HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-22, Page 12nil PAGE TWELVE . �giiNaVgNj»WN.uvM1�w+N THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thum,, December . 22, 1932 00 rrettng,0 — From — ®o unntt & Ln., it:tb. We extend to all our Customers and Friends a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. FINAL SUGGESTIONS FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS Christmas Merchandise which your friends will 1)e pleased to receive, including: . DRESSING GOWNS GLOVES HATS SCARVES SWEATERS CAPS UNDERWEAR TIES HANDKERCHIEFS SHIRTS OVERCOATS SUITS HOSE PYJAMAS Our selection is better than ever this Xmas and prices are lowered for the last 3 Days. EVERY ARTICLE IS BOXED FREE OF CHARGE. Store Closes at I1 o'clock on Saturday Evening. 1?VFHTECHURCH Es: Lucani with her daughter, Mrs. R. Patton, Mr. Tilden and i1•Lr. Aldin I'urdon of Leamington, were up wih their trucks' over the week -end for 'loads r.+ of apples and Christmas trees. Mr. Harry Bailey, of Wingham, is staying at the hone of Mr. Amos Cornelius for a few weeks. Mast Jack Norman of Langside spent the week -end with Mr. Tom Wilson. Mrs. A. Fox is spending this week Miss Lorna McClenaghan, who spent the past few months in Mor- ris at the home of Henry Johnston,. is at her home here again. Mrs. David Farrier has been on the siek list during the past week. Miss "Jean Coulter, of Wingham Hospital staff, spent the week -end with their aunt; Mrs. MacGregor, Miss Annie Moore is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Moore, of Luck- FNMA . 2=r tTf'i 11 . lifri :�' 4MEEIN g1,C:.1; iamir/.' +; t "2NParint 11^7.1.' g .VI .it r"e Istk,•}. e ALSO HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES This is the outstanding event of a year of Low Prices. We have taken out of our regular stock, some hundreds of articles, and made up hundreds of parcels. Each customer spending One Dollar or more is entitled to one of these parcels, while they last, one to a customer. Take your choice. Included ire these parcels are TWO GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS which some lucky customers will get. If you wish to exchange these Diamonds Rings whith you get FREE4 we will allow TEN DOLL- ARS EACH for them, towards the purchase of any Diamond Ring over Twenty -Five Dollars at any time before January 31st, 1933. Below Are A Few . of Our Many Bargains Dia Gents' Rings $15.00 to $300.00 ts' linings, Solid Gold $5.00 to $15.00' 75c to $7.50 Rogers Silver Plate Tea Services $8.50 to $20.00 Watches, Pocket, 15 Jewels $5.00 to $25.00 Watches, Wrist, 15 Jewels $5,75 to $37.50 Pearl on Amber Toilet Sets $6.50 to $20.00 Clocks ....,.. $1.50 to $20.00 Community and Rogers Plate, Cuff Links, Watch Chains, Brush Set, Dress Sets, Brioches Bracelets, Necklets, Leather' Goods, China, Glass, Compacts, Book Ends, Radial Lamps and many other lines at prices ranging from 15c to $5.00 and up. COME IN .AND LOOK AROUND, WE ARE HERE TO PLEASE YOU. Ladies' Pings iiliam's J.we11ery 1 tore °The Place to'Do Yo r Christmas Shopping. now. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mackay and Allen, of Wingham, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hec- tor Mackay. Mr. Arnold Baize and Mr. Frank Vanner, of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Amos Cornelius. On Wednesday last the annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the Unit- ed Church was held' and the follow- ing officers were elected: Retiring Pres, Mrs .Thos. Gaunt; Preside}tt,. Mrs. Clarence Cox; 1st vice, Mrs, J. G. Gillespie; 2nd. vice, Mrs. William' Beecroft; Sec., Mrs, Lott; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Henry; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J, D. Beecroft; Pianist, Mrs. Bee- croft. An important' feature of the meet- ing of the W. M. S. of the United Church on Wednesday last was the presentation of a Life Membership Certificate to one of the esteemed older members of the Society, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, who though often un- able to :attend, always has a lively interest for the Missionary cause. The address was read by Mrs. Wm. Beecroft and Mrs. A. Fox presented the certificate. The Society has had a very successful year financially, taking in $30 at the Missionary tea and $25 from the Birthday meeting, and over $100 from the Monthly of- fering envelopes, besides making sev- eral quilts and sending away several bales. On Friday night last thieves en- tered the barn of Mr. John Tervitt, west of Wingham, and stole two doz- en fine pullet s which were under lock and key. Last year chickens were stolen from Mr. Tervitt, Many farmers in this vicinity have been losing their fine fowl and with farm commodities at such a low price, this is a real loss. Chalmers' W.M.S. Elect Officers The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of Chalmers' Church was held on Monday, Dec. 19th, and the follow- ing officers were elected: Hon. Pres. Mrs. David Kennedy; Retiring Pres., Miss Ida McQuoid; President, Mrs. Frank Coulter; .1st vice Pres., Mrs. James Sutherland; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs. Henry Godkin; Sec., 'Mrs. Em- erson; Assist. Sec., Mrs. Murray; Treas., Miss Mary Laidlaw; Glad Tidings Sec., Mrs. W. J. Coulter; Pianist, Mrs, Henry Godkin; Assist. Pianist, Mrs. Robt. Ross; Welcome and Welfare Sec., Mrs. Duncan Ken- nedy. BE,LGRAVE Belgrave L.O.L. Elect Officers The annual meeting of the Bel- grave L.O.L. was held in the Orange Hall on their regular monthly meet- ing night when the following officers were elected for the corning year: W. \'I,—Chas. Keating. D. M.