HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-28, Page 8• • 44o:eel:Am: etensen env._ • .4 ineepn weetvera.nt zeek Avenevetkentwal v0..40.steetnevee. The New Spring Shoes For Misses and Children Are Quite Different This Spring Much more colorful and novel than before. Pretty Strap Slippers and Ties in, Blonde and Black Patent with colorful trimmings. Prices F $2.00, $2.95, to $3.75. HasimrasimuW*.aiimoPeOloilemataal•Donwasomenwar•o•unswomomngtimmeamaaamormnimms-nenraimo, SHOE REPAIRING. Bring your shoes here to'be repaired, and see how neatly, how quickly and how reasonably we do it. meewesomormesorm.no.....,-.0,amosmanirooro.” Shoe. Store. The Good uki J. GREER 23 Phone dirtiorrav attraarriotaivire taivitrarbavitikaavviadna,travaititaar•otra, ga,tranaorratt totriaitiserax, • sr -1 It WINGLIAN1 ADVANCE-TIM/4S EAST WAVVANOSli COUNCIL Council met on April tath, with all the members present, . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. David Cook presented a petition for the Construction of a Municipal drain at tots 37, 38, 3e,Con. 6. The petition was accepted and. a copy of same ordered to be forward- ed to the. Engineer for examination of the property. described. On motion of Stalker and Campbell, the suin of $2o.00 was ordered to be paid the village of Blyth for hall rent •for Division Court purposes to Dec. 3Ist, 1926. Four other accounts, the Dow Road Mach. Co. $180.00 for glad- er, J. Gillespie, road superintendent .$24 50, Walter McGill, patrolman $28.- ao and $2 oo to the Reeve for,attend- ing meeting. 'at Clinton, re equali'ration were ordered paid. Council will meet again on the second Tuesday in May. A. Porterfield, Clerk. BLYTH STORES BURGLARIZED I, Some time during Tuesday night, two local business places were broken into. Entry to McKay's jewelry store was obtained by breaking in the back door and Mr. McKay figures his loss at. about $200. At White Brother's butcher shop the glass in a door, was smashed ,enabling the thief to Put his hand through and turn the lock Luckily, not much mon- ey had been left in the till, but what was there was taken, although over $8 in change was overlooked. It is believed the two burglaries were the work of the same parties. araroorrie 11111111111111111111011,11111111111111111111111111111111611111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1112.111H111511111111111111111111EIIS I_ Notable Merchandise for Town & Vicinity -.. 4101.4.1.110011.1.0.1110. i • . r . • D .uorsaiino Creditable hats for this town and vicinity. Bor- salino, for which we are sole agents, in grey, fawn . and other new •shades. Price $7.50 =-111 Society Brand Clothes Shop. IShowing the newest styles at $30.00 to $40 00 . , itnade-to-meas - tire, or off our racks. Ccyrne in and choose a suit or topcoat. ;1- 11 11 L 1 1 ,41 People With Good Taste Choose Good Merchandise 9010.0......01.1130.1.11.0411.134111111.... ( EAST WAVVANOSII _. ...1 MANNACO.,'& - Ltd A Ltd. . ......' • ,, , ' ' . . 4, . . ling psistimilliffisimilmiiS1111111.11111111101111114111111110111111111111111NIIIIMIIIISHIIIMINM*110111111illailimiliiaiisimtomingwOins ' . ii Sunday with Winghatt friends. I Mr. Ivan "Irwin. of Belgrave spent , 141",, and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and family of St. Catherinesa , spent the F,ASttt vacation at the home of his • mother, Mrs. John Elliot. • Mr. and Mrs% Rey Andersori of Stratford is 'visiting at the home of hs parents„ Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ail- ,derson. qiid Mrs. 1M 5. Curriespent Miss Xa.thleen Karr, of London., and formerly of ,Goderich Hospital 'Staff, spent a few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T, J, J(err, Miss Mina' Currie of Leamington, spent Easter at the home of her parents, Ur- and Mr. y. T, Cutrie. Miss Rea and May Currie returned to Detroit" after spending the Easter holidays at their home hare 1 „ ;11 14 • • Easter holidays at the home of his !grandparents, VIr. and Mrs. Elisha Walker. Master Arthur Snell of Stratford, spent the Easter holidays at the home of his friend, Master George Young, Mr, Norman Metter, of Oshawa, spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. II. Stephenson, VVIIITECHURCH BELGRAVE The annual congregational meeting' Mrs. Robert Reid of Brantford is visiting in the village, of Knox United Church was held on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Jas. Miss Margaret Linklater returned Michie occuPied the chair and opened to her school this week after spend - the meeting with devotional exereiscs, ing the holidays with her parents' at after which' the reports of the differ- Hatnilt n o Mr and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and children spent last Friday with her parents at Seafortb. Rev, Duncan lVfacTavish of Exeter will give his leeture, "Misty Flats or Drifters of Life," in. the United Church, Whiteehurch, on FridaY, Ap- ril 29th. This was .Postponed, last weelc. Rev. and Mrs, Pollock and Mrs. Murray, motored to London on Wed- nesdaY for Miss Annie Murray, who had her tonsils removed ,in London Hospital. .Mrs. Wm. Beecroft and Mr. Wm, Robinson left 011, Tuesday to see their brother, Mr. Peter Robinson, who is suffering from blood -poisoning a hospital there. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and fa.ro- ily spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. anal, Mis. Jas. Barbour Sr. of Fordyce. A highly respected resident of Whitechurch, the person of Mn Andrew passed to the Great Be yond on Thursday, April 21S1, after a month's illness from heart trouble Mr. Fox was a lifelong resident -Of E. Wawanosh and Whitechurch. He was a member of the. Presbyterian church before Church Union. In- terment was in Wingham Cemetery on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Craw of the United Church, Lucknow taking the services at church and grave. De- ceased leaves to mourn him, 'besides his' wife and brother Georg; three daughters, Alba at home; ISabel, a nurse; Lettie, of the Bank of Com- merce, Winghato. One daughter, Greta, predeceased him fifteen months ago. The deceased was 73 years of age. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mr. Roy Patton of Ailsa Craig; Mrs. Clark," Mrs. Gallagher and Miss Tillie and James ofca.riow;Miss Kate Smith,of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. Zeke Phillips and,fa.mily, of Auburn. The pall- bearers were, John Gillespie, Frank •Henry, John Clabb, Chas. 'Wightxnan, Writ Bosbour and Geo. Alexander. This community extends •sincere sympathy to the doubly bereaved fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. John' Falconer, of Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Fal- ent soceities were given. These showed a favorable balance for the commencement of another year's work. The different offiders were appointed for the coming year and various items were discussed. An invitation was extended to the pastor, Rev. James Scobie to remain and sym- pathy extended to him during his present illness with hopes for an early recovery. Mrs. Frank' Sturdy of Clinton, was a visitor in the village on Wednes- day. The regular 'meeting of the Wom en's Institute was held in the For‘es- ter's Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday afternoon, when there was a good attendance. The presiden, Mrs, Jas. Anderson occupied the chair. A reading, given by. Mrs. James Michie, was much enjoyed. Mrs. Cruick- shanks, the district president and 1\frs. Elliot, district secretary, both of Wingham, were present and Mrs. Cruickshanks addressed the meeting. - Miss Nora Van, Camp favored with a violin selection accompanied by Mrs. ' J. M. Coultes at the piano. At the ,conclusion of the meeting, lunch was served, and also a sale of home-made cooking and other articles was' held. On Wednesday night this' vicinity experienced quite. a storm of rain, thunder and, lightning, accompanied by a very high wind. No particular damage was done however. Joe Miller has purchased a new • On Tuesday night, fire destroyed the barn belonging to Newton Mc- Cauley of Morris. The cause of the fire which started about three o'clock in the morning is uunknown. It is a great loss to Mr. McCauley at this time of the year. • Mrs. Robert McCrea, of Londes- boro was a visitor in the village on Wednesday. John Fells1, of Wingham, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gear on Monday. BLYTH Frank Kershaw, who moved bis family to Goderich recently, has been' given charge of the Huron Motor cotter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester,Falconer Sales garage this season. and Mr, and Mrs. Calvert Falconer) Blyth Planing Mills have erected of Culross and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. a substantial addition in their plan- Falcotter of I3luevale, attended the ing mill. This will enable them to funeral of the forraer's sister-in-law, keep considerably more stock under Mrst Ben Quinn, Thainesford, on cover, beside providing storage for Saturday, at London, the finished product. BLUEVALE • . • • , Mn and Mrs. Geo.. Breeketridge Spent Sunday Blyth • Mr. and Mrs., George, Yeo, went to. Toronto, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, N. H. Cardiff of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs', Jim Cur-; ton, were visitors at the home of Mr. P. S. .MeEwen, on Sunday. Mr. John McNaughton of London, was home last week for a short vis - An announcement that will meet with approval is that the C. P. R. intend to again inaugurate the more- . ing and evening pasgenger train, com- mencing May r. The morning train wil leave here at 7.01.5 and the 'even- itg train at 8:3o, Work has com- menced on the erection of the new 5o,000 gallon steel tank to repla ce the wooden structure now in ,use at the C. P. R. tracks, The new tank = ; Thursday, April 28th, ;g,7 ProSentiog Mucfi That Is NewI 1 1 Our assemblage includes Imported Wool Taffeta, .1 Two -Tone Wool' Crepella in Checks and Stripes, Kasha (.".-sloths, Spring Weight Flannels, Printed Silk P- Crepes, Georgette Crepe, Colored Fugi Silks,' Crepe ' it Ili de Chene, The Poptilar Duchess Satins,. In fact, Everything for the Makin of Your New Dresses. • THE BEST QUALITIES ONLY it P. . AT MODEiR ATE PRICES. 