HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-05, Page 7ik
g et trly brealzfasdc.
g tills oa ekes an
' other give,,, ,Corn l
of {lay
big bowls r �eKllagg'Sa itr� so
sul et to er k dd es O d j{ello000 000 people
o vuond ess 1. A 11,®®0,
N c•sp>r� than
Matchlessbody. fore asid can es
for every dally• cart:: Anil •hutch , caf e -
demand them faille Ot et Ordep inti
eT0e withr honey at
grocers. , row
S ts..-o �old.by , peen f a
e fresh® diners. Lin 1 i
don,_ t e
��>ri�s b ellogag in•Loa gree>w1. Pa.h ator0.
Made' y I� red.an der.
the aoner�ge cqu°`!' K'�logs
an conn®t
The finest
shoe -making is
found, its
.ced 40445416.-•
W. J. GREER, Winghani, Ont.
The home and lack of Prop; r train-
ing of children in the hon -be have been
blamed for a wide array of social ills,
In brief, the responsibiilty has been
placed on the parents. Such being
he case, what constitutes a good
parent? "What are the -qualifications
for a father or for a mother? A. D.
Harle, an outstanding English educa-
tionalist, now directing the educa-
tional division, of «social hygiene; in
Canada, i ecently summed the matter
up as follows:
Qualifications for a Father—
—Good Health. Good stock and a
desire to keep himself and his chid-
rien fit and ready for long life by- pro-
�per exercise and regular physicalex
2—Companionship with his children.
An abilityto see things from their
point of -view. ,'An ability to retain
their confidelice in all matters:
' 3—Good general knowledge, so that
his conversation is worth listening to
at home.
(4-A good example to his children,
especially in his atitude; toward his
wife and all women,
Qualifications for a Mother
1—Good health. Good, stock and a
desire to keep herself well for the
good of her home,
2 -2 -Sympathy, such as'only amoth-
cer can have, in all that concerns her
husband and ;children..
3 -Good knowledge, the result of
study, and not of instinct, of child
•4--A good, knowle1ge ofthe physio -
and physical and spiritual' needs
' of her sons as well as her daughters
physio -
land an ability to prepare both for the
ladv'enture of life.
Apple Snow
Applescan be lovesome things,
!If yon cut them 'up .in rings,
Stew them in their own Sweet splendor
Pile `them in a dish tivhen ,tender;
Cover them with "strawberry jam,
Just as much as you can cram,
1 Cocoanut shred very fine,'
Custard'. o'er- -they'll • be divine.
Rhubarb Time
Rhubarb now is red and ripe,
Take the sticks and, wash and wipe,
Cut' them into lengths quite neat,
Sugar add: to make them sweet,
I Stew in water covered well,—
!Listenwhile the rest I tell.
Add- a raspberry jelly square,
1 And a few 'shelled, almonds spare,
'Then some dates, stoned and cut up,
Set in mould long ere you sup;
Then turn it out, pour custard o'er --
For Rhubarb Mould they'll ask for
What's the use of living long if you
must live less to do it?
Bayside Brand or .:.
a►9Mo uitsuin View Choice
Tiger iBErand Large Bettie
Tomato ,
AYLIR 1B8ilCiFlllf.
Choice tItta1ityl 2 tins
TOnia*OeS ra 25c
tib. 23c
Carmpibell'e Derain° !Brand;
TOMATO SOUPo mato , ce
2 tills c Catsup ' P si
one s Ib. tial flontherai Style ;;
awl (raga ISc) teeth Ili
lemic 1/2 lb. pkt. PremiumShred ler
(reg. g e)
Partially '
McLaren'. Invincible
3 PkttS. 23e' ..
Boys and
Cis'X "
Watch for our adt,
vettisement molt
wick. We have
something ietcr
esaing for you, •-•-.
A sOUrtnir Of the.
Jnb11eb of Con-
edcratinn. ;.
