HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-26, Page 61•1-77.r11,11 ,It7r1"-11`M".rW-1714177.•.4717•...Te7''''': wzNo '141407'0N tavTuAi., FIRE INSURANCE CO. EStablished X84O, Head Offices, G*11/0, Out. Risks taken on all classes of hsur- t reasonable rates. ABNAR CQSENS, Agent, wingham J. W. DODD • Office in Chisholm Blocle FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH , — INSURANCE AND REAL. ESTATE P. O. Box 36o Phone 240 • WINGHAM, • - • ONTARIO J .W . BUSHFIELD Barrister, Soligitor, Notary Et . Money to Loan Office ---Meyer Block, Wingham neeessor to Dudley Holmes R. VANSTONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. C Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham, - Otatario 14,L J. A. MO IITON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingharn, - Ontario • DR. G. II. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. 11. W. COLBORNEM. D. Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54 Wingham. Successor. to Dr. W. R. Harnbly. Dr. Robt. C. Redmond II.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. ' DR. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Facility of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street. Phone 29 Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Oe—Josephine St., two doors sent of l3-rungwick Hotel.' Temphones: Office 281, Residence es5 DR. G. W; HOWSON • DENTIST Office Over John Galbraith's Store 13y Percival Christopher Wren THE GREATEST MYSTERY STORY EVER WRITTEN FIRST READ THIS ° "deraonstrating" meant further peace - Three beothers, Michael, Digby and ful penetration with the bayonet, act - John Geste suddenly leave their home ive service, and chances of distinctien, in England, following the theft of the decoration, and promotion. "Blue Water," a valuable sapphire owned by their aunt, Lady Brandon. Michael, or "Been" the oldest leaves first. Then Digby and filially John. John, believing his brothers have gone to joie the French • 'Foreign Legion goes to Paris to enlist. He feels sure he will catch 'up with Been and Digby. He forms a fast friend- ship with two American adventurers, Hank and Buddy. On the ship tak- If we did not go we should be bitterly disappointed, and laspe into mere bor- ed and disillusioned victims of a mon- otonous soul -killing routine, daily do- ing the drill in which we were perfect; cursing the guard- mounting, sentry - go, and endless ,`fatigue"; learning the things we IMew by heart; perfor- ing the exercises and :operations we could do blindfold; and dragging our- selves through the killing route- ing them to Oran, Africa, the coo marches t at we ate . refuse e to feed the recruits. • He is But what a cruel thing if we were soundly beaten by the Americans. At selected and sent off just as Isobel Oran, he meets Digby and Michaele was corning! For the first timdthey come into con- tact with a man who was to 'have a. lot to do with their unhappy future He was Sergeant Lejaune, one of the most cruel, but courageous members of the entire Legion. The battalion prepares to march South to the Sa- hara of the Soudan. " NOW GO ON WIT -H THE STORY The Americans were not as thirstY; or not as careful, as we three. For one thing, they ,sometimes drank the appalling maddening filth sold in the low -class wine -shops • of the Spanish quarter or the Ghetto. Crude alcohol made from figs, rice, • or wood, and known as ba.pedi, tchumetchum, and gnnievre, would make Buddy'temper explosive and uncertain, while it rend- ered Hank indiscriminatingly affec- tionate and apt to falleleavily upon the neck of the Sergent of the Guard when the latter admitted him, singing joyously, in the watches of the night. Then was Lejaune happy, and re - F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH AU Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment Hours -9 a. meto 8 p.m. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. ADVANCE-TIMIes Thurs4y, May ,26th„ 1927 have lost. Oe man, whom I knew pereonallY; when under sentence to appear before the supreme court ma which • in his case death, got clean away, to have escaped the co Several, whom into the desert and we minute job, "Then Guantaio, who seems to be a pluckier dog than Colonna, said: , 44 q_o it?' BB !SIN Mg SEMI 129 WHLRE • (QUAL.111' dead and inutileted, or more; and many eith surrender -ed again, or back running, oxdr ground,at the end of the saddle of an Arab However we had make careers for ourse �f Fpreune, and to bec the Army of France; a ers had done, from t Legion. And we did achieve selection for t lion that was to Marc next forward leap of the newly -penetrated the newly -penetrated Sahara of the