HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-02, Page 6WELLINGTON MUTUAL ERE INSURANCE CO. !Established 1840. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur *me at reasonable rates. SANER COSENS, Agent, Wingham J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, ACCIDENT LI BR 7 AND HEALTH -- INSURANCE -�-^ AND REAL ESTATE P. O. Box 360. Phone 24o- *INGHAM, - ONTARIO J .W . 'f aJSHFIELD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Et . • 14ioi11 e n y to Loa Office—Meyer Block, Wisigham Successor to Dudley Holmes R. VANSTONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham, - Ontario J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario DR. G.11. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. H. W. COLBORNE,. M. D. Physician and Surgeoneon. Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54 Wingham: Successor to Dr. W. R. Hambly. Dr. Robe. C. Redm end M.R.S.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Load.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. 'Chisholm's old stand. DRQ R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and. Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block ,i"iosephine Street. Phone 29. Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones: Office 281, Residence z x DR. G. W. IIOWSON DENTIST Office Over 'John. Galbraith's Store F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment' Hours—g a. M. to 8 p. m. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. A. R. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Drugless Practitioners, Chiropractic and Electro T4erapy. Graduates of Canadian Ciiropractic College, Toronto and National College, Chicago. Office opposite Hamilton's jewelry Store, Main St. HOURS 2— 5; 7.8.3o p.m. and appointment. Out of tovyn and night calls respond- ed to. A11 business confidential.. Phones: Office—goo; Residence 6ox- J. ALVIN FOX DRUGLESS PRACTIONER CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICi ELECTRO -THERAPY Phone rot. ours xo-x2 a,tn., 2-5, 7-8 p, m. or by eppein'tmient. }%e .it4 . eIN1`91ES CIIIRQPRACTOI ELECTRICITY Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds,.; eeeialize in dealing with children. L1e, ettcndant. Night Calls responded to. Office on Scott St., Witigham, Ont. Telephone 150. MOM 1.",nnatwe MI 0111n.e.ul,tifi ll0111u11111 s Phones: Office 106, Resit'h 2a4 A. J. VITAL ER EURNTTICIRE bEALIIR 1.,-, and -- FUNERAL DIRECTOR f"otot! Equipment WINGHAM, ONTARIO 1 rima' illHYkN N M11ingi allium Pair'ai dP.pin.IfiN IlialitiUi • WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES r `BEAU GESTE" By Percival Christopher Wren THE GREATEST MYSTERY STORY EVER WRITTEN "Why?" asked Michael, tits truth for one moment as it mere- "Well," replied I, "you could favour ly confirmed in particular, 'what I had them with your full personal attention, thought and Buddy had voiced, in untroubled with grassers cares, if you g+eneral=that. $oldanx, s interest ;n our '+'Y had no property to protect. Also you. could establish, the fact that you don't wear a money -belt at night" "I'd sooner establish despondency and alarm in the thief, thanks,' said Michael. "What a lark!" chuckled Digby. "I'm' going to weara brickY r m sash under and swear it's a ruby. Anyone that can pinch it while I slumber, can have it for keeps..... I must find this Boldini lad." But, personally, I did not regard the comings and goings our convelisation and habits, our antecedents and priv- ate affairs, had a sinister cause • and object, , At first I thought of arranging with. Digby that he and. I should take turns to keep watch, , but T discarded this plan asinpassibl e. Nobodywhoa worked 'as long and as hard as we 'did, could possibly lie awake in lied,. and Michael would soon have "put an end to our nonsense" if we had sat up to guard him. matter as precisely a lark. Ithen thought of going ing to Boldini I had heard of Italian knives, and it and saying: - seemed to me that a man might well "Kangaroos have a horrible kick, be found dead in his bed, with a knife' my friend," or "Better not let me see —or