—John F. $McC..,,..•e. Chaplain — in. Irr; ..:. Rec. Sec.—Stuart McBurney. Fin. Sec,—John Taylor. Treas.—Wm. lirydges. Marshal—l.). C.hamney. lst Lecturer—B. Madox. 2nd Lect.-1•'4'. Mason,. Committee .nen—H. Irwin, \Ver. McMurray, A. Nethery, G. Johnson, Allan Pattison. W. A. Election of Officers The regular monthly meeting of the. Women's Association of : Knox United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. , Jordan when there was a good attendance present. Mrs. F. McCallum, the president. was in charge of the meeting. A splendid. amount of goods had been purchas- ed for the bale to be sent to the 1,Vest and other material and goods donated. It was arranged to have this bale packet this week ready for shipment. As this was the annual meeting Mrs, Carl Procter was ask- ed to take charge of the election of officers which resulted in the most of them being re-elected so that the. officers for the coming year will be: I -'on. Pres., Mrs. A. Procter; Pres., Mrs. F. McCallum; 1st vice, Mrs. J. M. Coultes; 2nd vice, Mrs. J, A. Ged- des; Sec., Mrs. S. Procter; Assistant , Sec., Mrs. G. Jordan; Treas., Mrs. Carl Procter; Organist, Mrs. J. Mill- er; Assistant, Mrs, Jas. Wightman; Auditors, Mrs. C, R.' Coultes and Mrs. J. A. Geddes; Representative to Official Board, Mrs. H. Wheeler; Flower Committee, Mrs. J. A. Ged- des, Mrs. Gdo. Jordan. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson and Mrs. Geddes. The next sheeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Wheeler. Talk on. C. C. F. at .Farmers' Club The Belgrave Farmers' Club met in the Foresters' Ball on Friday af- tertioon when there was a good at- tendance present. The president, S. Procter, called the , meeting to order and spoke a few words. The mitt- utes of the last meeting were read and the auditors' report given and apoted. C. 1t. Coultes then gave the report ,of the annual convention in Toronto, after which' R. J'. Scott' spoke at some length on the C. C. F., debtor equity and the ,inflation of rnon.ey. R. 3, Scott was asked, to conduct the election of officers when the fallowing officers were elected for the Doming; year: Pres., Stewart Procter; vice Pres., Jas. Michie; Sec, Treas.,;C, R. Coultes; Directors, Joe Yuill, Lyle Hopper, John M. Coultes, C. W. Scott, A. Nethery; Auditors, Carl Procter,N. Higgins; Program Convnittee, Jas. Michie, Robt, Har- rison, A. W. Coultes, Mrs, J, M, Coultes, Mrs. O. G. Anderson. The meeting was adjourned to meet again' the second Tuesday -in January. Mrs. Orval Graham, of Stratford, visited with relatives here. This is Christmas Tree week with the Anglican entertainment Wednes- day night, the public school Thurs- day at 2 p.rn, and the United Church Friday night. Y. P. S. Hold Xmas Meeting The Young People's Society of Knox 'United. Church held their. Xmas meeting in the basement of the church last Sunday night when there was a good attendance present. The president, Robert Coultes, had charge of the meeting. Christmas Hymns were sung. The Scripture lesson was read by Ellen Stone- house, a solo by Cela Coultes, a reading by Mrs. Jas. Michieq a violin solo by Ruth Cole. Miss W. Rae gave an explanatory talk on the Scripture Lesson and Dorothy Vin- cent gave a short paper on "What Christmas Means to Us:". Rev. Mr. Grant gave a very appropriate Xmas address: BLUEVALE The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church, was held in the school room on Dec. 15th, the President, Mrs. C. Hetherington, in the chair. 'The sheeting opened by singing hymn 270 (Bringing in the Sheaves' and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, after which the President read the first 17 verses of the 15th chapter of St. John. The minutes of- the last sheeting were read and adopted, then the Treasurer and Mite, Box Sec. gave their re- ports. Mrs. Hetherington thanked the Society for their kindly co-opera- tion during the two years she had been President, and declared the of- fices vacant, and the Rev .A. Mann took the chair for the election of of- ficers which resulted as follows; H. Pres., Mrs. J. Morrison, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Rolph; Pres., Mrs. R. Shaw; Vice Pres., Mrs. G. O. Thornton; Secretary, Mrs. J. Curtis; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Shaw;, Cor. Sec., Mrs. E. Johnston; Press Sec., Mrs. G. Thorn- ton; Organist, Mrs. M. Smith; Mis- sion Band Supts,, Mrs. A. Mann and Mrs. G. Gannett; Missionary Month- ly Sec., Mrs. J. Robertson; .Mite. Box and.Temperance Sec., Mrs. J..Breck- enridge; Ass. Helpers Sec.,` Mrs. R. McLennan: Strangers Sec., .Mrs. E. Barnard