HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-12-01, Page 4"7"hti•
gieseti wite wgtgveeeeerataeeeeetieeeeeeeteteaVeeeaee_e_eeteeetteteleeeiseeoeeeieeeeeitweesae-teeate
a rainimme charge of 25c.
ie OR SALE OR RENT --Comfort-
able 7 -room house good garden, t
barn and garage. Reasonable ren
and, good terms to responsible par-
ty. Apply Elyneer Tiffin, phone
of which he shall then. have notice
o the exclusion a all others, iand ie
vill not be liable to any person of
those claim he shall not then have
notice for the assets so distributed,
or any part thereof.
Dated at Wingham, this 224d day
of November, 1932. „
Winghane Ontario Liquidator.
By J. H. CRAW' FORD, ,
Winghane, Ontario
his sqlicitor therein.
Warm, comfortable, furnished
rooms in centrally located home.
Conveniences, priveledges, •reason-
able. Apply Advance -Times.
have opened up the Blacksmith
Shop of the late John Davidson,
1 will conduct a regular Horse -
shoeing and General Repair Shop
here. Your business appreciated, a
trig will convince you. James
Rennie, Blacksmith, Wroxeter
will meet in the Council Chamber,
Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday
the 6th day of December, 1982, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon. Accounts
and notices of deputations or other
business to be brought before the
Council must be in the hands of
tbe Clerk the previous Monday.
Goderich, Nov 28, 1932.
Geo. W. Holman, Clerk.
All persons having claims against
the estate oi James Alexander Mor-
ton, late of the Town of defingham,
in the County of Huron, Barrister
deceased, who died on or shout the
13th day of October, A.D. 1932, are
hereby notified to send on or before
the 15th day of December, A.D. 1932,
to the undersigned solicitor for the
Executors of the said estate. then.
names and addresses, full particulars
• their claims and the nature of the
securities, if any, held by them, veri-
fied by statutory declaration. Imme-
diately after such last mentioned date
the assets of the said deceased will
e be •distributed amongst the persons
entitled thereto havitig regard only
to the claims properly ailed.
Dated at Winghami Ontario, the 17th
day of Novemper•, .AD. 1932.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor herein.
Of Valuable Farm Lands, in the
Township of Turnberry. •
The undersigned has been itestruct-
ed by the Administratrix of the es -
sale by peblic auction at The Bruns -1
wick Hotel in the Town a Wing -
ham,' on Saterday, December 10th,
A. D. 1932,•at, teso!'oiclock inothe af-
ternoon by ` ThomaseI1s tt•ttiem-
eel-, the following property, inaimely:
Lots nuinbers Eight, Nine, Ten, ,
Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen in!
James Graham's Survey on the est
side of Josephine Street in the said;
Town of Wirighani,
On this property is said to be a
solid brick 26 -room building, steam
heated. This building has always
been used as a hotel known as The
Brunswick. There is also said to be
good stables on the rear of the pro-
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent,
of the purchase money on the day
of sale and the balance withie thirty
days thereafter. The property will be
offered subject to a reserved bid.
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known on the
day of sale or may he had on appli-
cation to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the
22nd. day of November, A.D. 1932.
• Wingham, Ontario,
Wingham, Ontario,
• Vendor's Solicitor.
in gene I. 1-1
the Work of ebe Towre clerk,. Tile
..Maypr itaid•Ite. •enjoyed Council wet*
and it. has been a pleasure and edu-
cation hirti. He helieved eeelf
Coneuittee on the Council. doing its
men work, and has followed that
In closing he expressed the wish
that 1933 would show marked im- tic lavatories put in • propel'. 'shape, '
' '
ra e a so spoke{ khiyof
HAYES—In loving memory of our
darling Jimmie, who passed away
.one year ago, Dec. 5, 1931, aged
18 months.
"Two little feet just learned to walk,
Have climbed the golden stairs;
tate of Edw.' Bennett late -of the Two little lips just learned to talk
Township of Turnberry in the Coun- Have lisped thettangels' prayers."
ty of Huron, Farmer, to.sell by pub- Dearly rernembetred by M ther and
lie auction at the premises, at 1 o'- Daddy, twin sister jean, an Grand -
clock p.m. on Friday, December 2,
A. D. 1932, the following- ealuable parents.
properties, namely; . - s
Parcel No. 1: The Easterly 70 ac- GRAND MASTER 110.0.F.
res of Lot No. 15 and all that por-
tion of Lot No. 16 lying east of the
Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway
right-of-way, all in the "C" Conces-
sion of the said Township of Turn -
Parcel No. 2: Lot No. 17 in the
"C" Concession of the Township of
Turnberry save the portion sold -Lei face to face with conditions and are
Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway thinking fraternally in the broader
Company, containing 89 acres MPfe sense, think of what will take place
Or less. tomorrow.
On Parcel No. 1, there is said ft�
be a frame barn on stone foundation, The lodge room was no place for
sfeivolity and dignity should prevail
especially at times of initiations if
_Candidates are o be impressed and
inspired with the ideas of the Order.
He had only praise for the great
Work of the Oddfellows Home, and
only on its account was he greatly
concerned with the loss of member-
Not in a boastful way but merely
showing the interest he was taking
in the Order, stated that since his
election as Grand Master he had
visited every city in the province of
Ontario as well 60 of the 7,1 districts
and that by the middle of January
he hoped to have every district visit-
ed, and in his visiting had travelled
over 6,000 miles. Asked on one oc-
casion why he had accepted the pos-
!of the purchase money on the day ition of Grand Master, he replied that
' of sale and the balance in twenty he considered the teachings and
days thereafter. The above proper-
ties will be offered subject to a re- -workings of the Order, second only
,served. bid. to the churth.
Further particulars and conditions With his closing remarks he re-
ef sale will be made known on the commended that e -very lodge should
Continued from Page One)
worth while.
The depression, if he must use the
word, is killing the membership, but
during these years •men are brought
Coen, G. L. Baker, chairmart %hi
the Properte Csnernittee, efter thank-
ing his dioven aad Seconder, said,
during the i'r•ear a new tar roof had
been placed on Town Hall and re-
pairs nutde to eves and tin work, al-
so the entrance to the hall had been
redecorated and cleaned up also pub-
provements business and extended The estiniate for the department was
the greeting of a happy and pros- $1200 of which $881 was spent to
Colin, J. Gilmour said both
chairmen of the committees he was
on had spoken, and he felt good job
was done on storm sewer also the
roads in good shape at done at low
cost. He was in, favour of economy
and much had, been done this year
in this respect
Coun. John Hanna spoke of the
small attendance at the meeting and
seemingly lack of interest, He con-
sidered the work of the afa.yor and
the Council during the year as being
very good. He brought up the ques-
tion of relief and had Town Clerk
Galbraith explain the system that
will be used for the balance of this
year and the balance of the winter.
J, H. Crawford said he did not
propose to, qualify.
T. R Bennett said the meeting re-
sembled a love feast and thought the
Council had done well and should be
returned, but if any of the present
Council did not qualify he was not
sure what stand he would. take.
D. Halliday said he thought the
old council should be allowed to car-
ry on for another year' iand then
just them by their results. He would
not qua.lify.
Chairman R. H. Lloyd of the Pub-
lic School Board gave an account of
the work of that Board for the year.
The Public School rate is 1 113 mills.
