HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-09, Page 17;17741! With which is amalgamated The Gorrie Videlte and The Wrineter:News Single Copies, Five Cents. WINGHAIVI, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1927 SOCIAL SERVICE COUNCIL coNvNTIoN At a' recent meeting of the Exectt- tive Committee of the Huron County Social Service Council, it was decid- ed to hold the annual convention in • Seaforth, on Wednesday, June 22nd, when a strong program will be pro- vided. In a very emphatic way the Execu- tive expressed their disapproval of the action of the Ontario Government in •replacing Mr. W.eT, Pelow as en- forcement officer in Huron County. During his term of office Mr, Fellow has had the entire approval and en- edor.tion of the organization through- out the County, which believes that •it has been largely 'clue to his efficien- cy and untiring efforts, that the Tem- erance laws have been so well en- forced. The published reports of the Government also show Mr. Pelloev to have been one of their most efficient ,officers, and a protest has been sent to the Attorney -General concerning this change in Huron County. The Liquor Control Board of Oe- ta.rio hae been advised by the Ex.ecte- • tive ,that Huron County expects that •-they will be recognized by the Board as "dry" territory, and that no at- tempt will be made to establish liquor •-stores in this County, contrary to the expressed will of the people as shown by large majorities on several occa- esions. WINGHAM'S BIG EVENT Wait for The Grand Patroitic Garden .Party and Entertainment to be held •on the Evening of Tuesday, June 28th, in the Town. Park. This will be the Event of the Sea- -son, and will be given in aid of the Wingham Arena. There will be sev- eral pleasing events.Drills by •the school children, Auction Sale of sev- eral lines. Music will be furnished by a first-class Brass Band, and best of all, the 'Members of the Institute will handle the Refreshments. Fur- ther notice will be given by Bill Post- ers. This is in memory of Confedera- tion, for which we all owe Patriot - Come and join in the National :Songs. EARL—TAYLOR A quiet wedding took place at the Parsonage on June 4th, when Miss Edna S. E. TaYlor, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 'Taylor, Gorrie, became the bride of D. Ross Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl, Gorrie. The ceremony was perfomed by the Rev. F, W, Craik, pastor of the United Church, Gorrie. The bride wore a pretty dre of two-tone rose French crepe, trimmed with rhinestone buckle Mr. and Mrs. Earl left by motor for Coldwater and Sudbury, the bride travelling in a black satin coat, with 'rose and blonde,poke hat, blonde hose, gloves shoes and, purse to match. The groom's gift to the bride was a lovely cabinet of; silver. Stinday, juese xath WINGHAM UNITED CHURCH Rev. M. M. Bennett, B. A. Minister H. Christie, Choir Leader Parsonage Cor„ John and min nie Streets. Phone 583. Rev E C Cragg B.A, E,D, of Sarnia Will conduct services at et .in, and 7 pan. This is flower day for the Sabbath School, when 'the scholars and teachers are aSleed to meet, ht the School Room. a short time before'the preaehing service begins Each scholar is asked to bring a bouquet, which will be arranged on a rack round the altar rails. ,Mr. Cragg's popularity as a preacher and a gentleman, and thio unique service is ample assurance of a large attendance. by hit' old friends. eeettereeeseeeeeeeeeeeeemteeeeeeetieeeeeeeteeee CHURCH OPENING Alr BLIJEVALE Knox, Presbyterian Church, Blue - vale, will hold its opening and de- dicatory, service on Sunday next, 121h inst., when Rev, Dr. James Wilson of Brampton, a former boy of the vicin- ity, will preach at xx a.m. and 7 p.rn, In the afternoon at Two o'clock, Pro- fessbr Barron of London, will give an •Organ Recital, On the following Tuesday evening the Eveready Quar- tette of Stratford, assisted by a read- er and orchestra are to provide a good, programme for a Garden Party on the Church. Grounds, Admission -50c and 35c In case, of inclement weather the programme and supper will be given inside. A.F. and A.M. Officers Winghatn Lodge, No. 286, A.R. and A.M. held their annual election of of- ficers on Teesda.y evening with the follosving result: IlkP.M.