The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-05, Page 4t,. I': aldill! 011itiorcil ill ilialIllNflloritinl kinOnii ill ltt inAlnNl liloutil iracriatil rGls for dolher Rubber . Aprons 39e, 59e Vitritingtittads alnd?Envelopes 39e - 100 ',sheet pad and bOE n- velopes, ‘Kid finish. - Our Baby Special 25c4'Tina Tiny . Tot .Tal - a cum, 1:5c Wash (_Cloth, Both lar . ,::: , ... .229e Jon*eel'Tallct un '"`fFREE"' I With every 50c tsar of jon eel LCream, \we v il.l fjjon- tied Talcum Fee. o Take a Good Spring Tonle We recommend Peptona LOGI R ottles . .... 39e Goggles Caused by Automobile driving, st.iong sunlight or Constant Reading Special price.... 49c Candy 'Specials Pull of Cream. CarmelsIn Per pound -39e '� Mint ` Molasses Crispies Per Pound . , . , . 29e E T.iuiy Good . Homemade Chocolates 5 lb box 1.51 Introductory Oder,1 50c Enonomy size tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream ;1 ..... Soe McKie ' an's Drug:: Store Wi*ih a►. Ont. Abele xrr�h "t ' l',SA\V.E"WIT/'"°t FETYeAT YOUR.'REXALL DRUG STORE r 11•dllliF4111111i1i tf11llitllf/kli11111h11911•1!l11141111r111N11ti1l W11>0111/111 111®I lr111R11i111tllW ltRHit r• initaima IRl flONlt�ttlll<N�140rt1tiid�t#lfilltlll0lilltIII%14WIWIf�I!"111110141RllsilOiiti/lil� i 2. 1� �H1�1�14�14l1i1410billtlil>51110!11�i11�ilillli0<Ifl/ltlfitiii�iti�lliAlit�ip1111�111�ill�11 WII�IIWi� V FOR SALS-eStx. of Wissghaui:s tbest ;PROPERTY ;FOR:SALE-Six-reorn homes len ‘:sa1e--Thos., Belle, AAuc ed house,toil -Splendid: +ouadation in tion�er. Ld e'r wxngharn ';ha'rd 't, and: soft water; • Go' od garden e . A snap FOR SA'L'E- Jbeetless Corona (Gook fo1-, , quick ,sale.' Apple to Miss -Stove, with reservoir. Avgly to ` 18jugs1ey on the premises. Wan. Rat iliieasant Valley. \\TANTED-About twenty cattle for ,FOR SALE -. 2 Pieces of shingled t,pasture.-D. Totten, Glenannan, roofing zo x n feet. Will sell ;cheap. Apply to =Lawrence McLean, Min-. pie 'Street. FOR SALE-"xo lgiigs, 6 weeks Old. Apply- to Alban\V, Pattison, ;?.,cute Wingham. FOR SALE -Heim and lot in. Low er Wingham. Apply to J. 13 kc-' :Ewen. FOR SALE•-Secontlthand Three buz•- ner, P:erfeuteen !C2iflStove, also Lawn (COTIRT O;~` REVISION ;Township • Mower and ;Oetd ;S,`..ove.-Buchanan �f Turriberry--A court of Revision Hardware. riT1'he•hdltiein )3luevale, on Thurs ;DOG _ LOST -Large .black and white ..dog. Answers to name of Buster. Tinder kindly .-communicate with 'Lloyd. Henning, Route 1, Wiiaghana, Phone 8618, Wroxeter:.. JFCOR S' LE -.-At the village of White4 church, house and lot, with stable, 1j5 'mere Or ]and, some small fruit and •good 'Seater. Cheap for quick, -sale. Apply to D. G. Kennedy, Wingham. PIANO TUNER R H. Stewart will :be in town next week. Orders should be left et the .Qzteerl s Hotel. FOR SALE -x927 Tudor Ford, good ab as new, only run out goo miles Snap for (reticle sale. -- Apply Ad vance-lune,. WANTED - calves lves ;fronx six to eight months ca1d. J. i.. Salter, R. 4, Winghaiu: Phone ear -6/q.. WANTED -Capable Girl for Gener- al hous'ework. Apply to Mrs. C. N. Griffin. HORSES -1 will be at the :Brunswick Hotel all day Friday, May 6th and Saturday morning, . May •7e,h, with .i my guaranteed Heave cure for Hors- es, Half cash and the balance G- when cured,-. H. Maurer, I?as'sley, FOR SALE ---Police Poppies, German Shepherd, Pedigreed and registered from prime whiling stock, pelees reasonable W, J. Cole, Belgrave. I TO ET--r5o-acre farm within x of Wingliarn, za acres fall plowing done , Balance in grass. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario. ' :FOR RENT -Garden for rent, or to be worked on shares. Inquire at The Advance-Tintes office. Auction Salo. - Valuable Ftrinitur� rear of, A. J, Ross frardware'store, on Saturday, May- 7th, ' commencin at 2 o'c;loek,�•..C. D. Shackleton,: Pro- prietor: Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. 