Excellcncq ;
Little Chile,
Finest ' Red' lib. 45c
Saekeye t/=lbp 2Sv
Ckoice Rear ; . 141b+, 360
COhee I/Z Iib« laws
Wilford's, Vey,il
or "Rowntree'g'
MOLASSES SNA resin 433114 Crisy
STY it save !1'** rour,;dread Milli ;
by bush* cif toliiitioaa s t t eau
Witationd thread r
Ccpyrlght, 1926, by Collier's tVeuitly anr1 G. P. Putnam Sons
°'Bill Grimin'a Progress" is a picturization'by Film Booking Offices of
America, Inc., (F B. 0,) of if. C. W i twer's stories orthe same. name.
Barbara Baxter, a federal detec-
tive;! catches Jack Fairfax bootleg-
ootleggin , helped in her efforts by Bill
Grimm, Bit comes to New York, as
does Pansy Pilkington, his friend,
who ' aspires to the stage; • Jack
given her a job. Bill becomes a
Prize-fighter and knocks out: several
good peen. He is trained by Butch"
Ford. He rises rapidly. On one of
his motor -boat trips with Barbara
he rescue a drowning
"Johnsen., hey?" I hollered, thrill-
ed to the corp. "Eh--leek--gook here,
Pansy, have - yea get, any ,money?"
"Enough to .gat by till.1, land on
Broadway again, thanker she says.
"My press notices on "Yes, Yes,
Yvette,' stiauld mean. something!
Kayo!" I says. `"Run along now.
See You Oa of a sudden. As far
'as Ftalrfax and his artillery is cosi-
cerned, I ain't ab ng, Did you
ever hear of dead reckoning?"
man; "'why -yes,"' ,She says, puzzled.
I tome` off any shoes, shed coat, well, I killed it!S I grins,' pat -
collar and shirt in the well, known, ting her eta hyar. • "So wiled!"
_ twinkling and dived« tie' was both' Otraposed by the dopes s knowledge .t
under a half dozen times till' finallw trap set far the naps b uml
I aged to tapy my, life
k'iael orev rub ;him out
my vis-a-vis on of my lite usaYlae forever I declar-
tite cabin and hie went limp, ed myself in when Barbara and the
His blame in round numbers was handl-boiled customs ";men went
Johais+oia, and he fTeelyadiristted be ,.down. the bay after them :in my
lag a
drug- fiend. Johnson had be- speed boat. They Jumped• at the
longed to a mob of dare smugglers chance to use mine, because most,
working with the crews `of 'certain of .the revenue: beats was known to
steamers making New York as a the rum. and drug runners,
rgular port- Coming into Quaaam- Without lights we made the run
tine at night, the crews would drop to Quarantine in lig time in spite
packets overboard attached to of a pitch-black night, a high wind
Scats, and the sniuggler's would and a pelting. rain. We arrived off
cruise by in tie darkkkes later end the stern of the big freighter John -
pick 'em 'up, son had tipped us off on just in
I Tohnson claimed, he'd been try- time to hear the putt -putt -putt of
ice to break the 'drug habit and, the smugglers' craft going away,
jquit these gyps which pass in the and thea the panic was. on! We'd
. night, who'd figured he was going mounted a High-powered' search
to make a squeal and threatened to light on my boat, and' by swinging
cook hen. Terrified by their tarn- this back and 'forth , we quickly
Ings and driven cuckoo; by hop, pieked out aur grey zipping along
Johmsou had decided he was taking ni a wallow of foam. Then the ;
i the exit nearest lam when he leap- chase began!
ed off the ferry. People, •.that was . one exciting
'W'hen we got to the boathouse I evening! The smugglers replied to
peed Butch Ford far dry clothes e. megaphaned command to stop by
for two, mad Barbara took .charge turning loose a volley of shots
of Johneoin,who was close to the wihdoh spattered tall around us• The
beebyjeebies. After he'd repeated.. reuie oms guys promptly returned`
"Terrified by thesr warniigc, John en h leaped of the.. ferry
hie story to her superiors enol been •tbe compliment, and as I'd brought
promised protection ttey Pent him a- gun eking fust in case, so did I.
to a hospital tor; treatment. Bullets Sew right and left—no kid -
A few days after that !1Ltle expe- ding, it wee just -like eagol I...
eienee ...1 .waa' working otic 'in .anode Barbara .crouch down out of
Butch's .gysn .for. tills Rough House 'lenge and stood in front of herr as.
