HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-12, Page 3.1 �al�Ya\'ilYatiSf)`'GiYi 7aa\uY'a�7Y►liP/hit/sl�(alSi/il�/i� J'/a\;i/s\1i/eFYAiba�u/a\ti!a\iC � Y%a\1i�i\u%al1f7a4�i(illi%a\lffdi'U%al�F%��/ atro r'A•IJ sto..v aw • • etino Timm,g.l•-NlmlJ' • i, amll!5'.a•/tllmakteeneltJPmntl.lJ.'U�V4i• uY ski Thursday, May/2th, zg27 1 tuv,•/J4l•/usso •l xtc ' ./11,JJ64•/ww..Naml-0'l%JA•/ •mmo dabVJ� mammy •,iylljlmm.•„ !J d . •Jl• two. pring's Nattiest in Men's Needs Felt jt /- . That warm hint ` from the sun now and then 'reminds you dlat spring is here.:. Better be thinking' about some spring Clothing., Do your thinking. .and selecting at : ISARD S amidst natty creations. SMARTLY; STYLED SUITS. ATTRACTIVE SHIRTS. For Men and Young Men, single and Pleasing patterns in stripes and spot double breasted •model's; made of fine qual • effects'. See our special at $2,00. ity imported tweed mixture� ss ciall. P , specially , priced at $22.50,:and• $25.00. TOP COATS. Splendid styles in top ';coats in the new spring weaves: Some real values at $15.00,' $18.00, ,$20.00..:,. HATS. Newspring felts '` in all the .leading shades, many newshapes. Prices begin. at $2.90. SOCKS. Wonderful sox value, fancy patterns in novelty silk. Special at 69c. NEW NECKWEAR. - In many colorful -new spring weaves now in, stock, here for your early selection at 49c, 69c, '98c. NEW 'LEATHER BELTS. See the ,novelty belts in all the best colors, special at 50e 75c. SHOE DEPARTMENT.._ - Men's and Boy's Tan and Black Ox- fords made in the best lasts and quality stock. See our special ir. men's sizes 4.75 .surd's ' Exclusive Men's Wear Store, Wingliam. eNtia.1Nil'ihW alilroarel(alifra 11Ya\1Yal IYilTifa\ifYalllYa\ 1\1 a\itaaWriN4Yal11mlfral a 1ndriikli 11C(eril liiViAtn,P614Ya1'IR'a111Ya11 ,Lu1„,A N„ 41.2.., U+Pth,lnt�,iU,'y�lninw,p V3NdV,�N urP GET YOUR C WINGEAM AD'VANCB-TIMVMFr the wurruld, 'some:fair thim 'big, an some av thin' so shznall that ye wild ndt tiuk they wad cake Much differ ;to tingsj lent I wance . knew a, fellah. wlio always said that it wus' the sh ivail laiks that sank the ship, an rneb byshe wussin't so grane as the look'ed. whin he said it.` "- Fur inshtanee, a slainall lailc in the roof may shpoil the wall paper in a room an cosht,:ye twinty, arr mebby twinty-foive to git it fixed up agin. A. girl may shpind,tin, arr webby fifteen cints a day oncandy, arr a bye the same amount, arr more, on S igaret,tes, an tink it dussin't amount to annyting, but be the incl av the year the total is more :than I used to shpind fer clothes in a twelvemonth, whin I wus. a young fellah on the,,. ould farrum. Thin tink•av,the big laiks in muni- cipal nmatthers' all over the counthry, an the shtill bigger vans wid the Gov- ernmints, ° It' wud make ye sick, if ye cuddin't git it out av yer mnoind sonietoimes, so it wud. T tink a good shlogan fer Dominion Diamond. Jubilee cilibrashuns wud be, Shtop the laiks. I kin give ye an example av how aisy it is to do it. Wan day I wus wal'kin down ,the shtrate wid the mis- sus, an she sez, "Hev ye anny money on ye, Tim? I tink I'll go inan git me shpring hat," sez she. "I didn't know ye had brought it do ri fer repairs," sez I. a new wan I'rn afther gittin," sez she. "Shure ye don't tink I wud wear me ould wan fer another sayson, d'ye?" e`An hev ye it bought already?" sez I, beginnin to trirnble in me boots. "Not yit," sez she. "I am jist goin into 'the Milliner's to pick out wan she sez. "Mebby I had betther go wid ye to liilp ye to choose a nice wan," sez I. "Ye kin come if ye loike," sez she, "but, shure, ye don't know anny more about wimmins hats than Duncan Mar- shall knows about elicksiiuns, in sh poite of the ixpayrience the two av ye hev had in both Moines." Whin we got into the milliner shtore I sat down an picked up a