The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-05, Page 5if ae .GORR1E NEWS 'biday,)14ay 5th,, x927 days in the burg. "CHRISTIANS AWAKE! SALUTE Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schnittker and THE HAPPY MORN." Interesting services were held in the lame Milfeed, were StteedaY visitors at, United Church last Sabbath, when the 'the honie of Mr. Thos. Strong. young men of the church took a pro- I a Master Frank Graham, spent the ;eek and with his aunt la PahlierS- ton, Mrs, Wm, Scott and little Gladys, spent Monday in London. Mr. Scott, .who is being treated at the Sanitarium, ,acompanied theme home. Mrs. Thos, Strong spent a few days with friends in Mt. Forest. Mrs. H. L. Weir and little Earlrna, spent the week end with the former's ParentsaMr. and Mrs. Bowman of Mt. Forest r •' • ' ' • Fket-draitne in Howick; on Tuesday, • 'Apra.26th, f� Mr. and Mrs, John Fleet, a daughter. BANGB„QF BABY TALK .Most childrenacanaspetak plainly if not allowed loaretain:"Infantile hang- ocrs," 1r. Smiley Blanton of the Child Guidance•Cliaict states. He as- serts., that•the child 'who, can get away With siaing•"blupa for enilk will con- tinue .to talk indistinctly 'so long as permitted to eleaso: This, he says, is 'form of psychological infantalisin rooms. s. • far evozsetbaai•if he toatinued to drink • Misses Maude and Ruby Harding, front a brittletatthe age of four. • • 'saeat SunttaY• Plea• twine of Mijajohn spatiing, e • • A , child.'should talk by two years, it: is- very serious Mr. Fred. Taylor has, purchased thesays 431thltdn; • • „. he does not talk , by three or four. • residence ortir'"Rebert Doige arta •pbysical defect, a. crossed eye or has atready a flat foot is attended to imme•ediate- the property,: C;7 ;';'11 ly,• but nothing is• done about the Miss Ethel . Hyrietraan Sperte the child whose Speech is retarded. There weelc-end u Gorree. is always a' reason why a child does minent part. The pastor was ably assisted with an enthusiastic choir of, young men, who sang appropriate selections at both services The morning subject was: "The Battlefield of Life," and the evening theme was, Walking in Step with God." Large , • congregations gaeheredafor the • ehip ' '!•• ' • The Woman's Missionary Society -will meet' at tthe home tef Mrs. H. • Cooke, Thursday 'afternoon, at 3 o'- clock. You wila warit"to attend the special "Mother's bay," service, to ' beheld next Sunday morning at ze ann.. A Mother's' eboir: '''Wear a fk4vr in honor of Mother. 'The PasorwilI give en adress, on 'A Mothers Day:": At the evening service, the,father'..S. • . . • of the cangregation will take a pro- , aninent• Father's chraisl.! Come , and tbsby-tii4 bra gosael,Netnna. W. Te 'iMossop and Co., f London, have beerigiven the ' cOlitraCI for de- ,eorating the lanited hurch achoo - • •'... The manyefrieacls are pleased o sec , .,..,,,; • lAiss,AilyttlrShoi-,t able to he around not •""a, -..‘ ...;. If . he taan '''get 'dvdrything again atter'' sOnte--montbs -Ok:illnesi4 *,,.'*-4'•knt•ts l?.*c.1'.31in'' 4e"'NYill'n6t rriake' Miss Shoeteworked in, the telialtOrie.a. ''C'qt>it dt. talk- alesi he -is feeble and. was an ..ohlig'ing and tiiiii,.:!...InImid•(*''.' Much 0 the ' rage and •teifiaat tan-, -. - tatting she/Wry by children' ia-catesed'by . .nlarl'opera.tor. k'.. , ., ..„. ,... ." d Mr. 'Win Whitfield at- . ,, , •In the early part of the eighteenth century, two amen' were often seen together in England, who were about as different in appearance as men cotild well be. These were Jelin Wesley and John Byron. Wesley was very short and slight, immacu lately dressed in conventional cletical clothee, ;while Byron' was conspicu ously tall, wore a low slouched hat, which, as Dr. Louis Benson' says, had a aim projecting like a racing yacht, His face was as striking as his hat, for he had a ruminating look in his eyeand a very whimsical but not un- kindly mouth. In spite of his oddities, John Byron was always a gentleman and was