HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-09, Page 3Tf
'roxeter News
Mr and Mrs, Thos. .Nash and Mrs.
Robt.•Patterson werein Toronto last
week attending the Graduation Exer-
cises of the Western a'nthGrace Hos
pitalswhich took place at Convoc-
ation Hall on Friday evening. Miss
Alma Nash was one of thea+forty £our
Preparatory Service will be obser-
ved : iii • McIntosh Church on Friday
The' ladies of the Presbyterian
Church had a quilting Bee in the Hall.
on Thursday afternoon.
A , Choir of many voices rendered
a beautiful : Anthem in the United
Church on Sabbath afternoon, which
was much enjoyed: t
Miss Haliday of Riversdale, who
has been visiting her cousins, Marjory
and Jean Herd, returned •. home on
Miss Katherine Foster of New -
Bridge; is assisting' at the General
o r
Mr. Taylor, of �12field visited at o e
the Manse last week.
Mr. David Breen of Grand Rapids
has been renewing' acquaintances in
Wingham and vicinity.
An up-to-date convenience was
added to the Foresters' Hall last week
by the Presbyterians.
Rev, McKenzie preached in Mildmay
on Sunday evening,
Thursday, June 9th, x927,
Jr`- yam ..'' �yi
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present with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh
McLeod:' We hope for a speedy re-
Mr. H. L. Weir of Kitchener and
Mrs. Weir and family spent the holi-
day with the former's parents, .Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Weir of Salem,
Mr,' and Mrs. Thos Pritchard and
family spent Friday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs: Fred Mahood. •
Mr. G. M. Chalmers has disposed of,
his property South of the Village to
Mr: John Cole,
A serious accident befell Mr. F.
Garrison, a painter on the New Steel
Tank at C.P.R: Station. The plat-
form on which he was standing gave
w, and falling to the ground a -'dis-
tance .of twenty feet, his ankle and
nose were broken,' and his back sev-
erely injured, Mr. Garrison is a mein
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Finlay of ber of a of- workmen •from
Kingsville visited among friends here Bridgeburg, who have the contract
last week. e
Mr.- Cf' , t ff rd i t present of erecting. the Steel Tank.
eve Stafford d s a pre en a
A'number of our) citizens attended
Toronto visitor:
the funeral of Dr, J. E. Blackall who
Mr: and Mrs. 'Sanford Zimmerman, died in London "on Tuesday, in .his
also Miss Bit Earngy paid a fixing trip '6
Mr. Crawford Graham -and Miss
Kate Graham of Palmerston were -Sun-
day visitors at Hugh McLeods.
We are sorry to report of the ill-
ness of Mrs. Dave Zeigler, who is at
to Mr. James Worrel's on Tuesday i
vada of d Confederation
d A,M., of which
9th' year. The funeral was held on
Tligesday afternoon to Clinton
last. under - '-- - ._. c Clinton. Honourable speaker
�1 1Y111'LL- ,Fi a
i would lisfied ith the result of their trip in C•
Lodge No 84 A n �nrra atr+r nn•
MODEP.N, ,1' `1NI NSE -11 TTS' !QD
est theminthe organizing of a who, as soon as 1857, published a ser- der the chairmanship of the Mayor,
branch of the Ontario Wheat Pool ies of articles in which he recognised •Mr: Jean-Louis Beaeudry. This ban-
here, ' repert that they are ' meeting a project of Federation which became quet had an 'enormous success, and
Mr. and Mrs. William Sandersoi.
with the ver best of success and to the fundamental basis of the \Federal the speakers expressed to their hosts came up from Toronto on Thursday
Act, The merits of this roan, whose their .feeling of Sympathy and her- and spent the week --end with the• for -
modesty equalled his knowledge, have mony with eloquence and sentiment. mer's father, Mr, William S nderson
not been sufficiently recognized. The'Those 1i%ho spoke •on the occasion a
Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Ivl;artin and tam-.'
deliberations lasted sixteendays; the were: Fenwick Williams, Colonel i
delegates were in perfect accord as to Dyde,. Sir Richard .McDonnell, Lien
ly went to London on Saturday.
