HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-19, Page 4I$1 11.1t11l1lr1411 1IL Ilatilsll1111(1Itillleldlotnom iimiminaiilll:titr ds11I 11slitioill 1 't. DAK. As You Go Make Lasting and. More Impressive the Passing Incidents. Kodak the scenes of your home surrounding with your friends and in later days you., will have a treasure that will afford the greatest of satisfaction: Our Kociaks are .priced from $3.50 up. 0 Films Developed and Printed on Our Three -Day Service Satisfies. i r DRUG STORE .�_ 41.11.4.somoa.sa...oia..o.som,o McI S Wingham Phone 25 12111l111112111®illill iImIA®I1110111S1111mll111111 hill!®Illttil1l11111191111Elll®11163111111I11ll3Ill1/1111 IIIIIIll X11111•111m IIVIIAIIIIMIVIIIII 11A1111 111111INMnf1 IIIIBI1119?1111111f11116V61113111! •ia • 1.11 Y cent a word per insertion; witha minimum charge of 25c. olll�llll@NI11111�It1®nIi1111�11161RItI�IIIAitlfl(il®(1111111@111111111�III1i6111�1!)t111!!®Qlll�l n®IIIAlni1111161i1110 FOR SATE -Driving Horse for sale. WANTED—A small house or.'flat to Apply to Mrs. A. Fox, Whitechurch, rent in town. Apply. at Advance - Times 11 M FOR SALE—Ford Tudor in first class condition. -••Apply Box,C, Ad- vance -Times, FOUND Aero Cushion Tire and Case, on 1 ' ry� Finder eeswater road.I't . nder may leave carne by paying fax this t*7P. SALE—A couple of large doors, suitable for garage. A large ver- andah post, several storm windows, also several inner tubes and cas- ings 33 x 4. Inquire A. G. Smith. HOUSE FOR SALE—In village of Garrie, comprising. House, Barn, Garage and four Lots. Property of late Win. Stinson. Reasonably priced for quick sale to close 'estate. —L H Stinson, 13x, Glenhalm Ave., Toronto; P. T. Walker, Walkerton, Executors. TENDERS WANTED — Ashfield Township ---Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 3 o'clock p.m., on Thursday, May 26th, for the construction of two concrete abutments for the Reid bridge, lot 9, Con. 6, Ashfield, ' Also seven small i bridges,- two on side line 6 and 7, eon 12, W. D., one at lot x, con 2 W D. onoD on L. con , one at Jot 7 con se E. D.; two at D. L. Con. x2. Council to furnish gravel and bond iron, Plans and specifica- tions'7etay be seers in clerk's office._ C, T. McDonagh, Clerk, Lucknow, R. R. 3. TtTRNBE RRY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY I`IO SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the members and directors 4c of s of the Turnberry gri_ Ate, r Agri- cultural Society win be held in the Council Chambwr,ing Wmaham, on Sat- urday, May 21st, at 3 p.r_i., for the purpose of approving of the purchase. by the Directors of Lots 22g and 230, an the East Side of Alice Street, and Lots 274 and 275 on the West side of A Helena 'Street .and Lot 231 on the ' a South Side of Victoria Street, Governs n merit Survey, in the Wngharn Town ! t I Pot, from Arthur Law, at t'he price tl of $2,o00and authorizing tie Dint- 7 tors to Execute a Mortgage on said d f premiees to the said Arthur Law for t ( the sum of $x6�o'.00, to secure payzxtent. of part of the purchase price, and for the transaction of any other business which may come before the meeting, C. G. 'CAMP.BreLL MT A, G. STtI '• P,r.tsident Secret, ,FOR SALE -490 Chevrolet touring Motor car, in first, class condition. .Apply at Advance -Ti mes. CEMENT FOR SALE—Apply to Kew Paterson, Phony -611, White-' church. • FOR SALE—Good second hand Wag- on. Apply to W. C. Armstrong, General Blacksmith. HOUSE FOR RENT—White brick house modern conveniences, in good location, Apply to John Hanna.. BOYSI—Your chance to buy Dunlop Bicycle Tires $1.75 each. Inner Tubes 95c. Thompson. & Buchanan Hardware. 