The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-28, Page 77777 Thursdajr ltl pril aith; 1927 You Can Try .T70 ite `Szalagla', Toronto, for free sample. It depends largely onthe flour ymu Use: We believe you'll welcome this suggestion— try Purity, ,the rich, vigorous Flour —made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. t Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 251 Western Canada Flour Millo'Co. Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John. { UNIVERSI Y OF WESTERN. ONTARIO SUMMER SCHOOL, JULY 4TFI TO AUG. 13TH Special Courses for Teachers 1. Course in Mature Study and Agriculture. 2. Review Course in High School Geometry. 3, Course in Library Science. Courses offered also in Chem- istry, English, French, German;.. Greek, History, Latin, Mathe- matics and Zoology. A splendid social andathletic. program throughout. Beautiful new University Build- ings in. a 260 acre Park. Start on a B.A. now. Sixdeiig Ili tfud h weeks of study and recreation. For Information write the' Director, Dr. H. R. Kingston or the Regis- trar, Dr,1 P.R. Neville,: London, Orda io. Once wear " I and you'll wea1rvictus no other THE BEer 43001) Suds W. J. GREER, Wingham, 'Ont. HURON BACON HOG FAIR Wed,nesd'ay„ April 13th;slaw the ifirst Bacon Hog Fair in. the County of Huron. A,n'ideal day brought out a& considerable number of farmers to view the exhibits and to try and form an opinion of what is required in bacon type.:' Around 200 hogs were brought out to the fair of which num- ber xJ9 were actually shown in both -the breeding and market classes. These consisted of 4' boars, 33 sows and 122 market hogs. , Of the market hogs, .92 graded select and the remainder as thick smooth which is a very credit- able; showing indeed, The' results were as follows: — 1 Breeding Classes i 1 Boar, born before March 1st, 1926— 1st -Thos: H. Wilson, 2nd G. H. Ball. Boar, born after March Ist, 1926— 1st-- R. W. Gibbings, 2nd—JackDurst, Champion boar -Thos. H. Wilson. ''Sow, born previous .to ,Mar—ch 1st,' 1925—Gordon McPhee, W. Lt Young, Tait Clark, Alfred Moore, Thos Hal - lain. ( Sow born after March 1st,.1925— Hrenry Freeman, Thos., J. Manser, W. G. Cook;' 4t'h and 5th, 'Frank Wilson. I Sow born after. March Ist, 1925 and before March 1st, 1926—R. Mt. Young, 2nd >'& 3rd -S. R. McMath, 4th. W. H. Thom, 5th John Durst.. Sow born after Sept, 1St, 1926-111- fred Moore, and D. McKenzie 3, and 4th Geo. Millian, Stir - it;. J, 'i abb• Champion Sow—Gordon McPhee. Got of sire, boars awarded points on the winning of their -progeny—ist J. Durst, 9points; '2nd Angus McDernlid and Dan McKenzie, tied, 5 points. Market Classes Load of at least six bacon hogs— Fletcher Fisher, R. J. Tabb, Wm, Dickson, W. C. Leppard, . Ernest Johnston, ° Wm. Marsh, Lew Proctor, John Flick. Pair of bacon hogs—Dan McKenzie, Tait Clark, Harry Walter, W. C. Lep- pard M. Tyndall. Champion bacon hog > — Fletcher Fisher. Judges of the Market Classes -Fred W lt7arils, head -buyer for Swift's Can- adian Company and W. Jones, grader with the Dominion Live Stock branch. Judges of breeding classes -John Duck, Port Credit, and W. Jones. The hogs that were shown in the' market classes with 'the exception of 3 young sows which were sold for breeding, purposes were consigned, to, the Swift's Canadian Company whose bid was 'the highest .reoeived. The; price was $lo.4.o a cwt. for the thick smooths with $2.15 premium per hog for select bacon. This works out at approximately $11.00 per cwt. flat price . for the market pride. This rep- resAnts• about 75c mare than was be- ing paid .by buyers at that date. In other words, 92 select hogs realized to the farmers nearly $2oa.00 in premi- um besides giving them the.advantage of realizing good prices for their thick smooth hogs. ' Mr. Homer Maybee of hie:Domin- ion Live Stock Branch has spent a- bout a month in the district and along with Mr. J. R. Ostler, the Assistant Agricultural Representative, assisted the farmers in every possible way in, selecting' exhibits 'for the' fair. Be- sides doing this valuable work Mr. Maybee graded at a number of ship- ping points throughout ,the county. Mr. D. W Pearsall, Director of On- tario Hog Graders, assisted at the fairr along with Mr. L B. Martin, Pro- vincial Livestock Branch and Mrr H. C. Duff