HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-21, Page 4WXNtl<HAM ADVANC;EaTIMEO Thursday, 4pr h 2fst t9,07, t 1 lii Ila■it tolg1.lliNNa�liriM1Riti!!>fit#l�li)MmoilSllllpu i1a riaion It it �il�i{,�ltiirs 11 �_ 1 4i *cn a t �^ i a L111'S�a �" _ _ 1.. ...-."A.0......HJ.i.I:..':.2.1 2.2:. .23 1 t. , 11 s.....0..X. i•1 i '.....11... 'riLL.0'....:.-...•.cori t..6. .11..6.... .1So‘.. .. 1..e.. .. i....i 6. wtitt,tul-ItIrtlltttftl,ttttttt111tt11,tsetnatt,twiteate t ftthimpi„tothaiIH„N117111ti111tina n,lttttgrlon1 afford "to miss this big cannot a ▪ event ' Phone or' mail orders receive prompt attention. nmiutY,t„It anint,t„ren,w sumo. untrumse a toinatinnwei mut I_. ogNlnw,niuWrmnn,t,tMiwwntnnw{tRt1, � ■ �•�+ a •b1 ' ■ on s Drug Store Sfwre li Phon053 Winthama Ont. S AVE WITH' SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL DRUG ;STORE 1 11 Y01;7 � 111111{11111ill11111.11111lsinf•Lii11I111111 Ul11ilO1111nllati lll•IUQ tll�lll/iia/Mlrlltilgwl 1t111t{111 FI111111a11111�1111i111�111111IIslllllli� i alltutteltlollirlillIMI111111t1111111tH {1111 I�iII�Ei ilditat•tllly 11 E. 'THESE iu a i i e FOR RENT location, Garage for ren cent HOUSE AND LOT FORSALE E A fully rnadern hou.e, brick veneered. A!1 conveniences, good location, eight r oorns and attic. Apply t A J, W. Dodd, Agent: FOR SALE --Seed Oats, 0, A. C. 72; Apply to. Wrn. Henry, 'Whitechurch, NOTICE—Anyone having any old dewing machine that is out of work= ing order, can: have •it repaired promptly by bringing the Webster, head 'com- plete to A. W. The Tailor 'Upstairs, the first door td the left over The Advance -'Times office. Needles' 3o cents per dozen; :shuttles $I,xo each. Bands 35 •cents each. R 311E11in11uwwunl1it111/Im11111sniflu6nt■inetsussuisu su ■tnuisui 1 ■ oR1tUS E A PAL QF YOUR WIFE Mr, and Mrs. '"'Victor Haines and, Gibbs,' family spent Sundav� with friends in (BY A, H. English Novelist) - a Ripley Mosleni women are unveiling W k Wedding belle are ringing on the in up after a thousami. red one years. 2nd line this week, Western women have,dropped the Vic-. ' with Miss Vera Sellers of Stratford Nor- Itorian a antimacassar,and w r it the i anal • is spending the holidays with fundamentalism of thaeir ttntde u her: parents.' It r: and Mrs. M. Sellers°,, toward man. They are stretching • Mrs. - Geo; • Orvis and family of their economic' muscles, exchanging Wxngharn, visited at 'IGTr. D, Camp; the rolling pin for the welkin -stick. To bell's. (paraphrase Anatole France, it is the Master Lorne Moorehead of Listo- Revolt of the Angels. l' is isitin” at Mr.' A. `Jen Als- we vA hundred years ago marriage was tyne'e. l the be-all and :end-all of a woman's Mr. Maxwell Abraham and Master life,• She was bred for it, trained, Vern of Listowel, visited his mother,. far. it, sold off by her mother to the 14115, T. Abraham, one day last week), highest, bidder,, a chattel,'a,child-mach BELMORE Eine, who in 'turn, became the auction- WANTED—We wish to obtain the services of a good, honest, thorough- ly reliable, man, who is well regard- ed in his own communnity, to rep- resent a .Toronto house, whose man- agement is A. I„ having an estabe lisped reputation of over 25 years. An experienced man will go with you to start. You will get all en- quiries to follow "up in your own'. district, credit for repeat business. This offersa good opportunity to such men as retired• farmers, un- ptement salesmen, or any other mail who has the necessary character qualifications and if favorably known. State whether you have car and if ready to start at• once. Box C., Advance -Times. .NOTICE Tp CREDITORS Notice: is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chapter ;2x, of the Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, that all pers- ons having claims against the Estate of William Abraham who 'died on or about the 25th day of February, 1927, at the Township of Mulberry in the. Province of