HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-21, Page 1it
Waith ' whIch Is • a>inlgaimated rhe Garde Vidette and The Wroxeter News'
uchre and Dance on ' Friday Evening,
the Council
cha Fibers,
Single, opies, Five Gents.
Subeoriptiors $240 Per FSR•
The death occurred at the residence
•of his son-in-law, Mr. William Chap
man,44 Louisa street,` Ottawa, on'
Thursday . March 3ist, . of Thomas
Friendship, after an illness of only
a few days. lie was seventy-five
,years and, one month old.
Born at Devonshire England, the
late Mr. Friendship came to Canada
with his father, tate late Thomas
Friendship. He took up residence
in - London, and later, came to Tees -
water and for the past forty years
has lived there and, at Wingham ever
since, except to visit his daughters at
various times. Last November he
went to spend the winter with his
daughter, Mrs. Chapman at Ottawa,
an'd had been about as usual until the
Friday previous, when he complained
of a pain in his chest which was the
beginning of the end that came so
peacefully the, following Thursday
A short service, -was conducted at
Hulse Brothers Funeral Horne that
evening, and the remains were brought
to Teeswater.
Surviving, besides the bereaved wife,
are three daughters, Mrs. Hy. Allen
of Wingham, Mrs. Harvey 'Schaub of
Kitchener, and Mrs. Wm. Chapman
of Ottawa; one son, Thomas of
".t eeswater; two sisters, Mrs, Jas. Ross
and Mrs. F. Currie, of Brussels; also
four grand -children.
The funeral` at the home of his
son, on Sunday afternoon; April 3, at
2.00 o'clock, was conducted by Rev.
M. Paton of the United church, and
was largely attended, as he was well
known and highly respected in the
Jarvis -Finley ':Nuptials
The, home of Mr. • and Mrs:. Sandy
Finley' %'cvas th..e
scene of a tiapPy •ev=
sent on Saturday, April 16th, when;
their,:third daughter, Ruth` ,Elsie; was
united in marriage to Percy Stanley
Jarvis of Listowel, in the presence of
about 6o guests. Adjutant Martin,
London Salvation Army, officitated.
The 'bride, who was given away by
her .father, was dressed in white with
bridal veil caught up with orange
blossoms. 'She was attended ,by'
Miss Margaret Finley of Toronto, and
the groom's friend acted as'best man.
Velma, sister of the bride, acted as
flower girl, and the bride was the
recipient of many lovely gifts. The
bride and grogm left Monday for
thir home 'in 4 Listowel, amid the
'best wishes of a host of friends.
(Sunday, April 24th, 1927
Conducted by
Staff Capt. Christopher Sparks
of London.
APRIL 24th
Rev. M. M. Bennett, 13. A.
Christie, Choir Leader
Parsonage Cor. John and
nie Streets,' Phone x83.
xx A. 14,—Art object sermon for
the Voting W'orshtppers.
Sermon Topic --',A Comparison,
of. Gifts.:
2,3o, P. M. S. S. and 'Bible
P, M, -Sermon Topic The
Audacity Which Achieves the
1 cte Numbers bythe big
C�l angars; are c1
c iic t
Church with
, .
a Message.,..
Local and General News
and Items of Interest
Mr. B. J. Beninger, local auto deal-
er, hassola the following cars recent-
1y.:Foeld & Co. aStar delivery, A.
C. Adams, Whippet Sedan; . C. 'Cart-
,.r.,. an Overland Coach.
MEN—Buy your Spring Underwear
here. Athletic, Balbriggan and light
weight wool short and no sleeve
styles.—King Bros.
Mr..H a L. Weir, arol • teacher of
No: 6; Howicl,, has secured the pos-
ition oft assistant principal in Kitchen-
er's largest public school, and leaves
for his new position after Easter hol-
IVIr. .William Weir, operator at the
C. N. R. station for the past few
months, left Monday morning 'for
Drumbo where he assumes the posit-
ion of station -raster.
New Socks — Checks and Stripes,
New Neckwear, Collars,. Shirts and
Gloves.—King Bros:
Mr. George R. Allen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Allen has 'recently
been promoted from the Art Depart-
ment of the J. Walter Thompson Ad-
vertising Agency, Chicago, to Art Di-
rector of their Cincinnati Branch.
New Top Coats—Suits—Rain Coats,
Hats and Caps for Men'—Young Men
and. Juniors -King Bros.
