HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-01, Page 5at
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'Thursday, Pecembe*' 1, 1932
111111111 111111111111
11110111 _
Capes, Calfskins �, •
P ,Goat and, Pigskins. , E
Tans, Grays, Blacks LiIJed, or Unlined,
Trim -looking pair of bands you'll have, in anYpair
of these low- ri c ed Gl'- ve
p G o s. ' Betier buy
several pair while you're at it.
Li ing with her mother, Mrs. Fred Dav-
Mrs. Spencer of Hamilton also vis-
ited with Mrs. Davidson on Saturday
and attended the Gaunt -Weir, wedd-
Mn. Jas. Ross:of Kinlough, spent
a few days lastweek with his sister,
Miss Catharine Ross , and Mr. R, J.
Ross, his brother.
sick list during the past week.
Miss Lettie Fox returned from
0:41:ton last week.
Mr, ;Ernest lobansai; df E. Wawa-
nosh is in Wall'ertoti this *eek, hav-
ing an operation on his nosd.
Mrs. Jas, Wilson spent last week
With her smother, Mrs. Ferguson, of
The Institute Hall was crowded on
Friday evening by the members of
the Institute and their families at the
annual At Home. •A splendid prog-
ram was given, with Mr. Mac Ross
acting as chairman, Several gave
congratilatory'remarks to this organ-
ization for having worked so faith-
fully until they were completely out
of debt, and thanking them for hav-
ing the interest in their young peo-
ple, so that they could have whole-
some, amusements in their own vil-
lage without going far afield.
The United Church W.M.S. are
holding 'their teas on Wednesday at
the homes of Mrs, Chas. Martin and
Mrs. Herb, Pettapiece.
Fordyce School Christmas 'Enter-
tainment will be held on the even-
ing of Friday, Dec, 16th.
Miss Mary Weir, who has finish-
ed her course in Hamilton Hospital
was writing on her examinations for
R.N, last week and she is now visit -
The Sunday School children of
both churches are busy these Satur-
days practising for the Christmas
On Wednesday last :the Mission
Band of Chalmer's Church held a
very successful social. A splendid
program was given and Rev. Mr.
Paterson of Bluevale, gave a very in-
teresting address on his impressions
of the Orient. After the program,
lunch was served and a social half
hour enjoyed by all.
Miss Mary Laidlaw, who has been
improving nicely from her long ill-.
ness, is spending the week -end at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Sam. Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson of
Lucknow. spent Friday at the home
of .her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor,
who has been under the doctor's care
during the past' week.
Mr. Elgin Coutts of Wingham,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross.
Miss Annie Moore is visiting with
her aunt, Mrs. Moore of Lucknow,
Miss Merle Wilson spent last week.
in London, writing examinations for,
her R. N.
MrI Ernest"'"Sperling of Kincardine.
spent last Saturday with his brother,
Mr. Harold Sperling.
Miss Winni£red Farrier, who has
been laid up with anattack of pleural
pneumonia, is now improving at her
home in W, Wawanosh.
Mrs. Walter Lott spent the week-
end at Brussels at the home of her
parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Mackay.
A happy wedding was solemnized.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Davidson in E. ,Wawanosh on Sat-
urday, when Miss Barbara Weir be-
came the bride of Mr. Edgar Gaunt
of Kinross Their many friends in
this community extend to them best
wishes for a long and happy wedded
Born. --On. Wednesday, Nov. 23rd,
to 'Mr, and ,Mrs. Robert Mowbray,
Of Wliitechurch,' a daughter,
Mr Scott Paterson of Toronto,
has .been Visiting for the past few
weeks with his father, Mr. F. MGIC.
Paterson' ' ",
Mr. Charles Neuer has been on the,
Farmers' Club First Winter 1Vleeting
The Farmers' Club held the first
of their winter meetings at the home
of C. R. Coultes when there was a
fair attendance present. The Pres-
ident, Mrs. Stewart Procter, was in
the chair. •It was decided to send a
delegate to the U.F.O. convention in
Toronto and C. R. Coultes was ap-
pointed to attend this meeting. The
resolutions to be brought up at the
convention were discussed. R. J.
Scott, the President of the United
Farmers of Ontario, was present and
addressed the members. It was de-
cided to hold the annual meeting on
Dec. 13, when the delegate's report
will also be given,
Barn Destroyed by fire Replaced
Robert' Coultes who lost his barn
by fire in Sep'tetnber, has had a new,
here house `and' sheep pen erected. A
new steel barn has just been finish-
ed and is now ready for the 'stables
to be put in, Mr. Coultes entertain-
ed his friends to a dance in the new
barn on Friday night, when a good
time was enjoyed.
