HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-28, Page 4�5. 11 it 1' li 111111111 ill. 1111111�If111t11�IkliMIN 1l11111�11#1Atf1![I#.s<1111114111I1r i1M1 w111W i�t� � 1��U ortin •+ e t o I II We - have �► �Qm l��e lilac �o� ,tb1 a�► u�.. 6 + ,i'.,■ i_ �a ttx d n _ tine ea% �por�ing �aa►o�s. , menu c e A Canada by G. Saldin Bras. N.1.1I/.111111111n111...1,1111.114111/1Hr141111.11.CM!llHrrHl4M4.qWith/W0,44„Ul,1,1.0410.44MOY4nYi1Hu1nn11NYo11My1 i The e Taking It In , / i BALLS ELLS I ■ BATS • 1 GLOVES • � TENNIS to ' ® Q7 • RACQUETS_ FOOTBALLS OTBALLS ,nHiNYannnnn, iop4a&inllnra4n s,tunlninIHi _ l�ci��bb�n � I� rug Store ii ?2kag Sabre ■ Win ham Ont. Phocaa53 �. YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR .RENAELIDRUG STORE 111 111111311111101111111111111111/IIl111M111111f ®Illlii 111111e11ilil1E11ltillll1111111inusliteumi I it ti! Il11111111WI11111111M llllfaali•IIiMu,lnlauielnlMulllln.litllif 1i11111�11i111i1iu011ts1ulu t n = • 1191l11111111111ltiIMiHlII W t1111i111111li1ll111111l111ll{1119l111111111111htllUfl II11111111 W Ilr111E1lliil! a ■ AUCTION SALE -Chattels being the. estate of the late W. H. Brandon,.: at' Lot 2, Con. 4, Morris, on Sat- urday, April 3oth, at 2 o'clock. -- Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer. DIRECT SALESMAN --Experienced,' Whole or spare time, to demons- trate" and take orders. Well ad- vertised line, in great demand, big commission. Write Sales Manag- er, 140 Cambria St., Stratford, Ont FOR SALE 2 Pieces of shingled roofing io x xi feet. Will sell cheap. Apply to Lawrence McLean, Min- nie Street. NEPTUNITE VARNISH Dries quickly with rich gloss; does not scratch or mar while under severe usage; not affected by hot or cold water, and does not discolour light patterns in Linoleum. Save the floors with Neptunite. Sold by Buchanan Hardware. ' GIVE the YOUNG CHICKS, a prop- er start by feeding Royal Purple Chick Food. It means strong and vigorous birds later on; also Royal i1?urple Calf Meal on hand:—Buchan- an Hardware. LOOK—Get my price • list before or- .dering Barred Rock or. Wlite Leg- •barn iBaby Chicks or Eggs for Hat- c'hing' Pure bred -to -lay strains, Incdb,ators and Brooders at right p•riceseCustom hatching' done-Dun- cen "Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont.— Bell 'Telephone 6xI-42. PIANO 'TUNER—R. H. Stewart will be in town next week. Orders should be left at the Queen's Hotel. FOR SALE -Girl's Cleveland bicycle almost as, good as new. Phone i60. FOR SALE—Twenty Six Hundred buys firsi:,dlass grocery stock and fixtures in London. --Sydney Smythe Market Lane, FOR SALE-Franie lbuilding about 20 ti 3o ft. for 150—W. A. Currie, Machinist. HORSES•---I'r bill bo at the Brunswick Hotel all day Friday, May 6th and Saturday rnoreing, May 7th, with my guaranteed Heave cure /or Hors - Half cash and the balance w1i rt cured.—G. R. Maurer, Paisley, q. �OIt_SALE One Gar kiln dried, No. 3 yellow corn to orrive about May 3rd. 85c, per Int. Cash off car: --•-r1, C. Adams, Phone, 40, O I,E1"oi50-acre farm within r mile of Win Ytaaan, 25 acres fall plowing done . ?'Balance in grass;' Apply tri R. Vanstorte,;Wingham,, Ontario, C"tsllapsiblc hrtby buggy w : A swipe Apply aseintnidy to be, paid down at 'the time of sale, balance to be paid within y �', thirty days, For further information and condi tions ,of sale, apply' to 3. W I USRPIEI.D, S'0liclterrr the he Mztrtaget.. DA"I"I~p at Wirtgha�.Am . thistwntlty tifih +ta i o Apr°i9, I?. r),-1927, PROPERTY •FO'R SAiiE—Six-room- •ed house, on splendid<fioundation in Lower Winghanr, hard and soft water. Goad garden; A snap, for 1guick sale, Apply to James Norman, Route ;:3, VWingham. LOST -- Mdb'Capl:off hearse, on Sat- urday afternoon,' ',between White - Church :and \Wsngham. Finder kindlyleave .with'R..'A+'Currie, Un- dettalcer. FOR SALE—•douse and lot in Low- er Wingham, Apply; to J.: D. Mc- Ewen: xOR SALE—ourRubber Stair Treads saves the ,steps ,:nxakes•=going . up and coming down stairs eaeier.',Linaited ,quantity on sale, only .54c each at Buchanan F3arthvare. FOR: SALE—eAt'the :village of White church, house and 'lot, ewith stable 115 acre of 'land, -some ;small' fruit 'and good water. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to ,l? (G.' Kennedy Wing1n m. TO REFIT—Pasture to rent,±I26 acres well watered and well ;fenced.eC21 and see W. F. -Morels, ':reesi3 atei Phone 32-604. WANTED—We wish to robtain • the services of a good, honestethonough ly reliable man, •,who'is •weIleregard ed in itis own ,communnity, to rep- resent a Toronto house, whose man- agement is A. I. 'having •an estab- lished reputation ,of over 25,yea,rs An experienced man will go with you to start. You will get all en- quiries to follow sup :in ;your town district, credit for repeat business This offers a good erpportunity to such rnen as retired farmers, im- plement salesmen, or any other -mean who has the necessary character qualifications and if favorably known. State whether you 'have car and if ready to start, at once Box C. Advance -Times. ..r_.. --»......,..ems........ MORTGAGE SALE of VALUABLE .FARM PROPERTY UNDER and byvirtue of. the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Saturday, May 144th, A .D. x927, at the hour of. 2 clock in in the afternoon, at the Village of Bluevale, by Thomas Fells, A.t c- tioeeer, the following property, nam- ely: Lot Number Seven ie the Secont Concession of the Township of T urn- berrv the County of Huron, con- taining si t5-nt ic acres of land rnar•e or less. There is situate on the said proper- ty, n ty, onto and 'one -halt story brick house, barn 50 x 6o ft., with stone foi.n'iia- tion,'two good wells and the said 'aro- ert is well fenced and has pro - party p Y good drainage. TERMS: tO per cent of the much - Itis office., AWD_LoT:VOR SAL: 115r rrlodet'it 4tOtistti brit;k yeneei ven.isneesi good Iotatio "conks ` and attle,Y�ply t Odd, AG�nt.:.'.. A. zl. 1?I WINGH M ADV 11169Fl-rXMaES TEN-DERS will be received by the undersigned tip to noon of Wednes- day,, May 18th, $927, for;the punch.: ase of the lot and residence of the late John: Reid, on the West wide of Scott Street, Wingham. There is on the premises a good fratn, one story and a half house � x z 3 , with brick kitchen 13 x e4 attached. There is a good cement soft water cistern i and the house.is wired for hydro, and town ,water 'has been: in- stalled, in the house. There is a1 - so a good frame garage, and a small hen house on the lot. 'Terms; Teen' per cent. down, the balance within • thirty days, when possession will be given. A• good' title or no 'sa1le. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. J:: A. MORTON, Winghani P. O., Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In THE ESTATE of WILLIAM: HENRY BRANDON, late of the Township 'of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE• IS. HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 56, Chapter .121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Wiliam Henry Brandon, who died on or about' the fifth day of April, A. I), r907 .at the Town of Wingham, are required to send to, Jos- eph A. Brandon, Belgrave, 'Ontario,. or John Biooks, Wingham, Ontario, the,, Executors of the above Estate, or is the undersigned; on or before the sixteenth day of May A D!tg27, their names and addresses with, bell particulars of their claims in: writing • and the nature of the •securities (if. any) held; by them, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the• said sixteenth day of, May, A. D., 1927; the assets of the. said Estate will .be distributed by the said Executors among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which .they shall then have notice, and the Estate will not be Ti - able for any claims' not': filed at the time:of the said distribution. DATED at, Winghanr this' Remy- fifth day of April, A D. '1927. J. W..BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. ' Stit • TENDERS :FOR DREDGING " SEALED tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for dredging, Godericli and . Kincardine, Ont., will be received 'until . ii noon (daylight saving),.o' clock, Tues- day) May 3, 1927. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth .therein: Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained onapplication to the undersigned, also at the office of. the District Engineer, Customs Building, London, Ont. Tenders niust include the towing of the plant to 'and from work. The dredges and other plant which are intended to be used on the work shall have been duly registered in Canada at the time of the filing of the tender with the Department, or shall have been built in Canada after the: filing of the tender. Each tender 'must be accompanied" by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, for 5 per cent of the contract price, but no cheque to be.for less than fifteen hun- dred dollars. Bonds of the Dom- inion of Canada, /or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if required to make up' an odd amount. By Order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, 'Otawa, April 22, 1927. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursttant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons 'having -claims against the 'Estate of Edward Haines, deceased, ;Who died on or about the fifth day of March A. 1). rg27, at the Township of West Wamwanosh, in the Province of 'Ontario, are required to send bye post, ,prepaid, or do deliver to R Van- stone, W;ingha'rri, Ontario, Solicitor for tine Administratrix, on or before the seventeenth day of 'May, A. D. rg27, 'their names and addresses, with full particttiars in writing, of their claims and the native ,of the securities {if any) Meld by them duly verified by a statutory declaration. ANT) 'TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said seventeenth raay of lv1ay, A. D. r927, the said xdrninistra- trix will proceed to distribute the as- s � s� f i said5t nrti 1, the ' tits n the estate < o t; 1 par- ties entitled thereto having regard tl v r ga only to the ,claims :of which they shall then have had d notice, and . the said � Administratrx shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim' she shall not then have received eotiae. 4 :IYAT E'D,at Witighatn this thirteenth day of April, A. D. to27.. It: VA,14STOME, Wr;rtghanl p, O: 1%citor frit rite. Administratrix, w. :N'TID Girl for dining fork a'ki.. rttns'wikk Hotel, -RERDRT'FFQ1 BELGRAVE SCHOOL The following is.a report of Easter --U.S. I Sch of S, tests ,for HBe grave v N4 k• . - ,Those marked with *have an "licinor storid gin, and 1l are ed aceprd- a arranged tto :their standing in all the sale - `Sr. r IIV— Alberta 'McMurray, Ev- elyn tCpibett. Jr"."'IV -- Varna. Wheeler*, Mildred . Sgo/yb�rpeW, . .MargaretMcGrae , Jerry ee3die e Bs• Sr,III — Marjory Hamilton. 'Jr, 1II Wesley Cook, Emeline Nicholson, Reginald Rintoul. ilInd <Class - Rellison Bone, Gar- �rer Nicholson, George Gregg. ',1St 'Class — Jghn Gear*, Cameron Rintoul*, `Janet Stobie*,' Freda Jor- dan*,, Ivan, Irwin, Kenneth Wheeler*, Nora Wheeler*; .Doris Corbett*, Mae Youngl. Primer -=- James Coultes*, Wilma G egg• H, L. ^McKenzie, xTeacher. RAPIID CITT,. '.;Mr Charley Dobbs of Damascus Mrs. Jack'Coults, of Mt. Forest, Mrs. iFre 1 t Chapnpion; and Luella of Brrus visited - with herr diece, Mrs. YMaik "Gardner• of Rapid'City. 