HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-19, Page 77N, 2 IWINomAw APVANCr441V.F,.% hard 'gcMichael and Mr. Ric 4M 2 - Stratford, eallec "? kit Malik, of opapod by Rt. Ron, ViSCOU tion, Wore a Of �th,(� 114 the is at present �ori friends 4rolilrd here last Sunday. TION AN AXTF-U which tile Wall the British tile irst Governor General of Mr.' tVQNFEDERA erected. The Act Passed Suffering with .a very =ore face fropri S in the Mr, and Mrs. Jack 10 ere mraons ,,early irlinion,i t ' arlia- bo I ila" We hope 4 will �Qwl be all s4 o n and Mrs, ears,.Of Pr�grv% 150use of e firs P and Mrs. sixty''y March 29tb, i867, The first session f of, Wingliain 6riaii Of 1867, Oil The par- Jas Edgar Sixty years Qf Parliamen in the meno lasted ll May, 1868, right again, it was , given Royal Assent ip of Sir 9r, and Mrs. Wm. Merkey an4`Mr, Harry Baker of T6eswaiter, speat'S'lla- elam-ation. it, liament under the Premiership spent a couple of • King strjActure of Confcddra4an, Rot'se of LQr4$' By pro Donald, lived through TWIER, ja ay with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin palm into effe�tL July i, and on John A. Mae ad Mrs In the o, n, Ing grant- rit,h, d was the came i dissolution be" days las woelc with f 'eads; at of Canada t. f e sessions, 4 'r'a We on* rl, the firs �iv Colli 'eld� and G, P,, VutA4,M S -the parliament ferifi, the Gov� cdpyrio;ht, t926, by e zation by Film EXPOR1119 0008'01 ever er. q0. &Till Grimm's ProVess,, is a picturl I Parliament Was ed by the Earl of Duf iono. It was the one creation of November 6 of that year, a P f irst 'r t session of th�, Fiitcda par- wer's �torlo3 Lot the same name. .North ArWejica Act about ernQr General, in X87 - i America, Inc„ W. 0j, 0.) of H. C. wit the �Britisli -No summoned . and liaments have been dist round on his aggroBOITOnoosp P$13 , - I r ince Jul ' 1, 1967, and Ir927 OYNO ra fell �na,.rifuj tl�iat. I didn't land dissolved a Y I mil to, New Yorp til Gtrimm co Ut as v three r� 'lean s L blow$, finds Canada between the first a. to make his fortune, and becOlnq$ a "You're as yellow as they mak® of the sixteenth par heavvwoigAt boxer under tht, tute- 0 see nd iessions 'em ,I sneers Jack Fairtal UP at gYpPansy Pilking A falt4- logo ol liwah Pord e as sank CLU M7ZtOO1- li-ament. ton M8,alsd come to New York and 1711 mine next to 12110 00 office ful. admirer at Business' ye him a argu Fourteen ministries have held i 47oazly gets a posit in the POINC& argument,for me. have rids ]Sill,. but Bill gi A was the same e.Crown. Of eight Took Fafrfam how, The second I*OU]3 under the Cro the ilght, P A- 0 _W ha�e been Tjn�_ outs a wide swath in as the first, Oliver dolut, all the been Conservative, t�VO Barbara Dowlir, 1"N's flaisoee, I and ro blocking as' best 0 Ortu S a'"e- teotfj;e� gets a posWon 0 ount: anit and four have been Liberal. Ten g ring only When that a federal d 1.121 as stenogal)Xer in 4i4jp Hartford's a save my noble -pro- citC;anada'h e held the. high ! Way t have we the 'ei's of office. bascia. Every, time we clinched the office of prillid Minister and thirteen a pea near where Fair- en ,long the ro Oft cau for t t, this have i representeil to gIVOL x "a is parsnip let loose a. Gov e benerals I . I'd made up my mind string filthy abuse which Was t1lr" error . soyereighs in this . own four -carat dia- oft fIlt investment of money tl I reigning Darbam my �,ad.aljy driving me nutty! 