Soudan. One evening, at ab • ,,, • ononson &tor nd Quebec. A mighty chain built on Buy ."Where Quality Counts t', and save regularly c Bartlett large can A -Waal - vic noix can tliss Tomato Soup nd Dwaine. Privid ILC Fancy RuOlity Aki="ur 23 MIAOW or loysido 2' c, Cholas Quality tins of oudepot life, Maris, the Swiss take the chance and. risk of get- Onr the other hand; if we were not ex -courier, camting the jewel sold in the Ghetto fore to me as I lay on f taken (and we were still very junior my cot, resting and awaiting the re_ more than a thousand—Some o soldiers), we should at any rate have Isobel's visit to Sidi-bel-Abbes to look forward to. So great was my longing to see :her, that, had I been alone, I really think that I should, at times, have toyed with the idea of "going on pump," "making the promenade," •which all legionnaires continually c4scuss and frequently attempt. This "going on pump," whatever that may mean, is the Legion name for desserting, and generally consists in slow preparation and swift capture, or a few days' thirst -agony in the desert„ and igno- minioes return, or 'else in unspeakable torture and mutilation at the hands of the Arabs. Less than one in a hunched' succeeds in escaping, for, in addition to the •patrpiss the desert, and the Arabs, the native armed people`gOtimiers re- ceive a reward of twenty-five francs minded them of how they had opened a head for the return of deserters, dead their mouths in his presence, upon the evening of their entry into the Legion. • When they were confmed to bar- rack, he would have -the defa.ulters' roll called at odd times, in the hope of their missing it, and,'When they were in the salle de police, would see that the Sergeant of the Guard turn- ed them out hourly, under pretence of suspeeting that they had tobacco or Sometimes he would, go himself to their cells, in the middle of the night arouse them a sudden roar, and give a swift, learsh order, in the hope that it would be disobeyed through resent- ment or drunken stupidity. I think he would have given a month's pay to have, succeeded iri goading one of them into striking him. It was my constant fear that Buddy would do so. And daily we dinned this into their ,ears, and prayed that something of the sort would 9ot hap- pen. However, they -were old' soldiers and wily Americans. And so as the months passed, and every week I heard from my darlIng. Nothing happened at Brandon Abbas, Gussie had gone to Sandhurst, the Chaplain was about again, and Uncle Hector had posponed his home -com- ing after all, and had gone to Kashmir to shoot bear, as hc had had poor sport with tiger in the Central Pro- vinces. No reference was ,ever made to the missing •"Blue Water," no question had been asked of Isbbel, and she had volunteered no information as to our whereabouts and her being in •corn- rnunica,tiiin with me. .Also she would "come into" her motley on her next bixthday, and she was then going to do a little travel- ling, and intended 'to wander in Al- geria! A. R. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Drugless Practitioners, Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. • Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto and National College, Chicago. Office opposite Hamilton's Jewelry Store, Main St, HOURS: el—e; 7-8,30 p.m. and by appointment. Out of town and night calls respond- ed to. All busineas confidential. Phones: 0ffice•-3oo; Residence 601 - J ALVIN FOX DRUGLESS PRA.CTIONER CHMOP:RACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO -THERAPY Phone Hours 10-12 a.m., ees, 7-8 p. m. or by appoitittrient. Do no ItilleINNES 01-111ZOPRACTOli ELECTRICITY Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds, eneeialize in dealing with eallarem Ly atterident. Night Calls responded to., ' • Office on Sttt St, Witigham, OM, Te eplione Ise. ?tones: Office eo6, Resitt 44,11 A.- J. VITAILIOR. FURNITURE DEAI.,ER tad PUNTI.,‘RAT.. DitultOTOR Wotor tepaipmeiat ••• ONTARIO , ; "Hope she comes..before we go—or that we don't go '6efore she comes," or live. Being matchless trackers, well -arm- ed, good shots,. and brave men, they are very successful bloodhounds. However, the attempt is frequently made by maddened victims of injustice or of sheer monotony and hardship a.nd, their punishment, when caught, varies from leniency to cruel severity, according to the degree of cafard from whith they were suffering, and to the amount of uniform and kit they may eattexemeemeeeeeeeeevekedeemememnunniteg, said Digby, on learning this last. piece. of information --for we were full of hope that we should be among those selected for the big special draft that was going south before long. Everyone knew' that abattalion, e thousand strong, 'was , going to "de- monstrate" on the border shortly, and turn of Michaeand Digby from those Ghetto Jews are more than l corvee. Said he: "I have something to tell you, Mon- sieur Smith. You have done me many a good turn and you saved me from prison when my tunic Was stolen and I could not have replaced it in time for the adjudenes inspection • Will you and your brother's meet at Mus- tapha's at six to -night? It will be GEORGE A.