4' ,Pk" FOR SALE --Seed • Corn, the best high germination, White Cup, Yel- low Bent, Improved Leaning Bailey, Golden Glow, Wisconsin, No. 7. W. J.Duff, -BluevaIe. AUCTION SALE -of Furniture, at Miss Pugsley's, Lower Wingham, an. Saturday, May List. Thos, Fells, Auction eer. FARM FdR SALE—or rent for grass re miles S. East of St, Helens, Good building, spring creel: running through the far.'a,, W J• Dodd, Lucknow,: Ont. Box' 202. TENDERS -will be received up to and including May dist,' for the work only of painting L.O.L. No. 794, two coats. Paint, Shellac etc. to be supplied by the .Lodge. J. McMichael, Rec. Secy, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF AGNES, MUSGROVE,' late of the Town of Wingharn, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pilrsuant to Section 56, Chapter 121 of the R•eviseid; Statutes of Ontario, (bat all persons having claims against the Estate of Agnes Iviusgt•ote, who shed on or about the ninth day of pril, A. D. 1927, at the Township f Turnberry, are required to send by ost, prepaid, or deliver to J. W. usltfield, Wingham, Ontario, Solici- or for the l.xecutri', on or before to twenty-first clay of May, A. D. 9227, their names and. addresses with uli particulars .of their claims in writ ng, and the nature of the securities, if any) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE Ilat after the said twenty-first day of fay, A, 1), 7927, the assets of tine aid Estate will be distributed by the aid Executrix among the parties en - fleet. thereto, leaving regard; only to, (*aims of which she shall then have otice, ;and the Estate will not be lis'a ble for any 'etainis not filed at the me of the said distribtetioit. DAI 1?,13 ti Wingham, this thirtieth xy of April, A. i)„ t927, J. W, USX FIELD, Wingham, Ontario. olisites tetrix, 0 DON'T.WORRY ABOUT YOUR a ,LINOT,EC)M Usc Neptttnite. Var- ti 1ti5h,'it saves the pattern sloesn0 t rlisrz:tic',r, dries' quiekly. See our bargain table of House paint $1,19` per quart, sonic good {colors left. .1`hoto'i,son ': Buchanan hta:rdwartt,I „uAEe,, ,r, ,»,u GN COURT OF R VISION—Township of.urn T b er court ca t of Revision will be held in Biuevale, on Thurs. day, Day 26th, at 3 p.m, to hear complaints on the essessni.ent.. -4. 1•.•. MoEwen, Reeve;; W. R, Cruik- shauks, Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of JAMES I. SCOTT, late of the Village of Ed- more, in the Count of Huron, Farms er, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chapter r2I, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having (claims against the Estate of James I, Scott, who died on or about the twelfth -day of March, ..A, D.,1927, at the Village of. Belmore; are ,requieed: to ,send ,by, post, prepaid, or deliver to R. J. Doug- las or George .Herd, Belmore, Ontar- io, the Executors" of the above Estate, or to the undersigned, on or before the twenty-first day of May, A.D., 1927, their names and addresses with. full particulars of their claims in wri- ting and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by then(. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-first day of May, A. D., 1927, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed by the said Executors 'among the parties en- titled, thereto, having regard only 'to claims of which they shall then have received notice and the Estate will not be liable forany claims not ifiled at, the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham, this thirtieth day of April, A.D., 1927. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Lettie Rutledge, of the Town of Wingham, Spinster, de- ceased. A11 persons having claims against he estate of Lettie Rutledge, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of February, 1927, are notified to send to the undersigned Executor, The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the undersign- ed, its solicitor, on or before the Sixth day of June, 1927, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars of their claims, and the • nature : of the securi- ties (if any) held; by them dulyveri- fied by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 6th day of June, 192.7, the assets of the said deceased will be ' distributed among the parties entitled' thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice, DATED May loth, 1927. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LTD., 302 Bay St., TORONTO R. Vanstone, Wingham, Solicitor for the said Executor: E912 SALE 2926 FORD SEDAN like new with extras 2924 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1924 FORD SEDAN 1923 FORD TOURING igen FORD TUDOR 1922 FORD TUDOR 1920 GRAY DORT TOURING Also MAXWELL TOURING in real' good shape Cecil Merkley, Wingham,, i. ..._. SE S FOR SALE. We have Dodges, 1Vlascwelle, Essex, McLaughlitis, Chevrolets and.. Fords, coded and open models.,. -.See us be- fore you bu. Y Your old car, as part pay, terms if desired. . The Clinton Garage The Trotting Horse INC PATCH 54ti A I: :. 2nd Will make the season of 1927 at Morris Bostnan"s stable, Bluevale; ...-,King Patch and, is sired by Monbars Boase, and is closely related to Dim Patch, the great race parse,.... TERMS—$x2;ao payable January xst, 1928, if found in foal 3Vlorris Bosnian, Henry Branton Mattager. Proprietor. 5 'I'WP . 'OF RAST 'WA.WANOSH Court of I2ioevi s n The Coltrt of Revision on the As- ,. s. stilet(( loll of the 'Townships ' of East Wawanosh for 1927, will be held in the Forester's Hall, Befgravc, ani Wednesday, Junetst, 7927, at one o'clock p; tri; doelt p.rxi. Atex. Corte d, Clerk, WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES IMS THE ,WINGEIAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1,1(1:27 Fablished at WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W, Lagan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates ---One year $2,00. Six months $x.00, in advance. Advertising rates on Application. SALUTATORY this issue of the Advance - Times, person takes up well performed by Mr. A during the past twelve ting,the welfare and plate of the town. And in c this work, no lengthyexpl are necessary. It is a duty in any citizen to be loyal business town; have a justifiable its aecompiishments; and e in its future. Wingham fortunate with it manufacindustries,t- uring rich fanning co and progressive citizens, some way the betterment conditions is a worthy ambition. main object of the be to promote the business s of the village, to endeavour a friendly relationship` be- tween and country; to encour- age advantages of nia"1c'e it a desirable as well as a profitable centre, paper will be strictly rode ail pubic questions, its c g open to any signed attic with anything of general con- cern; the same time the right to present any met- er to: the public welfare way as heseesfit. It will en- deavour fair, avoid personalities, with all matters on d to retain that confidence, it in the past. To accomp- lish practical co-operation of the citizens is solicited, t this no newspaper can ex- ist; equally true that n e town can do without~ newspaper. W. LOGAN CRAIG, Withnce- Times, athe work soA. G. Smith years, in promo sial progress on_, tinuing tl explan- ations in` cumbentto his busin ble pride in a confidentis singularly ct- uring to munity and to aid in of these conon. Thus the Advance - Times will dvantage to create e- tw�een to ur- age the e the town and place of residence,le business The p- -ndent on of umns bein le dealingbut"editor claims the. t- er relativein such a n deavour to es, to deal'their merits, ance, placed in p lish this, t and assistance for without x- ist; and ito progressive its weekly t Stewart Lyon, ex -editor of The Globe, has followed the e,ample of that famous Greek, Cincinnatus, and taken up farming, having purchased. a xoo-acre property about 5 miles from Fergus. In one sense Peter t�titl be at home, he is in the midst of a Scotch settlement, . where thrift is o v However, proverbial. Wever, there will be those who will say Peter is about 35 years too late in finding his chosen vocation 'The national committee for the jubilee celebration of Confederation suggests that a maple tree be planted on July 1st at every place where . a celebration is held A tree -planting ceremony might appropriately be a feature of centennial celebration. If the place and the tree,' or trees were carefully chosen, the result might be a living arch spanning the next _ cen- tury. Declaring a marriage between a Jew and a girl of the Baptist creed, performed , in Ottawa and legal in eery respect hinder the laws of On- tario, annulled, Judge Bruneau, of the. Quebec ,Superior Court has, for the first time in Canadian History, it is believed, seen fit to question the validity of 'a marriage