HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-03-31, Page 4�tp�illl►�lillllllillll!llr►1lI�IIIA1 tl�ltlM11111�141�1i►1�I1.11�1il�pltll�ill�lifilll�Ilk�1i�i�tdiN4lilMlill�tli�
,m. •
▪ $r,Jo ,Tdot Water Bottle (guaranteed) 8 c. F.?98
�i e'Symphony-Charm. The new paper & envelope~ in the new size 49c. r
Peppermint Patties. Icer lb .< , ...._...; _. 29C
• soc Truly Good Chocolates, Per 1'b - 29c
P 5oc Truly Goon. Caramels 39c 1p
I. 25e Jonteel Soap and 15e Washcloth. The two for -,- ..- , -.• 29e
soc Klenzo 'Shaving Cream 5oc. Auto Strop Pocket Utility Knife
The Two for 590 -
• 5oc Ricker's Syrup of Tar and 25e Melloids. Two for ,.0..............-.,.5oc. :i
• 35c Rexall Shaving Cream and Gilette, Autostrap or Durham Duplex
11 Razor. The two for . _ 390 ®_
5oc Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, 35c Tooth brush: Two for —.59c.
25c Radio Tooth Paste . 9c•
25c Radio Shaving Cream - x90
EXTRA SPECIAL -25, 35 and soc Tooth Brushes for ..... . i9c.
NNIfIIINI11111IAf1111111111f1i... nu , %.....DI11111111111 N,Nt11... ...1111110{11,11 A111t11111110"111Nf11111NN 11N 1111111111111D
McKibbon's .►.fruit Store
$7feer aoletate. Stare
Wh wham, Ont. Phone 53
.411181111911181111181111111111311181111111110111 11151111111I l ®11 1811118111.181111 111113111®Ill®11111111111 B11I12I 11®11119
11111 111111111-11811111111111
1151115111118111811115311181111 11111111®111®1,11iNtlin111tEillE8111®I1i1811111811118111®Il.l®II1®1111'8,
_ A
1111111IplllQi1111111ISIIl111II1s1111111It il111111■lllilii11111811111111111111■II121111111118111111111111®1111811111111/
FOR SALE - Baby Carriage, good
condition. Phone 31.
FOR SALE — Kitchen range, in first
class condition, will sell cheap. Av-
ply to Mrs. Frank Sturdy, Belgrave•
FOR SALE — Tungar charger for
Radio or Auto Battery. Good as
new. Inquire at. The Advance -
TO RENT—One acre of Land on the
corner of Patrick and Carling streets
and also one, garage on Diagonal
Road -H. E. Isard,
FOR SALE — De Laval Separator in
good condition, also two telephone
poles. '.: Apply to Mrs, John Wright,
Lower Wingham,
FOR SALE — Eleven little pigs. Ap-
ply to Samuel McBurney, Lot 32,
Con. I1, East. Wawanosh. Phone 22-
TOR SALE—An Overland Touring
Car, with first-class tires and up-
holstery. For sale at a bargain.
price. Apply at Advance -Times
OATS FOR SALE -- 0. A. O. No.
72. Suitable' for either seed or
feed. Seed oats 75 tents. Feed
oats 65c. Phone 1t-6i6.—Wm. Rob-
.mnson , Beigrave.
FOR SALE—The Car you have been
waiting for! Master Six McLaugh-
lin; ,A r. .conditions Duco finish,
four•, new tires. For further per-
ticlttars apply to Murray Johnson,
Box 40. Phone 283.
FOR SALE -18o bushel of seed buck-
wheat, Apply to Matthew Anger,
FOR SALE :- Irish"Cobbler, seed
potatoes. Apply to Milo Casernore,,
1st line Morris.
FOR SALE - Tungar Battery charg-
er, almost new, also radio cabinet
box and Grebe Radio Outfit. A
enap for quick sale, Inquire A. G.
FOR SALE—General Purpose brown
horse, .5 years, sound, quiet, single
or double, weighs 125o1bs. Also a
three, year old black ,percheon geld-
ing --Wee. Henry, Phone 14-624,
FOR SALE - An eight roomed, red
brick residence, with hot water and
all modern conveniences. Very
desirable property. Apply Box
166,• Clinton.