Dominion Live Stock Branch, Stratford., The men who got to- gether with G. R. Patterson, the Ag- ricultural Representative, are to be congratulated in arranging for such a .splendid demonstration for 'the County and one which it is hoped•will be carried on as a permanent spring STEP-INS FOR MEN! OH, GOSH! "Step-in" for men are the 'latest. thing being displayed in haberdashery shops in the cities. The new "Male negligee" is almost a • copy of the feminine article, with orchid, and peach the favorite shades; The. "step-in" also come in jaquard ma- dras, wiitleiarious plaid and; loud strip- ed effects, a reminder of things worn by old stage comedians.. F „r Apt ` to I� I /v maa-a y, lxtij car, THE FOREST has played a major parkin Canada's development. The stability of our forest industries is threatened by forest fires which have destroyed five times the quantity of timber used. Carelessness with fire in the woods has been mainly responsible. ' Will YOU help to stop this wanton waste and ensure Canada's coxtitiatting prosperity'? CHARLES STEWART' .Minister of the interior adieux Forest eeZ, April 2,4th to 30th, 1927 • WING, iAM ADVANc'sE-TIMES Copyright, 1926, by Collier's Weekly quid G. P. Putnam Soni 08111 Grimm's. Progress" is :a picturization by Film Booking Office's of Anyerica,°Inc., (F, B. 0.) of H, C. Witwer's stories of the tame name. SY OPSIh Barbara Baxter, a federal '.detec- tive, catches Jack Fairfax boQtieg- ging, ,with the aid, of Bill Grimm. She persuades Bill to coarse to New York to seek 'lis tartan -0, ana Pansy Pllkingtott, a friendvof'Bii',, comes 1 to get a job on the stage. She con- nects with Fairfax's show. B=11 be- comes : a prise -fighter, knocks out a Fairfax man, is knocked out Then by Keeley, and thpen in a return bout, gets revenge. felicitation for yourself and My Dear Miss Baxter: Barbara, I afm flaking the liberty of writing to you to tell you.1 ia.we thought over your pro'posdtaon of recent date revolting the under signed's reading. give me tthat list, of bed -time stones by Frank S1io 1 o- speare and the etc. and will be pleased to read Mme; object, edu- cation.' Mew while, how about go ing to a show with your humble servant? Respectfully and with every ours trul associfa.tea ' y y, So having' marked . Keeley BILL GRIMM, Esq. "Paid!" I begin broadcasting P. S.—Please answer, as I love to challenges at the heavyweight get mail, champ, satisfied thata battle wi•th I Beat th at registered send ami him would :bring, me the title, a delivery, and it done the work. wo days chance at a millionimillionliucks'and fame. To of Plutasrchlater's l Laveswas getting 1a Baabai+aload's. I figured eventually, why not now? Apartment, while she dolled up for But.the heavyweight rajah was the theatre. I was imbibing the strutting lids stuff in the movies low-downon..a' x:51 named Cleonas and, his fighting spirit being on nes, who's motto was "Kiafi ',em: and location, he turned two deaf;:ears cheek out," w41en Barbara appeared to my pleadings, , in the doorway looking like she just stepped from a magazine cover.: Torrid Rover!, What a d<isturbanee ' she was! "How about seeing 'Yes, Yes, Yvette'?" `she says. That was Jack Fladrfax's frolic which Pansy Pilkington was troup- ing in! I was something more than surprised at Barbara wanting. to view this one, when she hated . Fair- . fax like arsenic and wwe�''d had many a fuss over lay friendship for Pan- I' wanted to make good with' Bar - bans and I thought her advice first class, so I took on: all and Sundry which would climb through the ropes with ine, -barring no "color, weight or clista:nee. Likewise'I be- gin to see quite a little of the Taud of the Spree. In boisterous.melees at New Orleans,"New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Jersey City I kayoed Tommy Kane in. two rounds, Young Bogetrs in one, Kid •:Mears in teen, Battling Price`—a col- ored . socher=in ' six, outpointed Speedy Burns in. fifteen and won a foul from . Frankie Young in, fir rewnds. I'll state that none of these �J. We had :seats in the third sow orchestra, and it looked .like, Flair- fax had a winner M the show. fihs music was a set-up for the radio, the ungarbed chorus was as sooth-' ing, to the eye as smoked glasses "Bill" says Barbara. ""was it , eeeaatary to bay such an expensive