'Mr. Billy • Gollan and Mr . Jack Champion- visited • • Friday last with friends on our line •+ `Mr. Arthur Gaynor of London, spent -the week -end at his home here. -Mrs:: Chas. Thompson is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Smith, rdf 'Hanover. ''Miss 'Florence. Thompson •of Lanes, Is spending' a few days -with her par- ents here:; Mr. Sid Whitley of Lucknow is en- gaged with Mr. Wm. Henderson on his -farm :here. ; Do' you rei'riember'the pian whom The Toronto, Telegram •:said, that on account of being a Liberal in Politics, could 'never 'be Grand `Master .of On- tario 'West? • Come •out and hear him" 'J. 'J. 'Hunter, of Kincardine, Prov. Grand -Master of Ontario West, address an open meeting -in Lucknow L. d.. 'L. 'Hall on "Thursday evening, May -5th. Concert,' Lunch and a Dance -afterwards. tome all. `J'AMESTOWN. There passed away last . Thursday evening, :Mr. ,Donald McDonald. Mr. McDonald was one of the oldest residents of this district. Be was twice married, Miss: Henderson of Howick, •being his 'first wife, and Miss Sarah 'McAdams, his second helpmate. ,Seven children survive. The funeral was 'held 'Monday, to Brussels' Cemetery: Mrs. Duncan McDonald has re- turned home from the 'Listowel 'hos- pital, where she was operated on. Mrs. Robert Stradhan will -be a delegate to Goderich 'this week to. attend 'the missionary meeting to he held in the United 'Church`. lllir. Andrew Simpson was -visiting his daughter, 'Mrs. 'John 'Montgom- ery. Alex. Sinep4on of Detroit spent aster with his father, Andrew Simpsdn, and also called on 'his aunt, Mrs. James "Strachan. APRIL'S VAGARIES S April's always Mond' of thrills, First a pot of :gold he spills, And the yellow goncpfil fills. Then when sunshine fol1ows'raint., And the robin's note is -plain, She calls winter back again: f. ISABEL'GRAHAM. Seaforth. STEAMER GREYHOUND GODERICH-DETROIT" Excursion Red Star ,Navigation Company an- nounces that the Steamer Greyhound will make her annual trips between. Detroit and Goderich the week of June 6th, arriving at Goderich, Mon- day evening at ,5:30 Pt, M., running a moonlight out of Goderich that night and leaving for Detroit, Tees - day, 'nee eth, 9.30 a•.In. Returning, ltwurrd r i• D t o t the G'e will leat e Detroit for � Y Goderich on Thursday, June gth, at r:00 p.nt. The second and last trip from Goderich to Detroit will be Fri- day morning, June loth, 9.8n A. I. No later dates than these could be ar, ranged, as the Greyhound is under contract to commence operations be- tween .Toledo and Cedar Points, on ti e T2 1,e til, 1 T'he ;usual 1 3 ow fares'tiv311: be itt effect. ttew hat is said by .an r tis he tonafor or a woman, nalr boys' ,sial: hut° and rnola 01. r tit ses " COMMUNICATION Winghana'Advance-Times, - Wingham, Ontario. Dear Sir:— T nope you comment upon my open letter to the Federal Government, a r+d hope that bithie time you have read their reply, ' . ',I believe that it would only be fair to me, to credit me with taking, in a little:. more territory than the Town of Listowel• I hope to in- terest 'every town in Canada in this movement., If the 'condition was unfair before, it is still'Itrrore so now. I believe that If we go aftermail de- livery ,in, 'the Towns of: Canada, we can get it. I sincerely hope for your co-operation in this matter. When'.a little, bit of interest is awak- ened throughout Canada, we can prob- ably send outa circular suggesting that every one who • is