HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-02, Page 1With which is amalgamated rhe GorriVidette amid The Wroxeter News WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE.2nci, 1927 Subscriptiona $240 Per Yeae,'• . , MOTOR DRIVERS REQUIRE • Tiffin-DawSore, . OUT THEY GO' ' . MAINLt PERSONALS MAINLY PERSONALS . . GOLDEN WEDDING LOCAL NEW. - LICENSE, JULY 1st -----;- - •, very• pretty 'wedding was' Solein- . , all our Women's, Misses' . . Friday, June 3rd, is ;a Bank Holiday. ; Chas. Jobb has returned to An .e -vent more :than usual inter- A. W. in01.Pr WaS ' The many,friends of Me, A, G. Smith eV' be pleased to learn that he is re- n.a.inifig in Wingleain, he having been . , ,A • ,. . • d o i Tuesday May 2 t at the nue . ; , ,y 4 h, . home of • the bride's parents, When Jean Isabella, only daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dawson, became the .Clearing d • . , • • .• a . an Children s , Spiing an Simone' Coats, at. a saving of from 20. to. 30 per cent. Ae.' Isard & Co's. ,, • • • • M -s ert oHicks o - ?ais ' vijt- ... Mis, Rob. . . f r s is v sit in her parents, Mr, ,and Mrs. John Davidson, . - Mrs, ,M. McDerrnid Parolee, ,M..i". White Bay after visitin his mother., .. g - Miss Katherine Stevenson of Flint, Mich., visited with friends in town one day last Week. ' ' , ef . i - est took p ace on Wednesday night, May 25th,, when Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes Of Langside, telebrated their golden Their . , sneer,: 1 . , ' fot rth year Dental .examin Pinea,pPles will beat the week Your order appreci: Ivi.el<ey's restaurant, ippointed 'issuer • of Motor Drivers' Perinits ' in; additiouto hie handling: .„ , ;he ainiomobile lidenses. " I -le expects ..on; . beide of Joseph Wesley Tiffin, all of Einloss, T.h.el Rev. John Pollock, minister of Chalmers Peesbytetian . NORTH HURON -,UNIT,ED " , FAR1VIERS .! • of spent a few days ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dyer, ". • Mr. Graham of Stratford and 1v1iss Irene McDowell, spent Sunday with her marneeb. wedding anniversary. . hoine Was beautifully decorated for the Occasion. ,The tables were artis- ' , „ . . ticallr arranged, the floial decoia.tions,„ Rev. A. S. Dean is placer ' ham by the Stationino- C . iop 0 ;London Confei ' :9 open up an office somewhere Vlain ,Street in the near future, but forre• - • . . - :he time being he is .still located in rh-e Advanee. Times. 1 . All Motorists will from July /st,f ie compelled to .carrY ' a; drivers; lic- nste. It is looked, on as a valuable , , ;tep in the direction ,of "inereasing , iafety for careful. drivers oh the high- vays and las a measure alining at. the ' drivers - • ' church, Whitechateh of 1 iated. . . The b -ide looked' ver , i y beceming in her gown of Trenen Satin With trim.- diamond lace and 'cell. in mings o .. , , . Y g the bridal boucinet 'of pink.roses, The pearl lace which graced her ,rieck' was the gift o groom. Th- bride en ' f the • ' - ' ' tered the room • on the a en 1 ' • leaning ci 9 her father, as •Mrs. Orville Tiffin played the. wedding march, and wore . The annual meeting of the -United . Farmers of North Huron, will be held in the Town I-Iall, Wingham Satin- , • • . . •' day afteineon, June 4th, at 2 o'clock. , A good attendance is expected -from all parts of the riding,- • Important • , ' business to be 'distussed. .. •., . . • • Win. Rutherford, Pres., . It; J. Currie, Secretary. .; • - . - 'Mrs.. Thomas Forbes left yesterday for Macdonald, Manitoba, where slie intends spendingsome time. • " ' • • ' Mr Wm. Hodgkin of Niagara Falls, Ont, was a week -end visitor at the hoihe of Mr.a. d. M . W • G• ,m, tey. . „, ,,,,„: ,-. , Miss iveary i.,:osens of. the University of