HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-11-03, Page 3!S W TR AT RM FOR A FEW CENTS Rot milk over two crisp Shredded Wheat biscuits. There's a delicious. treat for chilly days! Shredded Wheat is the natural energy food, made in Canada, by Canadians, of Canadian wheat, 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX SHREDDED WHE MADE IN CANADA • BY CANADIANS ,• OF CANADIAN WI -MAX CORRIE The Annual Fowl Supper of the Gorrie United Church will be held on Nov. 11th. Miss L. Young, Travellers' Aid. Secretary, of London, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs, (Rev.) Butt at the Parsonage. 'Rev. J. F. Chapman, of Stratford., will be . the speaker in the United Church on Sunday at both services. Rev. Butt will preach ` Anniversary Services at the re -opening of Union Church, Goderich. The following from here were in Fordwich last week, making arrange- ments for Remembrance Day Service —Rev. R. S. Jones, Rev. G. W. Butt, N. Wade, F. C. Taylor and Herb. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. L. Campbell and daughter, Olive, of Listowel, called on Gorrie friend on Saturday. Mr. Emerson Shera and W. Earn- gey Jr. motored to Detroit on Thurs- day. Mrs. Earngey returned home with then and will reside in Gorrie. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Wood and Ma- bel and Bob, Lakelet, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, V. Shera. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Taylor return- ed home from their honeymoon af- ter spending a week with Toronto friends. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pyke and Aud- rene, Clifford, were Sunday guests of R. S and Mrs. Clegg. Mr. Lloyd Hockridge, of Guelph, is at present visiting his aunt, Mrs. R, . Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera were vis- itors in Guelph on Saturday. The many friends of ' Mrs. Wm. Douglas" of Orangehill are sorry to hear of her serious illness and hope she will soon be restored to her us- ual health. Miss Monto Earngey spent a cou- ple of days last week in Guelph, the guest of Miss Norma Hockridge. Mr. and Mrs.` Walter Sirnson spent Sunday with Fordwich friends. Mrs. Russel Grainger was a visitor in Guelph' last week. Miss Norma Hockridge returned home to Guelph last week, after hav- ing spent a couple of months with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Grainger. Miss Adythe Graham of Wingham, was a week -end visitor at her home, INSTALL AN MO BATHROOM NOW YOU may have done without a bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than you could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. Let us show you different designs in Emco Bath- room equipment. The three pieces shown in the illustration, with all only ' °` Our booklet, showing different styles in Emco Bath- room equipment and with prices shown, will be gladly mailed you. THE FRESH FLOW Can be used adhere fresh water direet from the well is required. Capacity, 260 gal. per hour SrnalZ 3 gJal. Galvanized .'Tank. 7/s H.P., 'io Vott Motor 6O cycle orgil �V £t; cycte • .. • V Extra for 30 gal. 'Ctaliatt= fixed Tank $0480 Duro Pressure Water Systems, all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your home, Easy time payments available on all Emco equipment, FOR SALE BY W. CLARK RK EMPIRE BRASS:'MPG, CO., LIMITED Landon Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 26 south of the village, Mr. Norman Wade was a Kitch- ener visitor on Thursday last. Mrs, W. C. King and son, Earl, spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest King : at Orangehill, Miss Clara King, of Toronto, is visiting . her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest King, this week. Mr. Harry King spent the week- end in Toronto, . Messrs. Arthur