and Mrs. J. J. Sellers; Chr. Stewardship Sec., Mrs. J. Curtis. Various committees were appoint- ed, .and Mrs. Hetherington took the chair for the remainder of the meet- ing. Mrs,' G. Thornton, Mrs, A. Shaw, Mrs, J. Breckenridge and Mrs, J: Curtis, gave a synopsis of the 3rd. chap. of the Study Book, and Mrs. Curtis read a paper on Christian Stewardship. Hymn 151 "Must Je- sus Bear the Cross Alone" was sung and the Rev, Mr. Mann closed with prayer and the benediction. The in- stallation of officers will take place at the January meeting. The. Community singing class met last week for the regular instruction and practise at the home of Mrs, Alex, Mowbray. The class is mak- ing very favorable progress and the attendance is average. They are looking forward to having an enter- tainment after the Christmas season, the practice will he of even greater interest when there is an objective in view; Rev. Patterson Delivers Address Rev. Wm. Patterson has been the guest speaker at two different occa- sions during, the past week. .First, he gave his address "Scottish Life and Character" at a pecial meeting of the Y. P. S. of Melville Church, Brussels, and later in the week he addressed the I.O,O.F. at Clinton on. "The Orient." While in Clinton he was the , guest of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. George MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawson. Lawrence Smillie is visiting with relatives at Dungannon. There is quite an epidemic of 'mea- sles in the surrounding country,' some of the Xmas entertainments Have had to be postponed owing to sickness among the children. There are no cases in this school section yet. Y. P. S. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Young Peoples' Society of the United Church, Bluevale, held their meeting on Friday evening in the school room of the church.'. The President, Earl Hamilton, took the chair. Will Peacock, ,vice President for .Citizenship, gave the subject for the evening "What Christmas 'Mean to Us." A paper on Edgar Guest, was given by Mrs. S. Johnston. ' The principle business ofthe even- ing was ..,the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following were elected: , • President --Carl Johnston. Secretary-1Charles Johnston. 'Treasurer—Emma Johnston. The Vice Presidents for Devotional -Earl Hamilton, Literary—Mrs. Sperling Johnston. Missionary—Beatrice Thornton. Citizenship—Carman Hetherington, Organist—Cora Jewitt. Arrangements were made for the New Year's Social. A play entitled "No Account David" will be present- ed by the Young People's Society on Friday, Dec. 23, in the auditorium of the church, This play will be com- bined with the usual Christmas 'en- tertainment. The meeting was closed by the sions.. Judge Costello declared null benediction by Rev. 'A. E. Mann. ink's For Christmas Gifts fi, May rrarg attb rig unr portion hi (en (i ti t ai Day 1Ub tilronglirout Iir 1r t •ate 1033 .. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING We are well prepared to help you with your Christmas shopping not yet completed. Perhaps you have been hurried and someone on your Christ- mas list has been overlooked. Perhaps you have thought of someone not on your list. Perhaps and emergent call has come. I'n any event we are sure that from our Big Christmas Stock of useful and. novelty'gifts, just the right choice can be made. • Come along at your convenience during the SHOPPING DAYS left, and we are sure that your required buying will be made easier here. — Headquarters for CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ALL G E. Wawanosh Man Wins Action Edward Walsh, East Wawanosh farmer, who onthe witness stand, accused William Cole, Belgrave, of being implicated in the sudden dis- appearance by night of Edward Pitt - man's horses and cattle, won his civ- il suit against Cole in the recent ses- and void the chattel mortgage which the defendant merchant held against .Pittman's ,effects and in addition he awarded Walsh $200. The • plaintiff also was given judginept against Pittman who disappeared at the same tilme as did his chattels which were sold, about the countryside, af- ter the disappearance. • 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M. Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 22, 23, 24 Junior urkin Pat. 'Brien &1'vette Davis In "Children of the Big douse" A charming story of a boys' devotion and loyalty. SHORT SUBJECTS t`MI,CKEY 1VIOU'SE CARTOON" "MINDING THE BABY" and "THE op CLOCK STORE" CHILDREN'S MATINEE Saturday, Dec. '24th •at 2.30 p.m. J Children Free.; •• ". SPECIA 26,27,28 ESCAPE Nomsa.• ruthless rackets and sordid crooks ` . . tinseled women and beady -eyed gigolos ... into this glorious romance of honest lovers,.. as refresh- ing as .a mountain breeze. R I CC of • with MARIAN NIXON • u i ai BELLAMY Mae Marsh Louise Closser Hale FOX PICTURE Direct$d by AL SANTELL WE ESTEp H ��N THE E SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL OUR PATRONS AND WISH THEM A VERY • MERY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY` AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR,