HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-16, Page 4W XNGIIAM ADVANCWTZS Thursday, June 16th, M7.' gaMill ilfitnali llelIMilIiiosci lille111111I1 11 IIE�Iil�i11M�11dMlaM1�lillll�lll�ilt�11g1411 THE OWN ADVANCE:TIMES PyllbIi'shed at W INGEAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Lagan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates—sone year §S2,00. Six months $t.00, in advance. To let the pear and apple bloom; An where wuz once the wild Wolf's den Is happy homes er happy m n6 But the of man wh o led the way An' cut them dark ol' forests down, Now sundown shadders ,cloud his, way, Sati Charlie -$Ely tonnet mtaliolRlll■I notta111e1IrIummlowIIesnomileneIIIeem ieiortiiII e Important Announoornent Ali Regardir*g Prices of . OTS and SHOE. OLICY of buying the bulk. of our requirements THE MANUFACTURER in case and half -case. IMINATING THE MIDDLEMAN, enables ua ly the same prices as the larger stores. we are offering a REAL BARGAIN in SHOES AND FOR" GIRLS who wear women's sizes, as 6o PAIRS COLOURED SHOES --a sprinkling is season's goods and strictly up-to-date, but RACTICALLY ALL SIZES IN THE LOT but ch kind. THE QUALITIES: ARE GOOD, FOR.. AVING BEEN $3.95 and $4.95; but to clear out ffering them for MA A_A 0 McKIBEON'S.DRUG STORE ii -i N�`, er �,4 r .: 1:4, ' ''1.f tyres 3... . Phone Wingham ;L°41�,nr9A'`i1�A r ,.6 -trr,'.s,rorz 25 I ■, "iInifll■meneiI■11me IIlrI11mellein111>•Illel utilellcllnne lmlli lllollailllitl!illiIi i lli•!!1111114111l l lilt lil1111n 11®1111 111 111111111111li lilt ail ! ail l l®I 1 1®1111111 1118111il ! ail l li111 1111 1 THESE WANT AD'S BRING iIESU T$ 1 - s i i cent a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c,,. •HI/III■II10111•IIIYIIIHIII®Ini111111li111illlillliI11i11i i1!it!!hili!!lililtelni■illilll0illilllillii FOR'S''ALE—Fresh- lime. 'Apply to Colin Eadie,Glenannon. FOR SALE—A cream wicker baby buggy, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Ed. Small, : John street. FARM FOR SALE --too acres, Lot 4, on lath concession, Howick. For further particulars apply to William Dodds, R.R. No. 1, Wroxeter. FOR SALE OR RENT—White brick house with large garden and barn, on Carling Terrace and south of the High School. Apply Mrs. J. W. Brown. FOR SALE—A couple of large doors, suitable, for garage A large ver- andah post, several storm windows, also several inner tubes and cas- ings 33 x 4. Inquire A. G. Smith. WANTED -Any person who have a can of ours ' and not using it for Cream, we would like if they would returri to the creamery, as we are in need of all our cans for the next 6 weeks,. United Farmers Co - Operative Co. DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR; MILKING MACHINE, and EN- GINE for Sale Repairs on hand, Second-hand Separator for Sale. R. S. Hamilton, Agent, Centre Street, Wingham BABY CHICKS—From now until end of season Our special single Comb White Leghorn are only $13.00 and OAC bred to lay barred crocks $15.00 per hundred There is only a short while longer 10 secure your chicks for next win- ter's layers. Act now at this low price. C. G. CAMPBELL, Auburn, Ont. 'Phone Blyth to -24.. FOR SALE -12 Little Pigs, 12 weeks old, also Seed. Buckwheat, Apply 5. C. POWNEY, Belgrav e Phone 623, ring ix. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy furnished summer cottage, situated at Br•uce'Beach, Kincardine Built 1922. Five rooms and kitch- enette, verandah Must sell. Will take $575.00 cash if sold before June 3oth. This is less than the a- mount of insurance on buildings, Apply, Rev H. B. PARNBY, Mt, Brydges, Ontario. TFC \MFRS will be received by the WinghamPtblic School Board up to Saturday, June 27th, for the in- terior 'decorating of the Winghain Public School, The work to be corn-. plcted not later than July 30, 192.7. The lowest or any tender not tceces- sarily accented. W. T. Rooth, Sec- retary-Treasurer: ONE OF largest Canadian Life Insur- ance Companies i ce Co tparties lies opening for dis triet reliresentative in Wingham. In- teresting proposition and fine op-' portttnity for ambitious man of good