Stephen and Laur- ence Short were Toronto visitors last week, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dane,' Miss Evelyn and George, attended Salem anniversary Services on Sunday, and were the guests of Mrs. Wm, Weir. The Ladies' Aid : of Gorrie Presby- terian Church met at the home of Mrs: Ross Earl, on Tuesday when further arrangements were made for their annual bazaar which is being held in the Orange Hall here on Sat- urday, 19th. Mrs. Johnston, of Toronto, called on her cousin, Mrs, (Dr.) Armstrong on Sunday. Miss Beryl Ashton, of Seaforth, spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Gertie Kelly, of Wingham, was a Gorrie visitor on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barton and daughter, of Fergus, are guests of Miss J. P. Stinson. The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday Nov, 9th, at the home of Mrs. Pyke. There will be a demons- tration of table setting given by Misses Marjorie Baker and Eva Mus- grove, also the topic "Break the Monotony or Break the Homemak- er" by Mrs, Carroll Gregg., Miss. Clara Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hicks, Harriston, were Sun- day guests of ,Mr: and Mrs. R. N. Stephen., HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL RLEASANT AFFAIR A Hallowe'en Social was held in the, School rooms of the United Church here on Monday evening, sponsored by the Y,P,L., when a1- most 75 masked people were present to enjoy the evening's sport. The rooms .'were attractively decorated for the occasion in the Hallowe'en colors of yellow and black. The guests were welcomed at the door by two huge ghosts. As the crowd gathered, musical chairs was played, this being following by a contest "Your baby picture" which caused a half hour of fun. A Hal- loween contest and other musical games concluded the sports which were in charge of Miss Evelyn Ste- phen and Rev. Butt. It was decided by the Young Peo- ple to hold their meetings on Mon- day evenings, instead of 'Thursday. Mr. Cooke will have charge next Monday evening when he will ad- ' dress the Young People on "Do our views of God Affect our conduct?" Women's Auxiliary Tea An afternoon tea is to be given by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Ste- phen's Church, Gorrie, on Thursday afternoon of this week at 2.30 p.m. at the Rectory. The ladies of the ,congregation are invited to be pres- ent and to bring articles of clothing for an Indian girl, a student of St. Patti's School, Cardston, Alberta, for whom the branch is responsible, A Missionary address will be given by the Rector, R. S. Jones, and a silver collection will be taken. WROXETER Mr, Reid has started his chopping mill for the winter, on Mill St. Mrs, C F. McLean, of Howick St,, has moved, into the house lately occupied by Mr. Seiling on Main St. Mrs. Stewart, of Toronto, is at present visiting her brother, Mr, D. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Berkinshaw and .on Bobbie, spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen. Several from here attended, the air•. niversary services at Salem Sunday. Two car loads of cattle arrived here on Saturday for Mr., John Riley of Jamestown. Miss Ada Gallaher, of Bluevale, was the guest of friends in town last week, Dr. and Mrs. A. Thibadeau, Buff- alo, were Sunday guests at the honie of Mr. and. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Miss Carrie Laurie, 'Toronto, is a guestat the home of D. W. and Mrs, Rae, Mr. Henry Merkley met with a painful accident on Thursday last, when he was kicked by one of his horses. Mr, Merkley had, driven his Thursday, Navexnber 3, 1932 dd— utTru it CNNUBRLS 00 tzp'C CNO..E TO EKT MEN � . O\) Sb `1'EAt OLA} Ill; t 11 13 M `caERVED Mikes% R s iN Pl..E.P+sl)RE l 14u ANAEpS6t �^ Il iG 16 'AAR'E ARE ItEPA .VN V 5S , C 00 8te•PkIMG►►d1 P,MERtCk i tkAl IO NE Kb1. carat THE KtIMIN 1 1� m%NzOZl\JE 'C4 PRIM ri ►+satyr w' -~."".o them in the stable when one of. them struck him, on the', leg. He also is suffering from a sore ankle and a black eye. We hope he will soon be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Selby Wobbs, Beet on, were week -end guests at the home of D. D. and Mrs. Sanderson Mrs. Ed. Rain, of London, visited last week with her sister, Mrs, Clar ence White. Miss Mary Harris was a guest of Wingham friends last week. The members of the local Lodge A.F. & A.M. visited Teeswater lodge last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Munroe and. Mr. Allen Mun- roe visited. on Sunday with Milverton friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers and their guest, Mr. Thos. Cornell, Sault Ste. Marie, visited this week with friends at Linwood. Mrs. Ab. Sanderson left• last week to visit her sister and other friends in Detroit. A large number of Wroxeter peo- ple joined with Salem in their Anni- versary services last Sunday. Rev. Charles Cummings of Walton, was the special speaker for the day. Rev. VST. A. Finlay who was in charge of Mr. Cummings' work, was able to be present for the evening service at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackman, Tor- t onto, spent the week -end at the home of Thos. and Mrs. Brown. Mrs, Robertson was in Brussels recently attending the wedding of her granddaughter, (Miss Donelda MacDonald, who on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, was married. to Mr. Jack Cot- trill, of Port Elgin. Misses Annie Little and Evelyn Gamble attended a dinner in Tees- water last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, W, A. 'Elliott, Pilot Mound, Man,, were guests last week at the home •of Mrs. and Mrs, Jos Lovell, Mr. Thornas Cornell of Sault Ste, Marie, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs, M. Sellers. Mr, John Adams, another old resi- dent of this place, died Monday, fol- lowing a few days' illness. OBITUARY William Sanderson Death claimed another pioneer and respected citizen early Saturday mor- ning, when William Sanderson pass- ed away. He had been in poor health for some years but was able to be up street a few days ago before his death. Mr, Sanderson was a farmer and cattle dealer, residing for a. num- ber of years on a farm north of the village. About 20 years ago he sold the ,farm. and bought a property an Howick Street. After the death of his wife,, eight years ago, he lived for a short time in West 'Toronto, later coming back to 'Wroxeter, Be- sides his .only son, William, who re- sides in Toronto, he leaves one sis- ter, Mrs. Robt..Adams, Howick, and a brother, Alex., in Washington, 0. C, The funeral was held Monday to tenni from the field and was puttingithe Wroxeter Cemetery, Women's Institute Hold Interesting Meeting The Women's Institute held their October meeting at the home of Miss E. McEwen with Mrs. R. Stocks and Mrs. P. S. McEwen assisting. Some interesting Hallowe'en Legends, cus- toms and superstitions were given in answer to the roll call. It was de- cided to send a bale of clothing to Sprucedale. Anyone wishing to help please leave the parcels with Mrs. J. Adams not later than Nov. 15th. Mrs, Finley gave an instructive talk on "Alcohol and the Human Body." If you wish to preserve the body put it in alcohdl, if you wish to destroy a body put alcohol in it. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and sting- eth like an adder. Miss E. Hazle- wood and Mrs. J. J. Allen gave very interesting reports of the 'Walkerton Convention which they had attended. Tea was served and asocial half hour spent. Anglican Young People Visit Fordwich The Anglican Young People from Wroxeter and Gorrie attended a masquerade party in the basement of Trinity Church, Fordwich, last Fri- day night at the invitation of the Young People of that 'Church. About fifteen attended from here and were all pleased with, the way they were entertained. Continuation School Initiation The initiation of 1st Form pupils of the Continuation School took place Friday afternoon, starting with a parade from the school up .vain street and back headed by an auto, followed by wheelbarrows, push- carts, babycarriages, etc,, with one pupil as occupant and another pro pelling it, dressed in various cos- tumes. A program was held at the school after the parade. COMMUNITY REMEM- BRANCE SERVICE The following is the program for the Conuizuuity Remembrance Serv- ice of Township of Howick, which will be held in Trinity Church, Ford- wich, on Friday, Nov. llth at 10.45 a.m.: Hynin "For all the. Saints." Presentation of Tablet and wreath. Reading Names of Those Killed and died of wounds, by Rev. R. S. Jones. Last Post. 2 minute silence. Re- veille. Prayer, Rev. G. W. Butt, Hymn, "0 God, our help in ages past;' Holy Scripture, Rev, J. W. Button. Hymn, "Unto the Hills." Sermon, Rev, Arthur Leggatt. Prayer and Benediction, Rev. Fin- lay, Wroxeter. Hymn "God Save Our Gracious King." The collection will be given to the Township Council for relief purpos- es during the winter, HOWICK COUNCIL Gorrie, Oct. 20, 1932 Council met in the Clerk's Office, pursuant to adjournment. All mem- bers present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last regular meeting, also special meeting of Oct. 7th, were read, and on motion of Taylor and Bryans were adopted, Moved by Weir and Lovell that School Attendance officers Report as read, be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Moved by Taylor and Bryans that no action be taken in regard to re- moval of cattle guards on C.P.R. and C.N.R. crossing in Township. Car- ried, - Moved by Bryans and Taylor that the Township Treasurer be authoriz- ed to •transfer to the trustees of the Wroxeter Cemetery all monies and 'other securities belonging to Wrox- eter Cemetery and now held by the Township, the aforesaid trustees to first a certificate with the Clerk of this Township in accordance with the Cemetery Act. Carried, Moved by Weir and Taylor that the following bills be paid; Stanley Wolfe, supplies for Mrs. Haberlee, $20,00; Thos. Vittie, sheep (killed and injured by dogs $16,00; R. Stocks, casket, embalming and fun- eral, Sarah Dodds $70.00; J. C. Craw- ford, legal services, $4.00; Archie McMichael, sheep killed by dogs $12.00; Rev. R. S. Jones, grant to- ward expenses, two trips to London and one to Goderich re Harper child $5.00; Chas. King, pt. pay as Care- taker of Twp. Hall $8.00; Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as Clerk $40.00; Flank Coles, cutting weeds .80; A. C. Hutchison, pt. salary as weed in- spector $10.50; T. A. Roberts, part pay on printing contract $100.00; T. A, Roberts, forms for weed Inspec- tor $3.00; Howick Agricultural Soc- iety, grant to Fair $100.00, Road Expenditures Cutting weeds, Alex. Gibson $5.00, Melvin Shrigley .60, Herman Al- brecht $L00, Elgin Montgomery $2.- 40, Glad. Edgar $1.60, I. Gecicke $2.- 00, N. Gedcke .60, John Gedcke $L- 50, Nelsen Plant $2.20; Arthur Jac- ques, brushing, dragging and weeds, $22.00; Geo, Townsend, dragging $2.- 40; Geo. Ashton, dragging and stone $8.00; Cutting Weeds: Win. Wilson .75; Elmer Durrant $1,50, Albert Patterson $1.00; Harry Diamond .50, Geo. Aldrich $1.00, Eldon Ankemnan $1.00, Leslie Kniglit $1.00, Clarence Gibson $1.70; L. Gibson, weeds and dragging, $2.50; R. H. Carson, wire, $1.51; E. G. Denny, spreading gravel and weeds, $9.00; Philip Wenzel, re- pairs on culvert, and weeds $2.80; Cutting Weeds: Anthony Pike $1.20, Geo. .Blum $2.00, Eldon Ankeninan .60, Norman McDowell $1.00, Edgar Hargrave .80, Isaac Kroft .60, Robt. Denny $1.60, J. Hood $1,00, '1 tassel Denny $1.00, James Denny $2.00, J. 