his own bayonet through his you putting the light. out, Boldini," or heart, and nobody be any the wiser. even frankly and plainly promising And even if justice could be done, to kill him, ifanybody attemptepd to which was doubtful, that would not rob my brother. bring the dead man back to life.' We had been Icing enough in the Legion to know its queer code of morals, and on the subject of theft the law was very peculiar, very strict,. and very savage. One might steal any article of ,uni form, and be no thief' It was a'case'of "robbery no stealing." To take anoth er man's uniform or kit was merely "to decorate oneself,", and decorating. oneself was a blameless pastime, re- garded universally as profitable, am- using and honourable. Public opinion was not in the slightest degree against the time honoured practide, and the act was concealed from none. save the owner of the sequestrated property This was all very silly, for it was a most serious matter, involving very heavy punishment, for a man to be found to be short of so much as'a strap when "showing -down''; kit for inspection by the adjudant. Never- theless, you might "decorate yourself" with a tunic, a sash, an overcoat, a pair of• boots, a pair of trousers, or the whole of a man's "washing" from. the line in the lavabo, and no one. thought one penny the worse of you, save the ,unfortunate whom you had robbed. The idea was, -that if you were short of an artice of equipment, (after all, the property of Madame la Re- publiqueetand not of the individenI),' you must help yourself where` you could, your victim musthelp himself where he could, his victim must 'do likewise, and so on. And whoever was caught out, in the end, as short of kit, was the fool and the' loser in this childish game of "beggar niy neigh- bour" (of his uniform.) Of his uniform, public property- but of nothing else. Anything else was private property and sacred. To steal private property was not .self "decoration" at all, but theft; and theft, in that collection of the poorest of poor men, was the ul- timate horrible crime, infinitely worse than rtiurder. The legionary did not value his life much, but he valued his few tiny possessions beyond estima- tion. With. the' abomination of theft, the Legion itself dealt, and dealt most elastically, for it could not be tolerat- ed where everything private was so valuable, and so easily stolen if a thief should arise in the midst. There was nn thought of appeal to authority in a case of theft, nor was there ,either enquiry or comment; on the part` of Authority hien a case oc- curred and was punished by the men themselves, according to Legion law Anil, custom. And we were soon to see the law in operation and to behold an example of the custom. . Since Michael absolutely refused to lett the wear his money -belt for him at night, I decided that I must think caf some other plan --in view of this story told by Maris. I did not doubt. GEO .GI A. SID ALL —Broker -- Phone Phone la. Luchnow, Ontario.' Money to lend On first and pecond mortgages an farm and other reat es- tate properties at a reasonable rate of interest, alseg,on first Chattel tnortga- ge•9 on stock and on personal notes, A few farina on hand for sale or to rent on easy terms, THOMAS FELLS ...AUCTIONEER -- REAL ESTATE SOLD — A thorough Knowledge of B'arrti Stock • Phorst at. Wiughiita reply. "Thof,i2 slobs would never do that. Don't trust eachother enough, forgone thing.•r T'a too risky, for an- other That -sort of poor thieving boob wouldn't dare. Why one drop of blood nit his hands or shirt, or one yell outa you brother, ,an' he'd be taken red- handed. "Shiore," agreed Hank. "Not in bar- racks, they wouldn't. Git hien up a side -street and daeh himthe li, e� san had more like, Anybody mighta done it there. Lots o' guys git done in fer their sash an' bayonets in the village negre, an'. them tow dives an' sash - joints in the Spanish quarter. Don't letim h go around alone, an' he's safe enough," This was reassuring, and, it was common, u aao sense. It would of course, �, se, take a vary cool, skilful, and courag- eous murderer