HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-10-13, Page 4757757,Frrt[774F?-,,. PAGF FOUR """'"""'",.....411,..N....N.+cxrmuvguuurer.aawmggoau, TI-rg WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES siimumumm FOOtWear I' (As far as this shoe store is concerned) int • IN For instance as compared with one year ago • ma Shoes that were $5.00, are now ....$3.75 In Shoes that were $4.00, are now $3.00 it Shoes that were 3.00$, are now ....$2.25 si In other words there is a difference of full(y) 25% as compared with one year ago. Eit Willis' Shoe StoreWi 129 ngham Phone '" The Leading Shoe Store. 1111 NEVINENSIMIN Thursday, October 13, 193r Air. and Mrs. W. F. French and °Ing/111/4/11nrir, family spent the week -end in Strath - Mrs and Mrs. Wes. Jackson, Drayton, .were Sunday visitors wi Mr. and Mrs, AV. S. Ai, Reid. Rev. and Airs. W. J, Moore a son, Trevor, spent last week wi Mr, and Mrs. W. S. M. Reid. Miss Beatrice and Mrs. Joynt, M and Mrs. John McMichael, visit friends in Detroit over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Beeman al family, and Mrs. E, C. Cross, Lo don, visited with Mrs, W. A. Cu rie. l.kiisses Ann and Florence Barbe of Toronto, visited over the week -en with their mother, Mrs. Chas, Ba bee 1 Mr. and Mrs. George McKay, •Hamilton, spent the week -end wit ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A erns. Mr, and. Mrs. N. L. Brandon an f AH Descriptions t 18 MUCH CHEAPER 11 e Eti • • • • samtmg,soesse•mmemineree,ttr tkarl,MM-0,31.1PVIMVPIPAMMAM,RM saahanUMA, Ina awes Oka VIES WANT A t, -cents a Vord per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. essersaataessimeeireaasierreasisimues erase. vastraerarna earstesHquiersealentateraseraverearaali a ARTICLES FOR SALE — Piano, outside closet, several cedar posts, t arpet, hemlock plank, two sets :of flat irons, 2 tailor's irons. Apply Joseph Pugh, Phone 306W. AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock and Implements will be held on the premises, North ?,-, lots Nos. 45 and 46, 1st Concession Morris, by T. R. Bennet, Auctioneer, an Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, October 14. Joseph E. Curtis, Proprietor. COOKING APPLE BUTTER, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Cider made at any time. Joseph Olheiser, Teeswater. FOR SALE -23 Pigs, six weeks old, also a quantity of Spy Apples. Joe E. Dunbar, Belgrave, 623r5. FOR SALE—About half an acre of • Fodder Corn, John Kerr. FOR SALE—Good Durham Cow due -, October 20th. Apply W. M. Aust- in. : HOUSE TO RENT—Up-to-date in every way, Garage. Rent reasoh- • able. Apply A. Cosens. i ( WANTED—Seven Hundred Dollars, on the security of a first mortgage on a dwelling house in Wingham. -t Will pay a reasonable rate of in- S. terest Apply to Box A, Advance- s-. i ITTlf.= --.,.,.. g COUNTY 'I'REASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES i: HURON COUNTY A Notice is hereby given that the list if lands for sale for taxes has been ,A irepared copies of which may be C ad at the County Treasurer's Of f - :e in Goderich, Ont, The list has been published in Thelv )ntario Gazette in issues of July 31, G kugust 6, 13 and 20. In accordance with the assessment sct I shall proceed to 'sell by pub- c auction the said lands, or so much ' hereof as may be sufficient for pay - sent of the taxes thereon, together te rith costs, unless the same be soon -173.1 r paid. The sale will commence at the :ourt House, Goderich, on Tuesday, tc Tovember 1st, 1982. at the hour of in ivo o'clock in the afternoon. Crninnrro asrassers. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Ida Lutton was home over •the holiday. • Miss MayAllen is,visiting in Lon- don for a few days. Miss Marye McGreior •spent the holiday at her home here. Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Hamilton, -was a visitor with Mrs. Richard Clegg. Miss Norma.Coutts, also Mr. Car- men Coutts were at home over the holiday. Mr. and. Mrs. Scholia, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. A, H. Wilford. Mr. and Mrs. •J. R. M. Spittalt spent the holiday visiting in Mount °rest. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Davidson , of ensall, visited Sunday with Mrs. A. Leaver. Mr. and. Mrs. G. L, Brackenbury nd fanailv, spent the week -end in Velland. Miss Kate Gilmour, Toronto, vis - ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. itrnour. Velma an• d Mrs. Lennox and Miss rances Edgar motored to London aturday. Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Smith and dau- hter, Edith, were in town over the eek -end, Mrs. W. Ross, formerly of Fergus, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. 