HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-03-31, Page 3gee e onete Vidette ess-s roxete ThelredayeMai"ell gaSt, 1927 GORRIE NEWS Mr. and Mrs'. E See -grottier and two children of Kitchener, visiteel cover the week -end with Mr. arid Mee. R Steirenilier at the Albion. Mr. Wm. Whitfield made a been ness trip to Torento recently, The annuatmeeting of the -United. Sunday Schoel was held laredetesda.y evening when the followirig el -Deers were appointed. Supt—Mr. :Wm. Gregg. , Assist. Sept. —Mr. Wair, Gasnblie. spent his early days,: In s881 he anovs I Secvretary — E. Whitfield. ed to Palerierston, whege he became Assist. Secretary—M. Stephen. Treasurer—Miss A. Carson. Pianist—Miss E. Stephen. The Sunday School has enjoyed a .WELL KNOWN RESIDENT, OF GORRIE DIES Robert Fulton White died at 'his home here early Friday morning, af- ter ap illness of some, thee months duration. Mr. White, wlio was he his eercl year Was a memlser of the Conservative party for years, and had been in buSluess in Goritie fOr 29 years, with. the ,exception of three years' residence itt Wingham. 1 -le was bon in Mt. Forest, where be, associated with the Bridge end Build- ing Dept. of the C. N. R. A few years later he became the proprietor of the Alexandra House,. t8go, prosperous year with an average at- he married Margaret Stewart ot Mit- tendance of 82, arid splendid spirt 0 chell, who with •two daughters, Ger- co-operation. trud,e and Louise at home, T. Milton, Mr. A. Edgar of Ayr, spent the week of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chatham, and two brothers, Isaac of 1 Edgar. - Berville, Mich., and Thomas of ,Mt Gorrie United League will visit the Worest, survive him. ' Wroxeter League next Monday night April 4th. Miss Margaret Ashton of Seaforth spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. B. Hillborn of Hamilton spent the week -end in Gorriev An enjoyable social was held :on Saturday a•fternoon by the members Of the junior league. The officers ,elected were: . Hon. Pres—Mrs. (Rev.) Craik.' President—M. Wright. Secretary—L. Ashton. Treasurer—Lloyd Ashton. • Pianist—P. Ashton. ' After a short program, lunch was served. "Children's Day," will be observed in the 'United Church on Easter morn- ing. A special program, ,"Gates of •and beautiful showing the esteem in Spring," will be given. The service 1which the deceased -was held. The will commence at 50.45 a.m. Honorary Pallbearers were; W.M. lia • An excellent congregation enjoyed - win; A. Toner; Thos, Nichol; Dr - the illustrated address given by kev. !Armstrong; Geo. Towne and. G. W., D. Armstrong Suntle.y evening. I Waller. The Active Pallbearers: Rev. F. Craik will asaist in Passion I H. V. Holmes, L. Campbell, W. Palm- • week service e to be held in Palmers- LereVeri. Hill, W. E. 13rawley and R.,„A. ton United Church front Apri1io-17. Spotton. Miss Ruby and Lizzie Cathers, also Mr .John Cathers, -visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Moffat in Wroxe- ter last Sunday, Mr. H. Watters of Niagara Falls -,,,,-- _ i''' spent the week -end ,in Gorrie. ' 'The funeral, Rev. Me Jones offici- ating, was held on Sunday, from his late residence, to St. Stephen's church, interment taking alace. at Gorrie cem- etery. Those attending the funeral from a distance were, Isaac White and •grandaughter, Berville, Mich; T. H. and Mra. White, H. R. White and wife l 'TS, E. White and Mrs White of Mt. Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Ito Arms- trong end sou of Harristoe; Russell Walters, Exeter; R. Bridgeford. and, Mrs. B. 'Read of Palmerston;, Thos. ( and Lloyd Wright, Hamilton, Mrs Morren, London;, Gera. Stewart of Springfield; R A. Spotton and 'Mrs. Spotton; and Mai. and Mrs. W. E. Brawley, Wingham. The floral tributes were numerous Card of Thank The farnily of the late Robert White desire to take this means of thanking one and all of their manyfriends and • neighbors id Gorrie and vicinity for I their kiadness and sympathy extended to them during the time of illness and demise of their dr' husband and father. Former Wingharnite's Address I Mr. Clarence McGregor, of Wing - ham, formerly of Bobcaygeon, gave an address on "Canada,' its develop- ment and Leadership." In an exceed -I • ingly able and interesting manner, Mr. I McGeegor traced the history' briefly; from the discovery of America ,to Confederation, and then in greater de- I tail spoke of Canada and its leaders since coiifederation. The rapt at- I -tention wes a warm testimony to the I appreciation of the large audience. All eincerely hope that another opportuni- ty may come, in the near„futtiee.to hear Mr. McGregor again. --Lindsay Ward,- ' Mr. McGregor was a•. barber with Mr. j. 0. Hableirk for, several months leages ,„. 