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The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-08, Page 7
"Thursday, December €E, 1932 . asap .mws 66c COm `r N \' urs \:eaa 'A Tregt *rifle whole Fainiltp an Excellent Foo4 CA1tADASTAAClrCO. , r,'GROWI i+J6.� CQ'I @.DREid \ Tryit F ., Limited 1/ i' ' fis , ,G,,� .,9,,,,\\\ ,\ �a�\�\,�u\\ , Montreal c4 fiti-d %y:, .1,,,,udu, �nu� ,u� __. ,u \uw�N \usu, a \' 'IA \u \‘‘ N)IMstetalta.\\=4q tauUUV Gi .HiURON OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION OF 'TORONTO. 'The annual meeting of the Huroe 'Old Boys' Association of Toronto,, -was 'held in the Pythian Castle Hall, ,College tSt., that city, on Friday ev .ening last, with the largest attend- ance in the history of annual meet tangs. Every municipality of the old 'county was represented , and the ;greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The reports of the Secretary- and, 'Treasurer showed the Association to Abe in a very flourishing condition, with a good'. balance in the bank. The following officers were elect- eed for the ensuing year: Honorary Presidents --Hon. Robt. Weir, J. A. McLaren, T. A, Russell, A. C. McVicar, R. C. King, Hairy Stowe. Honorary Vice -Presidents Mrs. D, Robertson, Mrs. W. A. Buchanan, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mrs. W. A. Camp - tell, Mrs, Jno. Moon. President—L. M. Pringle. Vice=Presidents — Dr. H. J. Hod- gins, G. N. Ferguson, W. A. Camp - ;bell, Marry Martin, Geo. , Dane, Mrs. • Dr. H. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Geo. E. Ferguson, Mrs. R. Brooks, Miss M. L. Fry nn. Secretary—E. Floody. Assistant Secretary -Miss S. Wal - :leer. Financial Secretary—R. S. Shep- leard. Treasurer—D. D. , Wilson, Auditors H. L Morrish,S. M. Wickens. Chaplain—Rev.. R. C. McDermid. Organist—Mrs. Harry Martin. Reception Committee — Mrs. L. M, Pringle, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, . Mrs. D. D. Wilson, Mrs. Jno. Moon, Mrs. B. H. .McCreath, Mrs. J. A. McLar- ,en, Mrs. E. Floody, Mrs. W. Proud- foot, Mrs. R. Holmes, Mri. A. E. Forbes, Mrs. R. C. McDerinid, Mrs. B. J. Hodgins, Miss F. Paterson, Mrs. S. L. Scott, Mrs. S. H. Brown, Mrs. L. Kennedy. Refreshment Gommittee—Mrs. H. B, Stowe, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs. Geo. Young, (With power to com- plete committee, Publicity Committee — William Powell,' Athol McQuarrie. Property Committee — G. A. New- ton. Visiting Committee" — Mrs. H. L Brown. Special Representatives (First named to be Chairman) Goderich B. H. McCreath, ' W. A. Buchanan,; David Thompson, C, RhYhas: C . F. Chapman, Ernest Lee, Prof. J. C. Robertson. Clinton — Geo..Trowhill, W. F. Cantelon, Dr. R: Ball, Dr. H. E. Hes- sion, F. McCaughey. Hensall — Dr. Byron Campbell, Mrs. H. J. D. Cook,' Blyth—W. E. Floody. Gorie-Mrs. M. Irwin. Brucefield-T. Mustard. ' Brussels -Dr. H. J. Ferguson. Wingham—H. A. Netterfield, W. A. Smith, Lac. 'Kennedy. Exeter -Theo. Sweet, C. L. Covet - ice, Mr. Scott.. Seaforth—A. E. Forbes, Geo. Love, H. M. ,Jackson, C. M. Chesnew, W. Hawlcshaw. Londesboro—Jno. Moon, R. . Scott, Geo. Hesk. Zurich -,—Mrs. M. Becker. After the business was concluded euchre, bridge -and' dancing were :in- dulged in until the "wee sma' " hours. Mr. A. G. Snaith, formerly of; the Wingham "Advance -Times," took an interest in the proceedings and stay- ed till the last "dog was shot." W. A. Campbell, formerly of. Wingham, . is one of the new Vice Presidents, while Mrs. Campbell oc- cupies a similar position with, . the ladies. Mr. Lorne M. Pringle, the , new President, is a Brussels Old Boy, and occupies the position .of General Manager of the Smart Bag Co., of Toronto. � • "Wait a minute .. Dad's here too?' . Lori' ekening rates on Stationto-Sts- lion Calls begin as 7.00 p.m. Still dower night rates at 8,30 p.m. Young Joe Wilson got his first away -from -home job a couple of months. agog Though a stranger to Brantboro, he' has yet. to feel his first twinge of homesickness. Each Friday night at 8.30 he puts through a Long Distance call and chats with Mother and Dad ... a treat looked forward to by all three with the reversed chargee ,paid aid for by Dad with a ' chuckle. � "it's a small price to pay for the pleasure k gives", he says. Long Distance is easy to use and xs alwaysquick uick and dependable. THE'WINGGHAM ADVANCE. -TIMES IMES FORDYCE (Intended. for Last Week) Don't forget the concert in time school on Friday evening, Dec, 16. A laugh every minute. Whe welcome Mr. and Ars, Mar- tin and family to our community, Mi-. and Mrs. Havens spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. E, Taylor. Miss Etta Taylor has gone to Lon- don to . yisit u s t for a few clays. The young people of our section have commenced practising for their Xmas concert, to 'be ''held on Dec, 16th. Mrs. D. MacDonald and: son spent an enjoyable afternoon at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. A. Rintoul. Dr, Vokes made his annual call on Wednesday last, BLYTH (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taylor left on Saturday to spend the winter months with ~their daughter at Rockwood. The Bazaar and tea held in Queen St. Church on Saturday afternoon. Was well patronized. Owing to the sever 'cold day the attendance was not as large a's it would have been if the day had been fine. , There passed away early Friday morningJohn Mrs. Hefferon, aged 59 years. Deceased had not enjoYed good health for a 'number of years. Surviving are her husband and one son. Service was held in Roman Catholic Church Tuesday morning. Rev. Maurice Sullivan officiated, as - sited by several former priests of the Parish. Interment was made in R. C. burying ground at Brussels. Mr. Hugh Thompson died at his home on Friday evening. Born at Chepstowe in the year 1872, deceased was engaged in the shoemaking in- dustry and worked at this trade for a great many years. Surviving are his wife,( one daughter and. `three sons. Service was conducted at his late home, on' Sunday by Rev. Oliver. Interment was made in the family plot at Chepstowe Cemetery. ASHFIELD (Intended for Last Week) We regret very much to hear of the death of Mrs. Will Hasty, 6th con„ near Crewe. She was forty-one years old. The last twelve years she has suffered several .severe illnesses. About three weeks ago she had an attack of the masles from which she never recovered. She leaves to niourn, her husband and two sons, Aldon who is attending Stratford Normal School, and Lorne, at home; her mother, Mrs. W. H. Maize, and three brothers, Will of Montreal, Bert, of Dungannon, and Roy, 4th coal:,: The funeral was held to Dun- gannon Cemetery on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, that was their twenty-first an- niversary oftheir wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and fam- ily- spent Saturday afternoon with re- latives near Exeter. -Miss Mary Hackett, youngest dau- ghter of Mrs, Hackett, of Lucicnow, formerly of 10th con., was married on Nov. 19th, to Mr. Stewart Mc- Gillivray, of Kinloss Twp. The wed- ding ceremony was performed by Rev. S. T. Tucker. We extend con- gratulations to the young couple and wish there many, happy years togeth- er. The Nominations were held Friday with the results, for Reeve, Mr. Jno. McKenzie, Murdock 1Vlathes,on and Irving Zinn; for- Councillors, Mr. A. Culbert, 4th con., Mr. John A. John- son, Mr. Sam Swan and Wilfred Far rich. Election will be Dec. 5th. Miss Elsie Anderson spent last week at the :Royal Winter Fair as a guest o fthe Govt. A free trip was awarded her as high girl in house- hold science judging competition this summer at Clinton. Mr. Finley Shackleton and sister, Alice, motored to London a week ago on Saturday, returning Sunday. BLYTH Women's Institute The regular monthly meetitig of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday afternoon in Memorial Hall with a large attendance of mem- bers and "visitors.'' The meeting op- ened by . singing the Institute Ode, followed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meting were read and ,' ap- proved. An appeal for clothing from Haileybury was dealt with. It was moved by Mrs. Oster, seconded by Mrs. Whiteman, that we send as' much suitable clothing as we could gather, the same to be left at the home of Mrs. James Watt before the 1.5th of the inonth. The Secretary- Treasurer gave a financial report,, stating there was $90.00 in the treas- ury. It was decided to pay to the Hall Board $75,00. Mrs, Whiteman reported for the Board that instead of $100 per year the Institute might have the use of the Hall for $75,00, begini1itmg April.the new year kr the Institute. The Roll Call was answered by telling "What Xmas Mean to Me." One of the replies was "To remem- ber others who are not so highly fa- voured," A hymn was then swig, fol- lowed by a very inspiring address by Rev. L. V. Pocock on "The Value of Sunshine," . He stressed .its value for both our physicaland mental needs, He spoke of different races who ac- tually _Worshipped the sun. Mrs. P. J, Kelly moved .' a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker for his splen- did address. This was seconded by Mrs, Oster. Mrs, Laidlaw sang a solo "Love's Radiant Smile." Mrs, Whiteman contributed a reading, "Pack up your troubles" was then sung. The President suggested that it would be quite fitting to ;,call this meeting the sunshine meeting. A display of articles suitable for Xmas gifts was shown by Mrs. Oster; Lunch was served at the close by hostesses Mesdames Carter,Laidlaw,; Brightam and Stubbs. Blyth Agricultural Society direct- ors at a meeting held on Saturday afternoon decided to continue the fair for 1933 and have made arrange- ments to pay the prize ,moneyaw- arded at the last fair. With the horse races last June and the fair, the 'soc- iety met with a small deficit which has keen overcome. SALEM Miss Ferne Bennett, of Toronto, spent a few days last week at her home here. A large number from this locality attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Elijah Higgins :of Morris, on Sun- day- last. The deceased formerly re- sided in this locality and attended the church here. The friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Mr. and .Mrs. John Gowdy called on friends near Drayton one day last week. Mr. Sydney Edgar fromthe • Soo, called on Mr.` and Mrs. W. E. Weir and other Wends here last week. The children have commenced to practice for the Xmas entertainment which will be held on Dec. 23rd. Mrs. Earl Aitcheson and children of Wingham, are at present residing with her parents, •Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher.' Mr. Harry Merkley, of Wingham, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs• Henry Merkley. A number from this vicinity at- tended a concert in Delmore last Friday night and report a good time. An unusually large crowd attended the auction sale of the Bennet estate on Friday. Considering the present day conditions and• the cash terms, very good prices were realized. The wheat sold for 52c per bushel, oats for 26c; yearling cattle $23 to $32 per head, sucking pigs 80c.,each. Al- though it was a very large sale, it was all over before 5 o'clock, due to the spirited bidding, .BEN MORE A meeting of the Library Board of the Delmore Library Association was held Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 29th, in the Library. Approxi- mately $35 was allocated for the Pur- chasing of new books. During the business period it was also empha- sized that the only membership fee is the five cents paid for the card, The public is invited to make use of the books at their disposal. The Delmore School Concert will be held in the Community Hall on Thursday, December 22nd. A. two= act play "Timothy Delano's Court- ship" will be given at 8 p.m. Admis- sion 15c and 10c. Practice for the Presbyterian S. S. Entertainment started Saturday af- ternoon. Union Sunday School will meet Santa Claus in the Community Hall some time before Xmas. Owing to a strain on the pocket book the play "Her Glove" put on in the Community Hall Friday ev- ening wasn't met with a crowded house. Those ,present report it as splendid, each one acting their part to perfection. It no doubt required much time, and practice, and was a credit to the cast. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence was forced to undergo an operation in Walkerton Hospital last week for some throat trouble. Her baby daughter is 'be- ing cared far in the Walkerton, home at present, Mrs. Win. Curie has returned from Wingham where she is taking treat- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and babe of Wroxeter, motored: up Sunday. The W.M.S. met at Miss Elizabeth Hakney's Wednesday afternoon. 11 members were present, with Mrs, Turnbull as organist. Meeing open- ed by singing, followed by prayer. Topic was taken by different mem- bers. Minutes by Sec-Treas, . Mrs. Mundell.. Collection. $3.00 or over•, Mrs. Arthur Fitch attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs, Higgins, on Sunday. Youroil's" OK away" on the coldest day when it's Pours freely at zero. Lubricates at 20° below. Change to this finest of all Pennsylvania Oals., Crown -Dominion Oil Co., Limited, Distributor Hamilton, Toronto, St. Catharines mrammass,...,mmacam.- 'ingha. Dealer: ROBERSTON'S GAAGE MORRIS We were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Elijah Higgins ''of the 3rd line Morris, last •Friday morn- ing. Mrs. Higgins had been in bed for the past year. This community extends their sympathy. to 'her be- reaved husband and family. The fun- eral was held from the residence of her son, Robert, on Sunday. Inter- ment in Wroxeter cemetery. Mrs. Arthur Edgar attended the funeral of a relative in Toronto one day last week. Several attended the Bennett sale in Hawick last Friday. Miss Eleanor Douglas has return- ed .to her home in Wroxeter after visiting with net friend, Miss Annie Findlater for the past week. S. S. No. 7 are holding theri an- nual Christmas Tree and Concert on the evening of Tuesday, • December 20th. A good programme consist- ing of songs, drills, recitations and dialogues has been prepared by the pupils. WHITECi-IUR‘..H. Remember the meeting of the Wo- men's Institute to be held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Leggatt on Friday, Dec. 9th. The roll call is to be answered by a gift to the Child- ren's Shelter at Walkerton. Ivlr. Wm. Falconer of Langside, is spending the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Many will be interested to know that Mr. John Stein and son Ches- ter, of Kincardine, have purchased a bake shop ;at Wheatley. Miss Frances Robinson of Wing - ham spent the week -end with Miss. Florence Beecroft. Messrs. Amos Cornelius, Price Scott, K. Weaver, Robt. Carrick, Wilfred Jacques and Geo. McQuaid have been off rabbit -hunting during the past week. The annual business meeting of the W.M.S. of Chalmer's Church is be- ing held on Thursday, Dec. 15. Mrs. A. Reid who has been visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Balfour, in Lucknow, returned to her home here, last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ross of Huron Tp. Mis Lena Hackett spent the week- end with Mrs. B. S. Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Godkin spent Sunday in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Godlcin. Quite a number from Chalrner's Church gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt on Monday evening and presented them with two splendid chairs and chesterfield ta- ble and radio stool. Lunch was ser- ved and, a pleasant evening spent by all. The regular business meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on Wednesday, Decem- ber 14th. Mr, Wagoner of Wheatley and Mr. Aldin Pardon of Leamington, took large truck loads of apples from this community on Monday. Mr. Wag- oner took 74 barrels from Mr. Ab. Cameron in Ashfield. He also took 77 barrels atarevious time. e. The silver wedding of Mr. . and Mrs. J. Ploughman of Donnybrook, was celebrated on Saturday •last at their home, when about sixty rela- tives and neighbors gathered in the afternoon and presented them with a shower of aluminum ware. The telephone men have been busy in these parts repairing their lines. Many in this district have had the phone taken out for the winter. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Henderson, Iv- an and Eileen, of Paramount, spent Sunday with her mother, 101rs. Mac- Gregor, who has recovered nicely af- ter her recent sick spell. Many from here attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Thos. Field, in the. 'Un- ited Church, Wingham, last Thurs- day,. and 'extend sincere sympathyto the bereaved husband and sisters. Mrs. Bert Boyd, of Motint Forest, is visiting this week with her par- eats, Mr. acrd Mrs. Kenneth Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wightmnan and Miss May, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Brigham, of. Blyth. Quite a number attended the W. M. S. tea at the home of Mrs. Chas. Martin last Wednesday. The ladies spent the afternoon in quilting. Dawson Craig and Alec Coulter spent the week -end in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Martin. The W. M. S. will hold their mon- thly meeting in the basement of the Church on Thursday, Dec. 8th. The Young People's Society will meet at usual on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Plowman en- tertained a number of friends and neighbors on Saturday, Dec. 3rd, it being the 25th anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. Wm. DONNYBROOK Crozier, of Crewe, ited last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Camp.- bell. Miss Della Plowman, of Forest, is. visiting at her home here. Mr. Geo. H. Jefferson, of Clinton,: was a visitor at the home of his =e- ther, on Saturday. Miss Verna Chamney .spent a few. days with her grandmother, Mrs; J. H. Mills: The driver of the dilapidated care asked the bystander: "Can you tell: me the queckest way to. Victoria?". After a critical glance at the car the bystander replied: "Take a bus."' "I hear the young couple next door don't agree—that they take an oppo- site view about their first loss. "What's the idea?" "Oh, he says he let a kiss fool ]illi" vis -while she says she let a fool kiss her. A WORD TO TRAVELLERS ... about Funds It is desirable when travelling abroad to carry Travellers' Cheques and Letters of Credit rather than any considerable sum of cash. Apart from the extra risk it entails, Canadian currency carried abroad involves exchange, with consequent delays and inconvenience. Letters of Credit and Travellers' Cheques issued by The Dominion Bank are honoured in United States, Great Britain, Continental Europe, and throughout the world. Our nearest branch manager will gladly arrange your requirements. Consult him. THE E OMI IO BAN ESTABL1SHED '1871 Wingham Branch, J. R. M. Spittal, Mgr. \ 5all BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA AND OFFICES IN NEW YORK AND LONDON{ 1I111111nauelMil111tt1Illnle In111t1118111111111111111111111111l11111120llllI1111191011111111111111n11111A111 11111111111111 �1.©1r DIEM HES TING SAS t, ' LABOR AND DOLLARS! No longer need the ashes be shovelled daily, for with a Vacu-Draft it is only necessary to do away with the refuse once or twice a week --and then only a bucketful. in the average -sized home. More than that, the Veen -Draft enables you to keep any desired temperature automatically, without the usual labor involved in altering the furnace draft or fire. With its suction fan, installed in the furnace flue pipe, the Vacu-Draft prevents the loss of heat up the chimney and enables you to 'burn low-cost coal with consequent savings of SS Der ton and more. Vacu-Draft is the only ail -Canadian coal burner ap- proved by the Anthracite institute laboratory. Machan Bros.. Telephone 58.' Wingham, Ontario. A Product of Canadian Johnson Motor Co., Ltd., Petertbore -e. 1111.,...;'irks' As* tem - *Ms lima we, --obi FREE ESTIMATE' Please send me Literature, also FREE estimate or What Valu -graft will accomplish: In my Monte. 1 now burn., tons of 'coli, at a dost of $... lllllllper ton, sante AV V•11•••11•••r•••••• ....... ....,1111 .,. 1111.. Ai dress...... Town. ..;. .. . . 111oripo1 11.11.., ,.-1111..