HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-26, Page 4Rpp-mem+ z�: r.•,.�� A111• 10141w11t1 1111 uNit iiitif(1p11 IIII IIINIIIntitl1 111 111 11( i11a1I1 fItopm, '. ,�aa..c..oaso 5 5 THIS FOR MOTHER Rubber Aprons: 3955 59c soo 'sheetp ad and Se envelopes, Kid Finish OUR BABY SPECIAL 25c Tiny Tot Talcum, 1st Wash Cloth. Both for JONTEEL TALCUM "FREE" i With,; every ,sec jar of Joriteel Cream, we will give you a 25 tin of Jouteel IA Talcum Free., TAKE A GOOD SPRING TONIC We recommend Peptone. $z.00 bottle WRITING PADS : AND ENVEL, OPES 39c • sunlight or constant reading, special r , price .49c GOGGLES Caused by Automobile driving, strong CANDY SPECIALS 5 9 'i1 11111f11NlI III11ilimi1111x111,9IIIitlI I itI1ISilIC11t1111I111111®il 1pltilii Full of Cream Caramels Mint Molasses Crispier Truly Good Homemade lb box for INTRODUCTORY 5oc Economy size tube ing Cream w... ..,.. per 11)--_,_-39c per lb. ....._..z9c Chocolates, 6 OFFER Klenzo Shave ..39c .oar, CKIBBON S DRUG STORE; Win ham Phone 25 a- - • • 1111111111GI1111111111111116111111lii11lttltii111t111181111 (111111®tll� i ��� f1i i IIiI1t I�tii®itlHlll®Ui�fIltlif�lUtNllhiil 5 r. 5 i !r� 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 ril14t111111111111ilill(141111111111a111S11111111I11II1®'.1141111111111111EIilmil i1811119111111111111r1II®11111 i II i i ®. E 5 1i• cent a. word per insertion, witha minimum charge of 25c, nosil,Illl uIII®ii1Itinin T111si1if11011111Ni11iaNumt t i II11111i 11 1 t 11 1x111IIHillrlll11111ti11i11111 ■ 5 FOR SALE -Driving Horse for sale. , FOR SALE -Collapsible baby carri- Apply to Mrs. A. Fox, Whitechurch, ; age, almost new. Apply at the Ad - dance -Times Office. WANTED -A small house or flat to rent in town.Apply at Advance- OATS FOR' SALE- Iexpect a car Times ' of oats at Belgrave station about June 1st° Particulars from Thomas Shoebottom, Belgrave. POUND Aero Cushion 'Tire and Case, on Teeswater road. Finder may have same by paying for this IF YOU Wish " to buy house in advt. , Wingham I have houses for sale ranging in price from $r,000 . to $3,600 to suit any buyer. Apply to Thos. Fells. FOR SALE -A couple of large doors, suitable for garage. A. large ver- andah post, several storm windows,. also several inner tubes and cas- ings 33 x 4. Inquire A. G. Smith. HOUSE FOR SALE --In village of Gorrie, comprising House, Barn, Garage and four Lots. Property of late Wm. Stinson. Reasonably priced for quick sale to close estate. --=L H Stinson, 151, G1enholm Ave., Toronto; P. T. Walker, Walkerton, Executors, 'FARM FOR SALE -or rent for grass i1 miles S. East of St. Helens, Good building, spring creek running through the farm. W. Y. Dodd, Lucknow, Ont, Box 202. TENDERS -will) be rece;'ved up to and including May 31'st, for the work only of painting L.O.L. No. 794, two coats. Paint, Shellac etc. to be supplied by the Lodge. J. McMichael, Rec. Secy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE ESTATE OF AGNES, MUSGROVE, late of the Town of Wingham., in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased„ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121 of the Revised Statute. of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Agnes Musgrove, who died on or about the ninth clay of April, A. D. 19e7, at the Township of Turnbcrry, are required to send by post,: prepaid, or deliver to J. W. Busificld, Wingham, Ontario, Solici- tor for the Executrix, on or before the 'twenty-first clay of May, A. D. /gay, their trains and, addresses with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, "arid the 'nature of the securities, Of any) hold by them. AND FURTHER. TAE NOTICE that after the said. twenty-first day of May: A. 0. T927,' the assets of the said Estate : will be distributed by the said: Executrix among the parties en- titled thereto, baying regard, nilly to chains or which she shall 'then: have notice, and the Estate will not he li- able for arty claims not filed at the time ' of the said distribution. DATED at Wingltain, this thirtieth day of April, A. D„:x927, . W. BI,JShlhs"rEL 17, l\Tingharn, Ontario. Solicitor