HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-03-24, Page 2WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIrMES Thursday'„ Maa rtr 001-te,1027 471 !19,'LettlYele tt1rn° lv/.Ma 1nt/,gesgeSseS� tMelfe:eles�kFl!talel. vU b%SAw/stleStN.1.ee6, It's. Time to Get Your evv Spring 3hoes ----A N D- reer's is the Place to get Them �a�,.rpwo.,ro..rvaw,r.b+.l Not only on account of the money you, save in doing so, but also on accountl_of !the wide range of Newest Styles and kinds to select from. or aarrolravoocos7wmompepomorwoomaroee”a►ovrugrmt wirigualgamovamlemosolob000me MEN'S OXFORDS Hi Shoes, including the famous Astoria, In- victus & Murray made Shoes. $4.50 t $7.50 Women's Oxfords Pumps, Ties, Straps in high, low and Cuban. heels, in all the new colors and styles. $7.50 $3.75 to We Have Hosiery to Match Your Shoes. Telephone ae The Good Shoe Store we J. GREER. •1176,17434.2, tack .\Itriativ iatiiAIM11YAlViisideir riiardi bail 9tnt irkgYemtiil tract hili tris l(— ilitria his 'remarks, some timely advice was given. Harmony Lodge feel grate ful to those assisting to make it a Commandant Taylor is spending a grand sucoess, ref days at the home of Mr, and Mre. A very interesting meeting of Queedx yHarold Currie. St. 'United Church of Canada, Blyth, Mr and Mrs, W. M, Anderson was held in the S. S. roam o£ the were Sunday visitors at the •home of, church, on TuesdaY evening, March, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Geo. T. Currie. 15th, 1927. The purpose of the Ma Harvey of Blyth visited at the meeting was to' revises' the work of (honte of Mi•. and Mrs. J. T. Currie.. the Church during the past Year. Af mover the week end ung People. CURRIES CORNERS BLYTH Mr. Thomas Bell, a highly esteem- ed citizen died on Sunday, March 20, aged 78 years. Surviving are his window, one daughter, and one son, Mr. Maitland Bell of Goderich. The fun- eral service was conducted at his' home pan T'uesday,;'Rev. Gees. Telford, hav- ter placing. the pastor Rev. Dr. Barnby 1Saptxst Yo in the chair, the different departments ( The regluar meeting of the. B.• Y. of the church presenter]. their anneal lI'. 'was held Monday evening 'in reports. These reports showed in I, the basement of the Baptist Church, all cases a satisfactory ;year's , work, ;there beingxo3 present;' Mr. Har - more especially in the Sunday scliool,'vey opened the meeting with prayer, The conregation twill meet all lo - then a solo was given by Frank Coll - cal obligations, and the Maintenance all. The topic, taken by Mrs. T. and Extension Rind will receive its MacDonald wap very interesting and frill allocation. The W. M. S. faced was 011 `•/Education and Evangelism an increased amount as its share of in ' French 'Canada." Duets given the World Wide Activities of the by,Miss Crawford, Miss McDougall, Society, but this will be fully met, C. Anderson and Roy Mundy;" were The L d' s Aid also have had a very d R W F Smith closed the me g P meeting with layer. 'Two members of the church during' ing •charge of the services, Harmony L. T. B. held a very very successful supper'. and concert on Thursday evening in Memorial Hall. Rev. W .B. Hawkins occupied.the chair. A splendid programme was rendered. Mr. A. G. Smith, County Pastor, was preesnt, and was given a good ovation. In the course of axe rnucli es Rev . m , Prosperous Year, i the past year passed on to the better land. At the close of the tneeting, a boun- tiful lunch was provided by the ladies of the congregation and was served under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. ST. HELEN'S Miss Lila 'Humphrey is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Walker of East Wawanosh. Mr. Hopper of Wingham preached in the United church here last Sun- day unday . Rev. A. E. 14fenzies of St. Thomas will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. The Young People of Hackett's church were the guests of the Y. P. B. C. here last Friday night.' Miss 'Marion: Hodgins of Hackett's presid- ed,.