cart" i babies' Tau cake eaters• aithar, by and the mock plot was a longer ao means! Feeling that I was commencing I to get somewheres in the world, 1 begin stepping high, wide and ,hand- ' some. ' I bought a nifty auto, made a part epayment on a speedy motor boat and a four -carat diamond ring and parked myself in. the swellest drum on Park avenue: A.t' first Barbara Baxter laughed and thea•she begin to frown. "Bill," says Barbara, toying with. the cigar lighter in the dash, "was it necessary to buy such an expen- sive oar?' "Barbara, I got to put on a swell front!" _I says, 1 mean something in New York now, and the more I look like ready money the more I' can jimmy out of the fight promo- ters. That's why I checked into the Fitz -Charlton. and—" "Well, I suupppege it is none of my busdness, but I think your spending money like that is posi- tively criminal!" exclaims Barba- in, with no 'little spirit. "Success has ruined your sense of propor- tion, Bill, and, I warn you, you are:. -riding to a fail!" "And the only reason I took you on this ride was to ask you to mar- ry me!" I butted in, a bit peeved myself, and, stepping on the gas, I made promising broad jumpers out of a couple of wildly cursing pedes- trians. Barbara flushed—but not at the oaths. "Ott, there must be many things you oani do, Bill, besides fighting!" she busts out. You can enroll at some night school, and there are al- ways interesting andhelpful lec- tures at Columbia, for 'instance. Hill—what do you read?" "The; Evening Planet, the Police Gazette and' the Crazy Confession Moutthly,' .:I says. "'What's that got to do with it?" "The books you read have every- thing to do with your mental equip. mend!">declao'es Barbara. "haven't you ever read Shakespeare, Dick- ens, Kipling, Balzac or—or, any of the elassie�es?" "Don't bib silly!" I says. "1 been' scrambling for the old cato`ries'and proteins: swnce .'threw away my rat - tie! Where would I get time to be a bookworm?" "Well, you have time tare"' !"' 'sthe returns. , "I2 r give you a list of books to get, will You; read ' them?" "I'll take the matter ull with • the Des Maines office," 1 grins, trying to laugh dile thingaeff, "Are 'you try'inrg to slip `me this "Cur aatt.+iu- t'en• iithrutes-a-Day' gag?"' "BiI1,. arise ms thoete!" is her bra au:tate comment en that .acid the only witty retort I *tune, ttk of Was, "You're the doctor!" Well, lads Mid lassies, I' 'WOO ,so burnt tip et Bdrbam •Baxttir that slay as I shot up the river in my hobby speed beat that I give thought to the Matter: of pray l; toting Pam , Pilkiti.gton oil the subject of niu $ninny, tut se quick as I memorised Pan.st t knew I didtn't love he(' and that I did love Barbara la spite;, x1 her Bobby et l o*ling me Out! "G(th'ei), r got beak to the Fitz. C1h irlboit that afternoon. r took ,ny Tien 11t iaaa d and ttiae tsd off Aa. note to Miss Barbara lintel. stag -Party joke than most of 'em. 1. It was well 'toward the end of' the forst act before pretty Pansy ap- peared, and when she did she start-, ed something. As scantily draped as the day she was born, Pansy did a Charleston, and how! The num- ber stopped proceedings for sevfersl minutes and she took a half dozen bows. .• In the lobby during intermission I run square in'ko Jack Fairfax, pa- rading around in a tux which fit him likeagrape's skin and swelled up like a toy . balloon. I tried to duck him,: but no such luck. "As I.live!" he exclaimed. "The boy wonder, 'Bust-Flm-Bili himself! Aren't you sorry now you let Pansy slip away from you?" "I'm sorry to see her mixed up with you, that's a cinch, you big to- mato!" I answers courteously. "Well, you keep away from her, Grimm, or I'll find a way to stop you!" he snarls, suddenly ugly. "Why, - y'ou ' poor, dizzy boob, I never was Pansy's heavy' boy friend!' I says. "Dont start :get- ting rosy witfh'me—I could flick a muscle at you and you'd be out for, a week!" After the show I took Baa,rrbara to a,piace where it's never tdb Yate to amend for a bite and -a couple of dances, but we left when Panay and Fairfax blew in a little while later.