HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-03-31, Page 8•RXNOHAM iia,. .v R'i4+lYcwD*- $ t's ew `imp t Get Yow ai ► woes --AN'�_, r er s zs the lace to get them . .Ywo.o j Not only o account of the. money you save in doing so, l but also on account' of the wide range of Newest Styles and kinds to select from. MEN'S OXFORDS Hi Shoes, including the famous Astoria, In- victus & Murray, made Shoes. $4.50 t $7.50 Women's Oxfords Pumps, Ties, Straps in high, low and Cuban heels, in all the new colors and styles. , 3.75 to $7.50 We Have Hosiery to Match Your Shoes. riromarererrool Telephone 23 Good Shoe Store W. J. GREER .♦ r.:Y�rt�a'r✓a,gsv��d,..i so. re^,?i.:.l ,�brl' Iiiiv'Priltnxkirri-rye' \-,a rl2r.-r�•t ri Grii��rii�:r7r�'t7.rrieS•rriYrl 4 y Thunsday,;;i larch 3istt xg q i3LYTH After a I .illness, there' passed a;; way at his residence on Sunday morn- ing, James Thomas a3c11 i i 1 is 78th year. The, late Mr. bell was born. in Halton County and with his par- ,eats came to East Wawanosh, when se,evn years of age,' residing on lot 42, concession 5, in the township,Eight years ago, 1.e retired from farming, moving to Myth, where he held the highest respect of a large number of friends. He was married. February lith, 1i88o, to Elizabeth Walsh, who withone son and two daughters, sur- vive, viz, Maitland Bell of. Goderich; Mrs, William Taylor of Melina, Man- itoba, and Mrs. Robert Lapsley, of Drumheller, Alta. The late Mr. Bell was a Conserva- tive in politics, and a faithful member of St, Andrew's church. The funeral took place on Tuesday from St. Andrew's church. Service was conducted by Rev. George Tel- ford of Blyth, interment being made in Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were: L. j„ Williams, Robert Vint, J. E. Ellis, Robert Watt. The "India" tea given by•the Miss- ion band of St. Andrew's church on Saturday evening, was a decided suc- cess. Seven tables representing, sev- en important stations in India were all wel1 presided over by the mem- bers of the Band, These tables were decorated with pictures, etc., of the different birds and animals to be found in that country. An autograph quilt; which was made by the Band was pre- sented to Mrs. (Rev.) Telford as ati token of appreciatiof for her untir ing ,efforts in the work of die 'land. The address was read by Annie Rich- mond, the presentation being made by Jean Laidlaw. The proceeds of the tea amounted to $65. 1i111r111•111iWi1114111YI111111111WRIS11111111 11111111111{illl111.l*111111Mmllll111idag1l1 1 The regular monthly meeting of St. Andrew's W. M. S. was• held on LYCEUM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, April 1, 2 HOOT GIDSON IN----Y-� "Arizona Sweepstakes" COMEDY-" Buster's Nose Dive." Matinee Saturday at 3 p, m. § Tuesday, the president, Mrs. P. Gard- , OPa inner, presiding, The meeting was. opened by all singing psalm 84 and for the scripture reading Matt., chap; 1 1 1 1♦, - s 1 a ` Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 4, 5, 6 H. Bi WARNER and VERA REYNOLDS �. ter G. Responsive reading, "The Lord is Risen Indeed," 'was led by Mrs. B. Mason. '2, As this was the annual meeting, re- port afrom the secretaries were receiv- ed showing the departments of the work to be in exoellent shape. The election of officers then took place; which resulted as follows: Ternary presidents. Mrs. Elder, Mrs. P. Gardiner: president, Mrs. W. Laid- law; 1st vice-president, Mrs. (Rev.) Telford; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. L. J. Williat s; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. Duncan Laidlaw; secretary, Mrs. Jas. Stith; assistant secretary, Mrs. 'G. D. Leith; treasurer and assistant, Miss Watt and Mrs. M. W. Telfer; supply secretary, Mrs. R B. McGowan; as- sistants, Mrs. A, Elliott, Mrs.' Pople- stone, Mrs, Young; Literary Secretary and assistant, Mrs. D. Laidlaw and Mrs. McDonald; press secnetary, Mrs. W. Erskine; Home Helpers secretary and assistants Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Cart- er, Mrs. Stubbs; literary secretary, Mrs. Cole; Misisonary Monthly secre- tary, Mrs. Milne; tfinanee committee, -IN "SILENCE" ®' A Drama of the New York Underworld. COMEDO''—His Wooden Wedding. °1 a >RliImm1•l niallis®I11Baftl"9m11Io111an x111!