HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-02, Page 5s
Thursday, June and., 192.7
- Profit and Satisfadion dealing
PRICED for Quick Turn -over al CUT PRICES
Official of Motor League Appeals
Against Uprooting Flowers Shrubs
and Trees and Leaving Picnic
Litter on Roadside or by 144ar River
"What :a pity it is that in this sea-
son when roadside flowers and blos-
sOms add charm to the lure of the
road, many motorists and also non-
motorists will persist in mutilating'
shrubs and trees and rogting up wild
flowers and ferns. 7'/cause of the
depredations of these 11,lndale certain
wild iiowers are being e?tte'rminated.
We have all seen tonneaus crowded
and even running boards laden with
miscellaneous assortments of branch.,
® es, blossoms and other blooms, ferns
® and plants and even small trees and
shrubs ripped out by the roots, we
YI haye seen many delicate wild -flowers
wilted and trampled under foot on
the floor boards of cars, cast off by
el MEN—]Hie is a chance of Two or Three But-
ton Style or Double-breasted° Suits,
Special Priced at `
$2.50 and
Boys' Suits made iii•ood Style g y e and- New Pat-.
tern Tweeds, Bloomer or Long Pants,
Special Week -end Prices are
$5.90, $6.50, $7.75, 09,50
Youths' Suits, new models, Single' or Double
breast, with two pairs Paints.
the roadside or relegated to garbage
pails. They had helped make our
highways and sylvan retreats beauti-
ful,, and their removal is to be re-
"We have appealedto alI motorists
not to destroy the flora and to do
their bit towards discouraging this
destruction just as we have.,appealed
then/ to scrupulously respect property
rights, to leave the places at which
they picnic as free from refuse as
they'. would desire others to leave
them and .never leave bottles, broken
glass or cans on the shore or in
creek, stream, river, pool, pond or
lake. It is but the work of a very
few minutes to gather up the garbage
• and other refuse of a picnic or cam
and if suitable receptical is not at
11-1 hand' to wrap it up, place it in the
a - car and, on arrival home, put it in
the garbage container. Picnicers and
WI campers, needless to say, should see
to it that fires are entirely extingu-
ished. We occasionally ' have heard
some doubt .expressed as to whether
11 a carelessly tossed away cigaret or
cigar butt or alighted match ever
started a fire in the woods. Let me
assure you that I have seen these
things start fires in the bush as I have
seen apparently ,dead -out camp 'fires
fanned into flame by a breeze„ long
after they were deemed out by camp-
ers: Ignited dry humus will smould-
er like punk; for hours."
"If all Canadian motorists were as
Big Value at $9.500 $11.50. $12.7
®.: Boys' Bloomers mmade of good durable Tweeds. _
im Special at. Si.50, $1,75, $1,.q =
az LI
SHOES—Some ` real Values in Young Men's
• Oxford Black or Tan.
m""e..- ^®.oma,® ®_
1 SOCKS -10 Dozen for quick selling, extra fine
quality ,new checks and stripes.' Nov 69c
See them at $4.75
BRACES—Heavy. Work Police Braces.
A. Bargain
UNDERWEAR—Athletic Suits. Ilere's your 114
chance to stock'up. Sizes 34 to 44;
Prices 75c and 1.(LO
.� .. � • ,rel ► w,. �„ -.
• 1 s '
k4P'.7iA '
P' •7
SOCKS— Mels, s Work Socks, part wool.
Special at 25c
az. Men's �]Ceavy Overalls
Line and Black •.with Bib and rood strong Brace,
Bargain at $1 95
BOOTS— Special Farmers' Work hoots made
f good stock Will good wear.
Our Price $3 50
STRAW HATS — Extra fine quality Sennet_
Sailors, with self -conforming leather sweat bands. '
.See thelia at $ l ®50m S.,t p 'd" r0
�m °d� h� 4 a
TOP 'COATS --Men's Plain All Wool To
Rubbxnger Top Coats, Waterproof.
