HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-05-05, Page 277-7 • • LVINGNAM ADVANCE.,,-TjNCES rer y Walker Store ore Thursday, May 5th, 1927 i Valuesworth up to 1.00 f 49c pair BEAUTY BATH SOAP 5c: cake HEAVY FANCY BATE! TWEL. Size. 20 x 40, 65c Value each MILANESE LISLE GLOVES LADIES' DIMVIITY NalneheekBLOOMER All colors, 50c value 39c pair WOMEN'S LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS while they last 3c each' MEN'S PEANUT STRAW HATS worth 20c any day 1 O each BOYS' COTTON _JERSEYS, with polo collar, all sizes 33c each • RUBBER Sponge Bali .14C each. ' f 54 x 154 .DICE TABLE CLOTHS' regular value 1.00 69c, each PURE LINEN' PILLOW . CASESI‘ Limited quantity $1.29 pair ookkilbe Ioga oney. 36 -INCH ENGLISH GINGHAM Extra heavy quality, comes in a range of plaint and check effects, per Here We Offer The Biggest Dress Value Yen have ever seen. Los. of Styles. Lots of .Cloths.— All sizes up to size 50. TIils is your c .., ace to, gel a Sum cememeausisialeasememsatesulemesseemeemmeoeuestieueleacesegemewomoom laer Dress a_m_t a price arittray: below the market' price. de*. emmrimemeeLezettwereacesraegrucimaeauAsurse...eweveavrmes OUT hot a 198 alies THURS Y _: FRIDAY SATURa Y • SPECIAL' ` ATTENTION In our Ready -To -Wear Department we are Broken Lines of Dresses, Coats ` H'ats' E clearing outOddceLines' and a point to see our stock before you buy. ' Itawill. reallyt ul pay yoMake it you to do so. 1'.O6�OXThv aiker Store, Wingham PHONE isve 1 M SIZE 24 X 36 RAG MATS Limited cfuantity of this, number,^.so; come earl) for yours at each..• OVC PURE LINEN HUCK TOWEL Size Iii x 344extra value, regular 65c line Each • 8/4• or 9/4 BLEACHED SHEETING Worth up to. 60c a yard,- three day special .... Per yard. ....... CUSHIONS Round style, size 18 by 3 inches, •fi11ed with soft mater- ial. Just the thing for verandahs, each 9$ CUSHIONS, 16 x•1.8, square style cush- ions, nothing better for ordin- ary us; good bright 'pattern chintz. Very special•' Each . J9C CUSIIONS : Square style, size -15 x 18, made from a' heay.y quality Chintz, splendidforautomo- bile use. . Real value ' at .79c OILCLOTH SQUARES Size :54' x 54 inches, splen- did bright designs on ' white background. Regular 1.00,. For first Quality but these are slightly imperfect.... Each 79 C BOYS' KHAKI LONG PANTS. Sizes 25 to 29 in the lot. ' Extra value while they last: Pair:. $l 'BOYS KHAKI BLOOMERS. Sizes 24, .25, 26, 27, 28. specially only.These are very '. y' priced at per pair ••69 C; 36 x 63 KIRSCH SINGLE RODS. - Regular. 35c. ' Three day special' • • Each .. , ...• MARQUESETTE per CURTAINS. Size 27 -inch and 2¢ yards long effects. Special� White Cross Bar pair. . 75 C TIM'S WEEKLY _LETTER I o the Editur av a1•1 thin) Winghan) Jaypers: Deer Sur: --_Shure it begins ns to luk Toile a rale early .sinning, so it does, wid thesade nearly all in the ground be the fin -slit av May, an autos ru nniil es: a month back, an new gasoline tanks bein inshtaled iviry day an Par- Ieyntint shut dowaa fer the saysot. Shp akin al.in av' Earle m't ' z tf Y the more l tink av it the madder f' git. Ye wad tint niottey grew on the trees the way thins fellahs shpind it, Be -' they git that Hudson Pay Rail- w<ry complate, it will cosht as -much s the asse sszncnt• va11 teavthetivhole elms, ay. Huron, an rnebby more be- fool- all thin) harbors, an breakwa- thers, an lighthouses an the resht av fixins are built. Thin they shpint 'tali; the value av the Town av Win ani to buy a house fer Misllter Mas - 'e g in Washington, an intind to sh- ine' ef h alf as much more iviry year to ickor ate tfie} C ty av Ottawa, an make rig-lroives all aground he place fer titre civil Sarvints to go rnOtorin on v ;,t Sunday whin they sltud be at •eh. Kapin up wid the Joneses. :ipnsive 'warmth. 