—W A. Galbraith, ‘” W.M.—J, J. McGee Brackenbury 7. W.—Dr. G. H. Ross Chaplain—H. E McGee Treasurer—J, W, McKibbon. Secretary—T. McK, Smith S.D.—Alex, Reid J Phair LG.—G. L. Baker TYler—W, J. Elliott. Auditors—A. G. Smithand Dr. G H. Ross. The year closed has been a inost successful one under the guidance of W. Master, W. A. Galbraith. McARTER—ANDERSON The home of Rev. James Scobie of Belgrave was the scene of a quiet wedding- on Wednesday morning, Mae( 25th, when Nellie younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, 5th line Morris, was united in marriage to Ivan MeArter, son of Mr .and Mrs. John McArter, also of Morris. The young couple were accompanied. by -Miss Babe Wheatley and Earle An- derson. After the ceremony the happy couple left on a motor trip to points east including Niagara Palle, Paris and Toronto. [WOMAN'S INSTITUTE DISTRICT! MEETING EIRTCH--LDAVIS • A quiet wedding took place last Thursday in the Church of the Mes- siah, Toronto, when the rector, Rev. W. R. Ramsay. Armitage, united in marriage Frances Maude daughter of the late Mr. and,Mrs. Henry Davis of Wingham, and William Ralph Birtch of St. Thomas. The bride, who was unattended, was becomingly gowned in pearl grey georgette with black lace hat and carried her mother's iv- ory prayer book. After the wedding the reception was held at 524 Mac- pherson Avenue, the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Peake, the latter a sister of the bride. The rooms were beauti- fully decorated with white lilac and pink snapdragon, Miss Irene Davis was in charge of the tea-room, assist- ed by Miss Edith Peake, Miss Irene L. Davis, Miss Margaret )3enton and 'Miss Beatrice Wickson. Mrs. Ross Wickson poured- tea. Mr. and Mrs: Birteh left for a, short trip after which they 17611 reside in St Thomas. CO NN--A.RIVrS'IMO NG A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, Juiee sst, at 55 a.m., at thej home of Mrs. Murray in White- church, in the presence of immediate relatives, when her niece, Annie Emily Armstrong, was united in the holy bonds matrimony to Johnston Conn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn of Xinloss. Rev. Mr, Reillock officiat- ing. Immediately after the wedding dinner the happy couple left on a mo- tor trip to Hamilton and Niagara, Their many friends in this community wish, them a long and happy' and prosperous wedded UM. Mr, and Mrs Will Conn and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn are in Tor- onto this week, attending the Gradu- ation Exercises of their daughter, Mist Maude Conn of Western Hospital, Mr „Tim Stein of Swift Current, Seek, arrived home 1VIonday. Mr, Gibson Gillespie and children, Mrs. jonit IVIeGee end Mrs. 3. D. Beeeroft and tritest and *Florence, went to Detroit on Tuesday via 'steam- er royitotnui. WINGHi.M WINS INTER- SCHOOL MEET The District AniC9.1 Meeting of the N. Taylor and W. Brawley win Junior Championships • The annual reschool meet in which wer •eeeed.cont stants from Arthur Man, Listow 1 Mt, For - to reports of the 'different branches; est, i4ham, Clifford, ahnerston discussion on the same, followed by and ayton, was held in rayton On the election of officers. Afternoon Ju e 3rd.' The vveathereeivas perfect session will be open at Lace A pro- fo such a day of speeee and Drayton swat which were flying their school colours, The meet was held at the Agricultural Grounds, which were in very good condition for such events. This is the first time West Huron Woman's Institute will be held in the Wesley .Willis United, Church, ,Clinton, Thureday, June edth, x927, cominencieg at to a.m. • The morning session will be given gramme consisting of an address by Dr. Annie Ross of the 0.A.C., Guelph, also byMrs. 