Toronto, went to Fergus .on Mon- . . - • day to do- Intim work for two months . . , . , . Dr. Stewart and Mr. Retry i-lopper• relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dyer of Winciso.r, spent. the .week -end at the former's ' ' t M crVI W R ' paren s,. r. an ,o. rs; . • , Dyer. . • Mr' d Geo Riley .. an Mrs.. . i ey and Con- troller Robertson of Thdrt Huron, ;Ilia, ...spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Walter VanWyck, ., . . nu . exery, . .. ., an rs. "Miss .A PI R N d NI Clinton . of New York, motored . over being golden colored tulips and fern, , , , ,,.... . , while a large goldenecolered 'wedding . , „ , . - ' ' bell suspended from the ceiling dir- ecty Over tlfre' centre table added to the attractiVeness of the dining rOom. .m iNgi , r. .,.• ones was born in Welling- to . 1 . • . n. cou ty corning to Bruce abo 8 • .,,,t. 1 7o. A • ew years later he mooned M F .1 f ' ' ,••"'"' ary a eler o Langsideeocand they have lived 'iiithi elis'et - so ic ever since, ence, ' ', 'Miss Doris W-1 t. , a. ker of spelt: the halide. ' , y with h let ,!' d it e w . r. -an , is s tac all -e • •• ' iss .11. Carruth of 1-1 . • • ' • '' v iting with her cousins ''.N4 , • e ex l' • . • .' 1'. li. . r, eveei-ean, Diagonal .u.0 Mr. and Mrs J J Vince e ' . ' J. and Mrs Alvin Prout of Bo - ited Mrs. Jas. Walker on Ad roper 'regulatide....of and the ontrol of men, women, girls and. boys a gold•s'arnetliyist bar pin,' the gift the groom. The Only attendant was . . MRS. ALLISON SHORTS . . • ' . - . , 6entatives of Winghatri - are rePr. , ,.. . Un ited. child.' .at Conference ' at London an Spent soine days with '•• . ti . w • friends in town and vicinitY. - • . The family consisted of seven boys and five girls, all of Whom attended Mr . and Mrs, Earl John; daughter of Toronto; spent i'.ow driving on the public:roads, ' •C,,,E.Bernaret, secretary of the Lon- Ion Motor 'Club, which for years past las been advocating just such :a heasure, sayiall 'cereful 'drivers, inuSt .ecognize .the value of •the Order, and ,ealize•itsiusefulness as a safety. pro- rision. Not only will all new drivers lave to pass. a technical examination nfore ihey can take out a car, on the , Odd, but careless drivers, the kind who • 1.ee a constant menace to all 'safer revellers will haVe their license can , ;elled, when good Cause is shown. In his last respect he sees the new:or der, • ! n -council a most necessary change in he condition of .car Ownership and nanageinent in the Province, , It coincides witli the „new speed' unit of 35 miles an 'hour on proviii- lal highways, a bearing her little, cousin, Jean Isabel Purd.on; who . heekeed sweet. in her frock .. of light blue silk crepe. Little. jean was, the proudew9aret of a sardonyx ring; the gift of the 'groom The home . ; , .. i was prettily decorated with pink car- nations, maiden hair fern and white narciseas. The, ceremony took Place ii the dining room... The young couple looked. very charming standing underfrom the large white' ' ' • .e - •• , ,• wedding b -II hating in the centie of a b i'• - ' . .• eat. tiful ai cho made of evergreens ' The ' ''.- ' • . wedding breakfast was set ed to 'fift guests . .. v., , , y, among whom were relatives and , ; . .W. friends from Winni. • • ' . Peg, Biantford, To i•onto and other' pointe, . Mrs. John Gilleepie, Sr. a guest of the bride,..who i • her 99th e. ' -P in 99 , .year, graced the table with her preSence and added a:roman- , • On. Sunday afternoon there passed awayat her home 'On Tohn St, Wing- ham, Mrs. Allison Shorts, in her 88th year,- The deceased lady.' had been a resident of Wingham for 28 years. She had been lvery active until about three weeks ago and was only confine ed