'There is a lot av big talk about 6'Canada bein an itdiptndmt eounthry rri:atnagitt her own affairs, an, faith, to the oidea may be a good wan to so intim, but it coshts a lot av moneyI carry it out,' fer if we wus half d<. cunt, an had a proper respickt fer sieves, we sh d be a au � A yitx our share supportin the British navy to gua the sivin says so we shud.- Thim lasht few `da days, ar hQUTS, Payleymint rewoind,ineav tr in the ould -lays whin the ashfn wus run wid bar masheen se powers. iVlebb we wild be a little sltlot�v gittin the sit tales druv an 'harses hitched, an .th min all in Cheer places: Thin rneb by a hilt wud nade inindiai ,arr some ting wad go wrong wid the slttra carriers, arr a bane wed gut sick, til party soon it wad be dinner toime a not much ay a shtart made on the bi barrun full av grain. The aftheriao, ward; be a little betther as both hers - es' an min got settled down.to wur- rule, but noight didn't foiend t half finished. the jawb b The�'nixt martin be home o'clock we wad he.v wan Ind av the barrun done, an thin there had to be. a shtop to Move the carriers insoide afflict'afflict'a lot av toin'ie had been losht be the bye disputn about whose jawb it wus to claim up the chine. Be this toitne''it wits aisy"to see that we wild hey harrud •svurruk to git troo be. night an' the masheen had been prawinised to be. at a naybirs in the rearnin, an the hands wus all ask - me to y^ av rd in s , y e tiv 1 n g NW' ER ITY OF WESTERN NTA Io UNIIVMER SCH0OL, JULY 4Tfl TO AUG 1.3TH Speolal Cotszrtsbs for Teachers Cnurete tram'atureStftdyetedllirietittK'ie, Six ore tti ititerl Oieekti bi It¢ot tV z, lievttirr amuse aa1Y6<il Geometry', i�F• " ttttel-recr6lutton, jlAi :I� Coarse la Library Sektiee. X<dr ee±o eft. # . take laitdtbr, TJr, TLC, R. rzptaD5 no ted algin la C1nnt. " irtwiste4 'P tikd' iiie- y, aitglish Ptattr. �' 'tat, 7br. pit. 1 CbtltO, eek, r h, aerated, , idetdasi; y?rifitttia. mss: to �'. r,tktln, *tied Mid Zoology., Splendid ei ciat mid milt otic oftQtWlat t$rtmzttout. ettteliltd esu* 'thilvertit . i till to asao''0 to tusk, dna 7 ed, an the wimmin had 't1le Lakin done. The .fellate wl o owned the =sheen nivir seented to wake up till about foor o'clock •in.the afthernoon an thin he ,b'egan to make ivirybuddy shtir theer- shtumps, an party soon he wud hey the byes gain full shtame ahead, wurukin an shweatin in the dusht an hat; trowin shaves out av •he. bo' �. • i, bottom ay a niow that )hint foor arr foive fare below the e bar• 1 u n flute. The e band cutter was busy but , .he aicln'l hey toi>itre " to' cut 'half av thim, ate' Big 13i11 jist rowled thine into the cylinder, heads an tails; arr crossways, wid the bands cut arr not an the, fellate droll/it the h 1 arses yelled and cracked his long whip to kape the poor toired bastes goin fashter an fashter all the, toinre. An extra, man had to be put on to carry the grain away, from the mash- eee. x wud, be at my favorite place y at the head• of the carriers, brit no me- alier how fasht the shtraw carne it nivir blocked' m•e an d had tonne to see e that the s,.a parator •tvttssu) t dein its :wurrul.• roight. an that bushels av grain wus''bein trown over into the shtraw. Ay coorse we got the jawb done in a koind av a way, the same as thim Iads did down at Parleyniint, but the grain wasted in the lasht two hours w rd inorc than hey paid fer the trash- ing so it' wud, Yours till nixt wake. Timothy i-Iay, ELTJEVALE Miss Edna Procter, near Winghatn, spent the week end with her girl friend, Miss Dorothy Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. John Mundellspent ono day last' week visiting the laser's sister, Mrs,. Haugh, near } elinore, Mrs, William Brenton and Mr. Wilt Mundell Motored to Paris on Satur- day, to attend the fttncral of Mr. Brentonrs sister. Mr: Srneltzeie returned 'tome on ltttrsdav, after spending it 000pie of relatives, and, aroand Mr. Leonard 'Elliott started bad to work on Monday, on the section with Mr.. Andrew Holmes,.after being off three months with,' a broken leg. Mr. and Mrs:, John Mundell were visitors on Sunday at .the home of Mr. and bars, Walter Davidson. Mr.' and Mrs. John Anger and, d, fam- ily of Fergets, are visitors at the. latd at ter's parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Alex'. \ Mc- Gee. - •VIr. Gee. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ged "es die �' of lgtave, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nich- olson of Morris, were visitors on Sun-, 'day at the home of Mr.�and Mrs. R. Shaw. u Miss Gracie Coultice: of Listowel is j visiting her grandmothers, Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Coultice. Misses e s s Mur' t ..1 a I and piste Thornton are confined to ,their bed with a -bad attack of poison ivy, and their many friends hope they will soon be a l be k !Of CooksviIle, wbzch was• held from ' Andrew drew Holmeson ,Thursday.' o be out again. n. Many PeoPle . Mr. SAVE THE WILD )'LOWERS Fergus News -Record Spring is here nowt oivt With it coshes tthe birds and the wild flowers. Al- ready the Skunk Cabbage must nus- be in boonI ) u P by the Long • Swamp and perhaps the Hepaticas are beginnin g to peep up through.tlteh Ieaves in the bush. In the next couple of months many people will be visiting the bush- es near the town and gathering large bouquets ofit w d flowers; most of., which will be wilted by the time they reach home. The pulling of the blossoms does not matter so much because it is doubtful if such varieties ever spread much from seeds anyway. But there is another more serious practice,' Pull the flowers u by' Y rosCh Yoe, , of London, attend- l the roots, either intentiotral'ly or ,by the funeral, of .his sister, Mrs. Walker t accirlent. This is especial', true with '� -----_.—.•�-.-.�-_._..:_ air, Milts. Co. Lmite,t, '1bta6to, Montreal. Ottawa, ---�--- s, �iiat JoUq. ,far reunot�iroatTr 4Rsj+<ntgtlq» some varieties such as the Blood Rdot which has its underground portions . near the surface.. Often these roots are broken off and throivn away 'at once and in a very few cases they are taken home and planted.a As 'a result, many wild flowers are: becom- ingscarce ce izt an groves ves g within 1-11 �Casy reach of the town and in time some of them are apt to' become extinct c ttogethen. 'When you go out to the woods, use some common sense. A safety razor is the kind that nicks out "little pieces under" dere your nostrils instead of cutting a deep l gash. There were few prosperous er P ou s • nerve specialists when ' _women did the cooking with a baby balanced onone owarneemeermaemenowemmermereememeeseerwomeanwammemomormaemenueemeremmeameenomemeame.o.ohowesereo^, I ��/ Yom✓ . _ its superior strength makes Purity go farther than ordinary flours. It is perfect for all your bakin buns and bread so the one flour sacky cnecessary. Try Purity Flour .to -ds only, is necessary, y it is`certain to please you. ..,' URIT 111 lee Send 30C in stamps for our' 700 -recipe pe Purity Hoge Cook Westsr,a C�npda,dtlo Beek. 289 rete ne m ents • which Cl1 distinguish ui 511 r•�•�t � the .1 h ,Pointinents of tile. Most Beautiful Chevrolet ha r the and ap. ' part in many striking advances in engineering, rehear taunter- ' eirpeet only iii cars at hundreds bf dollars above C ehv you price—AC oil -filter, AC air•.cleanert hew, unproved • transmission, • smooth dry -disc tsclutch, ccop,aothers give endurance. to Chevrolet auniqebmbi atiof owerttoothne s arid 'The .Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History is selling at • 16W, LOWER PRICES, the, Lowest for which Chevrolet has ever' been sold in Canada. NEW LOWER PRIClSastter "$654 0 Cot .780.(X) S dtn E $B6 5.daocine655.00 Cnllnit w w 760.00 tbrioicsgo.oa/Atom sdan `$43.0ke p 95 iw . 45.0CoeUrterbtil Cba iA x - 490.00 Unllity ptess Cbnssis » 645.00 . , P ricer' at PactororcO9hmten* •oternme nt 2'4*s .13 .t,,n f(I Chevrolet evrolet History i Ch`A'i�iT;�'O)gD► -, - - cr-.�'rt� Wit,ttivaini, Obit11. in Chevrolct, Oldsmobile ants McLaughlin Cars, it ia'wl5tb,ait eY•,, au