HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-22, Page 11Thurs., December 22, 1932 60MPNIA70....004,100.MOINIOM Reduced Fares FOR CHRISTMAS Ltai and NEW YEAR ONE-WAY FARE AND A QUAR- TER FOR R.OUND TRIP CHRISTMAS TRIPS .Leaving December 23, 24, 25 `and 26 Return limit Deeentber 27. V.' THE VVINGHAM ADVANCt-TIMES Robertson), D, Buchanan, (G. Brackenbury, I. Habkirk, R. Mit- Failed — L. Haller, (M, Wright, chell). G. Johnston, Y. Preston), 0. Shiell, Class III — (M. Cruikshank, C. M. Brown, F, Howson, M, Mason, Sitnpson), (C, Chittick, K. Rantoul), C. Stewart, J. McBurney, (J. C.. WeUw�ocL, Sproal, J,, jenkins?), N. McEvers, Credit — 0. Carter, B. Mundy, R, FORM IA Holyhead, (1-1, Burgess, j. MeBur- Latin ney). Class 1 — I. McKinnon, D. Reid, Fail — 13, Brown, Beryl Mundy, R,, Mitchell, B. I-larniltoa, M, Ross, M. Mason, W. Carr, (G. Brackenbury, E, Field, R. How-' Botany ' son), (J. Gear, K. Rintoul), F. Cool- Class 1 -- D. Reid, I. Habkirk, (I. ter. McKinnon, R. Mitchell), E, Field. NEW YEARS TRIPS Class II — (B. Mundy, H. Miller, Class II — (R. Howson, M. Mas - Leaving December 30, 31, 1932 1, Habkirk), G. Carter, 13., Brown, C. on, Beryl Mundy), C. Stewart, F. January 1 and 2, 1933 Simpson. Coulter, (B. Hamilton, H. Miller), Return limit January 3, 1933 Class III -- C. Wellwood. IVI, Cruikshank. Pass -- M. Cruikshank. Class III — Bernice Mundy, (J. 'COMBINED CHRISTMAS Failed -- C. Chittick, H. Burgess, Gear, K. Rantoul), C. Simpson. AND NEW YEAR TRIPS R. Ha.mmond, W. Carr, M. Turvey, Credit -- G. Carter, N. McEvers, (absent). M. Ross. Composition 'Fail — C. Chittick, G. Bracken - Class II -- I. Habkirk, D. Reid, bury, H. Burgess, C. Wellwood, R. 13, Hamilton, R. Mitchell. Hammond, B. Bro-wn, W. Carr. Class III — E. Field, j, Gear, M. Geography Ross, H. Miller, C. Wellwood, B. Class I -- (E. Field, M. Ross), Brown, R. Howson, I. McKinnon. D. Reid. Credit -- C. Chittick, B. Mundy, Class II — (1. Habkirk, 13, Ham - C. Simpson, R. Hammond, G. Brack- ilton), C. Simpson, R. Howson, R. enbury, M. Cruikshank, W. Carr, F. Mitchell, H. Burgess, H. Miller. Coulter, G. Carter, K. Rintoul, H. Class it.—II. McKinnon, J. Gear, HIGH SCHOOL' Burgess. F. Coulter. Art Credit — G. Carter, G. Bracken- XAMS EXAMS. Class I — 13. Hamilton, M. Ross, 'bury, K. Rintoul. '-'---- I. McKinnon, D, Reid, L Habkirk. Fail — M. Cruikshank, W. Carr, (Continued from Page Eight) Class II -- R. Howson, C. Simp- (C. Chittick, Bernice Mundy, C. Haller, (D. Fortune, F, Howson). son, E. Field, F. Coulter, M. Cruik- Wellwood), R. Hammond, B. Brown. Class III — 0 Johnston, D. Bu- shanlc,' J. Gear, 13. Mundy. . 'French .chanan, (M. Elliott, E. Radford). Class III — B. Brown, H. Miller:. Class I -•:. (B. Hamilton, R. How - Credit •— A. Mowbray, M. Field, Credit — R. Mitchell, G. Bracken- son, I. McKinnon), (R. Mitchell, D. (0. Shiell' A' Underwood.), B. Mun- bury, K. Rintoul, H. Burgess, C. Reid, M. Ross), E. Field‘ H. Miller, arty, M. Fry. ONE-WAY FARE AND ONE- THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP -Leaving December 22, 23 & 24, 1932 Return Limit- January 3, 1933 Reduced Fares to many United States destinations. Ask Ticket Agents for fares, dates of sale and limits. tCanadia It Pacific Failure — (M. Brown, T. Reid), D. Forsythe, J. Jenkins, M. Wright, Nortrop, J. MacBurney, J. Sproal, McEvers, C. Stewart), R. Barn - :rid, M, Mason, B. Lewis, E. Elliott, .D. Hutchison, M. Powell. Zoology Class II -- J. Campbell. Credit -- M. Field, H. Armstrong, T. Reid, E. Radford, D. Buchanan, _A. Underwood. Failure — (D. Fortune, C Heth- erington, F. Higgins, M. Wright), D. Forsythe, (F. Currie, A. Mowbray), 1/1. Powell, (f. McBurney, G. Rob- ertson), 0. Shiell, M. Fry, C. Nor - trop, (D. Hutchison, J. Preston), E. Coutts, B. Lewis, (E. Elliott, M. El- liott, G. Johnston), (5. Jenkins, M. Mason), Beryl Mundy, M. Brown, 5, Sproal, N. McEvers. French Class I -- H. Armstrong, J. Camp - tell, E. Coutts, F. Higgins. Class II — L. Proctor, T. Reid, C. Hetherington, R. Barnard, C. Nortrop, F. Currie. Class III — D. Fortune, M. El- liott, D. Forsythe. Credit -- M. Powell (A, Under- wood, A. Mowbray), (B. Lewis, M. Fry), E. Elliott, (E. Radford, G. .104.11110 Chittick, R. Hammond. J. Gear, K. Rintoul, (F. Coulter, G. Failed -- C. Wellwood, G. Carter, 'Brackenbury), I. Habkirk, G. Carter. W. Carr. ' Class II — C. Simpson, B. Brown. English Literature Class III C. Chittick. Class 1 — B. Hamilton, I. Bab- Credit --- R. Hammond, M. Cruik- kirk, H. Miller, E. Field. shank, C. Well -wood, B. Mundy. Class II — D. Reid, R. Howson, Failed --- W. Carr, H. Burgess. I. McKinnon, G. Brackenbury, M. Ross. Class III — R. Mitchell, C. Well - wood. Credit/ -- B. Brown, 13. Mundy, J. Gear, F. Coulter, (C. Simpson, M. Cruikshank, R. Hammond). Failed --- G. Carter, K. Rintoul, H. Burgess, C. Chittick, W. Carr. Algebra Class I— (I. McKinnon, R. How- son), R. Mitchell, M. Ross, (C. Simp- son, E. Field), I. Habkirk, B. Ham- ilton, 33. Mundy, N. McEvers, , D. Reid, W. Carr, F. Coulter, B. Brown,. Class II — j. Gear, (G. Carter, C. Chittick), G. Brackenbury, R. Ham- mond, M. Criukshank, H. 'Miller. Class III — C. Wellwood. Pass — K. Rintoul. Fail — H. Burgess, M. Turvey. British History Class 1 -- J. Gear, 1. McKinnon, (R. Howson, D. Reid), B, Hamil- ton, (E. Field, M. Ross). Class II — H. Miller, F. Coulter, WIECIDETZ1472121rallEHISMERMAISMESIESS72+11' Nothing gives greater value than your tele- phone — it costs so little and is worth so much. Dad had left for Northampton an hour or so before with quite a list of the family's requirements. When Peg, suddenly recalling the knit- ting, party at the Brown's that eveniAg, realized she was short six balls of wool. Quiddy she reached for the telephone. 'He'll be at the store now and if he isn't, Mr. Coyle will have it ready for him'. An incident, typical of the value of your telephone in the daily routine or in big or little emergencies. it smooths life's path at trifling cost. You NEED your telephone. FORM IB Latin Class 1 — A. Mowbray, M. Brown, J. Preston, M. Wright, (E. Ballagh, S. Jeffray), J. Sproal, (M. Fraser, C. Reid), D. Deyell. Class II — W. Tiffin. Class III --- V. Carter, M. Kelly. Pass -- L. Clark, L Maize, R. Baird, G. Falconer, M. Ballagh. Fail — D. Rich, M. Stewart, Z. Cook, j...