Ontario, are required to send o ypost,:Pre aid or deliver, er, to A. E. Gallaher, or Thomas McMichael, post office address, Wroxeter, R. R. r, Ontario; the executors of the said deceased, on, or before the 26th day of April, 1927, their names and addres- ses, with; full particulars in writing of, their claims, and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them duly verified by .a.statutory declaration. And take notice further that 'after the said 26th day of April, 1927, the SALE --Chattels being the FOR SALE — Two 1926 Overland AieCTION SAL•, estate of the late W. 2,Con.4, , H. Brandon, '. �artd' Pontiac. Coaches. said executors 11everal the estate will; proceedto distri- at Lot Morris, on Sat- touring cars, ,in• good ,condition, both bate the assets ofamong par urday, April 3oth, at 2 o 6'clock. four and six cylinders -B. Ji. Ben - Jas. Jas. ;Taylor, Auctioneer. inger. DIRECT SALESMAN—Experienced, Whole' -or spare time, to .demons- trate and take orders. Well ad- vertised linea in great demand, big commission. Write Sales Manag- er, 140 Cambria St., Stratford, Ont, FOR SALE - Quebec Cook Stove small Quebec Heater, sideboard,. canned 'fruit, chemical closet,.wom- an's fur lined coat. First 'double house on John St up the hill. Mrs. J..0. McGregor. FOR SALE—Bargains in Property-- If roperty—If .you want to buy dr sell a house, give me a trial: I have on hand several houses for sale, priced from one thousand, to thirty-six hundred. —T. FELLS, Auctioneer. WANTED -Middle aged lady for gieneirall' {housework. Apply to. Mrs. John Elder, John St. Box 173. LOOK—Get lily price list before or- dering Barred Rock or Wl-ite Leg- horn Baby Chicks or Eggs for Hat- ching Pure bred -to -lay strains, Incubators and Brooders at right prices. Custom hatching done—Dun- can Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont.— Bell Telephone 611-42. FOR SAT..E—Range, Coal oil cook stove, single iron bed; coal oil heat- er, tapestry nig, congoleum, rug, high chair, hall seat and mirror;: Ap- ply at The Advance -Times. GARAGE TO RENT— Central lo- cation. Inquire at The A dv ance Times. FOR SALE—Baby Buggy in. (Ar) condition. For particulars apply at this office, 'WANTED—Horn with attachments for Edison phonograph. Apply to Cinelair PhipPen.. LOST -1927 Marker for Car.Finder please leave at Advance -'fines off - WANTED --Collapsible baby carriage.. Must be in good condition. Apply at Advance -Times office, FOR SALE—Girl's Cleveland, bicycle almost as good, as new. Phone 160. THE DE LAVAL Creain Separators, milkers and extgines, also repairs kept.. -- aZ..n 5, Hamilton, Agent, Wingham: ANTED,— Yearling eattle or calves for pasture. Phone; M. Bradburn, 13e1graye, Phone 623•, r 31. FOR SALE -- ,tg25 Ford Coupe in Ai condition!. Apply 'at The. Adva.ttce-Tithes. It OR SALE—Wicker i3aby Carriage xti good-eoinditioii. Apply to Mrs. Twatrit of le Corner ohn & Minna: � J Streets, FOR SALE—One Aladdin Lamp. Ap- ply to Clayton H. Phipp.en, Lower Wingham. FOR SALE — Range, coal oil cook stove, :single iron bed, coal oil heat- er, tapestry rug, coxagoleum rug, high chair, hall seat and, mirror. - Apply at The Advance -Times off- ice. FOR SALE — The chance of a life- time to secure one of the nicest home, just outside the corporation of Wingham, 9 -roomed frame house, three acres of choice land, about twenty fruit trees, good stable and accomodation for over one hundred hens. — Apply to Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. FOR SALE — Tungar Battery charg- er, almost new also radio cabinet box and Grebe Radio Outfit. A snap for quick .sale. Inquire A. G. Smith. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the ESTATE of LAURENCE FYFE, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Hur- on, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant of S. S. No. x, of Sec. 56, Chap. 12I, R. S. 9, 1914, and. amendments thereto, that all ,persons having claims against the Estate of the said Laurence Fyfe, who died on or about the Twentieth day of December 1926, are requested to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the un- dersigned Solicitor for the Executors, Jannes. G ,Fyffe and, William T. Fyfe, on or before Monday, the 25th day of April, A. D. 1927, their c]iristian and surnames and addresses, with full particulars of their accounts and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them, duly verified by statutory declaration. \ And further take notice that after the said 25tH day of April, A. D., x927, the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Estate among the persons entitled, thereto, lxavine regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. And thea said Executors will not ,be. liable for the assets of any'part there of, to any Person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have :been 're- ceived` by their :said Solicitor at the times of such distribution. DATED at Shelburne, this Fourth day of April 'A .tl, 1927'. Shelb' olicitor for th,e E: ectitor n e, Ont., Those ,out of the village GoodFri=(eer. •To her, then,.divorc'e was ruin. day, Were: Mr. and Mrs. John Dari- hit placed herbeyond the pale. She ing, with Agnes Rutherford, Bluevale; was dead sociahy4nd,,of course, mor Mr. and. Mrs',.., Herd and family at ail'. She was an outcast. Newbridge. 1`,. To day we are facing the fact that Those here ,for, the holiday are:— I a, woman is no longer'afraid to leave Miss Lizzie. McKee, Gorrie, Norman • her husband. She is, no. longer de- Neivans, Detroit; Miss Blanche Irwin,`I pendent upon his support. She has of Wingham; Annie Douglas;, Elsie made the great' discovery that she Doubledee and little Miss . Hyndman 'can' sup ort herself She has taken 4;4, Newbridge. the economic weapon with which she Mrs. James Austin :visited •. Mrs. ;has been clubbed so long and thrown Lucy: Harris Mildmay on •Sunday. ) it back at him :like a boomerang. The . The Women's Institutie, met Wed- : shackles of fear. are no Ionged argued. nesday afternoon at Mrs. Peterman's.'her ankles. She has stepped forth, Attendance. irkMrs. Win.Edwards free! had, the topic, f or this meeting, "Ways And tomorrow -- a hundred years of helping children form habits of 0- hence? The present emotional antag- bedience and „Courtesy,” Director, Mrs.Arthur Fitch. "Roll Call," A onism will have disappeared. The timely topic.Community Sang— awkward gestures of newly found lib - Nellie of trying ahe , sprouting wings, Nellie Grays will `have. acquired r.ythm and grace. M. and Mrs. Robert Jeffrey and . Stewart, ent Sundaeven- ing . Today she has' developed from a chat - Master SP Y even- ins with the former's mother. x tel into an antagonist. Tomorrow she i maybe a partner, an equal, sharer of town, , A little girl in our�' From, school ran;away, burdens and - rewards; spiritual as well L• But finding, work at, home too"inuch, as physical'. Went back again to stay. 1 Of course, the dish washer will sur - Miss Irene `Mundell spent Sunday, wive as a type as long as there remains ties entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the claims of .Which `they shall then have had notice, and the said ex- ecutors will not be 'liable £oi %t he `said• assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim they shall not. then have received notice. DATED at Wingham, this 5th day of 'April, A. D., 1927. R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the executers. NOTICE—OILING STREETS Ratepayers of the Town are hereby notified`that properly signed petitions for oiling of streets, will be accepted by the Town Council, if presented on or before Saturday, April 3oth, 1927. Forins of petition may be secured on application at the Town Clerk's Office. This work will be carried out under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act, which requires that petitions be signed by two-thirds in number of the property -owners and representing over one-half of the assessed, value of property on any street. The oiling will be repeated later in he season if required.. It is expected that this service will cost about $I.5o for a 66 foot lot. This amount will. be added to taxes of property affected, NO petitions will be accepted after Ap- ril 3oth, p-ril3oth, 1927, W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. evening at the Manse. 7 a man in whoiin that,age old' tradition Miss Gamble of Whitefish, is , a has not been 'stamped out. But this visitor with her aunt, Mrs. McKenzie. `is • an age when our,, ears are already familiar . wit hhte, splashing sound of Make your pane brighter with Del- tradition being dropped overboard,. co Light. The dependable farm Thenew generation has a lofty con - Electric Service. ' Get our, new ' low price and terms. HENRY JOHANN Delco Light Dealer Glenannan, Ontario: t . Just' as we look back with a tolerant. ; . smile at those dark ages when the law ordained; that a man ,might ,not kiss •his wife on Sunday, so will they look back at where we are today. The pre- sent hypocricy of marriage will be in- tolerable There will be no law or public opinion to force a woman to go on living, with a husband when de- testation ris mutual. Instead of being a matter of perjury and smart lawyers, divorce will be as readily .accessible as a postage stamp. If a wife has no money of her own she will no longer be in the position of accepting tips, as, she is today, how- ever gracious they may be offered. In other words, man and, woman, in their marriage relationship, will 'look at each other with different eyes, as partners and equals; ,morally, physi- cally and economically. NOTICE T,O CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Edward Haines, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of March A. D. 1927, at the Township of 'West Wawanosh, in the ?rovinee of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, ' or to, deliver to Rt Van - stone, 'Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adnlinistratrix, on or before the seventeenth day of May, A. ID; 1927, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing, of their claims and the nature of the securities' (if any) held by there duly verified by a statutory declaration. ANT) TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said seventeenlh day of May,. A. D. /.927, the Said admitistra- trix will proceed to 'distribute the as- sets of the said estate'among the par- ties >entitled thereto, having regard` only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice,: and the said Atdrninistratrix shall not be liable for the -said assets at any part tliereof to any person of whose claim she shall' ,tot then have received :notice, DATED et Wingham this thirteenth day o April, A. D. 1027. R. VANS" ONE. Winghain P. O. Solicitor for the ldmhnistrat i c. • • tempt for the .old. It refuses any easy thnig that it accepted It is a gen- eration of restless experiment, 'fear fear- less of consequences. :; .TINDERS .FOR' COAL SEALED tenders addressed to the Purchasing Agent, ' Department of Public Works, Ottawa, will be receiv- ead'at his office until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 26th, 1927,: for the sup- ply of coal for the Dominion Build- ings throughout the Province of On- tario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions: attached can be obtain- ed from G. W. Dawson, Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and. R.:Winter, 59-61 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. fenders "will not be considered unless made' on the forms supplied by the Department, hi accordance'''with departmental spe- cifications and conditions. The right to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed- ing Io per cent of thio amount of the tender ,to secure the proper, fulfilment