`' Rev. Mr. Browngave a very splendid talk to the young people, taking •the subject, "A Young . Man's Place: in the Community." After this the St. Helen's Society took full charge and a pleasant ,time •was spent in contests' and games, after which lunch was served. BLUEVALE TORY CORNERS, Mr, Wm, 1aiela,y was seized with a slight stroke on Wednesday morning of last weep, but is improving. nice- ly. Mr. Alex, Finlay motored from 'Owen Sound en Sunday to visit hisfather, Mr. and Mrs, H. Dane attended the ' afuneral,: of the late Mr. Harry Baker - of Teeswater on Sunday. - - Miss ;William Dane spent a few' days last week in Ilarriston. Mr.' ",Walter. Bush i sat present 'vis- iting.in, this burg. The annual meeting of the B1iievale United: W. M. S.,met in the basement of the church, on Tuesday, March nth. '' After the regular meeting, Rev. Mr. Walden took the chair, and declared all offices vacant. The el- ection of officers for the. incoming year are as follows;—Pres. Mrs. Geo. Thornton, Vice Pres. Mrs. Robs. Mc- Lennan' Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. Jnoc' Fells;' Cor, Sec'y, Mrs. Ed. Johnston; Treas. Mrs. Jas. Master; Organist, Mrs. W. Stewart supt of Christian Steward - :ship, Mrs. G. Snell; Stranger's Sec'y., Mrs. Bosman and, Mies Etta Agar; Miss. Monthly Sec'y. Miss M. Collie; Supt. Mission Band, Mrs. Geo. Gann et; Mite Box Slec'y. Mrs. Jos.. Breck- enridge, This Society has had a very prosperous year, 'The receipts of the year, amounted to $3S4..00. Mrs. he Lose Tanrxa:..if Blyth, has t ben visiting her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Breckenridge on the .Boundary `this week. Mrs. A. 'Palmer and daughter, Miss Una of Edmonton; Alta, spent a few 6YI f l�I { {fNl l f pll l ll�i l[fMl l 11M11! IAIi I IMMI RC�{i 11�1111f11i,�i11�111�1!#�I1Jilll i�ldl{NCtll�l CICiI IdMI! ILII II�i4lCllIC/I� IN • ®��®���®�} days cousins xnandar- taElia IESE MENIMENNf�i IIINIMEIMi i41E1i/11111®11111®1111111 I#i1{MEMI ®i4taaaa®a duns visiting their They are returning in 7 sii a' ■ a' a jj WIN .GHA.lWS '1. CLOTHING STORE. ilialil semaiIIE AE#imit mmemostuni/E it/Els!#Isasiimium#isswis aisa ! ainunimai Made -To -Measure Suits El 111 for Men and Young Men mammon le Call at Our Store and See the Wond- erful Selection. Fit, Cloth and Price Guaranteed. Two -Pant Suits Made -To -Measure This wonderful offer at $25.50 and BOYS. The Suits they are talking about with the long pants, very smart for spring wear. Extra bloomers if desired. from a pleasant stay at Bermuda. Mr: W. J,, Johnston of Keyes, Man. is .spending a short ho:i lav with his brothers' and sisters on ,the ist` line of Mirris, he having brought a load of horses. to Walton, WES D Mr. John Harrison of Goderich spent over the week end with his sister; Mrs. W. H. Campbell. Mr.: 'Win. Trimble of Carrick called' otx • .Mr. Thos. Nickel,yesterday. Mrs. R. At. 'Taylor and Miss Edna spent Saturday with M. and Mrs:Thos. Trimble's. Miss Nelie Dane spent ,a few days last week with friends in the burg. Mrs',W. ling is busy cutting: wood' for Mr. Thos. Ellis, a l The Westfield, W M. S. received an IS invitation from the I3elgrave W. M. S. to attend, their meeting and tea, on Friday last. A number of ladies ac- cepted their hospitality, and report a good tithe. Mr. and Mrs Charles Keating and family, are moving on to Mr. Proctor's farm in Morris this week. Mr. Kath- ing ,has rented the 'farm. Mr. and Mrs. D. Elsley and daugh- ® ter Kathleen of Lon'desboro, spent iiTig Friday at the home of the former's MI cousin, Mr. W. F, Campbell. in Mr. Fred Moss had a successful sale ®' on Friday, and is moving back on to his own farm in, West Wawanosh, a Mr. Bert Taylor is moving on to Mr, Wesley Farrow's farm, which he purchased from. Mr. Farrow. , me GLENANNAN" Miss ' Isabel. Metcalfe spent the week -end at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cathers. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willltts spent Sunday at Mr. and. Mrs Wm, Mar- shall's. Miss Evelyn Lincoln visited recent- ly with ecent-ly.;with her Aunt, •Mrs Fred John- ston. , Miss Letitia Robinson is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ro- bert Johnston. Miss. Ella and Russell Nickel spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WxnL Breckenridge, Mr. Isaac Metcalfe left fast Wednes- day for Kent, where he will' work for the summer months. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Wallace and. family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes. Miss Catherine Fortune visited, re cently at Mount Forest, A most enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Elliott on St, Patrick's night, when Glenannan Club met there.' . The din- ing room was tastefully decorated in green: and whi": e for the occasion.: and each person wore a little green, rep.' resenting St. Patrick's Day. Tlie then first held their business meeting, after which dancing and, games wea;e indulged in until lunch. After lunch, the President, Mr. Thomas Wallace, called the meeting to order, and a short programme was given, consist- ing of a trio by Jean McLean,.Irene Mundell and. Hector McLean. A reading by Mabel Stokes, a solo by Wm .McGill, a solo by Mrs. Oliver Tommy Martin, a reading by Mrs. Stokes, a musical selection by Nettie Casernore, a recitation by Jean Wilt- on, a stump speech by David Fortune and an instrumetnal duet by Mr,. and Mrs. R. T. Appleby. It was decided to hold these meetings once a month during the summer months. The next meeting is to be head the second Fri- day in May. . tail For the Lad who wants to look like his Dad. Sizes 26 to 37. Prices $8.60 to 1.6.60 a ,a..... 11"IYIIf 1,1......,pllp,gp......,IIIp1Y11111Y11f 1111]Oir1 11 I,IIA111/1r1111111f 111Y111111111IIllll lll;llllf01f 111r11111f 11,1, 11tI1ff11/f1/11{fi1111]til„1111111111111 ,If11r,Ill YlYtll,l lli rirllll,llrlll 11, 1. .. COa .a w • MARRIED , Warner -Raymond —, In Stet, Paul's church, ,Wingham, on Tuesday, March 22nd, by' Rev. ' F. W. Schaff - ter, Mr Harold Warner to Miss Margaret Raymond, both of Tees - water. 0 XT OT merely to provide an econo- i `i mical means of transportation has been the aim in the making of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet --but to pro- duce a car, at low 'pricer which would satisfy the motorists' finer tastes,,, Tnto distinction is evident 1n every line of the Fisher -Built Bodies of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet His- tory. Refinenxent and good taste are greater economy, reflected in the new Muco coloring. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in t3hev- in the "rich, luxurious upliolsterics--eiq the handsome new radiator design -in valet History fa now selling at NESV the massive full -crown fenders—in the and LOWER' PRCES-"`the lowest for fine -quality hardware in the complete- which : Chevrdlet has ever been sold in ness of the appointments. Canada. Rs adster,.,t{�. 5.00 Tooting. c555.00 Coupe, $780.90 S�7EW Coeds,,$ 60.00 Sedan, $865.00 Lat1dau Satan, j 9s0.00 efOrr0 et lJ1v►W 1�t .cabriokt,',800.00 lloadster1 Delivery, $65.5.$)0 a Cointtrercial Cl>n itya, 4 A.00 t7tility B�ip> ens 4✓1xaaSis, $645.00Vroiet r l RIC � e ; err Factory, atliaaoct--Ooveratat of Tastes „Estee A. M. CRAINFOIROs, WINOLIA 0 ONT. Dealer In Che' rtrtetr Oidsitiobfte e a i til t 1. As there is the quality of the thorough- bred in the appearance of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet His- - tory, so there'is the same quality itt its Performance. ' New refinements, added to the smooth, powerful Chevrolet en- gine (the New •A C Air Cleandi and 011 Linter, for example) offer definite astur. ance of longer life, better operation and. • .,V41IR9Syn g kkli,DeVV:rms an5anats k\Ne od,e, are Iowa :eve boats WHITECHURCH A very successful St. Patrick's So- cial was held in the United Church basement here last Friday evening.. 