'I ^,NDE:1w'S WANTED- Ashfield Township ---'Genders will be received by the .undersigned up to 3 o'clock qx tic., rsn Thursday, May 26th,, for ' e constructionof two concrete utmetil:s for the Reid bridge, lot 9, ria, 6, Ashfield" Also seven small ridges, two on side line 6 and con r2, W, 1)., one at lot t, con 2 1D,; one on D 1, coo 5; one at lot On r E, D.; two at D. L, Corr. t, Council to furnish gravel and ion l iron; Plats and specifica.. ions may be seen in clerk's office.- . lw. McDorraglt, 'Clerk, S.ucknow, Ik day, Day 26th, at 3 'p.rn. to hear, complaints on the assessment. -J: L. McEwen,'Reeve; W. R. Cruik- shames, Clerk. {WAW iED- We wish to obtain the services of a good, honest, thorough- ! ly reliableman, -who is well regard- , ed in his own,ee,mmunnity, to rep - t resent a Toronto house, whose man,. agement is A. I., having an estab- lished reputation al over 25 years. An experienced mean will go with. you to start. You will get all •en- quiries to follow up in your own district, credit for repeat business. This offers a good opportunity to such risen as retired farmers, im- plement salesmen, or any other man who has the necessary •t4zaracter qualifications and if favorably known. State whether you have car and if ready to start at once. Box C., Advance -Times. MORTGAGE SALE of VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY UNDER and by virtue of the poev- ers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered forsale 'by Public Auction, on Saturday, May t it, A .0. 1-927, at the hoar of 2 0'- cluck in the afternoon, at the Village trf .33luevale, by Thomas Fells, Atte tio;teer, the following property, Warn- cly; Lot Number ' Seven in the Second l"oncession of the Township of Teel -s- herry in the Comity of Huron, con- taining sixty-nine acres of land Snore. or less. There is situate on the said proper - y, one and one-half story brick house, am 5o x 60 ft., with stone founla- ion, two good wells and the said pro- erty is well fenced and has good rainage. TERMS: TO per; cent of the perch - se money to be paid down at the ime of sale, balance to be paid within tirty days. Por further information and condi. ons of sale, apply to 5, W.13U8i PIEL D, Solicitor for the 14fortagee, i ATED at' Wi"nghant this twenty- x fifth day cif April, A, D. 1927, t b t 1a d t tI ti "ENDERS will be received by The undersigned up to noon of Wednes- day, May x8th, 1927, for the perch- eee of the lot and residence of the late John Reid 'onthe West :side of Soft Street,` Wingham. There is on the premises a good 'frame, ane story and a half house 24 x 32, with brick kitchen 13 x'54 attached.' There is a good cement soft water cistern and the house is wired for hydro, and town water has been in- stalled in the house. There is al- so a good frame garage, and a small hen house on the lot. Terms: Ten ,per cent. down, the balance within thirty days, when possession will be given. A good title dr no sale. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. J. A. MORTON, Wingham P. O-, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In THE ESTATE of WTLLIAM HENRY BRANDON, late of the Township of Morris, in . the County of Huron, :.Farmer, deceased: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chapter121, Of . the Revised Statutes 'of Ontario., that all persons having claims against the Estate of.,Wiliam Henry Brandon, who died on or about the fifth day of April, A: D. 1927, at the Town ,of Wingharn, aro required to send to Jos- eph 'A, Brandon; Belgrave, Ontario, or John Brooks, Wingham, Ontario, the Executors of the above Estate, or to the undersigned.; on or before the sixteenth day of May At D. 1927, their names and addresses with fall particulars of their claims in writing and the nature ofthe securities (if any)- heid by them. ' AND 1# IJRTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said sixteenth day of May, A. D., 2927, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed by the said Executors among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, and the Estate will not le li- able fen any claims not filed at the time of''the:said distribution: DATED at . Wingham, this twenty- fifth day of April, A. , D. 1927, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of JAMES 2. SCOTT, late of the Village of Bel - more, in the Count of Huron, Farm= er, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to. Section 56, 'Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of (Ontario,: that all persons having claims against the Estate of James I. Scott, who. 