'ast,Yeat\c,:. "aaaaaal.se,esieeasseeaseaseea-sie-eassises-e. 111111111211 1110111 1111111111111 111111111131111$11115111mS sea. 1111 5 SPRING HATS - JUST ARRIVED --- Our new ae= Fr spring hats for Men. All new :1=7 shades and styles. -- You will El N.A need a new hat And .3f coUtse you want a Biltmore. Fa. • New Flexo Semi Soft ,Collars • elle the new, tiding for Spring. Men's Oxfords inatlack, Calf and Tali at $4.5o. , ' • , Working Shirts and Overalls age, at reducer' prices. ' ;!!!‘ • Remember our Saturday spec-, ill lals. • Here are a few prices. • White Naptha, ancl 'Surety Mon- - is- THE SCHOOL PAPER A teat Unequalled in Golf jaseeeseeee_e_seeesairya s alianeleintiireaMirratilherareannatialeillnlaitreallUtrelearlinKa=17711‘ rrknres:• a'r u 1--essrvalr RtV4V5.:7' fee , Alf- ease 1 TheXifth,areen--Note monsin shirt sleeves ' on a Vebruary afternoon. 2 The diixteenth green where be duplicated ithe bole in one on tbe.Afth. 3 F. Tanalcu, in action, arayeng ;one of his hole -in -one shots. P. Tan.ake•, keel Vancouver ;golfer, sa went out or a round on the Cana - than Pacific Railway "Langard" golf (course one fine day in February this wear and created a world's record when be holed his tee shot twice in oneeleet ern the fifth and sixteenth green, a feat that bas never been equalled in the historyi of golf. •Mr. Tanaka before this was, not known to fame, but now, of course, jumps into the :limelight. His shots were duly vouched for by prorninasnt Vancouver golfers who were with ,,,,, I on -the links at the time, The "Lapgara" course was opened last year by the C.P.R., after construc- tion at a cost of $160.000, The all-the- yearsgolf that can be played on this cotn-se is well indicated by the photo- graphs, which show the fifth and six- teenth greens as they appeared on that Fel:ie.:eery afternoon when Mr. Tanaka essa-sreat the seeem this morning? Sure enough it was No life was near it, but I entered and the same Margaret Doig who used beieg hungry, kindled the fire and set to attend W. C. C. They bad bota ebout getting something to eat. At recognized me, and I knew I would, last the two prospectors arrived, and not be lonesome when I had, them to I eever before got euch a shaking. talk back to , Both of them thought They pounced on me and shook me the nursing agreed with them, as until they were really satisfied it was they weve head of the firni, they left L the hard work for the other nurses Geordie then gave us a demonstra- to do. In the course of our talk lion in cooking supper, and fieally we happened to mention Jacks Toner. we were satisfying our craving appe- Oh! laughed Marguerite, "you know tites. Gradually our talk drifted to Jack is one of the tea buyers for a old times in Wroxeter. The •two great concern in Canada, don't you,' Murdy, surprised—"No." Margaret—"Oh yes, all day long he steeps tea on his enormous electric stove and sips and sips and sips, to grade the tea. Murdy—"Gee, he mast have a good taster toltell any difference in the been traeeed by Fralick's quaint wee •quality of the tea, after pouring it blush. "You bet," said Mid. "Oh down him year after year. • say' boys' you remember alive Law'- , Marguerite—"Oh, but you must un- ence and Jeah Sperling. Well they derstand, he has a charming littleare icn°wri as the greatest duet sing- • Chinese lady to help him... ers in the world - They say jean is Laughingly, Murdy said, "Oh, but the same Jolly girl as ever'. Oh that's different! gie mid, do you Yea, and Harold, Durst is the president remember how quiet Venda Newton 1of the 0. A.' B. Artists Club in Tor - used to be, asked,Margaret. . argaret. onto. People say he has won great • nee. "I11 say so, quiet gentle kid, 'wasn't fa , she," answered Mercise Jim—"Have you ever heard of Win - Both little girls laughed at this, an nie *Rae' • Murdy—"My goodnes's, said, "Oh she is certainly a heart breakYes. Haven't you heard she is the reatest Canadian Book Writer, Why I settlers were eager to know all the news. At their enquirys for Fralick, I caused there