Our Cix'L Price $8 95
Men's Balbriggan Slur/s .ane. .Drawers. All sizes. 6
Out they go at $5 '
, WI
m..r�i•.mva�,Menn9.iWMfi'u.f W,nMiNu•Ww,uimixa.wri9enMWwUNnuartWeW,ssstNM.o.vale.Ww�.Tsnavmiw��.'.wiirr+u+irwnWeiYu
HOSE—.Boys' Golf Rose, Ftacc
olored top
« � «
Now 396
— silver awards. ,Chose awards are giv.
Winglxam Soft Ball League Orga
.At a meeting held in the Co
chamber on the evening of May
19'27; the Soft Ball Leagaue was
anized and officers elected for
summer. 'There will he size to
in the League, four last year and
new ones; The teams are Fry's
Guns, Clerks, Militiea, Fotin
Stars and Bluevale.The followirt - 1.0 g fiat of O1 C
Pres .
ident .W. • f Taney
Vice Preeitiolai-1'T 6111
See.-Treas.—A, L. alligator'
General Manager,—P, Preston
Executive Committee: -W. Haney;
A. 1. uingston; P. Preston.;
Patterson; C. Filiot; A. Forb
N, Fry; H. Gibson;
The Advance -Times Schedule
The following is the schedule for
the Wingham town league soft ball
for 1927;.
Frys and Guns vs. Foundry June 1
Clerks. vs. Militia June 3
Bluevale vs. Stars June 6
Foundry vs. Militia June '10
Figs and Guns vs, Bluevale June 13
Stars vs. Clerks June 17
Bluevale vs. Militia June 20
Foundry vs. Clerks June 23
Stars vs. Frys and Guns :.___ June 2'
Foundry vs. Bluevale June 30
Militia vs. Frys and Guns July 4
Stars vs..Foundry July 8
Bluevale vs. Clerks July 11
Clerks vs. Frys• and Guns July 15
Stars vs. Militia July 18
Foundry vs. Frys and Guns _. July 22
Militia vs. Clerks July 25
Stars vs. aliuevale July 29
Militia vs. Foundry Aug. 1
Bluevale vs. Frys and Guns ._ Aug. 5
Clerks vs. Stars Aug. 8
Militia vs. Bluevale Aug: 12
Clerks vs, 'Foundry Aug, 15
Frys and Guns vs. Stars Aug. 19
Bluevale vs. Foundry Aug, 22
Frys and Guns vs. Militia ._Aug. 26
Foundry vs. Stars Aug. 29
Clerks vs. Bluevale Sept. 2
Frys and Guns vs, Clerks ..... Sept. 6
Militia vs. Stars Sept. 9
At the end of the schedule, the
teams coag second and third will
play together and then the winner
will play the team coining first in
the finals for the cup.
The following games will be played
in Bluevaie—June 13, 30; July 20;
Aug. 12; Sept. 2.
The time set for the games to
commence is 6.30 p.m. If you want
to have an hours fun come out„ to
these .games at the Town Park.
The Annual Mieeting and Election of
careless of the rights and prvileges of Officers of the Belgrave Women's In-
others as are members of the thought stitute was held on Tuesday afternoon,
less or selfish minorty our highways May 17th, at the home of Mrs. John
and byways would lose much of their
beauty and charm and rural motoring
would-be much less worth while.'
Minutes of last meeting read and
the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon-
day, May 23rd; members all present:
Reeve in the chair.
sf last est' meeting read and
A resolution s cation wasass d
p to allow
the Engineer to vary the assessment
on. the Peacock Drain.
.A Court of Revision was .held on
the assessment roll. The assessment
on lot 25 sy,, con. 7, was placed at
$2000., Dogs were struck off for R.
H. Garniss; Chas. Nicholson and Alex
Smith. •
The following accounts were paid:
W. J. Duff, 1.05; Sawyer -Massey,
graders, $520.00; A. Shaw, freight,
$13.30; Wm. Brov?n,freight, $6.56;'
Patrolmen—Chas. Workman, $67.03;
Sas. Noble, $44.72; Frank Shaw,
$136.60; Geo. Felly, $29.00; Wm,
McMurray, $14.50; J. S. Proctor,.
$13.25; bew Jewitt, ,.$30.33; R. D.
Gol:iey, $:t7.25;; Win. Craig, $7.00;
C. G, Campbell, $33.75; WI. C. Thueli,,
$33,90; T. H. Sellers, $42.00; Wm,
Henderson, $"12.33; Frank Beirnes,
T. Bell; with an attendance of 26
Members. The President, Mrs. And-
erson being • in charge, the .me..ting
opened by singing the opening Ode,
followed by the Lord's Prayer repeat-
ed in unison.
The business of the closingyear
was discussed and disposed of satis
From the list of subjects •submitted
by Miss Matthews of • $uncoe, our
Sumner Speaker from the Depart
rat, the ladies decided to have her
speak at our meeting on, "Why we
should know our Country and 'Talk
A splendid paper was given by Ibbs.
John Vancarnp on, "What my Neigh-
borhood needs to 'improve it," after
which Mrs. Joe Clegg favoured the
meeting with a solo—"The Song that
reached my heart," with Mrs. Dan
Geddes as accompanist.--
The' Annual Reports were then read
the Financial Statement show-
ing that the Belgrave Women's In-
stitute had taken an active share in
Conmumity Work 'during 1926, and
still had a substantial Bank Balance
to their credit.
.Eleven meetings were held during
the year with a total attendance of .,Si,
an increase of 16j over the total at-
tendance of last year. Splendi'd, ad-
70,13; Fills. Sunclercoelc,,- $22.00; dresses and demonstrations were, given
antes; Anderson, $34,45; Wm. Brown at every meeting, and :at'every meeting
9.25; Jno. Craig,' :$10.94; Geo. there was, a programme of Instrn-
oily, freight, $6.56; Jas. Peacock,
ssessor, $110,00; Brussels Post,
Tinting and advertising>, $16.25;
m,. Bridges, -collector, $119.00; A.
mental Numbers, Solos, Readiug,etc.
The following are the Officers for;
Honorary Presidents—Mrs. 'Al. A.
eEwen, expenses to Mitebell, $2,00, Wheeler, Mrs, John Vancamp.
Next regular meeting will be on Presitlerlt—M rs.:Finlay McCallum.
.lune 27th.
A. Aiaelilwen, clerk,
dt. At a meeting of Ltteknow Council
ei and business men on Wednesday night
a it was decided to holcl a big celcbre-
tion herd on the zst and grid July,
a'when the Caledonian games' will be
held. Several bands from out of town
will be rengaged and there will be a
a' midway, school children's parade, etc;
The results of the April' Typewrit-
F ing Contests, conducted by the United
Typewriter Co., of Toronto, have just
been announced,
Two students of Winghiain Business
College, Miss Eva Kolar' and 'Miss
Sylvia ;Blatchford have been granted.
ti en for typing at the rate of 50 words
(correct) per rninttte, Text students'
r 1A also received the Initial Certificate,
here Love vera for in
e� Prices ill ga typing 30- or over words
i111flliIIIIiIIIM11CNI 1101111.111 11IIN11liil01111IIII I(1111111101I,111 0111I111131101l{1 1141110111pNii i (correet) /rte. initiate,
Viae -Presidents -Mrs. Charles Coal,
tes, Mrs. John M. Collates.
Secretary and, Press Reporter—Cela
E. Coulees;
T rcasurcr-Mrs, Dan Geddes.
Pianist— Miss Nora vanca>;np.,
District :Director --Mrs. Dari Geddes.
The meeting closed with the Nation-
al Anthem, after which lunch was'
served by the hostess, assisted' by Mrs.