Gaalagher . • brawl before a crowd much as T could' when three or four
witah each pet , four bits on tris time* flying led' splintered the
line to see me ready myself. . rd zlaiie and shies of my boat.
just got done' spurring four fast The smuggle= headed ' tor a
frames with •Shifty Jones when dock, and it's a good thing for as
• who enI•ks le but Pansy Pilkingtar;, they did, because my expensive'
"How did you cone to he back in "Miss Barbara," riddled with bul-
there?" I says, anxious ,to getthe lets, sank like a stone' a instant
interview over, "I .thought you had atter we'd all 'beeped out on the
a matinee today?" i dcrek alter 'em
"Not today or any other day, 'Well, we fought all-over the dock
MI!" smiles Pansy, a bit sorrow- in the stoma socking wherever a
WY. lay. "I'm not with " 'Tet .Yes, Bead showed' up which didift ,. re -
an • y more. Fm—e:--rest- semble a revenue; agent. We final-
ly beat the gang into listening to
You—you threw tip a chance reason and rounded Einem all up,
lake that?"_: 1 exclaimed, believing handcuffed and quite a bit shop..
mears to be liars. worn. Brit Mr. Jack rairfax wan
"Pardon •
you -I did net!"; retvrus not in their Midst, although I went
Pansy. "Fairfax fired me!" over them five times with a:fh
"Well, I'll be a cup of cocoa!" I light! • l
breathes. "Look Mere, Pansy, you . I hadn't seen him duidng thje free-
. was the hit of that show. Why, far -all, and the prison/ere claimed
some of the critics was afraid you they never heard tall of him. When
was a success and predicted your we got to headquarters we found
name would soon be up in the that this Johnson baby bad copped
lights! A•nobly.r thing, Jack lair- a sneak from the hots•pi.tal, so that
fax has been trying to make you the only witness we had to pia the
for months, to my knowledge,. He rapon Fairfaxwasw raking -
wouldn't give you the air for no or- to, and she shut •up Pansy
a clam!
•dfini ary ovation! Naw, what's the Pansy declared if she got impeat-
answer?" ed in the tiling it would ruin her
Well, she stalled for a bit, but chances of getting in the Follies,
I'm hard to discourage. when I'm and Wild f!iorses wouldn't ding an -
interested, and finally I got the law- other word out of her!
down. - So again Fairfax escaped the law '
says Pansy, toying with —and me! •
her hand bag and. looking down at I nearly fell through the ropes
the floor, "you scored a bull's-eye when I seen this jazi'bo in a ring-
' 'with' your guess that Iuairtax's in- side seat the night of my fight with
tereat in me was—was, well, for no Rough House Gallagher- Left Rook'
good reason! Ln tact, he—his de- O'Brien lad lost his bout. on a grues-
mends became so, insulting 'that I tionable foul and VMS in my corner
had to stop him from calling on telling me about it When I harped .I
me. Did --did you know he Is a Fairfax.,Ho was sporrttng a black J
drug fiend?" patch over one eye and some coat
I'•shook my hetad,.amazed. pilaster on itis pan, This proper
"And that isn'tt all!" continues clown: had the nerve to .grin tnsinu.