1-1enry of The Travellers AideLondon. Several of the branches will also contribute to the programme, All ladies,whether members of the In- since Wingham has entered this meet stitute or not are invited to attend that it has won,the Cup which is:: em - these meetinge, . ' I blernatic of superiority over the other Dinner will be served by the ladies ischools in all track and field, events. of theeClinton Branch. •INaeicy Taylor and Will Brawley won Mre. Gee. Cruickshank, President. lindividual 'honours by annexing thel Mrs. 3, J. E. Elliot, Dist -Secretary. Junior Girls' and Boys' Championship 'respectively . Nancy Taylor secured, nineteen points and Will Brawley car- ried off twenty-eight points. The Wingham Basketball beam also did it7 self justice by getting third in the pass ball, end by defeating all schools in ,basketball, including old, rivals Mount Forest. The Wingliam H.S. cheering sec- tion was on the go all the time and were cheering continually for the win- ners. Doubtless this is a great aid to the tiring athletes. Most of the cars from Wingham were decorated in the god Red and White which, are the school colours. The. cars after the meet came home in a line and met at 'Bluevale. Here the contestants and those who had been at Drayton were met by a number of cars driven by Ipeople from town who showed they were right. behind the W.H.S., and pulling for it all the time. The thifty odd cars lined up and drove into 'Rev. C. E. Cragg Winghatn, where many people who •Ea, Who takes the services in uniteialhad retired early were roused by the horns which were blown with a ven- Church, ,Wingham, on Sunday, June geance by .the'jubilant students. Final Results— e2th, and in the morning preaches the annual 'Flower Day' sermon to the Sabbath School and young people. Winghani ... . .. 521 • 65 . ..e. 45 • 32 • 25 Listowel —.. FORMER HURON RESIDENT Mount Forest Harriston ..... Calgary Herald, May eSth. Arthur__ ...... ...... 19 Drayton _ Andre* Cloakey, Calgary's oenten- Senior Boys' Championship-- C. arian, died suddenly on Tuesday after- Madill, Drayton. noon, follovving a brief attack of pneu- Junior Boys' Championship — B. monia. He was admitted to the Gen- Brawley, Winghaen. eras hospital at me° a.m., and the end Junior Girls' Championship --eN. me years, until very recently Mr Cloa- TaOYul7'oV‘ultsituagnhdaining high juniper, Wilt came shortly after noon Despite his key has been enjoying the best of Taylor brought more levels to the health, arid althciUgh he has been ill town on the following day. After at times during the past year, he has creating a new high jump record at always enjoyed remarkable recoveries. Drayton the following morning he left Always Active for London. 'Here he competed against It was Mr. Cloakey's habit to walk 'Athletes ficin all Eastern Canada. He from his residence to the heart of the won third place in high hurdles and and his little visits to his friendsinIW' deed a rare bit of weather that could, restrain him from his morning in., isecond in high jump. walk improved with great strides—may the 1,sents. .A.thleties i nthe last five years have H. S. continue to do so and bring city nearly every day and it was north of Ireland on Noeember 5, 1823, and, in consequence has their places of business. The late Mr. Cloakey was born in lived land onore honours to the town it repre- 440 yards -13. Brawley, R. Cop - F 11, wing are individual results— thethrough the reigns of five British sov- 1 Junior Pole Vault—J. Gurnee*. ereigns, He was born three years af- ter George IV. came to the throne Senior Pole Vault—A. Mitchell. and he was seven when William IV. commenced his reign. These were followed by the reigns of Queen Vic- toria, Edward VII and George V. Carne Out as Boy. The lateiVIr. Cloakey came to Can- 3rd ada with his parents at the age of 54, R. Broad, Jstmp, Sr.—'D Preston. during the scoronation year of Queen Running Plop, Step and jump, Sett- -Victoria • and went to the bush of ior—G. Allen. Huron county, where his father es- too yards, Junior—B Brawley. tablished a new home in the back- . 