HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-08, Page 2m PAGE TWO The Wingbarnt Advance -Times Pu,bllshad at WINGIIAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by Tile Advance -Times Publishing Co. Subscription Rate «-•- One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U, $, A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, :$3.00 per year, Advertising rates on application. CO-OPERATIVE COMMON- WEALTH FEDERATION Since last sumtnertwo apostles of the Co -Operative Commonwealth, Agnes MacPhail, M.P., for southeast Grey,and Wm. Irvine, M.P. for Wet- askiwin, Alta., have been addressing audiences throughout Ontario on tilt principles of this new formed politi- cal party and that they have achiev- ed results cannot be denied. The Partner organizations and the Labor organizations of the fest were the first to start this new move- ment and have made decided head- way in Western Canada, and now that the United Farmers of Ontario have also affiliated with this new party there is added strength that cannot be 4anderestimated. Before long a meeting of the C.C. F. will be held and their permanent platformwill be •decided upon, but the principles that they will follow will be of a socialistic nature, When Miss McPhail and Mr. Irvine ad- dressed a full hall here some short time ago we reported that meeting and the ideas that. they presented to the public are therefore familiar to our readers. The leaders of this new formed political party claim they have the welfare of the masses at heart, and, no doubt, they are sincere in their efforts, but their ideas are so radical that it is a difficult thing to pass opinions on these ideas without care- ful study. The scrapping of the gold stand- ard, inflated .currency- and various other equally radical changes that the C.C.F. propose have made a great impression on many people and whether right or wrong it is certain that this new organization has made great strides in its short life of a little more than six months, and if its growth continues will be a pot- I 211111111111E11.I;=':1I18111E31113E11121111E112111 1)112111 M! AS PEC Ar LS Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. ....._.25c t1 Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. ...-.25c 531 Fresh Currants, I Ib.-_.__,._._la"c P Cooking Figs, 2 lbs... 15c k- ill Choice Fresh Dates, 1 Ib10c lig Walnuts, halves, 1 Ib. 49c Almonds, 1 Ib ___._......._-._ 45c ocil • Maraschino Cherries, 1 Ib. 40c I Mince Meat, 2 Ib. ..... .-._.25c_ Lemon and Orange Peel Ib. 19c - Citron Peel, 1 lb. _ _._...-.w_.... 29c fs Mixed Peel, 1 lb. ... 23c 1 Glace Pineapple Rings, lb. 55c Pastry Flour, 24 ib ....._.•.,40c _ J saa Prairie Rose Bread Flour 98 lb, - See Our Supply of Xmas Cards and Gifts. trictly Cash or Trade. Al- - W. tll Cole - '- General Merchant Belgrave. 1 11 I�llt�.lE�il,�.l,1ra.1,.lE.f,l� TRE WINGNAM ADVANCE -TIMES itical lkoet iat Canada which will I sassy thtz 493, J. Greg,•ory 492, L. give the, chi part ;plenty to think Dark 487, E. ,Gamble 482, L. Fuller abs it. 479, G. Jones 44$, E. Mundy 430, E. * * * Cartel' 425, 8, Forsythe 395, j. Hare USE OF TOXOID INCREASES 382, I. Clark 376, C. Armstrong 366, That diphtheria, one sof the most B. Lepard 354, 5. Broome 326. dreaded of diseases can be prevented B. H. Reynolds, Teacher. by the use of toxoid is nowa vee g Senior Third ni?ed fact. In a.; :great "many cities, Total: 500, Honors 375, Pass 300., towns and townships free clinics Patricia Parker 449, Scott Reid have been established where Barents 448," Betty Rae Margaret Marsh take their children who are inoeu1at- 484, Mary E. McKibbon 421,; Isabel sal against this terrible disease. No Lamb 41(3, Ruth Hamilton 407, Alice' such means are