HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-03-31, Page 5Thuttaday, Match 310t, 1927 111.101111111111Palliniallilliiiiiiillillillinia01111111=11201110111341111011itiiiiii$0011 III W Ili «if • �7107'Yt� e ill ,t�';. J S +,r 11111 ;a�\ .'F .( 4�ui. rd 'IN II ' pp iia < r y',. ; e I a d II t MI P• . la� ', ray r�• ilk ,eh.. , aJ •i: t. J / �i . ..� a r rl° t _ r. i�r-b� � 1t • r . . :r. l•,k t.. !I" a ,:• y la .f' al wry I. I4 , •i, nn , �. 1 , ® V•,. h'r�r ,{ �a,a.` � ,.. .�" ut,.ar,.,,:', �1�4t1r.� [ s•,. . :�• . •a 1 III MI titIII a s� d ..t,y, 1�1lf•, ,5., f , t� , Xi � _ , g9 :ai a , ''1 1y1►1�y'�1n,1E (jJ�pC`� '�. �nS� J ni .. '�� 11,1 ft C 4 1 Y . ells '� '' (�(� , .. P. X11 111 1 , i 1 � :E �)r , .4 ' , , 191 b. - N 4. MIISV ®rI ., ,�, , I �.Jt!."�.:1 , Il'.��,5r ,�.( , w•�ydwry :..Y isl+ ^. a .. :�.�� `�`�� n. - i>eEis ."ICNELT IT? That warm hint lrOm *the sena n aw and then that seems to lip you on the shoulder and say " Ulshen, friend .... Spring's 'peeking 9r mil the cor- ner. Defter be thinking of some new, lighter fogs !" Do your thinking. ......and SELECTING here amidst our many natty Spring Creations! Smartly Styled Suits. For Men and Young Men made in the Banker or Derby, models single or double breast coats ; fine quality . English tweeds and worsteds in pin stripes, •checks. Regular value $27.50 Our, price $25.00. Splendid Top Coats For Spring in plain cloths and fancy tweed mixtures, stylish models at $15.00, $20.00, $25. Hats and Caps'. For Spring. ' . English, Italian and Canadian -made Felt Hats`' in all the leading styles and col- ors, now in stock: Popular prices are $2.90, $3.50, $4.50. oOr..a111t H. Es, ISARei & 00 WINOKAM. to BORN Pltippen—.la Lower Wingham, on Fri- day, /Larch 25th, to ear. and /etre. Cenclair 13hippen, a son — George. 33pbert. A discussion is an effort to' get at the truth; and argument is just a means of airing one's opinions, The hairs on your head' and motor ears are all numbered, but that does r�btec�io aj/ordedby the famous sealed chassis Each Mciatighliti.Buick operating unit " is seated inside a dust„Draof .'water tight bogging to protect. these vital parts from wear. •P•17M.,. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Of CANA.D. LIMITED A.11I. CgAiN FORD,► ONT ;beakr in Chevrolet, talc'lsnrobile.aridMVlc ;aitgltlan Cars ' ATilf`'tl , O fl S a1,B 16111L 'l cl.AIUI»U1* BUM amp TOM not prevent., either from going fast. THE SUNAY SCHOOL LESSON Pieter Becomes a Disciple of Jesus Mark x: 14-18, a9-31. GOLDEN TEXT -Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. --Mark x: 17. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time,—The calling of thedisciples in April or May, A. D. 27, the first year of Christ's ministry. Soon af- terwards, the healing of Peter's moth- er-in-law. Place—The shore of the Sea of Galilee, probably at Capernaum. Pe- ter's hom ein Capernaum. PETER BECOMES A FISHER OF z.' MEIN. Now after John was delivere i up. John the Baptist, the great herald of Jesus Christ, was imprisoned by Her- od Antipas, who on the death of Her- od the Great had become tetrach of T?eraea' and Iturea. ' Mark 6: 14-29. tells how John had won the enmity of Her- , , od and eespeciatly of his brother's wife Herodias, because the Baptist had pub.' 'hely condemned the unholy relation in which the two were living. That bold condemnation finally led to the prophet's execution: Jesus carie in- to Galilee. Jesus bad been in the southern of the three divisions of Pal- estine, Judaea where He had heard John the Baptist preach, had received baptism from him had mastered' the temptation in the wilderness, and hacl, called His first disciples, including Peter and his brother Andrew and John and his brother James, all of. whom had been attracted to the preaching of John the Baptist.. Preach- ing'the gospel: of 'God, ' "Gospel” means good news "evangel" beitig the Greek ,equivalent, and t h e good news of God is the news that God willforgive oar sins for the sake of His Son, who died, for alt men, ex- piating our sins on the cross, And saying, The time is felfilled. The time foretold by the ancient He, brew prophets, by many events from the. very creation of mean, £ron:t the first sin in the Garden of Eden. These, pr'ed'ictions had grown ever clearer as the eel/tildes passed, until John the ptist unnoun CCd asst ah,} s ac- W'TNGIIAM Ail 'ANCE TICMR',•S. tual presence. And the Kingdom Df a;,casting-net, circular in shape, "like,' God is at grand,; '„ It was there be- the top of a tent;' in Latin furi'tla pf' cause .Christ vas there. The ;king- iaculuaasl dom of God was the new order; of. affairs which the Messiah, would es- tablish, the reign of God's love over the hearts 4f reen,Repent ye, and be- lieve in the goepel. Christ's preach how John lead D" ing, like that, of the Baptist, his pre- decessor, looked backward and for-' ward. He called on His hearers to break with their .'evil past, an in di- vine str'eng•th to live the life of love to God, and .men, 1 -lis followers li inimof were to believe H as-ihc San God, and hi I+Iis ';teaching's of purity , and Bove, and they were to prove their belief by obedience to His command- ments. And passing along the Sea of Gall - 16e. Christ's fellow townsmen had driven Him out of Nazareth, being u a , e g ' enraged at his refusal to substantiate His claim to the Messiahship by work- ing a niirac1e there ,and He had, es- tablished His permanent hone at the , fishing town of Capernem, on the northwestern shore of the sea of. Galilee. He saw Simon. This vigorous foung man had already been won to Christian discipleship, and, had had time to. prepare his .heart for the next step, the call to apostleship. And Andrew the brother of Simon. It was Andrew who had brought Simon to Jesus a short time before, when all three were in Judea hearing John the Baptist. Casting a net in the sea; for they were fishers. The net here spoken of, and in Matt, 4:13 was --A n4 every room is so beautiful MAXIMUR Wall. Paper will give to each room, of your home an atmosphere of beauty and goodtaste-an indication of the care'' you exercise in planning the furnishing of your horde. Come and see the beautiful MAXIMUR designs we carry in stock. Let us show you how you can -make your home more beautiful through this exceptionally fine wall paper. The Wall Paper Shop. ELMER WILKINSON, Decorator. PEACE REIGNS OVER spirit of conciliation. : Reeve Mc - DELIBERATIONS OF Nabb of Grey, was the only one who COUNTY COUNCIL put up any serious objection, but in view of the prevailing sentiment he Compromise over Equalized As- did not vote against the adoption of sessment Arrived at and . the repos('. Adopted Unanimously I The committee divided the twenty- six municipalities of the county in (Goderich Signal) ; three classes. In the case `of the The Bounty council met in special ten urban municipalities, whose as - session. Tuesday afternoon to deal sesments wene in most cases consid- with the matter of the new equalized erably increased under the new eq- assessment of the icounty, against qualization adopted in January, the which appeals have been entered by , committee recommended that the in - more than half of the municipalities, crease be reduced by fifty per cent. which appeals were awaiting trial In the eases of the townships of God- before the county judge. The after- erich, Howid, HuIlett, Turnberry and noon was spent in discussion, sever- Tuckersmith, whose assessments were al of the members telling how their reduce.), by the valuators, it was rec- particular municipalities were affect- ommended that the valuations remain ed, until on motion of Reeve Trewar- as fixed in January, and with reference tha, a committee was appointed to to the remaining townships, the com deal with the question. The com- mittce's recommendation was that the mittee was composed of Reeve Beat- increase over the old assessment be tie of S•eaforth, lI[cKibbon of Wing- rectum' by thirty per cent. ham, McQuaid of McKillop, Hill of Witli an adjustment in the valuation Colborne, Hayes of Stephen, and of the village of Wroxeter, which was Merrier : of Bayfieldi and Inglis of reduced $2,000 because of the destruc- Howiek. tion of some buildings by fire, the The dove of peaoe evidently hover- equalizedvaluations are as given be - ed over the deliberations of this com- low. mitt,ee, for when the council met this The first column of figures indicates morning and received its report, it the old assessment which had been was received with general approval standing since the year 1906; the se and was adopted unanimously. Some cond column shows the yaluation ad••' of the members said it Ieft their mum- opted in January, 1927, on the basis of icipalities worse off than before, but the valuator's report and the third col- they were prepared to accept the rump is the valuation adopted by the committee's recommendations in the council last week. 9 " kl942142' :MtM/4k914;1.1J,11�JMI0214C1/4141 )4C—'' k4�V.1:.Mt..k.l.0. •1D,11.0 M.09t.