HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-26, Page 7iE li 04 1 Thursday, May 26th,, roe/ WrfL „.eo.rvr.e �...w 154 droll GYPROC Your. Garage WHY endure another winter with a cold garage? I3y ' liningit'with Gyproc :ou.ma savethecost yP Y Y c o f of a cracked radjat9r,'frozen water pump and numerous repairs caused by zero weather. G roo keeps out winter's bitter ..cold, It is •fire YP P r fire - resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Write for free booklet—"My Horne," It will tell you how Gyproc, Rocbeard Insulating Sheathing and Insulez will reduce your fuel bill from ... 20 to itO%,',. r • . THE ONTARIO GYPSU1V1 CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA o- rlift For Sale By RAE & THOMPSON THOMPSON & BUCHANAN, R. J. Hueston - - Thos. Stewart' Wm. Rutherford SOO Wingham, Ont. - Winganl, Ont. .' -. Gor'rie,.Ont. • 13luevale, Ont.; Wroxeter, Ont. Made' only from hard Western wheats, Purity Flour is xieh in gluten -- the energy giving and body <building food. Purity Flour is best for all your baking and will. supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and bread. Send 30c in, stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 265 11117amototen Canada Flour Mills Co. limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa. Saint John. T771! n WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES ter/►"./ �/ MR$. MARY ROE INVITED TO CANADIAN REUNION Mrs. Mary Roe'of St, Paul, '-Nebra- ska, received an invitation to attend a reunion of all the "old boys and girls arid, ex -teachers” of School Dis- trict No. io, Morris township, Ontario, Canada, which will be held on the old school grounds on Thursday, July zasl, 1927, She will hardly attend the reunion, but the receipt of the invita- tion awakened a flood of fond mem- ories of; days 65 years ,ago when Mrs. Roe was engaged, in teaching ,School in that very school. Mls.: Roe is do years old at the pre- sent time s n andhowill s hardly make the trip back there to attend this re- union. But her heart will be there on that day and she will turn back in memory and recall! the children with whom she was associated at that time. What a pleasant time she could have for a short while if she could attend, this gathering. There she would' be able 4.9 meet with a few of the pupils that attended school when she was the teacher, but it is doubtful if she would meet ixiany who were grown at that time, Sixty-five years is a long trine and wonderful changes have tak- en place in that country in that space of time. But it 'would be an interest- ing experience for Mrs. Roe if she could make the trip. That would be quite a trip fora person of her age to make, even though she is in the lbest of health and enjoying 'life to the fullest extent. Not many persons of her age are going to be present at that reunion. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SUMMER SCHOOL, JULY 4TI;I TO AUG. 13T Special Courses for Teachers L Course in Nature Study and Agriculture. 2. Review Course in High Schogl Geometry. 3. Course in Library Science. Comae, Offered also in Chem- istry, -English, French, German; Greek, History, Latin, Matiie- matica and Zoology. A splendid social and "athletic program throughout., Beautiful new UpiversityBuid-• raga in a 260 acre Park. Start on a B.A. now. Six detightfal weeks of study and recreation. For Information write the Director, Dr. E. R. Kingston or the Regis-' \ trar, Dr,i<.P.R, Neville • London, Ontario.: GEORGE WILL TRY AGAIN "If at first Sion don't -succeed, try again." We think that Mr. George Spotton must have been brought •up upon that good old motto "Tsrse- verance," some have said is the greatest word. in the English langu- age; and George must have that word tucked away in his vest pocket so that he can take it out and look at it once in -a while Mr. Spotton—to use his more dig- nified designation—has battled a number of tidies for provincial and, dominion parliamentary honors in North Huron, and was defeated -not. ignomiuously defeated - just lost out as the sport ' writers say. But like Bruce of Scdtland and the spider of limitable of which he no doubt read in his school books, he will try again. Some here will remember Mrs. ' Roe as Miss Mary, 5, McCracken. Old pupils are asked to communicate with Mrts, R. J. ,M.cL+ennan, No. 2, Blue vale.