available here, ex- Dore 407, :label Fottie :gill' 406, Ir- cept through the family doctor, but ene Chittick 406, Russell Zurbrig it would seem that Wingliam would 401, Lloyd Mutton 400, Evelyn Ed ba well advised to place such a serv- gar 382, Elma Attwood 369, Jaine ice at the disposal of its citizens. Durnin 367, Lloyd Hutton 366, Jean * * * * Mellor 365, Hazel Lediet 361, Dar Just when we begin to think that rell Biggs 356, George Boyle 346 maybe it will be a mild wnter along Evelyn Campbell 336, Allen Small eel ies a real storm to remind us .that 332, Harold Ross 325, Carl Bond spring i$ not just around the cornea 312,' Eilere, Curtis 305, Edith Camp * * * * bell 295, Robert Casemore 245 That economy must be exercised Charlie Baskerville 205. by alt governing bodies in Canada C. J. Farquharson, Teacher. is born out by the fact that the an- Junior Third nual per capita cost of government, Total 600, Honors 450, Pass 360. Dominion, Provincial and Municipal, Frances Lockridge 558, Mario has risen from $38 in 1913 to $92 'Templeman 538, Margaret Homuth in 1932' 536, Noreen Benedict 534, Kenneth * * * * Jackson 530, Myrtle Fothergill 526, The mild weather of last week Hilda Brown 519, Charlie Frohn stopped any chance of the skaters 513, Betty Lloyd 506, Virginia Cur - and curlers getting busy at their pas rie 503, Billy Burgman 502, Phylils times as soon as expected. Turner 501, Jean VanNorman 501 g. n * * * * . The United States apparently has decided that France and Britain must pay the debt due in December. Just what action these countries will take will be awaited with interest. * * * * Great Britain 'has not received any payment from her debtors since the war. This certain' yis hard on the Jack Ross 496, Kenneth Johnson 474, Billy Groves 471, Bill Scott 469, Bet- ty Saint 467, Nora Finley 466, Jean Lee 455, Bertha Casemore 452, Mac. Habkirk 450, Agnes Seli 447, Audrey Armstrong 443, Donalda Henderson 439, Bill Sturdy 434, Louise Dore 430, John Lee 430, Donald Adams 424, Raphael Morris 401, . Harold Cantelon 398, Jack Fraser 376, Ar tax -payers of that country. nold Stoakley 860, Fenton Barnes '' 363, Charlie Ross 315, Harry Ross It is claimed that within two years 303, Rena Elliott 302, Gertrude Fin - regular passenger air service across ley 287, Kathleen Saint 273, Joe Wil - the Atlantic and Pacific will be in- son 270, Veronica Morris 205. stalled. We rejoice in the fact that M. J. MacDonald, Teacher. Senior Second Total 610, Honors 457, Pass 366. Frances Robinson 560, Helen Marie was receiving relief for his Hammond 554, Velma Ohm 531, family of five who lived in Russia. Marguerite Ingham 517, Mabel That surely is carrying relief meas Campbell 508, Louise Lloyd 504, Bill ures to the extreme * Seddon 496, Dorothy Mellor 490, * *Billy Forsythe 472, Bill Harris 463,. In just a little over two weeks Leslie Adair 460, Elmer Deyell 457, Christmas will be here. Help create Betty Groves 452, Louise Thompson the Christmas spirit. Subscribe now 440, George Johnson 434, Laura Col - to the Christmas Tree and Santa lar 424, Joe Falconer 413, Roy Dark Claus Fund. 412, Norman Fry 407, Hem Lee 400, P BLICSCHOOL �_ Harry Montgomery 395, Jack Gor- butt 382, Reggie Collar 381, Chester PORT FOR NOVEMBER Campbell 358, Bill Smith 358, Carl Vanner 352, Jimmy Kennedy 335, Senior Fourth Jimmy Baskerville 308, Gordon Helm Total 550, Honors 413, Pass 330. 299. William Fitzpatrick 241, Frank E. Krohn 444, L Mellor 442, V Angus 229, Kenneth Crawford 218, S:eal;ley 400, 2. Cameron 392, W A. E. Mahood, Teacher. Small 383, L. Campbell 377, L. Car- Junior Second er 365, L. Bok 336, G. Carr 335, I'. Total 570, Honors 427, Pass 342. i 'legs 330, W. McNevin 315. J. Larnb Betty Gannett 534, '� o :ran Mundy 314, B. Collar 303, R. Carter 300, A. 528, 'jack Hogg 513,....