— Like ater."Like all the others, this nightclub was selling, and T'a3rfax promptly tipped off the manager that Barba- ra was a revenue agent, 5o our exit was greeted with a sigh of relief. Well, while I had nothing to do and was doing it', Butch. Ford sign- ed me • to box Rough Haase Galla- gher, heavyweight champion of Earthquake, California, at .a club in Idarlem. Left Hook O'Brien was carded far the wane show against anybody the promoters picked out for him to 'naanale. O'Brien would fight the marines if the pursewas right. Biasing up on mytraining one day, as I was getting a bit fine, I released Shifty ;Tones;, my big col- ered spearing partner, to a chap tourney: and invited Barbara for a ride tin my speed twat. On, the way. to :the' landing orn the Hudson we abet Pensy Pilkington skipping along tapper Broa4way. I give ber a ; greeting, but cot back the icy stare on account of me being with Barbara, T suppose. At better than thirty ainiles per hoar we related up ami 'down the river la Any boat, which I'd named "Nast Barbera." I whizzed past the downtown docks eta like to collided with a ferryboat when same. Mod balances himself for a i febaek en the rail of she feral end thea fardpis kespluiik 'into the Had - tont I toasted him our big white doughet*t. arbam .let fall a Soarified gasp, and tike ferryboat begaat rev'ersing', with many Whistle blasts. Two more lite preservers Mmes flying from their upper deck, One at 'ern fell dill nay boat and the other one's eic'lnctittog the nit yet for ell 1 know. It seems three wee »lenty life 'Reservers oil bard- what W~a,t needed, wise d, rood 11100i,t lnitehlert 09,be C dined) IS 1 Se2 for 25c 0Valr i RAI I + ��� x5, ��, packet , ii; et) 0r Seediesffi II oz. packet , ' ip Dessert Seedless , ICLoice Cbolce SA NrA CLMIA * a Zvpyeaerated CispiFe li.arge tCize 1Roaiowl .�: P� ovaries af':;a ,� Dates ig 27 ,�t: Medians 2 thv.2i3C �D I/ig< 0 [ora. c 1b. nee 25 Do"inine arena 1 ib. tiesWhite satin + 24 ib., bag altSing Powder �r� ic � Pastry Flour 95c Stelinya Cebi'ncill jBeef 4C 7C tie ComfortC Soap �� t„ aIreaelsavviek El Sardines 0 'fray Ca ,t« It d Fruit aside Ontario Fruits aa'tiet>t Pears 25c aspb' erries or Strawberries 3 4 Pitted Red Fl,;.:its;or lies 25o: Dels-ida P ars 2 Safi0 25° Choice Quality' in Lag!at.Syrup Flet-,+..ae>mte California Fruit Apf'ecets Tau tin 23c Yellow l�No.2 Cling �e`i�llil�';L; tin ��+g5ff3�c Cru.tlhed 1'+ le 242 Litz"- Pi p These Io 1'1 TASTY 4BREAD Yel' ' Why pay more' c Loaf Full of Nutriment-!Delieioaa,asd wholesome Claid fn.'s Potted e meats ods "r Ay 8aaaer' Celery Rellid8" Ise Kraft C, : eese 37c ib., :y4.17,21° :rand C box Mixed Ca t•.dy wit se 8 lSt°Illc c 3ls. Ina-19end ,°r 90 IRs.' Rich3 cello 79e era. The Finest. Quality Obtainable iceo in Effect Until Saturday Night ®Iw • ••••' BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE Fire almost completely destroyed a frame barn belonging to Wilson Ham- ilton, Lucknow, on Saturday evening last. ` The fire, which originated in the hay loft, had made considerable progress before being discovered by the smoke and flame coming through the 'roof. A horse, a .couple of .cows and other contents of the build- ing Weft serneved, as ,the barn being a frame construction, was doontntl from the beginning. When a stream of water was turned on, the blaze was • quickly put down, but not before the building was reduced to a worthless wreck.-Lucknow Sentinel. NewBodies New Color's NRef. ements A a8� PTHE art and skill .of Fisher craftsmen are s'trik- tingly exemplified in the long, low lines of the New and Finer Pontiac Six bodies, in their smart belted effects and in their luxurious comfort! Rich Duco finbh, in the latest and most appealing colors, adds to the striking beauty of the New and Finer Pontiac Six. New refinements such as sweep- ing, l'ull.crown fenders, new, higher radiator, tilt. ing beam headlights, plate this car in a class 'far above: that into which its phenomenally low price brings it. And, back of all these evident improvements and advances :stand the established Pontiac qualities of power, speed, stamina and economy --the qualities which won for Pontiac Six the most outstanding success ever accorded any nese car during its first year. ,tiny by seeing the New and Finer Pontiac Six; by drivix g it and by learning its new, lower prices, can you realize how great a thing has General Motors done in the field a the low-priced silk. pratiao, W. J. Bid. W Wingham, Onta P1xODUCT or ENERA 10TO OF CANADA, Li iTe