solemnized regularly in.another province under the laws of that province `Religidus- issues are not a factor in the case, the basis of contention being that the groom was a minor at the time of marriage, and as such was ineligible to contract a marriage ceremony un- der tete laws of Qaebee, Canada's exports to the United States have. increased greatly in re- cent ears, but itpet years, is a,saying in y F - certain quarters that the increase is largely in raw materials, which, it is. contended, should be kept at home an i d t < ttt'nel uta manufactured prod- ucts here, It may surprise most people to know !tow greatly Canada's position in this respect has unproved. The figures given below show in per- centages the classification of Canada's exports to the United States for the years 19914 and 1923:: 7974 1925 Raw materials .,, .,.,. _,..:. 65 34 Partly manufactured ..,-,,,16 27 Manufactured 19 39 Canada is making remarkable P ro- gress in inanufaeturing, despite the jeremiads that are heard occasionally, particularly at election times. 46.414, Premier Ferguson in recatru Xetid- ing"to the i iunieii1 aliities of Ontario that as another ni'ethod of ttiarking the Diamond Jubilee of Confedera- tion tete name `Canada" should be Used " whore passible in cliristextitig places or squares. . "Canada .Place" or "Canada Square" which at the present time either: bear no name at all or a designation with no special significance shows a robust Canadian - ism that should encourage those timid souls who are always fearful of expressing pride in their country Test we may weaken the imperialistic tie, On ' every occassion that Mr. Feguson speaks he breathes a strong Canarlianism and a ,belief , that Can- ada has indeed the poteptiality of a nation --a people whose moral vigor, and strength, and keen sense of justice and freedom, have been the heritage tff centuries.', The septi"- maent could not be expressed, better than in the words of our Indian, poetess; "We count no man. sa noble as :the one who makes the brag That he was born in Canada beneath the British flag.". BORN ELLIOTT—In Wingham, on Friday, May 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Eert Elliott, a son. LOCKRIDGE-In ,'Wingham, '•• oil May rgth, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lockridge, a son tACEWAN--In Go'derich, on April 25 to Mr. and Mrs: Geo. G MacEwan, a son, Peter Scott. .DIED RUTHERFORD -In Glasgow, Scot- land, on April' 29th, John Ruther- ' ford, formerly of Wingham,`and old- est brother of Mrs George Powch of East Wawanosh, and• uncle of Mrs. John Levit and Andrew Wit-, , son. CARD OF THANKS The brothers of the. late Mrs, Rob- ina MacDonald, who died .on the Both, of ,March at Wingham, desire to .thank the many friends and relatives who so kindly manifested their sympathy to thelm in their bereavement:. •ACCIDENTS AT LUCKNOW This seems ca be Lucknow's unit cky week in regard to accidents, thxiee have occured so ,far, :.although the week is only three days old, The first .oc- cured Monde. yafternoon, when, Mel- vin Johnson, aged i1 years, while rid- ing a bicycle on Main street, was knocked off by 'a motor car, receiv- ing an ugly gash on the leg. Tuesday morning Mr. Black, a loc- al tearrister, suffered , a broken arm when cranking a motor car for a friend, i tle engine backfiring This is the second of this type of mishap oc- curing in this vicinity recently. The third accident also happened, Tuesday morning, Daniel MacLeod being painfully bruised and crushed when he was pinned under a concrete wall, which collasped as he was as- sisting in moving a house back from the street Iine, 'About a dozen men quickly gathered, and held up the! heavy concrete as 'best they could un- til measures could be taken to release Mr. MacLeod, who was pinned from the hips down RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now ar- rived. Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert will be, at the . 