Pansy. "He's mixed up with a atingly at me, and I was immedi-
gang of date peddlers! I found stele positive, he'd .got his Wounds
that out when T let idea use MY in that melee on the dock with the
epaatinent one night tor what he smugglers the other night. Infu
ca.11ed a conference with his bust; elated by that conviction and Bea
nem a seelates. 'Natuneily, I tact that I couldn't prove it, the
.thought he meant his partners In loos of my .unpaid -foe' motor boat
the production of ,his allow. When end the knowthatledge at l+sirfaax
they left I told hint what 4'd eaves- was plainly enjoydng What wee run.
dropped, end he tried his ttartedest' ning through mind, T s1snply
to gat the to ---to take cocaine, T; rim arenek!
&ink it vas! of course I' was. fu- The instant the bell rung I let off
rice and ordered him out.- Then Skean' by Changing madly at "tough
he got caving mail and carried on Ronde Gallagher and swarming all
eosnettving awful.. He told fine `tine area' ,barn "C!anon like
seal reason he'd helped me, and v -!ted him, but he never got started,
wound up by giving me tat' no- I %
feet' sprayed, ay'ed, him with leeks 'end
tine!'° rights, bettering him all over the
I d jtumited to my feet before she ring and dropping hien fain tine:
got half finished, • in the that twee minutes. The ems-
"Iiold everythipgl" she,. .Saye. loos wag on their ehatra sscrearnm-
Tertloehsakes,, lay oft' Fairfax, Ing wildly, auaid,'Bonglt Hcraw.
House cra.
)11a. He's po4eon C It's it>i
nt one 'eller was an tris ropes, out on. his
more tough breatk fol' ane, and VII feet, when the referee stepped be-
3lave to sna,ko the hest of It. lir. tweed us and motioned !fie to MY
rax caeries u, get now, and it he coater juot a sponge coins itip.
lo'11nc1 out rd ividimoted to you hes pl'tig hi 'trod\ 'Gallaghers hawndlers,
ust ort ay enough •ttf do anything: I1he Tigliit lasted lass than a ronnd,
why, gill it I hadn't come in the and Yen. know what made. the.
n4 ^ifs t he had those men up to my 8'e rtere think lid ewce's a wove tb
11e'd ltbve s+is:crt one banned kill the 1tnfort'unate Tough SH
rr,h�leee uteri and 'there for g llaghee,
e mi!{ lnirniI" (TO by - 0Thi,iuu )
▪ A Few
Specials. .
Plug Fuses, eekl, « .. .05
■ « ..
r Standard
' Lamps, 5' for.. « 1.05 1
▪ Hydro Lamps,. 60 watt................
3 ■
Hydro Lamps, 400 watt and 25 waft.....30 ■1
1 Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Polishers is
� /• For Rent. ■
▪ Wingham Utilities COMIlliSS1011
I Crawford Block.
Phone 156e II
r®I nnurommusassanaBliiass ':mamasa smut
We 'sell drafts, money orders
and cable remittances on all
parts of the world—at low-
est rates.
Quick service at all branches.
Established 1871
YOUthfUil»,Sh CColorful
VER since 1I��1��I�1 the Pontiac Six flash-
edintothe tq; j market, folks have
been wondering, I�IIIII�IIIII "When will Gen..
oral Motors build " a sport roadster
on the Pontiac Six chassis ? How soon
will Pontiac Six power, speed, beauty and.
endurance . be offered in a dashing, low -
swung two to four passenger type?"
Now . . here it is ! As lithe ` as a
thoroughbrecd, as happy as a lark, as smart
as a debutante just back from Paris.
Lucerne Blue is the prevailing color --
Lucerne Blue Duco brightened by striping
ala Paerie Reel. And just as fah,' from the
commonplace is everything else about the
cam—grey shark grain leather upholstery,,
nickel•plated windshield sidearms, a coin.
pletely removable top of double texture
grey -aitch a swanky, flaring rear deck with
a spacious disappearing rumble seat !
You never saw a sport roadster quite like this
quite as alert,°as intimate, as refreshing to die
eye. And if there's youth Itt your blood—or
youth in year's --you ll be wanting it some' day
soon -*because it's a splendid guaht '. car, through,
and through. rrr`:xsxe
Wfngh6!l ll5 llltt,