'This community will be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Fred Movtrbrayand their 'family. They leave for Coch- rane next Monday. Mr. Beth Gaunt had the misfortune to lose one of his teens of horses last Thursday night. Dr.'s j'as.'-and Mrs. McClenaghan of London, spent a few 'days :last week at the homes of Miss Sarah Garbutt and Mrs, Edward Gaunt. , Mrs. Win. McDonald Gaunt., Detroit is visiting with her -aunt, Mrs. Reuben Tiffin. Mr. and,. Mrs, Roy McGee entertain- ed a number of their friends on Tues- day evening; Mr. and Mrs,, John Falconer cele- brated their thirty-fifth wedding anni- versary on Wednesday last. Quite a ntnnber from the 2nd of Kinloss attended the reception of Mr. and Mrs. Willner Nicholson at Auburn on Friday last. Tiffin,• Mrs. Rt;ulirn who has been very ill is improving fast. Mrs. J. D. 13teeroft returned from Seaforth on Saturday last. IIORN -- On March 9th; in Detroit, to VIr. and, Mrs, Henry Kruger, (nee Jean Gillies,) a daughter. BORN -� On February 2411i, in Tor- onto, to Mn and Mrs. Ogilvie, (nee Ada Clubb), a eon. Mr, Charlie Robinson has rented a garage in Walkerton, and went there last week. We "wish hits sttce ss. Miss Annie Robinson assent ''last w ek with ]tot rnother in W alkertt-n, a a Slender Lines,; Exquisite New Materials .' Smartness of Cut, Designs in Trimming. These present the whole case of Spring Coats., v 111 SILKS, FAILLE:S,, KASHAS, CHARMALINE, FI 1E, TWILLS,. TWEEDS, ETC., ARE FASH- ION'S SPONSORED MATERIALS. °1 Let us show you., the most coinprehen sive range of spring wearables in the district. RA � _ - ,ms;,a,pcc,xvt'tiasarraam.v; TRAVELLER WITH SPRING DRESSES AT r OUR SHOW ROOM FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ° s MARCH TWENTY-FIFTH COME. wi"roa ltlill1118111�IlIfsIII�II If1111fi1111�111�lIllAliIN111Af illiilf�ll i�liil•Il lrlilrillt/I11�fII�Iil�Illf�Il fldlil�ICii>M BEZGRAVE W. I. MEETS The regular meeting of the Bel: grave Women's Institute, was held on Tuesday afternoon, March isth, at the home of Mrs.: Richard Yui% e. w prevailed eathe p 13eautifil Sunshine and a very successful and enjoyable afternoo nwas . spent, with an atten- dance of . thirty or more ladies The President, Mrs. James Anderson, was in charge of the meeting, which op- ened by all sitiging the opening ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer repeat- ed in unison. • Several "matters' of business satisfactorily disposed of, It was arranged to hold the April meeting in. the Forester's' Ball, when the branch is to be favoured with a visit from the District President and Secretry, Mrs. Cruickshank and Mrs. Elliott. At the close of this meeting, the ladies are having a "Talent Sale,” of homemade baiting, candy, frtiit attd other rniscellati ons articl'e's. ' ::A splendid paper was given by Rev, Scohie---"Making a Living,". or "riving a Life," which was very retch ettioyed by, all present, An appropriate Leading.was then were given by Mrs. R. 'McCrea, of Londes born, entitled, "March." The meeting closed with Y cl s the' Nation al Anthem, afterwhi deliciW lunch was served by e hostess, +as- sisted by Mrst. John Swart. Three new memberswere added to the roll, WHITECHURCH The regular meeting of the Worn - en's Missionary Society of Chalmer's Presbyterian church, Whitechurch, was • held in the vestry of the churj;li on Thursday,. March a7th, The meet- ing was "presided over by the Presi- dent, Mrs. F. Davidson, and a large number 'were in attendance, The ladies are studying ,the text book, "ivlosleni Women," the subjects for the afternoon being ably presented by Mrs. Roy McGee, Mrs, David Kenne- dy, Mrs. Walter Lott and .Mrs. Harry Godkin. All present thoroughly err-' ed the meeting, Much business was transacted BORN tUNTOUL- .At the Manse, Forest, on •Saturday, March Seth, to ltev. A. G, snd Mrs. 'Rintottl, a daughter,