See "Aunt Susan's Visit," old-time
costumes—musical selections between
acts, in Wingham United Church -'
Tuesday, April 26th; at 8.15..•Admiss-
ion `25 and 15 cents.
The Women's Institute wily hold
their regular monthly meeting ill • the
council chamber on Thursday after-
noon; April 28th.. Mrs'k W, J. Cur -
Fie' aitid 1VLrs� ' W M: Anderson
be directors for the month.
Dance! In the Forester's Hall,
Belgrave,. on Thursday; April 28th.
Arthur's Radio Orchestra. Every-
body welcome . Admission 95 cents'
and tax. Extra lady 25' cents.
Does it 'pay to advertise? F. W.
Willis, manager of the Federal, Rub-
ber Co., placed a '25 -cent advt. in our
paper a week ago, asking for ' old
papers. He tells tis that after the
first appearance of the advertisement
he was almost buried alive in the
avalanche of papers which came in
as a result.
The Wingham firemen responded to
a call on Thursday afternoon to , the
home of 1VIr. Sam. Morton, Victoria
street: No dama6":was done as
tli•e grass,.
lila gotten
iwas sent
the. fire was "confine
but looked, as though 't
beyond control, so .the ala
in', The firemen soon had it under
control withotit the aid of water. '
The fifty-third meeting of the Synod
of Hamilton, and London, will be held
on Monday, April 25th, at 8 p.m. in
Knott Chtirch, Hamilton: The pro?
gramme is full of interest. • Matters
of the first importance will be taken
up and discussed. , One feature of
the meeting is the prominent part
assigned to laymen.
The home of Michael O'Reil1ey,
total Con. of Ashfield, was burned
to the ground on Sunday evening.
Fire was noticed coming from the
roof near the clam'e by,zpassersby,
rid 'the. old g,entl man was eating
supper, quite• unawae,„of the danger.
He .says he cannot account'' for the
blaze, as there was very little fire in
the stove, His wife was spending
the day with relatives in Goderich,
The than and the girl were saying
good -night on, the doorstep When a
window:abov them
above was pushed sada
denly open and a weary voice said,
"MY `..dear sit,,„I have no objection to.
your coming' here and sitting up half
the night with my daughter, nor even
Your standing oft the doorstep for
two hours saying good -night, but ort and two brothers, > viz: Mrs. T. A.
of consideration for the rest of the Walley, St, Thomas; Mrs. H. J. Hart-.
household who 'wish to go` to sleep ley, Brantford•, Mrs. J. 13, Fairbain,
will you kindly takeyour, elbow qff B�es,iiist elle; Mrs, C. C. Duncan, of
the belt -push?' Vineland Station; F' .S. Elliott,Spar-
to and A. 13, Elliott Wingham.
',editor .' of The Advance -Times , , g
e r
reinains were brought to S
roy on Tuesday and after service yin
the United Church, interment
made in the Satulders family p1 t
tlx1� Strathroy'Cemetery,
Social Evening
r i vi t attend
You are ,ordially n ted o
a social evening under the auspices of
W.g ,
L. Win ham in the Parish
2 . Good music.
Hall, April 28th, 5 c. 9 q �
Lunch will be served. Admission soc.
Horticultural Notice
Members of Wingham. Horticultur-
al Society may have, their Begonia
bulbs by calling at the home of the
secretary,: Mrs'. E. J. Nash, Centre
St. The Glads. and Shrubs will ar-
r ve later.
Accepts Position in Wingham
Mr, Ambrose Zettler, formerly 91
Walkerton, who ,has been operator
at the Ca, N. R, station, Listowel since
Sept.. 5924, hasr'accepted a,,,similar pos-
ition in Winghm,u»an,d'Ieaves shortly
to assume his new duties.—Listowel
Canadian Evening
The Westminster 'Guild of St, An-
drew's Presbyterian •Church, ' at their
meeting, will make, next Monday ev-
ening, -an "All Canadian Night.” A
good programme of Canadian Read-
ings, music and a series of slides,
showing Canadian •scenery from coast
to coast will be. given. At the pres-
ent time; when the Anniversary of
Confederation is a live subject, this
should prove an attractive and •educ-.
,cational entertainment. Everybody
Died in Lewiston
At Lewiston, Montana., on April
6th, ;5927, Geo.. H. Longman passed
away at his home there. He will
be remembered by many residents of
Celross' having worked yiti
elan at _ J'ameson ' Sawrdill, on the
farm now occupier), by Mr. GeorgeFal-
coner. He was a member of Court
Whitechurch No. 116 C. O. F. He
located in Montana nearly forty years
ago.' He is survived by his• wife,
whose maiden name was Margaret
Charters, and two sons; Charles and
Roy, both at home.
The Late Mrs. John Musgrove
An esteemed lady was Mrs. John
Musgrove, who crossed the Great Di-
vide on Saturday, April 9th, after be-
ing confined to her bed for almost
nine months at the home of her sis-
ter, Mrs. Win. Deans, 9th Con. of
Turnberry. Deceased was born in
Willmont township, and was a daugh-
ter of the late, Andrew Woods. 1-Ier
husband predecea'aed her ,eleven years
ago. STie is survived by three broth-
rs, John, David and William, and
one sister, Mrs. Deans, all residing
on the 9th Con. of Turnberry. Mrs.
Musgrove bore her sickness with that
cheerful Christian fortitude for which
she' was rioted all through her life.
Th'e funeral was held to Wingham
Ceinetery, on 'Tuesday, April 12th.
Rev. Dr. Fergie, of 1St, Andrew's Pres-
byterian .church conducted the servi-
ces. Thepallbearers were Messrs.
Jas. Kirton, John Hardie, Andrew
Carruthers, Peter Hastings, Roy A-
dair and John Deans.
Passed Away in Detroit
In Detroit, on Saturday evening
last, Nellie. Elliott, beloved wife of
Mr. A. E. Saunders, passed away,
following a brief illness and oper-_
at on. The deceased lady will be
remembered by many of our reader.
She was born, in Listowel, and spent
earlylifein Wing liam being a
her g , Z
daughter of the. late Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Elliott, her father having been
for eight years (editor of the Wing-
ham 'Times, She had' resided in
Michigan and Detroit for nearly
twenty years and was highly ,esteem-
ed by her many friends. Mrs. `Sauii-
dors is survived, by her husband and
three children, as well, as four sisters
received a nice treat of maple syrup
froth Mr. John R. Salter, Like most
things, there is maple syr im and.
'ti';,.s the
maple syrup, but M�'. Salta is.
real goods.
One young son of . David ft Mc-
Farlane, tenth concession of McKillop
sl i wasinstantly kit
To wn t p, led and a
second is in a, critical condition as the
result of being drawn under a heavy
roller upon which' they had been
clinging in `when th,,e team of `horses
drawing it ran away • yesterday. The.
lad who met death w
erville McFarla
enth ,year.
three year
The bo;
with their
a roller wit
do work. •
reorge a
o'•was,in his elev
His brother is about
s had gone out to a d
father, and both go . en to
which it was.nY't nded to
arses somehow
became unmanageable' and ran away.
They ran through the barnyard, and
in doing so struck'a, post, causing the
lads to be thrown ander the sioller.
The elder boy, George bad been hold-
ing the reins.
George had his left arm severed,
besides having his skull fractured. The
younger boy received serious injuries,
is condition being reported as critical.
On Thursday, a very enjoyable ev-
ening was spent at the home of Mr.
and Mrs.. Adam Robertson, t Mr.
and Mrs. James F. Young were the
guests of the evening,• when their
friends and neighbors of the surround-
r�"tTmtfiirch;w••y,,,,ith the
.and presenta'1 9n:
rs. James' F. 'Younig:-
nds and. Neighbors: ' In
ur departure fron'' this.
d, where you h, v resided
time 'tae seek a new
ing district horn
folio"wing add
To Mr. and.
' Dear Fri
view of y
for so long
home' in another '.part of the coun-
try, we your old friends and neigh-
ors. tgtake's'>tl op.� it 9 ttin'of
meeting there ould ere with' ''you to -night,
give expression of our good wishes
and kindest regards, and hope.. and
pray for your 'comfort and happiness,
land in presenting you with these
chairs and spoons would ask you to
accept then,, • not because of their
material or intrinsic value, but as an
evidence of the' esteem and 'friendship
we feel toward yourselves,
And in you future and declining
years, as you sit inthese' chairs and
enjoy their comfort, they will perhaps
recall memories of bygone days, days
of pleasantness and joy,, and perhaps
days tinged with sorrow for such is
life. Tender thoughts will go back
to the old companions left behind and
niay these happy thoughts of - the
past bring to you good cheer perhaps,
in lonely days to come, and while, we.
may regret your parting - here, we
hope to meet where sorrow never en-
ters, where tears never flow and grief
never rends the heart:
We bid you now goodbye, dear friends
And wish you great success,
And hope that soon in your new home
You may happiness possess.