- S1DDALL Phone 73. Laelmotv, Ontario. Money to lend on fitat and second mortgages on farm and other real es- tate properties at a reasonable rate of interests also on first Chattel mortga- aes on stock and ott personal notes. A. few fartns on, hand for igate or to rent on osy terms, THOMAS 'f'ELLS AUCTION:1MR ,-•-• RRAL ISThDn SOLD A thorough Knowledge of Parra ttock Ptinrib 034 WinithitO Doe't be too easy ou. your hens. Make them produce 1110re eag, "1neysvittan you F eve them daily cf ,Ptatt4 ?obit*. Rolliator Choir fml. Lots of ntoc•—uTJARAN- TEED,•-if you oroved egg.titaker. .boney' boat h not sattsfloci. AltettFt 'Met P I PO 14* , CO ttat millionaires—Id put the lamp out. One man could gag and hold him, while the other got it, and they could run,to their beds in the "And much more of the same sort he talked, egging them on, and then they went away, but with nothing set- tled," continued Maris. Digby and I burst into laughter at mention of the Ican'garocand Michael worth your while. We shall be safe Maris." enough there, especially if we talk in turned, the latter stopped, Digby ask - English and he glanced appre- When ed, if Boldini had not also divulged hensively round the busy. room, and he wore a sapphire eye, and I en - jerked his head towards Colonna and tqhu,airted if the wily Italian had not, ob- an Italian named Guantaio, who were served a lump in Digby's cheek where working together at the table. I thanked him and said that I would a simian Pouch concealed a big jewel. " The fool overheard. an elabbrate tell my brothers, a‘l that if they re - joke," said Michael to Maris; "but turned in time, from the "fatigue" on very much. obliged to you." which they -were engaged, we would we're look in at Mustapha's. • When Michael and Digby came in from the job of sweeping and weeding "Oh, he is the' fool ell right," said Meris; "but he is also the knave. • "Knave of diamonds!" he added for which they had been seized by a with a grin. "I just tell you because I likd you English gentlemen, and it sergeant, I told them what Maris had said. - is just possible that they 'may try. to steal your money -belt, if they think "Better go;" remarked Michael. "Maris is •the clean 'potato; I think. there is a chance of getting something No harm in ,hearing it anyhow."• vaitiabIo," Alastapbta:'s was an '.Arab cafe, We filled worthy Maris tip with cous-cous and galettes (pancakes and where we got splendid coffee 'very cheaply—thick, black, and sweet, with a drop of vanilla, a drop \ef hashish oil, or of opium, a drop of orange - essence, and other flavorhigs. Here we rented ourselves on a big and very low divan with a solid wall behind us, and awaited Maris, who carne a few minutes later. "It's like this, my friends," said he in his excellent English, when we had got our little clay caps of coffee steam- ing on the' floor in front of us, "I don't want to make what you -call the mare's nest, isn't it?'But Boldini is up' to his tricks again—I have heard a lot about him from Vaerren and from old legIonnaire.s who served^ with him before—He is the bad hat, that one. • They say that Lejratine will get him made a corporal soon Well, I hav noticed things, I. ,.. "Yes. And last night I was sitting in the Tlemcen Gardens. It was get- ting dark. Behind the seat were bush- es, and another path ran by the other side. Some legionnaires came along it, and sat down on a seat that must have been just behind mine. They were talking Italian. I know Italian well, and I always • listen to foreign languages—Yes, I shall be a courier again when the little • trouble has blown over the man I taught -not to steal my nandee, while I travel. Yes" 1 -Te paused dramatically, and with much eye -rolling and gesticulation continued: "13oldini it was, and. Colorado and Guantaio. He had been trying to get them to do something and they were afraid. I3oldini, for some reason, also wanted Colonna to change beds with him, to make this something easier to do. " 'Yes, and what if I am caught?' said Colonna. 'You're as good a man as he is,' aid Boldini. ' " 'And what about his brother? Yes--1-and his friends the Americans?' asked Colonna, " 'And what abottt YOUR friends— me and, Guantaio and Vogue and Gotta? What about Sergeant-dajor tejainte, if someone makes a row and Corporal Dupre reports the man to him and I give my humble evidence as eye -witness -1n priva.te? Ith? "1.3i -others," you say 1 Aren't Lejatine and I like brothers?' 'Why not do it yourself then? said Guantaio. " ')ecause going to be made corporal soon,' replied 1301dirli, 'anti tallStil% be in any rows—A11,, 'when gin corporal, I shall he able to look after my 'friends, eh?' Then he went on to remind theM of whet they could do with a thoesaed (ranee--tnore than fifty years of their esay, for a two- PlIums c."2 tins 25e' 17.5.°AuL."Sitraktaladianci Leeslelerd oir *Dow* 61 and Pitted - an TEA Cherries tin 2,C iNtmisso Hawaiian Sliced 2Sc Richttieno Hpreall"waiiielanteCPrulatheeadP2P4lec 4'...11414:c121111/1 --""e141:71. igApricots '4u9,;'' 25e Coffee Christie's victory pickles I Stsettiliartic arkwartin Quality •. Cereals COFFEE Quaker cora ng (111.11t3r Flak" 3 Pkts• 27c c.t 6599orn 7;c I: ibbh: ihk:gde td' wPC- 2k gk 12i 112 4:: i.„). 59c Post's Bran 2 for 25c rib. 33e Puffed Wheat 2 for 29c Agro Large Bottle Biscuits .soeset Mixed 500 1•4b pkg.33c Sour Mixed goo CONFEDERAEZON SERIES • 13' Sir Myer nowt Friona Paludater 111112 Lient.-Goor. Ont. Inorplanoii Earn Ina — Fled 4/03 • 01 • 41. • • 1 • 0 10 2rePrIa. .1:41"" '25c I/60, dui u.e.--sp.i.104* D2elIbiesi.o2tassc' Oregon Oat I0e Catelli'e Beses Free Prunes Clne•of these attractive miniature portraits % given away,with everyloaf of 4. "TASTY' BREAD '376 Tle sure and get a complete, set and hetve them framed, They will make a very fine souvenir 'of the Diemen( • Jubilee of Confederation. rafa • i 0 1• • 1 ' • • HO • • 0 • 01 • 0 0• • • 1e • 0 10 This is Pine Week. -Get YOUP Supply Here. Pineapples,.. .6 for 1.00 Lemons,1dozen . . 25c Oranges, doz., 39c, 40c 1 Bananas, Fresh Tomatoes. -•••— When we were alone, I said to Michael: ' • "You do wear a nonny-bela Beau. me have it ta. night for a bit—in honey), and.strolled back to barracks: Let - ' .. tii4i.:,,,,,,tiqiii,j,:,4„,,,; 94 ,,:aolit. ii 0 Miil. riiii011444 481144.4,j.,:04,4 01;4' ' ,,,,,,,,,i,o. 4 4.:irio ,0 s i 44 ;r,r:1,,14,,,,, ;,,,1,,,,,4, i ,„,,,,,149 . 4,..„'," . 4.... q . . , , 4 4 liegil ' , • 4, , , ' ' . ' „,',iii.,144 . 444-4.6'''' ' ' tatfC4t1111;11,11,11411,111,;,e.,,,,;,,, ,,..i,14 ' '"' ALL ,,,,,Iiii ..1',..1,,,ag........,,,,i,,,,,,i.„,,,,„,,„,„,,,,,,„,,,..,‘,,,,,,.„:,..,:„,„,......,,,,,,,,,,,..„.,,,„t':,,a.kh:•.,„;,,„,,. ,,,......::,.'..,,,,,..-1..1' v.,!........` ., ...... ' ,„•.,..,:...', '; , , ', ,.,...,,,- ' n. ,,,,., , ...„,.....,,-•'''''-", ',....,..„,&,,,„,,..i.!;:,...-4,....,.....„,,L,,,..;,..,,,„....„„,.,.,„....„,,..„,,....„..,,,..,, .....1,,,,...,......,,,,,,..,a..,..,...4,..!:, „...',., „. ., Ai.01. 1.,:t.4.1.i:q1i'll'Aiiiiiil..1.4,1 case these gentle Italians 'have been persuadetl, and something happens in the dark." e Continued neat week awns and and, Trees Improved Highways inspire the Improvement of Home and Farm Good roads in Ontario are promotingthe make Ontario a nicer place to live; they beauty of the Province. They have in -advertise Ontario to every passer-by. • spired owners of homes and farms to 'Iso those who have thus improved the improve the appearance of their proper- property along the highways and given ties. New fences have been built, lawns encouragement to others to do the same, have been made, trees and flowers the whole Province is indebted. planted,and horries and barns treated to The Government is not unmindful of the ., paint. public advantage of such improvements. The appearance of whole neighborhoods It is ready to render substantial assist - has been transformed by the creation ance to property owners in the planting of these roadside beauty spots. They and care of trees along the highways. No Car should go on the Road unless it is in good Condition. ,1/4 It is unsafe to the occupants, and a Department will send, you without menace to the public, to drive an auto- charge a list of approved lenses and mobile which is riclt in good condition. simple instructions for adjusting head - Check your brakes and steering gear lights. Your license nUmber must be often and replace parts worn or broken. clean and so placed as to be easily read. Don't take a chance. Your car may fail Neglect, on any of these pint makes an you at a critical time. automobile unsafe arid% dangerous char - Keep your headlights adjusted. See acter ort the road. Penalties are pro - that. your lenses are according to maw, videct by The I-Iighways Traffic Act for , The Motor Vehicles Branch of the this neglect and they are being enforeed. 1 tl