fortlie Executrix. NOTICE a citizens f errs are requested to 'have heir'premises, in a sanitary, condition turday:;tare 4th. DV Order of Pltr Sattitaiwy° Ingpactor RETURN -Every cream can at once. With increasing business 'at the very busiest season, we must have every can in use. lefaitland Creamery. FOUND --In Wingham on •.Monday morning, a sum of money. Owner may have same on furnishing satis- factory proof. Jas Gilmour, Wing - ham. FOR SALE -Starr Sedan in excellent shape, Star Coupe and Roadster, Touring cars, and a first-class med- ium sized pipeless furnace. B. J. Beringer, Dealer, Wingham. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of. the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1927. All , ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceeding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, 'May 20th, 1927, TWP. OF EAST WAWANOSH Court of Revision The Court of Revision on the As- sressinent Roll of the 'Township of East Wawanosh for 1927, will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday, Juneist, 1927, at one o'clock p. nr, clock p.m, Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now ar- rived. Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert will be at .the QUEEN'S HOTEL, WINGHAIVI one day only TUESDAY, MAY 31st and will be pleased to give free d t- atnination to any ;sufferer and to de- nionstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the op- ening it, to to /5 days and Will cure cases in from three' to six months. This appliance is positively.,, demon- strated to you right on year own per - sots without a,tty charge.....12fpu do not speynd a penny unless yoit are folly satisfied that it is the right applia:lce for you. A 06116tititattoti with 14r• Reavely will, cost you nothing. ,Don't. lel'; 'this Opportunity get away fiord roil, Remember the Vane, NOTICE ` TO ' CRl„,DIToRS IN CORBETT, at,eTofrE a the Township 'fo Morris, in the County of Huron, Far- mer, deceased,> Notice is hereby given pursuant, to section 56, Chapter 121 of R a, O., 1914, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Car- bettkwho died on or about .the seven- teenth daY even-teenthdaY of January, A. D., I927, at the Township ofMorris, are required. to send by post, prepaid or deliver to J, W. :Bushfield, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adnnnistratrix, or before the Eleventh shay of June, A D., 1927, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing and the nature ,of the securities; (if any) held by, them. And further take notice that after the said eleventh day of June, A. D 19.27, the assets of the said Estate will. be distributed by the said Administra- trix among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of whichshe shall then have notice and the Estate wily not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said. distribution. DATED at Wingham, this twenty- third day of May, A. D., 1927. 7 W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of JAMES I. SCOTT, late of the Village of Bel- more, in the Count of Huron, Farm- er, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of James L Scott, who died on or about the twelfth day of March, A. D.,1927, at the Village of Belrnore, ;are ,requizted to .send by, post, prepaid, or deliver to R. J. Doug- las or George, Herd, BeImone, Ontar- io, the Executors of the above Estate, or to the undersigned, on or before the twenty-first day of. May, A.D., 1927, their names and addresses with fall particulars of their claims in wri- ting and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-first day of May, A. D., 1927, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed by the said Executors among the parties en- titled, thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have received notice and the Estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time ofthe said distribution. DATED at •Wingham, this thirtieth' day of April, A.D., 1927. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the estate of Lettie Rutledge, of the Town of Wingham, Spinster, de- ceased. All persons having claims against he estate of Lettie Rutledge, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of February,, 1927, are notified to send to the undersigned Executor, The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the undersign- ed, its solicitor, on or before the Sihth day of June, 1gz7, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars of, their claims, and the nature of the securi- ties (if any) held by them duly veri- fied by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 6th day of `June, 1927, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED May rah, 1927. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LTD., 302 Bay St., TORONTO R. Vanstone, Wingham, Solicitor for the said Executor. The Tr ottig Horse, KING PATCH 2nd Will . make the season of 1927 at Morris Bosman's stable, Bluevale. Ii ing Patch end, is sired by Nfonbars 50210, and is closely related to Dan Patch, the great race horse TERMS --$.o0 payable January 1st; 1928, if found in foal Morris Bosman, Henry Branton, Manager. Proprietor. That the prospects for i3ritish set- tlers coining to New Brunswick were good; that, in' fact, arrange- ments had already been made for !singing a substantiae number of Beitish families to this province, was nestled by J. A. Murray, provincial ;ir,eriatend•ent of Colonization and Industry, who • has returned front England where he was acting in the interests of the Government. He has reeeived niarty enquiries as to the settlement prospects in New Brunswick. That Calgary district has again taken its place in the front rank as a, producer of horses in the Domin- ion was pointed out by O. III, Hutton, President of the Calgary Rotary Club, who deelaxnd that 61 carloads of bosses had been shipped east from Calgary in three weeks, t+ee ntly, Indicating the growth of the. Indus,." try in the district 116 referred to the large number of entries received for this yearta I•lor:le' Shaw, totalling,. 'mot than SOO, as compared with 600 last yearn.' INGHAM AIaVANCE-TIES TOE ;%IOWAN ADVANCE.11101. Publiehed at WINGHAI4I, ONTARIO. Every Thursday Morning , W Logan Craig, Publisher Subse;iption rates --One year $2.00. Six months $r.00, in advance. Advertising rates on • Applications CAN ,DA'S YEAR Here are some statistics . which should make even the .sourest citizen; an , optiknist in regard to Canada. In: the year 19.26 Canada accomplished. the following things:. Had the largest favorable trade balance of, any nation in the world -$400,000,000, Manufactured, as much. as ; did the United Statese when they had a population of .5o,000,000. Had a foreign trade equal to that of the United States when they had a population of 76,60o,- 000. _ ,. Invested" $560,000,000 in bonds and added $2oo,000,00o to its sav- ings bank deposits, Spent $I1o,000,00o in. the pur- chase of automobiles. With a population less than one -twelfth that of our neighbor to the south, Canada did one-quar- ter as much export trade. The reason for all this is not hard to seek, Canada has what the world needs. We have the natural resour- ces for which the world is clamoring. We have the greatest grain -producing area on the globe; we have the finest fisheries;' wehave the greatest lum- ber resources; we have the wealthiest mineral mines of all kinds, and we have water power resources for their development. The world is compeIl- ed to look to Canada. ' The Domin- ion is on the eve of great develop- ment. This Jubilee Year promises to be Canada's out -standing year in the 6o years of its history. 1 1 Here and There Experiments in the Pacific. Cons: methods of halibut fishing are nn;, being made by R. B. Cann, of Yet. mouth, N.S., with hi5.