And may you soon gain many friends
That'll prove both true and kind,
But still we hoje you'll not forget
The friends you've left behind,
Signed on behalf of the friends by.
Wm. Wightman, Adam Robertson,
Mrs. S. McBurney, Mrs. F. Thompson.
The address was read by Win.
Wightman and the presentation by
Mrse S. McBurney, Mrs. F. Thomp-
son aad
liompson:and Margaret Deacon.
Although taken altogether by sur-
prise, Mr. Young made a suitable
reply. The evening was spent in
a quiet social way, and a. nice lunch
wars served by the ladies, Everyone
went home, after wishing them every
happiness and long life to enjoy their
oung,MacDonald -- Itt Teeswatei,
' on Monday, April 28th, Mr. William
A. Young, of East Wawanosh to
Miss Mae Irene Macdonald, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Augh Macdon-
ald, Teeswater.
A college boy walked into a drug
store. "Gimme .a bottle of liniment
and a bottle of furniture polish”
"What in tate world ate you 'g`oin,
to do with that combination?" inquir-
nq stir -
ed the druggist.
"Well iny ronin -urate',
t s n itt his legs and •one
;las rheina,7
of their, is
Many~ Easter V sitars
t � m
a o e �:nd Abxo�d
Mn and Mrs. Arthur.Ney spent the
.holiday G y in town.
Miss Ena Currie ofToronto was
home for, Easter.:
Mr. A. J. Walker, accompanied, by
his two daughters,* Bet.. and Dell,
, y
motored to Toronto on Friday
W. J. Campbell finished seeding 22
Miss Myrtle Isard is visiting in Tor- acres, last week. No one had a
onto and Port. Credit, start madethis timelast a t year.
Mr. Harold Barrett was up from Miss' Norma ' Isard, of Toronto,
Kitchener for Easter, spent theweek-'end at the home of
Mr, B. J. Beninger made a business her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Isard.
trip to Toronto last week. Miss V. Johnston of London spent
Mr. and Mrs Frank Watson motored the holiday with her parents, :`;Mr.
to London on Good. Friday. and Mrs. F. Johnston, Francis st:`
Miss Elsie Blackhall of Crediton, Miss Edna Gannett, Toronto spent
was home over the holiday, the week' end with her parents, Mr,
Mi{; Orval Graham of Stratford, and Mrs. Wm, Gannett, John St
spent the holiday in town. Miss Mary Cosens of Toronto, is
Mr. G. L. Brackenburyand family,
visiting with her parents, Mr..' and.
r d y' Mrs. Abner Cosens, Minnie street
were in London on Saturday.
Mr. John Campbell of Detroit, spent Miss Gertrude Anderson of Strat-
the week end with his wife here. ford Normal is home withher parents
Mrs. Alex. McDonald (Sen.), is • re- MVLr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, John st:
covering after her recent illness. 1VIr• Harry Dore of Sarnia, is spend -
Mr: Wm.. G. Patterson of 'London, nig the :week with his parents, Mr.
was in town one day last. week. and Mrs. Wm. Dore, Shuter street.
Mi. Geo. Robertson buy er for Dav Harold Mills of Toronto is spending
ay. , ,the holidays with his 'parents, Mr.
les, Toronto, was in town Saturd
Mr. and Mrs T. McK. Smith spent, and Mrs. J. A. Mills, John street.
the holiday with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wheeler of
Mrs. W. .Adams and son Alton, ,Hamilton, spentr'Sunday at the home
o£ Mr. W. M. Reid,
are visiting with friends in Orange-
ville... Mr. and Mrs: 'L. -Kennedy and
Miss Beatrice Dobie left for Tor- daughter of Toronto, visited ' with
gnto;'where she intends taking a:pos friends in Wingham over the week
ition. end.
Nurse Walters, and her`sister, Miss Mr. Orval Struthers, Grimsby, was
Annie, motored' to Hamilton on Fri a visitor `at the home of Mr..and
day. Mrs. T. J. McLean over the boli -
Mr. and Mrs. West, of Stratford, day. •
spent Sunday at the home of Miss MIF, and Mrs. Wm.' Chapman and
FIeuty. son Hoover, of Ottawa, are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Allen, North
Dr. Bessie Du Val, Hanover, spent
• the weep end with Dr,;' and ,14Irs St.
DuVal. Mrs, Wm. Isbister and son, Clarke,
of: T • ,',
oronto.waxe:v'siti a
the home,
Dave 22obertson Of `�'oronto; is
, 2 ng ...
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister, Maple
renewing former acquaintances in
Wingham: Street.
Mr, and Mrs. 1V. E. Brawley and Miss Alba Galbraith of Toronto,
family spent the week end with friends spent the holiday with her parents,
in Guelph. i Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, Minnie
Mr. Theodore Robertson spent the street'
Easter -tide at his Koine on Patrick Miss Edna Smith of Kitchener,
spent the week end with her parents,
street. Mr• and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Francis
Mrs. A. M. Franck, Leopold St., is
visiting with her son Capt. Tees, in street.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McElroy of De-
MIiss Clow, of West Lorne, is the
trait, spent over Easter, with the for -
new boot: keeper with the Federal nter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Me -
Rubber Co. Elroy.
Miss Lillian Longman of Windsor, Musses Annie aild Florence Barber
visited at the home of Mrs. D. Clow, of Toronto; are spending the Easter
Josephine St. vacation with their mother, Mrs. Chas.
Mr. Wm, Chapman of Windsor, is Barber.
Miss Nina Haugh of Toronto is vis -
visiting at the home of John Brooks, iting at the "home of her parents, Mr.
Victoria street,
Mr. Thomas J. Baker has purchas- Jas. A. Haugh, Diagonal
and Mrs.
Misses Tena Isbister and. Phronie
Grenache spent the holidays with
their brothers and other relatives in
Miss' Margaret - Jackson, of Park
school, Toronto, visited at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Jessie Jackson,
Scott St. •
Miss Marjorie Gurney of Stratford
Normal is spending the holidays with
her parents, IVIr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mr. Ab. Small and family of Strat-
ford, visited at the home of his moth-
er, Mrs. 'Small, Diagonal Road over
the holiday.'
Mr. and Mrs.- C. Boyce of London.
spent -the week end with the former's
parents, Mr. and MTS. W. J. Boyce,
Minnie street
Miss Helen Musgrove of Niagara
Falls spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Musgrove,
g ,
Centre street.
Mr. Arthur J. Itwin, of Toronto
Dental College, spent the holidays at
the home of his parents, Dr. A. J.
and Mrs. Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Love of Goder-
ich, visited) at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Amos Cornelius, East Wawanosli
'on Good Friday.
Mr. Harry Browne of Kitebener,
spent the holidays at the home of
his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry
:Browne, Josephine St.
visited with, his sister, Mrs. A', J,
Mt and kirs. W F. Sebnock, of
Walker over the week end.
Listowel,said Mr.. tuid Mrs. Mich el
Mr. M. IA:. Zu Abri and family ofa
glz y 1 rauter
of Ethe
eft Sunday atf•fianiltot,'spert a couple ofcays D.dMMcEweHn,es,rbert Doig Of
relatives in rnrliati.
M'r. and Mrs, C.It 'v' illcinson. also
t� is
were visitors t
y l o s at the r
, home of
Mrs; Tilos, Fells and Miss c"toris,. ilio•
14Mi. turd 3trs. rr.
toted to London on Ptrday,
ladies ant sisters,•
ed a Ford car from Mr. James Kirby
of Teeswater..
Mr. Thos. Roadcliffe,' of Exeter,
spent the holiday at the home of Mr.
James Cornelius.
Miss Harriet Roderus has returned
home from her extended visit to Buf-
falo and Sebringville.
Mr. Fred Manuel, Detroit, spent the
holiday with his mother, Mrs. T. Man-
uel, Victoria street.
Miss Bessie Wright of Toronto,
called on her aunt, Mrs,' W. Reid,
during the holiday.
Miss Elizabeth. Barber of Ottawa,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Chas. Bar-`
ber, Leopold Street.
Miss Lillian E. Baker has returned
to Wingham again with her sister,
Mrs. Willian J. Finley.
1.ieut, Wright of London, called
on Mrs. H. Wheeler, Pleasant Valley,
who has been seriously ill:
Master Peter. Fisher of Toronto is
visiting with his aunt, Mrs. George
:canna, Josephine street.