payper, pur- tindin to be raydin it, but •kapin me ears open all the toime. Afther throy- in on twinty, arr meby twenty foive, hats, tlie decision reshted betwane two, wan fer tin dollars an ' ran fer elivin, an to tell ye the thruth I cuddin't see much differ in thim ixcipt fer the proice, so av coorse I decoided that suit t le'missus the besltt. The other hat is. a shtoylish, ,wan too, but xnoslt too young lookin for a Wumiiman av her age;, The zimilliner'lsaid I had good taste, ,but the more we said in favor ,av the dear hat, the more determined he misses wus to have the chaiper wan, becattse we made her belave she 'look-` ed younger in it, 'Tis quare oideas' thin': wimniin hev, an ye hev to un,• dhershtand thin' to git along wid thin'. - II Av coorse the znissus.tuk the Tin Dollar hat and I had a dollar to the good' to buy -tickets to the Blyth Choral Society:rConcert. .I undhersh- tand the profits av the showare to go to the Blyth Memorial Hall, an the Wingham''Arena on a fifty-fifty basis, an thim's bothcommunity in- terests, so to shapke a` z I am always plazed to hilp iviry good cause whin it does not cost me annyting. Ye see what it is to hev a good head on ye, I'plaza', the milliner be:throy- in to sell a dearer hat fer her,I plaz- ed the missus be lettin her plaze her- self, and I saved a dollar fer rnesilf. Shtop the Iaike. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. • TENTH LINE HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. Fred'Shaut and family, of Clifford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. T'hds. Strong were. in Listowel on Monday on /business. Mr. Wes. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller; and Margaret, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Thos. Strong. Miss 011ie Strong spent the week end with De Wett and Mri. Strong of Fordwich. They are selling silk stockings "three to the pair" now so that the dear things may have a .spare now in case of a puncture.—Sault Star. the Tin Dollar wan wus the wan the missus shut], hev. Thim milliners are purty shmart girrufs an know who carries the purse, so the wan who wus throyin to hilp the missus te-de coids, asked me what I thought . about thin' two hats. • -."Well," sez I, pickin up the elevin dollar hat, "this is the wan I tink wud That we sell •piFe and fittings 1 for all classes of werk, and do Plumbing, Steam, Hot Water 1 and Hot ;Air' Heating? • Stove Repairs Pump, Repairs W. J. BOYCE ■ Store Ph. 58. House Ph. 88...'!. TIRES: TIRES. s TIRES. Goodrich and Firestone Tires were never as cheap and never better. 'ROBERTSON'S GARAGE 0.!(d•424t gUJLI�•N—•/ .T4ivtJ0..•,rm.I•AA•V •mostimomm, • • • 1 • 2 14• 6A R GREA, E -CSI For the Following Reasons: • • • • • • • • • .v' t�' li.,Jll. C �b�F`. 1 tr ( �/ ,rt but in a-VAL E�. .nv"poi. xst-=-Rain, Snow and Slush cause stiff steering, squeaky :shackle bolts,, broken springs and rattles in the chassis. - and—Lack of 'Lubricant on your brake rod connections, causes faulty. brakes. 3rd—Damp and Cold Weather causes moisture to acetunul'atc in crank case, retarding lubrication in your motor. 411 —Cold `rather congeals the oil in your transmission and differen- tial, causing inefficient lubrica- tion. Your 611 should be re- placed with our cold weather lubricant. �"b A F 4 A GAS A rt) OIL A. ►. s„ o' i � �lXltLttor;..nst�taxc+. mnoerrl.�'pr WIN A 41 4 4 • • • 4 4 • .AV7 �'C. :T.C" !V 1v.JK: •.Y<.•J!V 7v�. 17:i.JC'..K.. Jv .T..�.l- 'l.:tti."v:."�C'-'•�v. Y"C.""`.:b: �'c'J�-"'ti. �::/I'..`• .�..'St... �, _,�i. � uaw©ztta�raunt�ac�,uirrc�ivarxc�;tr�mauca�l�nsan'�iucau`couc�rlu.