+ i • MAITLAND CREAMERY CREAM We are busy working on 'books in preparation for making our FOURTH Deferred Payment on cream. This will cover the cream received this winter and will be ready for distribution April 18th. POOL EG -GS STARTING APRIL 4th.. These will be hand- led on the same basis as last year If you have not pooled eggs before, NOW is the time to start. Tict..1[3-CKS The men and trucks are ready for the summer's work just as soon as the roads and your lanes are in shape we will be along. Any assistance you can give to make our routes)00%, the cheaper We Call gather. The cheaper the work is done the niore dividends will be available. Phone, write, or better. still,give us a personal visit so that this year may be the best on recorde • We are here to serve you, USE US. It is to your advantage. The United Farmers Co.Op r tive Company, Limited. -- Phone 271 ,h> tIatin Ontario IC • 0 I• l• la I• 1. 4 .117\1iTd 'iWii1,7iiii % liYi Ynifii'.\'if 11117iilriiH7iitF•iiiill�in�'e ,Alic h7..'c.\•a•741Y.1'eriN `f.�''Iffllli'awl'�i iwlilY.I/. Clintpn (? n�ieericir •,vnrtr r . Bayfield Blyth Brussels Exeter v „ Hensall Wroieeter Ashfield Colborne 1,522,009 Godertch Tp. .:z,..n o8,boo %906 684,440 :4,600 $0,000 0, 123,400 270,8o0 321,000 38,200 250,40>a • T42,75 • .O ,596,600 Grey ',8.5Z5.00 Hay ` '' .2,407,000' Howick Hallett McKillop' Morris Stanley .... 2,153,106 Stephen • 2,738,80 Tucl or r cce snttli Turnberry .... ,- 1,630,700 Usborne .. 2,417,500 E, Wawanosh ....... .„ ..._ 1,604,3oo W. Wawanosh w 1,613;900 3,388,500 2;571,000 , . 2,678,800 2,491,840 2,413,300 • 854.0x6 `' 2,SnxaSN�? u 9S4.0.600 •x,07.8,00 2,31,590 364,700 417,200 906,000 , 4.45,000 Y x 00 2 59,2 2,696;600 1,546,200 2,172,100 ,. 3,071,200 2,577,500 3,261,500 2,5524400 2,751,700 2,508,800 2,240,/00 2,876,390 2,364,200•• 1,602,700 . 2,454,400 1,702,000 1,714,100 oe 7�! 0 87(4'5Q 89c?aS5o 17 ' 45o, 369,,190 347,709,' 14 97ra e,606,6601, 1,5386949 21172,,100. 3/007,090' 2,526,35O't . 3,261i5o0 2,556;500'• ' 2,729,830• 2,503,700' 2,214,000' •q,835i0So r,34,, 6 ..00 1,602,7o0• 2,443,330• 1,672,84,0' x,634.,040' $42,501,290 $45,9o1,400 $44,285,225 el1i181anii�,iltl+r, innamlillslll�slll Itat:' miciuilmU181111E1; unnifi moni11911ainuiniimon ��. SPRING CLOTHING New M©dels. Right Styles. Moderate . Prices, roam•nma.meo®n+R,o®oompasa•csnoaviom•••••mamenmm••••••aeoewo•r o,®,ao,rn o•••• 0 it YOUNG MEN'S 51,1.315 Men's Double Breasted 'istyles for the young man who wants something different, Tweed effects in checks and diamonds. Wonderful values =_ at $18.5o to $a5.00. FIRST LONG SUITS { s For the growing boy, in neat styles of single and double-breasted mdde's, s. two pairs of :pants, one bloomer and one long . Sizes 32 to 36.' Except- ional values at $15.00. MEN'S SUITS Many' new models for the Conser- vative man; in Worsteds and Tweeds, of Greys, Fawns, Blues and Lovats. . Designed for comfort, correctly tail oiled and fine qualities, whicbi give longer wear and saves you money. Ranging in price from $ao.00 to $36.00. NAVY BLUES $29.50 Two specials in Mea's Navy Suits.• Heavy English serges, fully guaran- teed. Also fine imported Herring- bone stripes, two and three button models, Sizes 38 to 44. Our reg- ular $35.00 value, specially priced 28.50 Fine Shirts $r.r5. Odd pants $2.95• Caps $1.39 Crepe Ties 79c., J. A. MILLS iTIIitliiltellllil1hMIflIl1Itf tIi1mI1li1t$IRIEIIihIII®I1tIS1iINlIR1I 11ll111111 lllll WIW 111111 aru t, t�eat etc s,tei : t eie? leeitiitee e„e ell deep Studebaker Cars and Service. WE ARE NOW READY TO STRATH TO YOU THE VERY ANB BEST IN AUTOMOBILES. DEMON- LATEST alsoaeaoasnos.oassnar ne snwseaaewoc®noowo,immew.4awa STANDARD SIX. . Customs Victoria .. Customs Sedan $1955 •1965 lG SIX, 1,20-i le Duple. Roadster Sport Roadster Sport Phaeton Crown Victoria Customs Brougham WHEEL BASE. 4 ... > $2300 2190 •.. 2170 2430 2340 1.. IG' SOX, 127 in: e a WI EEL ASE. Duplex Phaeton,Phaeton,7-Pass-Pass . , .. $2775,.27 175 President, 7 -Passenger e .. . 3285 d+axea1em0naiarsHaakaoee*1).01 ie.00eels+1•••,Buri15+01oartlosoiAgoa..ieoaMnn•MuhsfHeasnmbxn.Wten4i•yr ierue :udeb eker naiad CN1'trYskkljr I;t'�rii ani al Yii1%.A474i AAf,WNV71`giAif%\iii►\n(.$1ht�'d�iWAW.4.4fY.W..1,�,''1;%1?.f.ti:'hf.\nY. 2Y