The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-02, Page 411,
1110111111111111111 1111111111111miimiliII11 I1Mi
Published at
Every Thursday !horning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher
Subscription rates --One year p.00.
Six months $r,oc, in advance.
Advertising rates on Application.
h, who has been editor of
Advenee_Timee for the
Years, laid down his pen
Mr, Smith's_ successor
ig, formerly, Editor ,of
cRey Star and Vidette.
mith the Advance -Times
trides and is .one of the.
in Ontario. Mr. Craig,
Praetor is a well-known:
P. and will keep the
is high standard, Ki'n
rter Review.`
>ri –
- Wi.ngharir("piga'clsr'st' `lions 25
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il xi cent a word per insertion, witha minimum charge of 25c. ITIT
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CORBETT, late of the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron, Far
roes, 'deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
section' 56, Chapter 121 of• R S. 0.,
1914, that all persons having claims
against the Estate of William Cor-
bett, who died on or about the seven-
teenth day of January, A. D., 1927, at
the Township ofMorris, are required
to send by post, prepaid or deliver to
J. W. Bushfield, Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administratrix, on or
before the Eleventh day of June, A D.,
1927, their names and addresses with
full particulars of their Claims in writ-
ing and the nature of the securities
(if any) held by th'eni.
And further take notice that after
the said eleventh day of June, A. D.,
1927, the assets of the said Estate will
be distributed by the said Adrninistra-
trix among the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to claims' of
which she shall then have notice and
the Estate will! not be -liable for any
claims not filed at the tune of the said
DATED at Wingham, this. twenty-
third day of May, A. D, 1927.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Adniinistratrix
In the estate of Lettie Rutledge, of
the Town of Wingham, Spinster, de-
cease ,
All persons havingclaims against
he estate of Lettie Rutledge, deceased,
who died on or about the twenty-first
day- of February, 2927, are notified, to
send to the undersigned Executor,
The Trusts and Guarantee • rCompauy,
Limited, Toronto, or to the undersign-
ed, its solicitor, on or before the Sixth
day of June, 1927, their names and ad-
dresses and full particulars of their
claims, and the nature ofthe securi-
ties (if any) helrl by themduly veri-
fied by statutory declaration.
Immediately after the said 6th day
of June, 2947, the assets of the said
deceased will be distributed among
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the clairris of which
it shall Hien ,have notice.
DATED May Toth, 2927,
COMPANY, LTD., 302 Bay St.,
R. Vanstone, Wingham, Solicitor for
the said . Executor.
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will, meet' in the
Council Chamber, Ci dcr,ich, at 2
o'clock in the, afternoon of Tuesday,
the 7th day of Julie, x927, All ae-
counts against the County must be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday proceeding the meeting
of Council,
County Clerk,
odotb, v1ay noth, 1927.
WANTED --^A: small house or fiat to
rent in town, Apply at Advattcee
FOR SALE—Scotch Collie Pups. Ap-
ply to Robt. Owens, Belgrave.
PUPS FOR SALE—English/ Collie
Pups. Apply to Robert Breen, R.
R, i,' Wingham, Phone 22-602.
Cottage, furnished, at Clark's Point
near Amberly. Apply to Dr. Park-
er, Wingham.
WANTED -5o girls or women for
fruit picking. Bestcamp' in • Ont-
tario, Gov't inspected, , Open June
15th, close • Sept est.
EARN—$25 weekly up at home clip-
ping newspapers and addressing en-
velopes. No canvassing. Every-
thing furnished. Spare or full time.
Particulars for stamp. Gillies Mail-
ing Service,,13ox 8, Sydney, N. S.
RETURN- _Every cream, can at
once. With increasing business at
the very busiest season, we mush
have every can in use. Maitland
FOR SALE—A couple of large doors,
• suitable for garage, A large ver-
andah`post, several storm windows,
also several inner tubes and cas-
ings 33 x 4. Inquire A. G. Smith.
WANTED—Any person who have a
can of ours and not using it for
Cream, we would like if they would
return to the creamery, as we are
in meed :of all our 'cans for the
next 6 weeks,. United Fanners Co -
Operative Co.
TENDERS will be received for the
scraping, and pointing of what is
known as Jobhs Bridge and Mines
Bridge in the township of Turn-
berry, up until 15th June, 1927..
Township will furnish paint, tender
to be separate if wished. -Lowest
and any tender not necessarily ac-
cepted, W. R. CRUII(SI-HANK.
The Trotting 1-I4torse
Will make the season of 1927 at
Morris Bosnian's stable, Bluevale.
Ming Patch and, is sired by Mothers
sorxo, and is closely related to Dan
Patch, the great race horse :,_....-
TERMS - 12.00, payable January xst,
ege8, if found hx feel
IVlorri;s Beeman, ' Henry Branton,
Manager, Proprietor.
1111111111111111111111111511111111111111 1111111121111 111 1111
I ; ..... of Know?
p 'That we selli o and fittings
Itp g
11 for all classes of work, and do M.
Plumbing, Steam, tIot Water re
and Hot AirIeating?
g tat
ld Stove Repairs Pump Repairs og
W.,' J4flo1(CE a
Stoire,,Ph.6. ottse
s Ph. 88. irt
11 Ii1111W11111 1111V1111 )1106111MI1111 11111! 11 111
� 1 N�111111111111
th, for the past twelve
f the Wingham Advance
isposed of that journal
Craig, formerly editor
d Valley Star and Vitt -
Smith ` was . a capable
an but intends 'entering
e ane of business and his
departure from the profession will be
.generally regretted, Mr. Craig is
an experienced newspaper man, a fact
which means that the continued suc-
cess of the Advance -Times is assured
—Milverton Sun.
Editor A. G. Smith has severed his
connection with the Wingham Ad
vanes -Times, after twelve years, sell-
ing out to Mr. Craig. Mr. Smith has
made a good joh'of editing and man-
aging The Advance, which during his
regime has taken over the The Times,
which was published in Wingham,
also the Wroxeter News and Gerrie'
Vidette. He is a genial soul, too, one
who made friends amongst the news-
papermen of the distrct, as well as
in the town in which he Iived, and
his removal from . the county will be
regretted. Mr. Craig has been fore-
man with the Advance -Times for the
past six months.—Clinton News- Re-
Mr. A. G. Smith, editor and pro-
prietor of the Wingham-Times for
over twelve years, who has ,sold his
business to W. L. 'Craig, under whose
control the paper is being' published
for the first time this week. Mr.,
Smith has net yet decided on his fut-
ure plans. He is well known thro-
ughout the district and is a member
of various local societies an'd the
Lion's Club and takes an interest in
school board affairs' and athletics.
Mr. 'A. G. Smith,' for the past
twelve years editor of the Wiughara
Advance -Times, has disposed of that"
journal to Mr. Logan Craig, formerly
editor o4 the Grand Valley Star and
Vidette, Mr. Smith was a capable
newspaper man but intends entering
on another line of business and his
departure from the profession win
be generally i regretted. Mr. Craig
is an experienced newspaper man; a
fact which means that the continued
success of the Advance -Times is as-
sured.— Milverton Sun.
The 'Wingham Advance -Times has
changed hands, 112r. Craig, of Graud
Valley being the new proprietor.
Newspapers published throughout the
county will` regret the leaving of the
newspaper field by Mr. 4. G. Smite.
who ixas been publisher of the Adv-
ance -Times for the past number of
years and at the present time is See-
retary of the Huron -Perth Press As-
sociation.—Blyth Standard,
Willi last week's issue of the
Wingham Advance -Times, Mr. At, G.
Snaith, who has been editor the past
twelve years, relinquished his nest,
Mr, W. L. Craig, who has been fore-
man the Hast ;six months, is the new
editor. •Mr. Smith has published a
high class weekly newspaper, and a
brightfuture is predicted for it un-
der Mr. Craig's gufdaxx.ce.—Seaforth'
Last week's issue of The Wingham.
Advance -Times announced the retire-
ment , of Mr. A: G. Smith from the..
editorial chair of that paper, which:
he had oocupied 'with ability for tins
last twelve years, We understand
Il'ir. Smith is going to Toronto, 1 -Tis t
successor at• Wingham is Mr. Craig,
formerly of Grand Valley, who bas
been on the staff of The Advance -
nines for some months, kir. Snaith
hag been a good neighbor and The.
Signal wishes lanai suceess in his new
work, and also extends friendly
greetings to his successor:-Cocle'rxelt
si wal.
Mr. A. G. Smith, for the past twel-
ve Years editor of the "Winghane Ad-
Vanes-Tixnes, has disposed of that
jotiriial to Mt, Logan Craig, forirlerly
I editor of Grand Valley Star and Vid-
l ette. ,Sir. Smith was a capable
newspaper man but intends entering
en another line of business and bis
departure from the profession will be
generally regretted. 1Vfr. Craig is an
experienced :.newspaper "roan, a fact
which means that the continued sue-
cess of the Aclvaxioe-Times le assured.
—Mitchell .A
Mr, A. G.
twelve years b
ham' Advance
paper to Mr,
six :months le
the office. Mr
week. TheW
under Mr. Smi
one of the .len'
in Western'' 0
Wingham, i
respect and go
ity ;and is held
newspaper frac
with hint whE
best 'wishes of
Standard extei
happy and suci
and publisher
—Listowel Ste
Mr. Logan
`Wingham Adv..... �. and Mrs. M. 1.1.VanWyck, a,son. t'
of •
Mr, and Mrs, Allan Moore of Strat-
ford were calling' on friends during
the week,
A 'large cumber. of ,American citi-
zens took, advantage of their holiday
and motored ,to'spend .the -week-encs.
with Canadian friends.
Mr, R. :Gracie who has been pa,stoil'
Thursdays Jane. end:, res 7;;:
New: and very attractive (lines of
Shoes for Wormers
Several of the "very newest creations " fem-•r
ear have just been placed in stock—in'
les that are being shown int New York;"
immediate possession. He is a son
Mr. Robert Craig, and as his wife w
also a Fergus girl, their many frien
will wish them success in their ne
Mi, Craig sold the Grand Valley
Star and Vidette to. the present own-
er, Mr. J, L. Landsborough, some time
ego and has been living in Grand
Valley until recently, when he went
to Wingham to work on the paper
which he has now bought from A. G.
Wingham is a town of .:about the
same size as Fergus and contains
only ; one newspaper, ' the Advance -
and Times having amalgamated some
time ago.—News-Record.
ds Sixor.ts—In Wingham, on Sunday, May
Mr. W. Logan Craig, formerly pub-
lisher of the Grand Valley Star ane!
Vidette, which he sold a couple of
years ago to Mr. J. A.. Landsborough,
has bought the Wingham Advance -
Times from Mr. A. G. Smith. Mr
Craig has been acting as foreman fo
Mr. Smith for several months. Mr
Smith is too young an pian to retire,
but has not decided on his future
The Advance and The Times were
amalganxentet two or three years ago,
and Mr. Smith leas been an able pub-
lisher and editor. Mr. Craig is a son
of. Mr. Robert Craig of Fergus, a for-
mer ,publisher of the News -Record,
and has breathe' the atmosphere of
the printshop since infancy. He is a
skilled printer and capable editor and
will no doubt succeed. in Wingham;
through the field differs consderably
from Grand Valley. We wish hint
all prosperty.—Mt. Forest Confeder-
29th, Mrs. Allison Shorts, in her
88th year.
Kerr -In Toronto, on May 3oth, Ella
Sadler, wife of James H. Kerr, Fun-
eral to -day (Thursday) at 2.30 p. ni.
from the home of A. E. Porter,
Centre Street, Wingham.
MOFFAT—In loving memory of our
dear wife and mother, Bessie Dav-
idson Moffat; who departed this life
June 1st, 1926.
She bade no one a Last farewell,
She said good-bye to none;
The heavenly gates were opened wide,
A loving voice said, "rome."
Sadly missed by husband, daughter
and sons.
. 'KENEDY--In loving memory of our
dear daughter, (Elsie May,) who
who passed away May 29th, 1925
and was buried at Forest, Ont.
Two years have passed since that sad
The one we loved was called away,
God took her home; it was His will,
But 'in our hearts' she liveth .still.
Sadly missed by 'those who loved
Mrs. J. Stone.
Our good friend, Andy Smith,
editorof the Wingham Advance -
Times, has seen fit to lay downthe
pen, for a time at least, and possibly
he can now take a well-earned holi-
day—a real . honest -to -goodness holi-
day, free from the worries and cares
that beset all editors. For . the past
nine years we have .liad many pleas-
ant associations with hip, both
social and business, and we have
found him to be always the same,
no matter, where or when you meet
him----•pIeasai}t, sociable and oblig-
ing—and we are sorry to learn that
he has quit the publishing business
in Wingham. He has had a busy life
in 'Wingham, and has improved his
paper from a ready -print to an all,
home edition and , bae. one of the
best equipped newspaper and job
printing plants in the county. He
has, given, the town many a boost
and was always behind any project
for the welfare of it's eltizens, and
we knew his labours have not been
in vain. We wish fol' him and his
family every success in the future,
and we trust he locates not too far
away front his friends in Huron and
The neev editor of the, Wingharir
Advance -Times is no Stranger tai the.
eraft in these western counties, tor.
it is a few years ago that, lee was
proprietor of the Granth Valley' Star
and Vidette and acquainted with the
editors' in this section, both througn
the columns of his :!,aper and tier
sonally as well. We first met Mr.`
and Mrs. Craig at Government House,
Toronto, in 1920, when the weekly
Association got together and formed"
their separate Association, and we
have met him several timedsince,'
andthe h more we know lam the bet-
ter we like !rills. He is an experience
ecl newspaper man and should con-
tinue to serve Winghatn in the seine
able manner as the former- editor.
We trot our acgtialntanee will be
long and lasting,•-•�-'leeswater'NewS.
Thos Fells shipped a earlead of
Cattle front Tetewater to Toronto, on
l SontlayY
BOLT -In loving memory of Mr, Wil-
liam Bolt, who departed this life,
June est, 1926.
Just one year to -day y ;
And remembered so well;
Since the deepest of sorrow
Upon my life fell,
That life so dear to my life did cease
And now he is resting in mansions
of Peace.
But thy memory will be cherished
till we see thy Heavenly' face. !
His wife. i �4
other style centres.
these we desire to make special°mention
dangly pretty line of Patent One -strap
oderately high French heels;.and'with
kid trimming., This is, one of the very
the `- pure white " in combiiratien•with
ck " combines to make an effect, which
asst is "striking," and the price is most ;
namely, $5.50 per pair. A, strictly
shoo " in all sizes for Women. t.
very new, line" is a ,similar shoe with., ®'
rimming. Paisley is a very nice and not
m, which is sure to take with those who !!''
ttractive shoes. !&'
s are semi -high French and. the fore- e•
ad " in conformity with the strictly new
Price very reaonable—namely, $5.50. In, all !'
sizes' for Women.
Also New Shoes for Women in Blonde, Black
Satin, and in White Calf.
Some of these new lines are being shown in our !-
North window. We invite you to take a. look, or
better still coinc into the store and 'see the- many
new and pretty shoes that are so suitable for light n
Summer wear.
W. H.
Phone. 129, WING.H•AM..
.1i1I11531111111B1111911I11111®11111111�111111111f 1111Il1�1111111®IIIIB111�11i1111111111�i1 Bi111 1
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During Summer Months all stock and grain ex-
changes operate on Daylight Savings Time.
Dally : sessions open 9 .a.m.
.and and close at 2 pan. _
Eastern Standard time. Saturdays open 9 a.m. –
and close at '11 a.m.
I I I IIII I Illi l®I I I11ill®I I111111111 l Illol I I®I Il1111.111111I®III®
Investment s Limited
Private Wire Connections I s t o all Exchanges.
Bank of Commerce Bldg.,
Phone 95 Wingham,
b , Q11t
if If11t111iiiinll1911am1I'fllll®11119111
MoCLENAGHAN-In loving memory
of Mabel McCienaghan, our dear
mother, 'who slept away one year
agora' June 4th, 11926,
Gone in the best of her days,
Torn from the hearts that love her,
To heave only'; sorrow and gloom
A loving wife and mother dear
Has gone and left 'us mourning here.
We loved her, oh, no tongue can tell.
How'inuch we loved henaiad how well
God loved her•too and thought it
`To take her hone with Him to rese,
When days,are dark'and friends are
true ,
Mother dear how we long :for. you,
We did not `kuew the pain you had
But heard your final sigh,
And know you passed away
Without a last good-bye,
`''Gene dear mother, gone forever •
Plow we shies your smuling face,
But' you heft us to remember
None an earth can take your place.
A happy home we onceenjoyed
How sweet the memory still,
Ilut loath has left aloneliness
The 'worldcarr never fill.
Front her loving husband aiid child-
ren; 'Clevel<and, Ohio..
0 o
IN 'nig
�N r
�lpl b 'tdtfA,
othi dIdl
�� June .Ih19
Whitechurch: Orchestra
Como amid have 11 grand
Gentlemen, SOO ; Ladies, 2.5
(TAX IhiCLUbEti)
Forthe entries in the Canadian Laying Contest at Ottawa,
our pen is in fiat place for entries from Ontario in the light
In the Ontario Contest, our pen is again in first place for the
light bi7eeds.
In the Nova Scotia Contest our pea
isin second place, as
well as hailing second and third high hen.
0 .
® C. WHITE m
Baby Chicks, guaranteed safe delivery, $zs.00'per hundred.
i!^ a i lIi jLIE t JB !Sw 1kYk fa
etmo.ruummoamuamo.ematoozomu ,.,a,loamoo.roso u016,1141.1.0111:180aaac001:60«w0m64eaa0116m1mm,
Prices for The Month 'of J. , tee®
We are prepared to 'fill orders for the
Best D. L. & W, Scranton Coal at
the followic prices c p est
Nut and E
per ton.
Y i ♦ 1 Y . i {
.. .$15.25
Stove, per
Pea, per
Best Nut .. of per
�4-Y11R�� �GA' ton . a • . .'i� a • . • ''a �i �'.
eikrorunbzueiip7a..nadeooeje4 am�mFrcmnYeodtl�ww:wwunoaaea.,�noaean«dFeaeibiNi4,Ypr��ytiwaAwnn6+r
.PHONt 64W
r- triti7iar.Y rhifii.Vvs seer 7.r r i1 tiN'7eTlUlpixsh4a1,Y'pAiN