'died on or about the twelfth day of March, A. D.,1927, at ,the Village of Belmore, are. ,required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to. R. 7. Doug- las or George Herd, Belmore, Ontar- io, the,Executors of the above Estate, or to the undersigned, on or before the twenty-first day of. May, A.D., 1927, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in wri- ting and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them. •• . AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-first slay of May, A. D., /927, the assets of the said Estate will be distributed by the said Executors among the parties en- titled. thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have received notice and the Estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of.the said distribution. DATED at Wingham, this thirtieth day of April, A.D., x927. rJ• W. BUSHFIELD,' "gingham, Ontario,l Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant. to Section 56; Chap. '521, o the 'Revised Statutes of Ontario, tha all persons having claims against th Estate of Edward Haines, deceased who died on or about the fifth da of March A. D. 1927, at the Townshi of West Wawanosh, in the Provinc of Ontario, are required to send b post, prepaid; or to deliver to R. Van stone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adxninistratr ix, on or befor the ser.enteenth day of May, A. D .5927, their naives• and addresses, with full particulars in writing, - of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held bY+ them duly .verified by a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHERthat after the said seventeenth day of May, A. D. 1927, the said administra- trix will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having'regard only to the claims of which they shall'. then have had notice, and the said Adminrstratrix shall' not he liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shallnot then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this thirteenth day o:f,,Aprzl, A. 17. 5927. R. VANSTONE, f t e y la e, y e h Wirrghans P. 0. Solicitor for the Adrninistretrix,. co' Light. The dependable farm Electric Service. Get our new low price aktd easy terms. HENRY JOti:AlNrbr Delco tight Dealer :Make your home brighter with el Gle annan, Ontario. IN MBIUt:OI I'AIUf in loving memory of Mrs,. Sa: Scandrett, who passed away, May St 926, The Family. hr WXNG DvA'N� "TIMES NOTICE TO CgEDITORS IN THE ESTATE. OF AGNES, MUSGROVE, late of the Town of Winghsun, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased: NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56: Chapter 125 Of the. Revised Statutes .of Ontario,' that ,all persons having claims against, the Estate of Agnes Musgrove, who died on or about the ninth day of April, A, D. 1927, at the Township of Turnberry, are required to send b post, prepaid, or deliver to J. 'V\Y, Bushfi eld, Wrnghana, Ontario, Solici- tor for the Executrix, on or before the twenty-first day of May, A. 13, /927, their names and addresses with full particulars of their ,claims in writ- ing, and the nature of the securities, (if any) lreld.by them.,' AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-first day of May, A. D...5927, the assets of the. said Estate will be distributed by the said Executrix: among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard, only to claims' of _which' she shall then have notice. and the Estate will. not be li- able' for any claims not filed at the timeof the said distribution. DATED' at Wingham, this thirtieth day of April, A D.. 5927, . 