The new bridge south of Belgrave
on Highway No. 4 has been complet-
ed but is not open to traffic ,yet.
Miss Cela Coultes spent the past
week with her sister, Mrs. H. Mit-
chell and family, at Rothsay,
Miss M. Kennedy who has spent
the past few months with Mrs. Jrio.
VanCamp, and other relatives, has
left for her home in Ottawa.
Mrs. R. J, and Mr, Wilson Woods
were week -end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Fergus.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Buchanan
and children have moved into one of
Mr. Joynt's houses in the village.
The December meeting of Harris
Mission Band will be held at Mrs.
W, L Miller's on Saturday afternoon,
Dec,' 3rd,
The marriage of Mr, George Scott
of Langside and Miss Gertrude Dey-
ell, of Wingham, took place at the.
Manse on Wednesday, Nov, 23rd.
Rev. T. C., Wilkinson officiated.
The Young People's meeting was
held on Sunday evening, with the
president, Mr. Wallace Miller, in the
chair, and Miss Greta Webb at the
,piano. The Scripture lesson and the
comments were read by Mr. Ted
Rice. A paper on "What Qualities
are essential for Young People's
Leaders?" was read by Mr. Stanley
Todd. A paper prepared by Mr. Mc-
Intyre on "Are Leaders Born or
Made?" was read by Miss Helen Mil-
ler. An interesting discussion on the
subject was led by the president.
Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd, is
the date chosen for the, St, Helens
School concert. Keep the date in
mind and plan„q: attend.
Mr. Melville Beecroft, of London,
spent the week -end with his parents.
Mr. Charlie Robinson spent a few
days with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes en-
tertained a. number of friends to a
REENei RNEENEKEN nsimm®nameI SCI®®eimuss■ isememmenaniEssumnsommuninsmemn nNEE
Christrnas Just- three Weeks A rom
'■•▪ .
na . undou'. ted} the :hes c , to da' r out'' Christinas Sbo� lung : ■
� try;+ •.�, d,R., , �, � •.��'�' ,� �� i� 's . , i • ■
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You will soon require to decide upon the kind of Christmas presents you will buy — Therefore
those articles that will be USEFUL and NECESSARY.
Leather Or Felt Footwear For Instance
why not buy
Which includes such a large variety of sensible and useful articles thatare so much appreciated as
Christmas Gifts.
Then there are so many kinds anti so znuch variety in RUBBER FOOTWEAR, that snake such suitable and
useful gifts, in fact we are constrained to ,come to the conclusion that FOOTWEAR will form a large portion
of CHRISTMAS GIVING this coming Christmas tide.
�-- WinghannReliable, and Dependable Men's` and Boys' Store --
Clothing Furnishi a ;' s, Shoes Rubber Footwear
We have established the Largest and Best J chipped Men's and Boys' Store ik
this part of Western Ontario.. We carry aimcst every brand and well known
•lines of Merchandise. Greater .Mocks and Lower Prices Always.
Our Motto — "We Buy fo'S':Cash, Sell for Cash, One Price, that the Lowes+".
New Silvertones, Niggerhe.ads;.,
Barrymores, Freizes, Meltons,
• Herringbones, etc, •.'., ;,
Our Overcoats are marked the
lowest prices possible, when you
buy here, you buy right..` See
our choice range atthe• new
low prices
$7.35, 9.85, 12.45, 1195;
to 18.95 19,50 and -22.5Q•'
arriving : d ail
New Suits d y, our
prices will convince • you that
we give a square deal:
New Stripe Checks, etc., in two
Pant Suits
•:415.95 to $19:.85
Nlen's Worsted Suits
$10.95, 12.95 and $17.95
Special — Men's Guaranteed
Botany Yarns, fast. dyes
$13.95 to $17.75 .•
Boys' Suits at Greatly Reduced
Men's Fine Oxfords, our Cut
Prices 1.89, 2.39, 2.69, 3.49, 4.89
Men's Work Shoe Special,, solid
leather, leather or 1• TO
Parma Soles; our prices1.0
Greb & Valentine Work Boots
we have the price
right at •
Valentine Army Reg- 279
ulation Work Shoes • 6
Men's, High Cut Sport Sloes,
see our lines at - 3.89 to.'4.89,
Boys' High Cut Hiker 69
Shoes, jacknife pocket
All our best high class Caps,
no high price tags, all
one price 89
Men's Tweed Caps, including
plain . and novelties, our
prices 49c, 69c, 79c
Winter Caps, pull down bands,
fur lined, $1.25 to 1.50, 79 c
our price d
Leather Caps, all leathers work
up to 1.50 and 1.75, 95C
one price
Boys' Aviation Caps, pm
goggles, all leather
Boys' Leather Mitts, 031
Men's Work Pants, Worsted
finish, very special ,
We carry the largest stack of
! ; Overalls and Smocks found in
any Western Ontario store.