+newts halibut fishing boat, "Fannie Powell H°." following his extensive studies on the. Pacific Coast. The Canadian Pacific's gross earnings for the first quarter of the year were the largest on record for that quarter, at $43,236,009, or an increase of $2,891,051 over the cor- responding quarter of last year. Net, however, was a little lower than last year at $6,462,628, compared with $6,531,067. Madame Jane Sion, champion of European women swimmers, ar- rived im Canada about the middle sf May on the Canadian Pacific steamer "Montnairn" from Antwerp. She will take part invarious swim- ming marathons in Montreal and ether centres in both Canada and ;he United States, ' including, events it the Toronto Exhibition. The telephone department of a modern dep:'rt- mental store. Anything can be sold by Long Distance No matter what you have to sell, do not thiii.'k it can- ' not be sold. by Long Dis- tance. It can, -if the price is right;. People are raid- � ly : becoming educated to buy by telephone many thin gs they formerly thought they had to ex- amine before purchasing. Those who have definitely ac- cepted Long Distance for sys- tematic, selling tell us µ-- and the number is rapidly growing that where they do not suc- ceed itn making a sale on the first try, the prospect newly always comes back latex to bur. Cel tho tote ,i)4staitee davit. There are 40,60o *ore telephone prorpeets do Otttewio ttnd Que- bec WS year. 'Mayer Martin, of Montreal, en he- • 'half of 100 pilgrims to the Elaeharis.,t t c Congress at Chicago, 'recently presented a handsome engraved gold. watch to Edward P. Whelan, cit' ticket agent, of the C.P.R., at Wind-, sor ; Station, ; Montreal, in apprecia- tion of the care and attention be- stowed upon thein; by Mr. Whelan, who aceompanied the party on their Tourney to Chicago. The seeond greatest half-year in the history of the Canadian Pacific Railway has been completed with the month of July, the official finan- cial statement for this period show- ing an increase 'in the gross earn- ings over the preceding six months ' of $10,071,966.56. The increase in the net profits for the same period amounted to $6,159,041, or an in- crease nearly • double that of the previous half year in 1925. Following a slight recession in April the production of automobiles in Canada continued its upward trend itt May to reach a new high level of 24,934 units, valued at $15,- 761,015. This output compares, with -21,502 units, worth $13,754,390' in the previous month. For 'the five months ending May the cumulatide production was 108,127units, valued at $62,685,152, as . against 78,227 • units valued: at $49,497,988 in the corresponding period last year. Canada leads the nations of the world in the proportion of years of prosperity to years of depression, says a report ,:pow in preparation by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Ltd., an American organi- zation. Covering the period 1884- 1924, Canada shows 1.86 years of prosperity per year of depression. The United States comes next on the list with 1.79 years of prosperity per year of depression,' covering the period 1890-1923. Definite indications of the largest building year Canada has had in more than a decade are now shown by the record of the first six months of this year. The very large and un- usual total of $194,543,600 worth of new construction for the first half of the current year and contemplated new work to the value' of $304,598,- 500 304,598,500 forecasts great activity for the remaining months. During June ontraets awarded totalled $54,186,- 400, 54,186;X400, an increase over June, 1925, of 68 per cent. One of the greatest foundations upon which the Canadian national spirit rests was laid by the Canadian a'cific Railway was the conviction uttered; by J. D. Cameron, of Gles ow, in an address' before an audi- enee: at Pembroke ' recently. "Not merely did this railroad act," he aid,. "as a bondbetween all the rovinces of the Confederation; but 1t was, by its conception and final onstruction, a greater force than nything else for the unification of he scattered provinces." c P g ,s p c a t The sea -faring settlers of the He- brides are not all fishermen as one might expect, but farmers in a small way known in the rugged northern Islands as crofters. Father R. A. Mac onnell; the clergyman in charge of the immigration of these hardy folk to Western Canada, disclosed this interesting point