He explained the Government grants
and stated that due to the ratepayers
convention to -which the board sends
a member, the government grant of
5 years ago of $250 of which all but
$21 was held back for superannua-
tion fund, was 2 years age $1200, and
this year $1900, and this with other
economies helped to lower -rate. Sat-
in the Georgian Bay System was bet- aries had been reduced $50 per tee-
ter off than Wingham. This was dui cher commencing Sept. lst. Fuel
to the fact that $700 per month was bill was cut due to the use of insul-
saved by using the water wheels and ex. This would save $50 to $75 a
the efficient management of Herb. year in coal bill, also stop forming
Campbell. He stressed the fact that of icycles -which were very danger -
the present rates take care of all in- ous around a school. $400 had been
debtedness and the surplus at pres- expended in decorating the school.
ent is about $15,000. Re also point- This was badly needed, also helped
the lighting of the rooms. New seats
are being installed in the school, one
rcom each year being done; 4 rooms
have already been so furnished. The
blackboards need replacing, this will
be done on •the same system, one
room at a time. Expenses usually
perous New Year to all,
Reeve J. W. McKibbon was the
next speaker and after thanking the
electors for his re-election by accla-
mation he took up the matter of the
debentures issued by the town this ,
year and stated that had not the de-
bentures been issued only half of the
present grant for this work would
have been received.' He spoke of his
work in the County Council, and am-
ong other things stated that he had
been pleased to assist the deputation
from Wingham in their efforts to
have work done on the road from,
Wingharn to Clinton.
The cost to the county would be but
20% of the total cost also already
$4000 had been spent in wages on
this work. As chairxnan of Cemet-
ery Committee of Council he review-
ed the year's work and stated that
the new ground which had been put
in shape and roadway built would
more than pay expenses of this work
in sale of plots in fact, had nearly
done so already.
Mr. W. H. Gurney, re-elected by
• acclamation to the Utilities Commis-
sion, was the next speaker. He first
spoke of the Waterworks Depart-
ment, stating no change of rates had
been made but it was found neces-
sary to make a change in the water
contract with the Canadian National
Railway which gave a Loss of revenue
of $400 as the old contract was $800
and the new $400. In regard to the
Electrical Department he stated that
this part of the COMM/SSi011 business
is doing well. The rates are now
much lower than before the Hydro
system was used and he had acted
on the Commission since that time,
1919. He said, no municipal system
about 60 feet by 40 feet; a drain -1g
shed 50 feet by 45 feet; a hen house
and pig pen; an eight -roomed white
brick house; a drilled well. :
This property as situate S nu es
from Wroxeter on a County Road,
• and is 1 and a miles from school aiftf
25 rods from church The soil is
clay loam with 36 acres of fall plow-
ing done. There is 1 acre of hard-
wood bush.
On Parcel No. 2, there is said to
• bs a frame barn on stone founda-
tion about 60 feet by 40 feet; drive
shed 30 feet by 45 feet,. sheep pen
10 feet by 20 feet; an eight -roomed
stone house.
This property is situate on a Coun-
ty Road, 1 and 113 miles front school.
a mile from church; is watered by
All persons having claims against well and river; the soil is clay and
The estate of John Alams, Carpenter, gravel loam; with 17 acres of fall
late of the Village of Wroxeter, i plowing dope and 11 acres in fall
about the thirty-first day of October ;
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent.
the Counter of Huron, who died on or
A.D. 1932, are noed to send to j.
H. Crawford, Wingergie, Ontario, on
or before the nineteenth day of De-
cember, A.D. 1932, full particulars of
their claims in writing. Immediately
after the said nineteenth day oi De-
cember, 1982, the assets of the said
testator will be distributed amonpt
the parties entitled thereto. having
regard only to claims of which the
Administrator shall then have notice.
Dated at Wiest -ham. this twenty-
ninth day of November, A.D. 1932.
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the Administrator
Tbarsclay, December 1, 143Z
Mrs. W. Patterson visited in To-
ronto last week.
Miss Miller, of Toronto, is visiting
with Miss Margaret Anderson.
Miss Grace McKinnon was a vis-
itor .with Dr. and Mrs. G, W How-
Miss Elsie Blackhall of Exeter, at-
tended the Gaunt -Weir wedding on
Sa turday.
Mrs. Bert Larining and son, John,
of Toronto, vieited with her mother,
Mrs. John Wilson.
Mrs. Mary. Griffin left on Saturday
for Washington, D.C., where she will
spend the winter.
Mrs. C. B. Armitage has returned
from Toronto where she has been
visiting for a week,
Mrs. j. Spittal has returned
after spending a week with her sis-
ter in Toronto.
