HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-28, Page 5u7�l, ,R91..9RIFLINC:,G Thursday, April' 08th, x927; .l1 tr i II 1111111 i1111 11 1 0p um 1 x 1 Il 1 i` r t1h Haiti ii Nlaillii illuu�IlJ •war rWl , �i ►� 1014�1rl1 1111 a�li# �{I� 101111. 0 i� INI NOZ We, are now open to do business with all pro_, ' +. ' ', ducers of Crean, E s°'a,d Po ltrv.:,' O'u la t .; will be OPen daily 'for the bene6a',:of :our cu tomers pe Y t . .., We ' will 'be ()pet! Saturday,- nights during the; ■ `Spring, Summer and Fall': Months. Give is a call or phone and a our prices. We Will be operating operaatin g tw; truc ks ou, t of''W ipn F.g ham, gathering Cream and•Eggs, �Wellington Produce .Co.,Ltd. min harri onit. B. THOMPSON, BRANCHMANAGER. PHONE z66. lull ill IIali11111t11111111i1111IlrlIIfiI1t1111111l11{1111111■11111111X111111111111111111111111111111111f1111IYIAtwlIk: tl 111 t 111111x11 1111111111 l l■I ilii tl/I l,(�il l/1I IE111<I 11111 t11111�I I Ilwl l l�l'11OI I ISI I I� I I I>rl l 1111 l lel l ��l l lel l 1111111 11 • Smart Sprin Oats Radically Reduced To. $19,50 and STRIKING Coats! fashioned of imported plaids and checks 50 1 w R 1. i' 11 i. s_ 1 11 11 Models irresistibly, smart fabrics in sporty jacquards $1.4.95 Silk Coats—placed in the foreground . of authentic modes are interpreted 'here in the finer fabrics— each one chosen for the distinctive ap 4 earance it will ave the wearer ��. ... , i. .g . - .._ _ - 1 .50 4 New Co1OrS, ca:i.5omoda:Y141fJiWuaii4 -New Styles. Extra Special A range of sample coats on sale.` 'Select .models. plain and fur trimmed. On sale at 20% off Every coat a bargain=see them. QUALITY SILK BLOOMERS in allleading colors, 1PIM flow SILK SLIPS Good quality. knit silk, shadow -proof. Best Colons. Special 290 ' SILK HOSE and silk and Wool. N See Bargain Table. 68 11 Price , .H, -- ., it SCARPS --In Plain and Fancy 11 'Georgette and Silk Crepe. See E the new Coin Spat 2e 00 Scarfs at , IN 11- BLOUSES= -Special Fine white Fr:11 Broadcloth Blouses, " 0 Our price e OLOV'ES — With embroidered en/fa in grey or sand. * 0 Nov, , GIRLS' DRESSES — Choice range of Girls' Wash Dressea. in, neat small pati. 1 an telrtia, pedal :at CO1 SELETTES—Variety and value in best make of Corsets and Conseletes. See our val- ues at .g8c, $1.25 and $1.4g SUPERSILK HOSE -We are showing all the leading colors in this popular pure silk Hose, with a strong guaranttee with every pair. Priced •1 50 at WOMEN'S SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS—remarkably low i patent, in isle, satin and paten , in Black and New Colors. See. our specials at 3+m and 0000.. ®75 Shoe t epartrnent. GIRLS' PATENT SLIPPERS .made in Best Models, popular and attractive. Our e Price trio SkJ Ur peeial Value hi all Other Lines, "iT. ke a Loop," 1,"10+01."11 1 n"OP I II,IIIilYY11/1111+iAl Y,Ii I/IIII,iYYfYl,l1i hi,lrsiti ffl+ilitlililiiICilitittlmitil,ISti1Yimkrvi !Immo q1MINI{1181{IMINI11Ni1111lMi1t11'NINI I IIi111Mf�11'11�1 11 p1010111111111111111IN1011111+,N ihil. 11 1 11 11 El court). there cometh one of till;'31iixfi!s 7'1es of the thigh priest. The trial before Annas ,followed by, thak before Cala, plias, took plaEd til 1:11 'seeond floor 6 of the pa.lat ; Where were walls of suf- ^= /1E101 Size. Peter was "beneath" £►undag Aftsrauun I.ESS.ON V.- MIay t. Petelr'•s Denial and Repentance.-- Mark X4:531 54, ;66-71; Luke grit 6; .62 GOLDEN TEXT --. Let him that thinketh he statzdetlw, tae heed left he fa11—x Cor. io:ia. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. — Peter's denials took place from I tog a.m., Friday, April 7th,. A. D, 3o. Place — The palace in Jerusal+en l former occupied jointly by the high i,l priest Annas; and his son-in-law, the high priest Caiaphas. PETER'S DENIAL And they led Jesus away to the high priest. The temple guards and the Roman soldiers after arresting Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, had bound Him, as :if fearing the es- cape of so dangerous an agitator, and had taken Him first•. to Annas, tffc former high priest, the chief' man of power among the Jews, a very shrewd and -crafty leader. Our Lord was examined before him, and, refused to answer questions regarding His disci- ples and His teachings, bidding His enemies bring charges and, witnesses, since all His life had been open to public scrutiny. An officer smote Him for His bold reply ,and Annas, seeing that -the prisoner would not in- criminate Himself, sent Him to the high priest of that year, his son -in law Caiaphas, who seems to have lived in the saine building. To the guar- ters of Caiaphas Jesus was therefore conducted, being led across and in- tervening courtyard. And there came together with Him all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes. The chief priests were the high priest, those who had been high priests and and . the twenty-four : heads of the courses of priests that served in turn in the temple. The elders or senators were chosen as representatives of the people, continuing•a very ancient'cus- tim which gave authority to the heads of families or clans, And Peter had followed Hire afar. off. Even though Peter followed "afar off" as he modestly says •through Mark, much courage was required un der the circumstances. John was' with Christ; and as - an acquaintance. of the high ,priest had no difficulty in obtaining entrance with the Saviour and the, soldiers; Peter, however was forbidden entrance until John spoke to theporteress anti, brought lain in. Even within, into the court of the high priest. This was a large open space in the front of the palace, the exten- sive building or group of buildings occupied by Annas and his son-in-law, Caiaphas. And he was sitting with the officers. The servants of the high priest and the guard. And warm- ing Himself in the light of the fine. It was a cold night, and Peter had been lying asleep in the chilly Garden of Gethsemane, on the slope of Oli- And as Peter was beneath in the tVt the courtyard. And seeing Peter warning himself, she looked upon him, and saith, Thou also was with the Nazarene, even Jesus. The Greek word .used in Luke 22:56 signifies'an earnest search- ing gaze. But he denied, `saying, I neither know, nor understand what"thou say - est. Peter may have meant that he did not know what the servant was. talking about, alleging ignorance of the whole matter, or he may have meant to say outright that he did not know Jesus. In either case his ter- rified uterance was a denial of his friendship with Jesus, and of his dis- cipleship. And he went out into the porch.% In the darkness and compar- ative solitudeof the entrance to the palace, Peter expected to pass unnotic- ed, He could not bring himself to leave the building where his master was in peril of Hi, life though stay- ing evidently involved Rini also in danger. Peter must have credit for this. :And the cock crew. It was early dawn; our Lord had been arres- ted rrested at about midnight. This was Peter''/ second warning, The first was Christ's clear prophecy that be- fore the cock should crow twice that' night, Peter would, deny Him thrice. No shiner can ever justly charge God that He was Left without fair and full warning against sin. And the tnaid saw him, and beg to again tts say to them that stood b`r This isnne