„ Fitzpatrick, 13. Blatchford, L. Baker, G. Tervit, A. Bryce, E. Webb, R. Anderson. (absent). Composition Class III — L. Browne, V. Carter, C. Reid. Credit — R. Baird, E. Ballagh, S. Jeffray, M. Kelly, N. Blatchford, Z. Cook, M. Fraser, G. Tervit, Failed—M. Ballagli, G. Falconer, I. Maize, D. Rich, G. Mason, M. Stew- art, B. Tiffin, A. Bryce, L Baker, A. Bosman, L, Bok, L. Deyell, j. Fitz- patrick, E. Webb, L. Clark. • Art Class II—M. Ballagh. Class III—N. 131a.tchford, C. Reid, R. Baird, E. Ballagh, M. Stewart, G. Te rvit. Credit -- B. Tiffin, L. Baker, Z. Cook, Failed -71. Maize, M. Kelly, G. Fal- coner, D. Rich, E. Webb, J. Fitzpat- rick, A. Bryce. English Literature Class II—C. Reid. Class Jeffray', V. Carter, R. Baird. Credit—(E. Ballagh, G. Falconer), (M. Ballagh, A. Bryce). Failed -- M. Fraser, G. Mason, G. Fa,iled—G. Tervitt, N, Blatchword, W. Tiffin, A. Bryce, 0. Falconer, 1, Maize, D. Rich, C, Reid, L. Deyell, M, praser, Z. Cook, M. Kelly, V, Car ter, (f. Fitzpatrick, A. Boisman), E, Webb, L. Clark, M. Stewart, L. Bak- er. French Class I—E. Ballagh, V. Carter, M. Fraser, L. Deyell. Class XI—S. Jeffray, M, Kelly, 13, Tiffin, Class Ballagh, C. Reid, G. Falconer, Credit—Z, Cook, R. Baird. Failed — L. Clark,. I. Maize, M. Stewart, (N. Blatchford, A. Bosnian, L, Browne), 5, Fitzpatrick, G, Ter - vitt, D. Rich, L. Baker E. Webb, A. Bryce, G. Mason, L. Bok. LIBERAL LEADER ADVOCATES FREE TRADE POLICY Toronto—Sounding the clarion call of Liberalism—a Liberalism which would level Canada's tariff barriers and provide free trade with the world, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, federal leader, Thursday night addressed a large political meeting here. Ostensibly, the meeting was the annual dinner of the Ward Eight Liberal Association; actually it was a gathering of Liberals film all parts of the city and province. The ban- quet was one of the largest Liberal meetings here in years. So many people sought entrance that the door i were jammed for some time and finally policemen were called to hold back the crowds. Mr. King received an ovation as accompanied by Mitchell F. Hepburn the Ontario leader, he entered the hall. In fighting form, Mr. King attack- ed strongly the trade agreements reached at the imperial conference at Ottawa last July, and declared Pre- mier Bennett was seeking to form "self -sufficing economic unit" which would slowly strangle Canada's trade. Speaking in London on December 12 the premier had said the common economic policy "is more strongly imbedded in my being than anything I know and influences my political life at every point." But, said Mr. King, the principle of a self -sufficing economic unit had been discarded years ago. Tariff walls could) be raised to prevent oth- er countries frop dealing with Can- ada, but soon the day of reckoning would come and already there was a warning note of retaliation from other countrie*s. He referred briefly to the Co -Op- erative Commonwealth Federation, a newl3,-formed political body. Forma- tion of such bodies was inevitable under a Conservative regime, and this had been borne out in history, he said. With the installation of a Liberal Govornment, the "third par- ties" disappeared in the ordinary course of events. They were formed because of the dissatisfaction of the people. He could not, lie said, condemn the leaders of such parties who were seeking only to better conditions. But the policy of the C. C F. pro- vided too much for the state to do, and he expressed doubt that it could be brought to a successful conclu- s i o n i. Tervit, L. Brovvne, I. Maize, E. Webb Mitchell F. Hepburn, M.P., pro - Z, Cook, L. .Deyell, N. Blatchford, B. Tiffin, M. Kelly, D. Rich, L. Baker, A. Bosman, M. Stewart, J. Fitzpat- rick, L. Clark, L. Bok. Algebra Class I—E. Ballagh, (C. Stewart, M. Ballagh), N. Blatchford, W. Tif- fin, (I. Maize, R. 13arnard), S. Jeff - ray. Class II—M. Fraser, J. Fitzpatrick, (M. Kelly, G. Falcoeer). Class III—V. Caater, C. Reid, A. Bryce, (L. Dcyell, L. Baker). Pass—D. Rich, R. Anderson. Failed -- (G, 'Tervit, Z. Cook), A. Bosnian, G. Mason, L. Clark, R. Baird M. Stewart, E. Webb, L. I3ok, L. Browne. British History Class I—C. Reid. Class III—V. Carter, S. Jeffray, R, Baird, G. Falconer. Credit—E. Ballagh, L. Leggatt, M. Ballagh, J. Bryce, D. Hutchinson, Failed—I. Maize, W. Tiffin, G. Ter vitt, Z. Cook, A, Bosnian, D. Rich, M. Fraser, L. Deyell, (G. Mason, M. Fry), L. Baker; N. Blatchford, J. Fitzpatrick, (E. ,Webb, A. Mowbray) M. Kelly, (L. Clark, M. Stewart), Botany Class' 1—E. Ballagh, Class III7--W. Tiffin, V. Carter. Credit -44 Ballagh, R. Baird, (0. F'alconer, C. Reid), M. Fraser, M. Stewart, I. Maize. Failed -- J. Stewart, (Z, Cook, J. Fitzpatriek), J. Bryce, A. 13osman, M Kelly, N. Blatchford, L.' Deyell, 0, Tervitt, D. Rich, L Clark, G. Mason, (L, Bok, E. 'Webb), L. I3aker, L Browee. Geography XII Class II E. Ballagh. Class III R, Baird. r:14, 111.0 In ,...4, the gathering, attacking the Provin- cial government led by George S: Henry and forecasting a Liberal vic- tory at the next election. Conserv- ative preknises with regard to the pulp and paper industry, and lumber- ing and agriculture had not been ful- filled, he declared, COOKING HINTS Holiday Rarebit 1 pound of cheese Pint of white sauce .Little salt Olive juice 1. teaspoon of soda Method: Grate cheese., Make quite a thih white sauce. Add the grated cheese. Cook together in double boiler until cheese is dissolved. Mix well. Add some of 'the liquor from bottle of stuffed olives. Just before, serving adcl soda. Blend well. Pour over toast or toasted crackers. De- corate top of cheese and platter with cut up pieces of stuffed olives. This rarebit does not spoil when made ahead of time, . —a-- Winter Marmalade pound of dried apricots 3 oranges 1 lemon 3 pints of water 1 pound of sugar Method: Chop apricots a little and soak over night. Cut oranges and lemon very thin and pour over the 3 pints of water. Let stand over night, In v"zr1rnorning took °rang. ,.. , , ,, aeap raj.. ctiodts16:.'41:4,:i6tiolit'ltil0 tit:_nlidiri ti041Acrl,d Add 1 I sugar and cook until tz.\11,ire hs , ' 4 I .: ., ,64116104.400, Oil 'At ItiAlitillik — .._ • EV with Fisher "NO -DRAFT" Ventilation System *MADE TO ORDER FOR CANADIANS * For months, Chevrolet and General Motors asked automo- bile owners ---"What do you want in your next car?" For months, our engineers planned, improved and tested—with the results of this Canada -wide survey to guide them. Today, we invite you to get full details of the new 1933 Chevrolet Six—Made to Order for Canadians — styled, powered and priced to be first choice among low-priced cars! It's the most exciting Six in Chevrolet history—with the most revolutionary development since the closed body —Fisher NO -DRAFT Ventilation, individually controlled. What.Other NEW FEATURES? New "Air -Stream" Styling . . . Anti -Splash Fenders . . . Larger, Lower Fisher Bodies, . . . More Horsepower . . . Cushion -Balanced 