1 New Trimmings, Ribbons, Jabots, Dress Fronts F -- a 1 Scads,Collar Sets,Neckwear. . i --II = , 1111•9340.130.1•1.100.1111111304.11.0.0........01.130.1111.0.1......1.•0011......041.11.4•1111.0.=1,04.1117.3MW 41111.13.111.0M.._ • .1.!• 'Do Spring Sewing No. 1 •. ii,--„ See our Immense Showing of New -Materials—some- i NI thing for your every need --Lingerie Cloths, Under- .1 wear Cloths,. Drapery Chintzes, Art Sateens, Curtain 3 iNets, Madras, Silk Curtain Scrims , Sunfast Case-. • ment Cloths, Cretonnes, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, , i i Towellings, and all Household Linens. Come in and il look them over. You will find unusual values. • , iM11.”01111111.•301=1,04.100.=.!{ ill I 'For Housecleaning. fp. Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs, Bathroom Linoleum, Bath Mats, Curtain Rods, Window' Shades, Wilton i•Rugs Axminster Mats Etc. • I =•0.11111041111.•0411.14311111.011M9.1111. 11 .... lee . '411 ,•0 .4 #' P • 1 R 1 1 1 will be operated by 'Hydro power. E. Bender has beeen appointed, Hy- i dro CoMmissioner to fill the vacancy on the board caused by the removal eiri of Frank Kershaw to Goderich - • , • NOTICE TO CREDITORS The household effects. of Mr. Doh, - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, hYti arrived here last week- Mrs. pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of Dobbyn and .faanily cotning on Mon- = the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that day. Mn. Dobbyn has charge of si all persons having claims against the the hardware business of the late A, M. Brogden, , ' • Estate of William Franklin VanStone deceased, who died on or about the Dr. 3, C. Ross, of Harriston, has third of March, A. D. 1927,at the town purchased the medical practice car - of, Winghatt, in the province, of Otter- ried on by I)r. F. A. Shipley and will ia, are required to send by post, pre- take possession in a couple of weeks. paid or deliver to R. Vartstone, Wing- Dr. Shiley, who found it necessary, ham, Ontario, Solicitor fl the Execu- owing- to ill -health to dispose of his tors on or before the ,seceind day of practice, is improving nicely of late. May, A .D,, 1927, their names and Mr. and Mrs. R. West and son, Ted, addresses, with full particulars in writ- of. Toronto, motored from Toronto ing of their claims, and the nature of and, spent Sunday with Mrs. West's the securities (if any) held by theft parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Watson. duly verified by a statutory declar- Miss Carrie Sims, of Toronto teach- ation, ing staff spent her holidays at the • AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER home of her father, W. J. Sims. that after the said second day of May, George A. Meehan, has leased his X07, the said Executors will proceed residence on Morris street to R. Gra- to distribute the assets of the said ele, of Auburn, who with his family, estate among the parties entitled there will move. here this week, to, having regard only to the claims MrS. Levehsage of Mount Forest, of which they shall then have had no- was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. tice, and the. said executors shall not Stephen, over the holiday. be liable kr the said ssets or any Henry I -lot -nay, of Goderich, is vis - part thereof to any person of whose iting old friends in town this week, claim they shall not then have received F. A. Rogerson was called to Barrie notice. f on Sunday, owing to the death of his DATII,T) at Wing,lialn, this sixth aunt, day of April, A. D. X927. Miss feat Pate, of London Xornial • R, VANS'rONE, Schlool, is spetding her liondays at Wingliara, Ontario, list home here. Solicitor for the Executors. A. 13. Carr and FA Bender, motored • • • • • 1 • Lovely Spring Coats New Dresses The demand has been brisk for the types of Coats Lit and Dresseslwe sell. New styles are arriving 'regu- larly, and right now we have a wide choice of splen - i ew Coats —BeigegSha.des, Navys, Black Satin Black Poir,t, New Tweeds.' • NEW TWILL CORD SUITS, 1 MISSES' TWEED SUITS • The Season's' Smartest Garments at Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality. Buy here and be satisfied. Sole Agency for Pictorial keview Patterns. •• • to Stratford on Tuesday on business, Rev. C. C, Kaine, Mrs. Kaine, Mel - bourn arid Luella, of Atwood, and John Kanie, principal of the Normal School at Sturgeon Falls, sperit Fri- day last, the guests of W. Mills. Harry Baker, teller in the Bank of Cornmeree, Prineetott, spent the holi- days at the home.: of, Mt and Mrs. E. Bender, Charles Toll, of Toronto Dental College, Spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. ated Mrs. Fred Toll. 1.1m C. N. Itco, of WitulSor, is vis - iting at the hotne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. rioter. BORN0 Kicks—In Wingham Town Plot, on Monday, April i8th, VS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kicks, a son, Jones -L. Itt Whigham, on Wednesday, April 2oth, to Mr. and Mrs. James • Jones, Pleasant 'Valley, a daughter. Old fashioned is 'Were afraid they wOuld be eritieite a but some modern ones are afraid they won't. 477