HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-02, Page 27'7 WINGFIAlVf ADvANcz,,Tuns, Sale Starts 9 a.tn. Sharp THURS. JUNE 2nd YOU COME BRING A FRIEND kTh 0111110111.11011111111111111111111111111111111111.1•11.11111111.11011 . 7;7 •••',1-i'i•", • Tharoday, June 2214., PECIALS• .H..FOR...Y.• Ang • WINGHAM'S 10 DEPARTMENTAL STORE The retest Seasonal Sale - .*:ffiflgl&M4k1'4 arn .agnaggiffr I: woo. o•-• "• , !WM* IMUN ver SALE LASTS Until JUNE 1 tth NINE BIG DAYS SELLING COME AND SAVE tternpted AP,4006PaT.gerer.oluv•Mwivm0144,4A*,,i&M.NW%,:ai Every Department will be Loaded with the Greatest Outstanding.Values Only a Partial List Of Specials Listed Here -- Counter's Loaded with Many Others. -- Read This Advertisement -- Read Qui Circular -- Watch /Our Window Come And See. limmuligimp,m,, hi! wo11116=110111,4111,-113.1111,111111111111111.,111121111111 L-1121111311116111 111411a11118141111t111E111M111111111A1111E18112112111 111E111 11 t• 11211111/11111'4.11 4,,111A11161111111211211211012111 1111E112112111112111E11N 12112111%111141110112112112111:11cIllySII, 111m11 ITN 11,, 1k, KHAKI PLAY SUITS Sizes Trimmed 3, 4, 5, 6. 75c with nay All Long Pant Style , BIG 3 WORK SHIRTS 98c Khaki, Blue, Navy. and Black 111F3111110112111121111N111 11 III 11 r:4•112111 MEN'S BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS 68c .. .,1•1 A 79c TIE SPECIAL Values Up to immankommifi.mall MEN'S SOCKS • 3 pair for $10O Silk/Wool or Cashmere Black and Colors $1.19 lommompliumwmmaimmiummommalein 8x4 Bleached 9x4 SHEETING 29c yd. Sizes 34 to 44 • Don't miss this buy Short Sleeves, Ankle It wont last long at • Length this low price, worth Zimmerknit Quality' up to 69c yd. Worth $ 1.25 all over Reg. 75c value mmiummimmommumemammmemmaummemsmirmsmsmammommmommummilmmummemmmommmommmsm EXTRA VALUE, GREY COTTON, MILL, ENDS All you want to carry away of choice cloth .... . .. ......... 1 1C MEN'S SHIRTS & DRAWERS 59c Garment All Sizes Long sleeves, ankle length • Same quality as the Com- binations Per yard , • : a, ' luntimainimilltimiiiPuitiliamusumusummenasomoluipsminpanveoillimitismousaiousum • . 16 x 27 ' 3 inch TURKISH TOWELS SILK RIBBON 15a , 8c yard c ech . Colors — Copen, Sky, Come early for these . Navy and Rose, etc. Cream checked design mummwmmMzmommmommmmm 11161116MOIMMEM MMIIIMPISIMMUMEMICUEMEMiMMMEMEMEME111EMMM BABY. RATTLES 36 inch • MARQUESETTE 12c Yard 10 inch CANDLES 25c pair In all the new colors in use this year ....NVe carry a line of Fancy Candles as well spIN0920=11=641M1=058=1:lasi M WHMEMEMEMP4MMAAMMMEMOMMIMMEWSM 11111113W fl HEM 3 ONLY 9 x 10 1/2 LINOLEUM RUG • Discontinued Patterns, Choice for • $8.95 wmilmmaimum m mmaim m•mem 11 MEM MEMEMEMEMEM MAIM 11101110MAMMOICOM ..Mmint.esnarrulimax4amatotillmlomaiwovrainaktftenr SANNETTE GIRLS PLEATED • Gingham Alilovers APRONS 696 each Nothing is needed further the price speaks for itself, ev- eryone full size and good quality. Ging- ham. Individual Salt, Pepper, Mus- tard Dish with Tray $1.00 Set Made from colored glass, in colors such as Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue. k ;1, 1 5c each The newest out.. Several * styles to choose from, and colored to please the.prec- ious baby. 11 U.1 111 -111111211151111E11M1113112111111 49c Pkg. The new Sanitary Nap kin, with Rubber Shield. The correct thing at less money. • Carried M. our Corset Dept, and ready wrapped r.u! SERGE SKIRTS at a low prices 6, 8, I0 years $1 .39 ..12, 14 years $1.59 Made from good quality Serge, on White Cotton Waist COMPARE THESE VALES! ett,11444,11.1WV,,,Orla „LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS From good quality Check Diam- • ity, Lace trinamed, full size 69e ISMSCMILLI.Mealelt4*.5.11.:12 WOMEN'S Rayon :,LOOMERS ••Extra value, reg $1.60 line all • sizes and colors pair 69c HANDKE CHIEFS All kinds and colors to choose from 4c each or 7 for 25c SPORT NET AND VISOR Just the thing for motoring or sport reg 25c each 146 • WASH CLOTHS Size 101/z140%, reg 10c line Special •4 for 25c HEMMED TABLE NAPKINS Dice pattenn, good quality reg. 20c value Special • each 116 • LINEN GLASS TOWELLING 18 in. reg 35c yd for 22c 22 in. reg 45c yd for 29c Kiddies SOCKLIET GARTERS Fancy colors and designs, reg 20c Going at pair 1 1c JAR -TALCUM POWDER Best value on the market, reg 35c Value % price 1 7c I.