• rAi -Leads the World in Motor Car Value Every Nash owner notices that he has very little gear shifting to do on hills, Ito matter how steep the grades maybe. Nash is a very powerful motor car. There is Nothing half-hearted or slug- gish about its response—the motor never "talks back" at you—even though you are climbing mountains. One reason is the more than adequate power designed hitoevety Nash motor car. Nash engineering has provided reserve energy for situations that ta,c the resources of other.cars, and extend their eligities to the point of strain. ;bea.rings in .every Nash model, in. stead of 3 or 4, means that power is not thrown away by crankshaft "whip." Proper bearing support throughout the entire length of the crankshaft ,conserves energy that older motor types waste. Quick acceleration --•� powerful re• sponsivveness—such as Nash provides, is a safety factor your cannot overlook, It is invaluable on the hills, very handy in traffic. When you select your next car, be sure to see how unfavorably the power Another reason for the powerful per.. and pick-up of other cars compare to fomnaance of Nash is '� bearings. 7 Nash, before you decide! 13. i,.; I !ER At : in h n Ontario (•1881):+, Copyright, 1926, by Collier's Weekly and G. P, Putnam Sons s'Blil Grimm's Progress" is a picturization by. Film Booking Offices of , Amorioa, Ino. r (F. E3, (4 of H. C. W itwer's stories of the sales narnff • B B it frimsn Donees to New York to make Mss fortune rznd becomes a heavyweight boxer vrod•'r't?' tars• loge of Butch Ford. Pansy P111,:1:•1 ton, a friend, is in the L'oltirl, ) u k Fairfax 'is Bill's bugaboo. uur•i) t. 0 Baxter, Bill's "good iv;lre-ie• turns from detective to maasaycr•uJ Bill's new tea -parlor. Bill knoekl, ut Oliver, the first of the two con*oriel• ers against ,himv for honors against the heavyweig7tit,c1campion. Among the assault and battery fanciers which jammed my training quarters daily at four bins a look was a fellow about my own age en. titled Carlton 'Herne. He: was a s yeigiht-carat Sgh:t ran and a lull edged millionaire to boot. Herne haat a unbreakable habit of stalling around the gym alter the nob left and we got to know each other that way. In no time at all, gentle reader, you',d think we'd been bounding around together for epochs, Lt seems we sized up most things ,the samo way, in spite of the fact that I was self-made and unhindered by grammar, while 'Herne was a product of Harvard and 'millions. Snubbing Butch Ford's squawks, I insisted Herne be gave the run of the camp, and one day be busts' in tke workout, all excited. "I've just made a wager 'so abso- lutely certain that I shall beaebam ed. 'to bake the other fellow's. money!" ,he chortles. "?You' minist" have bet Niagara Falls is a liquid," I says wittily, as he v,ra3�a good audience. - "I've Inet - as much of a sure thing!" he declares. "My i?o,t case she tainted with ler or some, thing. Butch Ford declarefl him- self in as a eYewdtness. One night I picked up tiep a er p to read that line fiatbier of Jack T'adr•. f= x, my personal villain, hod died !road crud left his dizzy son aboaat =u==g bat Niagara Falls' end Plasma Canal. Oa iton Herne used to play the stock market now and again just to n, clip from: yawlni.ng himself to ] th. One day Herne smacked `las ticker right in the pan for a cJ Yarter.orra million, which he need- ed like; be needed a third leg. That •night I. dreamed of noth- ing bait ;stock tickers and: mints.. Oamethe dawn, and I staked every dine I'hacl in the world on Herne's 1l,ot infermetion, T,he fact that the notes I still owed on "Ye Tiffin Shoppe" would be duein: a couple of days didn't stop gree, l figured I'd be sitting pn the top of the world by then. For about six hours I was sitting on the top of the world --then there there was a fsa'rthquake! The.stock took 'a nose dive, an4 when the smoke died away and': my brokers got done ,l:.anin inc I ma as bust- ed as the 'ren Oommaudinents, I'd took one on the inittan, and in a daze I rushed to my tea parlor to tell _'Barbara, Bike a kid with a scraped bogs rnnn!jag• to his moth- er. Before,I could unload the bad news Jack Fairfax come swagger- ing into the place. I hadn't seen that a.pe sinse he socked me with the cane, and ;arc sure picked a swell time for this meeting! I was red-headed anyway's, and the sight of him made vie gnash my teeth. Without a word to Barbara I .made a lunge at Fairfax, but sale grabbed. r,^.y eras!. "The wild man of Borneo; eh?" :1..07570F 570 'RZpht await It looked t#ke 7'd sgaf°fed toart-efh'Lngt t,hiat you'll defeat Carney in a Toumd!., "Wel!, !'ll be a Serie of ink!" bush out in 'dismay. "Somebody's made a uxnpchay out of you—bo Pouch did you gamble?" "Oh, only ten thousand," he says carelessly, ten grand -coming under the head of trifles