®IIIniniiinaitmelIB mm 111e owls u I l,gl�11m1tl 1,Q6111 1 eYii'1i' IItiYYYYiIIrY,linn airnir,ii Il GHAM'S. 41111t I Il MO NMI 1MINIM MEM $,1 Made -To -Measure Suits is for Men and YoungMen N ■ ■ Call at Our Store and See the Word- RE elms Selection. Fit, Cloth and Price ■ Guaranteed. m Two -Pant Suits Made -To -Measure This wonderful , • offer at $25.50. and BOYS. The Sults they are tattling about with the lois ants g pants, very amain fair spring m wear.t �- E� ra bloomers if desired. ■ ■ o ,wa .ts' to took like hIs E�►� lhe�rL�id26h �,yyvr�� �y �iy� at Dao. Sizes .to i3/» 1 rices $$.50 to J0.30 ■ , ■ 1 O 1+ BIMBIiM INM "rYiYY Y ql YI i i IrIIYYYIIYIYIYYIYYiuYYY/1YiYYIVg1l YllllYtli6YY11Y1YYYlY1YYif111YrrYY,iriY1'I,YNIYI,iiYMiYY T rRE, 0011 NO 0 011 MN MM YYiY11Vir1�iAYY1'Yr1111Y1YY1VVfli1Y'll/YlY ,YYYr11Vrr011/19I Iir1Y,Y Mrs.,Richmond, Miss Watt, Baby WILTEC FUICb FAMTiY GO TO Band superintendent, Mrs, J. Cook; COCHRANE emergency aonimitee, Mrs, Gardiner; Mrs, ;Brtnsdon, Mrs, : Cook, music con- vener, Mrs. Stothers; pianist Mrs. Mars1 all, Mist Manson, Mrs. McCall- um. `.Che meeting was!! .'closed by prayer by Mrs. (Rev,) Telford. The science class of 'Blyth Continu- ation School, through the courtesy of themselves of the high esteem in Dr. W. J. Milne were able to see which the Mowbray faniily was held the workings of X -Ray in a demons- 'in the community. Wejoin with tration given by him last week. 4es- their many friends in wishing them lie Hilborn, who served during the God's richest blessings in their: new Great War, and received a bullet home. which still lodges just below the heart. Dear Mr. and Mrs, Mowbray; kindly offered himself as a subject We your friends and neighbors, who The students, together, with their have learned that you are soon going teacher, Miss Scott, were permitted to to leave us, have come here this evei:>•. Mr ,and Mrs, Fred Mowbray and, family, left On Wednesday' for Coch. rants;` Ont,, where they will Masse their home. Before their d.eliarture, 'the, friends and neighbors gave there the' 'following send-offs, which speak, for use the periscope through which•the bullet in its lodgment could easily be discerned. The :'doctor thoroughly ing with feelings of regret at your early departure from our, midst. As neighbors, we have always found explained the principle on which X- you kind and sympathetic, willing at ray is worked which was very instruc all times tolend a helping hand, and tive to all. always performing your duties with. The "Travelogue in Song and cheerfulness and good -will, and es- Story,, being prepared by the Wom- . pecially as a member of our school en's Institute will be presented Wed- board, nesday, evening, March 3o; at 8 o'clock, We cannot let the tie which binds in Memorial Hall. ." The program is us as friends to sever without express - unique, being the first of its kind to ing ourselves in some tangible way, be presented here. . The following and therefore we ask you to accept countries will be represented in the this :"purse not for its intrinsic value, but as asmall token of our esteem for program: Canada, ` France, Ireland, (Scotland, England, France, Belgium, You and as a remembrance that you 'bermany, Italy, Roumania; japan and have left warm friends behind, anis, to United States. A program of a,var- convey to you our sincere wishes, that: ied nature, including drills, choru?;+es,, 1 you may have every success in your solos, -readings etc., typical of the , new fields of labour, and that God's country represented will be given. The richest blessing may be showered upon fashion show of Paris will illustrate ,Y°1.1. styles of diffsrent periods Tin Yrs• , Signed on behalf of your Friends and aril throughout promisestobC. both1 Neighbors, J. F,Davidson, L. Grain.; instructive acid interesting. Mrs atihn Stat.