5. W. cKibbott, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adams and of th McDowell. Lois and Vernon Messer, Painters - ten, were visitors' with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H, Arnen strong, Morris, School was closed Thursday and nd Friday, while the teacher, Miss Rae, th attended the annual teachers' con-! t- o, r e n d t IilgegitilalliNVOUNENNIEMMESSEGailialalet vention which was held in Brussels r. Me and Mrs. John Campbell an ed family, of Aylmer, are holiday visi ors with relatives here. WI, Miss Mary Coultes, of Toront n- and Miss Dorothy Anderson, of We, r- ton, were Thanksgiving visitors with 'Jr. C. R. Coultes and family. r, Miss Sara. Cole, A,T.C,M., Ham d ilton, was a holiday visitor with he r- parents, Mr. and Airs. W., J. Cole. A little son has arrived at the born of of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett. Con h gratulationsl d- Remember the fowl supper on Fr day, Oct. 14th, which will be give d by the Anglican Church. The suave will be followed by a play. Mr. Joe Miller shipped two car of cattle to Toronto on Monday, The Women's Institute will hol their meeting at the home of Mrs Carl Procter on Tuesday, Oct. 18t1 •The Motto: "'We might save muscly es many a restless night if we lef our cares downstairs", taken by Miss Edith Procter. Roll call, an exchan ge of bulbs, slips and seeds. Current events will be in charge of Mrs. John VanCamp. Topic, "Rural Library" by Miss Martha Armstrong. A read ing will be given by Mrs. Robt. Aric •Crae. An apron contest will be held A11 ladies are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 'Wilkinson en tertained all their family on Thanks giving Day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Miss Birma visited in Mitchell on Sunday and Miss Lawrence returned with them for the week. Mrs. H. Angus of Wingham, is staying with. Mrs. Col; who is not very. well. Holiday visitors: Loretta McDurn- ey of Brantford, with Mrs. Shoebot- tern; Miss Alberta Mclvfurrey of Lon- don, with her parents; Cameron Ged- des of Chatham, with Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Geddes; Mr, 13, Wilkinson. of Blyth, With his brother, C. B. Wilk- inson; •Mrs. Carson of Wingham, with Mrs. David Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and family of Sea - forth, with friends. Miss Florence Kearney of Walton, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Forbes. Mr. and Mrs., W Jackson, Dray- ton, visited over -th weeke-nd with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon. Miss Wise and Er. Brookfield of London, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Yule. family, of St. Marys, spent Thank giving with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. A Reid . Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKinney, London, were week -end visitors wit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Gurney, Rev. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Burges South Kinloss, spent Thanksgivin Day with her mother, Mrs. W. Miss W. S. Johnston, Grand Val ley, visited over the week -end wit her 'parents, Me and Mrs, Adam Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaefer •an family, of Goderich, spent the hall day visiting the latter's mother, Mrs J. McCool. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mills spen Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, T A. Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Ballagh Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat, and Mr and Mrs. Harold Moffat spent th holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph El liott, Holyrood. Helen and Barbara Holmes, God erich, were visitors with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mac Lean, over the holiday, Miss Louise Thompson and Miss Mary Doherty, of Kitchener, visited over the week -end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 0. ThompsonMrs. Mrs. W -L. Craig has returned to town, having spent the summer at her cottage at Stoney Lake. She al- so visited in Toronto, Orangeville and Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Werner and daughter, Eloise, of Alitchell, • and Mrs. Gorrill, of Harriston, also Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, of -Pais- ley, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Spotton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hetherington, Mr. and Mrs, S. Gallaher and son, Billie, of Bluevale, and Dr, Bert Hethering- ton, of Brampton, ate their Thanks- giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hetherington, of Toronlo. Visitors at the borne of Mrs. Wm. Williamson' for the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mrilliamson and family, and Mrs. C. Atkinson, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Artiott and family, of London, and Miss A, Williamson, of Kitchener. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Isard were: Mr. and Airs. J. E. Currie and son, Jack, of Islington, Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong d children, of Port Credit, Miss ankin, Misses Norrna and Myrtle ard, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. and Mr. Ted Isard, of London. s - of h s, g S.d h •te icon spent the week -end visiting in an rangeville. Mrs. Burchill, of Toronto, was a Is sitor with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mc- E' ee, last week. Mr. Ernest Colbourne, of Detroit, ent the week -end with Dr. and Mrs. W. Colborne. Miss J. McFarlane, Detroit, has re- rned home after spending the sum- er near Wingham. Mr. Robt. McDonald has returned his home in Windsor after spend - g the summer here. Walt. McKibbon, who is attending TreasuHuron County. Western University, was home for rer, Godericle Aug. 20, 1932. the holiday week -end. Mr. Porter, of Windsor, visited al - NOTICE TO CREDITORS er the holiday with his parents, Mr, -- and Mrs. John Porter. All persons having claims against Mr. Fred Piper, of Oshawa, visited the Estate of Susan Ann Collie, late with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. of the Village of I3luevale in the County of Huron,' Spinster, deceas- Piper, over the holiday. ed, who died on or about the 27th Mr. W. .Arnott, of the Bank af day of July, A.D. 1929, are hereby Commerce Staff, spent the holiday at notified to send on or before the his home in Orangeville. 20th day of October 1932, to the un- . dersigned Solicitor for the Adrninis- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Isbistet visited trator of the said estate, their names with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. and addresses, full particulars of Ishister, over the holiday. their claims and the nature of their me, and Mrs. W. Keer and son, securities if any, held by thein, veri- fied by statutory declaration. Itn• mediately after such last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only of Toronto, visited with relatives here over the week -•end. Mr. and Mr. Prank Galbraith and family were visiting his parents, Mr. to the claims properly filed. and Mrs Johe Galbraith. Dated at Wingham, Ont., the 29th day a September 1.932. R. S. HETHERINGTON, • Wingham, Ont., Solicitor herein. A young wife remonstrated with her husband, a dissipated speedtbrift. Mrs, (13ir.) Keresedy aital her delis Don t worry, Illy dears" he saki. ghter, Mrs. I-larnbridge, of Aylmer, like the Prodigal Son, I shall were in town for a few days. teform some day."• Miss Mary A. Johnston, 13.A,, of "I will be like the Prodigal Son, Toronto, spent „flit holiday with her too,' she retorted, "for I shall arise eareete, 'i' • and Mrs. Main Johns - go unto my father." ten. Me. and Mrs. T. H. Crawford spent Thanksgiving week -end with the for- mer's parents in Brampton. •'Air. and Mrs. Frank Ford and baby of Hanover, spent the holiday week-. end with Dr. and Mrs. Ford. BELGRAVE Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary A wedding anniversary which is held by few, was held last week when Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, of Bel - grave, celebrated their golden wed- ding. The day was spent quietly and during the afternoon a large number of relatives and friends called to ex- tend congratulations and best wishes. Many letters and telegrams were also received. A host of friends wish them continued health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne McDow- ell and three children, of Peterboro, spent a few days with relatives here, Mr. William Wightman has re- tried after spending some weeks with his son, Norman. Very successful anniversary servic- es were held in Westfield United Church on Sunday, Oct. 9th, when Rev. Geo. 'I'. Watts of Goderich North St. United. Church, was the speaker. The church which was Mee- ly decorated with autumn leaves and foliage and flowers, was filled during the services. A. male quartette from Whitechurch furnished two numbers, also a solo during the afternomi ser- vice. Mr, Alf. Cook acted as accom- panist for these numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Anderson and family have moved into their new home which has been erected in place of the one whith was destroy- ed by fire hi July. l'hoee who attended the Sholdice- McDowell wedding, at Stieatford, from Belgrave, were Air, and Mrs,. Sas. Wighttnati and daughter, Phyl- lis, Airs, Chas. Campbell and :Miss A. ttttt t ttttt t tttt ItItt111111111111111M11.11 tttttttttt 1,11111111/1 NEWS of the DISTRICT lentruturtrtutemarmettert ttttt rrrlirmatuat ttttt it ttttt r tttttt A Large Murphy That lang slam, "you're just small potatoes," which is meant to convey the meaning- that you're no good, did not originate from a 'variety of mur- phies such as is being taken from the soil by Mr. George Jamieson of town. On Saturday last Mr. Jamie- son brought into the Times Office a 1115111111R91111i3111111111819111111111111111ffiln115111111 -1Tat New Issue of i fa i i li Dominion of gi F.s. Canada Bonds Ei la --s-- IN. 11 fil Will soon be an the tyi market. i i I 111 14, ,1•,1;00, ,FNA, 04.4' 14,16 . LADIESNE F LL KNITTE ..ma..xx•AxIIMOIONNIXIXXXX. oirrs, DRESSES AN WEAR. New and up-to.date styles in the latest fabrics at the lowest prices. SEE THESE AT OUR STORE McKAY'S GALBRAITH'S OLD STAND — WI(N)GHAM, ONT. IXXXXXXX.XIMOMMINIXIII. • 1111•10eat mammoth potato, weighing about pounds which we have since been di playing in our window. If anyon can beat it bring along your tube Our own crop, through neglect as p usual, is a failure this year, so, th more inurphies entered in this Corn petition the greater our chance is o staving off the gray naaurader th coming winter.