Norman Walsh,
The W. M. S. met "Wednesday af-
tei'noon with ati attendance of eleven,
'qrs. Roy Rutherford as leader, Meet
Mg, openedby singing,followed by
prayer in unison, ,Topic by Mrs.. Mc
Ilenzi:e, Reading by M, Jeffrey, min-
utes by TMs. Arthur Pitch, collection
$3.35, • prayer by Mrs, J. Douglas,
Mr. 1,Vtlt. VO'tertnaii of lze gus, vis-
ited his mother on Sunday, Miss An-
nie. of fliversdalc at George Herds,
To the Editt#r of all thtin Win¢am
Deer Sur,—'
A fellah kin live to be an avid man
an kape foindin out new tings all his
iolfe, but if he is a sensible man, an
open to rayson loike Mulvaney's mule,
he will own up that there do be a
lot av .tinge he can't undhershtand'
Yit,,so he will.
Take ru.esilf, fer inslitanee, I don't
tink ' there is a bitther judge ov a
horse in Huron arr Bruce, an whin I
wus prisidi> � av the hate ring 1 lain
! ed td .crit up a baste as well as the
besht av thim, an in me young days
befoor raipin masheens wus invinted,
no one end bate me at shwingin
cradle, orr lay a .clainer swath;'since
con in to town to live 1 bey found out
how to do eross 'wurrd: puzzles an run
a .radio, an not to go down town wid-
out a :collar on wake days,: an shtilI
I guess their niusht be a lot av tings
I don't know yit, at laist the missus
tells me so purty near iviry day av nie
fife, soshe does.
Av course some tinge nobody kin
undhershtand, so it wuddn't be anny
use fer an ould fellah loike me to
throy, Wan of thim is, whoy: some
av thim big min in the cities will buy
ixpinsive"cars to droive down to their
offices an thin play golf to git ixer-
coise, an another is how some girruls,
who are too dilicate to hiip theer
mothers at the wash tub, kin dance
all noight. 'Tis a quare wurruld in-
toirely, an I oftein tink av an ix-
prishion me ould (rind Jake Dinkel,
bien used to use, "De more dat you
know de more you always foind oudt"
sez he:
Mebby two av the harrudest.prob-
1in1S in ,the wurruld today are the
pullytickie . situashuns in Choina an
in Nort' Huron, an, sure, theer isn't
much differ betwane thin/ afther all
whin ye come to tink av it. In both
cases theer are too 'nanny feliahs
afther the wan jawb. Theer are fist
as manny Wings an Wongs, an. Chins
an Changs in Nort Huron as in
Moine., only theer names are diff -
runt, but ye kin aisy pick thim in,
both places purtindin they are path -
riots wurrukin in the besht intrusts
av the counthry, an not fer thim-
silves, at all, at all. Wud ye belave it?
The Choinamin musht little theer
own shcraps the besht way they kin,
an it is up to us fellahs in Nort Huron
to sittl•e ours. Bein wan av the ould-
est Tories in the County,, wid no axes
av rare own to groind, but only the
besht intrusts av the parthy at heart,
I hey a suggistin to make.
Av coorse it wud nivir do to let a
Grit orr a U.F.Q. win the sate, an
bein as as Tories are so devoided
among oursilves, it looks loike as if
we shod hev thrubble in elicktin .our
man, an bein as the Governnuiat is
afraid f topiih '
s ng the elickshun, it
wud glaze ivirybudy the bisht to lave
the sate vacant fer•a sayson, an give
the foor tousand dollars to the Wing -
ham Arena. This is the only sane an
sinsible solooshun av the whole
thrubbl, fer, the way tings are now,
an elickshun wud be loike what I hev
heered me ould grandad tell about
Donnybrook Fair in the ould conn-
thry. He said that iviry able bodied
man wint to the Fair wid his bit av
a shtick in his hand, an sipoilin fer
a foight, so to shpake, an ridy to
crack the head av frind orr foe, which
ivir happened to come in his way
fursht. I don't tink we want anny
Donnybrook Fair in Nort Htuou, so
I Moue the pollytishians will take the
advoice I de be givin tl}im free' av
change. -
Before: closin I wud call the attire-
shun av the }towers that be to the
fact the flag tower back av the
Ainmory buildin has blown down an
shud be put in place widont delay.
Youre till nixt wake,
Timothy lay.