zio mean scholar. , He was the son of a linen merchant of Manchester, near which city he was born in February, 1692, just eleven years before john Wesley. While he was still a stu- dent in Cambridge Univetsityahe in.. vented a new system of l'shorthand, 'which was used extensively by stud- ents and others . The biographical dictionaries refer to him as "poet and stenographer," and he was both of these while still at C-arnbridge. • , After leaving college, he went to the Continent to study medicine, and though he never won his diplozna, ie was called "Doctor" for the rest of his life, He returned to England and was married in 1718, and, at once be- ge. to, earn a livingeby teaching his system of. shorthand. His pupils paid him five guineas and swore. an oath to,keep the secret of his system. His pupils ,among, whom were some very distinguished men, were much amused by his oddities,butevidently entertained for him the warmest affec- tion, Practically the whole of John Wtesley's journal was written in •the Byron shorthand.. • Byron was a high churchman,- but he had wide religious sympathies and formed elm friendships with many whose religious. views and tempera- I? a'1/ ' ' • ' • their inability to find an Outlet for their emotions through' speech'.One way •to study the, personality of a child is by recording- his votabalary and the tope.aseda, Through giggling tend.ed a funeral service at Ethel last Thursday. ' Mr. .Spenecer Ashton is working in a garage in Liatowel. ' e Mre. E. 'Robinson of Fordwich is , crying, sceearning, laughing and talk, avisiting at the home of her son, Mr. . . • . -3 • , ' - emotional tensions are released . 9 • Children who stutter are:either told John Robinson, in Gerrie.. , . , Mr. T. 0. Johnston hasbe rdappoin- they v... in get 1over. at oil treate by' toresentative to, the W, M. • atieck Methaals. The truth is that the aortvention to be held in Walleervillai•at-ne-e-er•-• tt is --a. sigtieIcat 'the- child is not tfds Month'. """"wl--• I I 'adapting itself tp the group, 1-16 Mr. E, Hillborn of Hamilton spent is sensitive and timid, both traits, if •rightlyediveloped that' would contiabd Monday in Gorrie, on basiness.• - I • ' Mr. J. Gray has taken over.• the 'ate' to a delightful personality: Vety Gorrie garage and is ready to serve. often it happens that people who • the general mublie. Mr. Gray s i i 'stutter over -compensate by becoming • a young man of several year's experi- Ian .. . • ,, . ! usually aggiessive. ' ence as a mechanic, and will be made • welcome in ear tQWtt alit -001a , idd ,d.,,,a.,- itte--all:-IP17* dal - 3- -'' ......................--... *tRadio Fans 1 • • . TENTH 1,INE HOWICK I 'Your radio litetse has eapired Ap —..... ••• ril est, Have you renewed yet? You Mr. George Rainey and Mr. Wm, May do so now—at the "Radio Shop." Rainey of Waterford, spent a feW Fee aim°. ' own amusement, and that of his .,,,.. friends, and seldom printed his 4er- Attractive Convention Centre , • , WROXETER L ROXWMR, NSW$ The akroxeter Branch of the W'ranie mire moo:they meetieta.ef the Howie*. , . • en's Institute met on 'Tharsday, AP-' lalautual, Fire Inagrattete Coinpany Was. '• ril 28th, at the hoine, of Mrs. • F. V. ',ale, on lea•eseasea , . , • Lott s he Sun - not able n Dickson,thefaiataiosi yi:owaf:allgtrhet:Alnadeabemteire: a.gsvhaeet111W,e,nane srt pulpitdrmflEidrUnitedleseeci:1 unc)eg- cp. 190inee 4S ut home as intended, Mrs. J. Wendt ales. Arnistroieg,, Mrs. Stocks, Mr. aria Mrs, Kitc„hen attendQd tb.4 vres- bytery of the 1.1lited Church, which , was held. in Goderich last Thetraday. The annual congregational meeting of the "United Church was held the. littpfer, who was present far t e btiaaysel:veenittii?fg t.wb'eiehellur:10101darsatetWeued:aeese: iepor gave a fine paper on the "Different Aspects of Frieridship," assisted by two other Members, and the cordiality iriduct.d by the sentiments set forth by Mrs. Weadt, was expended in the warm welcome given. to Mrs, John the Lake of Bays, district olf the a aboreline �3O miles aid is Ear.. Ilighlands of Ontario, where not rounded by thickly -wooded balls. 4 more than a half eenturY ago, Chief Aks a oonvention centre Rigwin Inn liegwin 'and- hie Indian. braves eon- is ideal.' A. spacious Pavilion, with dueted their /mating expedithms, the seating capacity dor one thousand Canadian holiday -seeker new /Inds a people, imakes. an ideal convention delightful vacation land. Splendid kali. In the artiatic dining room, facilities or boating, canoeing, fish- five hundred delegates may he ban - Mg and other sport e are there In quetterl at one sitting, addle icona- abundance in this !laud of lake and =Mess way . meet waned the spa - forest, mita provide for the eonehert CIOVIS lire places in the reta. Big - of visitors, Ingewin lime named after win Inn was chaaen as the 1921 cone the Indian chief, has been rorovided, ventiou centre of the Canadian Not eanlY „aquatic wets are enjoyed 'Weekly Nerwapapers' Assoeiation here, for there are also howling, ten- whose gathering brings' together ale., golf and tranaPing in the bracing, newspaper pu,b-lisheira and their wives pine-soented air. The scenery watch trona all Darin of the Dominion a surrounds Rigarta Inn, an attractive Canada. lakeside bostelry paaviding or the Bigwan inn which is ace thea „accommodation of 500 goests, is ma- ehanntag summer hotele of Eastern. mimeo:Lee amee af Canada, is conveniently located. near' Huntsville, Ont. and splendid boat- tbe Lun • l'aub'at nem4es •ein •I`*"e and train, service ceenectiatm nue. western. slope cc! the Laurentian sure the (=name and emmathabm 'Range, 1,000 'feet above eealevel, in a visitors to this delightful reeost.- -•region. where the air is always' dean, oanadean, National Nannaya photo,. cool and ineigOratina, The lake has. graph. • •• tirne, after 2i long and trying illness. ,r . ts f ,ore. the different erariea_, It was ,resolved to make an effort to • • • at the dose of the rnetaing, when the: beginning_ at 3 &clock in the after.. ladies i.erved lunch. , • 4 eist, in Miss Howe's store; the sale LLV es of the-Chiirch'WOrle, -were very • ., • ',A social hour was held, replenish the treasury by holding a sale of hierne-made cooking on MaY eaurag"4" To you arrd all the nations upon the German strategist, that the American earth; Civil War was two mobs meet ised word; .. the bullets .in the lumber, ae the This day hath God fulfilled, his prom- ing, would seem to be borne out by This day is born a Saviour, Christ number of shots that missed and me- ttle Lord.' • tered the trees shoeve the cornbatants •' hneolo4n6. niciTahnen26theiaatt thmeehetoiumge be of MrMi- Harry no .e School.01 . •• Pharmacy, • Taal:nitre - arrived home mar' Adams. Mrs. F. V. Dickson carMdirn•e'7sdi')el'Antrss'aRnoaal.thw-',E41h1J.AotrtnoofidICEind..-, Saturday ni ht • •• TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR A DRIVER Thou shalt learn to recognize rail- way crossings and approach them. with extreme care. Thou shalt look both ways and list- en for trains. ^ Thou shalt be doubly alert, if they're artmatv:'.oshranllt°raetwtaraycskus'se good judg- attend service in St. lames _church ment 'at railroad crossings that thy here next Sunda.y, at 7 ja:211• tdhaeYSentniclayYlabeelltkOlfg tuhrcar thceol:ti:ntinaesn..d .srpenMeilrta* emadno4lendMra, yrasUianA,aer'stErsa'ag,t'fRadipal'id,chil, Elliott,d Thou shalt not kill ‚passengers with - Thomas I-IOperoft is 'having a Ver. - in thy care. Rev. D. A. Arenstrong, preached in ihe 'United Church, Winghaere on Sim - Mr. Thos. Gibson has erected a new shed on Gibson street in core- nection with his lumber business., Several members of Montanna-a. 01. O. V. lodge went 'td Brussels Sunday to attend Divine Service' with the , brethren of that place. They • - • , 77' 7 ' • Thoushalt keep thy brakes girded andah built 11.