1867, mond, reset in a Tiffany mounting, Me faded, Dominion Since July, New. confident 118 had would be my last n. to the winds Regular saving, wffi riguting 0 these Sixty 6 to Oliver 'threw cautio Attic, I ails have stood to arms prepare you to Tour times during spending orgy for some time in the third and waded in with come, I done matters tip brown! take Lmange Your years Canad! both gloves flying- 4 storm of'siz_ intofa ions ave When i. got back that night to 'o. the body comfortable den, radio room, play- troops , Ii, the inn wbere I parked, I managed zling,rights, and lefts t room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- and: two occasions occasions were I I d big red welts,, and be- advantage of your I titions of G�proc. fought abroad..These 0 to get Barbara's aunt on tae phorip I 'a " "' relt ing-ceffings and par far.�tho ,.,ad a. half over I fire-resistant, I the North-West )am had been Gyproc. will Make your attic firetre the Fellian Raids, find found that Barbara Usineso I like he a: Backing me with a opportunity w.,Iien.it War called out of town, "On b sledge. w Arrives. warm in winter and, cool in summer. �.the S91ith Af ricall. with ter employer." This infor. Th house Was in ancon pooklet�'-mygome." . 1twilltell Rebelliori, War of Europe. With. mation Put Die all, out of gear and I tinual'uproar, simPly going. wild Write for free I rd Gypsum Insulating d the Groat W the, tip st�ggered me with a you how Gyproc,'R060a d ' fuel bill 11 story of the 1)0- to me was _Off that 8arbara's' �rj'gLhet' to,'i Zr, jaw :which made me s, these InsuiexwIll reduce Your 153 la THE 'from 20 to 40% these interludes the Wealthy boss had beaten MY time, He was, a goodL bay" this RIS, CANADA estic ana. It went to see Pansy hang oil. LIMITED, FA Y THF, 'ONTARIO GYPSUM CO-' jninjo� has been a. dam So I not only Follies, but'Oliver,,and I'd like tD have boxed as bee a story of immigration, in- pilkingtou open in the IJ00MINION I took-hor to supper afterwards at' him fig,aill! he clinch and admin 0 1 Over - I come out 01: 1 dusty all istrati 11, and the $wettest night club on Broad missed two lefts to the face, *alk - 11 ry Phases the parliaments of Way. MiSE .1 in -.the Ing into 11N 1Established WtR� all three 3 another hard right which lished 187 have -exercised the,dominant I got it with a smash high up to do Much Canada morning paper. All over the front' landed too tt didn't do Me no 151 influence. page wag the startlilig news that bar.m. Still, could hitt 'we 0 a SL of good;- 9 1LIS P rQ0L consideration phillip, Hartford had been pinched 'O.g it up at- close quarters, X -A Quite apart from rament coppers, chaTged to t B y fall of polit- I OVe die 1. There both landing stiff , rights he parties and the rise and For S W 'a big stock swin put a torrid left. to t11G P r. BISHOP, Mg chronicle of Con- 3axter, head. A. M. I ILl perfect jabs On a, h was no mention of. Barbara I Winghara, movements the chro to the head heart, but took three Wingliam, Ont. RAE & THOMPSON is Without a Parallel in the but a. r);I$h Of brains- BUCHANAN WinghaM,LOnt* eL oration government THOMPSON & 8. Gorrie, Ont. history of democratic a mere hand-, R. ',J. HUeston N,6ver before has such 'T Bluovalep Ont. fol of people occupied, administered h6s. Stewart wroxeter, Ont. r and prospered rosp6red oli such a vast area of rw� country. Even now -sixty years aft- -A to Canada for he world. can look er—t � " 14-1 at P3 DIRO SHOP' rO r_.