The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-14, Page 3\
'T E.,SUNDAY SCHOOL I ESSO1+1;1.1 eeairtb. But my Father, who ie. in
EASTER LESSON heaven. Chris} thus aCc,epis ;Peter's
definition of Him as "the Son of the
The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus..---' Living Dad." \Tone but the Father
Matthew 28: Teo coiildshave revealed, to thee the .Son.
DOIDEN•TEXT--"He is risen,rev- A.,nd,r?I,saiso say unto taw. Peter'%
en -a.stake paid."—Matt. 28:6. lass ;given, his testimony to Christ, and
Mit :LESSON IN ITS SETTING now Christ will give His tcstmony to
'Time,+ -The /summer of A.D. 29' m isetrr•,, 'That thou art Peter, In pro
the ithiutl year of Christ's Ministry
Phetie :arifioiPation, when Simon 'lie-
Pierre "Near(; Casearea, Ph llippi, in came a •clisG' pie of Jesus, our Lord be»
the 'est:mtanorth of Palestine, east of stowed upon' him the name;, of Rock,
Dan. which: ;w•as'"tinathe Armaic spoken by
YA'VITAL QUESTION Christ was tCephas, and in the ,Greek
Now ' When • Jesus carne into : the of the tam 'Testament is petro, or
parts of tCaeearea ;Philippi. The most Peter And -upon this rock 1 will
n•orthes ' •itoiit;reached by oar Lord. build my -aura. Not upon Peter,
He asked this :'disciples,'saying, Who the fallible, -impulsive man whom
do men say ;that itlte Son of man is?' Christ in the next moment would
"The' Son of Mao" was Christ's fav -call Satan, and who was to deny
orite namte for tklsmself • The Mes- Christ in -lus terrible hour of need,,
slab was. the 'San ,af :man in that He but upon'Peter, the first confessor,'
sented man:be ore the throne, of and upon the great confession which
the Divine ?j•,ustice; ;He was typical he had uttered. 'Christ Himself; in
roan ,tempted i%n Allgeoints as man is
a lain •u onealimself the en-isdhurch and other found
tempted, taking p. Fstone of H ,
a spiritual sense; is the one foundation
tire weight of alte. rSjs s. of mankind,
suffering the perratlty of .man's sin up-
on the Cross, tanamakiag for all mtrn
that will accept it; atonement'
for their sins. '
...,And they said., Syne •say John the
Baptist; some, Eiijaln,, and ethers Jar-
endear, dr one of the aerophets. Or
ation can no-raanIay; lout in a material
sense Peters califession was the
starting -point of the church, and Peter
went on at Pentecost as .the spokes-
' ened the
man ofthe canna' and lvioad
!foundation by three 'thousand convt irts
'made` by: His"'filat •serrnon..And•
gates of Hades .shall • not -prevail a -
some other one of the prophets; is the.gaaaast it. Hades, from a Greek word
na lie as the ,r +'j ^i the lace of the
thought, Jeremiah, being meaning :unseen, ]s p
r ro hist, because the
representative p 19 demi.
Jews. held Jeremiah to be thea liief of ill ive unto ee the 'keys of
an honor "w' 'ch ,Chxist- I w gc
the prophets,the kigdom of heaven. The ;icing-
. ass%gki -to Isaiah: i ozn' aff heaven was "Christ's .elaerch,
n o em But who say d
He aaitb a t t which was to be establ'is'hed on eaath.
ye that I am? This is an ;essetttiad. iv e1 C1ir3st Himself.
It had a moor, nam y,
question for each one of us, and:,tlie; s e r thou shalt bind ,c-trt
ofof our
our n to be pressed horns to each An• whatve shall be bound in Iseaven, ' Wil „ '. inert' _ ; •yd.rth and "loosing" were common ex -
And Simon Peter .answered and ssaid. , teachers, whoA ain, as' on so many other'occasions, pre;sions among Jewish tea ,
would say, "The school of Shannmai
this forth -putting • �tiscipl�a was -the' it the:school of Hillel:9,00ses
finds ,
'spokesman of the Twelve 'Thou art, it signifyii•,g,: that the first sel•'of
tt'! Christ, The Mea;Siah, ,for both
eta, declared a certain practice or
word's mean' the' same, ryamely,, file 'doctrine to be binding an men's con -
t the One set apart :by thee'ocher
sciences and lives, while
Goy] tp be.the :deliverer of Gods_p•eo- adhere to it. Christ'
school do not :so
pie:he Son of the living God. The -school
meant that Peter's authoritative teach -
Messiah, the Son of Man, might have r the fPtdance of the spirit
been conceived of a mere pian, ,though ings under g n • ,,And
would be confirmed in heave
croft an wonderful. ou shalt loose on
h d h tsoever thou tl
Thursday; April retia, zeta
thorn that time began Jesus to)
show his disciples, that be, must ;go l
unto Jerusalem. Peter's definite act-
mieSion of "Christ's deity inaugurated
a new epoch in out:' Lord's mission. In.
