HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-05, Page 8,..!t•° 1,1 rvp 9T • t% !AV: (4,411Y4'Itittg014124,A41/41a °,2.1..tig kt..101,,,tectkeir..41:0,0211.1 ttlatd.ltitn%4.1,41.1404111,1,4011,9i'ilavgl, ...„ , WZNQHAM ApNcg,TxlvfEs Are Quite Different This Spring much more colorful and novel than before. Pretty Strap Slippers and Ties in Blonde and Black Patent with colorful trimmings. Prices 2.00, $2.95, to $3.75. 100.004000.00010000.0400000040000010000.04004.0.0400000040000100110004041040•00410.004. • SHOE REPAIRING, Bring your shoes here to be repaired, and see how neatly, how quickly and how reasonably we do it. ealietarmiractiovistutWor7ditr,crigtratrmramtWasreav fis\,-IxiiwtrietrartMaittlitortm FORDWICH Rogers—In St. George, Ont., on Wed, nesda'y, April 27kh, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, a son. Mr. Ford Sothern was in Toronto last weelc on business, Mr. Herb Collins' many friends will be pleased to know of his steady improvement.' Mr. M. Fries has exchanged. his Ford roadster and truck on a coupe of the...same malce. If every pussy -willow were. A kitten soft and gray, When snowflakes fell upon their fur, What would those Pusgles say? Each tiny paw, despairingly, Would clutch the tender bough, And every little kit would cry, "illeowl 'Meow! /Vleowl" WHITECHURCH Miss Muriel Purdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon, is im- proving nicelyafter an attack of pneu- monia. • Miss Elsie Wightman had her ton- sils removed last week. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm. Ross, and Frank, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Sanders of Ashfield on Sunday last. Mr. Robert Mowbray has sold Ids choppier to Mr. Cox of Auburn. Mr. Sam Coulter has purchased an Overland Coupe. A young Men's and a Young Wom- en's baseball team will train from the United Church here, to enter the League of Soft Ball. Mother's Day will be observed in the United Church here on Sunday, . May 8th. now were visitors with Mr. and Mrs Thorns during the VCeek. Mr. and, Mrs. Arnold Barbour and daughter Dorothy and Master Babb)" Phillips of Fergus, spent theweekend with Mrs'. Barbour's mother, Mrs. R. J, Woods, Will 1VIeDonald was called to Hamilton, owing to the death of her mother, Mrs. Clark and Colina, and Mr. Mar- vin McDowell of Westfield, motored over to St. Helen's during tike Mrs, Clark intends returning to her hoine here soon. Many friends will be glad to know that Rev. Chas, Cumming was alDl,e to restune hs pulpit duties on Sun- day, atfer a two months vacation owing to in health. Miss Cameron, and Miss Mary Murray went to Toronto on Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Cam- eron, sister, Mrs. D. McDowell. BLAMES THE PARENTS Most of the "trouble" coming to the attention of the Provincial Children's Aid Societies, is due to carelessness on the part of parents and especially - desertion by the father of families, was the statement of J. J. Kelso, general superintendent, made at the recent convention of Welfare Workers of Ontario at Toronto. Cases of textreme cruelty to children were becoming very rare, he said. timamo umitinam miliatiimilutiniumismitimulansinnummilemn111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 m ti 'Notable Merchandise. for 711.1c)Nvri 8s‘ Vicinity 6 4101000=6.44000100004000401004m000.4.100...01,04•100.0410.04101.0414144.0•00 0.0000100”04.04.0044.4 itt • ',' , Borsalino Hats. Creditable hats for this town and vicinity. Bor- salino, for which we are sole agents, in/grey, fawn and other new shades. Price $7.50. Society Bra.nd Clothes I Shop. Showing the newest styles at $.30.