- THM Hy -- With a lessons in administration. rester, tharl Population not MUCII , gr6 �orld but the W . some of the -cities of spread, over half of the continent) democracy functions * in all its bran- • t citizens prosper. It 61' for Farm Lighting Supplies a Of rich, westem wheats —the -fin CheS and the ive Headquarters ead and tribute It is the selectiO . trib e to administrative flavour to br not only grown On the prairies — that gives extra flavot 0 it is a tribute, to British par- Irons, Toasters, Lamps and,f ixtures chneSS to cakes and pies� made from ability, which has s`and extra ti ary governmenti Wh bulls; I' ent We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. E aMpLOUR 'am - e n 6 a-aaptable i the .4 4y equally P U been. Prov compact little crowded islands over. 0- mp this great sprawling L "i the seas in IR a and � W 2" all North Arrierica. cookBook. nation of Briti Send 30c it; stainp for our 70a-f8dol puriv Flour led the gov- ontmal. ottsws� Sant j" Milli Co. Lhah-d- To the men who haveA� leaners and Floor P011SherS i;..ds Flout: Vacuum C q11110 ernments of Cwjaha more than to any credit for the ad-.. others be -long the c of t . he sixOliver take the play away groan ane •..• For Rent. achievements T- r let the wo"I d 071V ministrative Ministers of the past the. mouth in return, MG lRoll decades. Mini by ly lips. The gong e S The X. tshe. took I to men abowed me at Once W's Bat as 6, one splitting M For who years are as follows- Ing short nooks that job I Dressing 0 Ld us exchan'S ■ on. Sir John A Macdonald,tireman, I rushed UP to her apart -1 foun Oliver Caught me all a fl%ommission omfoft---arid Rt. 11went and found her at breakfast the r tile a e �er� 1873). the onest 'With a 'right %fte Wingham Utiliti'S good looks (July, i667�NJOV611� aCkejlZjeL (NOV­ with her aunt. recap- bell, b I ut I didn't think he'd heard 0 Hon, Alexanler M I'd took a chance on the grinned and shook his e4* a phone 156. K HO was 'greatly rs, it and I grin! . glaie. Crawford Block - ember, 1873-0�tpbier; 11879), tion I'd get and I Ta acted VIM- tended pardon -me N John A Macdonald, lieved when Barba. As I reached MY darner Butch N Rt. Hall, Sir rd hit a doused rag e T891). hely glad to see me. she'd been sprang forward and 0 a Shower of water from the RE ]3f;ST (j00D SWE (October, 1878—Suin homer On MY guess —she'd with T Ott (June, 4891— ordered to go to work for Hartford sponge. Hall, Abbott to get the goods on him. bought a. tea .,you know you're behind, don't ?%d December, 1892). When I told .her I'd bc ycju?" he growls In, MY buzzing eav- �ampson (Dacelu- parlox., she was highly interested answer Fairfal Ron. Sir John T1 Before I cod1d. at Wingham, Ont and full Of questions. After brealc, head through see it. With shoves his W. J. GREER.9 nber, :1894) stands UP, bey, fast I took her over to 8 d hisses' 1892—Decel Well (December, them knoell.- the lower ropes all 14on., Sir M. BO Barbara in YO shLOPP8f out waitresses Of mine was Just so "Thp big white -livered hound is 1894—Aprii, 1896). trying to Jay down for the gain" (May, many girls! Sir . "Barbara," I sayst .why not turn bless! ROB not Only Yellow' llo'B in Your badge to the government crooked!" of this over Hon, Sl Willred Laurier (July, right now and takb chargeWithout a word 1,11eaned Sir place now met took a punch at him, 1896—october, 1911)- a sa7s soft- =a1lift his bat. jAke a flash ly,Robert Borden' (Oct- "Yes, Bill, I will!!! all ht his heavy cane uP, Rt. Ron. Sir Rob "Besides; one adds, with a F airfax, brought as my face, hitting ctober, 1917)- quick little smile, "an engaged girl ward and acro Be and ober; 7911-0 bert Borden (()ct- should not associate with crimi- the bridge