$9.75 buys a -Royal Albert (Eng,)
Tea Set of 21 pieces, regular $14,50.
McKibbon's 'Drug Store.
Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, who has
been visiting triends in Toronto, re-
turned to town last -Thursday.
Put Footwear on your -Christmas
list. Greer's • Shoe Store can fill
your needs for the whole family,
Mrs. Gillespie has returned to
Blenheim after spending the past few
weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A, Carr. , -
Mrs. VanNorman has returned to
town after spending six weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. A. Sainsbury, in
Miss Dinwoodie,
iting Miss Agnes
past three weeks,
Mr. Junior
Mich., visited
the home of
Men's Shaving Sets by Yardley,
Langlor's, Mennen's, Woodbury and
others, 75c to $2.50. McKibbon's
Drug Store.
Ladies! Have you seen the new
FueiTrimmed Goloshes in black and
Brown Velvet and Wool Jersey at
Greer's Shoe Store.
eel out that there was a reduction in
the rates to if omestic users and for
street lighting this year. He also
said. that payment of exchange on
Hydro bonds' was the main reason
for the forming of the Georgian Bay
Electrical Association of which he
bad the honor of being President are $10,000 to $11,0000 per year,
After he had again thanked the pub- rnade up mostly of salary Expendi-
lit for their expression of confidence tures this year so far are $8900, of
the next speaker took the floor which $7163 is salary. Receipts to -
Come H. B. ,Elliott, chairman of tal $9695, made up as follows; town
the Financeommittee was the next grant $7500, non-resident fees $45,
cation to the undersigned. have as their able assista.nts a Rebec- speaker. He said he had served the -.school concert $152, Government
day ea sale or may be had on apple -
At the same time and place there ea lodge. town for the past 28 years in alraost
will be offered for sale the following At the conclusion of the address every position that fails to the lot
farm stock and implements: a hearty vote of thanks was tendered of a member cif the Council, even of
IMPLEMENTS: 1 Massey-Irarrisi
manure spreader, 1 Cockshut manure to Rev. Bro. Cum/tier for his insper- being Mayor. He stated, the town
spreader; 2 Massey -Harris binders; 1 ational and educational address. was in fine financial standing having
Massey -Harris mower; 1 _McCormick Bro. Little of Brussels, District a total of $272,165 debentte-e debt of
Mower; 1 set harrows; 2. McCormick Deputy Grand Master, who capably which Hydro and Waterworks Dept.
, . 9 h an, called on rep- were responsible for $42,6'75 and
THE BANKRUPTCY ACT -Deering walking plows; 2 gangacte d chair
p2u1,4 9 e- _ • • ,
wagon box; 1 Coekshutt fertilizer resentatives frcm the various lodges $70,519. 'I -he Sinking Fund totalled
In the Matter of the Estate ofIlaria drill; 1 Ifassey-Harris fertilizer drill; ;of the district for a few remarks andl$45,117.
Putland a.r.d: Harvey W Shane
• 1 Massey -Harris cultivator,g
f •
oot,reetings from their respective! Coun. Wilkinson, Chairmart of the
Authorized Assignors. "
2 set Neil White sleiehs; J. Massey -1
Notice is hereby giveti that Ilariake; ledges. Fm
Fre Committee, spoke of his eleven
Harris side-d.elivery ra1 roller; a
Putlarad ard Harvey W. Shane, ch turnip sower; 1 Massey -Harris hay-; At the close of the meeting re- year as councillor and said he con-
the Town ofWrnghani, Prbfince of leader; 3. disc -barrow; 2 scufflers; 1 freshments were served in the lodge sidered the present fire department
Ontario, did on the /8th day of No- turnip pulp.er; 1 afelotte cream sep-i.•
or om,
vember, 1O32. make an authorized anew; equal if not better than ever before.
