HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-22, Page 6Perfumes Exquisite Perfumes and Toilet articles in dainty packages from 25c. gAgOkifgOerilga CANDY -72 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE -TIMES, Stationery Delicious Chocolates in fancy boxes in one pound and two pound boxes, from 39c a pound. Our values in box Stat- ionery . is the best ever as to quality and price, from 25c a box. Our Special Boxes ` of Stationery at 39c and 98c are real hits. r We have many necessary articles in our store suitable for Christmas Gifts and we also have numerous moder- ately priced articles in the luxury class that are real value. "WE WISH YOU ONE AND• ALL A VERY BRIGHT AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS" IVcKIBBON'S D s UG TOR Wingham,re Sere y tonin !J .! : "am nt • % .mit tit tk•Al • t,,• to • Itump:V&mouttmomNotwi4y mo/t ! l,„ 1i cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. Custom SAWING—Will be prepared to do all kinds of custom sawing at Mannng's Chopping Mi11, . Bel - grave, Jas. Stevenson, 42-11 Brus- sels.. FOR RENT—House on Centre St. Reasonable terms, Apply J. H. Crawford. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hastings and family, . also Mr. W. McConnelI,_ wish to thank their friends and nei- ghbors for their very kind assistan- ce during the recent fire that des- troyed their home. They also wish to express their sincere appreciation to all whoso kindly donated house- hold goods or any other articles or , January1931 mar - in any manner assisted then after 11 years s a nd in the fire ried her now bereft husband. Surviving besides her sorrowing husband is one daughter, Baby Mar- garet May, two step -sons, James and Herman, also her father and mother, Notice is hereby given that a by- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heintzman, of law was passed by the .Municipal Council of the Town of Wingham on Waterloo; one sister, Mrs. W. Schell, the 3rd day of October, 1932, pro-; Waterloo, five brothers, ,Joseph, of viding for the issue of debentures to.l Liuffalo, Isador, John, William and. Louis, all of Waterloo. Union Creek, Ont., and Anna, at home. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Samuel Belton, ' Thorn - dale, and one brother, Thomas, of London. The funeral will be held on .Thera - day afternoon at 2 pen., ' from' his late home. The services will be con- ducted by the Rev. Kenneth Mac- Lean. Interment will take place in Wingham ,Cemetery. Ontario George Henderson Death claimed one of Morris Township's• most prominent citizens, in the person of George Henderson. He was a life-long resident of the 3rd concession of Morris, Having been born in, the same house in which he pased away. Mr. Hender- son was in his 71st': year and died after a lingering illness of .several years. . Having lived in Morris all his life, his passing will be keenly felt by a wide circle of friends. He was mar- ried twice, the first time to Isabel Lowry, who passed away in 1895. Seven years later .he married Jean Ireland who survives .him, also two sons, Will, of Morris Twp, and Har- vey of Rucilda, Sask.; and two dau- ghters, Mrs. McGowan, of .Telford, Sask., and Mrs. Harold Wilbee, of Rack, Saskatchewan. As he has not been in the best of health for some time his death was not unexpected. Mr. Henderson was a t faithful member of the Melville Presbyter- ian Church in Brussels. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon Mrs Frederick Kennedy from his late residence, Morris Tp., Following an illness of about a Rev. Wm. Moore conducting the ser - year the death of Agnes B. Heintz- vices. Interment was made 'in the man, beloved wife of Frederick Ken-' Brussels Cemetery. nedy, occurred in the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, Decem- ber 17th, in her 33rd year. Born in Hanover, Mrs. Kennedy has resided in Wingham for the last NOTICE the amount of $3500, for the purpose oferecting a new pump house, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office of the County of Hu- ron, at Goderich, Ont., on the 12th day of December, 1932. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must he made with- in three months after the first pub- lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 15th day of December, 1932 W. A. Galbraith, Clerk. OBITUARY John Walters Another of the older residents of this town and district has passed away in the person of John Walters in his 80th year. Ill but for ,a few cold which was not considered ser - days the death of Mr. Walters was ious. On Sunday, however, he was a shock to his many friends ae: he confined to his bed and, sinking rap - bad previously been enjoying good idly, passed peacefully away on Wed health. nesday. Born in the County of Wiltshire, Born near Napanee, Ont., Mr. rites of the Masonic order. The pall - Eng, he tame to Canada with his /Welsh moved as a young man of 20 bearers included four Past District parents as a lad of 14 years and set- years to Delmore where he married Deputy Grand Masters, R. W. Bros, tied in London Township. In 1879 lie took up farming on the 2nd line of Culross, Bruce County, and con- tinued to reside there until ten years ago when he retired and moved into Wingham, taking up residence on the, Diagonal Road where he has liv- ed married 1853 t:, m a e s'` In cct ev r .ince. It EIiaabeth Charters who predeceased hits three years ago. In religion Mr. Walters was a Presbyterian and in polities a Liberal; He leaves to 'mourn his tons of fni on the ho in 'lives w o ,n- Albert, sc , teacin Culross, and four daughter: ,Kellie, oft the staff of the Wiughair Geiiera1 Hospital; `,Emma,a nurse in rt rt-sietttce Mrs. Robert Coleman, of The funeral was held from the family residence, Edward St., Mon day afternoon, Rev. Kenneth Mac- Lean, minister of St. Andrew's Pres byterian Church, of which she was a member, conduced, the services. In- terment took' place in Wingham Cemetery. George T. Aitchison George Tisdale Aitchison, a much beloved and highly esteemed resident of Lucknow; passed away on Decem- ber 12th, death being due to a heart ,attack. He was born at Plainville, near Rice Lake, Ont., on February 14, 1867, son of the late Janet and William Chapknan. Aitchison. Mr. Aitchison was president of the Lucknow Table Co., with which he has been associated for thirty-four years, and also a' director of Silver wood's Lucknow Creamery Co. He was a member of Old Light . Lodge No. 184, A.F. A.M., and had the honour of being " District Deputy Grand 'Master of North. Huron dur- ing the 1981-32 term. Be is survived by his widow, Flor- ence Edith Trevett; one son, Ford, of Hamilton; and, one daughter, Mrs. Jas. Michie (Freda), of Toronto. An elder son, Cleveland, gave his life in the Great War.. David Welsh The funeral was held on Wednes- After a short illness, David Welsh day from the United Church to ]passed away on Wednesday, Decem- i Greenhill 'cemetery, with services at ber 141h, at his home Lower Wing- ham, int his 84th year. Despite his advanced years, Mr. Welsh had en- joyed good health until a week be- fore his death when he contracted a the church and graveside under the direction of Old Light Lodge, with many members from the village and district present. Rev. S .T. Tucker spoke words of;. consolation to the bereaved family, He was assisted by Rev. C. H. Mac- Donald, Chaplain " of Old Light Lodge. R. W.:Bro. Dr. G. S. Fowl- er, P,D.D.GM., conducting the last e Iantha Ackerman, moving later to Wingham, where they have resided for the past 50 years. Mr. Welsh was a Methodist, later United church and a Liberal in politics. He loaves to mourn a kind hus- band. and father, his widow, Iantha Acc rm n, two daughters, Mrs. B. Taylor of East Wewanosh; Mrs, R. Hicks, of Turnberry, and one son, Walter, also of Turnberry. The funeral was held from the residence of hie son, Walter, Helen Street, Lower Wingham, on Satur- day afternoon, Rev, L. H. Berrie, parentage le the township of Kin- minister of the united Church, con- loss in 186er. His father, the late ducted the service. Interment took Steele Murdoch, being obe of the plate in Winghain, Cemetery. pioneer builders of this cofntnunity. Gibson of Wingham, Fowler of Tees- water, Bruce of Kincardine and Van- drich of 'Listowel, and "Bros, W. W. Hill and R. 17. Mackenzie. John C. Murdoch There passed away early on Sat- urday evening, one of the best known and moat highly respected citizens of Lucknow, Mr, John C. Murdoch.. He' had been In, failing health for al- most a year and his death was not tin expected. Mr. Mi doch'was born of Scottish t. •After the induction service the members and adherents of the con- gregation were introduced to their new minister by Mr. Jarvis and Mr, Ritchie, The congregation and Presbytery then sat down in the Sunday .School room to enjoy a social half hour while the ladies 'served refreshments. Rev. Mr, Allan, the newly induct- ed minister was born in Scotland and came to this country when 16 years of age. For ,a time he served as Presbyterian nninister in the United States; returning to Canada. Since 1925 he served the Presbyterian Church at Smithville and later at Ar- kona. His father, the Rev. Robert Allan, of St. David's Church, Ham- ilton, was present at his son's induc- tion, 'When 'a young lad the family moved to Lucknow where the sons took up the trade of '; their father and have carried it on through life, and many of the finest brick .and stone struc- tures in the village and' surrounding. country bear witness to the skilland integrity of their builders. Of : late years, Mr. Murdoch had given much of his time to building with cobble stone and cut field stone Mr. Murdoch. was' a lifelong mem- ber of the Presbyterian church and when quite a young man took a most active interest in the Sabbath'. school as teacher of the Boys' class. He was for many years a members of. the Session of Lucknow Presbyter- ian church, also superintendent of the Sunday School and Bible class teacher. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon. A short ` private service at his late home on Gough St. was followed by a public service in the Presbyterian church, conducted by his minister, Rev. C. H. MacDonald, assisted by Rev. R. M. Hanna, Rip- ley, Moderator of Presbytery; Rev. J. L. Burgess of South Kinloss; Rev. Jno. Pollock of Whitechurch, and Rev. K. McLean, of Wingham. In- terment was made in South Kinloss cemetery. Mr. Murdoch leaves to mourn his loss, two brothers, Steele of Cooking Lake, Alta.; and William of Luck - now, and four sisters, Mrs. D. C. Taylor, Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie, Mrs. Wm. Fisher and Miss Maude, all of. Lucknow. One, sister, Mrs. Jas. Stra- chan, of Winnipeg, predeceased him some years ago. HUSBAND KILLS WIFE AND CHILD Owen Sound -A blazing bedroom tragedy, in which a young mother and her infant daughter perished was, re- vealed as cold-blooded, premeditated murder for money, by Melville .Wil- kie, 23 -year-old husband and father of the victims. A coroner's jury, inquiring into the deaths here Dec. 6 of Mrs. Gertrude Wilkie, 20, and her six -months -old. child, Norma, heard Crown Attorney W. D. Henry, K.C., read what veter- an legal men termed the most amaz- ing confession they had ever heard, then .returned this verdict to Coron- er Dr, A. B. Rutherford: "They came to their deathsby fire, which was caused by gasoline being sprinkled in the bedroom where they slept and being lighted by a match thrown in the room by Melville Wil - ie". INDUCTION OF REV FRANCIS B. ALLAN On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock iii Knox Presbyterian Church at Teeswater, the Rev, Francis B. Allen, late of Arkona, was inducted into the pastoral charge of Knox Church, Teeswater, and the Presby- terian charge of Beltnore. The sermon was preached by Rev. J. K, MacGilivray, of Ashfield, the induction prayer was offered by Rev. C, H. MacDonald, of Lucknow, The Moderator of the Presbytery, the Rev. R. M. Hanna, of Ripley, pre- sided and inducted the Minister into his new charge. The charge to the Minister was given by Rev. Kenncth MacLean, of Wingham, and the charge to the congregation by Rev. T. D. McCullot gh, of Kincardine, • WESTMINSTER GUILD XMAS MEETING A large number of the members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church as well as a splendid turn -out of the Young People were present for the Christmas meeting of the Westmin- ster Guild held Monday night in the Sunday School room of the church, The Literary Committee were iii charge and the following programme was presented: Christmas readings by Anna Chittick, June Buchanan and Miss Agnes Williamson; a solo by' Mrs, A Wilford; an instrumental by Miss Reta Hastie. A play was presented "A Scene from a Christ- mas'Carol," The principal characters were: Scrooge, Mrs. A. L. Posliff; to 'T'hu's;, December ZZ; 193Z Bob Cratciiit, Scott Mitchell; Mrs. Cratchit, Miss. Agnes Scott; Marley„ Alvin Hanunond; Ghost, Jack Mc - I ibbou; Tiny , Tim George Lloyd, to �' This sketch of Scrooge's Christ- mas was well enacted and was much appreciated and enjoyed.' DIED PEPPER..In Detroit on Thursday,. Dec, 15, 1932, Jean Henderson, be- loved wife of George Pepper, in her 68th year. Surviving besides- her esidesher husband are two brothers, W. 3. Henderson, Wingham Jct;,, T. ' M. Henderson, of town, and one sister, Mrs. R. Miller, of Detroit. Practical and Inexpensive mas Gifts at Isard's Stores. AINIMEMIIP Make These Stores Your Shopping Headquarters This year more than ever the demand will be for Practical Gifts. Something to wear will be most acceptable and here are Super Values in Garments for every member of the family. G4 Chesterfield Cushions, round and crescent shapes, popu- lar colors at 98c Frilled Shirred Cushions for bedroom use, Kapock" fill- ed, now 59c Pyjama Bags, made from Ray- on Taffeta, makes a popu- lar Gift 79c and 89c Novelty Pin. Cushions, make a dandy Gift, at only .....25c Hat Stand and Pin Cushion, made in choice colors, of Rayon Taffeta, priced .........25c We show a large range of ' French Kid Gloves, also English Cape, super value at $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75 Fancy Bath Towels, at Pric- es lower than ever. See our Bargain in Size 22x40 at 25c Fancy Colored in New De- signs, various colors in at- tractive patterns, now .....-..59c Towel Sets in Cellophane packages; Towel and wash cloth at 35c, 49; 69c Ladies Kimonas, in a large range of patterns, nicely made and trimmed. See our values at $2.59, $2.95, $3.75 Slippers, ladies' Fancy Felt Slippers, clearing price 95t Fancy Satin Slippers, reduc- ed to $1.19 HANKIES NEVER. COME AMISS We have a large range of Women's and Children's Plain Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Colorfast Fancy Colored Han- kies for the children .....-..,._..5c See our Christmas stock of dainty Underwear, includ- ing Vests, Bloomers, Pa- jamas, Gowns, etc. A range of Bloomers and Vests, on Sale at 39c Special in Fancy Trimmed Gowns in best colors at ...79c Girls' Sets in . Fancy Vests and Bloomers, Bargain 89c Girls' Plain Knit : Rayon Gowns, fancy trim -. 95c Griffin's Locknit Slips, Vests, Bloomers and Gowns, on sale at , Reduced Prices Scarfs in all the latest mat- erials and colorings. See our _Special line of Silk Crepe and fine wool Scarfs at ...98c Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Hankies for 10c Laced trimmed and Embroid- ered Swiss Hankies, 25c va- lue, 3 for 59c Choice good quality Hdkfs, put up in fancy boxes, spe- cial at 25; 39c, 49c, 65c Fine quality Swiss Hankies, Bargain ........ ........... 15c Hanky Folders, nicely trim- med, best colors, a bargain at 25c Hosiery Department is com- plete with a large range of Supersilk and Mercury Hose. See our colors at 75c, 85; 98c, $1.19 and $1.49 Supersilk Special, Super qual- ity in new Chifofns. "Sha- dow" . at $1.49 "Whisper" Xmas bargain $1.75 Also Cut Prices in Children's All Wool and Silk and Wool Hose Many other useful gifts are: Silk Bed Spreads, Blankets, Rugs, Table Cloths, Lunch Sets, Drapes, Pillow Slips, Fancy Guest Towels, Sweaters, Pullovers, Blouses, Skirts, Dresses and Coats. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Xmas •Bargain Jelly Pow- ders, best flavors, 6 for 25c Oranges, Sweet and juicy, Dozen 40c Lemons, per dozen 29c. Fresh Dates, 2 lbs. for 19c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 27c Peanut Butter, glass jar 15c Large Tin Salmon ......-.11c Choice Blend of Tea ~ 39c Fresh Coffee 29c Baking'. Powder, ib. tin 20c Fresh Cooking Figs ..... Mixed Candy and Choco- lates, per lb. 20c, Bottle Ketchup 15c Strong .Brooms, reg. 50; 39c 7 Bars P. & G. Soap for 25c 4 pkges Ammonia for 25c CHRISTMAS SAVINGS AT ISARD'S GIFT STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS Choice range of patterns in Men's ' Fine Socks, Special at 25c, 35c, 49c Fine Quality Men's Lined Kid Groves at 89c, $1,19, $1.49 New Patterns in Fancy Ties Bargains at 39c, 49; 69c Men's Silk Garters go at 25c Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, Cut prices are. $1.25, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 Fancy Shirts with Ties to match in Xmas boxes ...$2.90 New Range of Men's Caps. See them at 79c, 95; $1.25 Braces in fancy Boxes 50c Braces and Garter Sets in fancy boxes, bargain 95c Men's Bath Robes in all new patterns, fast colors, all siz- es, special at $2.95, $3.75 Boys' Heavy Windbreakers' at ' $1.95 Cedar Chest with Half Doz. fine Hemstitched Hdkfs $1;25 An y ' And Many Other Useful Gifts not Quoted Here. Make Your Selections Early Men's Silk Garters and fine quality Hemstitched Hdkf. Sets for 50c Men's Hemstitched Hdkfs in plain and initialed ...25c, 35c Men's Silk Scarfs, also' fine duality wool. 'See them at. 89c, 98c, $1.25 up to $2.50. Save on Men's Sweaters, Xrnas Bargain at $1.95, $2.59 11 it�erry (nhri�fm�� un ,�U o