to her . bed a.bout .one week. She was . a daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Din-. Forsythe,iof thd, township of Dum- • ' ' ' mer, one brother, George, of Win g- ham, is the only surviving relative • services' The funeral were. conduct- • • 'd • • Tuesday ed .at her late Jesi ence on . afternoon at 2, o'clock by the Rev. Dr. • I Perrve, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Winghan-i. ' I Interment .was made in. the Wing-. • ; ham :cemetery. • , . • . . ,. . this week . , ' , • - . W. F. Burginan, ow -genial C. N. R. agent, is •enlarp;ing his loine by.. ad- ding on, a, -sun room, bedroom and kitchen. . - , Mr,. and Mrs. Howard Gray of Nia- gara Falls, Ont., are visiting at ' the former's patents, Mr .and Mrs,. Wm. Gray, Minnie St. , Miss Luella M. Campbell has return- ' ' ed to Windsor, having spent the week - end with •friends and relatives at Kin-.• ' ,cardineeaad Winkhain. - Week -end guests with Mr .• and Mrs. R. Dyer were, :Mrs. W. Duke and Frank Duke of Oran evill- . g -, Mr. and Mrs. Len McCalee and, two daugh- . , . •:' ters of Brampton. - • , ' , The regular meeting,- of the Wo- . Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. A., of Sarnia, a former pastor of 'Wingham United church, has beensecutect tip conduct the. Anniversary services of the Sure- .. day School, .in -Rented church, .Wing- ham:, .on Sundayi...June lath. Miss Marion I-Iohnes, daughter of Mi.- 0.14 Mrs. Dewitt Holmes, form- erly of Wingham, graduated Maysth, St. Michael's Hospital 'I'Mining school for Mirses. ', . • , Mr. and Mr Powell'. ' ' . s.accompanied, . • • by Miss Gandier and Mr. Young of Detroit; visited over the week end at the home .of • Mrs Powell's sister,' Mrs. Mrs George Cart. • , W. F. Rolhn Port Elgin fisherman, : , - last week caught a /07 lb sturgeon that measured 5ft 8inches. From it " ' the function with the exception of the .. . 'eldest daughter who was unable to be Present. •• There . are twenty-seven grancle children and two great grand children, seventeen of the grand child- ren Were present. • . • . , A suitable program of toasts was ar- ranged., Foster G. Moffat, in •a very able and eloquent manner proposed the toast to "Father and Mother," which was responded to by the toast master, Dr. D. H. McInnes of Wing- . ham Other suitable speeches were' '•of 'made by Reeve Tiffin of"EinlosS, and the Rev. Mi. Pollock of Whitechurch. 'Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Tiffin supplied the music, ably assisted by Messrs. ' • ' • . • • John McInnes and Geo. Falkner, jr. ! The wedding cake for the occasion • • was made in England. . • end with the former's' me • • . W o • J hns, John St. . Mr. Carl Casernore Mot Blienh.ehn, and spent the iv the home of his parents, Mi Jerry Casernore, 13. Line. Mr, and Mra. Alex B. Case returned to Chatham. aftei the week -end at the borne aer's parents Mr. and Mrs. mon, B. Line. . -..- .Kr. and Mrs ThosF' - 7 ixtun Wallateburg, and . who 1 the winter in Florida, ar, with Mr Fixttire's parents ; Mrs. H. BIZ -lure. ' Mr. and Mrs.'Ilb 11 I ' m e c nn Elgin- of Scottsguard, Sask, home to • attend the goldei . and will•have 'xi the new conditicms. It will,. in the ;pleion of the secreta,r3e, help to re- train those speed fiendi, who loOked - .' life. td the tit touch of the pioneer , proceedings ' • • , •; • • A reception in honor of th ' .. I • • e Imidel •• ' men's Auxiliary Of •Wirighain General BRIGHT YO'UNG LIFE IS CUT • • - • 'Hospital will be held, in the Councilmany ' ' SUDDENLY SHORT , • • ,Chamber on Monday 'afternoon, Junebout h lb f -'. 1 e got 3o s o roe, with the sal of ein New, will yie ine the fish ' N York 11 ' Id IC .