�,c�,traunz`y`acufi�[u, �ytp�',�Qyryly��aanirn'1rrC ntrrltitL.l�t.t`2�.tltl�llL�t�tL14�1 1. . f.11-11701? T[tE LAIIKE o the Editur av a1l wthinm VVinghan Payp ers •--^� beer Stti't_ ,I xotls1ied that the top, at otic kiteh- IF en sink ;'4' ,tis laikiu wan' ltiarnin whin I got up to loight the foire, and that shtarted me tinkin av how much'' wa- ther is waishied be rayson av laikey taps all over town. Mebby quoite a lot av it ,ati hubby not so much as ye wud Unit, it al! depinds on how soda payple git thine fixed„ 'tui that. clepinds ornhow much conscience they Aninyway I got tinkin av how manny laiks av diffrunt koinds ther are int " cLAUGilLIN-BUICK stands alone - 4,. , not in its price, which it shares with others -- but ;in its VALUE, which it shares with none. During the past cline years the public of this continent has invested more of its automobile dollars in McLaughlin -Buick than in any other make of gear -shift car. And McLaughlin -Buick, true to its purpose and promise, has constantly striven to s .aprove it quality—to better its value. The economies effected through McLaughlin -.Quick's volume of sales have been utilized to enrich still further'she quality of the car—by such im- provements as the Sealed Chassis, the -Torque Tube Drive, Mechanical Four -Wheel Brakes, an Engine Vibrationless Beyond Belief arid the increased luicury and refinement of McLaugh- lin -Buick Fisher Bodies. IYMcLauahlin - Buick is today, as always the ONLY car in its Value -class. mF.aata A. M. Crawford, Winghain, Ont, Dealer in McLaughlan, Oldsmobile and Chevrolets McIALIG IJICK SS SS 206 a to 4 cups to each cent's worth of teaa, Modern girls give little thought to A ;woman doesn't .care if she's zio clot.lzes. They've learned not to worry taloen seriously—so long as she's tab over 'ktrifles.--Quebec Chronicle. ” eri,—Montreal ` Star, MAITL.A VD► C AM We are handling Pool Eggs the same as have not pooled eggs before, make enquiries. to start. We also buy eggs. CREAM last year. If you Now is the time Cream delivered to the plant on:Saturday night, will be graded, vieighed'and sampled, but will not be tested till Monday morning. We will advance you money on this cream if you so desire. Or you can get the full payment on Monday. TRUCKS -If our trucks have not called on you, ring 27x. We will make arrangementsto give you 'a truck service this year. THE UNITED FARMERS CO - OPERATI VE COMPANY, LIMITED. Phone 271 Wingham Ontario nois imilu1111111m111111111111111111111111immi 1n11111l1111111101iimi 11ila■III■111111111111111 iimi1imnis' ' House Furnishings, Rugs, Curtain Matricial -_ All New Goods at eclat Prices forlousecleaning LINOLEUM RUGS ■ CURTAIN GOODS English Nets __ _._..:.3oc to 75c Scrims, plain and colored 20 to 6o Marquisettes ..........25c to 75c 36 inch Silk Marquisette ___,_75c 5o` inch, Silk Madras; Blue, Rose and Tan .._.__._..,,,.:.... $x.25 5o inch. Silk Mai:quisette, cream, _....:_._ $1,5o Extra Special Prices, 4 x 9 ft. ..$ 6 25 6 x g ft....._... ___ _. 8 oo, 7ilxgft. 925 gx9ft_w ,_.,_ to 25 g x rot ft. is 75 9xr2ft. =375 R OILCLOTH BUGS 4 x 7j ft :...._..... $ 2 85 .`r. 6x6ft. _... m 325 6xgft.. _:475:W 7i x 71 5 25 Cretonnes & S : teens 36 inch Art Sateens »,.,300 to 45c` 36 inch Cretonnes __... 35c to 5oc 36 inch Heavy English Down Proof sateens 36 inch Chintz small patterns 35c. Window shades .:..... _ ,:... g5c Brass Rods _,25c to 35c. Special Clearance. Prices on all Rugs. Buy here and save money. momwoi eelano.oew.moaiso. m.oa-,umomomao J. Il1�n�€grll�3iu�n�®ni�ll�liR,whin® 1111111111111111211111111 11181111®11112n1ii11ni151111 al insult timsilI11iBk,` am.oa ..mao.moaarooataoiu.0.00aw ,w211.0.m.o+aoa111111,oama. nwt.a6 44044a®olmoaa»e,1-iw+r 8 tying" tlkliA1.11L , 1,45L'htl0litiN 1�'4lCk;.Witit 19 fiZ1b'N$i5l, lIYoilt,Cs op opio l4tir;4•(otod130 t'AvaHA 11,0411 iY Cnfizi.` sed A K,DEE; OU L1 HEAD FORg YOU---4)2 You BUY SOME: 000TH." E'So TOP S U A E .S ,I 'I' G1N a and a*' :i;'� Get Yorta Aflr; Gas anal 19.I Here. Ibr