character. Reply Box A; Advance - Times, Wingham, WANTED __Hotis'ekeelser for faun. Apply to Advance-it'%mes, TENDERS will bereceived by the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p.m. on Monday, z.8th June, 1927, for shing- ling the Torth half of School -house in S.S. No 11, East Wawanosh. Materials will be placed on ground by Trustees. Work to be completed by August 1st next No tender ne- cessarily accepted. WILFRED G. M. REID, No. 3 Wingham. WANTED -A small house or flat to rent in town. Apply at Advance Times SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpen- ed; satisfaction guaranteed. Single edge 3c, dnuble edge 4c. McKib- bon's Drug" Store. WANTED — Gentleman wants fur- nished' room, with conveniences. Ap- ply Box S, Advance -Times. TO RENT—House, at corner of Cath- erine and Victoria streets. Apply to Samuel Morden, Wingnham. SEVERAL attractive homes, modern conveniences, for sale very cheap. Apply T. Fells. NOTE OF THANKS Mr. D. B. Porter wishes to thank the friends and neighbours for their kindness 'during his recent bereave- ment and to -express his sincere ap- preciation of the beautiful floral trib- utes. CART.)` OF THANKS J. Wesley Walter desires to thank friends for their kindness and many acts of :thoughtful consideration dur- ing the illness, of his mother, and for the expressions of sympathy on the bereavement that name to his home. CARD OF THANKS . The family of the late"Mrs. Jane Mirehouse,wish to extend their thanks to all the friends and neighbours for- their ortheir kindness during the illness and bereavement of their mother, Mrs, Robert Ross. DIED GO'TBY--In Owen Sound, on June 11th, Mrs. Margaret Gotby, widow of the late William Gotby, aged 8o years. interment tookCC la in Wingham W n he p g cemetery on Monday. y PORTER—Tnrn !tai , W n on June g gth, Alice M. Fitzpatrick, beloved wife of Mr. D. B. Porter, in her Y 6th year. 4 WALTER -1a Wingham,' on June 9th, Annie Marie Vanstor'ie; widow of Ri•char, Walter and the late John El- der, year, i het Both , an summer green apples, an the women wore long hair ah thrailin shkirt's an, yi cuddint telt the knock kneed fruin the bow legged wans. Min wore long leather boots an shape shkin overcoats, an hor 'eshpun shirts shplit, down at the soides, inshtid av fore an aft as at prisint. Most av .the oulder min let theer whishkers grow all over theer faces, an the young fellahs the shporty wans, used lashins av hair oil on theer heads. Thim wus the days av barrun raisins an apple parin bees, an choppin, an loggin, an diggin out shtones, an burnin shtumps, an gittin the farrums in orcther fer the nixt ginerashun, •an riow the grandchilder av the min an wimmin who made this counthry what it is, wud rather go to the towns an cities to wurruk in garages an awfices, than shtay on the good ould farrums. Mebby 'tis betther so, but it isn't aisy fer an ould man to see it that way. Av coarse I shuddent loike to go back 'to the ould tonnes whin a far - FOR gALE—Fresh ar- rumer who owned a lumber wagon wid a shpring sate wus considered a notch above his naybers, an the fel- lahs who wus the first to "i;nvis,t in two sated dimmycrats wus tought to be goin to the the bad intoirely an wud soon lose . theer farrums. I re-. mianber whin the fursht piano carie into the sittlenlint, an how the man who bought it fer his girruls had it, delivered afther.dark so the naybers wuddent know about it, an how the saycret laked out troo the childer at •school, an what whisperin theer wus among the wimmin askin aitch other if they had seen it yit, anyhow they tought that thim girruls wud be more at home an bether employed at the shpinin whale arr the wash tub. Mosht av the ould toimers are laid' away an theer graves are overgrown wid wades in niglickted cim.eteries all troo the counthry, whoile the prisint ginerashun is rushin arround in closed cars over paved roads lookin fer ex- coitmint, arr mebby lishtinin to the report av the latest baseball match over the radio. 