to kill a iron sleeping in a room with thirty others. "I dont know so much," I said, ar- guing,against myself and for the sake of complete reassurance. "Suppose Guantaoi or Colonnasimply crept LO the bed and' drove a bayonet thrbugh his heart. There'd. be• no bloodstains on the murderer." "Not when he started .monkeying with the , belt?" put in Buddy, "And wouldn't there be no sound : from your brother? Not a cheep outs him? After Fergit it, I say." pondering the 'matter and , consulting Digby, who did not take 1 as serious a view of it as T• did, I had the bright idea of getting the advice of an older, worldly wiser, and far cleverer, person than myself—and ap- pealed to Buddy. What he did not knoVe about cooks and the best ways of defeating then, was not worth knowing, and his ex- periences in the Texas Rangers' had been those of detective, policeman, watch -dog, and soldier combined. I accordingly walked out one even- ing with Hank and Buddy, "set the drinks up" at the Bar de Madagascar off the Rue de Daya, and told them that I had excellent reason to believe that Boldini was arranging with Col- onna and Guantaio to rob my brother one night. "My brother can look after himself of course," said I; "but these curs have got hold =of the idea 'that he has a marvellous jewel which we three have . stolen. What I'm wondering is whether Guantaio, who looks like a pucca Sicilian bandit, would stick a knife into him, to make sure of get- ting his belt. That's the only thing that worries me." "Fergit it son," was Buddy's prompt Give yourChild a Grip I;AULT in rN�M eU,.S. R[PI..Cel4 CWSt-ltON—SCLC! Shoes fo* Q dren Buy shoes • that are built by men who have spent almost a quarter of a century in the study of scientific shoe design- ing. These' men have created a shoe that protects the health Of your child No wrinkled linings to create callouses; 'no tacks, but a cushion -sole that increases the. natural springiness of the foot —a�tshoe that can be enlarged a Lull size when it is outgrown. We sell and recommend them. W. 3. GREER, Wingham, Ontario. lbw megarrremammemzesnalosamorporesatm,nier.socommenatronterantast* Nees bothered with lice stop laying, To kill the Ike, take the affected chickei. by the legs and sprinkle the powder err the open. feathers. PRATT'S LICE' 'IaTeeets. fe harmless, nondrritatina and here eolanseas, boo reins the tree. Asa your dealer. 'Look at here, Bo," argued Hank. "Figger it was you agoin' to stick me. How'd you know where my heart was, me curled up under the blankets, and nearly dark an all? How'd you know as everybody was asleep all right! How'd you know there wouldn't be noise? Shucks! 'Tain't horn. -sense. Nope. These legendaries don't stand fer murder in � the m, ba rack roo still r less fer robbery, and least of airier bein' woke up at night outa their clue and lawful sleep." "See, boy,' interrupted Buddy at this point, "that barrack -room is jest your brother's plumb safest place. As fer his kohirioor di'mond, I allow he can. sure look after that himself." "Shore thing," agreed Hank-. "Absolutely,' -said I. "If there's no fear .of his being murdered in his sleep, there's an end of the matter. I'd rather like Boldini to go and try to rob hire i' "t wouldnt 'go fer to say as much as that, Bo," demurred Buddy. "I'd undertake to sclear your brother out every night of his life—every cent outa his belt •--and the belt, likewise also, too. , . . P'r' ps Mister Cascara Sa grads could- do as much," and we smiled, both thinking of the occasion upon which Buddy had "minded" my money for ire. "Look at' here, Bo" said Hank at this. "I gotta little idea. Suppose I goes to Cascara an' ses to him, 'Pard,' I ses, `if that English legendary,, Wilh •yern' Brown, :No.,,x8897, gits robbed, I'm sure agwine to do you an onjus- tice. Iin agwine ter beat you up most ugly. So's yer own father, if you had, one, : wouldn't know .yer, an yer mother'd disown yer,' or something discouragin' like that. I thanked this large slc ty person, but decline&;. assuring him that we could take excellent care of ourselves and. I had only wanted to know