It looks as if June was really going
to usher in Barn/ weather, for the
kind offered up the last month n
very unreasonable.
Rev. McKenzie and, 1m. Mundell,
attended conference at Hamilton, last
week, •Mrs. Mundell and Miss Margar-
et are visitin • in Toronto until their
A meeting vas held in the Union
church, i'tonday evening for the pui'-
ipose:of calling a minister to McIntosh
and llelmore congregations. Mr, Tay-
Ilor• of'Mooreheld, will be the new pa -
Two lady sports motoring., to Tees -
water 'Saturday afternoon, like the
foolish virgins, took - no oil in their
lamps, and finally hadtobe towed in
with a logging chain;
Minnie Jeffray visited Mrs. Lucy
Harris, of Mildmay, on Sunday ,even-
Tho ' first ball game of the season
was put otx'-lest Eritl,ay evening be-
tween McIntosh and llolrnore;
Mr,, and Mrs, Cecil McNeil and
Miss Mary, motored to London and
Clinton this week, to visit relatives.
Mi, and Mrs. Dicki.son and child -
nen et Tceswaier, visited, at .Mr, Mc
Neils, Sunday,
►getter '�a use -
Ecortotar in atsrich drawing freshness.,
lintijlfllliIlmuitimiff t rui llld'imil milol tibial®Ili llltimulimmu llmomi111rfi(fiim
Cambridge Clothes for Mert
Young Men's Suits in.a wonder r
ful range of the newest and best,.
models in singlle and double breast-
ed Shown in fancy tweeds and
English Worsteds. . Prices $x6.5o 1'
to $a5.00.
MEN'S SUITS $ag.5o
Carnbridge High Grade Suits,
tailored byexperts, from fine im-
ported Woolens, Scotch Tweeds,
Worsteds, in new patterns and col- If
orings, also Navy Serges and Navy
Herringbone. Distinctive styles =—
sizes 36 to 44, Leg, $35.00 Value
$29.50, ^ a-
' MEN'S SUITS $19.50
Special clearance of old lines and sl
sizes of Men's Suits in Tweed and
1 -6 -
Worsteds m single and double
breasted models, Grey's, Fawn's M.
Heathjer's and Brown's, Big value
$25.00 to $28.00, sizes '- 34 to 42,
Special $1g.5o,
For the growing boy • smartly
tailored of Wool Tweeds, in new .
light shades for summer wear, Two 1
pair of pants, one long and ;one
bloomer. Perfect fitting models
sizes 3310 36. Special prices $13.50
and $15.00: 0
IIo111®II! 1(I111III16I11112 1121111M11111111®II 111111
11,M.VIAP 0_1
• XVIO u8tC../9.. • • ave •
We are handling Pool Eggs the same as last year. If you
have not pooled eggs before, make enquiries, Now is the time.
to start. We also buy eggs.
Cream delivered to the plant on Saturday night, will be graded,
weighed and sampled; but Will not be tested till Monday morning.
We will advance you money on this cream if you so desire. Or
you canget the full payment _ P Yme t on Monday.
If our trucks have not called on you, ring s'x. We will make
arrangements to give you a truck service this year.
T: E UNITE .p �F�O/�O' 7���HpE AS�p /�Cr9 . s P , i AT i V E
COMPANY, ANY, L1�'6'�l,'1 7i E 1''.
•—• Phone 271 ----•
fit' ri41fggitatin - Ontario
itri`'t • "ii - Mitre, 5111 • JY. • AYlYeiiYan • ,. ' Alb /i ..11 • MY
�ifidi: t"ice �" r r v�
We carry 'tt gulf range of
Scarfe's fine products—Varnish,
Paints, Auto Enamels, Etc.
The glowing lustre of
Brantine White Enamel
creates an atmosphere
of welcome, peace and
distinction to your
home. just a few strokes
of the brush will pro.
duce abrilliancy of tone,
softness,and 'whiteness
that cannot be excelled.
bRAN'ri ORD# oN re
anan s Hardware'