HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-08, Page 4is lK THE WINGNAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, ,Degember .6 ,'1o3 1,U.F.O. JOIN WITH C.C.F. POLITICALL' Sc"'i Wwet Ereetad, I.''ies -.' 'dent by Acel pat%rz i ;"c` Hs Third Term, amond ups Free ALSO HUNDREDS OF OTHER, ARTICLES This is the outstatediug event of a year of Low Prices. We taken out of our regular stock, some hundreds of articles, and up I nnuireds of parcels. Each customer spending One Dollar carazore is entitled, n to mite of these parcels, while they last, ,ene to folates. Ta: your 'choice. Included ilii, these parcels are TWO GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS which some pocky customers will get If you wish to exchange these Diamonds Rksgs which you. get FREE, we will allow TEN DOLL- ARS EA for them towards the purchase gf any Diamoted Ring. over Twenty -Five Dollars at any time before January 31st; 1933, Below Are A Few of Our Many Bargains Diamond Rians Gents' Rings, Solid Golcl' $5.00 to $1.5-33° Ladies" Rings 75c to„7_50 Rogers SsVote ate Tea Services ' $S.$0 to $20.00 Watches, Pocket, 15 jewels $5,00 to $25.00, Watches, Wrist, 15 Jewels $5 75 to $37450,, Pearl on Amber Toilet Sets +C1ot~fi,s $1.50; to $20.00 Community and Rogers Plate, Cuff Links, Watch. Chains, Brush Sets, Dress Sets, Broaches, Bracelets, Necklets, Leather Goods,, China, Glass, Compacts, Book End; Radio Lamps, and many other lines at prices ranging from. 3.5c to $5.00 and up ` COME Ii AND LOOK AROUND, WE ARE HERE. TO PLEASE YOU. $15,00 to $300,00.„. $6:50 to $20200 • a's Jewellery -Store By any_overwheludng vote (40 to 1) fter a day of 'heated discussion and tebate, delegates to the annual con- vention of the United. Farmers of Ontario, Inst Thursday night approb,` ed affiliation with the Co -Operative Commonwealth Federation, The resolution by which the ii.F r 0. became affiliated with the Co - Operative Comonn.inweaith Federation eras as follows: "Be it resolved that, pending the holding of the first general confer - nee of the affiliated organizations, the T nited Farmers of Ontario be- come affiliated with the Co -Operat- ive Commonwealth Federation, it be- ing recognized that • 1. The United: Farmers of Ontario retain its identity and all its privi- eges and powers unimpaired; 2. That the principel of cousttu- lency autonomy which prevails within the United Farmers of Ontario with respect to direct political action be retained, and 3, That with respect to the policy Of the affiliation of the United Far- mers of Ontario and the Co -Opera- tive Commonwealth Federation, it be limited to the declared policies of the The Place to Do Your .Christmas Shopping. United Farmers of Ontario. .. A monster petition; demanding in- flation of curerncy: and: lowering of "tariffs, is to be circulated; immediate - cents a word per inser'ti n, Nei mi,ta`tsx'srxm charge of 2 ly throughout Ontario under "t5 F.O. ' auspices, it n: -as decided at the mass seating' during' the Thursday after- noon session. The suggestion was trade in the first place by E. C. 1 Drury, former Premier of Ontario, and followed up by Prof. C. B. Ses- sions and others. • R. J. Scott, of Bel*grave, was elect- ed -President of the U.F.O. by accla- ' siaati«an, this will be his third term !,as. President. W. G.. Nicholson was c sen vice -President by acclaruat- 1 gate. �y` 'r Liss Agnes McPhail, M.P. South - et Grey,'and Wm- Irvine, M.P., anie3-Labor M.P. for Weiaskewin. 1Alm., who both ,spoke here quite re - piapsopsuiciiimPlititlilliglEili HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY ,SOCIETY • 1 :le ,', ; the ret3tillnr"atteeting of the •l, iog- I In the' llriul'n ' clidal. Literary Society • weas held in the Assembly Room on „ ■ Friday, Dec, 2nd, with President Rae ,.. n” Or .• Thompson in 'charge of the meeting. The meeting was opened by the op 'government and • Municipal Bondsd s 91 —s_ Also All Kinds of ! INSURANCE Phone 226 Wnigham s71isa'd~birRansiilltlna mRilisitllsmaimaniMiir • stitute the basis upon which this na- tion rests; Whereas the menace of foreclosure and 'eviction threatens thousands and thousands of Canadian families; "Whereas no class should benefit by the depression but all classes bear the burdens of the depression equal- ly; "Whereas the present legislation cn mortgages unjustly favors the ereditor class by permitting the cre- ditor to foreclose and seize the en- tire property though a portion of The meeting n_S closed with the the mortgage may have been paid: 'National Anthem. "And whereas the tragic collapse singing off ""O Canada." The minut- es of the previous meeting were read and adopted.' I.. The Glee Club then rendered a se- lection, the words of which were set to Betthov*en's ";Minuet in "G.",. Neat came a humorous ' play, "Squaring It With The Boss," under The ' the supervision of Miss Carson, Z roles of the different characters were taken by the pupils of Form II. The School then joined in singing led by the Glee Club. The Journal was read by Jack Pol- lock The Journal consists of Jokes, clippings,.. useful and humorous arti- cles, and good advice to the schol- ars. An interesting feature is the ' ”:W'column, "Who's �i+ha" describing some of the outstanding characters of the s chool. Norman Blatchford then rendered a selection on the harmonica and guitar. The Critic's remark's were given by Miss MacDonald. of farm purchasing power makes the Narrowly Escape Death payment. of either mortgage principal On Sunday morning Mr. John or interest always difficult and af- Pearson, of Grey Township, and his hired man, Mr. Bert Touse, narrow - Therefore be at resolved that tineescaped death b + asplt}-xiati 3 y an_ ten irnnossible; 'United Fortunes of Ontario in annual. Mr. Pearson wakened, feeling sick, :convention assembled urge upon the and smelling gas, managed to reach government the imeaediate enacting ,,the man's room and waken him be - of legislation to protect the debtor's fore he collapsed. Mr. Touse was NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC — As I have :opened nn -?;e Blaek$ntith Shoo of he late John Davidson, tall enneeeme a regular Horse - shoeing and General Repair Shop here Ton: biz_ a ess pp.e is ed. a trial 'iii c , n . _ce - yea,. -tax e. Rennie. Bowe CARD OF THAN icently, -were mainly responsible for Mr. 'Thos. Field and the brothers -Ole United Farmers of Ontario af- and sisters of the iatr Mr` Field, fzlr tb-ag with the Ccs-Opelasice Com- w ' o ehan `heir :an friends. g.Z,r T their kindness sympathy extend- i oat eaztn' Fedetasio>a, as were' R 3, end -_ , ' +„otz, the 'resident o- the L.FO,, ed ,? :'tee: s daring ��e�= teethe swd e - equity in his home; and, second, that able deo go downst"airs and telephone all other interested organizations be the doctor and get upstairs again be - invited to support this policy." fore he too collapsed. The doctor A. motion for a more liberal eaten- soon arrived. and gave aid, but a few sion of credit, 'which will help _tem minutes more would have been too I the tide of liquidation, . enable indns- i late_. The gas had escaped in some try to function and raise the price way from the fuenace which had been level," was carried unanimously.. started the previous day. —Listowel Other resolutitirts passed were: Standard. Pre' Christrna Sale Of Women's Misses and Juniors Ready -to -Wear Y Garments of High Standard Quality Materials and Workmanship "Styled_ip to the Minutes SALE STARTS ON Thursday, Decernber 8th Be here early for Best Selection of Coats, Dresses, Suits, Skirts, Pullovers and Sweaters. ALL ON SALE AT A SAVING OF FROM 20 - TO 40 PER CENT. "That the Grad jury be abolished," `that the fee .fee- students passing 1 SCHOOL REPORTH.4E. ISA rnadtlle school. examination be abol- S. ished, and in favor of g;N ing rural 8.S 14, West Wawanosh fi I Cl - Tested Blit D &CO mea "rys ' +.. r. - Class. Ste in x Lit_... 'ir, .,rv-�r'�+--�r. 3rd sic ""'Y�.'`' �a"- scliool children the .game privilege zs Olive 7 rt- e. �`- ,. COMM. — O:it e l'=.trdsr 6a, Mart --< iban caaildreta in respect o= permits- Guest '60 Doreen Pnt3don 5'2 Jack keg entrance •.�c�t�� Inglis � Russel a a z e _ i _ -� Reading., more tests. t3a:aic.^, to high ,- .r ' x c 'Farrier . ',schools or recommendation of the Sr III—Muriel Pardon 5S, 'wring : raphl., Literature, Reading., Compoai one or a 3 ,- n1e e t ham Til r: 2? 't','elweod 57 13ertata Guest tion, Grammar aid Agriculture_ �a 11 as pe. - 1I, F. Inglis, Teacher_ tem. ae�a _ p111131, k 3sZxe er lser��re �et.t lin-the 'C use o Bra -e=ns-e Leader -, J,n III beau 1'i' elai-gcs1. &6, Lana_ e ; Sr. IV—Anna McDowell .r4, Mae lin-the House of Commons, is, Rea; S. ceps, sand rag Martin 422; Donald Marten fa, Paul -a 1 d d 1't d t M EAST Cog O g'NOTICE L"�13i�C3II3E kirsIl33e:_�??3e eI1C� , :�� l: � �k`i C.:v�11. 'OW SHIP OF .,.,, •, ; , . On e agar_ the:�x ��ati�n;aota tii� 'arae In Ixa .i'i1,sson. Falconer 3tr. i t $.n ,Ja nes '�.. oo sir. a a, gam . ti a CREI3ITC}RS _ ,.,. II - \ =r na Burden 83 Florence' iti _ tike is her by given that a O;n e. ,n.,:.l be heldrsua3 t too the Voter.? List Act rer the `� t DecemberEelereeen on Friday, per . ..merle and s �iW gyve nes e \'eters List e the : ;.a� a i Fast I,'a: oneel- r� , :, s<:� y_ �� ;: _ ._�v noterel ~a the and lime a 5 � "w ,._ with ane inet...-.: D awed .' 3a m.4 -'-'day 'ei ':�''emeb r. reseren ,. £..y,r L': el . i ,n, Clerk. NOTICE "w3 ,d th ❑r,- *ti it .. mi nen r 4 • 'Ze: 1 xi r,;, et the orem Clerk TENDERS I . ~:fs .o erce:a. i _.. .rc venber e .. ,. • .agreements as oleins o= too appreca i Beerrr�tt3, Ludt, Laidlaw 5r (a �, 3'ressure a.au s Sze exec ed sa �3are seas; a "wee ). Chi ori Farrier 34, �. C . j, F :. Ernest Beecroft - 6. '£ r =3• :F".r' = %r'no"-, .'. .. ,r� - :1t. a.iaa,. .A .,, Ti d :ia' u' .trs �. _ae '+u a�.,e _ ,'A�: t., s T1�v -.c. W..Sdi 3 .t•Zc , a All ne. ors having elain5 a_ e., st I. vt. ee esm e .-�# James Ale der Mor- 'anon the goveranrent so prevent able benefit to farmers,, a on ur'rari -e 1 u -e rid ee i aeon - 11 t 05 • ' lulu- I—Marjorie Pardon 70, Arthur ' - an -c • Ziehl i -a the tecurity of 'Huron Beeri'ster ( - f eta adavored „before the Imperial 'Guest 30. Agnes l;farten 25. d 3� 'l - e' et,e .' ea who o died on CT abonr the'{ : nae'$ 'away ' .ill's: ${,92 2a1' Sea a `:'t! PaR s, •. - + .a _ � I Conference �itDe�2 e3x.�; ^a. is ..�._: _ x ' -a'setas t .c4a age t ea,x,�a.r ra holm" s _ o r a n.. er+el4�' �..,'?.._E� �.tT,'. send oat tn�T �ir'.tt�74:. ,�`c'� ��d�".i,a''-5, '�raIJ:�L'd S2r i33'Er,4 s *he '�.e�S ...39'E'13ex for �,:,or._3.: �. �'ardi' _ o ,,on roll23. n A resolution also ; Pr Class—Mitchell E?loot, Russel . 3 tY" czar '+e J.^f.. , ,1 1032 ,.a,"': 3. erect on 3"Sc�+ a�?�,'e� o \\ A. A'a:;o_ aJyceaaber, A.D. 1902,.U.F.O. cr'aventuon. , mrd en (need). ). ren - ▪ d= e d -alecit'pr :or ::.nae l ..Tae deb ar s e i ~_ l�ansr be az , teene ''a s cei the ea d estate. ewe r d. xa _ _ - t.,_;, tree e+d," tie 4:c—ee ded. It is auju , can?.� .awn ��utere�_cr fa1.l, -Fa:~�na,:.. _ et 'them a...,_- and the ua"'s._'re o. the y ae m tr-a ees should:take all the ' any, rheld rs5y 'thc:..a meas -:E iitsaeti '^u".ners have nod for parene a � a . ?c a -n ^, ..y,e= �a a,d 7`e ha t3:: ~,..''perms a:= well d a --'i."' aafer s-nc y last ee "^mint; d. ,Sala , ,trice was also passed. n As the final ace of the convention J. J. M•eorrisrn was're-elected Secre- S.. S. No. 13, East Wawanash -- Fr, fi. i September, October and `tier eiaber S'..a. 27s' the -'L,- .�,.. and �Y'-;; �..r1�1`i., .i elected - a--Tbe senior classes were tested in i Spelling Ar ietice History, Gel'g- Frisby 69. S.S. 2Io. 5, fiuratberry •:'• - Jr- . I1 —AIr '*u�t+ok: Vin, Boas Hen- 1 �,ati°eauber Schetcsi Report. ry r4, Ross Taylor 62, Gordon :e-,• Pupils were examined in La'tera- thery 65. hire, Hygiene, History and Art. S- t Xethery r9 Ferne Total 400, Honors 300, Pass 240. ..,_ III Ruh _ McDowell `74, Thelma McGuire 71, ' Jr. Ili—Bruce MacLean 289, Mar- ion Gilmour 2 s 5, Allan Reid 23 7. jr. IlI Mabel Gtaok ii0. { 5'r III—Norman Hastings 2 1, II—Laois McGuire 87, Lloyd Tay - Delight Reid 2224. r S2*, Billie Henry 65, Norma Tay-# Sr. II—Billie Hastings 274, jean r 65. ,Underwood 272. Jack Taylor 66*. I --Ruth Bradburn SS*, Eleanor € Sr. I—Billie Jenkins 70, Edna Jen - Taylor 87, Russel Cook 76. , kii-ns 68%. Tse marked * were absent foil Laura C. Hicks, Teacher. '..0. 1 ..T,e t v ernme''nt, ?hnald vke sse e.,. a,...; ,bJ:iit:,�'. o .i..-. 3i `a Xie "`'te57-is,a'a ,%r :^r t:lo .e2 i:L1aa ,17417.2• n 1_.`aii-:"'S"„ ;y, =,r. ,+C_ - 'v=._' y".^ yr y% ., "r r:«.�,i'e.'"�^ ?•-"o-e, ,�� _ T. :- y: '`�..,"�`^r�•-r'.��c ~ ����+KaxY': :-�..ry;��x�''�i,xe�:...w+"�i.� .c r-?"�-x�.�� �r✓�r ,y,� -�c�" e �t ..� .; eye o y r.� +e,.,;�rd e>1� � s f, ..,.., i:-".. ' � •7 � :a,v_ ��..e:5_�'a't. E? ya"i.� �. `:t1`..a T�+" 'a'. , z ,e �„ e i-1 gal tr E <' •F tea__ - - � t F SV a �• gal' S2ti:�t of his own cannot '^�5a3 ],^. _ Y�. \ � � :Jl �2_�•,1� '�°.tom_,- ¢ J Dated at #4' _ horn T:i�`io„ the 1d f - _ _ 'e , :l . Mi,y : u. #' r� eta\!'.,,' J � er a2't r;-14-114-‘-'*_, `' ` ':-•'-'- way :l leee _her A.D.�.. •19K2. y>aes'x or 't"rti" tnee ; �i f ij l %%.„ ti`.\'^+:. ''Fr , _ i ., ' S :., -1 H._.=Kr.si'°'+'i1.:TO," , ';r "There is plentyof . pre 2'l`''dent k - --__Ilr � - - , • ._.. . ae pig ...:C.it ._e.:.i^., ax lI, e7 ,.`` 'yBatCc:.es. i.. -�a. .,.� + r iY g tt'-'S_ �, cp" ` e.,r- ,i:.. iAB �•4y :.!'�IZS�c .+w.sra.Rs.% '^'il,t�uJ'6:•,Ek v...:'e.,,c,. +iwil+a"'.G +, , Mr: A`::o s then entro 3 e e+.ls' a "rate- I NOTICE TO CREDITORSY.:aw eL he'passed en, y_ the govern. r.eiente. whir,le was teethed as '.,ox"i_ewe: -hlry rtereetoe leateotg m.:,.:no,s, a -"••ants" '1Vkere_as'`'J,..._e h' m"e' of toe Cana.- .,,,,„2,,,,,2p,...1,, -,'rt _I2t"n A :an1ks, `'tz" "eera.-.i. da? _ - in city and eottutrr` car et...5. .. the Cr cit - of leteetee, Ti -:-.,4 div c e '' W' A a . thirty-flee:: �5' fi.: d toot 7 we . • MORTGAGE SALE • 1........,i.,..:. a ., iw V. c- -- �l- . i4 r''•``.a,..:_7� 'i,.''av mow• _:..t a,+'- '(',t.,y._ . before nineteenth dev ed De- Of 9�ainnbl:e Hotel Property 153. the ..-' _e— A:re le e' rnlaa- To: of i illgi .r .ATTENTION FARM ER seas . a nneee, �, t froneet Tenn. , rotes ten -CARD OP ..T R melee kindness ar sea - a, .,I• rert.atiens ;ler ;tether. x t ax :ir nt a 'CAR 'O' "Tl "wise 317 ci aS f!' 7iU,tbeettk "4, ,:..:;5, iZ '4 "-" ' _ +Irn e d lo te_dere and ; b-ira`eze cd tylee Z' ' ZeT$ e ",'..' a r: Dee- el . sale tz a _ora n' a- , crani meet- ---,bee, 1f€2 e ere er 7 age wech will 'he neeer ° e,d at the a ' ; : .., ei o sa=e:.d.em li be The +ed _ 7tri. e ai dw T: b "Mi,. i:7:, aa.+etien :t e1,71=S- .•:' eras - 'f . a i no :cam 1 :'_' the ' ..S en of ' r;- - :.i, ie.'. J a :I_7 ..L.._.e ,1..::'::l.i ..- r:... be.. Illitl. ••��,, r FL �5 - . .IOL-': ' y t en x1 'e c`;,_..k it 'the w...e oi• .1,q .. 1' .._i'e'_ S"_.w' ,l ...,,xl:..J aaWi. • ::'C F&':.. Fiat 4- 1 esS, nu s 5 t -t n the 'ease eide ni 7 } ; as Street in t" _ said THE ONTARIO CMP- ''_ _ 31 , ANIES ACT " b T o ra e l This b'eilEr Los a nesei sten` t4 a 'b [ need as ,a hetel ketern. as :11?f- B•stt 'ora ..s. Them in .. rl 5 aT L: ` ll' -'e I.`+ •e'l enable,:enable,:en the eeaa..e thea ere,- see a4 es- , pf y , .i z:.C�.. Ts'zLi3 It:' Je • Tr'r"kl'n.S O SALE: Ten e -'7"a- :1 the. reurthose. y:.6.-;ey on t t sole i .. 1 the balance within i 1 ia W -ay i e nalx, The sr�cp: n" it bel.,,,,,,,, 1T , b e L " zr~�K co 7e�,ui a� • ,4trapp1 vfilt ami tea jai, k "..G 'ls -L "Si "fir T.:: � 3a"w`a 1 ` _ .a v t3. d4^a*. aJ i --., 3. 'tTt "E .. : se.e 1 nrys.'n en sale cu :ma " vLt.5 i:::,: appii-,, a irs e ed. Vit. t I g m, (C.Leenearie. f" e q of X,arember', A ft AT& FELLS, WingIt� , C3eitar5 , I. CR.A:I' 'Fy.O,RD. Vilegteet, Ore ' Vert Mak, Walker'se Store Your Head- quarters e -a,,, For Xmas Giftsthe Entire Family "GIFTS THAT LAST" SEWING CABINETS END TABLES BOOK -CASES BRIDGE LAMPS DESKS RADIO LAMPS SIO BENCHES FOOT STOOLS COFFEE TABLES :NESTED TABLES W en or be tb'ri ."w''.", 4A7S" `' a_, , ae 'Y e, tL3 , t1=.1.1 pne •.i chisel s he:le :" vas litteneediately after t e. the said Iid dal r w3 disfi. it n; the asset of titer ee d tri neve, .die `w t1wen i-N.ae ll,L- l�,a jerr, MR,M1.'it :i.tay'". it as w onet peretz 'L fi abn h �& SL rue. th.'t."W bar' 4 taS et.t, s'v"1 u ..c"iC"d ;1 that dese net Toe ;tt spr .cs7' bv. CEDAR CHESTS, SOLID WALNUT FLOOR O R L.M:PS FANCY LAMPS FANCY MIRRORS PICTURES CEDAR CHESTS SMOKING STANDS CHIDLREN'S DOLL CARRIAGES VELOCIPEDES TOY SETS KIDDIE-KARS HIGH CHAIRS FANCY ROCKERS "Watch Our Windows" .$12.50 e goods are picked from our best manufacturers, and have all the "Ear Marks" of Quality and at prices that will surprise you:: A. FURNITURE AND FUNERA ALKER ERVICE ING.HAM, On . _....-.- ��"!';tee s�•.�' Y' • Iy{