FOR SALE :-- Fifty acres, choice
land, all cleared, with good build -
5, convenlent to school and mark-
0t. A rare' chance for immediate
buycte-Abner Coseris, Real Estate
St l'nst1ratice,.Wingharn, Ont.
FOR -SALE —• House and barn with
three acres of land in Town Plot.
Sixty-five young fruit trees, forty-
five Northern Spy Apple trees, just
coming into bearing; among them.
Price reasonable. Abn,er Cosens,
Insurance and Real. Estate,
FOR SALE -.--too Acre Farm: BY and-.
'tion, 'at Cain's Hotel, Lucknow, oil
April 5th', 1927, at 3 part., being lot
2 con 3,Kinloss Township, estate:.
of tie. late James Crowston Rens
!percentage of the purchase
price: , ti cash; will be accepted, A
tnortgagt will be accepted for the
bal•a�lr:ese, Ptarther eotidit cos of
side vsil1 he mated at time of'sttle
s. dames :cCttltongh, f .inear4iite;
it,i stratrik)r sir. k7Coryeeltcsuse'.
:lzel1, 1t kt ow.
AivxNGliittrif AX:vA.NCE-Tint ,S
d Lr'S"i� 4r{t xrS
+„�� to PRG•i
o 'B.
Hotel Brunswick,
On Wednesday,
1-I I
Advice on the Scalp.
Ryrie Birks
Stouge & Temperance
f y'+6'1`.t
April 6th
Makers of Pat-
Make your home "brighter with Del -
o Light. The dependable farm” 1
Electric Service. -i
Get our new low price and easy
terms: t
Delco Light Dealer t
Glenannan, Ontario. r
NOTICE—As 'we have some large !
payments to meet, all, past due.ac- i
counts owing MacLean Lumber and. {
Coal Company, must be. ,paid at :
once, or they will pe put in other 1
hands for collection.
BULL FOR SERVICE --I will keep
for service, the purebred Shorthorn
bull, "Ivanhoe" -122760. This bull
won first prize in his class at the
Canadian National Exhibition, Tor-
onto. Terms:—Five dollars for '
registered cows, to be paid at time
of service, with privilege of return
if necessary -Oran Russell, R. R. 4,
Brussels, Ont., lot 8, Con 5, Morris.
fully modern house, brick veneered.
All conveniences,' good location,
eight rooms and attic. ' Apply to
J. W. Dodd, Agent.
FOR SALE—"Hatching Eggs.".Pure-
bred-to-Iay, Wyckoff and Fisher S.C.
White Leghorns, mated to cockerels
from Pedigreed males, from hens
full sisters to those holding third.
place in Dominion. contest 1926.
Why hatch chicks from hens forced
during winter months, and , have
weak chicks due to weak germs. We
have what you want. Hens wintered
on Alfalfa and hard grain laying
heavy at present time. Prices are
right—W. M. Henry, Phone 14-624.'
hundred and twenty-six
watered, well fenced.
W. F. Morris, Phone 32-604.
milkers and engines,
kept. -- R. S. Hamilton,
acres, well
Apply :to
also repairs
A W. WEBSTER. —The Tailor Up-
-- as
acres, 110 Grass, 10 broken, balance
ember and, swamp. Soil Clay
Loam, 2 Orchards, well watered and
/creed. House 1e story, cellar
ar,d furnace. Barn 56 x 56, stable
ander all, water inside. Corner
lot, County Highway, 9' niilcs north
of Lucknow, bordering south, side
Silver Lake. Township Kinloss,
Pruce County, Ont. Good'fishing
and, boating site for cottages, Price.
$5800 to wind up esta°e. -apply iliiss
Clara McNeice, Lucknow, Ont.
LOGIC—Get my price 'list before or-
dering tarred Rock o. White Leg-
horn Baby Chicks or Eggs for Hat-
ching Pure bred -to -lay strains,
Incubators and Brooders at right
prices. Custom hatching done—Dun-
can Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont.--
Bell Telephone 611-42.