• concession 8 Mor- ris, has beefs eblifnnecl to ho. room for some time. Mrs. David Roglersor 61 ,James- learned town, N: Y., is the guest of tier As- our midst. ter, J Aear Mr. ani Mrs M.. 0 bray and Family: It is with regret that we have ,of your intended removal from Mrs. H. Hoover. Robert. Taylor, concession 2, East Wawanosh, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis one clay last week. The mariage took place on March io at Royal Oak ,Mich.,_ of Wesley Bowen, eldest son of .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowen, to Miss Dorothy La - vis, of Clinton. Wesley is well and favorably known, here, is is now manager of a grocery store in Royal Oak. His many friends here ex- tend congratulations. F kBMiI ran arnton is rn Saginaw; c i You . have alwaysbeen on hand to help in our Church Choir, our Sun- day School and our Young People's Meetings; ever ready, to help to your fullest ability, and we can assure .you that this, .the spirit of . willingness and co-operation will be missed in our church and community. - The members of this society wish you to accept this Bible as a slight token of our regaro and appreciation,. with their best wishes for your fut- ure prosperity and helpfulness. Not 'much perhaps, . but 'tis the best, this week attending the funeral of This little message here can bring, his brother-in-law. I We wish you simply happiness, And that comprises everything. Deloss Taman had the rnisfortun,e I Signed on behalf„of the Young Peo- to have his hand badly crushedun pie' s 'Society.—Mrs.J. D. Beecroft; der the wheel of a wagon recently. President Garnet Farrier, Secy WESTFIELD Miss Mae Wightman, of White- church 'is hite-church'is visiting her brother, Mr. George Wightman. Mrs. Alberta Rogerson of James- town, New York, is, visiting her bro- thers, Messrs J. N. and W. H. Camp- bell and other friends. Mr. and Mrs Will Carter returned home this week from their honeymoon at London and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and family, and Mrs. Robert Henry atten- ded. the Cowan -McDowell wedding, which took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs, Frank Kershaw of Blyth, on Thursday last, Mrs. John Cook is visiting herr daughter, Mrs, Reg, Carter of ' Au-, burn, BELMORE Miss Mary Inglis and Allan Mc- Kenzie took charge of the Endeavor meeting Sunday eveningr Mr. George Rutherford, who bas engaged with Mr. Ferguson, Howick, for the summer months, spent Sun- day at his home here. Mr. George !Herd has purchased -a. Ford Sedan from Mr. Jack Fry of Wingham. Mrs. Peter Hackney had an old- time quilting bee on Friday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs: Rolland Sallagli and babe, visited Sunday evening with. Mrs. Newans. The •annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society, inet Wednesday afternoon, Minnie Jeffray as leader. The meeting opened by singing,: "Nearer. My God to ' Thee,” followed by the Lortt's prayer in. Unison. Min- utes by the Secretary: "Responsive Reading, all, tatting part. "Question Drawer'," by Mrs. Mckenzie, 1nlet," Mr, Peter man, eran paper C.s by M Q Y p t? by Mrs; Troy Rutherford,. There were oo present, including gentlemen visitors, collection 16,io', A 'bountiful lunch- eon,prepared bythe members, was, 1 � Y served ,it the close of the meeting'. WHITECHURCH Mrs. 3. B. Morrison was called to, Albany, N.Y., last week on account of the serious illness of bei' daughter, Mrs. Ben Watt, Miss Phronia Grenache of Teeswa- ter, spent the wek-end with Miss Let- tie Fox. Mr. and Mrs,, Robt.-;Stuart are mov- ing this week to the faun. .lately va- cated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mow- bray: Mrs, Harry Ticlbourne of Goderich, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs., David Kennedy. Mrs. Duncan Kennedy is expected home from London, England, this weep' The Young People of Whitechurch United Church, held their election of ofifcers on Thursday last, The foll- owing officers were elected for this year; President—Mrs, Victor Emerson. 1st Vice. Pres. ---Mrs. Gibson Gilles pie} 2nd Vice. Pres.—Miss Alba Fox. 3rd Vice Pres.—Mis''rreneMoore. 4th Vice Pres.—Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Secretary --Garnet Farrier. Treasurer -Russell Gaunt. The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mowbray met at their. home on Wednesday last and :present- ed them with a purse and money. This family will be very much missed in this community, Miss Annie Kennedy of London Hospital spent a few' days at her home here, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer and Mr and Mrs. Jas.: Falconer attended the reception held in Langside at the home of Mr, John McInnis and his bride,. Quite a good run of sap is :reported in this neighborhood last week. Revt _Ur. Menzies of St; .Thomas. took the service . the e Jn lie d Church here on Sunday. i3ring along your shoes to' be res Paired We will mak'; them like new—W. J, 'Greer, ill�iil I Iml I Ii$I I IIWi l 1pllil I Irh Irl I ISI I16$I I ISI (ILII I Iii I ISI i IWI1Igl I ISI I I®I'll) I sal I Ill l ISI llwll l IItl�l II' 1 ®,: a Spring's Peeking Around the Corner.. Better be thinking about and, selecting some new togs. Never have we slxewn such a fine array of, smart menswear. 5MilltTLY, , YLED SUITS • $22.00 • $33.00 $40.00 Men! SPLENDID TOP COATS $14.50 $18.75 $25.00 ATTRACTIVE 'SHIRTS *1.95, $2.50 to $4.50. ATHLETIC- UNDERWEAR 98c, $1.25, $1.75 NOVELTY SILK .HOSIER'11Y, 75c, 95c to $1.50 FELT HATS—BORSALINO ; and BROCK $4.00, $5.00 to $7.50. Come In and ` Look Theme Over. ®1 {sl Special Sale of Boys Suits, Friday . and Saturday, $7.65. � R About 40 Good 'New Suits in Stuart Tweeds, one and two pant styles, in the popular Norfolk models some having yokes while others are with pleated • backs. Sizes 27 to 35 in the lot. All one price' Friday and Saturday,— ' aturday, i R a a 7;65; King Oros.. 111111®(Ililll� illllH�IIII.111rlil�itl�111�i11�111�111�l11r111�111■IlIAl11�1N11ille� IIhIIIr111:ItI�NIr • BLUEVALE Mrs. Robt, Musgrove is at present visiting friends at Toronto, Mrs. (Rev.) Walden spent a couple of days with relatives at Brussels. Mr. Geo. Churchill returned to Tor- onto Monday, after spending the past month at his home here. Sacramental services will be observ- ed in the United Church next Sunday, April 3rd. Preparatory • services will be held Friday evening at 8 p. m, Service was held in the baseernent of the new Presbyterian church last, Sunday, Mr. Vinta of Toronto preach- ed morning and evening. Mr, Lorne Scriinogeur the contractor, ,expects to have all work completed shortly and the official' opening M the church will take place in Jurte. Sap is maaning grand the last few days. heavy frosts al tight, and warm during g tl .e day. 10'r, 1. Black .Lade t business trip to Toronto this week. We are sorry to report Robt. Ham- i11.rYn, on the §re'le list, and hope he wilt soon be able to be about again, MORRIS Mrs. Alex. McEweni is visiting with - friends in Ailso Craig,' Master Carman Coutts spent the week=end at Mr. R. Hetherington's. Miss Ruby Baird of Flint, Michigan, spent a few days last week at Mr, J: C. Casemore's. Miss Anna Wallace of Seaaforth spent a few days with her grandmoth- er, Mrs. D. Campbell. . Mr, Maxwell Abraham of Listowel,„ visited with his maker, Mrs, T. A.b- raham last week, DIED MORI ISON—On Saturday, March 26th, at General Hospital, Toronto, Haigh Morrison,, in his ',yoth year, barrister and solicitor, Weloved 1740" band of Sarah Baton Whitley Mor- rison (formerly of Lucknow, Ont.) Funeral from A. W. Miles' Chapel 396 College Street, Toronto, leaving on the 6,55 :Litt. C, P. R. train Mox'i- a. day for 'rhamesford, Ont: Service at the residence of his nephew, john Henry, •oft r M ax:T<�lyr 1�intore, Ont., Monday afternoon. Interment lax Kintore Cemetery, 1'