recently en route to his headquarters at Red Deer, Alberta. Father MacDonnell has been in Canada about fifteen years and has been engaged in im- migration work during that time. The Earl' of Clarendon is respons- ible for the statement that of the 25 families whom he personally in- terviewed, sent: out to Canada under the Overseas Settlement League, he has not met with one malcontent. He intimated that the settlers were unanimous in the opinion that 'Can- ada had been good to there, His Lordship', accompanied by the Coun- fess of Clarendon and their three ,,cTiildren, Lord Hyde, Lady Joan Vil- lers and Hon. Nicholas Villers, is making :a study of the immigration problem as he travels to Banff, Lake Louise, and other points west in the Dominion, • MARRIED Tiffin,---Dawson-On Tuesday, May 24th., by Rev. Mr. Pollock, Jean, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dawson of .Iiinlose, to Mr. Wesley 1,"iffiti, son of Mr: and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin. USED CARS FOR SALE. We have .Dodges, Maxwells, tssex 1Vit:Laug•hlins, Chevrolets and... Fords, 0losled and open models -,..See tis bei- fore you buy. .o „ ur old Cat"" at part pay, tering if desired. The Clinton Gart Thursday, May 216t14, 2292 NoilioIIMh1rIwill/I111111mIIINRlll11111111i1poNinoti IIIIMImIIin tllNllil•liANool tliiiN i to Will find our selection of 'Fine Footwear' the very •utmost in style and finish ®' IN THE FIRST PLACES -Our "Variety is unexcelled" in this part of Western Ontario. IN THE SECOND PLACE -"You do not require to paysuch extreme prices" as at most ,shoe •stores, in fact "Our prices are most moderate": AND LASTLY -The matter of fitting is extremely important, for a "shoe that fits" not, only looks better but in addition "GIVES, THE UTMOST IN SHOE COMFORT" We are very pernicity" in regard to "shoe fitting" and you may depend on our doing tide very best to "give you the utmost in. Shoe Satisfactibrea If you are to be a 'June bride' or "one of the chosen guests" you will find this shoe store is prepared to supply your every need in "nice footwear." e H. 'WILLIS THE SHOE STONE' Phone 129, WINGHAM' ®11118111®III®1111111111111111rium111111111111111111111111111III■timi11111111111111t1mstio 1sie'Jt alaliilllll ilionisisiNilism111llannme 11sll11111®111®III■11111 aIISIIm1111111111tfun II NOTICE. During Summer 3/faiths, all stock and grain ex- changes operate on Daylight Savings Time. Daily sessions open 9 a.m. and close at 2P .m., -•Eastern Standard time. Saturdays open 9 a.m, and close at 11 a.m. Huron Investments Limited STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON private Wire Connections to all Exchanges. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Phone 95 Wingham, Ont. 11111Y1111111111111K IIMI l la11111111111121111111®I I I®Il1111111111111119111111111111111 1111110111111111111111111■ mincummumnsmnsummussommummummonms as ! ROSe SMODJEL - W1TEii 1 ZP s 4 .ra R aa. ■ 111 For the entries its the Canadian Laying Contest at Ottawa,• NI our pea is in first place for entries froth Ontario in the light ra • In the Ontario Contest, our pen is again in firstl light breeds: pace for the IIII In the Nova Scotia Contest, our en is in 1m p second place; as well as having second and third high hen.am Baby Chicks, guaranteed safe delivery, $12.00pe r hundred. ■ u deed. m WALTER. ROSE; BRUSSELS, ONT. 16 t!i KiAr , • J6,!Ab il, • i • \i=1V_.•24m t.u• • guns i mtI1k J11�%p V it.wid •... N r SIC o gi V�tfC71it AL. COAL. ,bdsnme,6ngeb,�aYmn6ounmwoasdatsoMMadkwomaori.,o .. „ COAL. ...xnra.wen,�sn.M.w�n.�uaaaw.ewn.®.ao, Price s for The oath of May. We are prepared to ,. l� � fill orders for the Best D, L. & W. Scranton Coal at the following prices Nuty a»d Egg, per ton ..o�lt,ePT.�gs• Stove, Pegg per ton......, Y , . 0 Best Nut Coke t pcii' loin 12,50 w.wwiew,daindei�oet,uo+,11µd+Y�,y+,aedcrw+so�„n.lsinairsa,y�ist,yi.e�,ala,n.dt•¢gaMler.na�oyyw.n,,bsy�,y. M CLEAN LIMBER •, p COIVIPANV.14/6:61Z 64W " „stat e 't weir* nesse'n`ssarie eigerei seti\ifr6si st silr saes r,'sso jigs gIelr��t� Zp yAerai;ose• eeee