Of my Precious no Rt, 'Ron. Sir Ro nals. I shall try hard, Bill, to make —breaking It I Ober 1917---4UlY 1920). this delightful shop a Success! Instantly, 016 house was insane ht of the big nobody sitting Rt, Hon. Arthur Meighen (July, Well at last the 1119 with excitement, Christmas benefit vaudeville and down and bedlam in ellZr9e. Victoria Dal 192o—December, 192X). dropped on MY stool, the gore from boxing show rolled around* Me scheduled to smeller making MY face Mackenzie King Pa. Hon. W L. Macl, and P,ete Oliver was I my busted am ig-*6). step in the ring at ten o'clock, but a red mask, and after one frown, T001P The ening of the 't 7 (December, 1921—.JUne I took 13arbaris, down early With Ing stare the referee wanted to 0, - we IvIelgheft (Jun" THEN YOU9 an4a opening Season ' TASTI BREA Rt. Hall Arthur bLeT &,unt, and Seen they was 6'e&ted stop the bout and give it to Oliver* have a complete stock of all and i9-_6),. I certainly didn't look able to Pure krdo requirements and -.September, ringside. .In 1926 step d Wholesonle enzie din clothed PaUSY continue. try Ho While we're arguing In My to visit our store an W. Mlack The scantily car, d Rt. , n. a the ring surrounded by a fourth 14, AN wax-wrappe pod into -ad tore oft her Cjj 0 0"S leis pea Our stock., 1926—). V It L -We give below some excel- The �eptelnbcr, hot jazis orchestra a nor the bell rung for the 10 . ( W famous Charleston to .'RP* round,, and I shot Out LIK8 the lent values for this week Children's 11ol. looked ------ &US8 which Split the root. , his Maniacal killer I Was and end- Delight VALE Blouse Oliver was already Ilk at that minute, With no Greek 40BI LE victory P1,01cl BLUE corner when I climbed through. hrough the or, nose to be careful of no long- OLDSh 7"u 1' tang that "Bust, d thousands of enthusiastic es h 'Butch' Ford, Left -90or- I showed I PT H t ou Brand Boys and Girlo ropes r Vt a ' 1 1 3 to go lif- or, It Oliver stabbed a h sands an t, tty Jones 'a B t the O'Brien' and I rjj.� v, de* 'Pla"B"i" of 011, my bleeding beat owners of Oldsmobile saw it, drove it5 kneW` Large Si" BoTtlef ig and e sure and ge es of 19 (a Mr. and Mrs, Stewart youl teen. round, at as vicious left to ren try to bloolto for their own. Swept lair coniplete series I WWdh I didn't el right it—and then Chose it ustard 11 and so cion. sweet N C. Cards given away with farn, Y me friends aTrived oil taking the punch to cross MY or colons 49; TASTY" BnEAD, Sunday to SPet'A a few days'at their Pete Oliver got a great hand, and his jaw. Arms dangling At -d their whole -hearted Su y fte gallery howled for him to get Mg. see on My lose and ruin it, -taggered baokwards And when you Deed Ask mother to buy her summer to work -IS Blass, he as I praise and the conclusive evidence of ever-x11A er jjollie here. h b"ad each da from I wasn,t going to be marked halfway across the ring, and Sour Mixe4l y Loag Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. B�Lintoa are But h him I slipped. A, Dominion Store& dine. up by, this big ape. and that beak tore in to finish creasing opularity. . . . or Chow 30 vi itin friends !A Klaca� 0 Much and JoOk6d ed oft 'MY sh'Dul' p 8 9 m- last of mina.coot to iiauces withl wild owing glanc t t one bile and check it, point by Mrs. Sanderson returned ho - too good to take' el der3p Upsetting me, and I go 0, When you see OldsmO ------- with ZW I about MY - nose eating, thinking and listen- r of m tins . aft 9 2, couple Of Oliver knew al by knoo, T all the known factors erit M AyInter week er