3, ;W, BUSHFIELD, W ngham,`Ontario. the Executrix,' Solicitor for. MORTGAGE, 'SALE OF FARM PROPERTY UNDER and by virtue of the Pow- er contained in a certain mortgage which will bye produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, on Thursday, May caul;' A. 'D. 1927, at the hour of one o'clock, in theafternoon, on the prem. - Mr. Leslie IVIcEll'oy of Detroit, is spending a few days with his 'par- ents,. Mr. and Mrs. McElroy. The Choral Society, , presented, Joseph's 'bondage in 13russels town 'hall on Wednesday night This is 'the third time this sacred, cantata has been presented. • A special meeting of ratepayers was held on Wednesday, night in Memotial Hall. Reeve Ifilne pre- sided. The. object of the meeting was' to discuss the proposition of $1.o,000 loan to Bainton Brothers for the erectidn 9f a vyoollen mill. After some discussion it wae agreed to submit the proposal, to a vote of the taxpayers. There passed away in Toronto, a former citizen, Mrs. E. D. Chamber- lain'. The remains were brought here ozt Tuesday and interred in the fairtily lot in the Union cemetary. Rev: Dr, Kamnivan, Secretary for the Young Peoples' Society's of the Presbyterian Church, gave two Splen- did eddeesses in Memorial Hall on Sunday. , The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Queen St. United Church. There will also be a re- oeption of members, A number of friends and neighbors mat at the home of jamas and Mrs. Grant, xeth Con Grey, to bid them good'-hye and spend e. social ,evenieg wit lithem, before leaving to live with their daughters, Mrs,, Cameron Ad - fr. Archibald HiSlop was called on to read a evell worded and, kindly ad- dress, and asked 'Mr. and Mrs, Grant to‘accept two chairs as a token of our respeet and esteem, t. , Miss Me,rgaret was also presented ' ,wwiit:gli,aantrn,:nbrel:', Ivir, 6,1: , 1 ,,. Mrs. Grant is asister Of Dr. Perrie, of a John L. AO et:awe , wan tav Mr. W. Abraham 'kindly epondiul, c purchased .!new ,Essex C s, MISS Miegaret Catimbell has .r PUBLIC. SCHOQI, RPORT (Coritinned From Page I) 280, Edith Campbell ,2,78, Helen Afiller 274, Winnifred Smelt 273, George Carr 273, Grace Brackenbury John Cur- rie 269, Rachel' Kalibegje 269, Winni- Frank Renwick 255, Eirima Krohn 233, Irene Clark 221, Stewart Forsyth 33. Class -Betty Collar 294, Lorraine Carter Jean Muirhead Hazel Ledeit 265, Irene Fitt 263, Bert Van - en Groves 248, Lillian Fuller 246, Jimmie Lee 234, Luetta flak 228, Harry Ross 222, Marie Reid 207", jean Mellor 205„ James Durnin ,x89, Evelyn Gamble x55, Alvin Ledeit 143, Frailk Angus r34. -Phyllis Johns, Teacher. Primary Rooni-POssible Total 235, Class A -Earl Kennedy 210, Mary Julia 'Preston' 209„ Vern0 Walker 197, Doris Armitage, -192, Margaret Hughes 186, Geoffry Hattersley z85, Eilene Curtis /76, Harry rosiiff 172, Clarance Cantelon 170, Irene Chittick and Marie Hopper 159, Irlrna Harri- son 157, Alice ,Dore and Bobby Rae 15x, Marjorie Forsyth 546, Ilene Browne i44, Irene Browne iv, Edith Mundy r32, Harold Porker 129, Har- old Stevenson 127, Evelyn Campbell x26, Carl Bondi I17, Lillian Howard 14, Herman Kennedy 97, Robert Casemore 76, George Elliott 73. Class B. -Possible Total 225 Hon- ours 168 --Rail Cruckshanks itg8t Jo- seph Gillen x7t, .Allatt Small r67, EY- elyn Carter 159, George Boyle 550, Kathyrn Patterson 144, Charlie Krohn' 124, Ruth Hamilton 123, Ch,arlie ,Rosi 1o9, 'Kathleen Saint 106, Joe Wilson 759,• Gertrude Finley 8o, Gordon Helm n 61, Lisle Patterson 28. R, E. GLENANNAN Mrs. John Metcalfe and Mrs..Lamb and daughter Isabel, who have spent the past week' in Toronto,,, have re- turned home ' Mr. Robot Muir of -the Queen's 1..Tni-" versity, Kingston, is spending his' vhaercae.tion 'with his mother 'and brother Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Cra*ford and Mr. Wm. K,err of Milbank, Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford of Niagara Falls„ spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Renwick spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Breckenridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, fohnston