Assignment of all their property for ittee hanteesi
1 40 -gallon drum; 1 set sin -1
1 set breeching imrness; said there was need for a fire
the benefit of their. ceeditors, and 2 set plow harriess; 1 19-29 Essex !NOMINATION MEETING! truck, but due to present conditions
that Edmund Weld, cif the City of Standard Sedan.
London, County or Middlesex, Offic- HORSES: 1 black snare 8 years i
ial Receiver, has appeinted nie te be •old: 1 black mare, 7 years old; 1 Continued from Page One) !ed.
1 this matter was not being consider -
Cuetedian ef the Estate of the debtorbrown mare8 years old; 1 bown
this year he stated this was the pro- • Coun. F. L. Davidson, chairman
, r
until the first meeting of the cfedi- horse 8 years obi; 1 black horse, 8 per procedure as the work done was of the Street Committee thanked the
41.-' 4m ;-;i•s 3Olcalrs(tc:ntrolteni
horsesishould be paid over a period of and gave a report of the work done
5rst meeting of the creditors in the
rars old; 1 bgy -mare, yeaarsold: a capital expenditure and therefore .people for their confidence in tern,
• above Estate will be held at the of- euckieg colt. eittars. Speaking of present day con- !this year. The Storm Sewer on Pat -
flee of Mr- 3. Bushfield, :4 COWS: 1 Red Durham cow, 4 'elitioes he stated that this year had !rick Street cost $4282 of which half
ham, Ontario, tin Saturday, Decem- 'years old; 1 Durham cow, 4 years 'been a most unusual one, this town :was Paid he the Government. The
Notice is further eiven that the a • a • •
ber 10th, 1932, at 11 a.m. old; 1 -Durham cow, seipposed to
To entitle yeu to vote thereat. iw, to!
!hae come through fairiy well and all sidewalks that were laid, about half
proof n calf; aloletein cosupposed ,
of your ciaini must be i•dged with be in caw: Durham ..''n.supposed ;ciut industriee are ready to carry on la mile, cost $968. The town's share,
grant $1729, Balance from last year
Trustees J. M. Graham, James Is-
ard and W. F. Burgnian also spoke,
but left the details of this_ board's
work to Mr. Lloyd, the chairman.
Miss Betty Walker, of Stratford,
was home for the week -end.
The Young People's Society of
the United Church, Belgrave, with
the Bluevale Society met in the
schoolroom of the Church on Friday
evening, Nov. 251h. The Belgrave
Society had charge of the devotion-
al part of the meeting, which was
Mr. Robert Coultes, the President
of the Belgrave Society, presided ov-
er the meeting. The subject for the
evening was "Temperance", taken be
Mr. Will Johnston. A discussion on
the subject followed Mr. Johnston's
me before the meeting. is
held- Pre- to be in calf: 1 Durham cow, suppes- ,as usual when business takes a turn i'$200, Government's share $384, and very interesting talk.
xies to be used at tiaa meeting must ed to be in calf: 1 Ayrshire cow, sup- for the better. So far this year there 1 the balance, $384, paid by debentur-This discussion dealt with the way
be lodged with me prior thereto. posed to be in calf; 1 black heifer,
And further take notice that if von supoosed to be in calf; 1 black heif- . are 8700 more taxes collected than !es. Total spent on unemployment in which we can help the cause in
have any claim against the debtor , ea suppesed to be in calf. ,at the eame time last year and for relief: labor $2694.60, materials $2,- our own sphere of life. Members of
for which you are entitled to rank,- SHEEP: 7 Wade faced ewes. the year 1931 95.7% of all taxes have i492.36; total of $5186.96, for which both societies gave their opinions.
1"a of such claim •Enlist leti filed PIGS: 1 'Yorkshire sow, 9 chunks, been paid. He spoke of the fine con- (the town issued debentures for $2500 The Scripture lesson was read by
with me, or with the Trustee when , -5 seekers. i -
appointed; otherwise the proceeds of ! -diticn rf the roads of the town •arid to cover their share. Considerable Leslie Vincent, followed by a paper
POULTRY: 50 Leghorn and Ply- d- ' -) i' f •
the debtor's estate will be distributed ' metab rock bens. gave the credit to Coun. Davidson !work had been done on the roads on "Prayer" by Mrs. Procter. Mus -
among the parties • entitled thereto! Grain: About 600 bushels of wheat. and his •Street Committee. Speaking of the town and crushed stone had ical numbers by a. quartette cornpos-
vrithout regard to your claim. , about 325 bushels of barley, about of unemployment •relief the Mayor been used it place of gravel, this al- ed of Mr. Jordon, Mrs. J. Couites,
Dated at Stratford this 28th day 380 bushel of oats, and a quantity of stated
of November, 1932, • • • that from December of last :lowed this work to be done at less Mrs. Carl Procter and Mrs. Jordon;
JOHN STEVENSON. Cestodia meted grain .
n, TERMS OF SALE; Cash. year to 1st of May this year the to- i than half the cost otherwise. 845 were enjoyed. A solo by Mr. Proc-
' •
Box. 43, Stratford, Ontario, Everything will be sold without tal of direct relief given was $620.61 iyards of crushed stone Had been 0 ter, a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Jordon
reserve as the estate must be elosed of which 3206.87 was the town's led. He mentioned. the fact that sev- and a recitation by Miss Stonehouse,
THE ONTARIO COMP. out. eral requests fax street lights had iall helped to make the meeting a
been received, only two had been
plated, one at the C.N.R 'crossing,
and one at the rear of the Presby-
terian Church. The others were not
placed as 100 watt lamps costs $20
r year, and 250 watt lamps cost'
$38 per year, and. it was felt that the
practice of economy was necessary.
Tye ptiehlia of eillatedaptatint• !tee,
who has been vis -
MacLean for the
has returned to
Howland, of Detroit,
over the week -end at
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
ANIES ACT •DATED the twenty-second day. of
November A,D. 193g.
Notice is hereby given that WING -
ITED, whose head office is at the
olittion requiring the Company to be
wound •up voluntarily, and appoint-
ing the undersigned its Liquidator.
Ail persons having claims ,against
the said Compatay are hereby hotified MORTGAGE SALE
todserid in to the undersigned Liquid-
ator* on or before the 18th day' of Valuable Hotel Property. in the
December, 1932; full particulars „of ToWn of Winghatni
their elaims. after the Under and by vifttle, of the power
said date the saki Liquidathr will hs- of sale tontairied err a certain mort-
tribute the tissets of the said Comp- gage Which will be produced at the
any, having regard only to the claints time of sale, there will be offered for
share, the balance being paid by the
Governments of the Country. No re-
lief was given from May 1st to Nov.
1st this year. Explaining this was a
difficult problem bat that all would
be looked after who were deserving,
luxuries would be given out.
also expected that this problem
would be greater during the +ring
year. Ile, mentioned that great ef-
fort was being made to stopetboot-
legging, but the greatest curse eia
he home brew permit. He congrat-
fated the Chief of Police on his ef-
forts in this regard and also bis work
J. H CRA'WFORD, The Ithievale Society took charge
• Wingham, Ontario, the recreational period ender the
• Solicitor for Admittistratr leadership of Mr. Wm. Peacock and
Wingharre Ontario, Mr. Chas, Johnston. Games were
Auctioneer played in tvhich everyone took part.
The lunch was served by the Blue -
vale Society,
¶en.thee Belgrave So -
1 e y sWfor sOesety' by say-
ing how much they had ertjoyhd the
evening. The President- Of 'the
Society said how much they en-
d their visit.
s6#501104idi Sa30
la been spent to date. It was also
brought out that the debeetures 00
t4e cement road. ori Josephine Street
bad but g years to run, 1083, 1934,
Mr. and Mrs.'H. T. Thomson have
moved to Toronto. • Mr. Thomson
has found this move necessary in
connection with the business of The
Bluevale Creamery.
Mrs. Robert Spotton has been in
Harriston for, the •past couple of
weeks owingtothe illness of her
sister, Mrs...M. GO;r-ell. It i; expect-
ed that Mrse:tplittnfahrill .enurri to
Wingham in another week.