—Port Elgin Times, Farmer Loses Hand When his hand became caught in corn cutter last Friday, James Carno chan was painfully injured. His lef hand was so badly mangled that i was necessary to amputate it.—God erich Star. 3 over the accident that they.were un- s- able to give any coherent explanation e of what actually took place.—Dur- r. ham Chronicle, er e Boy is Shot in. the Head - In a manner, tip to the present uri- f explained, Harold Kempel, nine -year - is old son of Mr, and Mrs, Mat, Kem- pel, Formosa, was injured in the head ort Monday afternoon in the year of the home place. A bullet frorn a a small calibre rifle is believed to have - struck him in the back of the head, t causing an injury penetrating to the t bone, Dr, O'Toole of Mildmay prob- - ed the wound and later had it X-ray- ed in the Bruce County Hospital, in search of the missive, but it was not located.—Walkerton Telescope. Fall Off ChurchTClof The physicians attending Aaron Meilhausen and Adam Quanta, tw of the men who fell from the roo of the Pentecostal Church at 4 o' clock an Tuesday afternoon, are un able 'to state if these workmen sus tained internal injuries, other than those apparent at the tine, but thi s not thought to be likely. Mr. Meilhausen, who is a patien of Dr. H. H. Sinclair, had a couple of ribs, at the back and. to' the left fractured, and one of hi g eyes was blackened. Bruises in the left shoulder and eft hip were revealed in the first ex- amination which D. A. T. A. Sinclair made of Mr. Quanta, — Walkerton Telescope, o May Lose Sight of Eye Donald McKay, soil of Mr, and - Mrs. Dan McKay, Victoria Street, is - in a critical condition in Kincardine - General Hospital and may lose the sight of his left eye as the result of s a peculiar accident Tuesday night, Along with some other local men t he went to a dance in Tiverton. Af ter the dance they started for their car. When A.icKay was about to step into the rear seat of the car the door was flung open and the corner taught him on the left eye, On Wednesday night, according to reports from the Hospital McKay was resting com- fortably and hope i‘tas held out that Write or phone 77ii Ei* M ishop „ I Phone 226 Wingham INb 51 11111111114111111111115191111113111101111111111121a11111131111111911' Sneak Thieving One night this week sneak thieves ecte an enhance into Mr. Jack houldice's garage at the rear of the ank, and extracted five gallons of asoline from his car. G. H. Eck- eier hada nice pile of pumpkins in the same building, and the pilferers took them along too. It was bad en- ough to swipe the gas, but it was an unpardonable offence to take the lovely pumpkins. --Mildmay Gazette. mingualltisinctiroitni Week End Specials P- Broaras, 5 string Raisins, Lexias, 2 lbs. ---.20c Iirk's H.W. Soap, 3 takes....25c IT" ;Ia.= Soap Chips, 3 lbs. 23e a rs P. & G. Soap 7 bars a Men.'Work Boots o El Men's Work Shirts rass 4 Overalls M rairfe Rose Floiar, 98 lba.1.95 g_t dolt or trade. We deliver. 1.1 :Wtih • Co___1 e th ar Genetal Merchant beigrave. ,P2 1 111 I 5" Lost Life, in Saugeeta River A most unfortunate and regrettable ceiderit occurred Bentinck, just ide utsthe corporation limits abont o'clock last Sunday afternoon when argaret Murdock, the 18 -year-old aughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin • Murdock, their oldest child, lost er life hi the Saugeerr river near her ome. While general knowledo of e tragedy is known, the partieltare e not positive, as there was no one ith her other than some companions tenger than herself, so worked up his sight might not be impaired as the result of the accident, —Kincar- dine Review -Reporter. Prominent Listowel Merchant Dies The community was shocked on Monday morning when it was learn- ed that Mr. C. B. Simms, local mer- chant, had' been found dead in his garage about ten -twenty that morn- ing, death having been caused by monoxide gas. Dr, E, W. Hart, who was summoned, pronounced the man - dead and notified Coroner D. A. Kidd of Atwood. Evidence pointed to ac- cidental death and the coroner decid- ed that no inquest was necessary.— Listowel Banner. Good Keeping Fruits We reported some weeks ago ap- • ples kept from last year and still in a good state o fpreservation. But Mr. E W. Morrison reports even a more amazing example, a citron - grown last year and still sound and whole. Well, he says that within the past week it has shown a small spot, the first to appear. This citron hs been kept in a closed cupboard under the sink in the kitchen. It was for- gotten and overlooked then was left alone to see how long it would keep. As it is often very hard to keep cit- rons even for a few weeks after liar- - vesting this seems a remarkable in- stance of their keeping qualities. -- Clinton News -Record ir,4?.41$ rOTI.41. ,7,7„31,0'4VIV. ',44.3311tg7V1,44,,. ,F.Atr+, " • .1* xceptional ffer ... For 7 Days Made -to -Measure Suits, 60 CLOTHES TO CHOOSE PROM, 20 STYLES. SPECIALLY PRICED $20.00 ,Coel Limited Agents for JACXSON THE CLEANE(R).