spendin sud changed* big regular tuctles -tva-thres point, With . al2s . Pork 3 from the first Ing to the count' i"One Be No 2 qo�­ W P ,it r Brand Weeks L Ile summer home here Win. forcing the flgh�iag tX modern motor car construction, many friends of Mrs, tabbed at MY face with ,I�jnejll I barked, leaping to MI went into a ing the startled ref, ;u drj�re it ani bell. H" a Lee its thrilling -ale suggositions Is his long � left, but experier its positive S pis" Spiers will be glad to hear she shen and covered UP, 0011teb"O let feet, and shoy!'ea,,, I yelled and. When Y( s ridling, ad was able to spend Ile began bull- eree aside, "'I performance, its effortles ha n-,uch irnproved a Oliver cold with a almon 'Clark'S R1611ed Dinner Zoe �hlta do the leading. knocked Vote a ind the ring, landing 0, control, 21c,.- S,,,,Idqy in 'Blu�ev6te- Ing we &rot right hook to the button Finest Red i-sb. 4WC •Veal LGitt al . meeting . eting.O,f the Wom- right. Uppercut which made 'me Then, kook the, saying is, pandemo, it and realize its surpassing, u� ' and I dived Into a When YOU knOV UbWs Meatwich as 11 cl of Th immediately Ilium Taignedl gI stood panting In Sockeye 8c". The anti Thursday change foot, a 0 el clinch where he its complete provisions or enclutin eifi A Me-% P-140 pills. Insvitute W . e jjo�dj of. his glove over mid lookill, down at the shin* beauty, oil, at the hollic of Mrs, Le brou'9','0ate'b --halt ing-eyed Barbara, while, twelve operatioll� comf ort, convenience, C1,16ice Rod Kippered 14ewrings'- Age,,. aftertio a The crowd roared the CienCyj thrifty officers ' . , na 0 surged arbour Cohoo , V�-jb. Wing ',=,�Pra',�aj' and am Igerl-Ingfo in ro9roat® Sauce z5e ard E Illott. The j 01,10 halt hisses thousand Ill ti a SU n ed"Bust- e. IM Year,— I and 10119 lif F., ­PO -a 3 for Zoe for the tOral a referee broke Us WIt1` R , ropeS cheering a guy oldsnaobilel elected. drimm, Whose STM,we"p, LuXAC11 Iftolls 'Were when it", to Oliver I shot a right YO wavain. b' * a tlien U, too� will choo e an )It bY the referee, Mowbrayl Yice his Mid-section Which being holdal( ?0. Lainggs Worcester Presj&nt, Mrs: Me% t etjo champ turned 10C Aitch;eaOill, see- I an This heavyweight York icreailu 33 no. i saluce President, oracle a h3 gasp and look a 'its. a' ent, 'Ars et Dir- ad top L of he On his Way out to gjVbL 'Ile G Scott- DilstH him, L'Bill. I 100jr- 'Three husky COP' laiscuits -------- miss oliv OlItlo, yells Butch. 00AP, tholughtfU Pulling Butch Ford ind )RD Wingham) Ont- Treas., Brun, 'Pak J, Btcckellridgc� Branch dba0t like I VMS Pull A. CRAWF( 0 0,V y Pall SW eetoy, Mrs. r1ought. oI got a nose Pero ft P. war, TAkt IT;oolt C. and Chevrolet s- Plosaucal" 1 t1ir 'And I lot the Wreek entitled FalrfaX� McLaughlin ArlWlDirectorsi Mrs EC - Johnston,. � Press at stake here I WAY I jack I)ealer in Oldsmobile, :16 co, oil, Mrs, BosInall; t the Play a which had called the li Retheingt I � tied 011var ta'k Whit Stewart; Pro- from M to the, 60toMP11, 1-16 flllls� loot adds, Was 11=11-1199 Reporter,, Mrs I , the royal razz from the mob. Mrs, A. Ag to the -way at SV not 'blas 20 shifty Sones, W: !set that SardineS OLIment Of .and the round and 4 grarn lashed out with three l( ver his head. 6 oswau-e 0 LD Leggatt, -as oh&t with 9, rif,111t tOWGIO and sponge 0 Lux seaftOS21S... Mrs. GarilISA,. Mrs- head, and IV the b6L Continued). We %oblety cross at the bell. Olivet took t4OW L C Elliott, Miss Beat. L atm 40 iss Cora Cast Pianist, Ons 231b s 7*3 11'R. Auditors, Mrs, rice Thornton; Jewitt, NUNN S j