HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-26, Page 347,
`Thursday, May 26th., 1927
.�:�:\�/Ja!l4L!GJ:�Y.�Y.':U.W'yT/.U!J��T/,.1�':\TJ;.\PJ:'.\PJ7��'/:LtiP/.L4fJ'A%.\•q\�J1.\PJJ:\PllAPil:l!�Y.�T/A+�aL�v.SP �V! �., \ip�/ \,. ,�,\/J ., .} \ 1$4 .:_. Pl
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Lwin Stores
ee our ' range of the very smartest models
i Spring &
n s an sses S Sumer
in Wome c . p. g
Coats Dresses, Y Suits and Blouses.
ulrlllilli■Ihumtimll■IIIi111i11anuitiniulilll■IInIIw i111ililillli nsililililmmi Ia!IMIiililii iuniumui ni0ltli111i_
oHandsome Silk Coats. for the cool even-
ings, marked at reduced prices. 19.50 to
~25.00. -
Women's and Misses' Knitted Sport
Coat in''the leading colors. ' A very.serv-
iceable coat at 11.75.
New Coats at a saving . of 20 per cent.
,Dne� :rack of Sample.Coats comprising. .
Plaid Poiret, Twills and. Fancy Tweed
I Effects. On sale at a discount of 20%.
;Sport Knitted Two -Piece Suites in the
,,Choicest of Colors. Prices begin' at 8.50
_Dainty and. Cool Frocks ,tor
Warm Summer Days.
,«Seeour display of. Figured Rayon Crepes
Crcpe-Pe-Cheng, Voile & Printed Crepes
Spec.l,values at 4.95 and 6.50.
Hosiery in all Leading Shades.
Supersilk Hose is a really , dependable
silk stocking in this season's favored
shades. See them at 1.00 and 1.50.
Goidette Bloomers.
TheQ y Undergarment darment in all the
.liew ,shades. Special, value at 1.75.
Queen Quality Silk Gloves, wear guaran-
teed, made in plain or with fancy cuff.
Prices begin 'at 95c. -
Princsss Slips.
Shadpw Proof, silk slips, best colors,
now 2.90.
Dress Goods and Silks.
Shot Taffeta in; silks. . in• new shadings.
,Dress 'Accessories. Fancy PatternVoiles, Crepes and Silk
hVestees, Belts, Dress ` Setts, Buckle, Rayons, Plain 'and Fancy Silk Broad
glides, Tomboy Fancy Belts. cloth and Cottcnade Delaines.
nisi 11siimiUnwitltlmlllilliniinliainiimilisilliliniumnalli 11111a1a iniild inIl®111s111111111i111®Ili®11111KINIll111111i11111111110111
Spcctia1 _Bargain Table of Summer Dress. Goods, value up to 85c, sale at 39c.
Ladies' Horne Journal Patterns and Style Books.
dotraetrao a\RA`Qleeeratraetri\1Ys1ttaliiii tTriA IYoN •ci(Yi\9tAiN K;NA4Y• stat IreoutbYotrierrimeivrio rekeoleii s eTevm. rre'�
Goodrich and P it stone Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, old
Tll'es ' : Were I7evet'" l5 residents of Teeswater, celebrated
their golden wedding,. artmversary itt
cheap and neves' better', their home on Monday, when'"many
ON'S AG 'S GAS F friends assembled in honor of the ev-
v/; • I • • ewer mime. g,teme,t,nm,• L\•J.IL• •AA\T,tla!ai,pi! :2.14• • !:L\�J1A �_ \!'
We are handling Pool Eggs the sante as last year. If you
have not pooled eggs before, make enquiries, Now is the `time
to start, We alsp. bay eggs.
Create delivered to the plant on Saturday night, will be graded,
weighed and sampled, but will not be tested till Monday morning.
We will advance you money on this cream if you so desire. Or
you can get the full payment on Monday:
Ifour trucks have not called on yoti, ring 27x. We
arrangements to give you a truck service this year.
ill make
Phone 271 . .. ---
Wingham har - Ontario
alt, r Tr' Ssrieowsyoe,tue L\R1A" At nt \ Y4 t* 764116\S/o: %i 5 ViiitAtii %Vile ek1i ®'A \1R%�11Y f
Mr. Robertson's boyhood days..were
spent in Ancaster Township, near
IAncaster, Ont., and in 1875, hie came
'to Teeswater. Caroline Pa{rbairn was
!the daught6r of the late' David Fair
bairn and Catharine Fulford, former-
ly of Brockville, and pioneers of Tees -
water, having moved there in 1359,
when this district was a virgin for-
est. In 1877 lXr. ;arid Mrs. Robert -
,son were united in marriage by the
late Rev, J. C. 'Pouneroy, at that time
pastor of the Methodist church there.
[They have a family of twd`"sons, Al-
eander D. Robertson, of Torontd,
and William F., 'pi Minneapolis; Minn.
i• Many telegrams and letters, of con-
gratulation were received during the
day from fele ids and ' relatives in
Canada and the United tt u d States,
Among the out-of-town guests were
Alexander Robertson, of Hamilton, a
brother who vas groomsman 5o y'Cars
ago; Mrs. James Paterson, and Mrs..