of them, This to place in it 0rireh, again: iletiied i, t, Hardie tells us that be denied it with an: oath. He was frightened and per- ked. Ide saw no need of nnvol! P ving himself in Christ's fate, Perhaps be argued with himself that he could be of some service to Christ if lie kept'liinsel£ safe, And after a 1ittk. while again they that stood by said to Peter, Of a truth thou art one of them. The uunhappy man discover -1 ed at the ,porch, seems once more .to have h sou t concealinent by i mingling l gg g with the crowd around the fine, a -1 movement to which he was Larged, al so by the cold'; air of the dawn, Here he was recognized more dangerously S g'Iye Y than before, by one of the servants T�. rOTI E yam 1�1 �pn11l I�IiF111 �i1101111N1111�,I1�i1111r�,1;iMN11 I��. 4,1100Tiotriiii91 A quantity of • Red Pine • arta Ell trees have. been..seeurted " jfrom 'kh Provincial nurseries through the aus- pices of the Winghana, Herticultu'ial Society, and .these will ire given out gratis' to anyone app1*ing, as long as the supply lasts, Persons'int+erested' should apply at once at W, A. Gal- braith, Town Clerk, Wing Barn. Lady Byrog recently stated that men e ture May 'be. are .most he es' cr a s pl s y quite true, but the women rather like 'em that way. ---Guelph Meieury, of the high' priest who was related to the Malthus, 'whose ear Peter had cut off in . the garden of Gethsemane only tiro hours before., This servant. had ;been with Malehus' when Jesus was arrested, and 'was sure of Peter. For thou arta C,alilaean. •, The Cali - leans were sortie respects the High- lander's ;of Palestine, and,, spoke in an easily 'recognized dialect. But he began to curse, Lid to swear. Petei .felt himself trapped, and raged like 'a wild animal In a cage. He had an Unreasoning feeling that profanity added,• force to his :statement whereas in reality it weakened it, A quiet denial;'laughing the inatter off, would have:, b@en fai'. 'more ,effective with those :,ktii gh listeners;, but Peter was in a'desperate Mood. . ;I know not this man, Of whom ye speak: ' With. this third denial, the most explicit' of the three, he cock's shrill clarion" sound- ed forth from 'the courtyard, outside for the third 'tithe, and instantly Christ's .sad prophecy, flashed upon Peter's` mind • •'His period of pro- bation was. over, •His terrible sin was: upon hire. A medical M.' P, is reported as ex- planning that'the House of. Coninions is ventilated by a system that makes it practically gerrn 'proof. Still Some funny' things blow in,when they leave the door..open.—London Punch. • "God has made, us neighbors let justice make, us _ friends,":says Sena- for Borah, of the United ;States and Mexico. . But there is -an old saying to the effect that while you can 'live without friends,you can't. live -with- out neighbors Toronto Mail. Special Line at New Special SPRING MILLINERY TO CLEAR Friday and d Saturday 00 , From $2. Up A. 0. Brewer, Wingham 111111111111111111111111111 i1111111111al1i1111111111111111111111 1. Do 'You 'Know ? 1 11 .That' we sell pipe and. fittings 0. for all /classes of work, and do L e Plumbing, Stearn, Hot Water 11 and Hot Air Heating? 11' Stove Repairs Pump Repairs II- _ W. J. BOYCE N Store ' Ph. 58. House Ph.` 88. o 1 - ' ■ 1Ii11II1111I111111M11111IalIttllla11til I it1111111111111® TIRES: TIRES. TIRES.