HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-01, Page 8SAGE ; nrarHT THE WXNGHAM. ADVi CE-Tj'M� , 1?k ..,.1�'.���i �P.?F,������l�;�i �5r��•s.; y �q n'r'��IfeT7��dA I,S:. n 41010 • Thutrsday, .DecemberI, 1932 t;t nai.tiJ�rnr � , . � !A • 5 . 04040 "' size andcutlengths, and we are desirous of making 'ageneral elea'n-u of all odds and ends before the rush of Christmas trade, and so for this "Family Sale"•Selling has made many. broken siranges g ' a u g p be "3-.-O p .ortunit Sale Days". Shop on these special .ecial days and share in the Huge Bargains all over the store. We are extending the generous discount'' reason Thursday, Friday and Saturday will pP yp allowed during the regular Sale, for this Week -end ' CLEARANCE OF STYLISH COATS Everyone of the new models and in the season's favored materials with rich fur trim- mings, is on Sale this week -end. Come alonge and make your choice now at a saving of 20%. Kayser Stockings 88c Chiffon and light service weights in all the popular shades. Every pair perfect and at this low price .a won- derful buy. Piles of Underwear A choice of weights and qualities suitable for every member of the family, Vests Bloomers, Panties, Combin.-, ations. Buy them now at the lower prices Ibex Blankets $1.89 White or Grey ifth colored borders. Wabassa Sheetings and Pillow Cottons $1.25 Quality, 81 inches 97c $1.00 Quality, 81 inches -.:....- -.77c 8gc Quality, 81 inches _ _64c 69c Quality, 81 inches..... ..........-.....55c Pillow Tubing 40, 42, 44 inch widths, at 38c, 39; 47c Linen Handkerchiefs, 5 for' 25c Extra Value, lay in a supply now, Martha Washington Dresses $1.29 Smartly printed cotton dresses so good for home wear. Buy them now at $1.29. HOSIERY, - GLOVES. - LINGERIE From such good makes as Kayser, Holeproof or Watson's. Garments of the highest quality and style are available for the week -end at our generous sale discount of 20%. HOUSE FURNISHINGS SALE ....Curtains, Draperies, Chintzes,: Velours and Window Hangings. Our entire stock of quality goods at a Saving of 20%. FLOOR COVERINGS INCLUDED All Congoleums and Linoleum Rugs, Barrymore Mats, Floor Oil 'Cloths Inlaid. Linoleums and Window Shades on Sale at the Discount Prices. ENGLISH DOWN COMFORTER SALE Here are really fine Christmas Gifts •that will, give endlessjoy to any recipient. Double texture English Silk and Cotton. Coverings of unusualPat- terns and quality, and which are fully blown with the finest, down. High Class Comfortersinevery sense of the term and that normally sell at $24.50 to $36.00 Each. THURSDAY TO SATURDAY 1/4 OFF. MEN'S, YOUTHS' BOYS', OVERCOATS, SUITS AND FURNISHINGS At Saving Prices that are bound to add buying power to your pocket: book. Now: is the ,Time to Buy. Blue Label Underwear All pure wool Shirts and Drawers,of which a lot of men know the long' wear- ing qualities. All sizes at one price $1.98 Braces, Garters, Belts ALL LESS 20% Buy Christmas Ties The new patterns are all here for your choosing. Save on them Thursday,. to Saturday. Good Sweaters You'll like the quality and the good fit of these new Sweaters. Navy Blue, Browns, Black and Camel shades. On Thursday to Saturday less 20% Llama Cashmere Socks .. .49c Pigskin Work Gloves ....39c $2.00 Golf Hose per pair 1.19 Buy them for Christmas. A SALE F LINENS AND BLANKETS Two lines of merchandise of particular interest to wife, the bride -t o -be and those that hope to be. Every