= 5 Piece GLASS MIXING BOWL SET Excellent value, Extraat 69c BEAUTY BATH SOAP Special as usual, at 5c each • BOY'S KHAKI BLOOMERS ' Sizes 24 to 34, while they last .4)Per Pair Italor.roatamMaindarnli*nelermemostmleonewaNnorolf Quality SHIRT WAISTS • Good Cloths, sizes up to 14, lay in a supply at ••. 69c each MEN'S Black COTTON SOCKS 1 21/2c Pair • VAN. HEUSEN COLLARS Half Price 25c each maim 3IIEMOI1M1EM AHEM RAY. SHEEN 59c yard The more desirable cloth for Children's. better Dresses,, or splendid for Ladies. Fine Lingerie. ,111MMEMEHIMMEM VOILES VOILES, VOILES 4 9c yard A ghoice range of colors, in spot' and ri4 • BOYS' ALL WOOL JERSEYS With Polo Sizes 22 Collar 986 to 32 111013311alge1114 KINMONA CREPE 49c yard Never sold so low before,. good serviceable weights, and in choice ok colors of figures, worth up to Mauve, Rose, • Tango, • 75c in thp usual way. •- Blue. Comes in all the bright Our Special Price • pleasing colors. Worth 75c any day. • , fi sumumiummuismolig linwammillni miliswiniimininewelacilminnismainsiiminlimminlislinianiin EXTRA SPECIAL IN CANTON CREPE Regular $2.95' Value. Colors—Black, Coral Sand, Rosewood ‘,„„ , Pink, Blue, Navy,. per yard. , .... . .. . . . . : . . ... 40.4.4V DOUBLE • • SAFETV. PINS •• BRASS • CURTAIN RODS . Assorted Sizes. •SASH RODS 6 Doz. for 106 • 5c each Don't overlook this. •Never Sold Lower. • 25 Absolutely Guaranteed. „w,mommemememsimmuciummiummummummulanmimnimmifimmnmemommacommins • AIHISZLIMENESIIIVSMIr FELTOL MATS 1 Oc each The biggest 10c worth on the market, lay in a sup- ply and save your Rugs or Linoleum KRINKLE BEP SPREADS Colored Strip $1.98 Regular Price $2.50 -•• to $2.75 While they last we, •offer you ibis low price. All colors. RAG MATS XCic each " Made from choice clean Rags, in pleasing dark colors, splendid for Bed- eoorn or Bath -room, and so low in price .4=0.12520A-za MMIUMM MEM MUM MMM mmmummm m mimM m mommuommumm m 04mmkmImummmummmmui \cLEAR1NG ALL OUR ,,BETTER HATS Your choice of any hat in the store. ittegular lies • that • d“.1; were up to ...... 4).').va 111i1115M111211101110111E1121116111 11116111 winsaminwasmonstimontminstimsnotilinoommuingOnno num MISSES,ainEcnualFauximmtrazottalorea& • FELT HATS DRESSES STRAW HATS' $395 $1.95• Balanceo,:fclearing _Values up to 98c Colors, Copen, Green, .95 A real clean up price, on • Deep Blue, rown, all, with Bound Brim, a spec- cial purchase allows this ° Tow price 111i11121111111111011101112111111111111'1111111101121111111111111111511i1011111111K1101M1,11111)11101121110111011121111113112111111111 111E1110111111111011I101111M11101111N111M1110111011;01111B11111011 111 14111111111.111111MIthitflaiimingeigilminulls11W1 • EXTRA SPECIA omen's Gr'in.gharn. House Dresse • Sizes 34. to 44, values up to 2.19, Small cheek patterns with organdie trim, . , • „ t. ,•.. , '• • , • 25 only. _Silk Crepe, Rayon, Fue, Voiles, cloths, etc, ,..This is a rare chance to save. all the balance of our Straws that have been selling up to $1.79. Buy one today for hottest day mm• wommummoMmmmmmmummMmmommmmmommm mmmommmommMommummommmmummitm _•WHILA THEY EAST ISSES' COLORED RTJBIBEI?„. RAIN SLICIKER • COLOR CORDED Discontinued Lines of Corsets. 9 VELVET COLLAR Red, Brick, Gt'een, Blue, 4 4 Sizes, 16,18, 20, REGULAR 7,95 Choice for Vatuts worth up to 4,50, All sizes in the lot.. 'd004 "*"0"4'.'"!'"".*.0"9*.',,,'".6.0**046,0404.60.t.°41ii msoilii,dokorligrms,Y,MII•mmitarrwitial,niennh,b4m,c34tonosiaotint*Oned,dodaracuitialti41401m6iNvitxxoktgAtromooltwo-mtr-,notA, • .• • • * • • • • • • • MOWN ::1111016101110$11101111MAGNEWNWSNOMMOOSIMINIIIINWINSO 4ititilti; • • • • • • • :•