HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-04-14, Page 2tM jttst treat! r ®no people ri oo 1L s Corn lo'e.. than � i � I,ellrog81 flavor Fair' PFlakesforerwonderf andcrispr4ss' , ire fine for °a' Kellogg's :yo� a1+ca. ys.. y . t...o, . •, dig e st- Sery • • them .foxbreakfast, lunch or dinner. With, vnjtkor cr err—„and add fresh or _canned fraits or So®Order them in cafeteriatels,dtn png.eaAt grocers. Made bellogg in London, Ontario. Kellogg in 'inner - sealed red- and.greee pah pa ckage. deconnot equal,uch'toonr:fldn dthe genuine! ,Deritan• THE; PASSING OF MRS, is GBINA Maci:b ONALD' On March 3ot11, at her residenct: oat Patrick St., where for months she had fought bravely against an insid- ious illness, Mrs. Robina MacDonald, late of Aberdeen, Scotland, passed away. VVith inarked 'unselfishness, a predominating " trait of her high character, she bore her days of pain and discomfort,. patiently and silently, lest, as she said, she ;dight cause oth- ers to worry. Her childhood and .early girlhood were spent on the 20c1 concession of 'Cuirass, where her brother, Mr, R. W. Simpson resides, Her married. life, varied with occasional summer seasons in Canada, or travels in Eur- ope, was spent in Scotland. Her son, the only boy of three, who grew to manhood, a proverbial Scott- ish lad, clever and capable, a young Officer with the Seaforth Highlanders, lost his life in 1917, when with a Div- ision of the Allenby Army, his regi ment operated• in the region of the Tigris and Euphrates. Modern phychologists,:who wish to reduce all thought to a natural science, having a physical basis, might halt amid, their concrete facts ,to ask) whence comes unquenchable faith, im- movable and ever-renewingc Faith .,such as this was Mrs. Mac-• donald's stronghold. Even through the darkdays of the late war, days which sorely tried the faith of many, when in Britain,-evening,lights were prohibited, and rations were low; wherein scores of homes where music and 'jollity ha to be heard, sobs and fathers -were missing; .when her keenly sympathetic nature was shadowed by the sorrows of others, and later pierc- ed by the untimely death of her prom - ming son, Mrs..Macdonald never wav- ered in her trust, , that in the great cosmos of things, there must be some design, some onward and ultimate good. Widowed, the last of .her three chil- dren game, Mrs. Macdonald, in T923, resolved to, return to Canada, trusting that the clear air and sunshine might restore her war -tried health. To wards this hoped for restoration,al- though at last defeated, she did inuch to assistnature by holding her mind' cheerful and busy. Love for the ,simple -,,,common things of life, was with her, a gift. Just a sunshiny day, the face of a friend, a kindness one for another, .;and the Leads the World in Motor Car Value, �rU emyi egoo for the finest and -smoothest tierfornttance results, ,Dial treed 7, rather than 3 or 4. Obviously, 3 or 4 supports for a crankshaft cannot give it the rigidity and smoothness of 7. That is why Nash—with customary engineer- ing progressivetxess--has developed the 7 -bearing motorr' for all Nash models. The 7 bearings of Nash achieve iovoew-smoeithriess''' and quietness, and achieve it, moreover, tnith no sacrifice of etete` etwt erg.. fit fact, the:ropersup n p supportf the. crankshaft decidedly iip><4Ovtis, the energy and aggressiveness of the car> Herre is another fact; to remember about` the, r5tdriiige have more bearing surfacesby actual' riieattreite1b,6drcLn•afny&cylinderengine of similar size and price, not *atter i h %rings it has. (Actziall, , With, , , fewer bearings.) y 20 squanr,e intelks�s. more oes many Vithe thaw Cars th6 ten you buy vont 1927 motoe car be swe'to asks'r< �31bw rbaaxit main beatittgsr' And for better results choose the car that has ie Nash offers you this Tiir,trfortinance,adt+antage ixn every single; model', DO matter which, oneof the 23 Nash models -you chooser J. 1111 In �� Z WIN�vI AM ADVANCl -TI1VI ,$ Thursday. `,A. 4th,. xgzry" :m PREPARE For The Holidar By making your selection of chick wear- ing apparel and smartest accessories from aur up-to-date clean stock. Silk Hosiery Priced' at 50c, 89c, 95c, 1.00 1.25, 1.45, 1.95, & 2.25 per pair. Gloves Silk or Swede Fab ric from 39c -pair to 1.98. Scams Qualities such as Lace, Georgette, , Crepe-JD°e - Chene Etc. Beautiful col- or ., and style de- signs. From 69c to .3.95 each. • Nurses most `.attractive ones ranging in price from 89c to. 2.95 each. Collars, Testees, Jabots We are showing a very smart range of choice neckwear suitable' for Easter wear. and though style and quality must come first you are assured of our usual low price Holiday Special, '7 Dozen Pull Fashioned Silk Hose. +I 1 Fine Range Of Spring Colors. Regu-. 'tjry)b .lar 1.95 value, for -per pair 1.69. .ENCUtlW D0D0®UOUYOIO.Q•D11.OIO..WIOIUOD41101.O.1011:1D101i.000.11, Dress cioocls Dept, Cs CREPE DE CfENE } 'L T CREPE CANTON CREPE GEORGETTE CREPE „In ail the wanted Go1ors P'rINTED CREPES RAYON TAFFETAS PRINTED SOISETTE PRINTED SHANTUING ?"RINTED VOILES New and Attractive Cloths Best Wishes For u SEE Our Srn SOF- COATS DRESSES 1 II LINEPLY" STYLES LOTHS UP -1 u-.TSE'MINUTEA AND. SLOTHS NEW COATS are arriving two to theme; time, a week' which keeps our assortment most up-to-dae. NA,V-Y' predominates, this season. Our present range of this, color is quite attrac- tive. Be sure to see; it. .n. Dresses you " will find us well equipped to -handle your needs. The New Short Stout Sizes enables us to make a perfect .fit when otherwise short figures have been usable to secure a ready-:to-weargar- ment. A New Shipment. of Millinery just arrived for Ladies And Children. i �U-Qat• Oi,110D.1111DM1.OiIDlaSaU.111/1i ,,.e:,,1RD1111..1;BDlN,.EC.1•11' Holiday Specials 10 Dcr4gn . I,ar , plt s Silk 11oomer — warranted colors, 2 sizes in the lot. I Regular 1.45 line, special per pair L29 OUMOUA00D00•el.U.dO®U WiU�.9Op�>Uq.�DY�p�1ip00p�D Men's and Boy's Wear Holiday Suggestions. rts Shirts, Ties, Collal?s Checked Silk-Wod$; Silk -Lisle SOeits Braces, Belts, Garters, Atm Band; Maps Underwear, Pyjamas,, Etc. Beautify the Horne a r For the Holiday. 1' Curtain Goods, Net Panels, Frilled Curt ains.. Side Draperies, Linoleum, ' Floor Oil- cloth, Congoleum; Rugs, Mats, Blinds,, &c. 'The Waiker *IOt., •day was eoni'iKit"d.. D'ttring the past sutimer, when c$'ri'fitted• to' bed, she y often spoke of thd' d o of'elle robin, the bird that annually'bet'a%es itself to Winghatn, as, to a 'birdld fhar disc Her well -stored mind, drirt,il'iett t good literature, and fortified by the Eternal promises, was ever { sonal source of supply. Especially touched when any slight kindness was bestowed upon herself, her thbughtw fitttiess for others was corns'tant. t -ler is unfailing sense of. hutrtor, her ready 'excuses for the failings of others, made for inward harmony, but above all, and beneath all, and all -embracing Was her sublienduriri� faith me andg that a Divine Ivtind canes said sustains 14er funeral held. torr Saturday, Ap� til 2it4 was attentied,.liy family rein ft trolls and trnatty t lead ltrtowrt h'er in gsrrrtrrit; An only .srs^ter, alvei the first est one to -''.c e pass from a faint 1 c"x. t 1 e of y .� seven she leaves behind, fie btctitlit'rs Dr, A. A:' Si'1ii3sari, of ,l£tntatl, .:l°'obert• W. Siiripsott and John. A", on the &Sitte- stead; James J. W. of orottof Ewen Vt., of Innisfail, Alberta and Af'b!er Cj; of Laugham, Sask. Besides leaving those of her inti. mate family, she. leaves friends who' feel that the world is jttst a little ,etnp tier since` Mrs. Macdonald has pass. t;a A,`'I`t vDtt�s Best Booster A 'writer it a current magazine ob., serves, "Tf the ne riYspaper is last a little better than fts",town, the latter is the gainer thereby." Towns and then" newspalyers ttsita.11 lag or lead togetherr. Pi ogressiVe jorirtta,listliis flee 1i2t611h ttyttira t,f tyke Tstlxafkrc icommunity, but it ig'� chatty t'rti'e'•that, affai'tg ti iiia?; been instrumentlll, iik a lifeless newspaper cak'IS' Se nous ` a es btizk'ging alfbu4: T lie good, n;ewsp'- Y ,� 1 tard the development of xt Fir deetttSr i€ aIt asitre to serve leg a t~otur�}4,nf ► at' y Th r C Cis no better corlytttunit ' agset than a honkie newspaper ectio,!l,to the needs of the community} ' While a poor newspaper is better than none, t otlie individual reader,that does 'not! Auld true of the "town . ; What tau a gorsdl newspaper do for its community? ' ,At ,,art Bird Y xd caq sen* as the town's' messenger to tlie•,utx'tside world, It must taker °°1atfy' ,said tlae nt`atigxet' to one of illre' lea.dei',Sit` in i aomtnunity.and faders and is' fulw, .• aware that it i yt , s a, 0.11 measure ' of seiVi,d ` ,t>Y'at it can progrtes' and .prosper....Osli it lkdefor- eller. to L zit all community pro- has wi ii'"Icinen, ''ybtt' trn'gt he an early jects if they are to be successful, It riser. tlfliidr YOU', apt• y!;q'tlk the first is the ttifsllliljle fins of tennttunie'ation thing itr tfies'rlibriiiif ;i3' between local' g'o`vernment and citizen. �+ S' Tndade, attrz"t'' T' ant., slit`, amt. Tt is fe•tlie' ih'ewsp'aper that all organ- ily trait l'h ltttilcitigl• izatiorl t,rirn /Or,. assistance in ttibiic ""hen your f ,tl a' i tltil" 444« welfarc',nevett:1'6'f and ,without:', the er, toot''' assistan e, ,they face failure. The "lute father is it?''' a;tlSwer'edFalb newspaper•'redi,S of -its 'tfe rhos 'That, early taliat fs '" WfdYi4dr � f , 1f o,,ip.000,4, ht 41ta,tilig,it% the to s Ititlo leer19ed. rlwst hhtyetotim %ts,11,, xt t,Ofi ft , ilii to :fliv4 •Hw� wyu" fN