The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-21, Page 5Thursday, April list t;9z7
To the Editur av all thin) Wingham
Deer Sur:—Wan rnarnin lasht wake
at breakfast tonne sez Ito the x iissus.
"1 tink;" set 1, "we shud be afther
subshcroibin fer the Globe noospay-
"An fer what rayson?'." sez she. "An
shure, haven't we more paypers than
we' lin, rade now, wid the shpiring
wurruk cornin on, an the ;ardin, nay-
din plantin, an the lawn naydin rak-
in an rowlin an the berry bushes nay-
din thrimmin?'""
"Yer argymint. won't hould nether,
wumman," sez L .t`Mebby, we lien
more paypers .than we kin rade, but
havn't we more air than.we kin breath
an more wath'er than we kin dhrink?
an ye don't complain anny about.
thm, tings," I sez.
"`If there's too much ' air, ye kin
shpind more toime in the garden, an
git more av it into yer lungs, inshtid
sittin a ro nd the kitchen sli)nokitt
av r u ,
an if there is too much.wather in the
wurruld, mebby ye cud take a bath
oftener an put a lot av it to a good
use,' sez she. "Annyways," sez she,
"Ye wuddin't rade the Globe if ye
tqk it. Ketch ye raydin a Grit pay-
"Don't ye know wvunman," sez I,
"that the Globe is tu.rnin? Wan day
it is shwattin the King Governn'rint,
an the nixt it is ,punchin hole's in'
Misher Ferguson's boose polishy. Wid
the resht av his doins it has no fault
to foind, an I tink that 'wid a little
encouragetnint from us Tories, we
cud soon git it over to our soide in-
toirely, .an that wud be wan av the
.wurst shlams we ivir gave thim Grits."
"If the only fault ye hev to foind
crassllgltilllis■tIm11R111■I'ail ism /IIIp1imiliniml misllAlllolllrlNiitl■IIISIII1illlrllli•Illi
wid the Globe is that is shwats 'I+er-
guson's Governmint Sale av ,Liquor
poiishy, mebby we cud take` it a wake
arr •two on thrial, an ye cud aisy save
the proice av it wid butther atfifty
cints a pound arr more be°rayson av
shpreadin yer bread thinner, an anny-
way, whin we hev plinty av maple
syrup, ye don't nade butther at all at.
all, sotyeR lon't
So the i atther wus sittled be my
goin wid only wan spoonful av sugar
to aitch,dup ay~ tea, an a short allow-
ance av butther fer a wake, an so sav-
in tree eints a day, to buy the Globe
The tOirse is nearly up, an I hev not
yit deeoided whether that payper 'is
worth it arr not., "Tis diffrunt now
wid a rale Tory .payper. Wan year,,
whin the craps wus poor on the ould.
farrum, I wint widout a shmoke"fer
six months to save money to pay far
the Mail an Empire, so I did:
All coorse I see some tings =n the
'GIobe that L loike to. rade. Fer in-
shtance, lasht Saturday 1 tink it wits,
• there wus a big shlain at thint Lias
_ ,fer shpindin so -much money, az duoite
might too, fer Shure, if a sht...2 is
not put' to this extravagance, theer"
will be no money Left fer us Tories
toshpind`whin we git back into pow-
er. 'Twas diffrt}�wad+.t whin We had to
. .
folly the MacKenzie Goverrifnent in
1878, an the Laurier :Government in
s91z, fer theer wus plenty of money
comity in thim days an ixpinses had
been kept down; so that whin we got
We g are-oPepin . up for, business in Gunn:s'
, •
Plant near C. N. R. station on Mond,, eY, April 25th
We .intend', carryin on a'' Wholesale Produce
Y �,
Business and'will' be buyers of Eggs,'Poultry and
Cream, the year round.
We will also distribute' 'other lines we manufac-
ture from 'our Wingham Branch.
Mr. W. B. Thom. ,son who has had a wide expel.-
-, ience in the Produce Business Will be our Branch
- Manager. x
on Produce Co. t
Harriston, Ont.
,. " ',.. ,'.ill •
{llRNiIu aI IIUttllliiili►IIlt■IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIRHl Httl■hj■IIISIIII11 tliltllf■ uh ■1 Iull■II■I
Saturday, Aprih;23rd, 1927.
To be h;,ld in The .Town Hall,
Sale starts at to A. M. •'
Refreshments Served All Day.
Come' early to Avoid, Rusl>l.