-e Reid 1 i..: on 290, J. Currie 289, J. McDon- 510, Jack Hopper 491, Carroll Case- ald 266, L. Ellacott 262, 13. Forsyth more 483, Ann VanWyck 471, Clar- 31, B. Davidson 222, H. Groves 194, ence Ohm 466, Jack Rich 463, Jose-. . Bunn 143. phine VanNorman 462, Grace Hutch - A. L. Posliff, Principal. eson 454, Eva Lediet 453, Clarence Junior Fourth Hamilton 451, Jack Tiffin 450, Alan Total 680, Honors 510, Pass 408. \Villiams 446, Ellen Dark 443, Ethel E. Dunning 621, V. Walker 575 "S antler 443, John Wilson 438, James i. J_ Preston 563, D. Armitage 554, Cameron 437, Frances Durnin 433, V. Smith 554, J. Lee 537, M. Will- Harry Howard 428, Isabel Ross 427, Eric Schatte 427, Kenneth Jones 424, ams 533, H. 519,PoC 527, CantelonMHopper Kenneth Baker 418, Jack Attwood 20. E. Rae C. 519, J. 407, Isabel McLean 397, Iris Tem 'ruickshanks 518, I. Harrison 511, pierrtan 384, Mary Lepard 383, Joyce. 14'aram 5]0, L. Carter 505, M. Carter 383, Mary Black 374, Betty -- Fitzpatrick 369, Alvin Seli 344, Har - we will not need this service. * .* * * A Russian living at Sault Ste• -:D 41,4 TheLon6 Life Lamps" irecepo `!XL mps at Mt House Wig .ham Utilities Commission old Hutton 325, Margaret 'Finlay 307, Pat Fitzpatrick 273. Florence Finley 263, Junior Nivins 257, Jack Carter 216. 13. Joynt, Teacher. First Book Total 470, Honors 352, Pass 282: Grace Hingston 453, Jack Ludwig 448, Joan Ingham 444, Ruth Harris 439, Donald Hastie 437, Dorothy French 427, Frank Zettler 427, Grace Parker 426, George Lloyd 417, Doris Finley 417, Douglas Fry 412, Lois Adams 400, Carl Clark 396, Donna. Buchanan 381, Madeline Mellor 375, Marjorie Falconer 871, Craig Arm- strong 357, Jack Day 852, Ambrose Zettler 351, Robert Chittick .349, Grace Small 343, Margaret McLean 337, Lloyd Mundy 236, Doreen Gar- lick 335, Donal. Campbell 333, Bud- dy Cruikshank 328, Norma Brown 325, Everett Hammond 278, Wallace Hutton 205, 'leen Morris 171. P., Johns, Teacher. Primary Class A. Total 350, Honors 262, Pass 210, Lorraine Brown 342, Jean Mac- Leod 305, Marie Lockridge' 294, Ed- die Fitzpatrick 288,' ; Betty Elliott •e 272, Jimmy Sanderson 257, Jack t h p • es a Tbursday, December $, 1932 eur Gift Merchandise For Your Inspection, THE DAINTIEST LINGERIE A joy to any feminine heart, lovely Rayon Lingerie in. Large and comprehensive Assortment.' Special Sale Girls'' Fine Rayon Gowns, fancy lace 701, trim, various colors. Boxed. Sizes to 16 .years. Each `. Girls' Rayon Lingerie in special price group, consisting of gown, brassier and pantee sets, bloomer and vest sets; fine quality run -resist rayon, all colors. Boxed. To 16, o years. Each 1 r a! 2ND FLOOR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR NOW OPEN A Mecca for the Gift Seeker. This proved an excellent experiment last year, this year larger than ever. Everything priced in groups from 10c to $1,00 China, Brass, Etc. NEW, ATTRACTIVE STAMPED PIECES FOR GIFTS These new Stamped: Pieces only require a ginall' amount of work to complete. All are daintily colored, and consist of baby feeders, utility bags, aprons, card table covers, etc. Priced 25 to $1.00. GIFT LINENS THAT PLEASE DURING LINEN SALE' The centre of attraction for the practical gift seeker. A wide assortment of linens gathered together for easy selection, and priced low. BOXED PILLOW CASES Embroidered Pillow Cases in attract- ive .designs, Irish make, boxed for gifts, scalloped and hemstitch- ��� ed. Pair BATH TOWELS Heavy quality new patterned Bath Towels, attractive colors in new ef- fects. Size 22 x 45. Reg. 75e Each TOYLAND SPECIALS Dolls, beautiful _dressed Dolls, with jointed legs and arms, open and close their eyes. A real attractive doll that would please any little 'QM... girl. Each, V al Toy Train consisting of engine, ten- der' two coaches, four pieces circu- lar track. Engine can be stopped and started, small lever on side a of engine, brightly colored. ACROBAT DOLLS These dolls turn somersaults in the most realistic way, strong spring motor. reg. 98c. Each 65c Gifts For The Men Folks Men's Shirts of lustrous broad- cloth, striped patterns (IQ C or all white. Each Men's .new assortment of. fine Ties, all over patterns, A alk, fully lined. Each .....9 ... �: Men's Silk and wool Socks, newest fancy designs, it) splendid weight, Pair 00.11111.; 5c Men's fine Cape Gloves, warm- ly lined, Reg. $1:951 ® n Pair a➢ Dainty Handkerchiefs For Gifts Our Ladies' Handkerchiefs are displayed for easy choice, .in separ- ate groups. The best .assortment in town, and prices so low that no one needs to be without a tiny re- G 10c� 15e, s�5C membrance. ............. 1 Childs' 5c Each. LADIES' DAINTY BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Beautiful boxed Handkerchiefs, three in a box, neat corner patterns mark them outstanding in value. 3 in a box. 41v C LUCKY SEVEN HOSE These proven satisfactory chif- fon and service weight Hose, , full fashioned, 7 -thread, dull- finished, fashionable panel heel cradle foot of fine lis- 1 ®tl le, all new shades. pr. S 4, NEW NECKSCARFS New assortment of Neckscarfs, patterns and colorings that please. These add a touch of color at the neck, Spe- G cial Price. Each BATH TOWEL SETS Large Bath Towels, size 20 x Men's fine linen initialed hand- 40, deeppatterned border, two Men's all wool Scarfs, new and •kerchiefs hemstitched borders l ;,,� e 35C Each for 1.200 Each 9 � attractivcolors, fring- 98 face cloths to match. ed ends. Each 3 FANCY BATH TOWELS 1 Full' weight fancy bordered, Bath Towels, size 18 x 36.' Borders, gold, green• and rose. Each , .....-..... 5 - 2 x5��. •'t�•.'�ie�„�� '.���-.'?tom-,���'. �c e\ rown , or on lkinson S. MacEwen, presided. The 'meeting Stuart McKercher of Saskatoon opened' by singing hymn 270. Prayei by Mrs. Roy Turvey and Scripture reading by Mrs. D. J. Falconer. This being the annual meeting reports were heard from the different secre- t£iries, and were interesting and en- couraging, some of the report sshow- ing an encouraging interest in W.M. S. work. Mrs. Eldrid Nichol was asked to take charge of the meeting for the election of officers. President -Mrs. P. S. MacEwen. Vice -Pres. -Mrs. D. J, Falconer. Secretary -Mrs. J.' 5. Elliott. Asst. Sec. -Mrs. Eldrid Nichol. Treasurer -Mrs. Alex. Mowbray. Welcome and Welfare Secy., -Mrs. Falconer, Supply Secy. -Mrs. John Mundell. Glad. Tidings Sec. -Mrs. F. S,` Ed- munds. Literature Sec. --Mrs. R. E. Elliott. Pres Secy. -Miss Olive Scott. Organists --Miss H. Mundell, Mrs. H. Robertson. ' Auditors -Mrs. Mundell, Mrs. W. S. Davidson. After planning some relief ,work, the President closed the meeting with prayer, Miss Mary Black is spending a few weeks in Wirigham with Miss 'Alice Reading; Rev. William Patterson attended the meeting of Maitland Presbytery,, at Ethel Presbyterian Church Tues day afternoon, Max Abram spent Sunday at his honie in Gorrie. 'Cite both Sunday Schools in cons notion with the churches in the vil- lage, are busy preparing fot• their'an- nual Christmas entertai ltnent to be held on the evenings of Dec, 22nd and 23rd. 160, Harold Sell 158, Jack Montgom- ery 156, Percy Vanner 143, Billie Lee 143, Theodore Lagogianes 142, Mary' E. Forsythe 132, Eddie Carter 113. A G, Williamson, Teacher. BLUEVALE W. A. of United Church Elected Officers The annual meeting of the "Worn- an's Association of the United Church was held in the .school room on Thursday afternoon, with a good attendance. In the absence of the President, the vice -President,' Mrs. Arthur Shaw presided and opened the meeting by singing "All the way My Saviour Leads Me." Rev. A. E. Mann read the Scripture lesson from Ps, 140, and had charge of the elec- tion of officers with the following re- sult, Pres. -Mrs. Sparling Johnston, ...... Vice -Pres. -Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Secretary .Miss Emma Johnston. Treasurer. -Mrs. L. H. Bosman. Organists --Mrs. W Stewart, rMrs: R. H, McKinnon. Parsonage Committee -Mrs, Robt. McL.ennon, Mrs. Stanley Gallahar and Miss Hazel Stamper. A few it - me of business were transacted, and he meeting closed by singing a ymn, and Rev A. E. Mann led in. rayer and pronounced the benedic-, ion. L. A. and W. M. S. of Knox Church Hold Annual Meeting The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Knox. Presby- eriait Church was held on Thurs- lay afternoon at the horite of Mrs., otos Mundell, The W M. S. President, Mrs. P. Mellor 248, Mae Reltinger 242, Geoge Legogianes 230, Class B. Total 220, Honors 165, Pass 132. Shirley Edgar 205, idarold Breen 204, Freddy Templemna 195, Lillian Angus 188, Helen Cart 188, Jimmy Stoakley 187, Joyce Walker 184, Is- obel Brown 181, Donald Robinson 180, :Laurette Ewald( 171, X illie Gal. braith 171, Elizabeth Hare 110, Ar- t J was in the village this week, calling on his "friend, Rev. Wm. Patterson. Master Verne Abram,1 of Gorrie, spent Saturday in the village. Mrs. Elridge and daughter, Jean, of San Antodio, Texas, are visiting at the'hbme of their cousins, Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Higgins and other rola tees. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mansfield, of Dundas, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Aid. Holmes.. Y.P.S. Held Interesting Meeting' • The Young People's Society of the 'United Church held their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Friday evening, In the ab- sence of the President, Rev. A, E. Mann took charge of the ,meeting, The "vice-president for Citizenship, Mr, Carl Johnston, took the subject, "How to Share Christ With Individ- ttals and the .Family? A very in- teresting talk on. Sir John A. Mac- Donald,' was given by Mrs, Aitken. The meeting was closed with the benediction, Mr. Carl Johnston had charge of the recreational period. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Underwood. and family, of Gorrie, were Sunday guests of Earl and Mrs, Underwood, HERE AND THERE ,AROUND RAPiP CIT (Intended for Last Week) Mr. I3irarn Bloom is at present 'en- gaged in drilling it well on his fruit farm down near Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson visited on Saturday last with Mr; and Mrs. Mark Gardner, The McKay Bros. of the 2nd con., also Wni. Henderaoi o£ Lucimow, attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toornto on Tuesday last week and report a very good exhibit of fat stock, Mr. and Mrs. John Champion, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Champion, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mr. Art Thompson, Miss Alice Thompson, Mrs. Clare Milne and Malcohn Stew- art attended the wedding reception held 'in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hodgens at Kinlough last Tuesday evening, We extend congratulations to Mr. and ".Mrs. Hodgens. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carter visited on Tuesday last with Mr,' and Mrs. C. Thompson. • BUY YOUR YARNS at tite BLYT�I Woollen Mills Unscolured Yarns 40c Ib. Scoured Yarns .(Carey and Mottlec) , 50c Ib. Black, Red and Blue Yarns ,,,,.,, 6Oc1b. Ali Yarns Guaranteed Pure Wool. Mail Order will receive our prompt attention. Above pric- es do not include, postage.