*0. hatse H6nriala. street. • with effective brake linings: 'd " Rev. Perrin, a former minister' Thou shalt not depend upon the driver of the car ahead. in the PAsbyterianCleutch Iireti some Thou shalt, when in doubt, take - yea*rs ago, died ' on- April 3oth, in a ' 'Hamilton. a The• remains were. eon - the safe course always. Thou shalt not try to "beat the Tuesday. veyeti to Kincard,ine for' burial .'d•ola * ', . - . train." Thou shalt Cross Crossings .,au- -, • • Ito have. -been anything but aiderP- Imust • He spake; emd atraightWaeathd ecaleseieheetere or marksmen of a high or- .„4, • g BELMO.RE ments differed widely from his own. Wesleys, attended their services freg- In hYmns of ioY, unknown befored If the bullets had Faeu. a the THE CHARM. OP NEW CHINTZ • It is our duty this week tie -teem -41 • He was interes,ted.in the work of the tial choir • aa. - • ! der. `e ... • le e ,51. • 1.1 the death of Mrs. Paul Willie whicht y, andevis keenly sympathetic toward conspire; triodern steel jacket type, we might — them at at a time' when they were The praises of redeeining love they hese concluded they were fired, in - • Glazed and serni-glazed chintzare 1took place Sunday evening about siea. receiving determined opposition and sang, the warfare between the Prohibition in the foreground of fashion for the years ago. Mrs. Wilie suffered. a ' he inherited sufficient property to God's highest glory was their anthem of sixty years ages': h is likely that are the accordian pleated lamp shades, !morning proceeded to Formosa, the ' • stroke, and since that time has. been .: • ' • ea. abuse. 'k 1' , Altd, hcv,Yetl'S whole orb :with hallel- ofhcers and Kentucky ineenshinere, Spring househald decoration. Among Ite lazio ffyildn'e Vidother died,. arid Itiahe rang; " 14' but as they are ',of the lead moaels ap invalid. The funeral Tuesday • . the uses of the tall glazed material service being held in the R. C. church. A a flake hint comaatatively independent. still, 'they were fired by Stonewan tack- finished with cord. and tassels t°vir Frani this time on he devoted a great Peace. uPon earth, and unto men good , son's men in their. efforts to drive match the darkest color in the pattern, To Mr. Willie and 'family, e extend our sympathy. deal of his time to writing poetry. Ile will. e, !Abraham. Liaccaras pets bads 'over For window shades the large patterns • a-aiaa Seems to have bad an extraordinary • --'''''''''"aaa'a7•4a the Mason and Male Rad the .are selected. 1 A most highly respected lady aassed Sunday April eath, •on Jarvis • poetic gift and PraatiaallY every sub- To Bethlehem straight the enlighten- South been better Shots die 'walnut Pillows covered with the unglazed away, ject which interested hint furnished ed shepherds ran, cornina into aaralkerton wouldn't have material ane very attractive. Some St. Toronto in the Derson of Mrs / can McDonald. • For a number an oceasion fee -writing ,poetry. No To see theewonder God had wrought ; been so full of lead, and Sheridan of tliem ate trimmed with plain band.- Dun doubt. he compoaed chiefly for his for man, • wouldn't have ridden his famous ride ing, pointed borders, knie-plaited ruf-, Again' !merchant. From here he moved " • 'of years Mr. McDonald was the village And found, with Joseph and the to the sea. fles or pinked double ruffles, ;21 ONTARIO • To Owners of Automobiles and Trucks Lights, brakes and steeling gear must lie kepi in good condition for the safety of drivers and others on the road, 13 EGARDING the physical dondition of automobiles and trucks, The Highways Traffic Act makes certain provisions which motorists would do well to understand and obseeve. It is increasingly necessary that these provisions should be stringently maintained in view of the great increase in tourist traffic on our highways, the increase last year of 40,000 cars in Ontario a n ct the more extended use of country roads by our own people. The new speed limit recently , authorized by the Legislature adds to this necessity. Car Ond truck owners am urged to check their machines