-r 1 for this , about $1.00,p... b fish, , . . i Mr and Mrs, 1YlcI , , , , nries received ' • ' useful presents in addition to a- $130 i'n gold, showing the. very anniversary of Mt. Ile:Line . , . and Mr. and Mrs. • Dan Ad Langside, were visitors at • 1 Dr. McInnes this ' orward tO the new lirnit as a loop•- • .. iole for fresh speed records.. : The're' IS another ' piece of. legis- ;party was •held in the evening, two hundred and. fort bei ' tt cl • • , y ng in a en - eine The number of useful a - and cost . • , 'leesidents ly presents speak of the esteem in, m .... ___. . . ._.. _ •6th, , • rs. tieorge Wightmart Dies at Horne n ast awanos in 29t ear 1 E W h ' . h 'y . ..of thiS cominunit were - • . Y •o'clock,. at 3.45 ., , , - , , . A Garden Party will be held at W. . . . Garner Nicholson's '4th line of Motris, ' Mr. anti Mrs. John N. Cunningham, . Brusse 0 • • - s, nt., announce the engage- • . f '. • anent o their daughter, Caroline Jes- sie, to Matthias (Mac) Scarlett of high esteem in which they were held • • 1 tl• by neighbors and re a wes, about sev- enty of. whom were present for the odasion. . ' ' • ''l I ''', -, week. • . - . - -.-----7-77-' ,A HINT TO SHEEP 01 . • • glen dealing with the control of dri- ers of private' cars, advocated, by the ,oncion Club for some time, and that , ,the enforcernent"of a- ph3reical ex- anination for all drivers holding a 'Cense. This, hoevever, he thinks will Jet ;come until. the genera: Inublic has leen, edhcated to appregiate the Deed. or it. He believes it will ' eventually,.all . ome, bur that.to insist on it at ,the reSent tixne would be prema.ture. ' • . shocked on Thursday afternoon to which the youn couple are held •g - ••1 1'1 d h•flf • .d -1 earn o tie eat o e anon, gal y The honeymoon will be s en n. • '• • • ' 13 t 1 a .•. , • - beloved .wife of George Wightman, of.. 'motor trip to Toronto Niagara and . ,, ' -- the 6th. cencession of ..East , Wawa,- Brantford. The :. bride's travelling. nosh. ' ' ' ' dress was, of satin, back crepe ,biscuit She was the -second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'l • ' • s. Oliphant.. Smith, of S hade, evitli gold ttimmings, arid ha.t, G. _ .. , , . - . Grey Township, and being most gen- th Match The coat Was of deep .. - .. , ial in 'disposition endeared herself to plush with coney fur and hose and ' who made h acquaintance, her Be- hoes th match eUpon their return - NY - - -son s ; ' . . , sides her sorrowing husband she is the happy couple ,will ,reside on the , ., • . groom's farm in kinlOss. survived , by, a• son, Ilan, and an in- on Thursday evening July 7th Cow - - , - . an Concert . Co. of Toronto will fur-, , , nish the pre:lee-am Keel) this. date in 0 • mind. ' • . ' Mr. and Mrs,' Levi' Holmes, return - d • ' e onTuesday to Flint, Mich, after ' d." 1 'week -endh spen mg the at the ome 'of her mother; . Mrs, Pullen, miss • ' - Margaret Pullen accompanied theta back for a short Vacation. ' . • ' Mr. and Mrs. L. 13; 'Emighv and Walton 0 t th- • ' . , He .., ... marriage to take • • . . place in Toronto early in June. .. ,, Come and enjoy, youreelves at our Garden Party, June 1 ., under e 6ththe •atisp'c s f tli C tl l• W , _ i e 0 e a lox omen s League Wingham on the Church . , , • , Law -n. • Supper served from 5 to 8 'lck•Ath ' 0 1 t • tt d, 0,c o . r ur s rc ies ra in a ,en ance, Everybody welcome. , • ' • William Starling, •a xo-year-old Port , , Th • f • e ••• ose present' tom a distance were. . • • ' Mrs. Collins and. little daughter, Fay, of England;, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc Innes and son Elgin, Of Scottsguard, • . , Sask.,. Mr.eand Mrs. Alex Butler and . • • . son, Alex., of .Seaforth; Mrs. Rath and Mrs Craig of London . ' ' - ' : ' Dr. D. H. 1VIcInnes of town is a . • .. _ • . . ot M.r. and Mr . s Dan McInnes of Langside. „ . . . _____-. This e r' l' -, y a s amb crop ha eral ' . • , appearance of being on f a lar e ere- 0. 