Mr, and Mrs, Alex. McEwen, Mor-
ris township were visitors on Cul-
ross boundary last week. '
Mr Iden Carter and Johnnie Ross
of Detroit, were visitors over the hol-
iday at the former's home,
Ensign Wheeler of Hamilton spent
the holiday with het mother, Mrs, H,
Wheeler, Pleasant Valley.
Dr. G. H. Chapman of l3ridgeburg
an, The
Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Manning' an,d
daughter, Lois, of London spent: th+
week end at the home of liter mother,
Mrs. D. J. Boyd.
Mrs. McLaughlin end daughter
Verna, of Dundas,were visitors a
v si S at ..>:
the home of the : f ormer's dau ht r
Mrs. F. L. Davidson.
Mr, A. M. Bishop spent the holiday
with Mrs. Bishop s parents in Hamil-
ton, where Mrs. Bishop has' been vis-
iting for a few%days.
Mrs. A. G. McDonald and little:
grandson; Eric,Johnston of Godericb,
are, visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew McDougall.
Mr Stanley Harrison of London, and
his sister, Miss Marjorie; spent Eas-
as-ter vacation at the hom'e' of their
mother, an Edward, St. .:
Miss Edna • Musgrove of the Gale
Collegiate' is spending the' holidays
with her parents, Mr. and`, Mrs. A. H.
Musgrove, Centre: street. •
Misses Marie and Margaret Robert-
son of Toronto, spent,the' week en
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
T, Robertson, Victoria street.
Miss Iva Logan and her friend, Miss,
Treleaven, of'London, visited at the
home of the forrner's aunt, Mrs,, Daw-
son, Shuter St., , on Tuesday: 1 4
Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson and
family, accompanied by Mr. and, Mrs.
Geeirge Black and daughter, spent
the week end with' friends in Toron-
Mr, W. Logan Craig, of the Advan-
ce -Times staff spent Easter with Mrs.
Craig in Grand Valley, and Mr. W.
George Akins was, a Flesh•erton vis-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindsay, Mitchell
and children, and Miss Em-
ily Mann of Hamilton, spenf the holi-
days at the home of their father; Mr.
n •.
f , and Mrs. -:Mel Melvin yrn rr. and...chil-
dren of Lucknow, and Miss Ella
Mae Orr of Mildmay, spent Sunday
with their aunt, Mrs. D. Clow,' Jose-
phine St.
Mr. Eldon Peterman of Detroit
spent Easier with his wife and daugh-
au h-
ter here. Mrs. Peterman and her
daughter, Miss Lillian returning with
him for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Stone and
children of Kincardine, spent the holi-
days at the home of the former's par -
•erns, Mr. and Mrs. John: Stone, of
Pleasant Valley.
Misses Ann and Helen Wilson of
Toronto, and Mr. Currie Wilson t�f
Southampton, spent over the week-
end at the home of their mother, Mrs.
J. Wilson, Edward St.
Miss Ella Dobie and Mr. Gordon
Dobie of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Dobie with Master Jim of Ac-
ton, spent, Easter at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Dobie, Diagonal Road.
Mit' Norman Butcher spent a few -
holidays at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Butcher, Josephine Si. Mr.
Butcher, who has been on the staff
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce
at Dundalk, has been 'transferred ti$
Euchre and Dance
Euchre and Dance inthe e Council
Chamber on Thursday, April 1st.
Euchre commences' at 8 p.tn. After-
wards dances, new and old, for every-
one. Good music, Proceeds in
aid of charity.
'Wednesday Half Holiday
The business men of Wingham met
on Tuesday morning and decided to
hold the regular Wednesday afternoon
half holiday, commencing tin ,the first
Wednesday in May, and continniti
g ,.
until the end of October The week-
ly half holiday is now being held itt
almost every town in Western Ontar-
io and appears to 1'e quite, popular.
Married at Bluevale
A quiet wedding.was solemnized at
the parsonage bn`Monday April ,i8,
at 2. p.m. when Miss Mary Etta Case -
more of Morris was united in marri-
age to Mr. WalterJ(f
e fray, a
• Rev.
Mr..' Walden officiated, only immediate
friends of the bride and vroom being
r t+
present, The happy couple ieft
the ;,' o'clock train for
a short lirrrt hone
moon at Toronto and otli " . 1>ornt.as,
ter which they will reside on the 2n
line of Morris,
Their many f lr`
wishthemlong happy and hap.