woman adores them and t hey are so essential to good house keeping. ......ivit.1,.r.iarvro HERE THEY ARE — BROWN'S SHAMROCK LINENS Gorgeous Sets of the finest count Irish Table Linens, Cloths* 2x2, 2x2j2 and 2x3 yards with Napkins to match. All sets in individual boxes for Christmas and Wedding Gifts. Our regular values at $18.50, $20.00, $23.75 and $25.00. For These Three Days Only -- So Act Quickly — I/S OFF' -- LAMMERMOOR SCOTCH BLANKETS Certainly in a class by themselves and of a type that every woman must appreciate. Made from the purest of long staple lambs wool which gives such lustrous finish, fine appearance and long wearing qualities to this product of "Bonnie. Scotland". Thursday to Saturday Only -- LESS 20%. CHRISTMAS IS DRAWING NEARER EVERY DAY AND NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO SHOP TO ADVANTAGE. White Naptha Soap, 5 for ....._. ..18c Crepe Toilet Paper, 6 for _-_ _ ..19c Pure Clover Honey, pail . .-_, ....-....-.__..39c Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for .r.-_....___ .._....._....35c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for _..._ 23c Lux, 3 for °... _ ..m .-. w ..25c . Rinso, large package _......._._....20e Forest City Baking .Powder, large jar 34c Fresh �s roceri s 20 lb. Bag of Sugar .......__ $1.00 25c 75c Corn Broom, 5 -Strings .r 39c Eddy's Matches; large box LUIrV.k+�I.:E scene of a merry gathering Thursday • eveningwhen Rev. W. Patterson .'en Minister Entertained Iris Choir tctertained the members of the. choir. The Presbyterian Manse was the [The evening was spent playing gatn.7• ark40~4Af M ka ::d j,YCE SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M. Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.rra. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 1, 2 and 3 Richard Barthel.mess In "Cabbin i7 the Cotton" — With — Bete Davis and Dorothy Jordan A PICTURE OF THE SOUTH Banjos Ringing - Darkies Singing Romance under a plantation moon* * Comedy "HER WEDDING NIGHTMARE" NEXT WEEK IM MeCOY J. es and in social inter. After refreshments had been enjoyed by all, the remainder of the evening was sent in community singing. Harvey and .Miss Elizabeth Robertson ac- companied the singers with the vio- lin and guitar. The happy evening was br-ought.to . a close by the entire companyencircling the host and singing "For He's a Jolly, Good Fel- low" and "Auld Lang Syne." Mrs. Burns Moffatt, who under- tiverit an operation at the Memorial Hospital, Listowel, two weeks ago, arrived home this week, is convalesc- ing and being nursed at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gar- nils, 3rd line Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gates two children, of Cherrywood, are iting Mrs. Gates' parents, Mr. Mrs. Robert Shaw. Alex.. Mowbray and his gang of men who have been operating his gravel crushing machine at Allison, have been compelled to close down for the present, owing to the extreme frost and snow. Mr. Mowbray and Lawrence Smillie are at their home here, The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held Thurs- day afternoon, Deco 8th, at the home of Mrs. Alex. Mowbray. Roll Call, averse front the pen of Edgar Guest, and Miss Ella Barnard will give a paper on "The Life and Work of Edgar Guest." A Christmas story will be given by Miss Hazel Mundell and : Miss Beatrice Thornton will provide a vocal number. The ladies of the community are always . wel- come. 3luevale is now boasting`of being just as up-to-date as their neighbor- ing villages, Mr. M. T. Abram, well known in this vicinity, has opened a barber shop in part of Smith's store, Everyone should look trim now, and vis - and �• ` �, 1'i att,,� '. I'� `' e� ��,,.��j*.'it iIRAW� `5't �((�� r�� pdsTi '� .. �': r'. aei11A? L .w: '. a k� • r � � � k $;g se�� �i9 � �.vr; v • .11r10111.1tE, McLaren's Jelly Powder, 4 for 23c Shelled Wal_nus Bordeaux Halves t39c ib 60c Choice Black Tea 39c lb. :Lamp G1ats, Medium 10e Sr. III— Lena. ii Armstrong 74 Mary Sinnamon 71 Billie Elliott 69 Jr. III— Grace Iogg 81 Glen Sin- namon 76, Melba Radford 75, Reatha Sinnamon 68, Lloyd Elliott 60. Sr. II— Dorothy Elliott i2` Pearl Walker 70 Helen Walker 70 BELFAST Jrd II— Verda Armstrong 70 Sr, I—Joe Walker 83 Helen Mc - Micheal 82 Jr. I— Marjorie Sinnamon 75% ("reacher) Gladys A. Ireland Mrs. James Cook spent the week- end at Mr. Roy AIton's. Mr. Wilson Irwin spent a day last week at Mr. Rich. Gardner's, Zion. Ma-. John Irwin assisted Mr., Chris. Cook, of Lucicnoiv,'•the past week..' Quite a number of the sports spent Saturday afternoon at the shooting match at Mr. Robt. Reid's, boundary west of Lucknow. SCHOOL REPORT S.S. to 8 'rhe following is the reports for oyrember. The pupils `were eXar iw mad in History, Writing, Agriculture Reading and Arithmetic. Honours 75% Pass. 60%. Jr I"V' Margaret 'MeMicheal 7iJ DON'T LOOK AT P1tICES ONLY immaimalma Consider Quality of Merchandise Reliable Merchandise is Always the Cheapest in the End MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $15. - Buys a good suit plain Blue, dark Grey,; BlueStripe and fancy. Sizes 35 to 44. $12 75Buys Young Men's Blue stripe Suits with extra Trousers, in sizes 35 to.38. 111111111111111111111 Mg CAPE GLOVES Men's Fine Cape Gloves,' better grade, wool lined, On 7 q[] Sale • 1111111111111111111111111111111111 NECK SCARVES Xmas Silk Neck Scarves. These include many Forsyth better grade Scarves -in pure ' 1 4 ✓ silk l MADE -TO -MEAS- URE SUITS Ment leave your next order with us, Better quality, Fit guaranteed. Extra trousers. at $22.50 to $27.50, Made -to -mea- sure. OVERCOATS $22•L.4 Buys our better aI Coats, you will be pleased with these coats. ilti9 7 Includes Navy 4117 1 • Blue Guard Mo- dels, in dark tweed herringbone Our prices are the lowest. STAN'FIELD'S UNDERWEAR Blue Label, February Price— Clearing sizes, at °IFY eeach. 1e r✓ ang of Bette CARHARTT'S,.,. OVERALLS Heavy weight blue strip;' lim- ited number of i09 • Smocks and Overalls XMAS ITEMS FOR EARLY SHOPPERS Exceptionally Nice Boxed' Ties for 50c 13dxed Braces 50c Initialed Hdkfs•, p for 1.00. esimminiimuommiumme PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR Boys' No 95 Cambs.- $1.88 Merino No. 71 .._,-, 69c No. 95 Cotnba. $2.85 Penman's Fleece, heavy weight balance of sizes Left 41'1. to clear at V BOYS' OVERCOATS 16 Boys' Overcoats, values up to $9.50, in better made Coats, sizes 5 to 10 years. 5'. - Blues' and Tweeds....,,. amommiummnommim MEN'S' SWEATERS Club stripes, Heavy ribbed -> trhnmed black and white, ether fancy patterns, On 1 •QQ Sale this week .... umannummamommummo DOESKIN WINDBREAKERS With Zipper fasteners •[1; heavy, Men's . 1 w7 Boys' at _ $1.49 Men's Horsehide Leather Wind Breakers and Coats, in the bet- ter grades $5.95 to $11,00 Merchandise For Xmas Trade. I�MLNM4'PkM.V.tl.p,u4� 4 ab•.r.Y: r'„r,