HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-14, Page 8'711K17.77,7:71'...7 .°"7"77,7, 777", -.1777:".1''r7.1r WXNGIMA);0VANCE-TIME3 .,„;forsixiNGroN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. • E4tablished x840. Heacl Office, Ottelpla, Ont. Risks taken op all classes of baSUr- !JACO at r'eaSonable rates, ABNER COSENS, Agent, •Wingbam J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT • AND HEALTH . — INSURANCE --- AND RAL ESTATE P, 0, Bo/ 36o Phone 240 WINGIIAM, ONTARIO • J .W BUSILIFtELD Banister, Solicitor, Notary Et . Money to Loan Office --Meyer Mock, Winglaam Successor to Dudley Holmes R. VANSTONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. • Money to Loan at Lowest Rates • Wingbarn, -• Ontario J. A. MORTON • BARRISTER, ETC. • Wingharn, Ontaiio DR. G. II. ROSS. • Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of. Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. 11, W. COLBORNE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54 Wingham. Successor 4o Dr. W. R. Hambly. Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. By Percival Christopher Wren TE GREATEST MYSTERY Sl'ORY EVER WRITTEN ; "Three fleas," he commented, thus ly•all implicated --all three thieves. If breaking a long silence. we are scattered, two of us may be 'Did you bring he 'Blue Water,' innocent. There is a doubt on each with you, John?" asked Digby, of us, but not a stain on any partic- "No," I said, "I clic* bring it with ulnar one of us. . .W1i5/ write at all, me." in fact? We aie just runaway rim - "Careless," remarked Digby. • inals. They don't write home, . ." Did you bring it, Bean?" I asked "My strength le as the strength of "Yes," answered Michael. ten, because my heart. is puali," bleat - "Careful," commented Digby. e Digby: "Did you bring it with you. too, Dig' "My strength will be as the strength "Never travel without it," was the of eleven if you don'tlbut up," warn - reply. • ed Michael, "I suppose one of us three has got "I don't see the point really, Beau," it,", I said wearily. I objected. "We ,prove nothing at ",Two of us," corrected Digby. t• all by being scattered. We might "Oh, yes, it's here all right," said still all be criminals. We could eas- 'Michael. "What would be the good ily have planned to pinch the sapp- 'of our being here if it were not? hire,- to bolt in different directiohs, "Bringus up to date about things," and to share the loot by meeting later he added. "How's everybody bear- on, . ..Or we could share without ing up?" meeting. One of us cOuld, dispose I told them the details of lily evas-' of it in Amsterdam or .:omewhere, ion; of. how I had declined an inter- hank the money, and send, a third of view with Aunt Patricia; of how the lit to each of the °fliers by draft or shock of somebody's disgraceful be- cheque, or something. 1•." haviour had been too much for the 'Hark at the young criminal!" said' Chaplain's health; of' the respective Digby. . ."Hasn't he got a mind?" attitudes of Augustus, Claudia and Is- "What I mean is," I explained, ."it's obel. • :a bit rough on-,er—those that are left "It is rough on Claudia," saidMich- behind at home, not to let them know ael, "and, in a different way, on the where we *are—alive or dead anti all poor old Chaplain." that . • ." "And'in a different way, again, on I "Thinking of Gussie?" asked Dig -by, Aunt Patricia," I obserVed. , • "Besides," I went on, 'how are they 'Thirty thousand ounds," mused to let us know if the damned thing P turns up?. . .And how are we to Digby. "What price dear old Uncle know how they p".'e ,g?tting on? . ." , Hector, when she breaks it to him? ) He'll go mad and bite her." "True," al.:reed ought to Aunt Patricia knovr that ‘,"Doesn't bear thinking of," said I. "Derioed lucky for young Gussie that va are hale and hearty, andshe ought to ka in a position to let .us know if :Isobel was able to clear him " mused • Digby. ,,. -7 .fthing happens or turns up i What DR. R. L. STEWART • "That's what pekes lrabliard for we I don't want to do meanwhile, is to ` Graduate of University of Toronto, "Cla,udia—p.v-oiv'ould have done, if we spoil the impression that one of us Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street.,,, Phone 29. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner • Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine • Office --Josephine St., two doors south' • ot Brunswick Hotel. Telephones: Office 281, Residence iv DR. G. W. IlOWSON 'bEINTTIST Office Over John Galbraith's Store F. A. PARKER • OSTEOPATH All Diseases Tx-eated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. • Stmdays by appointment Hours=9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 27a, • A. R. & F. E. DUVAL • Licensed Drugless Practitioners, Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto and National College, Chicago. Office opposke Hamilton's Jewelry Store, Main St. HOURS: 2-5; 7-8.3o p.m. and by • appointment. r, Out of town and night calls respond- ed to. All business confklential. • Phones: Offioe—soo; Residence 601- J. ALVIN FOX DRUGLESS PRACTIONER CHIROPRACTIC AND , • DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECFRC)-THERAPY Phone TOT. hadnl,afrolted," said Michael `Gussie is the tbaef. . still think it .would help to keep supicion on us, And to and Isobel being out -of it—it was he !deepen the mystery, if we don't let or she or one of us. .. it be _known that we are all together. In the silence that followed' I was We don't want some fool saying' that aware of a sound, close beside where a buttress of the wall project - .we three agreed to take the blame ed: Probably a rat or some nocturn- land share it, and socleared out to - al bird; poSsibl3t a dog. gether to the same place. . :when "Well—it was one of us," said. Mich- the -thief is still at Brandon 'Abbas. ." ael, "and we demonstrated the 1 "Who did pinch the filthy thing?"4 fact. We"ve overdone it a bit said Digby, voicing once more the though. question that I had asked ..myself a "Why couldn't you have enjoyed your thousand times. ill-gotten gains in peace, at home, 1 "I did," said Mielta,e1C John?"iie went on. "Or left me to 1 "Then why th-e, devil 'don't you put enjoy mine abroad? Why this whole- it back?" asked Digby. sale emigration?" 1 "Too late now," answered ,Mithael. "Yes," agreed Digby, "absolute mob. "Besides I -want to lie low and then They won't be able to decide whether sell it for ,thirty thousand pound. we are all4in the job together, or five years hence; invest the money in whether we're chasing each other to various ,sound things, 'and have the 'get a share of the loot." income (of fifteen hundred to two ' "No," said Michael.% "Problem'll thousand, a year, fOrlife. . .Live like worry them like everything." , .Uncle Hector—sport, hunting, travel, "When are we to let them know big -game ' shooting, flat in town, were in the Legion, Beau?" I asked. clubs. . • AWe're not there yet," was the "On Uncle Hector's money?" I said. reply. "Doubles the joy of it, what?" re - "When we are," I pursued. plied Michael. `Dunn°. . Think about it," said "Funny e1uig that;' put in Digby. Michael. "It's just wh t I'm going to do—es-.- "Don't see why We should let 'em cept that I find one, can't get more know we're all there together," said than about twenty thouasnd, and I'm Digby. 'Better if one of us was at, going to put a into a South Sea Is - or up, the North Pole, the other up land -plantation, and an Island trad- the South Pole,. and the third sitting ing concern. . .Have the best on the equator. More mystery a- schobeer in the Islarrd,s, and be ,my bout it—and they wouldnt know which owu.sufiercargo.. .r .Evcry third year, to chase first." come home and live the gay, life of "Something in that," agreed Mich- my twenty-per-cetn profits. I reckon ael , "If we are all together (since to make about four thousand a year, you two have come), we are obvious- Yes. .Marquesas, Apia, Honolulu, Tahiti, Papeete, Kanalcas, copra, tik- nieles, lava -lavas, surf -riding, Robert GEORGE A. SIDDALL Louis Stevenson. "What are you going to do'with? the Phone 73. Luria", Ontario. 'Blue Water' Meanwhile?" 1 asked, Money to lend on lira and second' humouring the humorists, mortgages on farm and other real es- " tate 'properties at a reasonable rate of .d Always carry it about with _ Hours to -/2 a.m., 8-5, p. nt. or by interest, also on first Chattel rnortga- SatrY* "11 1 get an eyc , appointment. • D. II.. lilleINNES CHIROPRACTOR.' ELECTRICITY Adjustments gitreri for diseases of all kinds, ,--ficeilalize in., dealing with children. ettendard. Night Calls tespooded to, . Office Ott Scott St.,, Wingharn, Ont, Teleptiohe 150, ; ges on stock and on personal notes., ed but wear it 111 the ern9tY 'socket, . . Blue-eyed boy. .' Good A few farms on hand for sale or. to rent on easy terms, idea, that. . . ." •1 "Or you might put it where the monkey pet the nuts --develop aeponch JAS. GILMOUR in your check. Very simple for you, LICENSED AUCTIONEER I should think." 