500 yards, Senior—A. leicRienzie, entettainment and interest to those R elay Race—Winghasse—A. Mitch- McKenzi e 3rd. . Porter. woods. The stories of life in/ those a early days as told by the brilliant old 220 yards, Ittnior—B. Braveley. gentlernan were always a source of 220 yards, Senior—A Mitchell,' A. with whore he came in contact. . ell, H. Mitchell ID. Armstrong, A. Later, Mr. Cloakey lived for 20 — . the evest 25 years ago. inion ranch inspector of this city. His tor, Nancy Taylor 3rd. and he ceme to eaeRenzie, Hurdle Junior—B, Brawley, 2nd-", years in Michigan , The late Mr. Cloakey was the father &Linseed, Hurdle, Senior—W. Taylor , W. of George H. Cloakey, formerly Dom- High Jump, lustier—Dorothy Proc- survivitig children are Mrs, C. Bigs- Nigh sump, Senior --Dorothy Troc- hee, of Michigan; W. j. Cloakey, Of tor, end, Spokane; Mrs, William Golly, Micht- R.B, jump, Junior --Nancy Taylor. gate and John, and Bruce Cloakey, of 78 yard Dash, SettiOre-IX Procter, N. 'Troche, There ar are mere than a Taylor, 3rd. score of grandchildren, 75 Yard Dash, Senior—Vesta Fox, ,erd. The late Mr, Cloakey was a resid- . — - - • — temdle junior--entaney Taylor, 3). ens of Morris Township some yeare .,-, entoetor. ago, and will be remembered by Many i.../tirdie, Senior—Nanty Taytor, Lil people here, Mr, Alex, Cheakey is a tan Hopper. i re.ss Ball girle, 3rd, nephew. High j•timp, Junior—B. Brawley, G. Allen 3rd, High Jump Senior—Will Taylor. Shot Put, Junior—B. Brawley, McDonald. R. Broad Jump, Junior—G. Allen, MAINLY PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. 3. Moffat and son Cedrial, and Mr. and Mrs, Ross Elliott spent the week-eed with rel- atives in Hamilton. 1\ft. and Mrs. J, J. Moffatt .are vis- iting relatives in Detroit, Miss Aggie Edgar, of Ayr. -Ontar- io, is visiting at the home of Mr: James Edgar, Victoria street. A fire on 'the roof of :a small' house iv. the McLean lumber yard gave the brigade a run yesterday afternoon, but a water -pail crowd put out the blaze. -Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Howson mot- ored to. Toronto on Monday to meet Miss Caroline Wellwood, a returned missionary from China, Twho had to leave on account of civil war disturb- ances, and who is a sister of Mrs. Howson. • Reeve McKibbon is attending County Council at Goderieh thiS week. Mrs. T. J. McLean is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Thomas Drummond, of Hensall. Mrs. Elizabeth Pocock has returned home after spending three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. F. G. For, of Toronto. IVIrs. W. E. Armstrong and two children, June and Billie; of Detroit, are visiting with her mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Pocock. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott McAlpine and their. brother, Gordon McAlpine, of Detroit, visited with their cousini, Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, and the Misses Bella and Lizzie Elliott, for a few days. An. Ascott suit of clothes with an extra pair of pants at $25.50 is an exceptionally good buy. A special xepresentative will be at Hannaa & Co. Ltd.'s clothing department on Tuesday, June 14th. Mr. and Mrs. James McKie, Mrs. Pierce and Miss Mulvey, of Strat- ford, were guests of. Mr. and Mrs, J. Button last SuRday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Marshall, of 13elleville, spent a few days of last week wth Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dyer. Ex -Mayor G. A. Wenige and fam- ily, of London, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Dyer. Miss Agnes Heintzman spent the week -end with. her parents in Wa- Subscriptions 111-00 per ye*r. NORTH HURON ..UNITED FARItitERS The annual 'meeting of the United Farmers of North Huron was held in the Council Cheraw', Wingliani, on Saturday afternoon Jene 4th. The attendance was very good . considering the weather, and fairly well represent- ed, the different parts of the riding. The following officers were elected fOr the coming year: • President—Mr. Rod, Young of Col- hoVrnice;:President—Mr. W. J. Render - Mrs., JAMES RUSSELL son of Morris, eron of Ashfield. 2nd Vice-President—Mr. T. A. Cam - Saturday morning, May 27th, of Mrs, Russell, widow of late James Russell- _ The death took place M Morris on Currie of E. Wawanosh. Secetary and Treasurer—Mr. R j. The funeral was held on Monday af- Wilfred Reid of E. Wawanosh. Auditors—Mr. Wm. Wightinan, Mr. by R.ev. J. Scobie. During the ser- ternoon, the service being conducted Township Representatives vice Mrs 3. Clegg sang a very ap_, Ashfield—Mrs. George Lane and Mr. propriate solo. Burial toek place in Donald McLean. • Sunshine cemetery. Wm. 1-I. Arm - W. Wawanosh—Mrs. Wm. Ruther- strong, James Anderson, John Clegg, ford and Mr. John Webster. • James Clark Bert Carter and John E. Wawanosh—Mrs. Oliver Ander- 1VIcArter acted as pallbearers. The son and Mr. Sam Morton. sympathy of the community is ex - Mr. A. Porter. • Morris—Mrs 'Charles Campbell and tended to the family in their.bereave- Grey—Mr. Wilbur Turnbull. memnre.s. R. Yule spent a day in Lan - and Mr. John Mitchell. • Turnberry—Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge don last week. Mr. T A. Gibson Howick—Mrs. Chas. Mcllwain and LATE JAMES FyFE, anCaolmborr.nTe—hohilriross. wJaii7oens. Chisholni The death of James Ferfe, fortnerly Mr. Wm. Pollock. • Blyth—Mrs Robt. Wightman and a well-known produce merchant, Brussels—Mrs George Sperling and hooccinterereodf ohnisSusioidna,y, James 2F2nydf,e,ae24slal Mr. James McFadzean. . ' At the close of the election of off i- Randolph street, Sandwich, after a lin- cers, the retiring President, Mr. Wil- gering illness from dia.bites, aged, 67 liana Rutherford was tendered a hear- years. The deceased has been living ty vote of thanks for his untiring ef- in Sandwich for the past three years. forts in furthering the interests of the birteNrviaasn aCrnhuerracbhe,rAoyflmtheer;Kila°xLiPbrereas-1 Pres - Organization. Mr. Sheldon Bricker, the candidate in politics, and, a member of the Can- forthe United Farmers, then followed adian Order of Foresters.. He leaves with a brief address. histthorrneeostiornns,hwisiidieivainth,Qibepsoidnetie4cii owayifitie, ORANGE DECORA.TION Ann Arbor; James, Sandwich oi' .,,, is ,sEleVicZ lxviscs, pr. ,, tdroghbtreort,h eMrsi,ssDjre.anJohPnylg, Fyfe,PontOiaack; Wirigham L.O.L. No 794, will hold Lake, Manitoba; Thomas Fyfe, Har - its Annual Decoration Service on Sun- riston; -Ewe) Slaters, Mrs. David Cor- day afternoon next, when the memory bett and, Miss Margaret Fyfe, Win - of departed brethren will be honoured nipeg. The funeral, which was held by decorating their graves with flow- Tuesday May 24th, at 3.30 pene.from ers. Brethren are to meet at Two Chappn's Funeral Home at Windsor, o'clock in the Lodge Room, procession was largely attended Those who at- tended from a distance were Thomas Fyfe, Harriston; Mrs. Peter Fowler, Miss Eliza.beth Davidson, Mr. George Fowler of Witigham, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. E. Wight and son, Harris; Mr. and Mrs Alex Wight, and Mrs. J, Stacey of Dutton, Ontario, Interment was made in Windsor Grave Cemetery, at Windsor. LATE JOHN RUTHERFORD EDMUND LEAR Edmund Lear, one of the pioneer residents of this section, passed away very suddenly ilt Blyth. He had been in apparently good health, and white his wife was getting tea ready he thought he would lie down. He died a fevv minutes later. Besides his wife he leaves a. grown-up family, Mr. Lear had resided in this section sixty-. eight years, being one of the prosper,• aus farmers of gullet Township, He moved to 13lyth some years ago. terloo. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Irwin spent headed by a band leaving for the ceme- tery at half -past Two o'clock. Bro. Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Ruddy Of Rev. B. G. Gosse of North Bay, Grand near Auburn, • Lodge Organizer, will give the xne- Mrs. Geo. Fitzpatrick has returned rnorial address at the cemetery. A to her home in East 'Wawanosh after most cordial invitation is extended spending a week with her sisters in every Orangeman to participate in Belgrave. this service, to which the public gen- ' Miss Margaret Irwin has returned erally will be welcome. to her home after spendng the last two weeks wth her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Ruddy, of Auburn. Mr. Geo. VanCamp has been very His many friends hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Miss Evelyn Angus,. of Detroit, was visiting at her home in town re- tently. Mr. Harry Bates was visting with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Angus, �f town. $25.50 on Tuesday, 14th of June, will get an Ascott suit of clothes and extra pair of pants at Hanna & Co. Ltd,'s store. See Mr, Renault. James and Venetia Lloyd, of Bel - more, spent a few days at the home of relatives in Stratford and Kitch- ener. Mrs. E. Zurbeigg and son Russell have been spending a few days at the former's parents', Ayton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lepage, also ars. Woods, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cloakey, Morris. The Ladies' Bowling Club will hold their opening meeting and game at the bowling green on Fri- day afternoon, Juno lOth, at 3 o'clock, When everybody who is in- terested in bowling is invited to at- tend. The fee for the season is e1.50. A cup of tea will be served at the dose. A number of school rePorts and other items a interest are held over till next week. As we go to press we learn with deep regret that 1Vtrs. ID, B, Porter hes passed away, after a severe illnese. for the past few weeks. (Continued, on Page 5) .Relay Race— and --Grace Mitchell, Natty Taylor, Vesta Fax 0.n4 D. Proctor, Daeket Ball—/rete jaskson, Gladys Robertson, forward; Vesta Fox and ;Louise Thomesort, defense; Grace Mite and 11:arfjorie Gibson, centre, Hawick Express, Scotland, • April epth, 1927, On Thursday last, at his fesidence, Dildawn, Moffat, there passed away by the death of Mr. John Rutherford a native of this district who was well- known and held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends.. His early years were spent in the valley of Borthwick Water, his father* the late Mr. Walker Rutherford„ 'having been for many years shepherd at Mabon- law and the deceased could relate many interesting, stories :of his school- boy days at Roberton. After working for a time in the grocery trade in Hawick, Mr. Rutherford. went to Can- ada at a time when those who settled there saw move of rough life than is the lot of those who emigrate now, Rev. B. G. Gosse Returning to his ' native land, he Organizer of the Grand orange eventually secured a responsible pose Lodge of Ontario West, , who is spend, . in the Nvell-known firm of Messrs. ing some time in Wingham and vic- inity in the interests of the Order. He will preach the annual Orange church service for the brethren of L.O.L. 794 in the United Clientele Winghani, on Sunday evening, June 26th. It is ,expected that many mem- bers of the Association from other hedges will be present. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Anniversary Services in connection with Chalmers' l'resbyteriatt Church of Whitechurch will be held on Sun. clay, June x9th. Services to be con- thztoad and the changes Ite had wit - Wyle & Lockeed, Glasgow, where 'his business abilities brought him to the front and he earned the respect and confidence not only of the beads of the firm but of all whont he had business dealings, When ,he retired a few years ago lac settled at Moffat. He was a frequent visitor to Haevick, and the scenes of his itifancy, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to meet with old friends and recall the incid- eets of the early ,years spent in the district. A ready and enlightened con- versationalist, it was a great delight to listen to his reminiscences of by- gone 'days, of the time he Anent ducted by bY Rev. 1Rettrad IvreBachren °f messed in the course of the paseing years. He was a genttiee friend to many, and not a few will tit:teem bit - Ho is survived by his widow and daughter, to whom the eyMestelly of all will go out. 111.(2 funeral took place at Moffat on IlroridaY. Bolton, former pastor, at ti tun. and 7.3o pen. -.-.. Garden Party in Church Grounds, June 228t, AdMISSIOn soc and 250. Tea from six. to ,eight o'clock.