6 -cylinder Engine . . . Shatter- proof Windshield . . . Silent Second Syncro-Mesh . . . "Starterator" Simplified Starting . . . New Octane Selector . . . Even Greater Economy. Declare a half-hour holiday for yourself today --visit our showrooms—let us tell you the complete story of the new 1933 Chevrolet Six, Made to Order for Canadians! C-20 PL.Y 0 M CR F RD'S GARAGE WINGHAM, ONTARIO wworowsrmarmutzsmormaxmorteemponnotrsuincriexammunizavnasezn.armirra ommannnumcnuretarmerarawmariteuetenaccuareemmusua.. How to Prepare Turkey Wash and clean turkey well. Fill both pockets with favorite dressing. Sew up with stout white string. Tie legs together. Season with salt and pepper. Place in roasting pan. Spread a little bacon nease over top. Put in hot oven without water until a nice brown. Then pour little wat- er in pan. Cover—baste frequently. 13e sure and cook turkey a long time, Colored Pineapple These are made like apple rings or blushing apples .and are serve,1 hot or cold as a garnish for platter or salad. Method: Make a syrup in a fry- ing pan with ten cents' worth of cin- namon drops, cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. Cook slices of pine- apple in this syrup until red. COOKING HINTS Fruit Cups 1 can of pineapple ' 1 can of sweet cherries 2 grapefruit (cut up). 6 oranges 6 bananas Cover with sugar to taste, Let stand for 2 or 3 hours in ice -box, Doughnuts 1 heaping cup of sugar Nu0hieg( a little) Butter, size of a walnut 3 eggs, well beaten 1 cup of milk teasPodnt of baking powd 1 teaspoon of vanilla 6 cups of flour. If batter is too thin to handle nicely, add a little flour. Method: Mix in order given. Roll out. Fry in deep hot fat. When served sprinkle with sugar. BAKING HINTS Candied Sweet 13!:4atoes 6 sweet potatoes Butter Sugar Hot water. Method: Pare and parboil 6 sweet Potatoes. Cut in halves; lengthwise. Lay in baking dish. Spread liberally with butter. Sprinkle with sugar (half granulated and half brown). Add a little hot water and bake un- til tender. Baste often, Christmas Pies 1 cup of canned crushed. pinea 1 cup of diced tart apples. cup of seeded raisins 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of butter 4. cup of sugar Method: Mix well. Cook pple. until thick and clear. Pour into cooked pastry shells. Cover with meringue and brown. —0 -- Perfect White Cake Frost—cut in oubes. Letter each cake with red letter, Arrange ,on platter so that they spell Christitat. cup butter (very- small) 1 cu of.polverizetl scar 1 cup of pastry flour White of 4 eggs Vanilla 1 heaping teaspoon of baking poiv., der • 111 cup of flour Method: Cream the bntter and Su- gar. Then add remaining ingredients in order given and mix well. Bake in 2 small square layer pans about 15 minutes. Meringue 1 egg white 2 tablespoons of sugar Little salt Vanilla Baked Ham Soak hani over night or for .se•tr, eral hours. Then cook slowly for at least 4 hours. Skin. Top plentifully with brown sugar. Stick quite a few cloves into ham. Place little water in pan. Bake until thoroughl,y heat' ed and browned. —0— Apple Sauce Cake 1 cup of sugar cup of butter 1 cup of hot apple sauce 1 egg (well beaten) 2 cups -of flour (well sifted) • teaspoon, of soda in flour cup of nuts, cut stroll ettp of raisins Method: Mix in order given, Put i reased Pah And bake slowly, 9