r reserved. of the contract, is By Order, S. E. O'Brien, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April $, 1927. • -Passion, of course, will always be present; but they will have won their way to a far saner solution of its consequences than is dreamed of in our present philosophy. If civiliz- ation it to endure, then man and wom- an have got to stand shoulder to shoulder, thinking alike, 'working 'to- gether, equals. •I I I i ( tlli s rl nseisenett.1etwiA�llelll lrlenni ll ltm{IreIQ�i1 sass{ l Isla �h�tlsllCri� i� _. * 1 oat. Troubles i i _ iiii a 47,ir Iq Announcernent.. We beg to announce that we have opened an office in the former Canadian, Banka, of Com- ou stocksn7el cu' building kr trading � in and bonds. Daily quotations and price changes of all stocks R° +. those nterested are available for leoi. . i ed STOCK BROKERS. BOND DEALERS. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN PR DVISIOI*TS' COTTON Private Wire Connections to the Following 'Exchanges: WINNIPEG CHICAGO NEW YORK MONTREAL TORONTO n['VICES AT C'O»Ek.1C1 I NG 1Allt[ WINGI-'AM I EAl3'CH—Ay�i, p&W OP COMIVMEECE'.ELDG.:, iC`JG].'V.I t 051. ✓ � it 11111 Ill I :' 111t li Idrtrll�111Nrivllwlrltlrl1111111�lrllrl�rn�ul�llnwllrrwr<ul�rrrrlplrin w Itlrwrrrleltllnar�rrlrll�i i11rrl tlrrl I ing Feet, i r �Plt ri Very often stall- with. the 'advent of hot I weather and in this connection. vire desire 'attention of everyone' who ° to bring to the'a a• - suffers from 40 foot troubles" of a new and '., Very successful remedy known as GS Areal griAass In and achingfeel—craps in - ..For burning g • the toes—foot callouses --pains In the toes, instep, ball of the foot or heel. for all Brace" is a realpanacea his new "Arch . T toot troubles. Several in the' Town'and vicinity of ' ith the most Wingham are already wearing them satisfactory results. 1 The illustration shown herewith— * 7-7 1 , ■ a Are exceedingly simple and surprisingly efficacious. I • - Prices for Women $1.25 per Pair a= For Men" ;$1.75. lic i il !W. �� � ILIJH _ • 111 THE SHOE STORE Phone 129, WINGHAM = 1 �: ilis1u111•IInisti fanom11111ansuialisimissirilnintli■IIIAIrldllniuss1rH1\Ih1. t) 1l :.: REAMER. Y ,, MAITLAND C l� '. ,c 0 - . i\ • s ` ,We are 'handling Pool' Eggs the same as last year. . If you j have not pooled eggs before, make enquiries. Now is thfe time to start. • CREAM % This is yourcrearier . We Pa wcfain market pricefQr- Cream at the time it is delivered to Ole`,factory. Twice a year, we divide the surplus profits with the cream patrons. Is there :anything fairer in Ali creamery business than this. Our fourth ,Commodity. Divide will be ready,on April` 18th. `' TRUCKS ,. If our trucks have not called on you, ring 271. We will make arrangements to give you 'a truck service this year. it (t (`, ice W! !C i ;t c = 1E. I� 1% `THE UNITED FARMERS CO = OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. ' s Phone 271 It - is I' Wingham - Ontario fc i'M Y , (.\ /aln aln(.lu a\ani\ (l\ (MAN a a n/o\i (.:(a ,1 rI i/s\n 1\i \ n\uh\n \n ifinifnanitlir, .7b e 3: .t `. a' a car would neto oo as 9 ifek'fi have• A Six -Cylinder Valve-ba•$3ead Engine; A Vibrationless Engine—with all mountings of resilient silencing, rubber;, A Triple•Sealed Engine; A Vacuum -Cleaned Crankcase; Automatic Heat Control; Thermostatic Control of water circulation; Sealed Chassis; Torque -Tube Drive; Automatic Lubrication of engine, universal joint and fan hub;•, One piece, 1 -beau{ Front Aute; Cantilever Rear Springs; Fisher Body with V.V. Windshield; Duco Finish; Ton-IPlate Multiple Disc Clutch; Controllable -Beam Headlights; Mechanical 4 -Wheel Brakes; Balanced Wheels. iwa-aoir A. 11. - CR•A FORD, O s NT Dealer in. IVIcLatiplan g ! Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars,,. L -'�` ' rr� a"'BUICK .:mHUlt• it U >tit:atirtni•irr,t,ntiottury.atfncit*Ikirlit%j tiri uLb�trY4iiieWY hitt' sgr6iiA oy rin,u.h'teN`tth);