with 'hint. "I gat odds'of four to one!" • I worried a lot about his ten thou. sand dollars, which .I figured was the same as drn • telae ashy can, for I seen no chance of knocking oat in a round a boy which had coped with the champ for twenty rounds to a draw. Another constant visitor oto' nay training oamp was Pansy Pilking- ton. One blustery, winter day at the gym I pegged Carlton Herne gazing at :pansy with a, far -away and bong.ago look in his eyes, and I suddenly remembered l'd never in- troduced 'em. I give Herne a kno'cledown to , Pansy, • and right way it .looked like I'd started something! My boy friend had dainty took . the co+.ant for : this charmer, and Pansy didn't seem to find trim nauseating either, Herne tried hard to arrange par- ties of four, es misery ain't the only thing which loves company, . but Barbara and Pansy jaunt didn't mix. I put in a grand Italian marble soda fountain end a (high claser con- fectionery at "Y`e Tiffin Shope," whie1i by this ,time was known all ever New fork" thanks to Herne and bid classy friends mals it r regultur Hangout and B�arbe is a nif- ty Ideas tor making It attractive. Everything was hotsy-to'tsy and I was satisfied that et last I'd hit my stride. I figured a tea' year would see my catsy tea parlors a1.1 over the country, with me sitting back with nothing. to do but count the: jack which overflowed my' cash reg ing. It was lust like •y'o'u read in s story;. Barbara's job had rode from manager to -"hostess," and I'd boosted her alit till she wotildn't tame shy shore. "WhY can't we start looking. over locations fon' our +home, K Barbara?" I tells her. "I like being engaged, but I'm double ouckoo about being married! This engalgetnent of ours Is is, ,getting too permanent, what I mean. Let's run down to the Gity Hall or 'some piece, get wed and be done with it!"" "1 want to wait—jttst a little While longer," she soya --"until you have a firmer foothold, Bill. I`ll mararry you, 81l1, when ,von have def finitely retired trent. the prize ring and are well started un your new career." I was even anyone gloomed 'ktp 4hy 'Barbara's refusal to put on the handcuffs ilntmedlateiy when Left Hook O'Brien, ant it,t ile Mate, hs led off and wedded t:liN+, Cohen, the cute disturbance which acted as cashier of my tea parlor. 'loth. ing world do but 1 'had to accept the exacting portfolio of best man. Mane 'rtarbara attended Rhea in leers lkdrfas, and. then his voice changed to a nasty bark. "You and I your lady love get off my proper- ty!" w 'Tolls property?" eaya me and Barbaara in chorus, and my amaze - scent elbowed my rage aside. "My propertyl" repeats Fairfax, scanning our faces with a relish, "I. have bought up the notes out- standing on your business; those notes ane due, and I want my money or the shop!" I'll make you a proposition, you big false` alarm!" I says. "If you really hold the notes on this Joint -- well, y*ouere avow in the tea parlor game, for 1 can't take 'em up. But Pit Lay you twenty-ftve thousand. bucks against the shop that I'll knock One•Round Carney as dead as Math, ,Ionggi" "Put up the, twenty-five thousand and you've made .a bet!" says Fair- fax. "Grimm. you're a glutton' for punishment!" • "I'll have the dough on the' line t'rnatm'ow morning," I promised "And all I crave is one look at your face -when 1 upset Oaa.rney. Now shove off before I break in a right hook on yoa!" "1 shall leave after I've sampled a cap of ycxixt famous tea," ire grins coolly. "Or my famous tea, as I should say nowt.'-'. "I'd like to sea those notes, if you please; Mr. Fairfax," says Bambara, as cold leas a polar bear's nose. "Wlhy, 2mv dear girl, surely you do not think I would jest about this matter, do your" he says, leering 4)hat hxp!en,•ane, dfair he nullslady, a reashdeaf'em =pad- pews nof pad- pets from his inside packet. "Here �ey wee„ By noon the next day I'd borrow- ed the twenty-five thousand from Herne and bet it with Palrfax. Ear no reason at all Oarlton Herne threw a big party for Pansy Bilking -ton at bus sultan's palace on Long Island Sound, and 1 managed to get Barbara to go ' with me, though she was sill peeved at mY bet. It Was a soup -and -fish affair and considerable blowout. Both "Who's Who" and "Who's T*roiugih" was well represented, and besides that a hot orchestra: A well known singer which was there tare off a couple of gnand opera hits, and I kept out of sight for fear they'd asit nie to pir:neh some- body to'tb,a nose, as long us each guest was performing their owit particular trick. Bambara and Pansy was wildly' civil to each other, but the whole three of its got the shock of our lives when we discovered 3"ttick Fairfax among diose present! Two more jolts Dome when It developed that nay best friend and rely worst ,merely dict title at ooiiegca together and it woe Fairfax that kl:errie bet I'd lay Carney like linoleum in, a rotnid. C'rieip+irug nmckerell Fairfax seemed In get a big kick out of thief situation and Went out of lilt way to be mockingly polite to ane and isarbara, (iii be Cou,ti 1 t1y • WHITECHURCH Mr, Roy :Patton of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, Andrew Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of Eel- more spent Sunday with Miss Cath- arine Ross. Afterwards in the basemen),; .tire choir presented a table to Mr, .Wes. ley Tiffin as a token of appreciation for his unfailing interest and, ivccric ih the choir. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer of Cul- ross and Mrs, Lail Caslick, also Mrs. Cecil -Falconer and Mrs, Elgin Well Mrs.Victor ' Emerson returned on wood motored to Godcrich on 'Wed - Friday last from Wingham Hospital. nesday last. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Au- Mr. Georr,e McQuoicl returned home burn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, treat Wingham General Hospital last B. S. Naylor. week, ,, Rev, Mr, Warden of 131u•evale, took Mrs. Huffman of Winnipeg arrived ,the service in the United church here home to visit with her brother, Mr. on Sunday; Win. Da soo and other relatives 'and. rid Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Jackson, of attend the Tiffin -Dawson wedding. Auburn, his mother, Mrs. Jackson, of Mrs. Mireliouse is verypoorly ytliesc Wingham, spent Sunday with her sis- times, ter, Miss Christena Laidlaw and other Miss .Alba Fox was in Hainilten relatives here. one day last week. Mr. Llewellyn Culbert of Dungan- Two miscellaneous showers were non spent the week end with his !held at the'hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Barbour, sr. Wilson on Thursday night in honer, Mr, David Sproule, of Nile and Mr,;"af Misses Jean Dawson and Annie:' and' Mrs, 'John Spoule and fancily eIlArmstrong before their coming mar Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr, and ridge. Mrs. Amos Cornelius, Rev. Mr. Walker of Dungannon, a , Mr. Fred Scbtt accompanied by his former Whitedhlirch pastor, gave anephew Meredith and Kenneth Hen Missionary lecture on China in the clerson of Palmerston were visitors United church here on Thursday last. in Winghamon Thursday.` It's great to be young—and to wear WE BM' GOOD SHOE' W. J. OREgR, Winghaapn, Ont. Zi?+ ;gyp;'w;M+El'y ,M 1 m ®' A •loto!0.11.4..........lowel•Ddomwoollep.moostommolomo.olool0000moont.o.o.0 111 • m Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Polishers ■ • For Renf. all 111 Wingham Utilities Commission N Crawford lock. • THE HYDRO SHOP. Headquarters for Fariri Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. We Repair :All,Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. ..4103.1.lc®osc Phi gt'e 156. • • i3Equality and the performance of an automobile are not intang- ible attributes. They are based upon certain definite features of the car's construction' and by these features ‘.they may be judged: When you come to the point of investing inn car, you cannot afford to be satisfied with vague promises or generalities. You owe it to your. self to investigate, point by point, the features which go to make up the quality and value of the car you buy. Take these features and weigh them individually in your judgment. Compare them with those of ocher cars et the price you wish to pay. Oldsmobile ,Six invites you to make the most exacting of inspections and the most thorough of comparisons of every feature worthy of con- tidtration in an automobile. It asks you to Check them against cars at fat above Oldsmobile, price and to base your judgment upon the results of your investigation. Quality—completeness—precision workmanship --inherent in every in. dividua! Oldsmobile feature, are responsible for the abiding satisfaction, which is the inevitable experience of the Oldsmobile owner. Inspect and compare the refinements ,responsible far Oldsmobile per- formance before you decide upon your choice of any car. CFiANICCAS~ tsBNTILAxiUN IiARh30NIC IBALANICeR T1WO.wAy COOI.It44O FpUR• CirI3SRA'i35 DUAL AIR CLEANING OIL 1YILTBR I4�IN•BBA1V1 IilELl3ABbtxGkCFi[TS THREE-WAY PRESSURE LUBRICATION 'tESRMOSTATIC CHARGING CONTROL 004416 Ae M CERA VV FORD, !+'Y ingdiain,, Ont.• Dealer hi-'Oldstnebile, McLaughlin and Chevrolet Ladd