'Theer ar only a few. av us ould oidentities left, an iviry win,ther thins out' ouh ranks, but as me frin'd, Sandy Banks siz, "I't's nae use bein auld'an actin auld bald], Tim." Wan day lately 1 wus out to the farrum to see how the bye wus gittin along, an ire dawter-in-law gave me a poem to rade, an mebby ye would print it, if it isnt' too long.. Here it is: • The Ould Pioneer In summer I poke roup outdoors,. An kinder help to do the chores, ' I try to be some little good, An chop an split the kindlin' wood; ' I jedge a man should still be brave I Long as he keeps outside the grave, An do his work however small, An poke about till he sinks down An darkness conies an'covers all: An so I poke ail putter roun This trernbin' hate', these shakin' bones, Once cleared these ficl's er trees an stones; This han' it pressed a young bride's han' An' led -her , through this unknown Ian'. The wolf ani' bear prowled roun' the door, But we wuz Happy, young an' poor; But that dear han' in simple trust No more in mine shall settle down; Longears that han'hasmixed with y xd, dust But stil Ipoke an'pttte r rout'.an The woods is cleared, the swamps i sweet Wi,tl'r-wavin' fielts of grass an wheat The lonesom'rFi.e woods has all made r oorn But p'raps they'll miss nie when no' more The ol' man pokes an' putters roun'. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. SOUTH BRUCE MEMBER TO VACATE SEAT M. A. McCallum Offers to Resign; Will. Not Oppose Election Action Walkerton, June lo—Following an examination for discovery at the court house, 'Walkerton, in connection with the :South, Bruce election protest, which is to be' heard, before the su- preme; court judges at Walkerton on June 23, A. W. Roebuck, solicitor for M. A. McCallum, M.L.A., has writ- ten David Robertson, K.C., counsel for the petitioners in the case, offer- ing to consent to a judgment unseat- ing him. McCallum would pay all costs is the action to date, and vacate the seat as Progressive member for South Bruce, in the Ontario Legisla- ture. The petitioners, who were sup- porters of W. D. Cargill, Conservative candidate in the last election, have instructed their,'solicitor to take the matter up with the three judges as- signed for the trial. It is expected that judgment will be given rendering the South Bruce seat vacant in the Ontario House. , It is understood that this course will not disqualify Mr. McCallum from again entering the field in the event of a by-election in South Bruce. BORN JOHNSTON-In East Wawanosh, on Tuesday, June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gersham Johnston, •a daughter. IRWIN-In East Wawanosh,: on Friday, June loth, to Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. Irwin, a daughter, Gwendolyn Adele, THE ANNUAL CONVENTION of the HURON COUNTY SOCIAL 'SERVICE COUNCIL, . will be held in SEAFORTH UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, June 22nd Sessions begin at 2 p.m. and 7.45 P.m (Banquet at 6 p.m.) THEPUBLICIS INVITED E. BENDER, Blyth, President. Confederation Park Opening AT ET EL Tuesday. June 21st SOFTBALL AT. 1 O'CLOCK Eight teams competing Miss Agnes Macphail M.P. Mr. Donald Sutherland; M.P. for South ,Oxford Hon. J. C. Elliott, M.l?,, Minister of Public Works will address the gathering. Admission: Adults 230, Children Fre e. The KennYtCon ert Co ,Lon on, will l provide programme for Concert, 8.15. Dancing at Park at '9,3o pan. PINE PINE T•'rol>erty Pot Sale—About a acres adjoining Wingham, on which is a frame house and good barn 21 x53 bricked and cemented. Also a fresh cow. Apply to J D, I12e- 1.ea11, Wingharn. p aying arount e e ectric stove she managed to move ',the slide door, where the current enters the stove, and her hands coring in contact with the wires, received a severe shock and a few burns. Fortunately Mrs. Smith was right at hand. and released the child's hold at once; but the incident was a trying one on the nerves of all. The little girl soon rallied and 'seems. little the worse. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of LAV- INIA JANE STINSON, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Hruon, Widow, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims against the late Lavinia Jane Stinson, who died on or about the 18th day of February, 1927, at the said Village of Gorrie, are required to send . by post prepaid or to deliver . to Campbell Grant, the Solicitor for Oscar Spence and Campbell Grant, the Executors and Trustees of the said Lavinia Jane Stinson, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac counts% and the nature of the securi- ties, ifany, held by them. • ' AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 22nd day of July, 1927, the said Executors and `Trustees will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Deceased among the persons entitled, thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall' then have notice and that the said 'Executors and Trustees will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. DATED at Walkerton this t3th day of June, A.D. 1927. CAMPBELL GRANT, Walkerton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executors and Trustees. District Organizer Wanted For Wingham. One experienced in life insurance work preferred,. Must be highest type of citizen, thoroughly honest and en- joying the confidence of the public. Splendid opportunity and contract for the right man. Flo investmenti. • Re- plies ,.treated confidentially. Apply R. A. PARRISH. Branch Manager, North American Life Assurance Co., zos Dominion Savings Bldg., London. RY LOW PRICE, NAMELY $2.95 pair IN OUR SOUTH WINDOW we are showing a number of shoes' pertaining to this lot and we have more inside. •1 1 1 1 H. WILLIS 1 1. 1 • r i !' THE SHOE STORE Phone 129, WINGHAM i_ ■ iWilllill ail l LI I III I !Rich!! liiilrli liil IlII ail Ililllil Ilii Ilii! ISIIIilllinli111i1I lilt lilllililif • tilllaill iulaillaillaill titi IeIIlliailnillailliiilaillnisiaill alaillaillailllollilliaille 1 i During Slimmer Months, all stock and grain ex- - changes operate on Daylight Savings Time. Dailysessions open: 9 a.m.. and close at 2 p.ni �■ Eastern Standard time. Saturdays open 9 a.m, and close at 11 a.m. •— 1 s NOTICE. L!J Huron Investments Inv Limited STOCKS, . BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON Private Wire Connections to all Exchanges. WI 1 1 Bank of Commerce Bldg., - Phone 95 Wingham, Ont. it W • hilt iiinnelnilisimisiii etiiliion■lntniul�illu!illlYlu111nenti iul� none \ ROSE'S DEL ■ ■ �MO ■ ■ �� ill. �f ■ ■ ■ ■ S. C. WHITE PEMBER'S 'Announcing their Representataive MR. WT7R.M --At=— BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd. ' No other firm in Canada has a finer ,equipment, a more varied assortment of Hair Goods, including the Doren - wend Patent, for ladies and gentlemen ora mote efficientstaff than the Pern- bet Stores. Let the Penabet Stores tores look after your welfare in the matter of hair goods. Call and see ottr representative, he will have a fine array of first quality goods to show you. Our prices ate reasonable. The W.T. Petnber Stores Limited, t20 Yonge Street, Toronto • LEGHORNS . ■ ■ JO For the 'entries in the Canadian Laying Contest at Ottawa, IN our pen is in first place for entries from Ontario in the light breeds. In the Ontario Contest, our pen is again in first place for the light breeds. In the Nova Scotia Contest, our pen is in second place, as well as having second and third high hen. Baby Chicks, guaranteed safe delivery, $re.00 per hundred. WALTER .ROSE, larmammasammernaminum BRUSSELS, ONT. ■ ■ ■ ■ a Baal ®epic! tallal ' •4.\•• • •%N\!.CO\!,WIP a• .V•.� • ' •J0.• MAMA.,6•dVJJMPAM/ .\•/A\•/JA!.JIF.!. MVPMJ0.!/V./1.AMA•/ COAL. COAL. COAL. .P Hm1ca .u.m8asur..uieown..11.41 som1.osro.w.d r6000®nre•M.:n.suwo Prices for The Month of June. We are prepared to fill orders for the Best D. L. & W. Scranton Coal at the following prices . Nut and Egg, per torr Stove, per tori .. „ 16.00 Pea,er toil ....:. , . , ... 12.50 p Best Nut Coke, per ton .. , .: 12.50 4.10.4 iba416:04 W ww,wo4ili awlrra0 0iLMNa 6m.iwsYoala ...... MeLEAN LUMBER &'OY. C AL COMPANY., .PHO 4T 64W .aajaja\ianlajaaaa, aoa riailara, aaaaVaialaV acalaa aaYaana mitaaaaa a 4,...14 rias ifiaacalioc to La61:4, L ti.