FOR SALE Baby Clicks from
heavy laying strains of Barred:rocks
and S. C .W: Leghorns . Our hens
are culled by government experts,
the majority of our . flock are 0.
A C static. Owing to the demands
for our chicks we are dotbfing ottr
hatching capacity again this year, as
three-quarters of our orders .last
year were from 01d customers. Or-
ders booked, now for April and May.
`Clie barred, rocks will be the eana,ze
as last year' 16e until May :15th, a.'f-.
borester that date 152 eath,g.
horns will be,15c for, the season.
- Mrs. Geo. 'l D. Fer•'tnn,e, at J. W.
Fortune's, R. R. No, 1, Wingham
Ont. •VI,%oazetier Phone 61.g7tpng fid
ince Tintte Office.
QR SALE QR RENT—Tenders will
be received up'to April 12th, 1927,
for the too acre grass farm, belong
ing to the late Wm, R .Hastie, con-
cession , lot 2, Hawick Township;
first •class pasture, splendid natural
water supply, good barn, *,rive shed
and fruit trees, Apply Mrs. Wm,
R. I•iastie, Extrix, Box 260, Gorrie,
0 LET—Half of first -double hiouse
up the, hill on John Street, Inquire
at the place,
OR SALE -• Incubators, oil and
coal brooders. Phone for prices
before buying. We can save you
money. • . Baron strained W. Leg -
horns and Jersey Black giant hatch-
ing eggs. F. J. Hill, phone 201W.
To the Editur av ail :thine Wingham
Peer Sur:-- notish that thine lads
down in Novy Seosliee wid the blue
noses do be gittin party near. iviryting.
they ask from the prisint Governmint.
'Tis the shmart byes they ,are thiixl,.
fellates ,'down be the-soundzn say, an,
whin they go afther annyting they, go
afther it shtrong, as though they in-
tinded to -git it, so they do. They
are the elimart•est pollytishians in.Can-
ada, barrin thim Frincliies . down in
Quebec. They saw that es long as
they wud kape on votin Grit they wud
git nothin, so they switched azi voted
Tory, an thin the
Grits knew: they had
to come across, an do it.quick, if they
NOTICE TO CREDITORS wanted anny hip frpnn that quarther.
Pollyticks is a quare: game an a lot av
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to fellahs don't same to know `how to
he provisions of the Trustee Act, play it. Look at Toronto, fer insh
hat all persons having any claim or tancel That City has been sindin
demand against John Reid, late ''of Tory mimbers to Ottawa fer fifty
Wingham Town, in Huron County,. years, an what did'they ivir git out
and Province of Ontario, retired Far av a Tory Governmint? It tule twin
mer, who died on or about the 7th day ty years arr more to git a new station,
of March, 1927, are required to send which, I belave, is shrill shtantlin imp
by posh prepaid,. 'or deliver to J. A. ty. The Posht Office, and, Cushtom
Nlortory at Wingliam, Ontario, solic- House are a disgrace to the city, an,
tor for the executor of the said de- not loikely to be changed as long as
eased, • on or before the zoth day of
pril, 1927, their names and addresses
ritit full particulars in writing of their
laims, and the nature of the seccuri-
les, if any, held by them, anti veri-
Toronto shticks to its prisent plan av
nivir,givin a Grit a chance to be elick-
ted. Moind, I -don't mane to say
that anny ' Tory ,in Toronto shad
charge his Pollyticks fer the resht av
ied by a statutory, declaration. And his natchural loife, but only fer wance
ake notice that after the said, last arr twoice, to shcare the Tories at
mentioned day, the said executor will
listribute the assets of the said de -
eased, among the persons entitled
hereto, having regard only the claims
f which he shall then have had notice,
nd that the said executor will not be
iable for said assets or any part there -
)f to any person of whose claim he
;hall not then have received notice.
DATED. at • Wingham, Ont, this
14th day of March, 1927.
J. A. Morton, Solicitor
for the said, Exeoutor.
Ye Old,Tyme
uron Clentral Agricultural Society
are holding
A Fiddlers' Contest
Spring Show Night
THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, AT 8 p.m.
Competitions as follows:
Fiddler's 55.years and over, $7, $5, $3
Fiddlers udder 55 years, $7, $5, $3
Lady Fiddlers $7, $5, $3 tisk Nort Huron is a safe sate fer thine
Step Dancers $3, $2 a thin we won't grit a tint,
(Open to Ladies and Gentlemen) Yours till nixtwake.
Comic Singers $3, $2 Timothy Hay.
(Open to Ladies and Gentlemen)
reatest distance $3
Ottawa an to snake the Grits. belave
that mebby there wud be a chance fer
thine yit in the Quane City, • If the
Toronto Tories wud take the advoice
av a sinsible man, an do as I tell thin',
they wud purty soon hes both parthies
in Parleymint fallin over thimsilves to
hand out money fer' improvernints in -
that city, so they wud.
An the . same rule applies nearer
home.1 undherstand some Tories
are opposed to nominatin a man in
Nort Huron be rayson av not wantin
to offind, the Governmint, so' long as
Goderich nades money fer .the harbor.
'Tis a wrong plan intoirely, so it is,
fer what we nade to do is'to put a
mon in the field an foight as harrud
as ivir we did in our loives,, an thin
the Governniint will see that'someting.
has to be done to hould,the roidin.
Shure 'tis no use allowin all the coun-
thry's money to be shpint in' Antig-.
onish an on buildin railways to Hud-
son, Bay-. Nort Huron nades:a share
av it, an will nada it- iviry yare, as
long : as thlm Chicago thaives kape
on shtalin our wather, an the only way
to git it is to leapt the Grits in fear
an trimblin all the toime. If we sit
down an don't do annyting they will
Fiddler Corning . g
Oldest Fiddler competing $2
Rules Governing Fiddlers
1. Open to the counties of Bruce,
Huron and Perth.
2. Each contestant to play two sel-
ections, one selected by the contes-
tant and "Flowers of Edinburgh,"
3. No Entry fee. Any or all con-
estants liable for service during
dance. Non -prize -winners each, re-
ceive $1.00a
4. Accompanist provided if so desir-
statt•s, over .J 'o- -
ice, solicits a share of your patron- 6. Committee reserves rights to
age. Authorized Agent for The, ter or add rules.
New Rollie and Ideal Sewing Mach- 7. Old time 'music to be basis of the
Ines. Raymond, Machines made, contest,
'as good as new by an expert who 8. Professionals not eligible.
has built Raymond Machines for Old Tyme Dance After Cont1'est
Twenty-five Years. Charges are Admission, Concert and. Dance conn-
Moclerate, bined soc—No reserve seats
Proceeds to go t8 Spring Fair Funds.
J. McFarlane, W. J. Millet, G. Elliott
President. Treasurer. Secretary
al -
Ratepayers of the Town are hereby
notified that properly signed petitions,
for oiling of streets, will be accepted
by the Town. Council, if presented "on
o.rbefore Saturday, April 3oth, 1927.
Forms of petition niay be secured
on application at the Town Clerk's
Office,. This work will be carried
out under the provisions of The Local
Inrprovement.Act, which r,egttires that
petitions be signed by two-thirds •in
number of the property -owners and
representing over one-half' of . the
assessed, value of property 00 any
street., d
The oiling will he repeated later in
the season'if required. It is elepected
that this service will cost about $t,so
for a 66 foot lot, This amount will
be added to taxes of property affect d,
leo petitions will be accepted after Ap-
ril 30th, 1927.
W. A. Galbraith,
11101 Clerk',
LU ,',a n BER
—and --
r itish olumbia
Oak, Birch & Maple Floor ng
I3ird's Rock -Faced. Shingle
Siding and Roll Roofing
Yr March 3114,
111 11111111®111101 111111 IIMI II1801.1188Ii11i IiMN.I11I I8i i► .. 1
r�►►�r►It+�►I�IIn�nl�ulwnll�m�lalwu ►� . � �.