I eslas imilum.a■S■1t1■■sossas ■ iasamiOesaminui1111n■■1■nallls /1
Sprintime 61eanin is Isere. ■
■ a.
■ ■
• Bri$hten UHouse
Room wn Your Home Bright, AttractiveMakelvery
■ ▪ ,
_oeo._oa.e.n0•1oS.o. o ..o".eoeoe...:. ao..S ......:1•0e0”01•0., ■
40; <Yf' fist:°•.,.ti• +,..
Our Rug and Linoleurn Department` is ;Crowded
' l loths `Con oleun
with bright new patterns in ;Linoleum:, Oilcloths/ g
Rugs and Stair Carpets. Dainty and Rich Draperies of the
latest and finest hangings. Take a look. Our large range
® and values are convincing.
a Excellent Quality Witton Rugs.
Is Two-tone colorings and choice nat-
al terns. Will stand hard wear. All sizes
xi ▪ outstanding values. ,
Tapestry, Brussels and Wool Rugs at
special prices. See our patterns at $16.
• $19.50 and $26.00.
■ Just received, new patterns and color-
■ ings in all widths. See them at close-
cut prices,
Congtleum Rugs in a select range of
patterns. Bargains in all sizes.
l'_ inoleulrls—Latest patterns and color-
`A7i Shades in Standard Linen 10endow
Cloth, cream or green, and combination ■0
calors. Our prices begin at 69c. KJ
Brass Rods in single and. double sets,
36 to 63 inches long, Special, 'flat rods asit
at 2 for 25c.
See our range of Curtains and Pannels
in new and attractive designs. Also Nets
Scrims, Lace, Madras, iii ,plain and fancy'
colorings. Real values for yard goods
at 26e, 39e, 49e°, 15e.
C'mice Collection of Art Sateens and
Chintzes, and Casement Cloths in lead-
ing colors. All are sunfast. Moderately
ngs in 2 -yard, 3 -yard and 4 -yard Widths,' priced,
Mo.e o6amewtm6a.mnmmeseema+aNkB inendomrAaewea
.du6piis400, aettraw,odmineo`m.tmMroeNia Mi40:11 i67t61LreiWdiSSisibuakitltreat bili tikieo i'
m• i tine I±. I
l'Irl terns
011011110 1a0s111l11011001 00110 1101 1 1111101100
• ■
PhSone ■
0 101111111011111110011r 111111111ti
the runnin av tings all we had to do
wus to turn on the gas an go frill
shtame ahead. That's the way it
shud be, fer what business hev 4hirn
Grits to be trowin away money be the
millions? Lave that fent` us Tories
to do.
Me frind Sandy Banks, wi:sin town
wan day an we got taikin on the li-
quor question. He said he had writt-
en down some loii)cs from Bobby
Burns that he wanted me to rade, an
here they are:
"There were three kings into the. east,
Three kings both great an high,
An they hae sworn a solemn oath,
John Barleycorn must die.
They took a plow and plowed him
Put clods upon his heid,
An they hae sworn a solemn oath
John Barleycorn was deid.
But cheerfu' spring came kindly on
An showers began to fa;,
John Barleycorn got up again, '
An- sore surprised :them, a'."
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
The new regulations for drivers of
motor cars, which it is expected • ill
come into forc'e . about Jdly, should
help in some measure to obviate the
dangers from`inexperienced motorists
driving. cars. It'is stated by Hon.
Mr. Henry that when the permit law
comes into force, any person who has
driven a car for `six Months will be
eligible to receive a permit without'
examination. Any Person who can-
not thus 'qualify, however, will be
required to sails£ a `Government ex-
amination of his'fitness 'to be behind
a steering wheel. New car purchas-
ers will also require to be examined
unless they have 'previously owned
machines and oan thus qualify under
th six months rule. The fee for
the permits has not been determined
upon, but it will probably be 500., or
$i.00.' The permits are not to be. a
source of 'revenue for 'the Government
but :a means' :of control,: and persons
found guilty of recklessness in operat-
ing their machines will be liable to
have their permits suspended or can-
The following time table for the
mid -summer Departmental examina-
tions, which has just recently been
issued by the Department of Educa-
tion is as follows:
Pupils writing 'on the High School
entrancz examinations will commence
On Tuesday, June 28th, when they
will have 'Grammar, Writing and His-
tory. On Wednesday they have
Composition, Spelling aid Literature,
and on Thursday,' Arithmetic and Ge-
The. Lower School examinations
will commenoe on Friday, June 24th,
when first and second year Agricul-
ture is on the ,schedule. On the
27th they Will have Physiography,
English Grammar and Latin' Gram-
mar, On the 28th, English History
and Geography Ons the 29th, Art
and Botany and Arithmetic and Zool-
ogy on the 3oth,
The. Middle and Upper School pup-
ils start on June 2oth and write until
July 5th . 'Literature and Chemistry
come on the first day. ' Geometry
• and' English History on the 2tst,
I Physics and English Composition on
the 22nd, Algebra and Ancient His-
tory on the 23rd, French: Authors
and Composition on 'the 24th, Latin
Authors and Composition on the 27th,
Trigonometery ' and Botany on the
28th, German Authors and Compos-
omposition on the 2gth, Physics and Z000l-
ogy on the 3oth, Greek Authors and
Composition, on July 4th, and Spanish
Authors and Composition on July 5th.
A. J'. Edgar, our local agent for the
Essex Motor Cars, reports the foll-
owing sales:—Johri R. Windt, Essex
Coach, John L. McEwan, Essex Coach
Gavin Muir, Essex Coach, J_ Ht (al--
braith, Brussels, an Essex Sedan
711lAtlt11 11 111 1 111 I i 1uilll�i11 i timlimilmIll�lll i ulollL/liai iii .11 limina
1 ti MI► il: t 1 1 t � ,.�
A Rich Fabric for dres:les, in al lustrous Art Silk, that gives •
extra wear and washes perfectly, a splendid range of patterns in Ili
checks and stripes, 33 in. wide 550 Y'Ia.
fly A beautiful pure silk Canton Crepe in a fine quality, dependable
for wear. All the nkw spring ,shades 40" wide. Special $2,50 yd.
A fine imported quahty of pure silk, with a rich finish in a
®_ splendid wearing silk, new light shades for spring and summer wear
40" wide • $2.95 Yard, ■i
A splendid range of patterns and ,colorinngs in silk and cotton' 1
crepes. Lovely for summer wear, 36" wide. 'Special 95e Yd. NI:
a GINGHAM 25c ■k
32"faEnglish, Ginghatm5• in a large range of pattyerns in small
and medium checks and stripes: Fast colors. 'Special. 250 yd,'. N•9
Highly mercerized quality with silk finish, a splendid wearing
material that retains its finish 4o" wide ,._ 900 Yd. �
SILK HOSE $2.39. ■
Mercury made All Silk'Hose, full fa hioned '•the new shades !'
, � ,
for summer wear, all. sizes: Special -$2.39 per Pair. _•
Silk Hose 95 cents to $z -so Sweaters $4.00 to $5.00 Scarfs .$z -so $3.00
Gloves 95c to $2.o0. Novelty Prints 3oc. Silk Handkerchiefs 2$c,'
Silk Underwear, Slips and Bloomers. a—
■II01111111111lr11111111■11fi III/III■I Ell Illtalll
1 ■Ihtllt�{Ii/III 1 � �IIItIIi�
ttl/iltrAtl[ftir111�1, t#1t1
;„ Judging by the crush atter a'liquor
sto a which. several of the surround-
ing�towns are staging, there seems
to be an idea ,prevalent that as a
trade, drawer, a booze dispensary is,
about the biggest wonder ever.
Whether there :is anything in the
theory, Walkerton seems willing to
try it out, and hence on Monday hast,
Manor HaIladay could be seen wend-
ing his way down the .streets of Tor-
onto to the office of the Liquor 'Com-
mission. Corner of Sitncoe and, Tem-
perance, where the "Strong Man"
Hanna holds out and directs which
way the booze shall flow.
BeW'ng a• stout Temperance roar+,
Mayor Halladay, like others of the,
dry -as -dust persuasion, espoused the
"Control" at the last election, and
waswilling to give the thing a trial
in, the hope that, it would banish the
Goodrich' and Firestone
Tires were never as
cheap and never better.
.n■niimIl■IlIEIl1■:irrlillluutinialuimpani si titl■111s Bienitiisf1llYiuFtwiiI■'II■!91
4=01111111 =
e7--• Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 21, 22
For Heaven's Sake."
Two Shows Bach Night, Commencing at 8
Admission 35c and 20c. •
Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m.
! ®.
Monday and Tuesday, April 25, 26
bootlegger, bush plant and bum and
put the traffic where it could be con-
trolled in a Governm,edt dispensary.