six months He was to be -.crucified,
And ;suffer many things of the elders
and (chief priests and scribes, The
elders` were the heads of the Jewish
families or clans. The chief priests
were those who had served 'as high
priests and also the heads of the
courses of priests that served. in turn
in the temple. The scribes were,the
Jewish lawyers who interpreted the
sacred latws'to the people and taught
them the 'Scriptures. And be killed:'
The Jewish leaders had no legal'pow
er of executing those whom they
might condemn, brut were obliged to oneld•s otherwise "Ronnie`''--•:
. Wntthewra, blind from birth and
hand them corer to the Romans, , o possessing a natural taleint for mu:
that Christ' anticipated not the Jewish sic whin+h. /has been, carefully nut
tured;, has rbeoome a welcome per-
former. at spegial broadcasts over
CNRV, the Vancouver, B.C., radio'
station• mit fie' Canadian National
Railways. '"Ronnie" chose the piano
as his inisAnrument of expression and
the foundation: off • instruction :has
been so earefiifliy prepared that he
has already` successfully passed two
examinations e.sntder the 'auspices of
the. London A�emy of Music.
Seeking fora medium to ade-
quately present the boy's talent to
the world. at large, G. A. Wright,
Blind. Boyti clan Radio Star
death. by .stoning but, the even more
horrible Roman• penalty' of crucifixion.
"And 1, if I be lifted up," he said, will
thaw all men to one."And•. the -third
dayzbe raised up.
,And Peter took' him. Took hold
of 'Him or took Him aside; Peter's
sense of leadership and natural ini-
petuosity led, him to •presume too far.
The disciples probably all :shared the
protest of Peter, but he with his us broadcasting coxa]aauger, " •evolve a
nal impulsiveness ;took 'ithe 'initiative- feature known as `Che radio train,
And began to rebuke him. Saying, Be by which an imaginary train leaves
it far from thee,' 'Lord, this shall nev-
er,be'unto thee.
But be turned : and said unto Pieter,
Get 'dime •behiffid me, Satan. Peter
had just been put before all the other
apostles in deserv�ecl'honor now he is
ordered behind in ,merited disgrace.
The keys of'the 'kingdom. of heaven
Thad been placed i11 his hands; now he
is hailed as the very head of die
kingdom of het4.1• So -necessary is .
CNRV and :visits hones of kiddies in
British .Columbia, the neighboring
provinces, ' Yukon, Alaska and the
Pacific 'States. Of this "train" Mas-
•t:;ex "Ronnie" Is "conductor", acting
as ;,announcer and occasionally of-
fering pianoforte selections. The
feature has proven so successful'
that f!t has been made a permanent
part of the seasonla programmes at
The photographs show the "train"
crew, ready for the broadcast. >a'rom reading from Braille characters. -
left to right: "Doug," the brakeman
(Douglas Flowers; assistant, radio
.inspector);. - '"Sallie," (Miss Millie
Fuyarchok, of the station office
staff), who is "passenger" and also
the directing power for the bell—
e. special feature of all Canadian Na-
tional Railways radio stations;
"Aunt Emma," directress of eliil-
dren,'s programmes (Mis's. Mabel- L.
Tomer) ; "Conductor," "Ronnie"
Matthews; "Cap" Roy, (Roy M.