to laugh until the tears ran down their cheeks by telling thena Fralick married a multi -millionaire. Jim grunted, half -laughing, "I guess that million -dollar lady muse have 1 nave one 05 nerJooks , antt ed. She lives in the States, and she boys, .you remember Andersen Inglis ' has divorced sik men and is .on her and Walter Willits. •I honeymoon with the seventh. Well . "Yes," answered the boys." "Well d if that doesn't beat the limit,"Murdy answered Mid, Andy has achieved a! Ps cried . "Oh yes, and you remember great' plan of """aoil from the with Aleck Ha,stie, h,otel keeper. Us- krao-wn • as Dony, told how he an ually his guests are quite hla.ppy and. Cathers, whore we used to call Ni cheerful; the only day. I can't stand .per at W. C. C. hadIt . strayed here. Edith Wier and Daisy Stocks. They • k d G h h. ' A d again. All he ha.d to was to think and Eva Brown is now the editor of 'about it, a'red, sure enotigh, if old dame the Homemaker's Page. in the Globe." fortune didn't bring it along to him," "Oh yes and Irene Wright and Dor- I . a.• I ' answerea,jim. ' othy ,Greee have a stylish up-to-date' Millinery 'in Paris. Some class to "Yes, he's quite a swell. • He's got Wesley and Spatting Yeo were vis- atheiir hats 1 heats Irene makes the hats young Walter . Willits engaged to iting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Bre- and Dorothy sells them. Of course blacken his shoes, and manicure his kenridge last Sunday.: , you remember Isabelle Earls. She fingernails, and so on. ' • ' . • • Syrup making is the order of the / a farnous,actress in the Fitch Filming is I "That beats -the' liniit, ' answered day. Mr. Christopher Hetherington station, New York. Carl has becorne Georgie, "but then," he said in his reports an extra run on Saturday. famed for his neweinventions concern- :comical. droll voice, "I think Jini, I'd • Will Johnston r.eturnect toothe west. 'ing movies etc." . sooner sit here in my' cabin and listen He looks hale and hearty. • Ito' you trying tO 'eine" To 'Whieli • Miss Morrison is engaged to teeele - 1 Murdy, laughing—"Say could •You tboth Murd,y 'and Jini joined in laugh- in No. e Turnberry. • is -, - a :imagine all these People doing this ter. , They sat thue, far *inea; the Sorry to say that little Miss .,Jean 1 churns 'night, talking of the past times they Wheeler had her leg btoken on Thers- kind of work, when we were at W. C,. C. , I + hart at W. C. .C. At last they remised clay last Nvh e at school. We are il is Thursday, when the cook is off seems that all the girls up around duty, aind Aleck, himself, fills the Gorrie had got married, and there role. The board' is something, wasn't arty left for ,them, so they had fierce that day. It was at this ,estabe to get out and hunt some. lishment that I met Commodore WALKER—"You . should just see John Heine, who persuaded me • to the girls swarm in here to get their work as "speeler," on its yoyage ac- hair cut." ross the Pacific. I was ready to ac- • CA'rHERS, interrupting -- company him. The next week, we you, go o; you don't use nee fair, be- : set- sail in his electric boat, the day of steam boats being over. Wewere heading for the Hawaiian /stands. . , are running a 15 cent store ill Toronto WROZETER NEWS Mr John Cathers and sisters, Gor- rie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moffat of town. Mr. 13ole Witte of etroit is at pres- ent visiting his parents here. Miss Mary McMichael, who is teach - near Bluevalue spent Sunday at her home here. • Mrs. McTavish is at present visiting friends near Wingham. There was a good attendance at the United Church, Sunday evening, to hear Rev. Mr,! Craik of Garrie, who preached a splendid, sermon, Mr. Jno. McNaughton of tondo; who had beeu visiting at the home of his son, Stewart, for a few days, re- turned home one day last week. Miss ,Elda Hazlewood is at present. visiting frientle in Toronto.. -1 Mr. Ernest Dobbs, of • Toronto, A former resident of Wroxeter, was in town on Saturday. Robert White of Detroit is visiting his parents, Me and Mrs. Neil White. Rev. Craik of 'Gorrie preached in the United Church last Sunday. , Mr. A. G. Smith cif the Advance - Times, Wing -ham was in town last Firday on business. • He was accom- parried by Mrs. Smith and little daughs ter. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Greenway severely burned her hand on a hot stove last Saturday. Mrs. Dr. McLeod returned home on Monday night, after spendingabhple of weeks, in Toronto. . James Edgar of ,Wingharr,. wesean the village on •Saturday. One day, as I was passing through the dining room, my attention was drawn, tak' ye °flyway, fbr if dinna be hire, to a freckle -faced, red-haired manewho ye ken, theyoill ask if Mr:' Hastie ie was. one of the Red Caps. Where had I seen that face? Well say, if (A mernoir of Murdy Edgar and His To this Nipper responded with a Travels around the World—As Read* by, the Fulsile Of tliel\Teett erieratl9ris). It is eurprising and, astonishing that in the years gone by—in the Histoey of the Past, there has, never been a more remarkable storY of a man's life, in connection with travel, romance, and discovery, as there is attached to' the now famous and erorld-renown- ed name of Murdy Edgar. We have read about the wonderful Works of our ancesters, such as Marconi and, Edison, as Inventors; and of Drake, Cartier and of other great explorers, but yet none has equalled that of Sir Murdy'Edgar. It is wonderful to think that such a famous mita was raised and educated in the vicinty of Wroxeter, which is now famed for his birthplace. The people of Wroi.e1ter might well be proud that the 'World's rnost fam- ous man was educated in the dear old W. C. C. under the careful guid- ance of hie teachers, Mr. Garrett and Miss 'MacKenzie. The former, now living the life of a retired, farmer, and the latter, after a successfel tea.ching career, has settled. down to married life. As our friend, Murdy pledded through the flowery fields of the W. G C., a great inspiration cadne to him that he wished to be great. Re longed to do, something that wotild be of some rise to the worlds Thus 'as time quickly passed by, eve ,see e nutlaine rapid, prop ess climbing lite's great ladder, step by step. After leaving W. C. C, he spent a year in Harriston, where he obtained his I. His jolly, inanly, spirit, won, him Many true and ever!' faithful friends. From Harriston, 'alertly attended the London Noririal,, itt tgze beemne Principal, of a school near Toren:Ito. With the money he learned here, he pushed ob. through the great West to 33. ,,C, While in B. C. he developed a, strong desire for travel, From here on, we shall trail his travels, as lVfertly himaelf told his cousit Archie Edgar, and as a restilt Archie 'deliv- ered the recital to es; Mtirdy's Story:— "Even here In. 'Vancouver, before folloevilig my fleeitig fancy to other parts of the world, / fiod Many of My old W. C. O. chtuns Vaficotters Cause -vehee the girla come in you al- ways cut their hair and don't give me a chance." • WALKER—"Oli, dinna think they'd - sew a Baiis for .......... ...... 25c. = A PZ '' ' ' • Gold, P. a's G. and Comfort. 4, VI? i ! bars for 20c. i _ , Ali Corn Syrup, 51b tits ,........ .... „sage. ies to lb tins . ., 6gc. -' iial ollellS ilyorluoiliat e o • ...... - $ r, i se, _ ---a,„ Get, oar prices on Sugar. High- i IIII dst Prices for Eggs arid Butter. ilia Cream taken every deg. 4 THE,D,AvEle STOHE P i WHOMEVER. ' m it isn't, Stewart Mulvey.. Hastening over, where he was,cuff of the lug. I h:°Y. ,Th9se i4ed "Q lee the good old ter. 'I gave hind Ar Walker to Murdy--"Ph ;'sn quite taintlt; je,SW Restie and 11argaret /31,UE,VALE' 1 Margaret,—"Oh, I haven't told you .tl• eemselVes by lifin-da-'s' "Oh; Jimmie hoping te hear she may soon be bet • - 'saint about them •"ea a de' ys." •• I Mrs. 1,,ici3rcert who has been under heerty ela en the back, with a al -low catch wIth the girls out here Mid." Wright." . . . I declare I thought I woald hever Musdy—i . . do you do Critstyst s. tensed ar- uruy stayed here ri3f oni,e time, the doctor's care, is Improving. • il get away -from those two talkin,g i Illargaret—"I had a letter from Jes- I and time. soon dreweiigh to when he I Mr. Peter McDougall tree been Suf- i:Mid quiekly, and (311,6 'o? itiog,e sty , maching, 'Ed at last I departed with 'sie to -day and they are running 1 one must take his departure... It was no flexing from an attack of pnettmonias little grins illeneinated his' caunten- 1i ance, and he, said in -sarprised tones, a farewell wave of my hand. of the biggest Dornestic Science farewell of gladness; but of sorraw. Pleased to say she is some better. As Murdy left, the three pals clasped I Mrs. John Fells entertained a. few • 'their hands, a.nd sang the dear old