Moir's ChOcOl'a"tes XXX Coating in
Christmas Pal cleages, 60c to $2.50 ea.
"Better Quality Chocolates". ItIcKib-
bon's Drug Store.
Specials Thursday, Friday, Satur-
day, Choice Meaty Prunes 3 lb 25c;
McLaren's jelly Powders, 3 pkg. 15c,
Aust. Seedless Raisins, . 2 lbs. 25c,
Richmello Coffee, 45c lb.; Domino
Coffee 29c lb., Pure Lard $2.09 20-
Ib. pail; Almond Icing 29c lb. pkg.,
Supreme Bread Flour $1.99 98 lb.
bag, Dominion Stores Ltd.
GORDON—In Grace •Hospital, in
Windsor, on Tuesday, Nov, 29th,
1932, Reberta. Gordon, RN., widow
of the late Adam Gordon, former-
ly of Wingham. The funeral ser-
vice will be held from R. A. Cur-
ries Funeral Parlous cm Thursday,
Dec. 1st, at 2 p.m. Service Pri-
vate. Interment in Wingham Cern-
. etery.
Ashfield Township will. hold its
first election in four years Monday,
Dec. 5th,
The following have qualified: for
reeve, John A. McKenzie, Mudock
Matheson; for deputy reeve, Richard
Johnston (acel.). Council, John A.
Johnston, Samuel Sherwood, Arthur
Culbert, Wilfrid Farish, Irwin Zinn.
West Wawalaosh
For reeve, William Mote and Wm.
Stewart; for council (four to be el-
ected), Thomas Webster, Bert Gam-
mie, R. H. Leishman, Patrick Welsh,
John McQuillan, Cairns Aicheson.
There will be no election in Lis-
-towel this year, Mayor E. M. Creigh-
ton and Reeve F. W. Vandrick be-
ing returned to their officesby ac-
The 1933 Council will be Aaron
Ringler, Charles Osier, Arthur Simp-
son, Thomas •G. Anderson, Frederick
Von Zuben, arid William A. John-
Those acclaimed to Board of Edu-
cation are A. W. Zurbrigg, Xoah
tushart and George -1- Adams. '
The members of the Public Util-
ities Commiision are Hugh Hainil-
ton, and Mervin Ray, •
The County Council heve
appoint a successor a And-
"ersott as the cotifitV representative
on the ,Board of: Education, and the
li tiente a akeess-
The new form -fitting
types. D ouble-breast-
eds with these keen,
horizontal paint lap-
els men now favOr.
Durable and 'smart!
Choicest Wool
weaves in light
dark or mixed
*7 A M. Bishop!!
. A. .ii
ill .
i•••!A FOY •••
!-.! Government and
I'm Municipal Bonds I.
Also All Kinds of --4
i et
Phone . 226. . W*gharn i
viummaitigailuin nietungintilnionimaitT
or to W. Fair. The Board is partly
appointed and partly elected.
The new men on the town council
are, Arthur Simpson, Thomas G. An-
derson and William Johnstone.
Goderieh Township Has No Debt
Goderich—If there are any leg-
islators looking around for a model
municipality in these days of depres-
sion, let thern cast their eyes 1-1Port
Goderich Township. Addressing the
ratepayers at Hohnesville Friday af-
ternoon, Reeve Wilmot Ha.acke told
them, he and his Council had reduc-
ed the tax rate by one-fourth; that
the township was free of debt; that
it did not spend one cent on relief;
that salaries and wages had been cut
10 per cent.; that there was a $1,700•
surplus, and that a further reduction
in the tax rate was in order for 1938.
Reeve Haack e and his Council were
returned by acclamation, Political
opponents of
ed to extend
one word of
many years were mon-
praise. 'There was not
Geo. Williams
Before Deciding about your
See our stock of
FANCY G0008, Etc.
Prices are Lbw and ::ilutdity
A =all deposit will I1d atty
Article until ehrisatas,