frequently and to renew parte whieli are worn or broken. Headlights should be adjusted regularly. Glaring lights are against the law and a menace to traffic. Simple instructions for the adjustment of headlights and a list of lenses approved by the department, may be obtained free by writing the Motor, Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. If your lenses are not among those mentioned on the het, it would be well to have them changed at once if you 'leash to avoid accident on the road and penalty in court. Brakes arid steering gear should be perfeet condi- tion so that when called upon each part will respond to the will of the driver. The law provides that license numbers must be clean and so placed as to be eestly read. A fundamental: in the control of motor traffic is that each machifte shall be quickly iddithiech • 3. It is the iatentioa of the Department of Highways to take note of the condition. of automobiles using the reads. To avoid inconvenience to motorists, attention is drawn to the necessity for rigid obedience of the law, and the penalties for neglect. Ontario Department of Highways 'Lite GEO. S., HENRY MhtLgtgr He' died in 1763, and -ten years later his poems were collected and published in two volumes at Man ads - ter There was a good deal nat- ive wit ,and deep. religious feeling, ared, while they hay few readers now, sonie of his best evoide. has been preserved. His best known work Was, "Christian, Awake! Salute the Happy Morn," a hymn which is orteof the most popul- ar of. Chrietraas 'carols.. It is said to lave been written he 1745., but the eatlieatt use of it aa 'a hymn was at Christmas mso, A young man nam - first heavenly state -again a patient at Bryon Sanitorium, for the ed 'Joha 'Wainwright, who had s.errie • Part hi -•the musical service thl Till man's Church 'of St. Mary the Virgin, r. w takes place, : past five weeks. • We understaad where he died. To Mrs. • blessed Maid, While the o'd grandpas who fired some have just the loose double hems Ito Ripley, trimming af 1 McDonald. fell the task of caring for • I -ler Son, the Saviour, in a manger those shots are for the most part of the inaterial• , withota any sort. her little fa.mdly of three. akaving • laid; They to their flocks, still praising God return, And their glad hearts within their bos- oms burn, Like Mary, let us ponder in our mind God's wpndrous love in saving lost mankind; Taace we the Babe, Who has retriev- ed our loss. From • his pool. manger to His bitter cross; Tread in His steps, assisted. by His • • to Toronto, she bravely took up the cry curtains they are generally trim - Where the chintz as used for drape The Worts. Mrs. McDonald was a wom- task, fitting them for responsible pose tnliecayplbaein iiiinactoerraiasle an of true Christian 'character, which, ItIrl lentil nNivi intgh the hems' folded back on the right 'finishing gained for her the respect of the peo- side, or the graduated bandings in pie Mrs. John Mulvey is a niece three widts are used across the bot- of the deceased. toms and tops of the draperies. Some • 1 Mr, and Mrs. Campbell, and Miss • :, . times the curtains are scalloped at. the Campbell, of Riversdale, were Stenday. • bottome then the scallops are corded visitors at George Herd's. dead now, their' memory is still kept green in this nothern foi:. every time a saw at the Knecbtel factory hits one of those bullets, Sherman's famous retort, "That War is Hell," is confirmed by the man at the saw.--Walkertea Herald & Times. FORDWICH DeWett and Mrs. Strong returned to their home here last Thursday from London, where the former had been • the Cathedral', saw the verses 3.3,s - there is considerable iraprovement in fiy rot has written therm and saw their Then may we hOpe, the angelic hosts his condition, and trust that a period possibilities for use as a Christmas arnong, of rest may restore hat te health.