HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-03-31, Page 2WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIIVIES
Thursday, Wfarg4,31$t TO27 ,
i; • /
for the
With sails_ unfurled, The Walker Store
This week -end, with a
of. _Ltest
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opens wide,
In Coats, Dre3ses, Hats, Silks, Crepes, Hosiery, Gloves Scarfs.
Everything will be inship order for your careful inspection. Be
sure to. come. Last minute buying enables :as to offer the last
word out in style and cloths,
mEmsflimommowmonsmamiummommmilimimmusumwmuipmffithennummiailimmfflommmi6maimim IlliMarnelplIMUMWRIMUMEMEMOMMUMMWEMPMEMMMIWOMEM
I)on't Mss This Opportunity
— ' COME 1.,
Thursday, . Friday, Saturday
. . Make This.' Your Headquarters in Wing.
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Quality Guaranteed—Prices Low
„ ' •
This Invitation is Extended
To All. Come in and
Look Around. We Invite You
craeoememolOorkom.womponnoanwomownes.a.,...mo.o.rmmo. uolooft"...a.neem..
BRUCE COUNTY GIRL VISITS David Street, just inside the Jaffa Jerusalem to rerneinber one
JERUSALEM (Gate. Nearby is the special entrance
. which the former Kaiser of Germany
Lively Plante of Ancient City by had made for his spectacular entry in -
Miss Dorothy Mickle to the city.
of Cliesley Being some 2800 feet above sea
---- level, Jerusalem is naturally cold,
Miss Dorothy Miekle of Chesley, especially in the evenings, and so^
who haS been on a "cruise" through our first act was to order a fire in;
the IVIediterranean Sea, has been con- our rooms, which made us fairly coin-
tributing to the Chesley Enterpriseortable. In the morning we started
a series of letters in which she gives out on sightseeing in the midst of a
lively and interesting description of clamp, drizzling rain, and I doubt if
the places visited. Here we give I ever saw so much nittd in my life as
her account of the visit to jertisaleni, I saw that day in Jerusalem,
and in it will be found information It is ratlber cliffieult to describe the
generally overlooked by professional historic spots in Jerusalem for two
writers. Miss Mickle sees things as reasons . The first of these is that
we would See them ourselves if we most people unfortunately have a
were there. That part of her letter ptecoliceival idea of what they will
referring to the Holy City, followS. see and what they should see in the
Abotti, six o'clock in the evening Holy Larid, and the second is that un -
we eattght our first glimpse of Jer- less otte rCadS carefully an this sub-
aealcen, its lights twinkling in theeeoft ject, one is very easily ,confused and
tght, It was not long before we bewildered,
were at the Grande NOW Hotel on
thing feet alone should be of ample inter- and Abyssinian—all of them. Chr st- 13y- the futility of the arcing of t i.of the. a ter is a p eee o rock, ,sup-
particularly,'naanely. that there have
been no less than eight cities built
upon the old site of Jerusalem, that
the original streets of the, time of
Christ are perlipas 30 feet below the
present streets, and that most of the
spots pointed out are io all probabil-
ity the product of mere guesswork,
One must remember that for centur-
ies Palestine has been a bone of
contention among nation, and that
Jerusalem. has been razed and rebuilt,
so tiffany times by Sa,racen, Crusader
aed Turk that naturally the exact lo-
catioe of many places has been
lost, /
It is partly the fault of the guide:,
that so trimly people are disappointed
in shown
Jerusalem, When one is ow
two Sepulchres, two Golgothas, two
Tombs belongieg to joseph of Arim-
a,thes, and all of them miles apart,
olio is naturally dubiou
y ths. Undoubt-
edly events all took plane the
I should advise the sightseer In neighborhood of these sites, which
est to the tourist . As a matter of,
fact, some of the sites can be quoted
as really authentic, but when one is
shown half -a -dozen "exact epots" one
must use a little judgment in the
matter. Take for example the Via
Dolouso. The street, along which
Christ walked to Calvary is to -day at
least thirty feet below the present
street, yet thousands of devout pil-
grims yearly traverse the Via Dolou-
sa, firmly believing that it is the
exaa path up which Christ walked
bearing the Cross, ,Another thing
that strikes one in Jerusalem is the
religious bigotry . Evert this sacred
city is not free from its horrors, and
this is most evident in the Church of
the Holy Sepulthre„ This church
which contains the most venerated
spot in the worktis now %/Ore or less
o religious mtsseiitn1 Containing at
least 3o shrines, each held guarded by
different religious sects. Here are
policemen bn guard in this church al
tans, but nevertheless all regarding
each other with a jealous eye, and
ready to fight at a moment's notice
Here, where everyone should worship
regardless of creed, invisible walls
mark off each shrine, and, on feast
days, it is perilous to cross these lines.
It is a significant fact that one sees
policemen on guard in thi church al-
ways, It is not pleasant to record
that not long ago the Christians, in
religious feud, became so violent that
a sqtkad of. Mohammedan,soldiers had,
to be called in to quell the tiot. The
fact that Christians fight each other
over a church, which should compel in
them no other feeling than veneration,
is not a pretty thought. One senses
an atmosphere of hostility in this
church which is obviously lacking in
he sacred places held by the Moslems.
Facts are facts, and there IS no divi-
sion in the Moharntnedati ranks. I
have Pot talked to a single member of
our party, who was not irressed
Christian, churches upon each other posed to have come from the origin-
al rolling stone of the sepulchre, and
in the inner room thousands Of pil-
grims every year prostrate the'mselves
before a marble slab, under which
they believe. Christ Was buried. It
is almost impossible to recount the •
shrines we were shownin this Church,
the altar on Calvary, where there
piee.s of the rock, on which the cross
was placed, the Chapel of St. Helena,
where the cross was found, the Tomb
of Lenginus, the` Roman soldier who
pierced' the side of Christ vvith his
spear, and the grotto where Christ
appeared to Mary after the resurree-
flop. There ane at least thirty such
shrines in the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, and time will not permit
a detailed account of them.
and each one has come away with
the impression that they thereby lose
prestige. Can you wondet that the
Moslem shows nothing but contempt
for a church that is continually divid-
ed against itself? I am willing to
venture that no one, can come away
from Jerusalem, without a profound
conviction that the great need of the
present world is religious toleration.
It is the essential lesson of the Chris-
tian faith and z000 years after Christ
even the City of His choice is 'rent
asunder by religious feuds and hatred.
By the way it is intenesting to note
that most of the satred spots it Pal-
estine are held by the Greek Ortho-
dox Chnrcit,
And now a word or two inore
bout the Chuteh of the Holy Septilehre
which we visited on the first.tnorning
and which contains the supposed light
of Calvary and the Chapel of the Holy
Sepulthre. In the atter chamber
Mr. Alex I-Iarvey has purchased„the
Ed, Morden property on Victoria St,
The deal‘wee mdtle through Mayor
Fells, teal, e8t0te dealt',