if murder were a possible contingency. "Not +inside the ba racks. " Not .till help pops,' said Budd. "Sure thing," agreed Hank. "Bet don't bet him prowl around no bow - ries nor hooch -joints, on his. lone- some. Nope.' „`And tell him from ire : that I'll Mind his money belt an' be respon- serable, if he likes,' offered Buddy. "Then -be can sleep free, and easy like, an' also deal faihfully • with any guy as comes snooping around in the night, without having to waste time feeling if the gold -dust is there all right. : ." I again thanked him, changed the subject, and soon 'afterwards got 'them back to the barracks, "a-settfn' sober on the 'tidier-wi;gon, a 'credit to• ale men," as Hank observe.d. And, this very night, there .happen- ed that 'which must have given Cer- tain gentlemen of ottr barrack -room to think, acid to think seriously, of a- bandoning .'any schemes . for their. quick enrichment, htad they been ,en- tertaining thein, I was awakened by a crash and a shout Springing up, instantly awake, I saw two men struggling be the floor near. Michaels bed.. The one on tap,, pinning the other down with @i. hand on his throat, was Michael. As I leapt front mybed, I was aware that the room was alive and that men were running with angry shouts to see what, and' who, had broken their sacred sleep—a horribleviolatioti of strictest. Legion law. "Wring the sneakil' coyote's neck, 13o," shouted Buddy. "'Learn hint to be a toad,' Beate" quoted Digby, and with cries of " hiel! `:Chief!" the wave of shouting, gesticulating thee swept over the two nein bore one of thein' to the /surface, It was neither Guantaio nor Colonna,. neither Gotto nor Vogue— one of r. whorl I had fully sexpeoted :to see, White-faced, struggling, imploring, e t ingrip tthe g of a dozen indignantly out- raged and savagely ferocious legion- naires, was a man from the next room, I looked around for Boldini. He was sound, asleep in his bed!' And so was Corporal Dupre in his, and with leis face to the wall—both of them men who the squeak of a mau sse o .. would awaken. "What are yqu doing here, scelerat?" shouted half a score of Fierce voices as the man was pulled hither and thither, buffeted, shaken, and savagely struck. "Speak up, you Brown. What about it?" roared Schwartz, who had got the man by the throat. "Was he steal- ing?" g "On„ the table with him," yelled Brandt. "Yes, . cone on. Crucify' the swine," bawled the `huge bearded Schwarte, shaking his victim as a terrier shakes a rat. Hak followed , #ol owed by Buddy, barged into the middle of the scission, throwing men right ,and left. "That's • one of Boldini's Out- fit," I heard' Buddy say, "Give the guy a fair trial," shouted Hank, "Lylichiri' fer boss -thieves an' sich—but give him a trial," and he seized the man himself. "Cough it up 4'fiick," he said to the terrified wretch, who seeined about to faint, "Wait a minute," shouted Michael in French. "He belongs to enc. ,,. . He's had enough. •. ; (Continued next week) ! e ' a23Ct 3 Ia It is estimated that, 23,500,000 acres will he sown to crops this year in the West, an increase of' 2,500,000 acres over 1926. Canadians hold the record for eating eggs. The average Canadian last year consumed 837—a record according to Dr. J. H Grisdale, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Tobacco -growing is flourishing in Western Ontario, and this year the acreage will likely run to 45,000. or double that devoted to the produc- tion of this plant in 1925. The crop last year was valued' at $6,000,000. One of the most power!ul radio stations in eallada will be erected at Red Deer, Alberta, in the near future. Stations will be"operated in Calgary and Edmonton by remote control to the main station. New Zealand will be officially represented at the World's Poultry Congress at Ottawa, July 27 to August 4. `R. W. Hawlte, one ,of the Island, Dominion's best known poul- try bleeders, will represent that country. Besides the game fish ` hatchery which will be established by the Do-' minion Government in the Wateron Lakes district in Southern Alberta, a commercial fish hatchery