0 . g . P entaee ol Youngsters. The type that'l . . eye of the buyer is more p than it was a ,few years ae owners are. realizing 'what c marked demand. Furthern it 1 b ' ' ' • ' a Ian am is gaineng in 3 both at home and abroad, is. ' the consumer b WINGHAM GIRL HELD UP •• . BY GUNMEN ' ' • fant • son born the daY, of her death • dau hters Ruth and Teen of Sa ' 1 The pre -nuptials Mel -acted,. a kitchen • '' .' • ' g ., • gm, wo flat -Silver and China shower; given for also four ',brothers .ancli four sisters: Mr. and IVI-i-s. Noble Schnock of Hitt, . br Elkin 6oy cele ated May 2 th wit , , • 4 . some firecrackers. Picking up one he. - . THE OLD HONE . -- . . , .. pleasing 4, used to 'do. The reducti number of Buck' Lambs bei ., the bride at the home of Miss Merle Hugh, Smith,of Molesworth; Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young of Port mistook for a dud, when it failed to There's a spot to dear• largely responsible for this Miss Laura Bell, a -Wingham. girl, the is employed in the Betty, Jane Wilspn, Whitechuroli, , and a. parlor of East. Wawanosh; Wilia.m and Jam-' table given to, the groom by 'the choir es, at home; Mrs. Melville Taylor, ,Of East Wawanesh; Mrsee Cardiff, Huron, spent the w.eek-end with 1VIr. and Mrs. 3. D. McEwen, exPlode he placed it in his pants pock- et. Here it . came to life and . set. off three or four more the memory ' Not a thousand miles from her' e, .. Well beloved by thosewho make the ' popularity. • , Huron County sheep own; '.• ' andy Store, 24 Adams, St, Detroit, of the United Church, Whitechurch, • of . ''''''''''""" causing :lad place their home; well to bear in mind that ' 'fortnig.ht .. • ' Grey; Margaret and Maitorte..at -home.. ...ereee'wen ,;:- very severe burns. ' July r8, Of ad a ehrilling •experience a. go,:when a gunman entered the store . ,• 'REME1VIBERS OLD DAYS MrS. Wightman was' born ,in ;Grey, • '• • township and was in her 2gth year. . ' ---,•-• ' „Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, an- neunce the engagement their daugh- There are many more as well . Who loved beneath tehe spell, , 'are 1927, the cut $2.oc dred pounds and after Otte nd got amray With about $700 id bills. Valking in he marched up to the irls' who .Were about to leave, " and: lid: "This is a. hold. -up br tl • i . ,_ ea le anc 11 shoot." ....The girls obe3red; were larChed 'to the kiteligraild 'arriving iere with his .guii, he rsnapPed on the anal- light cl put them clewn there, .an. . , , • A. E. Cornyon,. drugg;ist of Pincher, . , Creek , Alta:, in renewing :his. , sub- scription to the Adiance-Times,' says datef M e tl If thider o ay -5 1. yoti -see . Tom McLean; tell ,him I found ameng mefortsilk y fssilkhedge. of the • Mapleminist Leaf Base Ball Club of Wingharn. of, Tom. .3rd : . , . .. - - She was a meinber „of Westfield Un- . ited .church. . • • • ' The funeral took place 'Saturday afternoon from her lateeresidenCe to Beigrave cem.etery. Rev. W. R. Alps, f W curc, er of Unitedhh conducted- the. Services. • . ,.. . ! ; ...4kw• eeeeee.; e,..e.e,Ree. ...peeieree. Vi•Ig ,e., • of ter, Hariet Ellen, to 21r, Frederick Lachlan Carruth, eldest son of Mr. and Mr.s. J. Carruth; formerly ; 9- ' Wingham, marriage to take place the latter part of •June at St. George's chutchLondon.. ' . , Another attempt at burglary occurred And whose .hearts here, •th.o. far • away they roam. • There's a'sort ot joyfulness ' That.a. fellow can't express When lie sights the little village from • the , e train : - And his heart just bubbles o'er , 'cut of $3.o0 per hundred pc ayain be effective on all bac spring's lamb „crop. To please the consumer, t the best markets and to ma best vahies ' for. lambs: Dock all Iambs and caste lambs when they are quite ; agether with. their customers. .Hea.lr- ig *him gO ;Oat, they .caine back to , 41 Years ,ago, ,witeri played base and 'Wingliam had a real team, o il t the ime but 'Thwrit•w t e LATE ALBERT E. FOTHERGILL ' eike ...e ee. eeee.. ev" , • between Saturday &Monday morning when MacLean's, Lumber and •Coal ' When he reaches there once more, Ana he never wants to leave the place Breed the • kind of lambs be finished at from 8o to 90 , rid the stor4 full of Customers, when 4. Iiss Laura alled the polleeThey ere soon on'thes"..S' • t btt fal d t , spot .1 le .o 'cate the bold man. LaurAwras corn- er as °Ma - - .• - - . . 1 -cart still name and place seven of them: !George. Mooney is the only • . other, one left back th.ere now', I think.' : , The death of,Alhert E Fothergill in London •Hospatal last week came with ' a great shock ;to many friends here, few of realized he was in a ,,,,, ." le .,) :' office was entered. The amateurs forted the offiCe door from the plan- ing. mill, but got .nothing for their trouble. It is just possible they were • again. . , . .... It is not the spacious size, But the proip.eet satisfies, . tb.0 farm. • ' Provide the kind of past will properly finish the lam the desired weights,: , . lunented oa her action' un • ;the matter, u her coolness no doubt pre.vented' . DIED IN LONDON ' ) .. . whom 'serious' condition. 1 -le had geine to the for ; ,re „4. .e frightened.aWay by some passer-by. . •1\tliss Laura Robinson, R. N., left And the people are as: happy as in .. Rome, , • ' Pick out the lambs from as they reach. the proper w iything more .serious: She is now '• - : Mre. Musgrove received the sad in- hospital a few days previously; .an operation and, failed to rally. ' ' .: on Thursday. morning for Minneap- est, tree and rank, They are hon f Graded with the ' ' ' •• highest rank ; finish and 'sell them. the Wood.warcl Avestore of this : . • an. •. • • ' telligence • that • her cousins, Mrs, . mr. Fothergill was ,the second son ' ''' temmastreasonammowoctionalsenmilmanaminutanank .;'•• es Inn r she ' - olis, A. i ., whe ewas called to • • And are proud.to call this little Spot • NATIVE 02 .,. . , . , . Brae:hike of: Montreal, had ' passed a- of the late Mr. and Mrs, George - . . r Mr. the bedside of her sister-in-law, • i I . . the r home, ,e,e- ,HUN,W: TeesiVater Rifle Club reorganized st week with .Joseph McKague, Pre- dent; and J. C, Webster, Secretary- reasurer.. It is. eXpected to increase .e membership to lover 8o lest year's =bee, • . e • .- • ' • London 4.n land -1, f rt iolit way in , S' o , 0 . .11 ago. Mrs, Browillee, better known as Bina Farrew,' eldestdaughter of the late Thoinas Fa.rrow,..M. P. for North Huron, was born in Blueyale, where. she•epent her git•lhodd days and where known . • • Fothei gill,. 6th coneeesion of East Wa- eva.noeli. H.e sp.ent much of. ,his life on the horneteacl, later going West; returning to Wingham a f eW ,Yoais• ago, where he had. since made his . home. He was a lover of sports, and' interest in Rev. James Wilson • of. l3rampton Who will open and 'dedicate the new Presbyterian chuch at Bluevale, , on; Sunday, June r2th. , Mr, Wilson, is a St. Helen's boy .atiel.his return to the -bedside of her sister-in-law, .Mrs. Ed. Robinson who was quite ill. At time of writing we are pleas.etl to re- .You Port that she is somewhat improved. Mrs. Robinson was formerly , Mary Nicholl, daughter of Mr. Jes. E. Nide- 011; of Turnberry . - -, , There's the dearest little church could find in years a seareh Where 'our