interested in geting mail delivery Will drop a post card to their local member, and the re- sult of such an action can scarcely fail to get results, particularly as the Department has commited itself of- ficially, ''that' it regrets the existence, of regulations," which prevent it. All that we need is ,to have the reg- ulations changed, which is what I hop - `ed for in the first place. Sincerely yours, J. W. Sangster. COMMUNICATION The Editor of The Wingitain Advance' Times, Winghani, Ontario, Dear, Sir:—We as members of the .Executive of, the United Farmers of 1North Huron, in view of the very scurrilous and utterly false staterreentrs published in your paper of April eeSt, under the heading, "Miss Macphail Twists Th'e Lion's Tail," respectfully ask that you publish in your next issue, along with this letter, the real. facts of the case as found in her lett- er, as read in' Hansard,' Vol. LXII No. 51,: Page 23/4, :by lir.`Ross, Conserva- tive member ; for Kingston, Ontario, and also Miss Macphail's reply to same on pages 2379-2384 of Han-. sard. Find enclosed the above Vol. of Hansard to assist you in correcting the mistatments of last issue, and let. the people read the real facts and judge for themselves': Thanking you for giving. this letter. publicaion, we are: Yours very truly,' Samuel Morton: W. J. Henderson. Robert J; Scott. [The statments referred to by these' gentlemen were intended to be cred- ited to the Toronto Saturday Night, and, only by an oversight they were published without being credited to that paper. It is not our intention toenter into a discussion at this time but we will publish Miss Macphail's • much 'discussed letter this publica- tion as soon as time and space will permit. — Editor.] BELGRAVE Miss Dorothy Brydges,, of Detroit, was •an Easter visitor with her par- ents' Mn. and, Mrs. T. Brydges. Norman Stonehouse of London, is spending his holidays with his ,par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonehouse. Ernest :Geddes of Seaforth, was a holiday visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Coultes spent the week -end with the latter's brother, Jas. Van Camp, at Exeter. John Wightman is in Toronto at- tending the Ontario Educational As- sodiation meeting as a delegate from the Belgrave school section. Earle Anderson spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Farquhar of Clinton spent the Holiday with her dailghter, Mrs. Joe Clegg: R. Shaw, of Bluevale, took charge of the services in Knox United church on Sunday, owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Scobie. Roy Armstrong . of Windsor spent d .P the Holiday with his parents, Mr.` and Mrs. W. I3', Armstrong, Morris. r � IN MEMO12TA X In loving memory of a'ry dear moth- er, Mrs. Geo. W. Turvey, who died, April a Apr 1926.24th, It was hard to lostou mother, y o ei, But God,who lc o +. t � n tt e h best Ield out his lovingarms I' ar x s and said,. Comeon to me and i 1,d est. Husband anidg Datt •hter. . Mrs. 'Y urgtna^n and sons,r ack and Billie, spent the holiday at London and Parkhill. A woman with a real sense Of htt- rnor is so rare that soti iatr always rnarrher drainr an : sT. Thursday, April :Stk4 927 11 1 II NA 111111 �.: ff1 1 II IIIlII1rIhAIiiwlllMllaw l !I 111 � i�N _ INIII�ilslwlsl)r111Nis�n�sslYUllt t�lslA 1� . p en1a ues„. AI, Patent..San.dals. 'zed girls e for lar e, small and m s� d�um , ■ iZe i & — Iiili96e8 8 t3 II r d2 , t � .. 'a I., 111,1 $1.35 per Pair d • 2 i 2 v " 2 2 2 i ®_ 2 '—■ 'IsWomen's Blonde Patent One -Strap Slipper. a medium high heel,very with: me g nicely trimmed and o strictlyup-to-date. -to-date. A very pretty shoe in all sizes � f? for women for $2.95 per pair. H. WILLIS These are New 1: ■'i Girls Size 8, 9, 1o, I & a = ■IJ $1.25 per Pair . Children's Sizes, 5, 6, 7' yet: .