will be established in 'the north. The latter will also handle certain species of game fish suitable to lake waters. The Canadian Pacific steamship passenger traffic through the port of Saint John during the winter season of 1926-7 was over 40 per cent greater than that of the previ- ous season, and it is, expectedthat the sunnier traffic through the St. Lawrence port will show a still greater increase. The last addition to, the chain ofg Canadian Paeifia • hotels the "Hotel ,Saskatcheatan," located at Regina, opening on May 24, It is one of the finest of the chain of a character in keeping with the im4, portanee of the capital city of the Peoviece which furnishes 50 per cent. of the Dominion's wheat mit- put. The hotel is 12 stories, con- taining 216 bedrooms with bath, and many beautiful public rooms and administrative offices. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company reports from Winnipeg, the marketing of grain at the pres- ent tate of 180,000 bushels daily, as compared with 123,376 for the cor- responding season of last year. Manitoba's 180,000 compares with Saskatchewan's 538,000 and Alber- ta's'' 366,827. Loadings arae also above last year's record with 220 cars, daily. The greaterpotion of the bells forming the carillon to be 'installed in the "Victory Tower, at , Ottawa, were shipped from England on May 7 by the Canadian Pacific eteatiship "Balfour." The carillon, consisting of 53 bells, is regarded its the fitt- est in the world, and have been east at the famous bell foundry at Croy. don. The hells are a portion oft a. national Imo—Adria' to thousands of Canadians who laid dowtii their. lives in the Great War. !!i INliii5iNklt-IrfawiIN3ld1 6. L1152915,119125115itifiSifil NISI NU / WllI:RC\ QUALITY ('ouriTS 483 Stores . novo i i oper,a4fo» irf »talo a»d Quebec Eagle 410. s2tmns35C 35c devised n. Bayside;or Aylmer y lege r4,,�.'� Red • � Mettles9 elhristies SodaWatfe»rs 2 Pkts. 25C Stems Corned<:eef' e Made b the makers oq Bovril No. A tin '', s rya Aylmer or ©rge . ft Sa sidle Tomatoes t SSae, h»E Gait Try this Breakfas t Dessert Light and airy, tender and tarty hot bi.culte with fresh Brae.ide Butter and Shirriff's Seville Orange Manna/agile A Wondeniul Dessert The Large i� Fatally Size Jar 094e 4?41b1 -Tin. `• sSe I11so'thc Farumuo -Bltirrisf's1.Jetly Powders Recipe Package 4 10r 25e Victory Brandi Heinz o ked Spaghetti Medium Tin Grated Horseradish some Keen's Mustard 147m. tin Deas aosite Spinach tin Mdit Viimegsir Large battle Choice Evaporated ileac ' 'es 1 • E1.5.L. Cern Flakes 3 plats. 29c Fancy Blue Bose Bice 3 Iras• 2S,t Roma : Meal pkt. 310 De•1u22241 wilFnIs t 2 IIIb. tsol v1 ea cartons "TASTY" BREAD The Beal Favorite Be sure you do not miss, any of the series of Fathers of • Confederation cards, given away with every loaf, •• Loaf 5C 'Sweet Mixed 5' +c Sour and Chow 40142 Beed!! Nut 1„"'" Asa Fruit Drops m°." for 90 FruitConcentrated, iCr'$nit Drinks IS, eke I Delielo,, Cihnod Grape Fruit Botta .lkm c , • bruit 6'29tiln Flexo e The Pure Soup Flake 0°.10<pkt. FREE with 2 i,er�e 42cC ea "f . ka r TIRES. TIRES. TIRES. TWP. OF EAST WAWANOSH Court of Revision •The Court of Revision on the As - Goodrich and. Firestone sessment Roll of the, Township of East Wawanosh for x927; will be. held, Tires were never ase Belgrave, the Foresters Hall, Belgrav e, on cheap and never better, Wednesday, Juneist, 1927: at one ' o'clock p. m. GARAGE clock p.m. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. ROBERTSON'S eals o�el � e 1-1 mar iddieS ori or rne oblem it A r eats _at1 gty hen can gide her « he 1 always ., • es. 1 o>m�� Flak. k fret"'` h C orrt digest Kellogg's ell ° g � s '.easy to si>mPl t ow how Ue,'J Bari they „vh they sY'e 1,oUes them • !' jell._,s are d eyll ai s f f ar hidd4e5. Se crisp, so crunchy, so deliciously flavored. irl owe cllcio slyavored•nahe them. f ®r lunch, dinner or Veahfas$. Serve aih faille or trcaheExirgotd lle fruits or honey aidcled. - rellaaer, by ello Jan ' iOntario eCn. freshin the inner -sealed red. ..reep package. De. .and Waco .dthe genaine9 At all. grocers., Restaurants.