spent Sunday evening with the latter's sister, Mrs, Lamb. Miss Agnes Fortune of Wingham, spent a few days at her home on the ninth last week. Messr's. Alex Forgie and Reuben Stakes attended the Trustee's Convert-! tion in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mnir returned to' 'Toronto after spending a week with friends here. Miss Ruth Vincent, of London, is spending a few days at her home here. Mrs. j. E. Ellis\ spent a few days laet week with her daughter, Mrs, j. D. Elsley, of Londesboro. Mesdames Wm. McDowell, Robert Buchanan, ja,m.es Woods, attended [the Presbyterial meeting of the W. M. S. of Huron County at Goderich on Thursday last, , The Annual Congregationalemeetin,g of the -Westfield United Church was held on Tuesday evening in the base- ment of the. church. The following ofifcers were elected for the session; Messrs. Wm. Rodger, T, H. Taylor, W. F. Catripbe11, Robert Buthanate azid for the I3oard of Matagers: W. bell, Wm. Walden, Wm, McDowell and George Sae% Jr. Trustees; Messrs j, L. MeDoev,e11, Fred Cook and Robert Snell. Mrs. Robert Me- nd Mr. Marvin IfeDowell was elected Church Secretary. ' The congregae ton 18 macie up of some fifty Unifi- turned hopie after Spending a couple I .weeke With Mrs, S. MeNaugh-E Willie West preached the Pres- byteriati Church last Sunday. Mrs, W, j, West accompanied him. Monday, At3ril, 256, tee and IN' MEMOBIAM Ilaeott-In sad and loving amory of dear husband and father, who passed sudtletly away; April 4th, The blow was great, the shock severe We never thought his death so near, And only tlidae who have lost can tell, The Pale of parting WithOnt fare - Thursday, Drlay Ohs 1tdx frootl ilin1n11J 11 ansilli1►t111111 rl#1111111#1,IIM111MIll 11 til iseti►�Ill porinnoi1�IiI iA" ft i Are considered as being Tile Vogue" ue for the Spring' and Summer S and iur Varier y is , Large � and Varied, a ies In our NORTH WINDOW we are showing some Pi of' the different kinds and it will pay prospective'. buyers to take a look at the splendid values offered.. FOR INSTANdE- A beautiful line' of 'Iiiiond',Patent with - one strap, fairly high, heel. A' really nice shoe, up-to-date ,in every particu, lar. In all sizes for women, Pair 2.95 • Another specially good value is made of dark brows, Patent Leather,with Brown Swede trim, moderate) heel in all Sizes for Women, for per pair ILK! • ▪ The lines above mentioned.are just tyio Of the manr -a • good values being offered at this .',Take a look' a I in our North Window or better still come hi and see THE Sii0E STORE.' ',Pliant 129; W1NGHAM''' i .MAIT4A NO CREAMgRY 1:'''''; , We are..handling Pool Eggs the. same as last 'year. If you, have not *idled eggs before, make enquiries. Now is tht time 1/4 Cream delivered to the plant on Saturday night, will be graded, vaeighed and sampled, but will not be tested till Monday mornini. We will advance you money on this cream if you so desire. Or you can get the full payment on Monday. If our trucirs have not called on you, ring 07r. 'We.will make arrangements to give you a truck, service this year. THE UNITED FARMERS, CO OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. • STOCK BROKERS,„ BONDEDEALERS. Tim Bank of Commerce Building Phone 95 Wingfia Private wire service. connecting with TorOnto, Montreal and .NewMork Stock Excbanges, and Chicago .and :Winnipeg Grain Exchange, Board Room Open froM 9 a. in ',to 4 p. m. liTX11111111111/11111.181111111111011111111111113111111511111MIIK11111111P1111141101110111611131111 1111111110111911111111111/111111611 111122 112 MOWN 181121111111221111111222 131922111111212 • • S C WHITE I, LEC;HORINIS our pen is in first place for entkitO from Ontario in the light IN For the (entries in the Canadia.ri Laying Contest at Ottawa, NI In the Ontari light bitods. n Nova Scotia Contest onr pen is in second place, as Baby chicks guaranteed sate delivery Sis per too, rites*, our pen is again in first place for the IN well as having second and third high hen, VitALTER ROS IMLISSELS NT • 1121111 1121111112 MIR