parents used to 'worship • long ago,. , And they left a blessing there. , . DUNGANNON,Ittay S 4. - sag.e has been reeeived by of the 'death in Duluth on 1 'William Brown Malloueth, a the late Mr. and Mrs. Br lough, 'who were at one i ,. ,...e.. ..r. She was well and: .favorably . • Sinte lief marriage, , Mrs., Brownlee had resided in .Montreal. In the hope . that benefit aeen how- this part .will be Of special interest to tool amore thn k . , ling and crirlitig. Besides his wile, • thb friends of the family who reside who was formerly . Miss Catherine in. East' Wawanosh. . 4 by throe . • • , Miss Kathleen Bennett, B, A., M,A, daughter of Rev, and Mrs, M. M. . r filet has,•ever lingered near; .idents This is ;;why .the little children love .lough . . • it sq. , 'years • of Dungannon, ' 1 wit's born in Dungen ago, Qf late he h I •,', ' 419 - _ .).... • ' .an ocean voyage would ' her failing health, Mrs. Brownlee, ac•-. Routledge, he is atirvi'Ve.c1 ., brothers and three Sisters , viz: Mrs. 1 ililr, and Mrs. W. H .Davidson, Bennett, arrived home 'Thursday noon from New Yerk city where 'she has .. • ; .'1 'All 'ai•e happy and content engaged in the, boot and ; - mess in Duluth. Besides 1 ... Oil. I; a, 1 / ,,94,7;---------' ,.. companied by her , youngest daughter, Edna, 'crossed the Atlantic and took a , residence in London. • For a time she. Seemed to iniprove,,but sufferieg 11-om A. MoVittie, Goderich; Mrs. D. 'Bell,' Wingham, annottnee the engagement Winghame Mts. McCtirdy, Edniontone: of their only daughter, Sadie Beatrice, , , John Fothergil Edmonton; Thomas to Mr. Remy Olivei• Stevens, son of of Deloraine, Man., and Arthur, of the; late, Mr. arid Mrs. W. H. Stevens, been tak' • ' ing a. ; post .graduate course - t C 1 b- • ' a, o um. ia. University. Miss Bch_ nett was sacceSsItif in ' ' securing. he,r Master of Arts degree Tc'echers In this quiet settlement, And.for -worshippers they're never at a .lossi , . , ; , • They have all their ,hearts desire he is survived by one son daughter. two sisters, alsc , . . . . him in: British , 'Columbia Stephen St tlei'and Vrs. .. , . • . ..- : '''4:4,! r'',..'ii " an attack of pneumonia she' passed peacefully away. Her eldest daugh- Winghaen. A. btother.Will was killed 'Paris, Ont, themarriage to. take place r , . just a year ago by Inc horses ',run- early in June • • and dirtloina of Household A • ' rts. , She has .. d, •,h f • 'If . 'N , in Undo • eath one little spire; • . And, they call their little village ' Stewart are aunts of the dee ' ' . , ter, Hazel, Who was on the ocean when ' her mother died, arrived in , , , , ning 'away, The 'funeral took place ! ,. 111 r. and Mrs. ',most emus o i•ition 1 1 I E D ' f to Lakelet cemetery on Thursday, Morris, . , - ;. the engagement or . accepte t e pro ess,ots ip of eu t- ' ' ' M S tl'' in onte.tia, tate nntersity at - ee „ bazeman, montaha, Charring dross." ' • ; • , ELBOTION PROTIST ON , Sunday, June sth. ' time WINGPIAIVI UNITED . ' • • - CHtJRCH - lebone. ; toWink Rev. 1/1. M. terinett, 13. A. • , • Minister . to • for the fetherat, . • • . • . ' The remains were interred hi MarY- cemetery. Besides her Sol.- hiisband 'Mrs Ili() - I. ' Y ' . wn.lee -eaves ,mourn their loss, two daughters,. Mrs. Elder and Edlia;"fotit brOtherS, and was verY largely attended, Rev. J. W. Hibbert of London, and Rev. E. F. Armstrong:Of Listowel, former minist i . of t le United CI a e i 1 eie, ' ' e • 1 ' 1 r 1 ll.' - assisted ii the ititeral service. • ' , , announce ' .. , . . . .. ' . ' tae eldest datighbei, Veina .1VIae, to iv 'R. b ' H Id' d: son. of,the I i C. ert aro ; secon o ,t le ate .,d o Blue 'MI 'Lid 111.s, Albert Thomas, f - "." ci l' 'vale; the marriage to takePlate quietly - about the middle of June, • : ; . Decoration Day in the States afford- ...