— caret And, on Christmas morn To sing, redeemed, a glad triumphant Record. ing rsso, Byron was awalerted by the sang; Undergoes Triple Operation Waineerright, which has ever since Around us all His glory shall dieplay; the removal of 'tonsils aud adenoids, a eery inieresang sm.me, en sundae., • with the plain corded material. 1 Pearl Douglas came borne atom While the glazed Material is shown Wing -ham Hospital on Sunday. Nurse - in many new arid attractive lines, the Breen acornpanied her. ' 3 semi -glazed. is used watere softness and i Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson of Teeseva- , ter spent Senday at McNeil's. ,, .., 1 1 A coach belonging to Mr, Sharplar, Salem, certainly had respect for the ' ------ Sabbath, when it refused te go any 3, ee pliability is needed. , SALEM farther than the post office cm San - Mr, and, airs, Henry alerleley have got moved to their neev dayerieevsenAinagie.. Newans eettiem.' eear they purchased from. to the flee tune—tomposed by been caring for the sick He that was •born (Ton this ioYfiet Iaeneet . • Palmer. home from Wingham, where she hae h Ashton was in rorouto last choir of the chtirca singing his hymn mr, daY . week and underwent an operation for Mr, Lott, the blind preactter gaVe been. associated with it •• • BLUEVALE, Seved by His love incessant we shall also of a growth in the naeal organs, air, Edwin 13ennett had the misfor- d. he 1 • ise to hereven's Almighty Dr. Bryans, specialist in ear, throat with a horse, which will keep hien • sn • • aPN Eternal He returned, home Saturday norm tune to get kicked an •the shoulder Christians, sawakel salat the . morn ' King, •ECHO FROM CIVIL WAR triple ion -.-Record. . Mester Robert Emmett is he bed at Mr. and ales. A. afacEwen spent • Med nose disordere, and a brother of from his .‘„eorit, for some e tim, bt te• landi be will soon be all right aectin. J. A Beyane, Fordwich, perfornied the Rise to adore the mystery of love, -- A Bad ltAix-up reeent with a serious attack of the above; • ' here, which is occaPying itself of laic sprnoter, wait through a bridge oe The farmers in this locality are With them thc joyful tidings first be malciegl clinlng room states from ithe farm of their °weer, George Al- di through with tae seeding for ane gun 1 walnut lumber got from the hills of Iritich, second concession, one day Vi' i fs It finds said letniber so 1, Otto week. One of the horses got Which hosts of angels chanted from ' The Knechtel Furniture. Factory Three horses, attached to a manure Ilia, • Son, Kentut y, Of God incarnate and the g I bring good tidings of a Saviour'S bondage into the land of the free- three feet into the bed of tilt treek. birth The claim of Von Moltke, the groat eaRecoed. Whotollicel'arti the angelic herald's voice, da6cle v,thatiter the negro should be limey seriotis damage resulted, The Theit to the watchful shepherds it was that were fired betetremt the North ea feet deep, by the other two, bat,d, a„ chattel to be bought aria sold or spreader did not go iftto the tvater, saws are being 'dulled with bullets lecld water -teeter, which was about weighted clown with lead that the down and was being trampled alai a black shadow to be releas,ed from but the tempt Was driven ahead told the South la their efforts to they weee fortunately 11berated before • 77. other year. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the ticense be aken out three clays before the tere, mohy. Stibettiptimi oketi for tile Adotte-Times. Citibbing r4tes given utiday at Lomton, tale. and Mrs. Iola) Aager and f ' ily of Fergus, spent the week with 'aft, and Mrs. Alex McGee, . •., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T-o-tmeseuel. Gorrie, spent Sunday itt the home 0 Thotnton, • air. F. lalack shipped a cartaaaa..,'..ara and one of cattle to 'Toronto • Satur- day •• ' • • Mrs, (Rev.) Walden under an operation at Toronto • Ind(' ''imprOv• 1, Mr, ttvcrett ItifcGce of rerg,us was borne over Sunday, Mr. W. J. Duff lias installed a aece ond gas plung to handle ‘01;• . . - • e• • 1