Langford of Wiarton; Mr, and Mrs.
J. W, Joynt and Mrs. Robert john-
stun, of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. John
McCool and William McCool, of\W'ing1rtm } Miss Mary Fairbairn and
Mr. and; Mrs, A. D.• Robertson, of
Toronto. The house' was beautifully
decorated with flowers sent by many
friends, including; a handsome`, basket
,f 5o Golden roses sent by the offic-
ials and members of the Teeswater
United Church.
Mainly for ` Women
(By Dorothy Dix)
(By 'Dorothy "Dix)
Verhaps human vanity finds ulti-
mate expressions in the fact that we
all expect to be loved whether we are
lovable' or not. We may not do a
single thing to earn the affections of
those abont us or even to justify their
liking; yet we feel ill-used if they do.
not bestow on us a tenderness we do
not deserve and have not earned.1
It is a coinmon,thing to hearan em-
bittered man say sneeringlythat he
is only a bank hook to his"wife and
children; that they care nothing for
him .personally; only for 'what he can
give them. Or a wife complains that
site has lost .her husband's love and.
that the children' are ungrateful and
;undutiful to her,
These people never blame theinsel
ves. Apparently it never occurs to
then that the reason they are not lov-
ed is because they are not. lovable.
For, after all there must be something
to inspire affection. A husband who
is surly and ill-tempered, who never
shows his wife any affection or ap-
preciation,who never speaks to her
except to find fault, can't expect her
to continue to love him. What is there
to arouse her enthusiasm?. Is there
anything about such a man's conduct
that would make her listen eagerly
for his footsteps returning home at
night? Not a bit of it!
Why should the father who never
tries to get acquainted with his 'child-
ren, who' never plays with thein, who
never talks to them except to correct
them, who never tries to enter into
their little hopes and joys, who never
'makes them feel that he is their best
friend and'is 'doing everything in his
power to make them happy, expect
them to love himand confide in him
and be guided by him. ,
And why should a woman's children
love her when she nags''them continu-
ally and makes their lives a burden to
them? Very likely she doss this
through her own love and over -anxiety
for them. But it makes home a place
to flee from as soon as they.possibly
can and, causesthem to dread moth-
other',s presence in theirown homes than
any other calamity that could befall
If we want love we must be lovable.
Think "young," eat 'young,' 'e.xer-
cise "young," and you need never'
grow old.' So says Elinor Glyn in her
new book "How to Ieep Looking
Young." This book claims to aid wo-
man in her .fight against the, ravages
of time. "Mind, rules the body," de-
clares the author. The first secret of
beauty is to sleep with the head to the
north, because there are strong cur-
rents. which rush through tate earth
from north to south, and to lie for six
to eight hourseverynight to them is
good for elimination of impurities.
Another secret is keeping the skin,
healthy by using a dry brush over the
whole body every day— an ordinary
Large sized nail brush with fairly stiff
bristles. Let neck and face have this
treatment also, and in six months the
result will be velvet and roses.
The following is an exercise that
will help to counteract the flesh sag-
ging tu
er the
eyes. Place
'the middle
finger of each hand at the; outer cor-
ner of each eye; Then draw back the
flesh in a line towards the ears so that
the eyes• become long and narrow.
Hold the fleet in this position and
close the eyes until the lids are
squeezed together -against the pres
sure of the fingers.
theother holds the throat, Don't blow
violently as this will cause temporary
Persistence is esentiai if women
would benefit. It is no use to do the
exercisees for a week or a month and
then say the exercises are no good..
There will be no change in a week::
They must' 'be done regularly for
months. The impovemerit is going on
steadily and surc4y and in six months,
if you persevere, you will be surpris-
ed and delighted at the changein
yourself; !
Thin lips may be made full by the
following simple exercise. Press the
botom lip up as hard as you can a-
gainst the top lip, at the same time
pressing the top lip down as -hard as
you can against the bottom lip, thus
making a resistance between the two.
Count one to ten and then relax. Do
There is one man who wishes, yes
is anxious for his business to decrease
and he is Judge Burke, of the court of
domestic relations in Chicago. In the
hope that some of the 35,000 who
make complaints in his court each
year, he has issued the following com-
mandments for husbands and wives.
For Husbands
Don't hesitate to admit you are in
the wrong... It is a matter of,, small
importance and the reward is great.
Don't nag.
Don't have liquor in the home, Let
it alone!
Never let the day close unhapppily:
Wipe out the score before you go to
Indulge liberally in compliments.
They raise a wife's spirits and make
her a More loving companion.
Give your wife a diversion from
domestic routine.
Tell your wife the exact amount of
your income. Plan together how to
spend it.
Lock petty business troubles in your
office or nor.' shop at night.
For Wives
In an argument it softens a bus-'
band to admit you ane wrong,
Don't nag, T
Don't go to sleep with an aching.
heart. :Ask forgiveness.
Arguments are distasteful and de-
structive. Men have too inany of
tkem during the day to enjoy them
when they get home.
If your husband has money insist
on dressing well.If he hasn't, don't
make his life miserable for him by
scolding about it.
Don't refuse to go out with your
Don't waste money.
Don't bother your husband, with
petty household annoyances at night.
Tell him he is the world's greatest
husband' and he will be.
To prevent ' or cure a double chin
itry this exercise, Hold a book in both
hands so that the two ends, rest on the
the lower part of the palms. Place,
the book -under the chin so that the
edge of it touches the neck where the
throat, and chin meet. Then press
the book up hard against the clan and
as you do so open your mouth as if
you were forcing it open against the
pressure of the book.
To fill out a ;scrcaggy throat, blow.
the nose gently with one hand while
111!1111MIIIiIII IIIi llIIt1111$IIi1111111>r111011111I1111
Do You Know?
That we sell pipe and fittings
for all :classes of work, and do
Plumbing-, ,Stearn, Hot Water :wA
and Hot Air Heating? to
Stove Repairs Pump Repairs
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thorns of Ham-
ilton spent a few days with Mr. Art
Miss Vera• Sellers was home from
Stratford over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall and Mr. and.
Mrs. J. J. Masters visited friends at
Wroxeter . and Gorrie on Sunday.
Mr. Leslie Hetherington of Toronto
was home . on Sunday.
Mr. Jos. Underwood visited relatives
in Howick for a couple of days,
1'fr. Geo. Fell was home from At-
wood over the week -end.
Mr. Everitt McGee was home from
Fergus on Sunday:
Mr. John McMichael of Wingham
spent Sunday with his parents her.
Rev. Mr. Craik of Gorrie preached
two fine sermons in the United Church
here on Sunday which were much ap-
preciated by all present, taking for
his topic in the morning "The. United
Church of Canada" and in the even-
Mg "Thomas."' There \vas a general
exchange of pulpits throughout the
district on Sunday.
Mr. H. 13. Jamieson of Louisville,
U. S. A., has returned; again and will
take charge. of Presbyterian work
here forthe sunnier months. He
made many warm friends during his
terns here last year..
Airs. W. Braviner,ofToronto visit-
ed relatives here Saturday.
Mrs, Jas. Aitchicson of Port Col-
borne is at present visiting 'at the
home of her son, Robert.
We are pleased to report: some im-
provement in Mr. ,Robert Haniiltoii
who has been 'seriously ill the past
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Ruttan spent
Sunday with friends in Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Thosnposn
an'ct family of Westford spent Sun-
day at the 'home. of the butter's par-
ents, hvtr. and Mrs. C. Hetherington..
Mr. and'M's. Leonard Gates and
baby, also Mr. Gates, Sr. of Cherry-
herrywood were visitors at the horae' of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R.
Shaw. Little Philis returned home
With them after spending three necks
with her grandparents here,
Mr. Lluott Mo11imioy of London
e Sure To
It is Icy far the xnst delicious. Asil for
111f!liililfllitlll�lllilllililtl I Islllrllitlililll�IllrinrliliiliMllli•luilllil II�III�IIUIIIi! I Il•Inii�
L Mills' Store News.
111 '
One of the Seasons' newest materials for Sport wear in dainty
▪ checks of Green, Saxe Blue, Henna, Black and White, 36 inches wide, L
P. Special value at this price.- _.., --90c.a Yd. f
Li A wonderful 'wearing, quality of English Broadcloth in Peach, 1
M' Sand, Maize, Copes; Ecru, Black and White, 38 inches wide, Special
▪ at _._. _ _...-- __. _.. ,. _ .9oc a yd
import Ginghams in Checks, Plaids and Stripes. It is
from the finest yarns m. the newest colorings, 25c a yll.
▪ 32 inch
firmly woven
ii i
Mercury's best quality full fashioned hose, all. pure silk from '
11 - top to toe in the new spring shades, sizes 8 to xo, regular value $2.75,
our special at a pair ■ .
ji Mercury and Turnbull's Silk Underwear, made of fine quality
Rayon silk; shown in Peach, Pink, Maize, ,Orchid, White, Rose Marie,
Vests, $x.00; Bloomers, $x•so; Slips, $2,25.
Fancy Crepes, es c, Rayon's, P . 95 '
9 , 55c; Scarfs,. $1.25 to
Q Hose 95c. •
e New Sport Nets for motoring, 25c.
illi irniuli uilitiiilliilllilnaiiinnitu iunilill(1/1111111101111111ir111INIMM1®!Bill!®111l11l1
and Archie, of near Lucknow,were
home over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs:, Jahn Mundell spent
one day last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Mundell at
Mr. and Mrs. A. Combs and Mary,
Mr. William Duff were visitors in Tor-
onto last week:
Mr. and Mrs. Leggatt and family.
were visitors on Sunday at the Tatter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray at
Mrs. James Aitcheson of Stoney
Creek is at present visiting at the
home of her son, Mr. Robert Aiitche-
son. •
n n
ERE'S a Goodyear -built,
Goodyear guaranteed tire for
light cars.SUPE TWIST cords.
Tough, thick tread. Only tremen.-
does production makes this price
X ;3% x
$8.55 $11.00
Wo INGRAM, Prop.
Phone 298, Wingham.
It costs no more to buy here— .ltd get service