• Goodrich and Firestone Tires were never as cheap ° and never better. ROBERTSON'S GARAGE ----"-.141111 C RAYONS 55,e' A ;Rich Fabric, for dred9ies, in 'a;; lustrous Art Silk, that giveP" extra wear and washes perfectly, . a splendid rainge:. of patterns in checks and stripes, 33 in. wide $cIa,rr, CANTON CREPES $2«5o A beautiful pure silk Canton Crepe in a fine '. uality, dependable for wear. A11 the new spring shades 40wide. Special $2050 ,yd. FLAW CREPE $a.95- A fine imported quality ;lof pure silk, with a rich finish in, a .i splendid wearing silk, new light shades for spring and summer wear' 40" wide . $2,95 Yard, a" FANCY CREPES 95c. A splendid range of patterns and colourings in ,silk and cotton',! ` crepes. Lovely for summer wear, 36" wide. Special 95e Yd.- _44 32"' English Ginghams in a large range of pattlerns' izr 'smalls11 and medium checks and stripes, Fast -colors. 'Special 25e yd.. ■t^ta< BROADCLOTH goe. Highly mercerized qualitywith a silk finish, a splendid wearing; _ 11 g y >;>— material .that retains its finish 40" wide w::: got Yd.!' W�.� SILK HOSE $2.39. �d Mercury made, All Silk Hose, hill fashioned, the new shades ▪ for summer wear, all sizes.:5 tial y z. Pair. t , Pe __�..._ _..:.�. � 39 per ,.. �_ :. _� Silk Hose 95 cents to $r.5o Sweaters $4.00 to;$5.00 Scarfs $1.5o $3.00' i 11 Gloves 95c to $2.00. Novelty Prints 3oc.., Silk Handkerchiefs 25c.. . • , Silk Underwear, Slips and Bloomers. r ilaminauiSg111111111{1111111111/IIInialN®111111II®1111111u111111N1111111111.1 1/IDillllaiiiiii�` .A. MIS 11111111/1111111111;1111111111111111111i11111111(1111111®11111111x1111/IU!♦IImmll!>II{Otlll�lli■II1�11 i q o LYCEUM O 1 1- 0 11 11 1 IN a 0 1111! ®_ s �. L.•: -., IN WI ". The Unknown Soldier" A Dramatic story of Love and.- War.; _ HI11111 al1111111111111111muni11111111111I®11111111®1IR!II11111111111111hailia111111®iioatai1 iari1111-1 Friday' and Saturday; 'April 29th, 30ti HOUSE PETERS IN The Stormbreaker An Epic of the 'seas., 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 2.0 3,,. 4 �I CHARLES EMMET MACK and it; MARGUERITTE DE LaMOTTE 1`111111 faivii was` eaijttired on the farm of vV. N. Currie, Last 'Wawanosh Township, Huron County, during the winter; after it had taken up its abode with a pen of sheep: Apparently the young deer had, been•chased by dogs and jumped the fence into the pen with the sheep. Here it was found by the owner'of• the farm, and, after much trouble, he coralled it and put it in a stall in the stable. AIr. Currie has received permission from the Government to retain the animal. He intends as soon as warm weather is assured to again put it with the sheep—Photo by Wm. Sneath. L ' am . iz �: id►l' SCC DARK, DEEP TROUBLE AHEAD Fob ' ---",ed UNLESSYou BOY SOME J A GOOD TIRES! tso SU T ' .GASOLINE and 0ILS Get Your Air, Gas and '!I 11 Here. 41', r.; * " w `"`` ,, Am.ham,,,: ;,.. 0000, 000.0, x,�.,"" i.. «.'.,r «,,; r .. . ,;,., "'" 4. a+ *No .1.43.4 `«.;,,.. or, �` "bF.. Tr is from the man behind the wheel` of the McLaughlin -Buick that the most sincere. ex-:' pressions of appreciation corse, It is upon. the. experience and the judgment of the gnat "who knows, McLaughlin -Buick that this car has become .the. standard by which all other cars are measured= -- the literal basis of ,comparison of automobile .values, Year after year, by dint of constant improvement' in detail, yet upon the unchanging principles of: McLaughlin -Buick, construction and quality:, Mc- Laughlin -Buick maintains and increases its undis— puted leadership among quality cars and adds to the numbers of those Who respect McLaughlin-, Buick because they have knowledge and exper- ience of McLaughlin -Buick comfort, beauty, per. • fortnance and endurance. Upon the verdict of the McLaughlin -Buick owiaeri VIeLaughlirnBuic1 confidently rests its case. A. M. C ,AWV'.EORO, WINGI1AM, ONT.. Dealer in McLaughlan, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars« McIAUGII