These lines are not in your out
of town and city catalogues,
htye, can't compete in such lin-
es at the prices.
Carhartt's Overalls and Smocks
best, each $1.49, $1,69
Lighthouse Overalls 7n
and Smocks, 9' oz, • •
Pickets ` Overalls and Smocks,
each .., ....., ,- _...._ $1.49,1.59, 1.79
Stiagproof Overalls Mci
and Smocks, each ......,., •
Winchester Overalls
and Smocks,•each �
;Overall and Smock Special 88c
Boys' Picket Overalls CI
Carid Srnocks, each
Headlight Overalls. and Smocks
—with each pair we give you
absolutely free a 5 -String 39c
Cold weather Underwear at
Warm Weather Prices.
Fleece lined Combinations, see
our range at 98c, 1.29, 39
Penman's best ,.,,,....._..,
Fleece lined Shirts and Draw-
ers, odd lines including M9
some Penman's, each.
Penman's No. 95 Combinations
we have your size in •-1 el a
stock ..... Ad •
Penman's Shirts and
Drawers, No. 95, for... ®9 I
Penman's Prefered Combs. 2.48
Penman's Preferred $
Shirts and Drawers, ea.x •��
Penman's No. 71 Combs—$1.69
Penman's 71 Shirts arid
9 c
Drawers, each
Penman's Merino Combs. ,..1,39
Shirts and Drawers in same 79c
Stanfieids Combinations
$189 to $2.49
Penman's Rib Shirts
and Drawers, each
You Know These Lines --
Compare Prices
Boys' Penman's Com-
Unations, No. 95 ...,.. . o9�
Boys' Penman's Com- 1 p'1
iiinations No. 71 ..... v yid
Boys' Penman's Combs. for 89c
Boys' P,enman's Fleece -Lined
Combinations, our price .....,89c
New shipments, they were
bought for cash, and bought
Horsehide Coats 6.95 to 9,95
Men's Horsehide and Leather
Windbreakers $4.69 to 4,69
Doe skin or Suede finish Men's,
Windbreakers, $2,75 for • $1,95
Boys' Windbreakers 1,95 at 1.69
We lead in Reductions while
others follow. -
Ladies' Gaytees, fur trimmed
Jersey, Black, Brown
reg. 3.75, our price .,..._..•9
Ladies' Goloshes; new So-Lites
2 dome and cuff pat,: 1 0
tern, . new "stock ..:..... .:_..
Men's Fine Over Rubber, we
have your size, no sec- ma
onds, our price
Men's Leather 16 inch top Ma-
ckinaw Rubbers, best o
made, our price ..•..•.... •
Men's Rubber Boots, ........:$2.59
Complete stock of Men's and
Boys' Rubber Footwear in Ov-
ershoes, Mackinaws, Felt and
Leather Tops, all, marked at
Lower Prices.
Military Flannel Finish Work
Shirt, special weight, 9 Q.
$1.50, for _,,._.. Yv
Men's Cape Skin Lined Gloves,
our Special Price .... 89c
Horsehide Work Mitts, all hor-
se hide,elas tic or wool 69c
top, only
Horse} -sidle Gauntlet =on
Gloves, our cut price...0)'
Canvas and Jersey Gloves
2 for ..25c
One -Finger Muleskin Gloves,
with cuff. Our cut price ......17c
Boys' Capeskin lined P7'['A
Gloves f 11.3
Men's Work Sox, all wool 39c
Sox, our price, 4 pair .,...,.$1.00
All wool Work Sox, 6 pr. $1.00
Men's Fine Sox, fine wool
Cashmere, new diamond pat-
terns, 3 pair ..... --____.—..$1.00
Fine Sox worth 50; 69; 72;
$1.00, Special Cut Price ...42c
New styles, new shadmn
es, our special price Ji.•
Men's High Class Felt Hats,
our prices
$1.95, 2.95, 3.45, 3.95
Ross Hardware Stan, next to Peacock Restaurant. Phone 8, Wingham.