'QUEEN'S HOTEL, WINGHAM one day only TUESDAY, MAY "31st and will be pleased to ;give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the op- ening in zo 'to 75 days and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance its positively-, demon- strated to you right on your own per- son without any cliarge.,,....You do not spend a Irenny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Dott't Iet this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date, fo an_A ere An honor was conferred'up on Captain Sanies Turnbull, C.E.E., It.hl•E , oommander of the Canadian ?acifie steamship Mantitairix, recent- lY, when( he was, appointed Aide -de - Camp to Hi;1 Majesty King George 'V, Ali golfing records were shattered recently when Ii, Tanaka, local ,Tap- aneso golfer., playing on the Cana- dian Pacific course "Langara," seorw ed a hole in ane twice in one routed of the eighteext-hole links, The first was obtained at the fifth hole which is. 115 yards, and the second at the sixteenth hole, which is 210 yards, Doting the month of ,'areas; of the present year automobile produc. titin in •Canada, has increased 33 per cent, over and above the production for the corresponding month of last year, being 15,376 ears, as compared p d will( 7,762 for the'prevlous year, Al, m rst,'half o)"',tlte cars produced wni'e for estport, according to the noinin., rot, Bureaa sof Statistics: Thursday, May Igth, x427 d101100)1M luralVIII/1kaiiitoim 1M1111mill LLl11111111111A1111111 111111 ti Ild1 tl t �• it (� M /IIi�IIINd11�1>� • � I C 1. une •e tri Will find our selection of 'Fine Footwear' the very utmost int'.Y le . an finish d finish IN THE FIRST ;PLACE—Our "Variety is unexcelled" part of Western Ontario, IN THE SECOND PLACE --"You do not require' to pay such extreme prices" as at most shoe stores, in fact "Our prices are most moderate" AND LASTLY—The (natter of fitting is extretnely important, for a "shoe that fits" not only looks better but ire addition "GIVES,THE UTMOST 11\11 SHOE COMFORT" We are very pernieity" in regard to "shoe fitting" and you may depend on our ging the very best'. to "giveyou the utmost' in Shoe Satisfaction". If you are to be: a `June bride' or "one of the in this chosen guests" you will find this shoe store is prepared to supply your every need in, "nice footwear." 'THE SHOE STORE Phone 129, WINGHAM• f�1111�111�1d1611110111i1111�1I1ffi4llliill l 1�1110tI1 i®I I I�UlI�I11i0111�i11f0I11�111®ftl�Itl�Ili�ii(tt11i1�1116f1•ililtl w. 1 L L ,I S tInsimmulain11111111011111111i1o1111 ilanl ii11P91Ua1icanc11 utrid11011i�H1�111a1iil liirlti� During Summer Months, all stock and grain ex- changes operate on Daylight Savings Time: Daily sessions open 9 a.m. and close at 2 - p.m., Easte1h ancaid time. Saturdays open 9 a.m. and close at. 11 a.m. 1 Huroninvestments �.aimtted P9' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON Private Wire Connections to all.Exchanges. bCS. NOTICE. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Phone 95 Wingham, Ont. 1 IN R 1111!1 annlInisItsmi111tilmmen et IIenu erimlI a 11 911111111®1111111111111{111H1011164nisc11t1 up anvisiii miensemonno®®®®®®®®mn®simminwmi usimesIII. N Mt ® i. en OSS S MODEL SI r 4 Y' n (01 S o C. 1 III m For the (entries in the Canadian Laying Contest at Ottawa, our pen is in first place for entries from Ontario ' in the light breet breeds. ds EA IR n the Ontario Contest, our pen is again in first place.for the NCI ligh In the Nova Scotia.Contest,'our pen. is in secor d place, as well as having second and third , high hen. i !Baby Chicks, guaranteed safe delivery, 1ir;1 $22.02 per hundred. WALTER RI''SE, me i r m 11 4ywe' uy: tn°v A'),W..!'d•�SV#1Sn 10$Wri!us; n007 RUS EL 4 ONT. Q 0.b 1 b �Al►" ' ,AL. itraUO4=soec49odmsbaoYUh�6V�annerammotoslltsim mdpir4..a Ud6moC1 6NNRUMenNomskiiomate namis:Uaov, Prices for The onth of May. We are p pl epare�`l to fill of clefs for the Best D. L. "♦ " &W. Scranton Co1zl'at the following prices Nat and Egg,. per ton Stove per too_ o.... Peet, pais' ton.,:,;.",.. lest Nut „Cokel, per tort aiIM6Md'iYlp�psd{y�lnwY�6nao-MOMennamiso.o6noemhaN,nU+1i11tH11MWoiWfb6dYN�YB McL1AAl I, �E� 414t COAL, .PHONE 64W ♦ V .$1t5..00 11.5.75 e.:.,..e 12650 .....4 124,50 seeselies COMPANY. 4,err^r.?re treti,n�b� „7rtia '�ti'pr ird�4i��nr1d/N,�%`j.,