°° to %4.0.00, made -to -meas Off ure, or oft our racks. Lorne in J and choose a suit or topcoat. tos EA: MI =-• ts A Onacistry IUN 10.00010000.111.400.100400.40004•000.014101400 People With Good Taste Choose Good Merchandise .00400[00420,410040'004440.4.1000.0.041404004 HANNA & CO Ltd. 4.40.1041.04 '• cr. IN MENIORIANI Finlay—In loving memory of Vina I. Wright, beloved wife of W. 3, Fin- lay, who departed this life, May -8th, 1926. Our lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our lips cannot tell what to say, God, only knows how we miss her, In a world that is lonesome to -day. For many years the family ties, Were closely linked together But oh, that chain is broken now, One link is gone forever. ' Sadly missed by Husband and family. Pe the ettt of atom' elothda that C4101143o joiiiislistimotticimaitAi a is nwilitiricimcilignsolitimmowimil AltA voiliminiimitmotatimistwitetlisc(militanAttArtialimi IAA ELDEVALE Misses Elsie and Nfuriel 'Thornton The fall wheat is looking fine' and making rapid growth the last few days, ST, HELENS The annual meeeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in the co -m- are both urfering from poison ivy, they got while pulling weeds Mrs. C. Higgins had 4 part of floor inanity hall on Thursday, May 5th, 4ik1 wax on the stove heating, and it took Roil Call. Suggestions for next year's Mrs. Lewis Jewitt is ,on icit fire and Mr. John MeGuire is quite scrioNly in the Wingham flOspital, with 't1111.whenshe tried • to ottrry it Pr<5gralmmt outsido it spilled on the floor and bad - 10 se'ovtlied the floor walls and . tt,,ew18, visited rci4tivs 0,t pneumonia, We hope for. a Sped3r Luckilow On Suird,ay. ing of the roOm. •lIowever,,slae was Irtcovoty..., .Farm.crs are about through 8teed- able ,to put •out the blaze with water., Mr. and Mrs, tIliott Miller of Ltick. I • • EAST WAWANOSH • Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and Mr. and 11 No 3699 Sizes 34 to SO bust and 14 to 18 years, Price 4Sc The New One -Piece Frocks DEPENDABLY smart, and so easy to make with PICTORIA.L REVIEW PRINTED PATTERNS THEN., too, your dress will be absolutely correct as to 6tyle • and the latest detail of finishing. GET the Pictorial Review Fash- ion' Book. Only 85 cents when purchased with a pattern, Thsttdaz May,sfh, illootwooititaatittiocitalttitItaitttimmottimmitempinuillicimmittimintillionimatila • just . Received. A ' M • 141410111,11•131111•11•Iili111•1•1442111111a111111011011C = IN- , = , , ili • Large' ''Shain2 :e hi,,I,' ,.... of 1,VeT,v,•,Co:at.:.,..' ISuiti- and Dresses, I, ' 0,• , , = ill We are Now Show- 111 _ Ing tne New Spring Dress ILI •Fabrics . - 8 2 2 6 4\tia. zt a Light weight woollens,' staksi, e perms, • Fugi Silks, Duchess Satins, ri i Flat Crepes, Rayon Silks, Etc. E'tt- Etc. Selections from these,. will 11, Li! make the most delightful. frocks. =...-r• • When preparing your. Spring II FE. lit Sewing, be sure to get Pictorial Review Patterns at our Dress iTI:` Goods Counter. ••ki El- i = N , • * KING BROS. -7, . SMART SII,DINd DRESSES. ' May is the month for New Clothes and the bright days we have been having urge the need for Smart Wearables. The new garments received are the Latest Fashion dictates, and beit Coat, Dress, Suit or Knitted Wear that is wanted, you will find us showing most unusual creations. Rich looking Satin Coats, Black Twill, Cord Coats, Navy Worsted Coats with fur trimmings. The New Lighter Shades Coat, Beige Shades Ros- amond'Shades, Perle Shades, All reasonably priced $19 oo $25 oo $35.00 Mrs. Wesley Walker of Goderich, spent Sunday at thethorbet of Mr. and family of Bluevale, spent Sunday at Mrs. Elisha 'Walker. • the home of Mrs. Shiell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shiell and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Audersong: • New Two and Three Tone Georgette, lovely Flat Crepe and Exquisite Satins in the most attrac- tive modes for Misses or Matrons. Sand .Shades, • -I Rose Shades, Blues and Blacks at • .111.82_028.1.48.1.N..MMANIMILIVIAIMAINITZteftMet.Vttitten tit.matim.•449.motimmustc. 