A;ail t1Mk3%014A
.fit�"Co�1,• 5414 Al Wi t ; nk
pito a 1 kr;
barn dance last Friday evening. •
The Mission Band of Brick Unit-
ed -Church' niet at the hone of Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Thompson last Sat-
urday afternoon. The meeting 'was
■ in the form of a sewing bee and they
Be • made quite a number of things for
Christmas gifts for the needy child-
ren in the northern districts. •
Miss Hontuth of Stratford, visited
friends over the week -end.
S. S. No, 9, East Wawanosh, are
'holding • a Christmas Entertainment
,on Friday evening, Dec. 16th.
A meeting of the Council of Turn -
'berry Township was held at Blue -
vale on the 14th day of November.
AU members were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted. ,
A letter was received from the
Provincial Department of Hcalth, at
Toronto., and the following accounts
were paid:
Janes Hooper $30.00, four sheep
killed by dogs; Ed, McGtte $16.35,
digging drain; Patrolmen: J. Mc-
Glymi $29.10; C. Dickson $10.00; C.
Casemore $24.00; J. H. Wylie $12.25,
A. Forgie $16.30, M. Sharpie .$18.90,'
Fred Hogg $6.80, A, Moffatt $6.00,
J. McKinnon $2,00, L. H. Bosnian,
acct., $8.65, F, Pieling, acct. $5.60, J.
T. Wylie, supt., $26.25.
Moved by McTavish and Douglas
that Council adjourn to meet' at
:Bluevale on the 15th day of Decem-
ber at 11 a.m.:
I> J Wright, W. R. Cruickshank,
ei Reeve.. :,; • ' Clerk, •
Mrs. Win. Elston and sort, Mg B.
Thomas, Wt on Friday for a visit
with Mrs. Elston's parents in Eng-
land,. This will be a wonderful trip
and we wish them a pleasant and
safe journey.
Miss Eleanor Douglas, of Wrox-
eter, visited with Miss Annie Find -
later, over the week -end.
Miss Robinson has been dressmak-
ing in this vicinity,
Miss Sadie Sinnamon visited with
Mrs. -Walter Jeffray one day last
Miss Winnifred Edgar visited with
relatives. in Wingham last week.
The recent snow falls have made
good sleighing,
.Miss Maude Dodds, of Wroxeter,
is doing the housework while Mrs.
Biston'is away.
Mr. and Mrs, McMichael visited
at Mr, Charles Campbell's one Sun-
day recently.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Gray is not progressing as well as
her friends would like to see.
Pupils of S,S, No, 8 and S, S. No,
7, are practising for their Christmas
entertainment. Watch for further
announcement of elates later.
ivtr, and Mrs. Alex. Stewart, How -
ick, spent one day last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey.
Miss Elia Gamble spent a few days
last week with het friend, Miss A.
Mr. and Mrs. Alen. Forgie of the
9th line, visited Sunday at the home
of lVir. and Mrs, Arthur Lincoln.
Miss Ehna Finlay of north of Gor-
rtc,-visited recently with her "friend,
Miss Addie' Breckenridge.
Mr, and Mrs. Oliver St9l cs vis t-
cd5la.st,, ridayy with the .latter'S aunt,
Myst Wtav,f W'roticer. ,
T ess' F.Vely t':'1 ,ttcolii' attended the
Edwards -Harris wedding last Wed-
Mrs. Selah Breckenridge, of Grey,
visited a few days recently at `the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Stokes.
The Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Mrs. Hugh King on.
Wednesday, Dec. 7th.
The Sunday School and Public
School Pupils have begun practicing -
for their annual Xnisa entertainment.
The Y.P.S. met last Friday even-
ing and was led by Margaret Jeff-
erson. The Scripture lesson was read`
by Harry Moss, and 13i11 Craig gave
the topic; a solo was sung by Jean
Robinson and readings were given'
by Donald Thompson and Kenneth.
S.S. No. 4, Howick
Sr. IV—Jean Steurnol.
Jr. IV ---Walter Taylor, Bernice
Day, Arlene Galbraith, Carl Dins-
Sr. III—Billy Bennett, Jean Vittie,
Leonard Sanderson,
Jr. III --Elva Haines, Arch. Steur-
mol, Vincent Taylor, Alex, Vittie, Ar-
nold Vittie, Jean Gowdy.
II --Mac Steurnol, Edna, Haines,
Kenxn th Simmons, Glen r Icing.
I -Eileen Vittie, Jack, Bennett,
Winnie ,Steurnol.
Pr. A—Betty Haines, Gordon Vit -
Pr.: B .Doris Galbraith, ;Cameros.
Simmons and Alice Gowdy cola!, Is..
obelo'1Ci*, Janke .S#6 4,
pelliitg Contest•;' A, Row..
Agnes E. Orchard, Teatter,