„ Win . .,, .- unmet. gnanutes at op- , ort ' n unity of visiting their old, hoene ' Among tuella. were; lestineth t.,arter f D 1. 't V ' f ' " 't o e Ten , ; an Hopper o Detroit, ..'• A verv large -erowd was present ' . , at Chalmer's Presbyterian elnreeh • , • ' Whitechureh en Sunday, IVfay 22nd, it . . . • • . . being the Iltst comma/Wm pervice of be Dmaeni in tini 'eller. The pastor, '. ' ' e b • Melee Sohn Pollodk, the ; Walkerton r May 26 -Th, ' against the election of IV1 Callum Pro.eressive M.L,A, . . ' ze , . Brute, on the grounds of 1 scheduled to be heard ' bet( Supreme Court Stidges at V J. H. Christie, Choir Leader , . 'Parsonage Cor. John -and Min " nie Streets, Phone 183. • Rev, W. E. ,Treleaven- will * nore, in . lac, 111, of :London, R. R bf Ottawa, Martin OflCollingwood, and Ward of Windtor arid one sister; Mrs. " Con- (1VIelesSe.,), of Thotold. ' , • ' , irmiversary Sevices in Cal,vin Church ,Anniversaty services in connection with Calvio Presbyterian church, East Wawanosh, will be beld on Sunday, On Friday 'evening, June 3rd, a , o comedy, entitled "Billy's Aunt,' will be presented under the, auspices of, the tro Young People's Soetety of •131ttev,ale dagghter United church, in the former Meth- Earl Grcves of Detroit, David Breen of Gratcl Rapids, E . . igi. o •- d Fo. .0 f Do it, Mr, and Mit. Bert IVIcElroy atid • and Earl McElroy and Jack Taylor of Detroit; Eldon Petermati of" occupied Pal- pit and Presided at the ,,,rabio.,, . The Prep aratory Servlee wee held on- , PrldaY May 20th when Rev.. Dr, Per- 4 ' 4 ham gave the addrees rt. of -Wing , ' w . ...__ .. „_ _ ..•:. on Tnurscay, 011ie z8. The' charges is based on. 1 . - ed PaYineut by Mr* muCall ErneSt TatOn. of Walkerton to G. Anderson Luelri have charge of the Services 7 . ...T: of Whighara. United, Church neat • Stinday, jui,le .5th, ,, . praised Sunday School at -0.65 a.m. , , ,,,,,,,,,,eeseeeeeeeme...,...4.0,0404,,4.4,44,44,eeeeeee,. badly,. Public Works department are to be for fixing the sidewalk at the , Bank. of Commerce, •which lied broken. . . .. . , ., , june 5th, to be eondtieted by Rev. Dr. Connor of Ripley at it am. & e.3o p.m, The public ate cordialler invited to at- tend the .services. odist church, BlileiYate, Play starts at 8,39,. after the Soft Ball iriateh bee tween Garrie and 131Uovale. • Achulas- of ion,: 050 and 15e, , Detroit, Mt. and Mrs. Petosky, • Miss Edith Striek'er and Walter Brawley Detroit, Thomas 13;ennett of rlitit, Miehigan. • •• . "-* We Repair All Kinds of .Shoies inet do . than Quinkly. • . CrEEETS SHOE stolz.E. era' nominee for Solith Bra 4,4 ec,eon expensee Up to that . .. . tte a inditeernmit.eit is etated and avoid a three-eornered , ssful in his tions. ir best this led, J. H. for Wing- minittee of Toronto, parents, r. rriston, is r. and Mrs. t end Mr, tbwell, vis- Onday. and Iittle the Week- ther, 'Mrs. ored front eek -end at and Mrs. more, have spending f the for- erry Case- , formerly eve spent O visiting , Mr. and • es and son who came wedding S' parents, cInnes of the home , NERS, the gen- e ,rnade up vigorous leases the ' onounced o. Sheep onstitutes ore, Can. - opularity, because it atter than 00 in the g sold is increased rs will d0. beginning per hun- ber / the ands will ks of this develop ntain the rate male 000g. that will pounds at ures that bs within the flock eight and ON, „ ) A Ines - relatives Tay 16 or only son • own Mal - me res - Ir, Male non 50 • ad been hoe bus - is widow - and One sttrviVe . Mrs. Andrew eased. IINE 23 protest . A. Mo- or South ribery is re three altetton, he alleg- tut and of $1,250 ow, til)- te, as el- ime, and to retire olitest,