Brown, broadcasting operator), who
for the time being is the "whistle,"
and. G. A. Wright, manager and chief
announcer, "engineer" of the mythi-
cal "train," i`he mechanism held in
his hand being the "train" operating
In the lower photograph of "Ron-
nie" :himseJif he is shown making an
announcement over• the microphone
it f every Christian to take 'heed of t
and watch last when he. thinks and violets. The flowers beautifully
pride, ,
i Thou arranged;threegliout the rooms 'were
he stands firmest, he should Earl. Thou ve and'rose tulips with a back::
art' a stumbling block.unto me. Peter anaa
therock had been a foundation -stone .ground of greenery, while rose candles
d ftl shaded
To the Exl,itur av all him Winghani
payper ,
Deer Sur; - l see be lasltt wake's
payper that fine frind Tam Allen in -
finds runnin as a: Tory caodydatc: fer
Nort Huron, arr as an Indepindint if
the Tory Convinshun will. not indarse
him. Mebby some av the Tories
will be mad et his buttin' in,, as me
bye that ;wus oversays wud say, but
1 think he deserves cr•idit fer takin the
buil be the harts to shtartin the ball
rowlin, so to shpak•e. ' `cheer nivir
wus a toime in all me poilytickle r.-
perience whin us Tories wus so shlow-
gittin into the race. We thud be
makin hay to -day an:not put it aff
till tomorry an let the grass" grow.
undher our fate whoile the sten shoines
sowe shud:
An shure 'tis loil:ely to be a purty
faslit race afther all, whin the day
comes, wid tree intries already, an.
m'ebby more to folly. The fursht
to inter. wus the Grit pacer; who has
run more races than anny other van
in the- county. His slogan is, "If
at fursht ye don't. succeed throya-
gin, an agin," The nixtto inter`wtis
the U. F. 0. pony frum the woilds av
Howick, an, shure, he is thrainin har-,
rud fer this race, so he is . He • ran
in. the Ontario free fer all in 1923, an
Mss E, McEwan al Wingham, is
spending a week with her cousin, Miss
Mary Pope.
Mrs. R. J. Rants, Miss Alma Rant
anal, Mr. Alkin Rano, spent the week
end in London,
Miss Bella MacIDowell has returned
home after spending the winter in the
Mr. William Robinson and son; Roy
of Clinton was in. town on Friday,.
Miss McKenzie of the Continuation
school staff, spent the week end at
her horse in Harriston.
Arnold Edgar• had the misfortune
to get 'acid in. his eye while working:
at ,his garage on Monday.
Miss Belle McDowell, who has
spent the past winter with friends iii•
Michigan, returried t oher Mime here
last Thursday.
Mr, Kenneth Gibson motored from. /
Hamilton; and spent Sunday with his t
parents here.
Mrs. Ada Tait who sold her home,
here to' Mi' Geo. Bennett, left for
her new home in Toronto on Monday,
taking with 'her the good wishes of
her many friends.
Miss Katbleett Armstrong of the,
Stratford Normal school spent the
week end with her parents at the
Mr. Geo. Bennett's moved to their
showed considerable shpade, ar`: nnusht new home on Monday, recently pur
hev improved since/ Tlis shlogati chased from Mrs. Tait,
is; "Shtick to the ould..farrum byes,
till ye kin see .sozneting b•etthcr." The
latist intry is to be the clank harse I
miinshunned at the fursht av this letter;
an unthrained coult frum Dungannon.
He has nivir been over the coorse be
Poor, but may run party well if he
doesn't shoy arr break whin the cli'eer-
in. shtarts. His shlogan is, "Throy
annyting wance:'�
These are all the intries �up to the
prisint, but it wuddin't surpro.ise me
if' some new harse' should git,into the
runnin at the lash/ minnit an thrills
all the resht av thim. Shure, it •wud
be toa•bad intoirely to -lave the field
to : only thin tree whin : the, proize
money is so big. A' purse av $4;000
When Miss Macphail sfarted;out in
public life, she ~ceinplained of having
gotten the cold shoulder at Owen
Sound Coll. Inst because she did not
dress quite .so well as the city and
town girls, but the' only Canadian lady
M. P has no such`complaint now, and,
apparently has succumbed to society's
charms at Ottatira. -
"Miss .Macphail is no wallflower?!Such is the declaration of th,e.Ottawa
correspondent of the. Toronto Star,
close nuc r who sends to` his paper a racey des -
Thursday evening, Mr. Justice Len- cri tion, of the reception and dance
p P
the charm. Receiving with Mr, and pox at the Parliament Buildings, Ota
mouth Penitentiary, Daniel Crowd; a
in' the afternoon were y, j'Si1tt61 ilk a dl?ral4isi e?TS1.f�r a 1rt a� 1'awa, by the wives of the Cabinek
Mrs .Strachan a 'yen purty fasht thravellers. Mebby a lots . ; ,
old Indian f S 111 rosters ( y the way all the
at fellalis .do be shtayin out av the
t appointedbe Ministers are married except Premier
race ixpicktin to be
Mishter Ferguson's Commission' to I�.ing and the Minister of S'ublic
g Works, Hon. Mr Elliott, member for
Yup thin. boose dispinsharies, but ,.i
West ,Middlesex. The correspondent
kin tell thim they are. makin a mish-
fer thin iawb5 wus all shpoleen de"Misss
take, "Miss Macphail is having a won-
derfulwe may time. There is a' press of
retty holders an so •y In a crowded court -room at the
of the church; now, the next minute, p for of theB e Spring Assizes last
lights, completed a perfect setting o
he becomes a stone of stumbling, a the occasion, a grate fire adding to
hindrance. to the path•of the church's sentenced to five years in
Head,, For: thou mintiest not the
thins of God but the things of men.