Former Wingltamite Appointed,
J. H. Bugg, who is superintendent
of water services, will succeed Chas..
Bugg as superintendent of the water
services for both the London and
Stratford divisions of the C. 'Re R.,
who is retiring on April 1. The new
appointee' is a nephew of the retiring
superintendent. •
Charles Bugg has been employed' by
the Grand Trunk and Canadian •Nat-
ional Railways for 42 years. Yesterday
he cclebrat.ed his 71st birthday at his
hone, 262, Wellington streets -London
Free Press,
Mr. Bugg is a former citizexi of
Wingham, at one time conducting the
tinsmith and -plumbing business, now
owned by Mr. W. T. Boyce.
Cowan -McDowell Nuptials,
A pretty wedding -took place at tlie.
residence 'of Mr. and Mrs;, F. A. Ker-
shaw, 'Blyth on Thursday, when MIiss
Della McDowell, sister of, the hostess,
was united in marriage to George, Ce -
wan, eldest son of the late Mr: and
Mrs. Isaac ;Cowan, of l3lytb. Rev.
George Telford, pastor of St. An-
drew's United Church, per-fon/led the
ceremony at high noon. The bride
was pretty, in a gown of brown :cut
velvet and geotgette acid carried` .a
botjcquct of Sweetheart roses. The
bride and bridegroom were unattend-
ed, Little Anna McDowell, niece of
the :,bride,eivas flower girl, wcarieg a
dress of daffodil yellow silk crepes,and•
S carrying a bouquet of siapdragon.' The
house was beantifel.ly decorated for
the occasion with rose carnations. A-
bout 25 guests were entertained" at
lti iclicon b• the h •
a y hostess. Later tie
happy couple left on a motor trip, The
bride, in going away, wore a costume
of Chanel red, with salad hat and black
silk wrap, On their s4 tee, they win
settle on a fiirni in Ea it `Wawattbsh,
BD C Cedar{ and ivir Flooring
Ceililr /��/✓(;
Etc.0 at the Mill
or delivered,
Jos Whitochurch
co wear Sizes 11, 12,
l or
36 pairs all told, Oxfords and Strap
Slippers ; all good shoes but odds
ends that must be cleaned ,out for
the extrernely low .price
One shoe of . each pair is now being shown in the
South Window with size ticket attached.
Phone. 129, WINGHAM I_�
®111111®111�1111�nalialII®Iilirailail�lialli�ill�lll®III11I11s111 atill�llla aiilaIl�nmtol■ilfS
Did Bowmanville merchants miss
any of their regular customers last
Friday and Saturday. Possibly they
did. If so, perhaps they know why.
Oshawa merchants put ,on Dollar
Days Friday and Saturday. Practi-
cally every merchant in Oshawa was
represented in 'last week's Oshawa
Reformer, taking, liberal space to
feature bargains which he was offer-
ing for those days. The streets of
Oshawa were thronged, even though
weather was unfavorable. If all
the merchants of Bowmanville would
drop pretty differences and get to-
gether into acompact working mass,
they could bring into Bowmanville
double the trade it is now getting,--
Bowmanville Statesman.
Wingham Merchants proved this
in their Dollar Days of about three -
weeks ago.
j IIImIN011111111�111tar�f111�i1t�i11>•1lI�111�I11�111�
- Do You Know ?
11 That "we sell pipe and fittings �.
for all classes of work, and do
Iii Plumbing, Steam, Hot Water I
and Hot Air Heating? 1
Stove Repairs. Pcuup Repairs j
BOY _�
W. J.
el • Store Ph. 58., House Plie 811, I
dill W 1118i1118lNls411181 1811113811111111111811111
Goodrich and Firestone.
Tires were never as,
cheap and never better.
ADS1'211 t COUPE
Alt Prices at Factor y, Oshawa, Ta rtt Extra
A. M. CRA FOD, titiNGlIA;M, ONT.
Dealer in McLaug .hlan,r Oldeitobile acid Chevrolet Cars.