So dry, in fact, had the Doctor
been in the past that when the Wel-
fare Association met on Monday night.
and decided to go after the shop, the
members nu being advised that the
Mayor had preceded them to the 1'ro-
vincial Dispensary works began look-
ing askance at each other, until one
members arose and asked in effect
"Which way His Worship toed in?"
Was it a water tap or'a beer pump
he'd gone after?
` Well, any misgivings on that
point were dissipated by the way
the Mayor opened the Town Council
meeting on Tuesday night. No soon-
er had the Board assembled than
His Worship arose and struck -an at-
An Indian's sacrifice for the white girl he loves. i «ynu all k'now I'm a Temperance
lel - Man,' and when they nodded their
heads in assent, he jet them into'
the secret that, he had been down to
Hanna, the Strongman, and had hu -
pressed upon him that "Walkerton
wanted a store not only for the sale
of beer, but of the harder brands
of liquor as iweli'.
After pausing, so that 'several of
the Councillors might get through
licking their lips, His Worship con-
tinued that "Walkerton wouldn't
Wednesday and Thursday, April 27, 28
"l, ".
IIII�III'�'�Ill�illl .,ll tg.i MIiII�NlM16M111MIilEI1.l.M111
The I`>I:'Og Star
— IN
tic Flashing Fangs "
benefit from . the store directly, as,
the proceeds went to the Government
yet fromthe influx of people - that
would be after liquor,` iicluding` the
tourist:• and those from nearby places,
there couldn't help but be sorrte.mon-
ey left in the other business placer
of .the town.'
The Mayor concluded by, telling.'
of a delegation after, a .booze -'store
he met going down from a Bruce-
ruceburg north of Walkerton, and -<also
of meeting a prominent old town boy
in Hanna's office who vas after a
dispensary for Woodstock; . and who
Helped him' lay' the Walkerton ' pro-
position` lucidly before the Strong
While Mr. Hanna was non-commfr
tal,•he.allowed th,e Doctor to departt
in a very optimistic mood,: but intim
ated that if Would be ::well into the.-
surnindr. before the smaller places
would et any booze, • as the cities,
had to' be stocked up first, and that
promises to ' keep the Commission
good and busy for a spell.—Walker-
ten Herald. '
Randolph County plannf ed a good
roads meeting for last week, but had
to postpone it on acdount of the bad
roads. -Missouri Notes, Kansas City
A. local company of Harriston men
are organizing , a company to drill
for oil in Minto township. Work
has coirunenced on the farm of Rob-
ert Seifreid, about four miles from.
Usually a Jack-of-all-trades, cart
snake everything but a decent living.
There's some objection in Egypt to
a measure restricting bigamy. Some,
fellows can take a lot of punishment.
liltlillSlillaing tmeim uwisnileitinsilsllimilki
Do You Know ?
Ill That we sell pipe and fittings till
a for all classes of work, and do .4
E Plumbing, Stearn, Hot Water
and Hot Air Heating?
Stove Repairs'g7���,Pugmp+�Repairs
. I W. J. Bt BCE ■..
d Store Ph. 58. House Ph. 88. �_
IL IIIl11i1E11115111041111flnI111111t11I181111 11R1l$Bu11$
TnE ne'ty,tt beide:, Snished
in tbo most modish shale ' of Dhco
the massive' full-ctown fenders the smatt
bullet -type lamps, the newly -designed
rsdintor-the host of mechanical refine
meets, including AC Dull -filter and AC Sir.
cleaner --the powerful, smooth and
responsive Chevrolet crustae --oil of these
contribute to the deep, abusing sense of
tat,staetioo which the owner of the htost
Beautiful Chevrolet esperdences,
All that yon ivaut fit a moderately -priced
C.44 Chevrolet gorte you at NEW, LOWER
P1Uc the lowest dor which C bCWOIet
hag ever'been sold in Canada .. • and no
car at, . er near the price can .gave
AA iia the advantages which masse the
Mast Beautiful Chevrolet the outstanding
luetomobfe aeMe'ument of the year.
.Roadster - $65$.00 Coach - S760.00
Touring 65 .00Sedan - . 865.00
Coupe Cabriolet - 890,00
LandauSedan- - - - - 930.00
Roadster Relive*? - - - 655.00
Commercial Chassis - - - - - 490,00
Utility ,Repress Chassis . - - 645.00
i?rices at Factory, Oshawa.
Gatienirli6n4 roes Fra.
;t o filo CRA rFO C a9,y Winghtu Ont.`:
Dealer in 'Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and McLaughlin Cars.