fi:l'ends. last Friday evening. refrain, "Should' Auld Acquaintance 1 Mrs. Geo, Yeo spent last week in be forgot." - • - Toronto, Glancing in the direction from 'From here; Murdy 'decided, to go Crusty Mulvey at that job. At this whence the =sib came, I caught sight them." • back to look once niore at his old gar?" over which we had a hearty• two days I landed in., England. "Wheee did you hail from, Mid Edi In As 1 stepped. off, I heard tire familiar hgedshalcd. He was havieg the time tune of "His -ho -the Merrio," float of hie' life and was certainly rolling in through the air. the money, but who - Sould imagine schools in North America. They iinstruct all their pupils how to cook. Jessie says the first lesson is to teach them how to boil water. I Murdy--"Gee, but isn't that like moment, a voyager came along and of the orchestra. A tall, straight Marguerite—"And mind you, Katie 'home town of Wroxeter, where he required his assistance, so Crusty gave important looking marl drew ney• at- Waller is a wonderful movie dancer.. learned, only Edevaid Gibson and Ev- me a wink of his eye; and we parted. tention. Looks a bit like Ken Ed- As graceful as a swan, they say." lyn Hupher remained, of all his farm - Another surprise was also awaiting gar doesn't it? . Then he turned and 1 Mid—"Did you ever hear anything er chum& Edward ran a success- .., . me, when I nearly ran into a tall, yelled a commantl, to, his band, still of Bessie Wylie. . - • fid bee farm, and Evelyn was an ac- darkshaired lady, carrying' a bowl of , beating time. This assured nte it •Margaret — "Whya did you never complished, music teacher. His heart fruit . I humbly begged pardon, but 'was Ken, 'Quickly going over, 1 hear? She is a travelling companion ;warmed to these two, who through those flashing eyes I had seen 'Some- 'made myself acquainted, Ken intro- to the aged mother of George Young, ' the changing years stood by and tried where before. With the words, ',laced me to his orchestra. Mervin the great champion Swimmer, who iS to make Wroxeter prosper. "Murdy Edgar, your are jest as dune, atepeans played the violin. (Poor old taking a sea -voyage for her health." I Then we see in Sir Murdy Edgar, Semis°. I wonder if he is any bet- I In a few' days our wouldsbe hero , the true t,ype of a.. Canadian Citizen, sY as ever." I recogniied Jean 'Mille - tet in, Latin.) : Peggy Gibson chord- was able to leave :the hospital. One He who had wen 'tense and honour gan. She pissed on without turths •;er adieu. . While: chuckled to my- self and said, 'Stilt the same old Jean.' 1"But why should she be here?" ask- ed myself." Then the thought struck nee she was still in leave with Crusty; as in the old days W. C. c, At lest the faithful old ship lauded us safely. on the islands. As the `ship was staying here for a few dears, I thought I would look about. Aily hair was Deeding cutting badly, So seeing a barber shop down the street, ; cit horns, or hoarding Place is ed on the ,banjo, smiling and keeping day, while sitting in the club house, he in his inventions and travels should tinte with those peculiar wags of her picked tip a newspaper in which , care to come home,. is remarkable to pretty head,, and Margaret a Davey, read of the failure of the Scientists hink abeet, and we think :of the little stilt as 4suiet. as ever, played, the gm- who had been trying to get a message poem: With a The years roll on, and we tar, arid there was wee Willy Timm, from the people of Mars. pounding on the Traps. Oh; and if jump, Mundy landed on his feet and I Though dearest friends, must part; there ,wasn't Whitfield, blowing with the club house halls resoundedwithBut may the love of:former days, , all his strength, plying the Saxe- the echo, as he brought down; his fistIeeepewarm within each heart. phone, Imagine Xen keeping track on the table, "I'll clo it, you bet 1 1 , of all these, and'an orchestra, organ- will." For three or four months, Buying From Peddlers Poor Business ized fro/a around Wroxeter away ov- Murdy's friends saw little of hini, 4 ane I 'Notable among the signs of ap- er here in England, but when I heard then' every magazine and newspaper .proaching Spritig is the return of the i that: it was one of Kenneth's plans in in the country was blazing forth in • doorsto-door peddler selling MOPS, 1 I eigzagged along and entered it. Ti the first place it was different. • As startling headlines the announcement brushes, , dote: etc. Apparently the with the former's sister, Mrs. Thos. Alfred Agar spent a few days at the home of Mrs, Joseph Breckenridg-e last week. IJames Breckenridge was he town last Monday on business. Mr. Will Johnston of Keyes, Man, spent the week end visiting at the homes of Mr. Geo. Mathers and Mr. Thos. Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and, , daughter of Gttelph, spent the week end at the home of tie former's per- teets, Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers. Mrs. Bray of Tuburn spent the past week with her. cousin, Mrs. Robe Mus- grove. 'a Mrs, George Yoe is at present visit- ing friends at Brampton. I Mr. Thomas Mathers and family are ;moving to the' village this week, TENTH LINE HOWICK Miss tide Edges= spent Sunday at her home in Clifford. Mr. Wess and little son, Car- son of lelti„ Forest, spent a few days Was a large spaciong building, which the troupe was playing for MoneY, 1 of the first successful ,communication peddlet must , .cto well because his Strong. • flourishing two barbers. A,short, fat simply couldn't detain them any long- of this world with Mars. Mutely had trade stems to be a popular one. Ono •-•% MISS riorence Demnierling and man, with griuning face, bowed and er, so had to go. One day while in discovered the secret that had • lain reason he finds it easy to melee it said, "How cl'ye do." with a sort of London I met with an accident. Not hidden for so many years. Honour. go is that he often has Soo per cent home. John, spent Sunday at the Strong foreign accent. T saluted atid told seeing a hurrying electric car, I was was not lackingfor the inventor, but profit and only a few, sales a day hitn 1 wished a haircut: With the knocked down and injured, When he decided; that in. preference to sett- are neoessary. He has no rant or haire A. door from the side opened, tal with a white capped nurse leaning Mg fortune, lee evould travel on to ' stand back of his goods because he is ! mrs, wigiam Anger and he doesn't have to Card of Thanks utmost politeness, he started et my 1 awoke, 1 found myself in a hosei- ling down in London with his amez- taxes to pay and family, and a tall, good looking man, wear- over me, 'Too tired to siestak, I other lands, and endeavor to make here to -day sued gone to-ntorroev. Los wish to thank their many friends and soon dozed off to sleep. The next 'good his discovery. He aid not like. cal merchants would ba glad if they neighbors for their many kindnesses day, feeling better. I began to look 'people always waiting to praise him, could get half the price for their goods t i 1 In tug recent bereaVement around. At this instent, the same. so he determined to visit the gold that the high-pressure ealesmah often ' nurs,e which I heel seep. , yesterday, 1 mitres of Australia, where his two old reeeieras: Teo merchant ncji. only cense in, followed by another. I standsbyea, Jim SanderSon and George , sells for less in most cases, but he : FRED DAVE • Village Clerk "Well if it isn't Mid Edgar." I was dumbfounded, if that last nterse ?alibi were, ;steeds behind Iris legitimate prodtict. •Issuer of Marriage Licentes recognized Walk,er Hestie. Then he wasn't Marguerite Foster, I alidn't 1 Mordy--"Reaching Australia., It did Hao earries an atisines in trt legitimate The law tow requires the license be . , introduced me to his parttier in the knew artything. No one living businesa, Lloyd, Callers. Of puree could ever forget her black curly hair, it WAS tilg saint Lloyd, oidy he had arid then that other euese, 1 had. seen irig glasses, entered, with such a busin- ess like alt that thought it must be he who was head of the busine.ss. As soon' as the genflemaa •saw ine, he siniled and, rabbed his chin and said. not take inc long to go out to the fashioe and he ehouldehave gee loyal alsen out three days 'adore the ccre !fili.i1CS. knew where the boy's cab- I sepport .of the community not only on away, 'in was, ao I did not save that thfft- sentimental grounda but ft.orn. the I Subscriptiren •taken ler the grown sostout that'll watild fool th0 Aomewhere before, • Thee she call- lenity to contend with, My heart standpoint 'of good buainese and com- •• IetetrreesaTe. eyes ot anyone. Walker, better' ed nut cheerily,' "Wall how are you I failed me as I approached the cabin, mon sense, • cluAbdbirirzgiVcti satee.