The Greek.' implies, "You are not on
E, CHURCH' W a g ' tins- F. W. Barrett„ Miss iviorrtson, 19- year o c n ian of the at g
rt andJsei
And Jesus answered. and said uni#o authoritative decisions r:e , Mrs. Stewart
er to make 9as side but on man st •
ati be loosed in heaven. is poi -- ':era] othror ladies, Reserve, who had been found guilty
the manynests. Mrs, by'a jury after a two days' trial for
are thou, Simon Bar- looking atfer g
him, Blessed tit , rdin divine truth was' not confined ,said • esn§ unto his disciples,f
garding°1`het� , �. a. rmerl'. tlliss Htinnah n]ansiau liter. ilk 9Qnne6ti9u with the
Jonah. Looking to the reality of l t i d b muse Straehgn w •S fO..... Y
our L'ord's hum
to Peter ,but was expressly extended
a eC
He had single. etas` out, death of Grant 1lIeI5'.ali Stip Of a r•3 -
an attire, its CaPac had thrust himself forward. al Harris of Mildmay: ! `
�. ,� by Christ to the ether disciples, Peter a
itv fq;': w fader, anger;- sorrow
ld 'nee. charged l e the disciples that had praised Peter, ab the rest and
the emotions, 't , ` t o b If
iii ecl Pr'esb`yter ail minister, and who
above ie es
s is no over -bold
was. shot w1td killed on the evening
MORRIS i _ r h
o er ono ion , n
in these words soni+'thing they should dell no marl that he was blamed him above the rest. any man of Sunday, October 24, while approach
to recognize _ z
r' Not that the great truths would come. after me. If any man g
like a tone of exalted joy. For flesh :the Christ'. •
'. The Chris- �r W.
an.' a shack in a wood near Tiverton,
o so full of the disclosures of !.;ads is willing to follow ins,
and blood hath no1Q revealed i� unto ,, leading
Mrs. A VanAlstyne spell/ the weak where the Indian and his fath ,
Chris -
thee. No man • had told Peter that goodness and of inspiration to •men,
Jesus was the Son•of.Gtd. Andrew
when he called' his brother to Jesus,
had summoned him to follow the then.
was not in tine to be declared to all
the world, but the time was not ripe
wners mad rivers
to truck o �.
URING the months of, March and April, it is against
•. �.
the la
w to load certain trucks ; ped other vehicles
an the highways of Ontario:'above one half of their rated"
This applies to all 'vehicles having a carrying capacity
of ane -half; ton or more if equipped with solid tires and of
one ton or more if equipped with pneumatic tires, whethex
motor driven or horse drawn. It applies on every high-
way in the Province outside cities and towns.
• The Government requests owners and driver
of trucks and wagons to obey this reason
able provision, but warns them that the
penalties of t The Highways Act will be
vigorously enforced against those who
neglect to do so.
Frost heaves the soil, and leaves it soft, porous and
wet. For these reasons, it is at once the greatest fertilizer
of the land and the greatest menace to the road.
Foundations' of hard -surfaced roads are wet and
spongin spring, even when the top is dry:: Heavy
loads "churn"them. Fractures take place in the founda-
tions. The surface thus is left weak because unsupported.
, On stone and macadam roads, heavy loads cut the surface
as well.. The "metal" is forced down into the sub -grade
through the, spongy, earth. '
Expansive repairs follow the abuse of any road in
spring time. In an hour one 'single truck may 'cause
damage which will cost thousands of dollars and take
weeks to repair.
AS contributions to road building come from local
municipalities as well as the Province,• such abuses are
a particular offence against enterprising coninaunities
which provide good roads. In their interest, as well as
that of the public at • large, the Government nrafces, this
request and issues this warning.
Ontario De art]�s9 a o
1� 7
Tia+ Hoax« GEO.' S. HEfl.Y,, Iotistitter
tian life does not consist in with friends in Listowel. H. Crowe], the well-known medicine
others but in following Chas/, not in eiid
n Hetherin ton who ' man, had soine skins shot out of sea -
Miss Elizabeth Hetherington, f theb t•
nicely. t
in' upholding the kingdom of heaven, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley and interest to the natives of Bruce and
one's life
being upheld by itand building, family, spent Sunday at Mrs. T. Ab -1 Grey counties, as the father of the
one's life on the one foundation. Let raliam's:' convicted man is well and for the
him obey himself, take up his cross, Mr. and Mrs .Jesse Wheeler of Bel- most part favorably known. It is
and follow me. Take up his cross grave spent Sunday at lfr i Duncan
tinderstood that Mr. 0 E. Klein the
daily, Luke adds. Can]pbell's. counsel for Crowel' has stated that he
Mr• and Mrs. Milo Casemore spent intends to enter an appeal against the
Sunday. at Mr .and Mrs, John Hun -
installed in the t,er's. - -
Mr. and.Mrs. Hunt of Mitchell spent
Sunday at John Walmsley's,
holding. the keys o a art ' son tem oraril stored.
t has been quite sick, is improving p y
sweeping the floor ;of the church, no i The tragic fatality has been of great
A new organ was
Forresterts. Hall last week by the
Rev: McLaughlin preached in the
Uui'on. Church on Sabbath afternoon.
Rev. McKenzie preaching in Harris -
Mr. . arid Mrs. Robert Baird, Willie
and Allan' of Blyth renewed acquam n and were thrown
from'the station o cew
Lances in the village on Sunday. Ti -- To Mr. and Mrs, BO George (together a great deal."—Princeton
Whitmore, (formerly Miss Nellie Bal_ger,
lal), at Oshawa Idospit ti, on Marchi ,,, .
3ist, a son. • 111111111i111111111111111111111111EISSI111111101131I11RIS1 IIS
Mr. George Fisher. of Carman, 1,f-un
itoba, wa sa visitor at Mr. Rolan
Ballagh's recently. Mr. Fisher lit -
ed his father's funeral at Myrtle,
The following was clipped from
"You seen/ to be very intimate with
Florence/. I didn't know you had
known her long." •
"Not Wang, but - we shared a taxi
i JUST ARRIVED.— Our new E.
Spring hats for Men. All new
r - PI -
shades. and styles. You will .it
the Owen Sound Sun -Times: E need a new hat and of course
, A delightful social event occurred K yob waleaia Sembr5oft GolIats
f the Rev. S. "l", and•IvSrs: for S- rine. il
at the home o it an the new thing p _
Strachan, 2rtd Avenue West, when P-1 Men's in Slack, Calf a�
itt horse to members of the 6Y1 and Tan at Oxfords
they were s Shirts Overalls —
of St. Andrew's Presby- tq
sentence The grounds on which
the appeal will be, based, it is stated, is
the claire that Justice Lennox, the
presiding' :judge, in his address to tite
jury,' made some •comments on facts
relating to the case which did note
come out in the evidence during the
Justice Lennox did not give cred-
ence to statements made by the pris
oher while in the witness box, and in
handing the case to the jury, severely
criticized the habits, life and motives
of the accused lip to the time of the
Miss ' Ethel McCreery from near
Molesworth visited her cousin, 'Miss
Mildred Cathers last ,Sunday.
1 di
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir- and fam-
ily from near Orange Hill' spent a
_ couple of days -with the fornrer's`
,ent's, Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. Weir.
Working it andift Mr, and Mrs. Edgar ar Higginstoadat reduced priees. —
Remember our Saturday spec- ill son Alvin left last Monday for their
ials. Here are a few prices. new home south of Brussels, also Mi
White 1Iaptha and 'Sunny Mott =1 and Mrs. George, Bennett left the
day. 4 Bars for .„.....•,.•... 25c• ▪ sante clay' for Wroxeter, where they
Gold, P. 8t G. and Comfort. 4 is
bars for- w-. enc. 'have secured a house. Althottglz
Corn Syrup, Sib tints..,.......• ...°see'.7.1 g.0137 to hose these families from' otos-
Corn S rup, to lb tints...,.•, sac ▪ midst, we wish therm every success .in
lbs aloitateo ° 9 — their new Monies.
Get our prides on Sugar. Irgh-
, ..1- -n Church, and their friends, both
afternoon. and evening. The charm-
ing roams were • bright with marry
spring flowers, The :door attendant
for the afternoii was little Miss Jean
Strachan, wearing a pretty i'etty 'green vel- •-
vet frock, and assisted by Mrs. A, IL!Le
Campbell and Mrs, Uinta. Mr, and
han received in the large 1111,
Mrs, Strac -111living room. Mrs. Strachan wearing
a most becoming gown of two tone
taffeta in roe and silver with chap -I 1 lux DAVE' MTAPIKILliWYttgliatn.
est prices for ]Eggs acid Butter. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Palmer spent
Create taken emery day,; a few days recently with friends in
tiny lace •trimming, and,, carrying al " v RO-ETEk. ; Mr. E. win Palmer has -purchased a
nosegay of yroses, valley. 1111i"1111 111111i11 111M1111tfllil 111111111111 1111111101111 1.11,Ct tevrakir.oach
git wan in M1l1oll - County at all at
all, so what's the use,
In the mane toime I am not bettin
anny money on the race, fer not wan
claimants around•her chair;. She ris-
es for the dance:
'But you can't give it to him,' comes
a complaint. `I asked for the second
av thin' looks loike a shure winner
dance two weeks ago,;
and an insist -
to me. Ay coorse it is what ye
ent M. P. re -asserts his claim and
moight call a farruniers' throt an a lot whisks his prize off into the one-
av good runners will be barred out av step. She dances well, does this
it fer that rayson, so the wens :that lady a P. and she looks well -
hey intered may hev an aven chance., Her five years in public life have
The Grit intry is an chid thraveller brought her poise, a flair of well -dress=
wid a long shteady shtroide an knows ng and she never wants for a partner.”
the coorse betther than masht, an
farbeye that he has shtrong backfin Scores Delinquent Juror
frim Ottawa, but he is harrudly fasht
enough. Claiming that he couldn't find any
The U. F .O. Jhas been over the competent person to attend his stock,.
coorse wance and- may shy at the ix-
pinse poshts, but he has a lot av pep
in hint an will run his besht. -
The Dungannon cotilt nivir havit]
gone round the -ring befoor cud har-
rudiy be ixpickted to win, but ye niv-
ir kin tell, fer it shuddin't take much
left himself liable ] Alf i ble toimmediate arrest
shpacle to bate the other.5: and confinement in jail for contempt
None av the mishit intries plaze me ei court. If every limn summoned
very well I shnd loike to see warn were to :be his own judge as to
av our rale mild Tory raccrs in the whether live should attend or trot, how
race, McEwen, arrShpotton, arr Joynt could they be certain that a court
ai•r. McQuillan, arr :Dr. Weir arr anny could ever assemble and function? If
wan av a dozen others I cud ininsinun, such a practise were to obtain, our
an thin we wild.giv thin others the taunts would soon be as uncertain of
dusht: all i:he wTMay rotanct. Juror s as the rich open's supper was
Sliti,ll livinn i]n hopes, I mush of guests, when as the scripture says,
fer the prisint: "And they all with one consent began
Yours till nixt wake, 1 to make excuse." At the Judge,
y y however, believed in this ccs, that the
farmer had committed ' contempt
SCHOOL R1 POINT through �h i r; noratice of the law, he de
tided to let the plantar off with a war -
The .following is the report of S. olio N • rattier than enact the pound of
S, NO. 11, East'Watvanosli for the flesh and mai' of him a horrible Qt-
iiliautth .of farch, 'Those h'eai'h]rs ample to throw a scare into otliers.
an ' after their names have been ab -1
a ,farmer who had been summoned to
the Spring Assizes as a Grand Juror,
wrote the Court here and asked to be
excused. Mr. Justice Lennox coin-
menting on the matter stressed the.
fact that theagriculturalist in thus ab -
seating himself from the Assizes had
Sr. IV - Marie, Deacon 01.
Sr. IIT Mary Robertson 66, Mar-
garet Irwin 'k.
Jr.' II — Howard Trwin 7o,
Sr. 1 -- Stanley Irwin Re, Dwigh
Reid, $o'4, 'Creighton Reid .17'k,
Village Clerk
issuer of Marriage "Acmes
The law now requires the license be
tikett out three days before the sere'
tool*, '
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