2. • 7, • COAL. •COAL. COAL. Prices for The Month of May. • We are prepared to fill orders for the Best D. L. & W. Scranton Coal at the following prices: • Nut and Egg, per ton Siove, per ton ...... ................ 15.75 Pea,_per 12.50 Best Nut Coke, per ton............. 12.50 • 0204404•43400.001.00.04tmu 40440.0s001:•04.0444,04040,040/04- • IVIeLEAN LUMBER & COAL COMPANY. • PHONE 64W • • rtiaNIMtrarars\ trallm ismthotrowirtaMitatsintiorrennantoriatretturatri7 nitar-Virrittro. RED STAR .GOderiCh to DETR(:)1T and Return • Annual Low Fare Excursion S NAVIGATION CO. t. Greyhound •PI V .111e. , II JR 'At Lit :111. : --._. ..,....„,,,,,,,,,,„,..-_,,,,, 1 BIG STEEL STR„ GREYHOUND $4.00 Trip SAFE, SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE • $2.50 Round 'WILL LEAVE GODERICEI °116 Way) Tuesday) June 7th, at 9.30 a. m. Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p. m., Detroit 5.30 p. m Rettxrning leaves Detroit 1.00 p. m. Thurs. June 9 Only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season, Children between 6 and as half fare, \tisit your Michigan friends and sere Magnificent Detroit, •A Delightful trip (Wel" the greatest highway at lakes and rivors, Don't miss it. Last trip, Goderich to Detroit, Friday, use .oth, at„g:3o a.tri, ....,,,,t.,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,...,....,,,,,,,...,k,.................,..„,..........,,,.....,,m.,............................,,,,,.......0. ,a4.41•111 MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICII • Monday,, June Gth, at 8.30 0. RO. Pinnt's orchestra for Dancing in Steamer's Big Ball Room, Three Hours on :Beautiful Lake Huron for soe. Children 2$c Arbotb:A4•011***4•4,0401110411•440141knal111.a•OD-1141•64M6040040.0•040.0.6WO•6•00Atikkikilillik**Y104•M*4•4046•IRNO*210ift4-0 ,b7t ,: '2.'42424i4,e4N4e.54' ;It 1,,,1041,k 01.114 1 $18.75, $24.50• to $30.00 Li. NOW IS •THE TIME FOR SUITS. 2 2 2 2 a 2 2 n=" -- See the new Navy Models just to hand. They are unusually good. Extra quality French Poiret Ili with full Sunbright Satin Linings. • Sizes from 16 to 42. Priced •tit 11 $40.00 to $50.00 • Discriminating Customers will find our stocks unexcelled. -111••041011..m041.1100.11M0•11.emMINTIM{0411.111.4.1*04”,•••04•00.01+401•0111MOUMO.ONK i •Spring Cleaning Time. ill - ii, Now for New Home Furnishings. Perhaps a i — inew Linoleum for the kitchen or bath room, a new , rug •= Wiltonfor the Living Room, Curtains, BtinE--- ga- , low Nets. Side Drapes or Sunfast Casement Cloths -F- ei -ii for the Dining Rootn, Double Velour for the Arch- •i way, Cretonnes, Chintzes, Repps, Sateens, English i Prints, Etc., for the numerous bright touches that il add so much cheer to the home at springtime. pi IN ,Rugs, , N = Cushions Floor Rag Mats Curtain Rods and ....7 Window Shades, • •' • 1. '• A wide choice awaits you. Our prices are mod- i 110- erate. You'll be pleased with your ,purchases here KING BROS 3 , Please Note our Store will be Closed Wednesday Afternoons throughout the season. • Winsome Maid Silk Hose, Kayser Gloves, ' • •, •Nem() Flex Corsets. .-_,— lowicalmommilimmilimmaciummsmincolummumlummeamiummmuue SCHOOL REPORT School report of S. S. No. 9, East Wawatiosh, for the month of APril, Pupils examinect in all subjects. Sr, IV—Bob Arbuckle 77, Leonard James 7a, Elmer Arbutkle 6o Gordon Iterr 5p, Bernice Breen 57, jr. IV—David Hodge, Sr. Arbuckle 88, Louise treen 6, Elliott Johnston, (absent), Jr, III—A—Robert Scott 55, Roy Fa.ttison 55, Jr. III-8-t-Dottelda Johnston 86, Gertrude Arbuckle 8a. • Sr, Breen 56, Glenn Breen 43, Annie Scott 20. , J'rl Carter'. Sr, I—Ronald Coultes. • jr, /—.Edith Arbuckle, Roy Ctinning. ton, Lttella Iterr. Sr, ,Fr. Billy Johnston, Henry Pattison (absent), • fr. Pr.—Peveral Breen. NO 011 roil 24. Avevtge A tefidAnde ' Best Spe,Iler8 for 'Bernice Breen, Jessie Arbuelcle„. •r) Johns- ton, WiHna llreen. Ronald Coultg. • Lottlot M Fraser, • • • 'reaelket. 1,1 '110'