1 suggested. Saleo conducted at reasonable rates,1 "Roth ration ideas," (Thjecled Mich" Satisfaction Guaranteed t set. "Marsupial is the tip, 'Ran- -Agent Pr— , garoo's custotn. They carry about CULROSS VIRE INSURANCE their young and their money and Insure in a Good Sound Company , things in a sort of bag, you 1 <now, ---------'----,'"-- Sox 267 , Wingham, Ont, .in front. . accessthle I 'Izeep . • or Phone a/6 r a , it on me, night and day—wash-leather •!notch- in a monev-belt. I thought . it all out beforehand, and bought the Pliclites: Office 1o5, Reilio, 224 A. 3. WALKER PURI DLit • THOIVIAS FELLS thilw TAtidon. ,Got to kill the Jortail.hdorro yott catirirrkob'rr •ruNB,1RAL D/rtgcroit REAL ESTATZ SOLD Gardsill diarneend-inerchant8 wear 6111 Mbt�r qaMtaent, A thorough0 • Lr towledge of -arm 1when they travel,Otin(1 11 r 1 It. — OVTA Rt0 Stock !tun -in -lies tmtler their little vesta. ." Phobia dt# Wi hit* ' °What makes them alVloOk Thursday, April x4th, Patnichy Qorrobarated Dgby "Nott haven't »tdTd us what you ars going to do? John," he went on, "Are yott going to lie low for the five ycars and then sell it?, .What are you go- ing to do with the money?" 'Divide it with you and Bean,' I replied. "Oh, stout fella," approved Digby, 'We've got to /in out what be's done with it first, th'Ough. ." And so we ragged and ehatted, sitt- ing there, three of the most incredibly foolish young foels in their folly, but perfectly care -free and leaving to the morrow what the morrow might bring forth...• {Towards morning we dozed, and the dawn found us cold, stiff, and aching, but quite happy. We were tasther; life, t1 world, and ad.venture were before us. (Continued Next Week) LAUGHING GAS—"Why take too seriously? You'll never get of it alive." "What steps would you take," ask- ed the inquisitive motorist, "if your place became full of earbon monoxide gas?" "Long ones," , answered the wise garage man. hfe out Are you overlooking this economy? At ten o'clock about -five • days a week, hates of Mt - cheater says to Long Dis- t,ance, "I want to speak to R. H. White, Peterboro.'• Whiteoklos forward -to Jones' call% and is alw-ays • at his desk ready for them. -"Why do you always ask for Mr. Whiter a tele- phone salesman. asked Mr. Jones. "Because he is the • man I want --no one else • will do." "But Mr. White is always' at his desk. If you said to the operator, 'Please get me anyone at 2624 Peterboro,!_you would get Mr. White, and the Station -to -Station rate would be about twenty per cent cheaper." Jones now uses Station -to -Sta- tion exclusively. He finds it answers every requirement and saves money. 283 *M1191111111a2MUZI— MR. NiacliAIR GIVES HIS EVIDENCE FINDS " FRUIT-A-TIVES" BEST CORRECTIVE FOR CONSTIPATION • MR. 8, MacNAIR Mr. S. MacNair of New Mills, N.B. is one of the thousands who owe mueh to "rruit-a-tives". Fun of gratitude he write the simple truth as follows: • "I can honestly say that 'Fruit -a -lives' Are the best intestinal regulator I have ever used. Other remedies, and / have tried a great many, cause pain and grip- ing, but `Fruit-a-tives' always act easily and effectively. I was inclined to be con-. stipated before, bu& now I ant feeling first rate, and rriost sincerely recommend Truit-a-tives' te everyorie.' "Fruitar-tives" is the sworn enemy o'f tionstipation. Made from the inteesified, juices of fresh fruits combined with ton- ics it, , 't '8 a nettiral rneciene It "s not habit forming. Don't let constipation plague you. Get back the bloorri of health, 'the sparkle in your eye the feeling that life couldn't ba hatter, 'Begin at once, with "Fruit.a.- tives°-2.5e and be a boa' ailYwhere-* aVerytthate,0 PAYNiAaTER if For& Rms Continue enc Hundreds of thousands of Canadian men and women depend upon the forests for their livelihood. 'You may be one of them. A lighted match, a cigarette butt, thrown down'carelessly in the woods, or a • campfire left smouldering, May,cost you your job. It is up to you; be care- ful of fire when in the woods. , CHARLES STEWART Minister of the Interior; The Most Up-to-date Job Printing at the most reasonable pikes - The "Advance -Times, Wingham One Klee to all. ' • TALK about lire values! Here's the •I biggest, best looking, full oversize • cord for light cars on the market at a low • price. Made by Goodyear. Made of SUPERTWIST cords. Ballckoris, too. Eig, tough tread. Lots of ini.leage. Full,13allac)ri. ccoinfort. See these,. 30 3g 31/2 8.55 2q 4594° 1 1 00 Cord " ing am Tire & Battery Depot W. Ingham, Prop. • VVingham, Ont. Phone 298, For iterviteiatke buy at bonne • .1- • I .1' 11 "... '"^rr'