'Kroft $1.00, Geo. Ott $2.20, Val. Schinbeiu $1:40, Nelson Louttit $3.- 00, Lorn Edwards 000, Gordon Weir $1.40, Harry Metcalfe $2,00, Albert Dustow $1,00, Conrad Revel' $1.80, Robert Ferguson $2,80, August Wilkie $120, Albert Haskins $0,00,. Garnet Wright $3.20, Sam 'Webber $3,25, jos. Wood .80, .siert Wright .80, Win, Wright .80, J. Sangster $2.- 40, Emmerson Hargrave $4:80, Dav- id Auger $1..70, Village of Clifford $1,75, Robert Ferguson $1,00; Wes. Gilmore, crushing gravel, :$75,60; C. Koch, trucking gravel $50.40; War- ren Zurbrigg, cutting weeds $2.40; Thos; Strong, cutting weeds .$2:00; Repairs to culvert: John' Fleet .60, Robt, Baker $4,00, Cleve Vittie $6.- 40; Robt. Brown .$6,40, Thos. Vittie $1,80, Wilfred Brown $1.40; Cutting weeds: Ted Newton ,80, Win. Doug- las $2:10, John Reidt $2,40, John . Gowdy $2.20,' Delbert Clegg $2.40, Robt. Hays $1,20, Robt. Brown $1.- 20,Ernest King $1,20, Geo, Tophari. $1,40; Tom Day, dragging and weeds $7,20; Cutting weeds; John Finlay $1.60, F. A. Edgar $1.00, Win. Young $1.60, Mrs. John Watters $2,40;. F. A. Edgar, Road Supt, $24.80; John Hydnman, culvert ,tile $7.95; Bert Martin, rep, to dragg .40; Gutting weeds: Win. Reis Sr., $4.30, Wm. Reis Jr. $5.20, J. Kreller $1.70, Geo;; Hubbard $1.60, Wilfred Nagel $2.00, Fred Mahood $1,80 Jake Wells $4;- 00, Chester Bennett $4,00, John Wright $1.00, Wm. .Caudle .50, Wm., Sangster $1.20, Wm. Scott $6.00, N. McDermott $2.70, C. W. Simmons $12,40, Wm. Boyd $10.20, Mahood & Wright, cleaning outlet and banking roadside $13.00; Mahood & Wright,, bal. on culvert, Con. 13, $206.00; F. A. Edgar, profile, specifications ands Inspection on culvert $85.50. Moved by Lovell and Bryans that this Council do now adjourn to meet in the United Church Hall, Fordwich on the third Wednesday in, Novem- ber. Carried. Isaac Gamble, Clerk. 12th LINE HOWICK Apple picking is now the order of the day. We are sorry to report that Mrs - John Finlay is not as well as her many friends would wish. Mrs. James Underwood was a Sun- day visitor at the home of her ne- phew, Mr. Robert Hayes. Mr. Harry King was aToronto visitor this week. Mr. James Warrel accompanied by Mr, Lorne Laird, both of Toronto, were visitors, for a few days at Mr. John Finlay's. ' Mr. Wasman of Toronto, is visit- ing with his daughter, Mrs, C. Staff- ord. Mr. E. Wright, of Wroxeter, pass- ed through this burg on Sunday:. 'k F. m HOi UTH EYE SPECIALIST HARRISTON Gives UP-TO-DATE EYE SERVICE Most Modern Equipment obtainable. E 1` fed`<Ve`7 .atx'a *'lT ?} LL PRICES Men's Pant Overalls, heavy red. back ..... __..-......... ...... _......... $1.39 Men's Bib Overalls, heavy red back, from ..... $1.50 to $1.95 Men's Work Sox, 5 pairs $1.00 Men's Work Sox, all wool, 4 pairs for 95c Men's Litied Smocks, at ..,...$2.00 Men's Pall Hats, Brown, Pears and Silvertone $2,50 Men's Heavy Work Boots, re - tanned heavy sole ........ m-43.49 Men's Med. Work Boots $2.79 GROCERIES Princess Soap Flakes 17c, or 3 packages for ._ ....„...,....._-._.._. 49c DeLays Toilet Soap regular 10c bar for.... .,.,.-,-.-,.,.....__. ,.-..-. _., 5c Palmolive Toile Soap, 3 for 23c Castile Toilet Soap, 7 for 23e Pearl or P. & G. Laundry Soap 6 bars for .................... Large Jar Peanut Butter 35e Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea -49e Crown Brand Tee, 1b. 39c Salada or Lipton's Tea ..... -;50c Fresh Ground Coffee, 2 grades at ..., -. w...: _.,..... 40e and 50c Everything in Spites for pre- serving and pickling. Bring your Cream and Eggs and get the highest prices.