HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-21, Page 2eep them toeil and h.appy giaaieAlove ove the e delicious flavor of eltngds C°rt` l lak e s thet 'Jerfilt pess! hern An Kellogg's are great f° . -al a seasy;tc digest! Se�hath waft °r cre �afresh or1med fruits Oita honey. Have � lurch the ejenirtsal• Order hotels, restaurants---on $ai jinlrBas sold byll grocers. MaaebyKelloggori aon, Oni�oOver-fresiifhe inner - sealed n gred-attne limitations ca equal nfldvar• Dertand�e geafime •t •"i Wfl GHAM ADVANCE -TI ?EEAT O`r*E CANAL CHARTER BILL The defeat in parliament 'Of bill to renew the charter of the Geo- -ian Ba Canal Co., will meet with . general approval throughout the coini try The bill would have given to the company (mainly the Sifton family, =,it is said) the right to develop vast iIand valt able water powers along the Ottawa River, and that such privil- teges slouid, be granted to private interests is no longer considered wise by those" who take interest in such matters. Theday for private Bevel- J opmentof\such natural resources has gone by, and the government at Ot- tawa, evidently came to appreciate that fact. It looks as though it had been the intentionof the' Government to re- new the charter, or at any rate,'thor- oughly test public opinion upon the matter before refusing' it. The Sifton family have long' been- helpful friends of the Liberal Party, and, as those who help political parties and candi— dates in a financial way, look for compensation -often on a basis of ten to one, it was no light matter for the government to turn down the re- quest. However, there was nothing' else for it, The country was unmis- takeably against the .bill; and against the giving away of great .natural sources of wealth. Government de- velopment of evelopment"of great water powers may not be perfect, but it is always pos- i sible to improve' it, and is preferable to private -ownership and .deverlop- ment. CHIVE A LITLE BIT • We are nearly all on wheels. Do. you realize the danger? Auto driv- ers who goat top notch speed en- fdanger not only themselves, but 't1i ers who have a right to the highways.- The closed cars now in general use mean that .you have ' to learn how to handle them' the -same as you did the open car. In a closed car you are tempted to, acid do, drive faster than in an open car.: Watch your pace when approaching a car. Slow down, It doesn't mean much time at the end of the journey,'but it does mean much in safety to yourself and others. 'It i,s needless to take risks. It does notprove that one lis a good driver because he can whisk by others at fifty or sixty miles an hour. It proves that one is reek - less. Let us remember •to give the other fellow just a litle bit more road than he is entitled to.: Leads the World an Motor Car Value A More Distinctive Style in Motor Cars—Achieved by Nash For those who hope to find their cars It has the Nash 7 -bearing motor- as Special Six Special Sedan at the very peak of style and lukury, do all Nash models—for superlative Nash has created this charming Spe- sMoothness at'every speed. cirri Sedan on the Special Six Chassis. Its graceful profile suggests the'cue- It has the Nash tubular -trussed frame, tormn-car design of Parisian boulevards. for extra strength and steadiness, to guard the body from Here is the low -swung French -profile strains. destructive effect so desirable today. Every interior detail is luxurious. The upholstery is' tailored in exquisite Mohair Velvet. Window mouldings, door panels and instrurnent board are in walnut finish. And therev is a ' walnut steering. wheel. And the way this car perforins is every .bit as enjoyable as its sparkling style. And it has power! Nash models, all of them, have extra power for ex• hilatating acceleration, on the hills,, and in the traffic. Ct nipare this car to others sold at this surprisingly moderate price and von cannot fail to decide you would rather have the Nash. e n ergy ea er, W n h n 1 Thursday, Alrril 21$t 2927 Sheer and Dainty Fancies for/ � Wear MYSTIC VOILE, MULL, NAINCHECK, CREPE, EATHER Select Materials SUITABLE FOR Children's Wear +ilr.Wla4111•11oiuiroar 41.1= owowYogoYYa • RAYONS, RAYSHEEN, BEACHCLOTH, ARROWHEAD, ETC. 1VIYSTIC VOILE The desirable cloth for fine Liugere.' Comes in colors of Blue, Peach, . Pink...Or- ange, Mauve, ;Etc, Very special at per yard, 29c. Have you tried it'? VOILES PONGEE SOUISETTE BROADCLOTH WE HAVE: A MOST DESIRABLE RANGE OF Newest -Fabrics 'for Dresses. For All Occasions. CaEPES RAYONS SHANTUNGS RAYSHEEN. The new'cloth for Lingere and Children's Dresses: Comes in a range of ..bright' colors -White, Champagne Mauve, Rose, Green, Apri- cot. Specially priced per yard. at 59c. Make a point to inspect our stock while it is near .complete Smart Accessories To Match Up GLOVES - -UNDERWEAR HOSIERY NEWEST SHADES 'LATEST STYLES LOWEST PRICES We Feature the Makes Here Listed. SILK UNDERWEAR—iVioodie's, Gordon Liiagerie and `woods Lavender. HOSIERY --Mercury, Hollywood and Puritan Maid. GLOVES—ALL KINDS -Gordon Quality first, last and always. We Recommend These Lines To You. �.. VISIT EACH AND EVER DEPARTMENT IN THE STORE P. Every one a Special Department in Itself. DRESS GOODS, STAPLES, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, SMALL WARES, MEN'S & BOYS' & SILKS & LINENS & GLOVES & NOVELTIES, & YARNS FURNISHINGS.. All on. the Main Floor of the Store. , House Furnishings CARPETS. AND RUGS LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTH CONGOLEUM: AND INLAID' SMALL MATS 'AND. RUGS STAIRTREADS AND PADS BLINDS, RODS, WAX. Ready -To -Wear COATS DRESSES MILLINERY BABY :DRESSES A.ND BONNETS Toys and Novelties FANCY CHINA & BRASSIES IIAND.P,AINTED BREAKFAST 'ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS 4[SETS COMPACT SETS, PERFUMES PERFUME BOTTLES, DOLLS 'POWDER PUFFS, Papettries To be found on the Second Floor. Visit The Store OUtett During the Suratne; Alimatio. We invite. You to Hwamoo. star** 11142,. oak Aroujcdd.