they details of their ro'ect, tenant -Gov ri or of:Nova Sc tia Hon. I12rs. C. F. McClean has returned
p 7 i e o. fr m
M. Archibald' Hon. ohn H2cniilton, ° Chicago, having spent the win -
At the same 'time, receptions sue T er
Gray,.. Hon: John Ambrose Shea:Hon.,t with tier brother, Dr.. b2. B
seeded •one another. On the 11th r Smnale of that cit
October, His Excellency `the Gover- Mr. Gray from Prince Edward. Iseend,'.. y
nor General held. a Levee in their ho -Hon, Edward Whelan; Hon. T, Hesith I' Mr, and, Mrs.' J, R. Wendt and Nor-
• ' man Hall Mr and Mrs, - . W, H r
' th h n ian:Haviland,- Th" Hon. 11Tessrs. CartiCt, J en y
tine Council, on e 14th t e Ca ad
Ministers attended a ball, one of the McGee and, Galt and family, 112r, and Mrs, Dave Burke
date over 75 per cent, of the fanners
have signed contracts to market their
wheat, oats and barley through the
pool, which is now assured in this
section. The acreage owneid by far=
mers who have linked up with the
movement here is close on to 90 per
On the loth of October,: '1864, Que-
bec was'.the scene of th,e Conference
from which •evolved a new Constitu-
tion and during which was laid the
anost� brilliant which ever witnessed'f When they left Montreal, they visit- •nd Bruce, Miss Mary Pope and
f K H '1 S
Quebec, and the following day; 'they ed OA tawa, iiigston, ami ton, t: arry Walker were in Chesley'taking
vvere tendered a banquetby the Board Catharines, where thew were enthusi- part in the sports on the King's Birth -
of.. Trade; on the 19th; second ball in •astically reecived. day,
on ur f the dela ates iven b On the 5th November, the dele While; burning' leaves on the lawn;
Ceme_ h o o g g ,Y
,. ___-_ - of mat.=sfwere-:back in Montreal, very sat -I-. r ,.,.,_i....: v..,, .._ Friday evening.
tiv-,11c, the Legislative. Council; on the .loth, , y' - ,The fire. spread to the Lodge burning
from the Atlantic to official reception of Laval University, lUpper Canada. A short meeting was same fifteen feet o o but
may visited at Mr. John Finlay's on •
Lodge he was'Past Master. Service the Pacific and cover more than half held at St. Lawrence Hall in the course . r more the
Friday' last' I congratulatory address by the Rector neighbors„ soon had fire
was conducted in St. Pauls Anglican C t t • Th C d C b t of h h h Minutes d Resolutions
a on span a ani di
M 112 ` W Galloway of Gor
This is the season for Light
Underwear, Straw: Hats, You
will find what you want'here.
Pants and Overalls
Men's and Boys' Work Shirts,
Siople lines in Men's Work
Boots.. Black and, Tan Oxfords.
We have all sizes in Canvas
•Shoes. They are selling at very
low prices. -
We have another'shipnzeint of
Oven Ware. The kind- that will
stand the: Bleat You can Crust
and Cake in. the same bowl.
Saves waste and washing dishes.
You get a; 5 -piece.` Set for 81.25
4 -piece Set for 98c, 3 -piece Set
for 75c, Only'a few left.
The Preserving Season has
started,' Fine . Apples are now
in. Leave your order.
We have Special Prices for:
Saturday Shoppers in *certain'
lines. With the extra price you
get for your "produce and the
saving on the goods, it pays to
Shop here.
a ine which the ' aniout be -
Me and Mrs'. - , o the' Maritime Provinces delegates I g the
Church at the graveside by the Rec- was represented, by all its members adopted at Quebec were studied "care- fore further damage was dine,
rie spent Sunday at' the home of iYir. and �rep]y on their behalf by Honour- I j Thomas Hoperoft and family and
tor, Rev. L. C. Harrison and Rev: and the other Provinces had sent. the 21st; third fully, after which copy on,parchinent .
Robt.. Hays, i able Mr. Tupper; on the
W: B Hawkins of Blyth, Past -Mas- following 'delegates. Nova Scotia, the Legislative Palade .b the was signed by all the present dela- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Caters acid family
r Wedding Bells have rung at ley rHenryMcCu11 Ar- ball at g , Y t Saturday S d
tars of Clinton Lodge acted as pall Messrs. Tupper, He y�,
Corners, h'b Id D k' Brunswick Bac
Miss Doris Baker was home from
�" Quebec," d thegates. On the same evening, the re
spent' andSunday in Tor-
bearers, namely Wor. Bros. Oliver c hi a , andis `ie New
for the week -end. Andrew Porter, D. J. W. Shaw, -and
Stratford t i l
Grand Organizer
of Que ee an on
27th, they left for Montreal on a spec- presentatives of the Maritime, Pro- onto.
Steve, Gray, Chandler and Johnston i b vinces left' for their homes, after hate Provincial
sal train placed eai their disposal , y
1A. J. Holl+oway
mg shared in the Great Work which and - County Master A. G. Smith a
the ,Grand Trurnk.
His wife pre -deceased Prince :Edward Island, Messrs, Col
Havzland Palmer, ' Gray McDonald
ars. One daughter,
Mrs. constituted a 'political revolution, the L,O,L., paid an official visit to
him a few ye Whalen and .Hope; Newfoundland I The.Delegates arrived at Montreal
Mull arrrived at a good result. the local Lodge, *511, on Mon
l Halm, an w I Sh d. C t on Friday October 18th, and after a
d day night, and addressed the mem-
Miss Bernice Lockridge spent' Sun- we andThis Conference was presided over short session "y visited
b Etienne -Paschal C t' Most the same evening a ball was held, in'LIS
1 d t o sons,Guy of Bath- " peas" y` g ' No. -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Astype andN essrs. ea, an ar, er. ' , '
Il Gien of London survive d d h t they the city,
EL' NIGHT WATCHMAN bars ,present. The.Organizer will be
day with friends in Listowel. y Sir
ar rer, I FIRES• ON BURGLAR, in the County for some time and will
Mr. and Mrs., Will' Robertson and
family, of B,elgrave spent Sunday at The coneassers - appointed for
Mrs T. Abraham's, Saugeen' and 'Bruce Township to call'
Mr. Will - Casenore ' of Wroxeter on - farmer's and endeavour to inter -
visited at Mr. John C. Casemore last
Mrs James Aitchison of Port Col-
borne spent' a few. days with her
daughter; Mrs• Wil Abraham, last'
Mrs. Will Adair and son, Joe, of
Kincardine visited at Mr. Robert Gol-
ley's last week,
Mr, and: Mrs. Will Lockridge and
family of Galt visited•at 'Mr, A. Van
Alstyne's last 'week,.
Village Clerk,
Issuer' of Marriage Licences
The law now requires the license be.
aken out three days before the cere-
• Subscription taken for the
Advance -times. -
Clubbing ries giveti E
ilI IGII I IIOI Il®lllil11tA1111r111�1(III�IiI�1111:I111tunustr H�'ImIAl814 {1�1! Igll f Ifl�l i lI�I111�111ig1I1gll�l11
i. mmmiaanrsmay
ill •' Egg anil .ream Producers..
Bring us yoti>? Eggs and Cream.
Highest market prices paid.
A. complete line of Soft Drinks always on hand
at our Vvingham Branch.
We can deliver Ice Cream or Pop
to you on shortest notice.
Win h�.rn Ont.
PHONE ic66.
0 ill
of hisinspiration. came from the. ne- their honour at St. Lawrence Hall, at -
markable and prophetic essay of: his tended by more than a thousandpeo-
eminent nephew, Dr. J. C, Tache, for; ple; next day, they were invited at a
miser Deputy Minister of Agriculture, splendid banquet in the same hall, 'un-
' •�l�•k J 14 N A C��
r .t K. at'�'o'.�'..:aS....d"Y.• a..r.LtC•bP
p e - fitted for service on the
11 Canada -West Indies service, the
S.S. Canadian Skirmisher of the
Canadian Government Merchant.
Marine fleet, made her first sailing
under the new schedule from Hali-
fax on May 20. She is being fol-
lowed by the S.S. 'Canadian Path=
finder, which like the Skirmisher has
undergone extensive. improvements,
converting her from a cargo steamer.
to a:three-class passenger steamship
for the West Indies service.
These vessels now have accommo-
dation for 50 first-class passengers.
First-class accommodation is taste-
fully fitted up, the publie rooms be-
ing luxuriously arranged. The vest•
sels have X16 two. -berth and 6 three -
berth cabins in this seetion. Accom-
modation is provided for 82 second -
elms passengers, whose quarters are
tastefully laid out.
Canadian Skirntis"her', with her
sister Ships will provide a Monthly
:..•ci,,,.a_L�,Itlo_ttyNSgimuiiLL_{x,_rM,u11, 1��
give several addresses. Every mem-
The vault of J. C. Bak'er's Coal 'ler of the Protestant Religion, should '
Office,Mill street, Listowel, was en- ,if possible, hear Bro. Gosse explain
e-•suin :the
situation as itis to -day concerning on Tuesday night, and th
of $6 in silver, all the money the vault the Protestant Religion.
contained at the time, taken. 1 The Boys' Soft Ball Team defeated
Night watchman Rocher, was on Salem on Tuesday at Salem i6-6; and
his rounds about 1z.45 pm., evhen, on also won from Wingham boys 11-7 on
passing the office, he noticed: through Friday.
ihe'window thatthe vault door was E •The Wingham girls failed to put
partly open, and'saw the peak of a in an appearance.
man's cap protruding from behind the I Mr, and Mrs, J. Inglis Sanderson
door, and little daughter Joan, of Guelph,
He called to, the intruder to come
Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Stratford, called'
out, but the thief instead jammed, a 1 on 1VIr, Hazlewood and family on
bicycle: pump through a window just 15unMrs
outside the vault in an attempt to j The Girls' Garment -making Club;
escape, day.•i
I Rocher called to him to halt, and which has been in progress during the
when he refused to do so, •fired his Iwinter under the leadership of Miss
gun at him. The. man rant through K. Haziewood, has su:ccesshttlly caro -
the yards ,arid out across the creek, I.pleted the Course of SewingMiss:
when the constable fell into a hole and Phillips, Examiner from the Dept,.
was left behind, by the burglar, who, ho, 'of Agriculture; Toronto, pronounced
was seen going towards the C.P.R. � the wort: of a high order and awai did
tracks, • :Diplomas to all the girls. A large
Rocher then secured the assistance lntiznlier attended the Exhibit held la
of Constable Wilson and the two set '.Wednesday afternoon and eepressi
out on' the trail, which they were able lthcir pleasure and surprise at the 'ye
tir follow as far as 'the round house liety incl quality of the work shown.
tr the traces of blood across th 1 Another heavy frost on Sunday
Here they lost the trail, It is sup- , alight, 'i°1uc11 is hard on the straw-
Posed. that the man, was wounded , berry vines and gardens
either by the glass of the. window I A number were, out of town: on 1 ri-
through which he. tried to escape, or'day atcnding the sports at Lohcaley.
by tlic 1iu11•ct of the night cratcliiu in's ; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dickson and
gtui, son returned to Toronto on Satur
VERY BAD MANNERS ,day after visiting friends here: for the
past week. '
S. G. Hemphill made a business tri;pi
An American' tourist made some
road inquiries from Listowel Chief of t'' Gorlerich on ;'Criday afternoon.
:1'lr. Geo Bennett left: for the West
Police, who complied with the request, I last Wednesday—expects to 'bc away
and suggested that • a Canadian flag
would look pretty good along side the for the stunner.
'American flag in front of the car; I Miss Mary Harris returned fron.
"Sure thing,'' replied the smiling 'Walton last week where she bad boon
coratedain a pproperd soon car de- But on l etr, Rede1Mrs, Alert. Sanderson of
service between Canadian and West of his fair coilnpauians :showed ,t bit of Harrison spent the week -end with the
Indies portsi
steel screw steamer, with a:sp�eed of declaring she world not ride behind a
12 knots and 'vas built in 1921 at British fig, The smiling young- man
under the new trade, temiscr, tore the Canadian flab away, Tatter's mother, Mrs Sandy McDougal,
Sh n pit-1�ul�iing
by the Wallace Slop- just showed his authority, made' her
b ld ng and Dry Dock Co.'
u1 igo and sit down in the car, and re-
Photographs• show -' tofu; left, Y.
is 1 Two -Berth Cabin, lace dthc flag.. But some girls like
re -
Lounge; right, • a
centre, the Canadian Skirmisher es to be treated rough, and made to un -
re -conditioned;
Id° as they are told,
dY ' ed left, Dining
ldcrstand that sometimes, they are to
,Saloons right, Musto Eoorn
Comm and enjoy yourselves at our
Garden Party, .June 16th., 'Bader the
auspices' of the Catholic Womnee's,
Lague, 1,'Vinglia,in, on the Church
Lawn• rupp,a served from 5 tr' 0
o'clock. Arthitr'S Orchestra in att
apse. Everybody welcome,