, London, • is spending a few days with his moth- er, Mrs. Mary Butcher. Sandy Orchard, assistant agent at the C.P.R., spent the week -end at his home in Bala. Clarence Wilson, of ,Ottebec, is viss iting at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Wilson, Edward street, Ralph, Weeks, of Toronto, spett .the week -end with friends in Wing - ham. Mrs. W. R. Hamilton and daugh- ter, Ruth visited with friends in Har- rigan on Monday, daughter, Miss Alma Mae Rann, be- came the bride of Dr. William A. Spence, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Spence, of Orangeville. Rev. D. A. Armstrong of the Wroxeter United Church performed the cere- mony. Miss Marjorie Woods, of Fordwich, played the wedding music. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of beige georgette, and a string of pearls, the gift of the groom. The groom's gift to Mise Woods was a gold bar -pin Set with aqua marines. ,. 8 After the wedding, a reception was. held at which only the immediate members of both families were nres- ent. Out-of-town guests included: Mrs. R. R. Hamilton, David and John E. Spence, all of' Orangeville; Dr. and Mrs. R. 5. Spence ad. Dr,. 5. E. H. Spence, of Toronto; Mr'' and Mrs. A. Hastings, Wingham; Mr. and Mrst George Jefferson, Fords *rich; Mr. and Mrs.; W. E. Ramis London; Mrs. (Rev.) D. A, Arm- strong and Mr, Alkin Rann, of Wrox- eter. After spending their honeymoon at Lake Simcoe, Dr. and Mrs. Spence will reside in Toronto. BELL—FLOODY On Saturday afternoon, June i8, Richard Lloyd Bell, M.A., of Toron- to, son of Mr. N. 0. Bell and Mrs. Bell, of Ingersoll, and Lily Margaret Floody, of Wingham, daughter of the late Mr. Matthew Floody and Mrs. Floody, of Haileybury, were married at 61 Lynwood avenue, Toronto, by Rev. P, M. Macdonald, B.D. The bride was attended by Miss Laura B. Shidley, of Toronto, and the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Wray M. Bell. The happy couple left for a honeymoon trip by boat to Montreal, a crowd of their friends from Bathurst Street United Church waiting at the pier to wish thein bon voyage. On their return Mr. atie, Mrs. Bell will reside in Toronto. THOMAS—DENNIS The borne of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Dennis, of Morris, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, June x5th, at four o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Verna Mae, was united in marriage to Robert Harold Thomas, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas, of Blae- vale. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. V. Walden, in the presence of only the immediate rel- atives of the bride and groom. The bride, who was • unattended, was daintily gowned in silver gray flat crepe with touches of rose, and car- ried a sheaf of Premier roses. Dur- ing the signing of the register, Mr. C. 13. Dennis, brother of the bride, gave a pleasing violin solo. After- wards, the guests took their pluses in the dining room which was pret- tily decorated with streamers of pink and white, and a large wedding bell suspeeded above the table. Here, a. delitious luncheon was served by Mrs. Wesley Haskies, aunt of the bride, and two girl friends; Miss La. vine 'Thomas and Miss Ethel War- dell, For going away, the bride wore a navy coat with trimmings of gray fur, a rose and gray hat, rose, scarf, and gloves and bag to match. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will take tip their residence an the second lite of Morrie, _ , a '• ' •