$1.10 per Pair Goods Just to Hand. • xc Value _'`: Look t This Excellent a , �' - Men s ,HeavEin Y it either with leather — or panco soles iust like the illustration iii $2.95 per Pair. iii WORK BOOTS In' all sizes for 'Men 6, 7, g,xoand Ir. 2e AnotherExceptional 'Value = 2 •THE SHOE 'STORE Phone 129, W1NGHAM,. tllllllllltliiiill II<111�t11tI11lltllllllNllllllillllllllf♦IIIIIH I�IIIiIIIl111�111�NItlllllillNlhtl ,,JY\.A,\s,a,[..,.,Jn ,eV/....1/4.1,a .,,,„l:\.Ja,,,„„) ,,,..r\. ,./w,,„,a.„„„,.: ^,,. .,........„i.,..„,vr:\. .r, �II ll � EYj EAhR C Ji:: .p7.,We are handling Pool'Eggs the same as last year. If you fil have not.pooled eggs _before,' make enquiries.. Now is' the time � to start. We' also buye C eggs. � el CREAM. , 1 Cream delivered to the plant on Saturday night, will be graded, ; 'i wjeighed and sampled,a ut,will.not be tested till Monday morning. .4 %: We will advance you money on this cream if you so desire. Orii C you can get the full payment on Monday. '���... TRUCKS' 1 • t trucks have not called. ony' ringz 1. We will make rs If our t uyou, 7 �I ;I,' arrangements to give you a truck service this year. ,4' ;. ,y' THE, UNITED FARMERS CO - OPERATIVE l,C• COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 '' Phone 271 ' Wingham - Ontario 1- (IrE r,,Rr,,,,,,,,,4,,Irl Irl n 4 % it aT �� a 1 i ( l� . ,, 114\. ,r ; 1i11111111111111111111111■111111111111111111Iil11)111111111111111111111111111111111II11111LI1t1111111111111I11.. ffi w 2 2 ®, Q 2 2 2 e e_ 2 1' o • Board Room Open from 9 'am to 4p. rn. daily. . Huron Investments Limited STOCK BROKERS, BOND DEALERS, Bunk ,of Commerce Building Phone 95 - Wingham. Private wire service connecting with Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges, and Chicago andWinnipeg Wll nlpeg Grain Exchange. • 2 �' it lilitimute1tI111u�l1llnlllal�i1 emir 11 i nal li•1inienINd111Ft1.111e11mp - 111a11111f iwllia111it1is Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messer, who .Toronto, entitled, "Laws of Ontario,” have lived ‘just east of the village for study dy and reference. • the last year, are returning to Palm- The "At Home"given bythe basin- ( erston this week and will make than cess risen of the village, in aid of the home there. •, ins. itute, realized the sum of seven- ty-two dollars h' Ibede- voted to comnpinit "work.. y BEL• GRAVE , w rc r is to e- Th A special e progrartr for tlaea tern ' p meeting of itte telgrave f oon'was c Women's Institute was field in the a reading by Mrs. Jar>ies Michici, fol . lowed e db y a violin sol o by 1 r ss N ora ril loth, with a good attendance of Zorresters HallanWednesdaY,A1- ..:. MVaI•trCoCualmeeps,adompaniedb y'Mrs.3" members,' and several visitors. TheLan speaker for the afternoonch Nvas served was- icythe cortrnittee the District Presidentu; Mrs:, in char e slid "c r , George. g , o iststed of Salads Cruickshank, 'of Win harp who,Jello Sandwiches Cake , gac 1e • ,and Coffee. companied bythe District n D st tet Secretary, At the close of the meeting a"Ta1- Mrs. 3. 'J, Elliott, also of Wingham; ent Sale" was held by the members of visited the branth at this meeting, theI nstitute, oath ntern'b donating cl0natulg The regulari , g oder of in�etrttg' was sornetlting, Balcrng,: Candy, Emit followed, with the P'residl;rtt, Mrs. etc., an activity which I �' proved very:..• Joiues Anderson in cllarg•i;;, successful.J; The Roll Call: was,t'esponded to the annual with di/ name • AI a a #avourite lor>vren matt month art itrv< . 'ts d e e i ded to ,O'btain' a book Vfted 7ty Mrs, E, R. Llan meeting will be held. Moine Of ah Mrs,' .' o .. yttll;tesy: